no-reference blur image quality measure based on

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No-reference blur image quality measure based on multiplicativemultiresolution decomposition

A. Serir a,⇑, A. Beghdadi b, F. Kerouh a

aU.S.T.H.B, LTIR, Faculté d’Electronique et Informatique, Algiers, Algeriab L2TI, Université Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cité, France

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 15 August 2012Accepted 29 May 2013Available online 13 June 2013

Keywords:BlurContrastImage qualityMulti-resolution analysisMMDIntrinsic information analysisSupport Vector MachineFeatures extraction

a b s t r a c t

A new approach for analyzing the blur effect on real images is proposed. This approach is based on theMultiplicative Multi-resolution Decomposition MMD. From MMD image-content analysis, a blind imagequality measure dedicated to blur is then derived. The proposed measure has been applied on Gaussian-blurred and JPEG2000-compressed images from the LIVE, TID and IVC databases. The performance of theproposed measure is evaluated and compared with some referenced image quality metrics. The experi-mental results measured in terms of correlation with the subjective assessment of the images, demon-strate the efficiency of the proposed image quality measure in predicting the amount of blur.

� 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

The blur is considered as one of the most studied distortionsaffecting image quality. It manifests itself as a loss of sharpnessaround edges and a decrease of visibility of fine details. This annoy-ing degradation results from different causes. The isotropic blur ef-fect may result from a defocus, whereas the blur due to motionappears as directional smear and contrast attenuation across con-tours. In microscopy blur may be due to different drifts or mechan-ical instabilities. The blur is often modeled through the PSF (PointSpread Function) using Linear Shift-invariant Systems theory.Many methods based on LSS theory for estimating the blur PSFwithout referring to the original image have been then proposed[1,17,36]. The blur could be also estimated by comparing the origi-nal images with the degraded ones using some image quality met-rics. However, in many real-world applications, such as traditionaltelevision broadcast, Live Streaming and video-streaming, the ori-ginal images are mostly not available. Hence, for these applica-tions, No-Reference (NR) image quality measures are highlyneeded. Discriminating between image features and impairmentsis often ambiguous, so, quality assessment without a reference isa challenging task. However, human observer is able to discrimi-nate between some blur effects. For example, motion produces adirectional blur on the acquired images. But blur due to low pass

filtering for noise reduction may appear as the blur due to lossycompression or defocusing. In this work we propose a quantitativeanalysis of the blur effect and propose a blurriness measure thatdoes not make any assumption on the origin of the blur.

There are mainly two approaches for detecting and estimatingthe blur on images. One approach is based on the modeling ofthe blur effect on the image features. The second approach consistsin analyzing the effect on the Human Visual System HVS[15,16,40]. Several no reference objective metrics were proposedin the literature [11]. The most known approaches are based onthe analysis of the transform coefficients, such as DCT [29] orwavelet transform coefficients [2,14] or on the analysis of theedges. These approaches are based on the fact that the blur isintrinsically due to the attenuation of spatial high frequencies,which commonly occurs during image filtering or data compres-sion. Many blur estimation methods have been proposed in the lit-erature [4,9,12,19,25]. In contrast to other existing sharpnessmetrics, the metric proposed in [9] performs well under low tomoderate SNR since the noise is reduced across wavelet scales.However, these approaches do not make any difference betweenthe blur caused by compression and the one due to the imageacquisition conditions.

HVS-based methods tempt to analyze the perceptual effect ofthe blur on the human observer. The modeling of the blur as per-ceived by the HVS allows to derive an objective measure directlyrelated to the sharpness of edges and some salient features. Sinceedges and fine details are the most affected components by blur,

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⇑ Corresponding author.E-mail address: (A. Serir).

J. Vis. Commun. Image R. 24 (2013) 911–925

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many of the blur estimation methods are mainly based on thedetection of these features. Therefore edge detection is a commonstep in most blurred image quality measures and several ap-proaches have been proposed [4,5]. A blur metric defined in thespatial domain generally relies on measuring the spread of edgesin an image, since blur is perceptually apparent along edges or intextured regions.

The methods described in [4,20,21,26] are performed into twomain steps: edge detection and contour analysis. In the methodproposed in [26] the parameters of the blur metric are tunedaccording to some subjective tests. Therefore, this blur measureis dependent on the test images. Furthermore, it is time consumingsince it requires a search procedure to localize the extrema.

Many methods based on the modeling of the Human Visual Sys-temHVS for image analysis and processing have beenproposed. Oneof themost studied characteristics of the HSV is its limitation to dis-tinguish details or object on a uniform background. The notion of‘‘just noticeable difference ’’ (JND) [24] has been introduced inWeber-features experiment to measure the limitation of the HSVto perceive a target on a uniform background. Recently, the ‘‘justnoticeable Blur’’ (JNB) [11] has been introduced to quantify the blur-riness perception. A perceptual sharpness metric based on mea-sured JNB and probability summation over space, which takes intoaccount the response of the HVS to sharpness at different contrastlevels, has been introduced in [11]. It provides a relative predictionof the relation sharpness/blurriness of images. Most of the afore-mentioned existing metrics tend to underestimate the amount ofblurriness due to the fact that, at significantly high blur levels, manyof the imagedetails and edges arewipedout,which should affect theperformance of the edge-based no-reference sharpness metric.

Although many interesting works on NR blur metrics have beendone, there is still room for improvement. Of particular interest tothis work, is to prospect new ways for analysis and assess the blur-riness effect in relation with image intrinsic information modelingby using a Multiplicative Multi-resolution Decomposition [31,32]called MMD. Thus to analyze blur effect, we propose to modelblurred transitions and study the polyphase components’ ratio evo-lution close to transitions and through multi-resolution analysis.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: blurred transitionsare modeled and analyzed through multi-resolution analysis inSection 2. Then Section 3, introduces the Multiplicative Multi-res-olution Decomposition. Section 4 describes the new no-referenceblur quality metric. Section 5 presents the performance evaluationof the proposed method in terms of computational complexity andconsistency with the subjective judgment by using LIVE, TID2008and IVC databases. Finally, the last section is devoted to conclusionand some potential perspectives.

2. Blur analysis

The blur effect on an image could be analyzed in both the spa-tial or spatial-frequency domains or even in the joint space/spatial-frequency domain [3]. In the space domain the blur manifests itselfas a reduction of sharpness around edges and fine details. One wayfor estimating the blur effect in the spatial domain is then to mea-sure the spread of the signal around edges using some modelsbased on the gradient measure [4,20,21,26]. In the frequency do-main, the blur could be estimated by analyzing its impact on thehigh frequency components. Indeed, the blur distortion affects finedetails and sharp transitions; this results in a decrease of the en-ergy of high spectral components. By measuring the decrease ofthe energy in the frequency domain one can estimate the amountof blur [6]. Another way for characterizing the blur effect is to ex-press the observed image using a deterministic model. One of themost used models is to consider the observed blurred image as

the result of convolving the original unaltered version with the Im-pulse Response of a low pass filter [27]. The blur amount is thenestimated through the filter parameters. Following this approach,in [8,13], the authors consider the standard deviation of the Gauss-ian IR as the unknown to be determined leading to estimate thestrength of the blurring caused by defocusing. These methods tendto define areas with details as the sharper areas. This is not alwaysthe case since area with very few details may also look sharp. Here,we consider the underlined blurred image model to demonstratethe relevance of the multiplicative multi-resolution transform.The idea is then to model, at first, the blur effect at transitionsand then, to develop suitable tools to quantify it.

To analyze the blur effect in an image I of size K �M, considerthe kith row xðnÞ ¼ Iðk;nÞ with n ¼ 1; . . . ;M, filtered by a one-dimensional low pass filter defined through its impulse responseIR. Let us consider h this IR of length Lþ 1 with L ¼ 2p p 2 N.The filtered version xLðnÞ could be expressed as the convolutionof the original signal with h as follows:

xLðnÞ ¼XL



hðlÞxðnþ lÞ ð1Þ

Here, as an alternative to Gaussian filter we use the 1D binomialfilter defined through the finite impulse response (FIR) as done in[6]. The FIR of the filter is given by:

hðlÞ ¼ 12L



CmL d lþ L


� �� �ð2Þ

with l ¼ � L2 ; . . . ;

L2. Eq. (1) could be rewritten as follows:

xLðnÞ ¼12L



CmL x n�mþ L


� �ð3Þ

where CmL ¼ L!


We introduce the polyphase decomposition [37,39] which is apowerful tool for the representation of nonlinear filter banks andespecially those based on the multiplicative representation.

Let us consider a signal xðnÞ. The polyphase decomposition oforder N of a signal xðnÞ involves subdividing the signal into Nsub-signals xlðnÞ defined by (4) and illustrated in Fig. 1.

The polyphase component xlðnÞ is the signal xðnÞ advanced by land decimated by N.

xlðnÞ ¼ xðnN þ lÞ; l 2 ½0 : N � 1� ð4Þ

Let us consider N ¼ 2. Thus, the polyphase components are gi-ven by:

x0ðnÞ ¼ xð2nÞx1ðnÞ ¼ xð2nþ 1Þ


and those corresponding to the filtered signal are expressed asfollows:

Fig. 1. Illustration of polyphase components xlðnÞ for N ¼ 2.

912 A. Serir et al. / J. Vis. Commun. Image R. 24 (2013) 911–925

xL0ðnÞ ¼ xLð2nÞxL1ðnÞ ¼ xLð2nþ 1Þ


By using Eq. (3), the components could be rewritten as:

xL0ðnÞ ¼12L



ClL x 2nþ l� L


� �

xL1ðnÞ ¼12L



ClL x 2nþ 1þ l� L


� � ð7Þ

Let us assume that the kith row contains a transition betweenthe positions 2n and 2nþ 1, let say xð2n�mÞ ¼ v1 andxð2nþ 1þmÞ ¼ v2 with m ¼ 0;1; . . . ;2n.

To analyze the blurring and sharpening independently from sig-nal amplitude, let us first, consider the relative differencedðnÞ ¼ x0ðnÞ�x1ðnÞ

x0ðnÞand the ratio rðnÞ ¼ x1ðnÞ

x0ðnÞ, then dðnÞ ¼ 1� rðnÞ. The

relative difference and the ratio of the filtered image are given bydLðnÞ ¼ xL0ðnÞ�xL1ðnÞ

xL0ðnÞand rLðnÞ ¼ xL1ðnÞ

xL0ðnÞ, respectively.

Thus, as

rðnÞ ¼ xð2nþ 1Þxð2nÞ ; ð8Þ

by using the Eqs. (7, 8), the blurred transition could be expressed asfollows:

dLðnÞ ¼ 1� rLðnÞ; rLðnÞ ¼ðAL þ C

L2LÞrðnÞ þ AL

ALrðnÞ þ ðAL þ CL2LÞ


Fig. 2. The ratio rL evolution versus the filter width L.

Fig. 3. The ratio rL evolution as a function of the filter width L and the resolution j.

A. Serir et al. / J. Vis. Commun. Image R. 24 (2013) 911–925 913


AL ¼XL2�1


CuL ¼



CuL ; ð10Þ

Hence, instead of using the relative difference, the blur effectcould be analyzed through the ratio rLðnÞ. Expression (9) showsthat the higher L, the greater is AL relative to C

L2L, in this case

rLðnÞ � 1. For L ¼ 0; rLðnÞ ¼ rðnÞ since AL ¼ 0 and CL2L ¼ 1. Fig. 2

illustrates the evolution of rLðnÞ as a function of the filterwidth L. The curves are parameterized by the ratio rðnÞ of thenon-blurred transition. Let us consider for example rLðnÞ ¼ 0:7.This value could correspond to different cases ðrðnÞ ¼ 0:7; L ¼ 0Þ;ðrðnÞ ¼ 0:6; L ¼ 1Þ; ðrðnÞ ¼ 0:4; L ¼ 2Þ,. . ., or ðrðnÞ ¼ 0:2; L ¼ 6Þ. Inaddition, when the transition is weak, i.e. rðnÞ close to 1, moderateblur may yield confusion between homogeneous and inhomoge-neous regions. However, when the transition is marked, such con-fusion may happen only in the case of strong blur.

This preliminary study shows that the ratio of signal polyphasecomponents could be used for blurring effect analysis. More directanalysis is not sufficient to distinguish between a non-blurred,blurred non-homogeneous area and a blurred transition. Therefore,it is important to use a multi-resolution analysis by exploiting thepersistence of singularities across scales. Thus, one could considerthat the multi-resolution analysis is equivalent to reduce the filterwidth L by 2j factor. Then the ratio rL at the resolution j could beexpressed as follows:

rðjÞL ðnÞ ¼AL

2jþ C


� �rðnÞ þ A L


A L2jrðnÞ þ A L

2jþ C


� � ð11Þ

Fig. 3 depicts the evolution of rðjÞL ðnÞ as a function of the width Lfor different resolutions j and values of rðnÞ. It shows that the lessoriginal transition is marked, the less the variation of the ratiorðjÞL ðnÞ within the resolutions j, is. This characteristic could be usedto compute the ratio rðnÞ corresponding to the original transition.Indeed, the ratio of the original transition could be estimatedthrough multi-resolution analysis of rðjÞL ; j ¼ 1;2; . . . ; J, whereJ ¼ log2ðpÞ. Furthermore, the difference rðjÞL � rðjþ1Þ

L is directly re-lated to the sharpness of the original transition.

3. Multiplicative multi-resolution decomposition

Through the above development, it is shown that the estimationof the ratio of polyphase components through multi-resolutionanalysis could be used as an efficient tool to evaluate the amountof blur in images. Therefore, one could use a multi-resolution mul-tiplicative transform MMD [31,32], where the singularities arecharacterized by ratio values of polyphase components.

3.1. Multiplicative decomposition

The nonlinear multiplicative decomposition using filter bankswith critical sub-sampling and perfect reconstruction [31], hasbeen used to reduce multiplicative noise in Synthetic Aperture Ra-dar images. The 2D extension of this transform [32] is defined asfollows: let us consider a description of the analysis and synthesisone input – four output systems with equal symbol rates at bothinput and output. The desired structure is obtained by performinga polyphase decomposition of the 2D signal (image). The four poly-phase components x11; x12; x21 and x22 of the input image I are de-fined by

xijðn;mÞ ¼ I 2ðn� 1Þ þ i;2ðm� 1Þ þ jð Þ; 8i; j 2 f1;2g: ð12Þ

The proposed system requires two pairs of analysis and synthe-sis filters ð Hi;j

� �;DÞ and ð Fi;j

� �;RÞ, respectively. A perfect recon-

struction could be achieved by designing analysis hij� �

andsynthesis fij

� �impulse response filters satisfying the following


fijðk; lÞ ¼ h�1ij ðk; lÞ; i; j 2 f1;2g ð13Þ

h12 ¼ ah11; h21 ¼ mh11; h22 ¼ ch11;

where a; m; c are positive scalars and

hijðk; lÞ ¼ h 2ðk� 1Þ þ i;2ðl� 1Þ þ jð Þ; ð14Þ

Fig. 4. The 2D MMD analysis scheme.

Fig. 5. The 2D MMD synthesis scheme.

914 A. Serir et al. / J. Vis. Commun. Image R. 24 (2013) 911–925

fijðk; lÞ ¼ f 2ðk� 1Þ þ i;2ðl� 1Þ þ jð Þ; 8i; j 2 f1;2g; ð15Þ

where h and f are bi-dimensional linear filter impulse responses.Following the scheme (Figs. 4 and 5), the analysis and synthesis

nonlinear filters Dand R, are then specified by their input–outputexpressions. Thus, the nonlinear analysis filter outputs y2V ; y2Hand y2D are expressed as follows:

y2V ¼

b x12x11

; x11 P x12

b 2� x11x12

� �; x11 < x12

a; x11 ¼ x12 ¼ 0

8>><>>: ð16Þ

y2H ¼

b x21x11

; x11 P x21

b 2� x11x21

� �; x11 < x21

m; x11 ¼ x21 ¼ 0

8>><>>: ð17Þ

y2D ¼

b x22x11

; x11 P x22

b 2� x11x22

� �; x11 < x22

c; x11 ¼ x22 ¼ 0

8>><>>: ð18Þ

To ensure a perfect reconstruction, the synthesis nonlinear filterresponses rij are derived as follows:

r11ðy2H; y2V ; y2DÞ ¼1

1þ awV þ mwH þ cwDð19Þ

r12ðy2H; y2V ; y2DÞ ¼ a� wV � r11ðy2H; y2V ; y2DÞ ð20Þ

r21ðy2H; y2V ; y2DÞ ¼ m� wH � r11ðy2H; y2V ; y2DÞ ð21Þ

r22ðy2H; y2V ; y2DÞ ¼ c� wD � r11ðy2H; y2V ; y2DÞ ð22Þ


wC ¼

y2Cb ; y2C 6 bb

2b�y2C; y2C > b

1; y2C 2 a; m; cf g

8><>: ð23Þ

The subscript C stands for ‘V’, ‘H’ and ‘D’. The parameters a; mand c are set to avoid singularity values so as to deal with thecase where both polyphase components are null. Here,a ¼ m ¼ c ¼ 1þ �, with � very close to zero and b is set to 0:5. Thusthe details y2H; y2V ; y2D vary within the interval ½0;1þ ��. Noticethat high contrasted details correspond to values far from b.Whereas, values close to b correspond to smooth regions. Hence,for x11 – 0 (i.e y2H – a; y2V – m and y2D – c), according to Eqs.(16)–(18), the nonlinear response filters rij are expressed as a func-tion of the nonlinear outputs. Following the analysis-synthesisscheme, the reconstructed polyphase components x̂kl could beexpressed as follows:

x̂11 ¼ f11 � y1 � r11ðy2H; y2V ; y2DÞ ð24Þ

x̂12 ¼ f12 � y1 � awV r11ðy2H; y2V ; y2DÞ ð25Þ

x̂21 ¼ f21 � y1 � mwHr11ðy2H; y2V ; y2DÞ ð26Þ

x̂22 ¼ f22 � y1 � cwDr11ðy2H; y2V ; y2DÞ ð27Þ

Fig. 6. 2-D MMD decomposition of Lena image at resolution 5.

A. Serir et al. / J. Vis. Commun. Image R. 24 (2013) 911–925 915

These equations represent the reconstructed signal as a productof a smooth component fij:y1, where y1 ¼


P2j¼1hijxij, and a com-

ponent containing all the signal variations expressed as localizeddirectional ratios y2H; y2V ; y2D.

3.2. Multi-resolution multiplicative decomposition

Let us now introduce multi-resolution decomposition. It isbased on sub-band decomposition using analysis filter bank thatoperates at different stage of the outputs. In the following, we de-scribe the most used case where only the approximate output sub-band y1 is decomposed into one or more coefficient outputs of thepreceding stage. The sub-band y1 is split into its polyphase compo-nents y11; y12; y21; y22 and then filtered. At the first resolution j ¼ 1,

we set yðjÞ11 ¼ x11; yðjÞ12 ¼ x12 , yðjÞ21 ¼ x21 and yðjÞ22 ¼ x22 . At the highest

resolution J, the original discrete signal at the resolution 1 is repre-sented by the set S defined by:

S ¼ yðJÞ1 ; yðjÞ2H; yðjÞ2V ; y


� �26j6J

� �ð28Þ

At the reconstruction stage, an approximate of the original sig-nal at resolution j ¼ 1 is obtained by using multi-resolution syn-thesis scheme based on the set S. Fig. 6 illustrates multiplicativemulti-resolution decomposition for 5 resolution levels of Lena im-age. Fig. 6 clearly shows that the details yðjÞ2V ; y

ðjÞ2H are highlighted

along the privileged direction. In the following, we will introducea no-reference image quality index based on the multiplicativemulti-resolution decomposition.

Fig. 7. 2-D MMD decomposition of an original image.

Fig. 8. 2-D MMD decomposition of a blurred image.

916 A. Serir et al. / J. Vis. Commun. Image R. 24 (2013) 911–925

4. A new no-reference image quality index

Image degradations, such as blurring, affect the image quality atdifferent scale and directions. One of the most efficient way totrack the distortion is to analyze the image content by using a mul-ti-resolution representation. Indeed, multi-resolution representa-tion offers an efficient tool for image representation and analysis.Many of the proposed image quality measures are based on multi-resolution analysis [30,40].

Through the previous analysis, it could be noticed that thetwo parameters yðjÞ2V ; y

ðjÞ2H contain the most relevant features of

the vertical and horizontal details at the resolution j. TheMMD offers an efficient tool for tracking and analyzing the ef-fect of the blur on the spatial features of the image at differentresolutions. For example, Fig. 7 shows a sharp natural imagefrom LIVE database decomposed using a thresholded three-levelMMD, while Fig. 8 shows the decomposed Gaussian blurred im-age. From Figs 7 and 8 , it is observed that the sharp imagecontains significant horizontal and vertical components in thehigh frequency bands; whereas the blurred image does not con-tain such high energy components in these bands. In smooth re-gions their values are close to b. As the blur effect is moreapparent on image transitions, we focus on the magnitude tran-sition analysis. Let us consider the shifted MMD coefficients gi-ven by:

DðjÞC ðn;mÞ ¼

1� yðjÞ2Cðn;mÞ if yðjÞ2Cðn;mÞ < b

b if yðjÞ2Cðn;mÞ 2 a; mf gyðjÞ2Cðn;mÞ otherwise

8>><>>: ð29Þ

The subscript C refers to ‘V’, ‘H’ and ‘D’. Hence the DðjÞC coeffi-

cients vary within ½0:5;1�.In our approach, one could consider only the points belonging

to transition and analyze the blur effect related to some image fea-tures. The image quality estimation process consists of four follow-ing steps:

1. Transition point detection.2. Content-based image analysis.3. Blurred transition detection.

4.1. Transition point detection

The analysis of blurred transitions through multi-resolutionanalysis prompts us to consider a threshold Tj , which dependson the resolution j and the intrinsic image information. Thus ateach resolution j, we consider the mean values of details mðjÞ givenby:

mðjÞ ¼ DðjÞH þ DðjÞ



Fig. 9. The considered original images from TID2008 database.

A. Serir et al. / J. Vis. Commun. Image R. 24 (2013) 911–925 917

whereDðjÞH andDðjÞ

V are themean values of horizontal and vertical coef-

ficients detailsDðjÞH andDðjÞ

V , respectively. Thismeanvalue is consideredas the threshold Tj for classifying transition points, Tj ¼ mðjÞ. Thetransition points are detected through the decision rule as follows:

RjCðn;mÞ ¼ Dj

Cðn;mÞ if DjCðn;mÞ > Tj

b otherwise


4.2. Content-based image analysis

The image content as defined here is related to the followingparameters:

– The structural content of the image (texture, details, contours).– The variation of singularity magnitudes.

Fig. 10. Evolution of the parameters from top-left to bottom-right:Er ; Ev ; Ed; Indð2Þ;Art and Crg , versus MOS, for six sets of images presented in Fig. 9.

918 A. Serir et al. / J. Vis. Commun. Image R. 24 (2013) 911–925

– The global dynamic of the singularity magnitudes or the globalcontrast of singularities.

– Variation of the number of contour points through resolutions.

These parameters are defined and analyzed through the trans-formation MMD at different levels of resolution.

The richness of the low-level texture information of a given im-age can be characterized by the relative difference Er given by:

Er ¼mð1Þ � b


wheremð1Þ stands for the average singularity magnitudes at the firstresolution and b is the MMD parameter. This index provides infor-mation on the dominance of either smooth areas or textured andshape patterns in the image. Small value of Er , correspond to an im-age with few singularities.

The variation of magnitude of singularities through resolutionscould be characterized by the parameter Ev given by the variationof the average at the first resolution compared to the overall aver-age m :

Ev ¼ m�mð1Þ


where m ¼ 0:4mð1Þ þ 0:4mð2Þ þ 0:2mð3Þ. The number of resolutionsshould be set so as to achieve a trade-off between run-time and fineanalysis of the edges persistence through resolutions. In this analy-sis three resolutions are sufficient for transition persistence analy-sis. The resolutions j ¼ 1;2 are more important for this purpose.Large values of Ev correspond to high sharp transitions. Whereas,low values at all resolutions correspond to persistent transitions.

The dynamic of the singularity magnitudes is given by:

Ed ¼M �m

b; ð34Þ

where M ¼ 0:4Mð1Þ þ 0:4Mð2Þ þ 0:2Mð3Þ and MðjÞ ¼ max ðmaxðDðjÞH Þ;

maxðDðjÞV ÞÞ. Ed parameter contains amplitude variation information

of the singularities and describes the sharpness in the consideredimage. In the case of sharp transitions, Ed takes high value.

The evolution of the number of contour points through the res-olutions can be characterized by

IndðjÞ ¼ ðNjV þ Nj


V þ Njþ1H Þ

; ð35Þ

where NjV ;N

jH , are the number of vertical and horizontal transitions,

respectively, at the resolution j. In the most general case, where the

amount of blur present in the images is small, the number of edgepoints detected at resolution j is still high than at the resolutionjþ 1. This is explained by the fact that the MMD performs asmoothing effect throughout the approximate component y1. Thisprocess reduces the local transitions of roof type and noise impulse,especially in slightly blurred image. Thus, in sharp images the IndðjÞ

is always greater than 1. When it falls below 1, it means that thereare transitions that were not detected at the resolution j but whichmay exist at the resolution jþ 1. This reflects the existence ofblurred transitions considered as an homogeneous area. But theyare more pronounced due to the multi-resolution analysis (subsampling). The change in the number of contour points through res-olutions, denotes information content and amount of blur presentin the image. Generally the value of Indð1Þ is still important becauseit marks the presence of small salient features or additive noise inthe original image and the transition at resolution 1–2, reduces sig-nificantly their presence. However, in blurred images, the value ofIndð1Þ is slightly greater than 1. It may be also close to 1 if the imagehas well marked contours persistent through the multi-resolutionanalysis.

The parameter Indð2Þ informs about the stability of the numberof edges between the resolutions 2 and 3. In case of sharp and con-trasted images, this index is very close to 1.

This analysis allows us to distinguish between blur due to defo-cussing and the localized blur effect or the artistic blur. Let us thusconsider the index Art defined as follows:

Art ¼ 1� Ind½2Þ

Indð1Þ : ð36Þ

This index is then used as a factor allowing to discriminate thelocalized blur or artistic blur from the global blur due to low passfiltering or motion. Indeed, for images with sharp areas, variationin the number of transition through resolutions, remains importantbecause of the presence of fine details that progressively disappearthrough MMD decimation. Thus, the amount of blur in an image isrelated to the number of blurred contour points. Moreover, thesharpness of a given image is also related to the index Art. High val-ues of Art correspond to high sharpness.

To illustrate how the previously introduced parameters varywith the image content and the blurriness level, we present theevolution of the parameters Er ; Ev ; Ed; Ind

ð2Þ and Art, as a functionof the Mean Opinion Score MOS, for six different sets of images.Each set contains an original image and its blurred versions.Fig. 9 depicts the considered original image taken from TID2008database [28]. Fig. 10 shows that for a given image, the parametersEr and Ed globally decrease with the MOS. The Er0value in theoriginal image depends on the structural image content (i.e textureand shape). Ev0 values of original images are always lower thanthose of the corresponding blurred versions. Indð2Þ is not close to1 value, for very blurred images, poor-content images (for example,images 1 and 3) and images with artistic blur (example image 1).Furthermore, for these two last images, Art P 0:1.

Table 1Coarse classification on three classes (sharp, blurred and very blurred) by using imagecontent information parameters.

Cases Er Ev Ed Conditions Observations

1 W W W Crg > Crgs BlurredOtherwise Sharp

2 W W S Crg > Crgs and Indð2Þ � 1 > Inds=2 Blurred

Otherwise Sharp3 W S W Art > 2Arts

or Crg � 1 <Crgs2 and jIndð2Þ � 1j < Inds Sharp

Otherwise blurred4 W S S Art 2 ½Arts;2Arts�

or Crg � 1 < Crgs and

jIndð2Þ � 1j < Inds


Otherwise Blurred5 S W W Sharp6 S W S Sharp7 S S W Crg > 2Crgs Very blurred

Otherwise Sharp8 S S S Blurred

Table 2Classification rate results by considering Gblur-LIVE database, using first oneparameter, then all parameters of the feature vector.

Parameter Global rate % Sharp % Blur.% Very Blur.%

Er 71.84 76.71 80.80 42.42Ev 64.94 56.16 85.29 42.42Ed 45.40 52.05 30.88 60.61

Indð2Þ 47.70 52.05 30.88 72.73

Art 67.24 58.90 77.94 63.64Indð1Þ

Indð2Þ47.70 52.05 30.88 72.73


Indð2Þ47.70 52.05 30.88 72.73

All 86.78 86.30 95.59 69.70

A. Serir et al. / J. Vis. Commun. Image R. 24 (2013) 911–925 919

To measure the importance of parameters Er ; Ev and Ed, we haveestimated them on a wide range of original images. Then we sub-divide the variation domain into two regions separated by themean value. The two regions are labeled as weak ‘W’ and strong‘S’. The thresholds Ers; Evs and Eds are found approximately equalto 0:06;0:016 and 0:06, respectively. Thus for Er < Ers, the imageis considered as of poor content and does not contain anysignificant structural information. Whereas, image transitions areanalyzed through the parameters Ev and Evs. Indeed, the transitionsare considered as more stable through the multi-resolutionanalysis if Ev is less than Evs. If Ed is less than Eds, then the imageis low contrasted. Fig. 10 shows that for original images, theparameter Ed is high. Notice that this parameter is directly relatedto MOS values.

One of the weaknesses of the proposed approach is that the im-age-content indexes are compared against fixed thresholds Ers; Evsand Eds. For a given image, the ratio Er P Ers, is used as a criterionto decide whether or not the picture is rich in terms of transitionsand details. However, for the sake of simplicity and without loss ofgenerality we propose to use a global criterion Crg (Eq. (37)).

Crg ¼mð1ÞEvEd

bEvsðbþ EdsÞðbþ bErsÞ; ð37Þ

Fig. 10 (f) depicts the evolution of Crg parameter versus MOSvalues for different images. As Crg parameter depends on Ers; Evsand Edsparameters, it is clear that the threshold value Crgs dependson the image content described by the parameter Er . Thus in case ofpoor content image, Crgs could be found equal to 0:8 and in the caseof rich content image, it could be set to 2:Crgs.

In addition, one could notice that the Art parameter value de-pends on the contrast parameter Ed. For original artistic blurredimages with weak contrast Ed, Art parameter is greater than 0:2.Whereas in the case of high value of Ed, the Art parameter rangeof variation is within the interval ½0:1;0:2�.

4.3. Blurred transition detection

To distinguish between blurred transitions from no blurredones, one could take into consideration that a marked local max-ima must be greater than the mean of its neighbors [7]. Let us con-sider local maxima Rj

Cði; jÞ and define mean value as follows:

MjV ðn;mÞ ¼ Rj

V ðn;mþ 1Þ þ RjV ðn;m� 1Þ

� �=2 ð38Þ

MjHðn;mÞ ¼ Rj

Hðnþ 1;mÞ þ RjHðn� 1;mÞ

� �=2 ð39Þ

Fig. 11. Coarse classification on three groups by multi-class SVM classifier, Labels: ‘‘0’’ for Sharp, ‘‘1’’ for burred and ‘‘2’’ for very blurred, for the 50% samples of Gblur-LIVEand JPEG2000-LIVE databases and all samples of the IVC and TID2008 databases.

920 A. Serir et al. / J. Vis. Commun. Image R. 24 (2013) 911–925

A given transition localized at a local maxima RjCðn;mÞ – b

� �, is

considered as sharp, if for a threshold Ts; RjCðn;mÞ �Mj

Cðn;mÞ > Ts

� �, otherwise, the transition at the point ðn;mÞis considered as blurred.The threshold Ts depends on the image information content

which could be characterized by the parameters Er ; Ev ; Ed; IndðjÞ

and Art. Hereafter, the threshold Ts is calculated in two steps:

– Establish a rough classification of the image on three classes(sharp, blurred and very blurred),

– calculate the threshold according to the image class.

The coarse classification could be performed by two ap-proaches: the first is based on a set of thresholds and the secondon a learning process.

4.3.1. Thresholds based approachAs discussed in Section 4.2, the content based image analysis

provides a set of thresholds at which one could state that the imageis of poor or rich content, the transitions are more stable throughresolutions or not, that the image is poor contrasted or not and ifit presents an artistic blur. Herein, we propose two approaches,namely direct and iterative approach.

Direct approach: According to the values of the indexesEr; Ev ; Ed;Crg ;Art and Indð2Þ, the image could be classified as sharp,blurred or very blurred. For this purpose the parameters Er ; Evand Ed are compared to the thresholds Ers; Evs and Eds, respectivelyand then labeled ‘W’ for weak and ‘S’ for strong. Thus, one couldidentify eight possibilities summarized in Table 1. It could be no-ticed that the analysis of the image blurriness through the selectedparameters, is facilitated in cases 5, 6 and 8. Indeed, for an imagecontaining sharp structural transitions, the singularities varyslightly through the resolutions. If, however, they vary widelyand their contrast is high, then the image is considered as blurred.In the case of highly structured images, the intrinsic informationindexes or descriptors are used to raise the threshold Ts accordingto the strength of the richness or the variations of singularities.

Therefore, to detect blurred transitions, one could use an adap-tive threshold defined by:

Ts ¼Tf � b Ev

mð1Þ sharp case

Tf þ b Evmð1Þ blurred case

Tf þ b Evmð1Þ þ 0:01� Crg very blurred case

8>><>>: ð40Þ

where Tf is a fixed threshold Tf ¼ 0:012. This value has been de-duced from the ratio rL evolution versus the filter width L. In thecase of images with few salient structures, a special care shouldbe taken when analyzing the spatial information. If a fixed thresh-old Ts= Tf is considered, the results may depend heavily on the

Fig. 12. Quality of blurred images by proposed metric using LIVE training imagesfunction of DMOS. From Top to bottom: direct approaches MMD-BQ-1, MMD-BQ SVM

and iterative approach MMD-BQ-2.

Table 3Blur Quality (BQ) performance for different no-reference algorithms applied to Gblur-LIVE database. The MMD-BQ-1 and MMD-BQ SVM denote the direct proposed approachbased on set of thresholds and the learning based one, respectively.

Perceptual methods SROCC Non perceptual methods SROCC

L. freq.[41] 0.804 QS-SVM [5] 0.6136JNB [10] 0.71 QS-SVM DS1 [5] 0.9105CPBD [38] 0.943 Kurtosis [4] 0,72Marziliano [21] 0.884 Freq. thresh.[12] 0.7305Ong [26] 0.823 NIS [9] 0.754Chetouani [6] 0.91 MMD-BQ-1 0.9035JNB [11] 0.936 MMD-BQ SVM 0.9235

A. Serir et al. / J. Vis. Commun. Image R. 24 (2013) 911–925 921

choice of threshold Tf . In this work, we propose to consider an adap-tive threshold controlled by image content parameters and imageclass deduced by a coarse classification. The fact that Ts dependson the Ev variation contributes to improve significantly the

performances. In this case the aforementioned indexes allow to ad-just the threshold Ts. In the case of very blurred images, the thresh-old Ts is adjusted according to the amount of blur by 0:01� Crgquantity.

Iterative approach: In this approach, the blurred transitions aredetected by using an iterative thresholding scheme describedbelow.

– Initialization: T ð0Þs ¼ Tf (set to a weak value).

– Iteration 1: Tð1Þs ¼ Tð0Þ

s þ bEvmð1Þ

– Iteration 2: if (artistic blur: Arts 6 Art 6 2Arts), thenTð2Þs ¼ Tð1Þ

s else Tð2Þs ¼ T ð1Þ

s þ 0:02� Crg .– Iteration 3: if (no stability of contours through resolutionsIndð2Þ � 1 < Inds and Art < Arts, then T ð3Þ

s ¼ Tð2Þs þ 0:02� Crg else

Tð3Þs ¼ Tð2Þ

s .

At each iteration the number of blurred transitions is computed.The thresholds Arts and Inds are set to 0:1 and 0:06, respectively.

The major drawback of this approach is that it depends on a setof thresholds. To evaluate the generalization of the proposed mod-el and the robustness of its feature selection, we propose to classifythe images into three groups (sharp, blurred and very blurred), byusing a learning process.

4.3.2. Learning process based approachHerein we could use the parameters Er ; Ev ; Ed, Indð2Þ


Art; Indð1Þ

Indð2Þ; Ind


Indð2Þas vector features to learn a multi-class classifier.

We chose to use Support Vector Machine SVM as classifier. Themain reason for using SVM is that it works well for classifying afew classes with few training samples. This is highly suitable forour application were only three classes are considered. Two SVMapproaches are widely used for the multi-class: One-Against-Alland One-Against-One. In this work, the One-Against-All has beenadopted for the multi-class SVM method, on which we fed eachfeature vector with its related class or label number into a multi-class SVM classifier to build the training classifier model. The labelnumber for the training step is determined by partitioning theDMOS interval values as follows:

Label Number ¼0 if Dmos < 30; sharp1 if 30 6 Dmos < 60; blurred2 if Dmos P 60; very blurred

8><>: ð41Þ

Thus having a coarse classification on three groups, the thresh-old Ts is set as follows:

Ts ¼Tf � b Ev

mð1Þ sharp

b Evmð1Þ blurred

Tf þ b Evmð1Þ very blurred

8>><>>: ð42Þ

The robustness of the selected image features should be shownthrough some classification tests in Section 5.2.1.

4.4. Blur quality estimation

To estimate the blurriness, let us consider NjbV ;N

jbH , the number

of vertical and horizontal blurred transitions, respectively. Let usdefine the following factors NBj as follows:

Fig. 13. Quality of JPEG2000 distorted images by proposed metric. From top tobottom: (iterative approach) using LIVE training images function of DMOS andMOS, and direct approach using learning process

Table 4Blur Quality BQ performance for different no-reference algorithms applied toJPEG2000-LIVE database. The MMD-BQ-2 denotes the iterative proposed approach.

Perceptual methods SROCC Non perceptual methods SROCC

JNB [11] 0.873 MMD-BQ-2 0.8877Marziliano et al. [21] 0.782 Sazzad [30] 0.9071Ong [26] 0.799 Sheikh [34] 0.8893

922 A. Serir et al. / J. Vis. Commun. Image R. 24 (2013) 911–925

NBðjÞ ¼



þ NjbH


2; ð43Þ

The quality of the original image in terms of blur amount is esti-mated as follows:

BQ ¼ 1� ð4NBð1Þ þ 2NBð2Þ þ NBð3ÞÞ7

; ð44Þ

This scheme takes into account the spatial information contentof the image and more specifically the persistence of contoursacross the different scales when performing the multi-resolutionanalysis. Moreover, in the expression (44), the quality measure-ments at resolution j are weighted. The weight value decreaseswhen the resolution j increases. This is done to reduce the MMD fil-tering effect through this multi-resolution analysis.

In the iterative approach, the metric BQ is estimated as themean value:

BQ ¼ BQ ð0Þ þ BQ ð1Þ þ BQ ð2Þ þ BQ ð3Þ

4; ð45Þ

where BQ ðkÞis the blur measure computed at the iteration k by usingthe Eq. (44). The three proposed approaches: direct, iterative (basedon thresholds) and learning process based approach, are calledMMD-BQ-1, MMD-BQ-2 and MMD-BQSVM , respectively.

5. Performance evaluation

5.1. Algorithm complexity

In this work we mainly focus on computational complexity ofMMD and the parameters’ computation. Let K �M be the imagesize. At the first resolution, the MMD decomposes image into4 polyphase components, two of size K

2 and two of size M2 . This

step is straightforward and does not cause any computationload. Then for each set of four components, four multiplicationsand three divisions are necessary. This results in a total ofN2 � M

2 � 7 operations. Then for J resolutions and taking intoaccount the dyadic decimation, the total number of operationsNopis given by:

Fig. 14. Quality of blurred images by proposed metric MMD-BQ-1 and MMD-BQ SVM using IVC and TID training images function of MOS.

Table 5Blur Quality BQ performance applied to TID2008 and IVC databases.

Approach TID2008 database IVC database


MMD-BQ-1 0.8812 0.8701 0.9124 0.8946MMD-BQ SVM 0.9031 0.8905 0.8480 0.8286

A. Serir et al. / J. Vis. Commun. Image R. 24 (2013) 911–925 923

Nop ¼XJ


7� K �M

4j¼ 7

4:1� 1


� ðJþ1Þ

1� 14

673KM ð46Þ

Hence the computational complexity of the MMD is of orderOðnÞ. The computation of the metric is based on the average andmaximum values of MMD coefficients and the number of contourpoints, at each resolution. Therefore computational complexity ofthe image quality is of order OðnÞ.

As an example, MATLAB code takes approximately 14 s to pro-duce a quality estimate on a 1:5 GHz processor with 2 GB of RAMrunning Windows XP and MATLAB R2008a, for a 512� 768 image.

Note that due to the polyphase decomposition structure themethod could be easily implemented on parallel architectures.

5.2. Experiment results

In this section, the obtained results are presented to illustratethe performance of the proposed blurriness metric. In this studyGaussian-blurred and JPEG2000-compressed images from the LIVE[22,23,33,35], TID [28], and IVC [18] databases are used. The mainused LIVE database consists of 29 high-resolution 24-bits/pixelRGB color images. The images are distorted using different distor-tion types: JPEG2000, JPEG, white noise, Gaussian blur, and bit er-rors in the JPEG2000 bitstream when transmitted over a simulatedfast-fading Raleigh channel. The Gaussian-blurred images in theLIVE database are generated using a circular-symmetric 2-D Gauss-ian kernel of standard deviation ranging from 0 to 15 while theJPEG2000-compressed images are generated by using a JPEG2000software with a compression rate ranging from lossless to 0.5bits/pixel. Performance results are presented here for both Gauss-ian-blurred and JPEG-2000-compressed images of the LIVE data-base and TID2008 and IVC databases.

5.2.1. Robustness of the selected featuresThe experiments were conducted first to verify the robustness

of the selected image features through coarse classification pro-cess. To train the coarse multi-class SVM classifier, we used 87training samples from Gblur-LIVE which were labeled as ‘‘sharp’’,‘‘blurred’’ and ‘‘very blurred’’, by using Eq. (41). The training sam-ples were randomly chosen. For the testing step, we have consid-ered the remaining half of Gblur-LIVE samples and the entire IVCand TID databases. We performed the same procedure forJPEG2000-LIVE database. In order to highlight the pertinence ofeach image parameter, we assessed first the performance for eachsingle parameter of the feature vector to classify the 50% of theGblur-LIVE database. Table 2 illustrates the obtained classificationrates.

One could notice that the sharp class is best characterizedthrough parameter Er and the blurred class by the parameters

Er ; Ev and Art. The last class is pointed by Indð2Þ; Ind


Indð2Þand Indð3Þ

Indð2Þ. By

using all parameters, the classification rate is about 86.78%. TheFig. 11 depicts the coarse classification by using the testingGblur-LIVE, IVC, TID and JPEG2000-LIVE databases. The resultsshow somehow the robustness of feature selection and the gener-alization of the proposed algorithm. The coarse classification ratesare 91.67% for IVC, 81.45% for TID2008 and 81.42% for LIVEJPEG2000 databases.

5.2.2. Blur quality performanceTo evaluate the performance of blur quality BQ, the experi-

ments were first conducted on Gaussian-blurred images (174images: 29 color reference images and their distorted versionsusing Gaussian blur) and on 227 JPEG2000-compressed images.Then, we have estimated the factor BQ for the whole consideredimages of LIVE database by using the direct approach with its

two versions (set of thresholds based and learning process based).The variation of BQ factor versus Blur Subjective Quality BSA is rep-resented in Fig. 12. We can notice that the factor BQ decreases in-versely with the BSA factor. Less sharper the image, the higher themetric is. Thus, we have verified the validity of obtained measureusing the testing images. The proposed metric provides results thatare correlated well with blur subjective appreciation. A logisticfunction is used to adjust the objective image quality metric out-puts and models it by a curve using a non-linear regression meth-od. This regression is done by minimizing the mean square errorbetween the proposed image quality metric measures and subjec-tive scores. Fig. 12 illustrates these results in terms of a scatter plotwith respect to subjective data. It is clearly shown that the pro-posed objective image quality metric is consistent with subjectiveevaluation.

To go one step further, the proposed metric is compared withthe subjective scores provided by the LIVE DMOS. Here we restrictthe study to the Spearman rank correlation coefficient (SROCC).The proposed blurriness measure is also compared with some NoReference (NR) quality measures corresponding to two ap-proaches: perceptual and no perceptual approaches.

The considered perceptual methods are: The just noticeableblur (JNB) [10,38], frequency analysis [21,26,41] and neural basedmethod [6].

The non perceptual methods considered here are based on thesalient components of the image content such as edges [4,9,25],spatial frequency content [4]. Another approach considered in thisstudy is based on classification scheme using Support VectorMachine [5].

Table 3 shows that among the no perceptual based methods,the direct approach based MMD-BQ-1 (quality measure based onMMD) provides relatively the best performance in terms of corre-lation (0:9035 for direct approach based on set of threshold and0:9235 for direct approach based on learning process and testedon 50% of LIVE Gblur database samples).

Fig. 13 depicts the variation of BQ factor versus Blur SubjectiveQuality BSA applied on the overall JPEG2000-LIVE database. In [11],the results are obtained by applying the metric on 50 consideredimages, taken from JPEG2000-LIVE database. In order to comparethe obtained results, we present the correlation results of someNo Reference NR quality measures applied to JPEG2000 distortedimages. The metric of [34] adopts natural scene statistics for mea-suring the image quality, which, however, often requires sophisti-cated modeling to achieve a reliable metric. A recently proposedNR metric for JPEG2000 compression [30] reports a high correla-tion with the LIVE database, but contains an intensive featureextraction stage (i.e., eight different spatial features) and a complexparameter optimization procedure (i.e., nine model parameters) tocombine these features. Thus, our metric outperforms the alterna-tives of [34,30] in implementation complexity and computationalefficiency. The Table 4 shows that although our metric has been ap-plied on the overall JPEG2000 images, it provides a good perfor-mance. Herein only the iterative approach MMD-BQ-2 isconsidered because it depends on very few parameters. The SROCCof the metric based on direct approach using learning process andtested on 50% samples of JPEG2000-LIVE database is 0:8793.

In a second step, the proposed approaches have been applied onIVC and TID blurred databases. Fig. 14 depicts the obtained results.For evaluation criteria, we use: Pearson linear Correlation Coeffi-cient (PCC) and Spearman Rank-Order Correlation Coefficient(SROCC). Table 5 summarizes the obtained results and shows thatthe latter correlated well with blur subjective appreciation.

Hence, the proposed method provides good results although itdoes not require any a priori knowledge on the distortion. It isworth noticing that the proposed metric could be improved byintroducing a perceptual model or a classification process based

924 A. Serir et al. / J. Vis. Commun. Image R. 24 (2013) 911–925

on some relevant perceptual features that could be extracted fromthe spatial or transform domains.

6. Conclusion

In this paper, we demonstrated a novel NR blur image qualityassessment. Through Multiplicative Multi-resolution Decomposi-tion, we find criteria to determine objective quality metric of blureffect. This metric provides an information function of blur inten-sity. Thus, one could easily use it, for blind image quality assess-ment. Three approaches are proposed, a direct approach MMD-BQ-1, an iterative approach MMD-BQ-2, all of them are based ona set of thresholds, and a learning process based approachMMD-BQ SVM . The exhausted experimental results show that thismethod highly correlates with subjective ratings. The results showthat the MMD-BQ-1 and MMD-BQSVM approaches are suitable fordefocusing blur while the iterative one deals with the JPEG2000compressed distortion. Our future work includes investigatingand improving blur reduction approaches by introducing the pro-posed blur quality assessment metric. This could lead to definean adaptive blur reducing method.

Introducing some perceptual models for quantifying the blur ef-fect through MM Decomposition would be also considered as a po-tential solution. This would undoubtedly improve the consistencyof the proposed metric with the subjective evaluation.


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