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Post on 24-Jun-2020






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No 1 - Who are Isis?

During the next two or three tutor periods you are going

to see and hear a lot of information about recent events

in the news concerning some local students who

travelled to Syria.

These PowerPoints contain some complicated

information but also some important and simple


It is likely that you will have questions and we are

asking you to keep these until your Citizenship lesson

or the follow up event on 23rd March (Y11 + 6th Form)

What these sessions will cover

• Who are Isis/Isil?

• What do they want?

• Leading Muslims condemn Isis.

• Why have some people from Britain travelled to Syria to join


Wrong Right

You will see a statement. Point to either ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ depending on whether you think it is

true or not.

Your teacher will reveal the answer and some additional facts.


Wrong Right

“Isis or Isil stands for ‘the Islamic State of Iraq

and the Levant.” (Levant = area in the middle east)


Isis want to establish an

Islamic state or caliphate

in this area. They have

spread out of Iraq into Syria.

They only control the

area in red on map.

Wrong Right

“Isis was created to fight the western world”


Isis came about from the religious and ethnic

tension between Sunni and Shiaa Muslims in Iraq.

Isis want to spread to the Levant (Syria / Lebanon).

Although they reject western values.

Wrong Right

“The word ‘jihad’ means ‘holy war”.


It actually means ‘struggle.’ There are two types of

jihad in Islam. Greater jihad is the struggle with

yourself to lead a good life.

Lesser jihad is sometimes used to refer to armed

struggle. It is not advocating terrorism or murder.

Wrong Right

“If you go to fight in Syria you’re breaking the law



Joining a terrorist organisation such as Isis or al-

qaeda is against the law in the UK. People returning

from Syria to the UK face criminal charges.

The criminal age of responsibility in the UK is 10.

Isis, Isil or ‘Islamic State’ want to create a new ‘caliphate’.

This is an area run by their own understanding of a strict

Islamic society.

This understanding is widely rejected by the vast majority

of Muslims and especially by Islamic scholars.

“What are Isis fighting for?”

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Number1……

“Why are Isis dangerous?”

FAQ Number 2

Isis use very brutal tactics against anyone they

consider their enemy. Unfortunately this has meant

killing whole villages of men, women and children and

beheading and even burning victims alive.

You are strongly advised not to research Isis on the

internet, as even an innocent search can reveal very

upsetting and disturbing images that can affect you


Instead you should rely on information in the

printed press and TV reports, who censor most

upsetting images.

FAQ Number 3 – “Do Islamic leaders condemn Isis?”

An open letter from Islamic scholars

Muslim scholars have

come out in droves to

condemn the actions of


Over 120 Muslim

scholars have written a

22-page open letter to

the leader of Isis in

Arabic explaining how

their actions go against

the core principles of


These are extracts from

the letter

"You (Isis) have

misinterpreted Islam into a

religion of harshness, brutality,

torture and murder”

…….the letter read.

"This is a great wrong and an

offense to Islam, to Muslims

and to the entire world."

The Muslim Council of Britain have condemned the actions of Isis. Read the following quotes……

“Each day Isis seeks to carry out an act more barbarous than the day before, craving the oxygen of publicity to give credibility to their heinous acts. We condemn unreservedly their psychopathic violence, whether it is on minorities, on civilians, or on fellow Muslims.”

“Isis does not speak for Islam, and has been repudiated by all Muslims. Their message only appeals to those who are easily duped by their twisted message purporting to be Islam. They seek to glamorise their violence, and unfortunately, the media has a part to play in adding to that glamour.”

“Not in our name’” British Muslims condemn the barbarity of Isis

No 2 – So why do people join

Isis? During this tutor period you are going to see and hear a

lot of information about recent events in the news

concerning some local students who travelled to Syria

and why some people from Britain have ‘joined’ Isis.

This PowerPoint contains some complicated

information but also some important and simple


It is likely that you will have questions and we are

asking you to keep these until your Citizenship lesson

or the follow up event on 23rd March (Y11 + 6th Form)


IS Caliphate

- We have Democracy (people vote

for who they think should be the


- All people, irrespective of their

religious beliefs have the same

rights (rule of law).

- We have freedom of speech.

- A woman has the same rights as a


- Punishments for breaking the law

include: community service; fines;


- We have freedom of expression.

- Ruled by a political and religious

leader (who was not chosen).

- Only Sunni Muslims are treated well

- If you speak out against the

leadership you will be executed.

- Women should only go outside

when absolutely necessary and they

must wear full Islamic dress.

- Punishments for breaking their law

include: public beatings;

amputations; public executions

(including beheadings and


Isis do not recognise human rights that are acknowledged in the UK.

The vast majority of people Isis have killed have been Muslim. Anyone

joining Isis risks abuse and their own life.

Below is a comparison life in Britain and under Isis control

The amount of propaganda released by ISIS and

similar groups is huge. They use social media, like you

do, but to persuade people into travelling abroad, or

even to carry out terrorist attacks at home. They

glamorise life under Isis and convince vulnerable

people to fight ‘jihad’.

Some of the UK media also alienate young Muslims by

portraying Islam negatively or being islamophobic. This makes

some Muslims them more vulnerable to their propaganda.

FAQ 4 – “So why have some people from the UK

been persuaded to join Isis?”

There is no easy answer to the question of why young people put their

lives at risk and are willing to join groups like Isis. But here are some


1 - Some are drawn into the propaganda. 2 – Many teenagers feel misunderstood and look for purpose in life. Isis is tempting because they say they can offer certainty. Unfortunately the world is not simple and someone may be tempted by their simplistic world view. It is not a case of ‘good’ versus ‘evil’. 3 – Young people may think it’s exciting - In reality people from the West are given the menial jobs by Isis (e.g. digging toilets) because they have no military training and cannot speak the language. Also women risk abuse as rape is often used as a weapon in war. 4 - Recent converts to Islam may have no understanding of the religion or do not realise that Isis break the most fundamental principles of Islam 5 – Teenagers may be drawn into the idea of romanticism- of being matched with a brave young soldier in marriage. They probably don’t realise they won’t be allowed to leave the house and are only allowed basic education. 6 - They don’t know that the vast majority of people killed by Isis are Muslim. Nor do they know that it’s against Islam to kill civilians or ‘people of the book’ (fellow Muslims). 7 – Some British Muslims, especially young people, don’t feel a strong sense of British identity or do not have a feeling of ‘belonging’. This is an issue schools and society need to address 8 – Some people disagree with British foreign policy in the Middle East.

What is Jihad ?

What Jihad IS NOT! If you look in the Oxford English dictionary, you would probably find the definition of ‘Jihad’ as “a holy war undertaken by Muslims against non-believers”. This is a very poor definition. Before trying to define what Jihad is, we should first define what it is NOT. Jihad is NOT just ‘Holy War’ or a ‘religious war’. Jihad is NOT blowing one’s self up (suicide is a sin in Islam). Jihad is NOT killing innocent people. Jihad is NOT committing acts of terrorism. Jihad is NOT fighting out of anger or hatred for others. Jihad is NOT killing others because they don’t agree with you. Jihad is NOT killing others because they are not Muslim.

Jihad The literal meaning of Jihad is struggle or effort, and it means much more than holy war. Muslims use the word Jihad to describe different kinds of struggle: A believer's internal struggle to live out the Muslim faith as well as possible The struggle to build a good Muslim society Holy war: the struggle to defend Islam, with force if necessary

FAQ Number 5 – “But aren’t Muslims who join Isis

fighting Jihad - and that is a good thing?”

FAQ Number 5 – So what can you do?

The humanitarian situation in Syria is

something we should care about.

The amount

raised by

the UK is

£800 million

Click here for a

short video on how

to ensure you give

money to a charity

which will really

help people in Syria

How you can help... ’See something, say something’

Firstly…..If you have any concerns about someone being

drawn into thinking that Isis are helping people, please speak to

your teacher. You might end up helping protecting

someone from putting themselves in extreme danger.

Secondly…..If you find or are sent videos of violent acts like

beheadings, please tell your teacher. You can also report it

(details on the next slide) so that young people don’t have to

witness these horrific acts. Do not open or watch them.

Thirdly…..Educate people about Islam. Tell your friends about

the open letter by Islamic scholars. It’s vital people know that

most Muslims are peaceful. Nor should Islam be demonised by

the tabloid press in the UK.

How to report sites


Report harmful material you

find online to help protect


Muslim women condemn ISIS

British Muslim girls: 'We’re sick to death of

these 'jihadi brides’ going to Syria – it’s

disgusting' - Telegraph

'This is a form of grooming': Jihadi brides heading to Syria - Channel 4 News

'This is a form of grooming': jihadi brides heading to

Syria | Channel 4 News - YouTube

Teachers and other adults can read more about Isis methods

of persuasion in the research paper, ‘Becoming Mulan?’ from

‘The Institute for Strategic Dialogue’

Dear Sister,

I have no other intention of writing this letter but to tell you that you are being lied to in

the wickedest of ways. Just because your liars are cloaked in religious clothing, speak in a

religious language, and claim to be speaking in God’s name does not change the simple fact that

you are being lied to through a gross manipulation of the teachings of our faith. You are being

lied to first and foremost about your religious duty as a Muslim but also about the reality of

life under ISIS. And the thought of you destroying your life, for a pack of lies is what

motivates me to write this letter. Because you deserve to know the truth and to live a

fulfilled and happy life.

But this self-appointed caliph Baghdadi calls on you to make hijra you say?

But I ask you, what kind of a caliph is this person who in direct contrast to

the teachings of the Qur’an and our blessed Prophet Muhammad pbuh,

justifies killing Muslims who declare the shahaadha including convert Abdul

Rahman Kassig? How does he this so-called caliph justify killing innocent

people? How does he justify the killing of Muslim leaders and scholars who

only call for peace and love? The taking of even one innocent life is a great

crime in Islam equated to killing the whole of humanity.

ISIS claim to be calling for women’s liberation but do not be fooled – this is no liberation. This

is subjugation and an abuse of women’s independence and authority that God has bestowed on

women to be used serving humanity. Freedom is an essential core of Islam; ISIS only ever seem

to deny it. Respect for life is a sacrosanct teaching of the Qur’an, yet ISIS only seem to

cheapen it. Peace is what the Qur’an calls for again and again; yet ISIS only ever seek war and

bloodshed. Some of the women who call you to ISIS are the same women who glorify the

deaths of Muslims and non-Muslims and who call for the bloodshed of children in our country

here in the UK.

Final message…….

Young British Muslims Happy

Much of what you have seen and heard has been very serious and news of young people leaving the UK for Syria is scary. But YOU are now armed with information and sensible advice.

Remember you are safe, informed and happy! (Click link to watch uplifting video now!)

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