nikolaev 22 may - · alice, nikolaev nikolaev 22 may “thanks to all, who are not...

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TOUR May 2015

Thanks a lot to organizers for such a great event in our city!This concert helped us to start to do something together for the city and for people, who are living here. This concert not only helped to draw closer the unsaved youth to God, but also helped to unite youth from the different churches. We are already starting to prepare our joint events with other churches to reach our unbelieving youth.This will be a beginning of big and significant changes!

Alice, Nikolaev

Nikolaev 22 may

“Thanks to all, who are not staying indifferent and doing something for the people of our country, and for youth especially! Thanks you Kutless! Thank you, organizers! Thanks to all, who were involved in Nikolaev, who were working from their pure heart, despite the obstacles”.

Ministers Team of the “Christians of New Covenant”

church, Nikolaev

“I’m sincerely thankful to the Lord for the opportunity to participate in organization of Kutless tour in Ukraine. First of all, this project united all active Christian youth, pastors and others from different churches and denominations, around a goal of proclaiming the Gospel to the people of Ukraine. That’s what really maters...”

Ryabenko. M.I. Member of “Hand of God” church, Odessa.

ODESSA 23 may

Meeting Kutless and Pulse team was really awesome! All the time, dedicated to preparation and having the event itself – is a huge blessing for us, for our church youth and the youth of our city. And the best outcome – is that we could have been united together to do Gods work! After a concert we had some people coming to us and saying, that it literally turn their understanding upside-down and now, they want to go on and reach for more. We are exited to hear testimonies like that. We are thankful to God for Pulse movement! We believe it’s only the beginning and we expect more of meetings like that!

Youth pastor of “Victory” church, Odessa.

… there was a lot of unbelieving youth there. I could tell by their reaction, that they really liked the concert. I wish we could have more of projects like this in our city.

Oksana, Nikolaev“

We were praying and expecting of the big amount of people attending the concert. The fact, that the event was at church property and not at the city stadium, made a process of proclamation of Gospel went smoother.  A lot of people, my colleagues and just people I know, who I invited, came and they liked it a lot.

Oleg Chebotarev, Melitopol


“It was an incredible time and just unforgettable moments. From behalf of our youth team I wanted to thank Pulse movement for a huge work, that they did.Today, our youth is empty. Today, as never before, people have need for hope. And this hope is Christ.I remember, how Nick Hall was saying during his sermon, that there’s a party in heaven for every person who’s getting saved. And this is incredible, because we’ve seen a few hundreds of youth, came to the Christ tonight. We see, that this project brought a lot of blessings to our city and to our ministry. We hear a lot of incredible testimonies, how the Lord was touching hearts of youth. I sincerely believe, that this tour is only a beginning of a big and fruitful work in united team all over the Ukraine”.

Eugene Voyt, youth pastor, Melitopol.


“I was shocked by such a huge amount of young people. It was like a revelation to me and Nick’s message is really touched me, so I decided to renew my relationships with the Lord.”

Anna, Khmelnitsky

A young guy by the name of Illya, found out about the concert through the advertisement. “First, I was very skeptical about the fact that it’s a Christian rock band. Could such a band even exist? But when I got to the concert, I was shocked! This is so cool! There were crowds of youth and lots of emotions. Everyone was filled with such positivity and light. I was very curious about that. After a concert I received a call and I was invited to a meeting. So I went. I still have a lot of questions for today, but my mom just don’t get how did it happened, that so many years of my depression just melted away!”

Illya, Khmelnitsky

1.) For many years, Evangelical churches of Khmelnitsky just couldn’t overcome a certain stereotype of being treated by the society as a cult. Partly, it’s their own fault, because of them not being open for publicity enough. This tour of Kutless, organized by Pulse, caused a huge progress in church being treated by society positively.2.) Event of a such scale, and level of organization, gained a lot of positive responses among the city authorities and media.3.) For me, personally, it’s a huge blessing to be at tool in God’s hands. All the members of organizational team became close friends, almost like members of one big family. They did their best. They don’t even know how will they live, when the project is going to be over - they say.4.) And the main thing -is the result, which city of Khmelnitsky and churches of Khmelnitsky got as an outcome. It’s souls of a saved young people.We just can’t wait for more projects like this to come!

Valery, Khmelnitsky

“Greetings to you, dear ministers of Pulse Ukraine.I want to thank you, Nick Hall and Kutless band, for this tremendous outreach concert in Dnepropetrovsk. There was approximately around 2,500 to 3,000 youth at the concert. There was just no room for more people. Right now, we are working with a follow-up, calling and emailing people, who were at the concert. On the 31st of May, on Pentecost day, at the service in our church, 42 people came forward to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Some of them were youth, who were invited to the concert by our church members. On the June 9th, on the city pastors meeting, all the pastors asked me to let you know, that the outreach with Nick Hall and Kutless band was a very significant event and tremendous blessing for our city.Pastors of the different denominations were saying as one, that such projects are extremely demanded to our city in the future. Youth home group in our church has doubled and already had to split up, because of young people who were at concert. We are very thankful to Pulse Ukraine. It was very pleasant to work with you!”

Pastor Yuri Kansur, “Vozrozhdenie” church, Dnipropetrovsk


KYIV 30 and 31 may

“Concert of the band and it’s organization, caused the churches and youth ministries of Kyiv to unite in a very good way. I saw a hand of God on it and a true desire to help and serve one another. Guys from the Pulse movement really helped us to understand, that together we can achieve big goals! Also, They helped us to see, that it’s really a lot of Christian youth, who know God, here in Kyiv. It means, that we have a great future ahead!”

Maxim Smirnoff, leader of a youth ministry, “Christian Hope” church, Kyiv

PULSE Movement gave us a new impulse in the work of evangelism and inspired Christian youth for the proclamation of Gospel. Our prayers, searching of God’s will and studying His word, will bear fruit of revival in our country and behind it’s borders.

Vlad Kozubovsky, pastor of « House of The Gospel» church, Kyiv.

This is one of the greatest events in the Christian world of Ukraine for the last 10 years!

Anain Agababova, CNL reporter

Dear participants of PULSE/KUTLESS tour Ukraine 2015, we encourage you to use this following materials

in your follow-up work with the new believers:

• Gospel of Luke • New disciples • Making the disciples

We are calling all our friends to join us in a prayer for the people, who were saved during this tour, for their growth in the Lord and for them being strengthen. And, also, we want you to pray for the work of the churches of Ukraine in growing new disciples of our Lord and Savior,

Jesus Christ. “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy

Ghost:Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the

end of the world. Amen.” (Matthew 28:19,20)

There’s video lessons available:

We are thankful to our Lord, Jesus Christ for such an opportunity to serve in the work of evangelism with all of you: pastors, regional coordinators, and volunteers of all the six cities, all of you, who were involved. We thank you, that you responded and supported

us in this tour, here in Ukraine 2015.






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