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8/10/2019 Nids Lecture 1/34

Network Intrusion DetectionSystems

Randy MarchanyVA Tech Computing Center

Blacksburg, VA 24060

8/10/2019 Nids Lecture 2/34

FAQ Information

These notes come from the Network

Intrusion Detection Systems FAQ byRobert Graham (

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Intrusion – an attempt to compromise ormisuse a computer system or network.

Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) monitors packets on the network wire andattempts to discover if hackers are attempting

to break into a system or cause a DOS. NIDS can run on the target or independent


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Network NIDS monitor many machines.

System Integrity Verifiers (SIV) monitorsystem files to detect trojan versions ofsystem binaries. It may log the attemptas it occurs.

Log File Monitors (LFM) monitor log filesgenerated by network services.

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Deception Systems aka honeypots, fly-

traps contain pseudo-services thatemulate well-known holes in an attemptto trap hackers.

Intruders  – outsiders or insiders

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How do Intruders Get In?

Physical Intrusion  – console passwords,disk removal, etc.

System Intrusion  – hacker has a lowprivilege account on the system anduses a tool that exploits a weakness to

gain system privilege. Remote Intrusion  – gains access via a

remote service on the system.

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Vulnerability Types

Race Conditions  – 2 programs accessing

the same data at the same time. Software bugs  – Buffer Overflows

Unexpected Combinations  – input is

meaningless at 1 level but not at another. Unhandled Input  – what happens when

input doesn‟t match specifications. 

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System Configuration

Default  – vendor shipped configurations

Lazy  – sysadmins too lazy to tighten thesystem.

Hole Creation  – most programs can run

in non-secure mode. Trust Relationships  – one system trusts

another. R-commands are an example.

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Password Cracking

Trivial – names of people, places, things

Dictionary  – Unix Crack or NT/L0phtpassword cracking programs

Brute Force  – programs that try all

possible combinations of characters.

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Sniffers & Design Flaws

Shared Medium  – base ethernet

Server   – sniffer runs on the server. Works onswitched nets.

Remote  – SNMP based

TCP/IP Protocol Flaws  – smurf, synflood, IP

spoofing. IP allows data to be changedanytime. IPSEC is a fix.

System Flaws  – Windows, Unix

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How Do They Get

Passwords? Clear Text Passwords

Encrypted Sniffing

Replay Attack – the intruders don‟t decrypt the

passwords. They use the encrypted form tologin the systems.

Password file stealing Observation/Social Engineering – piece of

paper attack

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Intrusion Steps

Outside Reconnaissance  – whois, DNS,WWW, FTP

Inside Reconnaissance  – ping sweep,inverse mapping, port scanning, rpcinfo,showmount, snmpwalk.

Exploit  – exploiting vulnerabilitiesdiscovered earlier.

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Intrusion Steps

Foothold  – gained entrance into themachine and now starts to hide theevidence. Install rootkits, trojans.

Profit  – taking advantage of the entry, thehacker now goes after the real target – information, $$, credit card info, etc.

Joyride  – systems used in a relay attack.

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Common WWW Exploits

CGI – passing data to the commandshell via shell metacharacters, usinghidden variables, phf.

WWW server

IIS/RDP - ../../../../ attack to get files fromthe server.

 Alternate data streams ( Win95 names).

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Common WWW Exploits

URL – fields can cause buffer overflows as it‟s

parsed in the HTTP header, displayed on the

screen or saved in the cache history. Old IEbug would execute .LNK or .URL commands.

HTTP headers can be used to exploit bugs

because some fields are passed to functionsthat expect only certain information.

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Common WWW Exploits

HTML – MIME-type overflow in NetscapeCommunicator‟s <EMBED> command. 

Javascript – usually tries to exploit the“file upload” function by generating a

filename and automatically hidden theSUBMIT button. Many fixes for this butequal # of circumventions.

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Common WWW Exploits

Frames – part of JavaScript or Java hack(hiding web bugs). Hackers include link to valid

site that uses frames then replace some ofthose frames with bad www pages.

Java – normal Java applets have no access tothe local system but sometimes they‟d be more

useful if they did have local access.  Active X – works purely on trust model and

runs in native mode.

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Buffer Overflows & DNS

 Attacks DNS – extra long DNS name is sent to the

server. DNS names are limited to 256 bytes.

RPC – statd, ttdbserverd, cmsd, snmpXdmid

DNS Cache Poisoning – Every DNS packetcontains a Question/Answer section.

Vulnerable servers will believe and cache Answer you provide.

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Common Reconnaissance

Scans and DOS Attacks Ping Sweeps


OS identification

 Account Scans

Ping of Death

SYN Flood Land


8/10/2019 Nids Lecture 20/34

How Do NIDS Detect

Intrusions?  Anomaly detection  – measures a baseline of

stats like CPU utilization, disk activity, user

logins, file activity. NIDS triggers when adeviation from this baseline occurs.

Signature recognition  – pattern matching

attack probes. Uses large databases to detectthe attack. Antiviral software uses this. Worksonly for known attacks.

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Matching Signatures with

Incoming Traffic NIDS consists of special TCP/IP stack that

reassembles datagrams and TCP streams. It


Protocol Stack Verification – search forprotocol violations (SYN/FIN, etc.)

 Application Protocol Verification New Event Creation – log all application layer

protocols for later correlation.

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NIDS Detect the Attack

Firewall reconfiguration to block IP address.

Chime – “Danger, Will Robinson!” alarm. Email

or page admins. SNMP trap – send trap datagram to console.

Syslog – record it in NT Event log or Unixsyslog

Save Evidence.

Launch Program to handle the event.

Terminate the TCP connection by sending a


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Other Countermeasures

Firewalls – should be considered as the LASTline of defense.

 Authentication – password policies, singlesignon, removing cleartext protocols.

VPN – secure connection for remote access.

However, they decrease corporate securitybecause both ends of the pipe are wide open.

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Where to locate IDS

Network hosts

Network Perimeter WAN/LAN Backbone

Server farms

Need to be on low-bandwidth nets tokeep up with traffic.

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Fitting IDS with Security

Framework Put firewalls between networks with different

security requirements.

Use scanners to check for exploits.

Set host policy to conform with standards.

Use NIDS to see what is actually happening.

Use Host based IDS to flag intrusions.

Create effective IRP.

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Implementing IDS

OS – enable logging/auditing features

Services – build/enable security in WWWservers, Email Servers, DB servers.

NIDS – install in appropriate places.

Firewalls – enable detection facilities.

Install SNMP traps (Openview, Tivoli)

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Some NIDS Products

BlackIce Defender (Network Ice)

CyberCop Monitor (Network Associates)

RealSecure (ISS) NetRanger (WheelGroup/Cisco)

eTrust Intrusion Detection (CA)

NetProwler (Axent)

Centrax (CyberSafe)

NFR (Network Flight Recorder)

Dragon (Security Wizards)

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Network Grep System

Based on raw packet capture andsearching for patterns using a „grep‟ tool. 

Extract the suspect string and compareto attack database.

Libpcap ( library for packet capture) isthe library used by Unix-based IDS.

Feed output from libpcap to grep filters.

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Network Grep System

 Advantage – easy to update. Largest DBof signatures, fastest time-to-market fordetecting attack scripts.

Disadvantage – they detect the fewest #of serious intrusions. Example: scanningfor default BO passwords. Can set offfalse positives.

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Network Grep System

 Advantages – system based on protocolanalysis result in fewer false positives.

 Able to fully diagnose a problem.Example: BO PING is harmless. BOcompromise is more serious.

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Sample IDS Placement


IDS #3


IDS #2



IDS #4

IDS #1

IDS #1 –  FW don’t produce enough info to effectively detect hits. 

IDS #2 –  detects attacks that penetrate the FW

IDS #3 –  detects attacks attempted against the FW

IDS #4 –  Insider attacks will be detected

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 Attacks Against the NIDS

Blind the sensor with high traffic rates.

Blind the event storage. Use decoyscans to fill up log space.


Packet Fragmentation

Slow Scan

Coordinated low-bandwidth attacks

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 Attacks Against the NIDS

 Address spoofing

Pattern Change Ptacek‟s Paper on NIDS evasion. 

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Questions to ask IDS

Vendors How Much?

What do signature updates cost?

What traffic level blinds the IDS?

How easy to evade?

How scalable is it?

How many signatures does it support?

What IR features are included?

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