nick mc cabe ig3 task 1

Post on 23-Dec-2014






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Roles of production team


A famous director who I like is Quentin tarantino who as well as a screen writer and producer is most known for his directing skills , films such as – reservoir dogs, pulp fiction, inglorious basterds are some of the most famous films around the globe.

-A film director is a person who directs the actors and film crew in filmmaking. They control a film's artistic and dramatic aspects, while guiding the others technical crew/actors.

Max Rogan will be the director for this film, he will be placing the shots and making sure everything’s looks okay and is ready to shoot.-

Camera man

The cameraman is responsible for physically operating the camera and maintaining composition and camera angles throughout a given scene or shot.

For this role Sophie will have full control of the camera and making sure every shot is at the right angle, also the lighting is important within this role, and the positioning of the camera is perfect.

Sound Recorder*

This is the role I will be taking on , I will be making sure the sound without the film is clear and loud .Also making sure that the microphone doesn’t disturb the shot and is peaked higher than the camera in order for a clean shot and clean sound.

Production runner

This role is pretty much being a joey , this is so the production remains tight and everything is going to plan.

Everyone will be taking on this role making sure everything’s in order so the production is clear and people can understand the film .

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