newton’s third law of motion

Post on 28-Sep-2015






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Newton’s Third Law of Motion


Newtons Third Law of Motion: Law of Interaction

Newtons Third Law of Motion:Law of InteractionGroup 4: IV- St. AugustineAllona Jane M. NaozDaven R. EnovaMaria Angelie Judel O. SaludoLeziel C. ParecArvin D. FaderagaoINTRODUCTION:Isaac Newtonstated his third law of motion, which is all about theAction-Reaction Forces.

Newtons law of inertia shows the relationship between force and motion, while his law of acceleration demonstrates the effect of forces on motion. His third law explains the nature of forces. We always feel the third law every time we interact with objects around us.

The law of interaction states that:For every action exerted by one body, there is an equal but opposite force acting on some other body.

Demonstration of Newtons Third Law Video (Source: )

ILLUSTRATION: Let us illustrate this law :If a table is pressed from its corner with your hand, the table pushes back and result is a dent in our skin. If we press the table harder, dent in our skin goes deeper. This results inNewton Third Law.Newtons Third Law of Motion Examples

1.Hammer on the nailHere the force exerted by the hammer on the nail is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force applied by the nail on the hammer.

2.Ball being thrownAnother example is that when we throw a ball upward, force of gravity is applied by the earth on the ball.

3.A person slams a wall.Suppose a person slams the wall with his fist. The force applied by the person through his fist on the wall is equal to the force applied by the wall on the fist. Harder the person slams the wall, more he gets hurt. Similar procedure is followed when a person kicks the football.

4. How the bus move or run on road?Tire of the bus applies force on the road. Direction of the force applied by the tire on the road is in backward direction. In return the road pushes the bus in the opposite direction, i.e., in the forward direction. In this way, bus moves on the road. If more force is applied by the bus on the road, bus will move faster.

5. Rocket propulsionIt is shown how the rocket moves in the space by following the Newton's third law. Actually, when rocket moves in the space it pushes the gas outside from it, i.e., rocket applies force on the gases in the backward direction. As a reaction, the gases put equal amount of force on the rocket in the opposite direction and the rocket moves in the forward direction.

6. A swimmer pushes the water in the backward direction (action force) and the water exerts a force on the swimmer (reaction force) which pushes him forward.Special Thanks to Marvin Mabalot. Action and Reaction Forces Acting on a Swimmer

To understand more about Newtons Third Law (Law of Interaction), just sit back and relax as we watch this video.

NOTE: Even though the action and reaction forces are equal and opposite their resultant is notequal to zero as the action and reaction forces are acting on two different bodiesThe third law holds good when the interacting bodies are at rest or in motionNewton's third law describes the relationship between the force of interaction between two objectsThis law does not give us the magnitude of force

Newtons Third Law Application

Friction: When an object moves on the surface or in the water, a resistive force acts on the object to retard its motion. This resistive force is termed as the force of friction. Force of friction allows us to move, run and the movement of vehicles to take place.

This is called as the Force of Friction.Until the applied force remains smaller than the force of friction, book will not move. This force is called as static force of friction particularly. When the applied external force becomes greater than the force of friction, the book start moving. Rough surfaces offer more force of friction than the smooth surfaces.




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