newsletter - high school newsletter creating opportunities,...

Post on 05-Jul-2020






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Parent - Teacher interview evenings are yet to be permitted based on health guidelines, but we hope that the situation improves to a point where we can still hold an evening at some point during Term 3 or 4. In the interim, please do not hesitate to make contact with the school to speak with your child’s teachers or one of our wellbeing staff if you have questions or concerns that you wish to discuss.

Year 10 are currently browsing the information both in the booklet provided and online regarding Year 11 2021 subject selection. The link for information on course requirements and subject information online is available here and is also available through the Sentral Portal for students once logged in. The process of actual choosing will occur early in Term 3, but we encourage families to use this time to read and view the information and speak with teachers and faculties about particular options. Unfortunately, as you will see in the attached guidelines, we are not permitted to hold the type of parent information evening that we usually do at the start of this process. It will be important for Year 10 students and families to keep up to date with information that is sent home via both notes and online.

Year 8 and Year 9 elective choices will likely follow a similar format to that described above and will occur later in Term 3. More information will be sent once this is finalised. Mr Scott Dinham, Relieving Principal.

From the Principal’s DeskAs we reach the end of what has been a challenging term of school for families, students and school staff, I would like to thank everyone involved for your efforts in helping keep the education of our students front of mind and on track. There is still a journey to come, as our school and the nation, navigates through the hurdles that still remain ahead of us, but I am confident that in continuing to work together we can and will continue to achieve quality outcomes for our students.

It will be important for students to rest and reset over the holidays in readiness for what will be our first full term of on-site schooling in 2020. There will still be some aspects of school that will be different to what we normally might expect, and the latest guidelines provided from the Department of Education are attached with this newsletter.

Dates to Remember6-17 July -School Holidays.

20 July -School Development Day.

21 July - Students return to school for Term 3.

JULY 2020 - 2nd July



■ WOOMBAH STREET ■ MACLEAN NSW 2463 ■ 02 6645 2244 ■

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■ WOOMBAH STREET ■ MACLEAN NSW 2463 ■ 02 6645 2244 ■

Term 3 Sport

We are planning to resume our normal sport afternoons for Term 3. As per DoE requirements sport is a mandatory part of every child’s education and we support our students with a large variety of choices for all students to select from.

In Term 3, Year 7 will be placed in mixed groups and will be involved in a rotation of five sport-ing competitions - Netball, Gaelic Football, Touch Football, Soccer and Volleyball (2 weeks at each sport).

Volleyball and Gaelic Football will be held at school on the eastern oval. Touch and Soccer will be held at Wherrett Park and will involve walking to and from the venue. Netball will also be held at Wherrett Park but may involve bus travel on return, if space permits, on the returning Yamba buses.

A permission note was given to all Year 7 students to be signed and returned to school to permit bus travel, otherwise your child will need to walk back to school. If your child lives near Wherrett Park a signed permission note may be provided to the sporting teacher to allow your child to walk home rather than return to school at the end of sport. Any other reasons for leaving sport early must go through the Attendance Office at the school, either by note, phone call or email, and your child will receive a sign-out slip befor leaving school grounds.

For Years 8, 9 and 10 we will be returning to previous sport selections for Term 3 and these will be uploaded to Sentral and appear on your child’s timetable by the end of this week. Students have had the past 3 weeks to make any amendments to these choices.

A few minor changes have occurred due to new restrictions at gyms. Students who have selected Pulse or Rush (new owner/name of Sue’s 24hr Gym) need to bring a personal water bottle and towel for their weekly sessions.

Just a reminder to students who have chosen Yamba sports, please buy a $4 bus ticket by recess each Wednesday. These buses leave at the beginning of lunch at 12.40pm. If your child wishesto go home at the end of sport they will need to provide a note to the sporting teacher requesting this. Students are not permitted to sign out of school and use the sport buses to travel home to Yamba. Students not attending their usual Yamba sport will need to have travel arranged from the school. Students at Yamba sports who need to sign out before the end of sport time will need to organise their sign-out slip from the Attendance Office at the school prior to leaving school grounds.

Non-attendance from sport without a valid reason is not permissible by the DoE. All truants are followed up and a letter is sent home regarding these misadventures. Continual unjustified absences may mean the removal of a student from sporting venues outside school grounds.

Hoping for a happy and productive back to “normal” sport for the rest of the year.

Mrs Kylie Lowe, Sports Organiser.



■ WOOMBAH STREET ■ MACLEAN NSW 2463 ■ 02 6645 2244 ■

Art Work by Kimberley CurrieMy art work was created in response to “The Problem in the World Today”.

My painting represents the rebirth of the bush after a long season of bushfires. It shows that there is always hope of new life, even after devastation. In real life, the same thing can happen. As the saying goes, “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”.

Kimberley Currie, Year 10.

Art Work by Isabella GrantMy artistic vision for this painting was to channel the pain everyone has been feeling over the devastating bushfires that have been wiping through both Australia and across the globe.

This is a massive issue that has led to millions of people all over the world losing their homes and/or family/friends.

The reason that the plants I have painted are in a teapot is because teapots are very fragile and hold a purpose (holding your tea). Just like this teapot, the trees andplants around the world hold major responsibilities and jobs due to the fact that they supply homes and food for animals everywhere. The reason that this teacup is broken is because it is representing the fact that this topic is really fragile for a lot of people and that the plants that held these major responsibilities were damaged ruining how well they deliver their purpose (a broken teapot can no longer hold the tea just like dead plants can no longer supply oxygen, food, homes, etc).

The fire is obviously a more noticeable clue as to what this painting is about as the plants within this painting are clearly about to burn.

Isabella Grant, Year 10.

AnonymousMy painting represents the issue of the pressures of society and how emotional baggage from the past is expected to be moved on from quickly and simply.



■ WOOMBAH STREET ■ MACLEAN NSW 2463 ■ 02 6645 2244 ■

Art Work by Justin TapperMy art work is a representation of the war and humanitarian crisis in Yemen. The skull is the central image, which represents the death and destruction of thousands of people, and this contrasts with the colourful blooming rose which is a symbol of the new life that all of the victims of war are hoping for. The three different figures sketched around the skull are people who are fighting to survive in their homeland, or in refugee camps. Finally, the chain with a cross provides a symbol of hope for the people of Yemen despite all of the death and despair surrounding them.

Justin Tapper, Year 10.

Art Work by Duncan GrayMy art work is about the problems with the world today. It shows a person ignoring the world he lives in and instead escaping to the perfect world using virtual reality.

Duncan Gray, Year 10.



■ WOOMBAH STREET ■ MACLEAN NSW 2463 ■ 02 6645 2244 ■

Careers News

Senior Subject Selection 2020

This year we have gone with an online portal to highlight all the awesome courses we offer for senior study. All Year 10 students should have received their information last week. If you would like to check out the courses on offer check out This was an awesome collaborative effort by all HSC teachers at Maclean High School and would not have been made possible without the ongoing digital and creative support from our Teacher Librarian, Mrs Cameron.

Werk, Werk, Werk

Make sure you keep an eye on the Sentral Portal; there are job vacancies being posted daily. Everything from part time work at local pharmacies and cafes all the way through to surfboard shaping and cyber apprenticeships, Defence Force gap year roles and 2021 recruitment programs for large scale companies.

My Journey Virtual Expo

We have registered to attend the My Journey Virtual Expo. This online expo provides an opportunity for students and families to explore vocational education and training (VET) pathways, employment opportunities and assist with the decision making process when transitioning from school. If you are keen to attend this free event at the start of Term 3 check out this link

Tafe for Senior Study

Huge shout out to those amazing little legends in Year 11 and Year 12 who are studying a TAFE course as part of their Senior Studies. It has been a pretty challenging term studying online instead of being in workshops and smashing out your practical assessments. We are proud of the initiative you have been showing and the mature attitude you have demonstrated when it comes to your own learning. We currently have students undertaking courses in Screen and Media, Electrotechnology, Animal Studies, Fashion Design, Assistant in Nursing, Design Fundamentnals, Make Up, Automotive and Early Childhood Education and Care. The return to face to face learning for everyone is going to be awesome.

Miss Danielle Fisher, Careers Adviser.



■ WOOMBAH STREET ■ MACLEAN NSW 2463 ■ 02 6645 2244 ■

Helpline Numbers/Online Resources

Kids Helpline: 1800 551800 or

Lifeline: 13 1114 or

Headspace: 1800 650890 or

Beyond Blue: 1300 224636 or


Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659467

WayAhead Directory:

Mental Health Telephone Access Line: 1800 011511 (operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is staffed by clinicians who can provide advice, make referrals and link callers to the Mental Health Service in their local health district).

School Counsellors: Ms Kerrie Bowles and Mr Andrew Allen.

Literacy Tip for this week:Reading comprehension is the ability to understand and utilise information read. Comprehension can then be further broken down to analyse its purpose. In simplified terms, it can be classified into Here, Hidden and Head.

“Here” comprehension asks students to identify information directly stated in the text. It is the easiest form of comprehsnion.

“Hidden” comprehension asks students to find information that is not directly stated in the text - information that is inferred, or understood. This is a much more complex form of understanding text, and usually the form that students have the most difficulty with.

“Head” comprehension calls on the student to utilise information from the text to pass comment or opinion.

Mrs Linda Martin, Relieving Deputy Principal.

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