newsletter july - august 2011 daniel huisman phone france and holland +31 633738272...

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Newsletter July - August 2011 Daniel Huisman Phone France and Holland +31 633738272

Beste Vrienden,Groetjes uit Frankrijk.I am here for 3 months and the 15th of September I will go to Holland.I help in the technical department of the conference center;

My job in the tent during the conference was to do the registration of al the video in the little tent on the left. Also setting it up and making sure all technical things work well. With 4 cameras we recorded all and put it on DVD.

On the picture I am introducing a French couple, of our volunteer team, to the work during a meeting, so they can learn how to do it also.

Prayer request for my fatherOn the picture my parents are in the hospital on July 3rd. On that moment my dad has had a tumor removed including part of his colon. My mom sitting with her arm in a sling because she made a nasty fall, thank God she is ok again now.We as a family are thankful to the Lord that my dad has come this far thru the difficult past time.My dad is now undergoing chemotherapy with pills.We pray for complete recovery. His life is in Gods hand.The “Youth group Mission Outreach” to the Ukraine this summer went well without my dad joining.

Daniel and Jeny November 2010

The 26th of October I will go to Chile via Curacao, to get married on 11-11-2011 with Jennifer Sanchez in Chile. Jeny and I will go fulltime into missions. Jeny has already gotten a wedding dress and we have gotten a honeymoon trip to “Tierra Del Fuego, FireLand”, the southern tip of South America. Speaking of; “Go into the ends of the earth”.Afterwards we will go to Indonesia on the 22nd of January to work as technical missionaries in the Mission-Hospital of Borneo.For that we thrust in The Lord that He will provide for the travel costs.On the way we will go via Colombia and Curacao with the opportunity to congratulate us on the 7th of January on Curacao. After Indonesia we will be in Holland with the opportunity to congratulate us on the 1st of July 2012. You are invited for all these 3 dates; details will follow.People ask; “What kind of gift would you like for your wedding?” My answer is, a small gift per month which last for a long time is better than a onetime gift because it is better for our long term ministry being in a far country.We want to serve God fulltime in His ministry and reach out in this world to help people in need.

The 13th of September is my 49th birthday. I will celebrate it on Saturday the 17th of

September. You are very welcome between 3 – 9 pm.

At my parents home; Buitenhof 33 8255AW Swifterbant.

It is also my goodbye-being-single party.

Acts 13:47 For so hath the Lord commanded

us, [saying],I have set thee to be a light of the

Gentiles, that thou shouldest be for salvation unto the ends of the earth.

11 – 11 – 2011

Daniel and Jeny will

get married in Chile

Friendly greetings and thank

you for your

support and

prayers. God bless


Gifts to Holland;To; Daniel Huisman at Swifterbant Holland PostBank account nr; 5327093

Codes for sending money internationally;International Bank Account Number IBAN= NL96 PSTB 0005 327093 Bank Identifier Code BIC= PSTBNL21

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