newsletter august 2020 spotlight on…€¦ · “changing the world’s perception of church”...

Post on 07-Aug-2020






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“Changing the world’s perception of Church”

Newsletter — August 2020 Spotlight On… From your Pastor.... ‘I yearn to come and be face-to-face with you and get to know you. For I long to impart to you the gift of the Spirit that will empower you to stand strong in your faith. Now, this means that when we come together and are side by side, something wonderful will be released. We can expect to be co-encouraged and co-comforted by each other’s faith!’ Romans 1:11 & 12 (The Passion) What an amazing time we had on Sunday Night on Zoom, sorry for all those who are un able to get on zoom. But I was so encouraged by the words, visions, songs and most of all the beaming faces. I really needed to be encouraged and watered, and I didn't even know I did! I came to encourage the group but was blessed out of my socks! This is what God does, as we give so He gives to us! This is more than often through His saints. You can say to me ‘well, there’s nothing much I can give’, that is true. BUT when we let the living water flow through us, we have everything, in abundance to give. Because we are not giving what we have but what Jesus has. I saw that in the faces that were shining. I can imagine it was like Moses’ face when he came down the mountain. This is what happens when we get together. We are here to be an encouragement to one another. I don’t meet just because I need to. I meet up for my Brothers and Sisters, because I LOVE THEM. I want to see them and I want to bless them. Thank you all for being with me on the zoom meetings especially. I am SO blessed.

‘With loads of Love and God’s richest blessings. Your Pastor and brother in Christ...Andrew

Church Meetings

2nd August - We are on holiday, so we will record our Café church service which will be available on Facebook..

Throughout the month of August our online services are shown in the table below. On Sundays 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th August we will continue to invite

people to come into the building to join us for Café Church who are unable to access Facebook. If you would like to attend, please contact us by email: or phone us on: 01935 864414.

Sunday 10:30am Facebook Live—Café church

Sunday 6pm Zoom - Communion service

Monday 7:30pm Zoom - Question time

Wednesday 10:30am Zoom - Communion service

Friday 10:30am Zoom—Coffee & catch up

Zoom meetings

We have now got to grips with the technology of Zoom during Lockdown, and it has been a blessing to many. We have enjoyed Sunday evening communion, Monday evening question time, Wednesday communion and Friday coffee & chat. It is always such a blessing to see everyone’s faces!! Here are some of the thoughts people have shared about using ‘Zoom’ at this time. If you aren’t yet a ‘zoomer’ and you would like to be, contact us on for details.

We’ve come away from all the zoom meetings truly blessed and knowing The Lords spoken to us, it’s been great seeing each other, but better still is knowing The Presence of The Lord in our room encouraging us to seek Him more . Phil & Sheila Wakeman

We have been thinking about the recent meetings we have enjoyed on Zoom etc. We have not been able to pick out any specific times that we have enjoyed above others but we

have really enjoyed seeing and sharing with the fellowship in this way. Robin & Margaret Barnes

It has been such a blessing to Margery and myself to be able to stay in fellowship with all our dear friends in BCC. To feel the love and welcome that we receive every time we join the meetings on zoom, but sadly it reminds us of what we have left behind moving to Bournemouth. But saying all that, it is so good to get back into sweet fellowship without leaving the comfort of our home!!!. It's also been so good of you Andrew, to arrange Monday evenings to put questions to our family at BCC, and share in the discussions to explore what is written in the word of God, to at least try to offer reasonable answers to difficult questions. Margery has been especially blessed, to see all those at BCC on Zoom who have helped and supported her through an extremely distressing time in her life. Our God has blessed us so much during this time of disruption to our lives due to Covid19, but we have been the beneficiaries as we're sure many others would agree. Love, Blessings, Grace and Health in HIS Wonderful name, Jim and Margery Woodhouse

Finance Food for thought

During this time where we cannot yet meet together, if you would like

to pay tithes or offerings, this can now be done online if you prefer. If you would like to do this please contact Robin Barnes for details.

Robin Barnes - 01460 74758

Thank you so much to everyone who has sent money as offerings and

those who have paid tithes online, this has made such a difference to the finance of the church at this time. God bless you.

Wells of Joy and living water

Some of you will have been aware that Cámica and I have been repainting a well, in the garden of the church in our village in Portugal. Like many village wells here, it is very deep - 8.30 metres (27ft 2inches) to reach the water at this time of year and 10.40 metres (34ft 1inch) to reach the bottom. It is about 100 years old and a friend of ours recently analysed the water at a lab where he works and first results are very good; it is very refreshing water to drink! This does not surprise Cámica because, as a girl, she sometimes would drink water from the well because many villages in Portugal had no mains supply back then.

But guess what… Last Sunday morning I literally had to draw water from this well as there was no mains supply in the village! And further more… I was preaching that morning on the passage when Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well (John ch.4). Coincidence…? No! For as I drew out the water I remembered the words in Isaiah 12:3 where he says, “Therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation”. These are lovely words because, while earthly water supplies may run dry, God’s wells of salvation have an abundant and eternal supply of grace, forgiveness, peace, love and so much more – and those wells never run dry! Then I thought of the water that Jesus talked about with the Samaritan woman. He told her that, if she asked, He would give her living water, and when we drink of that water we never thirst again - in fact it becomes in us a fountain of water springing into everlasting life.

It’s no wonder therefore that we draw water from the wells of salvation with joy! Through our fellowship with the Lord, and with each other, let´s keep

drawing and drinking this water. And make sure that the fountain of water, springing up in us, flows out to all people we meet! Do read Isaiah 12; it is a wonderful chapter – and very quick to read at just 6 verses.

Chris Hemborough

Kid’s page!! Prayer points

If you would like prayer or need help please call either...

Pastor Andrew Harris - 01935 864414 or 07964629179 Paula Harris - 07807446106 Mark & Sally Harris - 01460 74103 Robin & Margaret Barnes - 01460 74758 Phil & Sheila Wakeman - 01460 271294 Tim & Miriam Keen - 01460 76541

Hi to our children and young people!! Here are some ideas for the CREA’8 group to do at home each Sunday in August or during our lovely school holidays!! If you manage to do any of these activities please do take a photo and email it to me ( and I can put them on the website. We love to see all your creations and have missed not seeing as many lately. All of these activities will also be listed on the Youth page on the website too with some useful links to crafts.

God bless you all. Paula Harris

August 2nd Watch Youtube clip ‘Jesus turns water into wine’, by Saddleback kids. Activity: Make a changing water pot! Print the template from the website. Colour in the water pot and colour one half of the circle red and the other half blue. Cut out the window section of the pot, add a paper fastener to join the pot and the circle. Change the water into wine!! Check out the website for some other ideas.

August 9th

Watch the Youtube clip ‘Jesus feeds the 5000’ by Saddleback kids. Activity: Make a loaves & fishes basket. Print the template from the website. Colour the fishes and loaves, and colour the circle basket shape brown. Cut out the circle basket and cut along the dotted lines, and fold along the solid lines to construct the basket. You could add strips of brown paper in a weaving pattern to make the basket more authentic!! Look on the website for some more ideas.

August 16th Watch the Youtube clip ‘Jesus calms a storm’ by Pursue God kids Activity: Make a boat!! Using any bits from your recycling box. A plastic or foil tray works well, or a margarine tub. Add a straw / stick / tube for a mast and make a sail from paper, card or material. Add the words ‘Jesus can calm my storm’. Try it out in the bath or on some water!!

August 23rd

Watch Youtube clip ‘Jesus heals a man born blind’ by Saddleback kids. Activity: Make some glasses!! Print one of the templates from the website, colour & decorate with stickers or gems. Add the words ‘I was blind but now I see’. See the website for other ideas.

Watch the Youtube clip ‘Peter pays his taxes’ by Lifekids. Activity: Make a fish! Cut out a circle from card / paper or use a paper plate. Cut out a section for the mouth. Colour the fish or stick on coloured paper scales. Add a coin shape made from foil, or print the template.

August 30th

Please remember to pray for: Vince Matherick & family Tony Goverd Claire Goodland Martyn & Sharon Wills Our government

Oasis Coffee Shop

Open on Tuesdays and Thursdays From 10am-12noon.

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