news coverage prepared for: the european union delegation...

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News Coverage

prepared for: The European Union delegation

to Egypt


“This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The

contents of this document are the sole responsibility of authors of articles and under no

circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of IPSOS or the European Union.”


Thematic Headlines Domestic Scene Nour Party Denies Abandoning Abul-Fotouh Calls for Sabahi and Abul-Fotouh to Form National Commission Sunday Last Day for Challenges against Election Results MP Urges Morsi to Step Down for Sabahi Presidential Candidates Deny Supporting Morsi in Runoff Sabahi Campaign Prepares Report of Violations The Constituent Assembly Approved Preparations for the Run-off Round Resigned Officers Can Vote Egypt’s National Party Supports Ahmad Shafiq The Revolution Movements in Qalyoubiya Boycott the Runoffs The Revolution Front Supports Mursi Egypt’s National Party Supports Ahmad Shafiq Sabahy: I Will Not be Vice President


Newspapers (27/05/2012)

Page: 1 Author: not mentioned

Resigned Officers Can Vote

Official sources declared that retired military officers had the right to vote in the presidential elections and practice all the other political rights enjoyed by the other citizens.

The officials denied rumors about discarding retired military officers’ votes.

Similar news was reported in al-Shurouk, p. 3


Page: 1, 3-5, 7, 22, 24-26 Author: many authors

Preparations for the Run-off Round

Communication between the different political parties and players started as soon as preliminary results of the presidential elections were announced.

The run-off round is to be held between Ahmad Shafiq and the Muslim Brotherhood’s Muhammad Mursi.

A number of political powers have already announced their intention to back Mursi to resist what they called the counter-revolution and the reproduction of Mubarak’s regime.

The Muslim Brotherhood called on the different political players and the presidential candidates who lost in the elections.

Abd al-Munim Abu al-Futouh apologized for not being able to attend the meeting, stating that such meetings were not useful. Hamdeen Sabbahi did not attend either.

Other political players called on the Muslim Brotherhood to offer guarantees in order to back its candidate.

Judge Farouq Sultan, head of the High Presidential Elections Commission declared that the commission would consider contestations today before declaring the final results tomorrow.

Secretary General of the commission Hatim Bagato stated that Ahmad Shafiq had filed a contestation against a polling station in Shubra al-Khaima where the judge who headed the polling station refused to allow Shafiq’s deputy to enter in the center to perform his tasks.

Judge Zakaria Abd al-Aziz, former head of the Judge Club declared that the voting percentage was 45.6%.

In his first declarations after the elections, Amr Mussa said he was not invited to the meeting held by the Muslim Brotherhood’s Muhammad Mursi and the other political players


and presidential candidates. Mussa refused to comment on the elections results: “There will be a time when we will speak about everything.”

Candidate Ahmad Shafiq held a press conference yesterday. Shafiq asserted that he was ready to cooperate with all the parties for the welfare of Egypt. Shafiq said it was impossible to reproduce the former regime, adding that the presidential elections were held thanks to the Jan 25 revolution. Shafiq declared that he would hold talks with the different trends.

Al-Jamaah al-Islamiya is going to support Muhammad Mursi in the run-off round. Al-Jamaah called on Mursi to assign two vice presidents; namely Hamdeen Sabbashi and Abd al-Munim Abu al-Futouh.

In Alexandria, Dr. Tariq Fahim, secretary general of Salafist al-Nour party declared that the party would accept Ahmad Shafiq if he won by people’s will, criticizing the calls to lead demonstrations in case Shafiq won.

In a press conference, former American President Jimmy Carter declared that the presidential elections in Egypt were quite successful.

Meanwhile, a number of the political players called on Muhammad Mursi to withdraw, giving the chance to Hamdeen Sabbahi to run the runoffs against Shafiq. The suggestion was by Issam al-Sharif, the general coordinator of the Free Front for Peaceful Change. Kifaya movement, the 6 of April movement and the Democratic Front approved the suggestion.

MP Amr Hamzawi also called Mursi to withdraw to give Sabbahi a chance.

Similar news was reported in al-Shurouk, p. 1, 5


Page: 1, 22 Author: Abd al-Jawad Ali

The Constituent Assembly Approved

The Legislative Committee at the People’s Assembly approved yesterday a draft law that sets down the criteria according to which the Constituent Assembly will be formed.

According to the approved suggestion Mps will elect members of the Constituent Assembly who represent all the sectors of the Egyptian society. The suggestion also indicates drafting the constitution within a month.


Page: 1 Author: Mohmamed el-Sanhouri, Ahmed Youssef and Basma el-Mahdi

Sunday Last Day for Challenges against Election Results

Sunday will be the last final for receiving challenges against the results of the presidential elections, said a source at the High Presidential Elections Commission (HPEC).

Electoral publicity activities for the runoff phase will start on May 30 and end on June 15, the source said.


Page: 1 Author: Alaa Sarhan, Mohamed el-Samkari and Mohamed Hamdi

Sabahi Campaign Prepares Report of Violations

The electoral campaign of presidential candidate Hamdeen Sabahi is preparing a report of violations committed against the candidate during the elections and would submit a challenge with the High Presidential Elections Commission, said campaign member Mahmoud Qandil.

The campaign has collected evidence and photos of the violation to substantiate its legal status, Qandil said.

Dozens of campaign members were discontent with the results of the elections and staged a protest on Saturday outside the campaign’s branches in several governorates.


Page: 5 Author: Adel el-Dargly, Mohsen Samika, Alaa Sarhan and Ahmed Allam

Presidential Candidates Deny Supporting Morsi in Runoff

With the preliminary results of the first round of the presidential elections showing that candidates Mohamed Morsi and Ahmed Shafiq will reach the runoffs, the electoral campaigns of other candidates denied supporting Morsi.

The campaign of Abdel-Moneim Abul-Fotouh denied reports about its support of Morsi against Shafiq, who is tainted for serving the former president Hosni Mubarak.

Meanwhile, the campaign of number three, Hamdeen Sabahi, also denied the reports about his support of Morsi as baseless.

It also denied that Morsi had invited Sabahi and Abul-Fotouh to form a presidential team.

Meanwhile, Amr Moussa’s campaign also refuted claims that Moussa was going to vote to Morsi, saying that Moussa will deliver an address to the people after the announcement of the final and official results of the polls.


Page: 5 Author: Hamdi Dabsh

Nour Party Denies Abandoning Abul-Fotouh

Salafist Al-Nour Party spokesman Yousri Hamad denied reports that the party, which had announced its support for presidential candidate Abdel-Moneim Abul-Fotouh during the elections, has abandoned him and thus letting him land in the fourth place in terms of votes he garnered.

Al-Nour Party members have been doing their best to support Abul-Fotouh and it was unreasonable to announce support for one candidate and vote for another, Hamad said.

Al-Nour members have voted for Abul-Fotouh in the elections, he said, adding he has no idea how presidential candidate Hamdeen Sabahi managed to get all those votes from Alexandria, the stronghold of Salafists.

Al-Nour has organized about 17 rallies in support for Abul-Fotouh, he noted.


Page: 5 Author: Hilmi Badr

Egypt’s National Party Supports Ahmad Shafiq

Egypt’s National Party hailed the presidential elections as democratic.

The party will support Ahmad Shafiq in the runoffs.

Head of the party Dr. Iffat al-Sadat declared that the party formed operation rooms in all the Egyptian cities to support Ahmad Shasfiq in the run-off round.


Page: 1. Author: Amr Badr.

Sabahy: I Will Not be Vice President

Hamdeen Sabahy held a meeting at his house yesterday with a number of politicians and intellectuals in his campaign. They all discussed Sabahy’s next move following the preliminary results of elections in which he came in third.

The meeting resulted in Sabahy’s decision to refuse to be a part of a presidential council

headed by the Muslim Brotherhood’s presidential candidate Dr. Mohamed Morsi. He also refused to run as vice president to Morsi during the runoff. The majority of Sabahy’s supporters completely refused any sort of alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Sabahy filed an appeal with the Presidential Elections Commission to halt the

announcement of elections results and re-count ballot papers in Al-Menoufia, Sohag, Al-Menia, Assiut and Al-Sharqiya governorates.


Page: 2. Authors: Hoda Abu Bakr and Hossam Khater.

Political Isolation Law Could Exclude Shafik from Presidential Race

Political Isolation Law is the last resort to exclude presidential candidate Ahmed Shafik,

former prime minister, and allow Hamdeen Sabahy to face Mohamed Morsi in the runoff scheduled on July 16-17.

Essam Al-Islamboli, lawyer, and Nasser Amin, lawyer and human rights activist, will

both file an appeal to the Presidential Elections Commission to demand suspending the procedures of the runoff until the Supreme Constitutional Court issues its decision on the constitutionality of the Political Isolation Law.

“It is not possible that a new president assumes power while he is threatened by a

possible exclusion decision from the Supreme Constitutional Court. We must protect the revolution from the old regime remnants,” Al-Islamboli told Al-Tahrir newspaper.


Page: 6 Author: Ibrahim Jawdah

The Revolution Movements in Qalyoubiya Boycott the Runoffs

The Revolution movements in Qalyoubiya will boycott the runoffs of the presidential elections.

Meanwhile Qalyoubiya Islamists declared supporting the Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate Muhammad Mursi.

The Muslim Brotherhood and it political wing the Freedom and Justice Party intensified the campaigning efforts in the city to gain votes.


Page: 7 Author: Muhammad Antar

The Revolution Front Supports Mursi

The Revolution Front for Protecting the Egyptian Revolution issued a statement in which it declared supporting Muhammad Mursi in the run-off round.

The front justified the decision by a will to resist Shafiq who is part of the former regime.


Page: 5 Author: Not mentioned

Calls for Sabahi and Abul-Fotouh to Form National Commission

Political activist Mamdouh Hamze urged presidential candidates Hamdeen Sabahi and Abdel-Moneim Abul-Fotouh to set up a national front to support Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohamed Morsi against former regime candidate Ahmed Shafiq in the runoffs.

According to initial results of the first round of the presidential candidates, Morsi and Shafiq are to face each in the runoff.


Page: 5 Author: Ahmed Daoud

MP Urges Morsi to Step Down for Sabahi

Independent MP Amr Hamzawi called on the Muslim Brotherhood presidential

candidate Mohamed Morsi, who reached the runoff phase, to step down from the presidential

race for number three Hamdeen Sabahi.

If Morsi pulls out, Sabahi will meet presidential candidate and former Prime Minister

Ahmed Shafiq in the runoff, Hamzawi said.


TV Coverage (24/5/2012)

Program: Al-Hayat Al-Yoom Channel: Al-Hayat

Host: Lobna Assal

Presidential Elections Commission declared the following:

Journalists and media channels have the right to be present during the vote count.

The number of voters varies from one polling station to another due to the difference in population.

We don’t have an accurate percentage of voters’ turnout.

Voting will be extended to 9:00 PM.

Program: Baladna Bel-Masry Channel: ON TV Host: Reem Maged USA praises the presidential elections in Egypt.

Program: Akhbar Masr Channel 1”State TV”

The vote count is conducted inside the subsidiary stations with the presence of the candidates’ representatives.

The voters’ turnout comprised 50%.

Samy Anan passes by some polling stations to monitor the flow of the voting process.

PM Kamal Al-Ganzory passes by some polling stations to monitor the flow of the voting process.


TV Coverage (26/5/2012)

Program: Al-Hayat Al-Yoom Channel: Al-Hayat Host: Lobna Assal

Presidential Elections Commission declared that it would receive all the governorates results.

Similar news was reported in Program: 24 Hours News, Channel 1”State TV”

Political powers met with Muslim Brotherhood Group to prepare for the runoffs.

Similar news was reported in Program: 24 Hours News, Channel 1”State TV”

Program: Masr Tantakheb Al-Raees Channel: CBC Host: Emad Adeeb

Dr. Hassan Nafaa, political science lecturer said that he told presidential candidate Mohamed Morsi to withdraw from the elections for Hamdeen Sabahy but he refused.

Presidential candidate Hamdeen Sabahy said he wouldn’t accept the Vice President position.

The Wafd Party refuses supporting Ahmed Shafik in the reruns.

Presidential candidate Ahmed Shafik said he would not exclude or fight with any of his rivals if he became president. On the contrary, he asserted that he would welcome any cooperation from them to build the new Egypt.

Similar news was reported in News, Channel 2”State TV”, Time: 26:00:00

Presidential candidate Mohamed Morsi calls the presidential candidates who represent the revolution to take part in the government and the presidency.

Morsi said he would resign from the Freedom and Justice Party if he became president and his relation with Muslim Brotherhood Group would be like his relation with all the Egyptians.


Program: Sabah Al-Kheir Ya Masr Channel 1”State TV”

Preliminary vote count results show that presidential candidates Morsi, Shafik, and Sabahy are the candidates with the largest number of votes.

Head of the Presidential Elections Commission said contestations could be submitted 24 hours after the declaration of the final results.

Program: 24 Hours News Channel 1”State TV”

Presidential candidate Hamdeen Sabahy declares that he is going to submit a contestation against the presidential elections.

Program: Yesed Sabahak Channel 2”State TV” Host: Dina Farouk and Hany Tawfeek

Presidential candidate Ahmed Shafik submitted a contestation as one of his representatives was prevented from following up with the vote count process in a substation in Shubra.

Similar news was reported in: Program: Akhbar Masr, Channel 1”State TV”

Program: 24 Hours News, Channel 1”State TV”

Voters’ turnout exceeded 51%. Vote count in 90% of the polling stations showed that presidential candidate Mohamed

Morsi got 5 million and 400 thousand votes. Presidential candidate Ahmed Shafik got 5 million and 300 thousand votes. Presidential candidate Hamdeen Sabahy got 4 million, 600 thousand votes. News Channel 2”State TV” Time: 26:00:00

The Presidential Elections Commission will review today the contestations filed against the presidential candidates Morsi, Shafik and Abu Al-Fotouh.

The Freedom and Justice Party fails in reaching a deal with the political parties. The Legislative Committee at the People’s Assembly approved a draft resolution for The

Constituent Assembly.


Radio Coverage (26/5/2012)

News Channel: Radio Masr Time: 25:00:00

Presidential Elections Commission denies having issued a statement declaring Candidate Hamdeen Sabahy in the runoffs.

Presidential Elections Commission declared a voters’ turnout percentage of 51%.

Presidential candidate Hamdeen Sabahy will file a contestation against the elections results.

Similar news was reported in Channel: Al-Shark Al-Awsat, Time: 25:00:00

News Channel: Al-Shark Al-Awsat Time: 25:00:00

Presidential candidate Hamdeen Sabahy asserted that he would not take part in any negotiations with the presidential candidates who would be in the runoffs.


Internet Coverage (27/5/2012)

Facebook We Are All Khaled Saeed:

Hamdeen Sababhi during a press conference yesterday:

Those who voted for me are my partners not followers. I do not have followers.

I promise I will be with you until the victory in the runoff.

I will not enter the presidential palace without the mother of Khaled Saeed and the mothers of the revolution’s martyrs in my hands.

Twitter @AsmaaMahfouz Our country bleeds and the pain would not stop. Did Ahmed Shafik actually say the revolution was hijacked from the youth and he

vowed to give them a role in politics? We want to know what does he mean exactly by “youth”? Perhaps he believes Tantawi is still young!

I don’t see Shafik as a big problem for us; he is merely carrying out orders of SCAF. The country has fallen in the hands of the pro-Israel military junta a long time ago and we must do something about it. Down down with military rule!

SCAF will not hand over power and will not be tried for their crimes unless we continued and planned our revolution. There is no other way around it.

@Ghonim God damn you, Assad! stopAssad ‏ ‎ #HoulaMassacre

“True that! RT @Esraa_ED: "The revolution is not about putting a different kind of person in power but a different kind of power in people"

Statistics of the results of the first round of presidential elections revealed that Egypt’s new president was only chosen by 25% of the people. Stay optimistic!

@Arabist “Last night i met a taxi driver who voted for Shafiq in the 1st round but will vote Morsi

in the 2nd. Lesson: voters not nec. Ideological / committed, this is wrong way to interpret result.”


“New on Arabist: It's time for politicking “

“An Arab Citizen: One Way The Morsi-Shafiq Runoff Could Be Good For Egypt?:”


“Just wrote an article "Ten Lessons from #Egypt's Elections". Looking for a good platform. HuffPo? Global Voices? Neither?”

“While we were busy with our #Egypt elections marathon, #Assadcommited another gruesome massacre. #Syria”

“I don't know what to say, I don't know what to feel. My heart feels like a black hole. #Syria”

@Gsquare86 “Zakaria Azmey got only 7 yrs in prison meaning when he will be out revolution will

still be going..These people must be killed not sentenced”

“.‎@ElMoshir‏ ‎@ElGalamf‏ ‎‏ ‎ Graffiti ‏ Mohamed Mahmoud st ‎ EgyElections ‏”

“I boycotted the first round & I don't believe if voted it would have made a difference, Shafiq succeeded no matter what cuz SCAF wants that”

“However, will it be the same case the second round? Yes SCAF still wants Shafiq to win, but will we let them get away with it? #Egypt”


Publication overview

Al-Ahram: Egyptian state-run official daily newspaper

Founded in 1875, is the most widely circulating Egyptian daily newspaper, and the second oldest after al-Waqa'i`al-Masriya (English: The Egyptian Events, founded 1828). It is majority owned by the Egyptian government.

Al-Akhbar: Egyptian state-owned semi-official daily newspaper

It was founded in May 1952 as a part of Akhbar El Yom.

Al-Gomhoria: Egyptian state-owned daily newspaper

An influential state-owned Egyptian Arabic language daily newspaper. It was established in 1954.

Al-Shorouk: Egyptian daily independent newspaper

Are a prominent Arabic newspaper published in Egypt [1] and several other Arabic nations It is a daily independent newspaper, covering mainly politics, militant affairs and sport.

Al-Masry al-Yom: Independent daily newspaper

On 7 June 2004, it published its first edition. The paper initially circulated primarily amongst Cairo’s intellectual elite, providing objective news coverage in the belief that good news would beat sensationalist reporting found in other Egyptian print media. After 3 years, it was challenging Al-Ahram for the status of being the national paper of record. Though

Tahrir: Daily independent newspaper

Dostor: Daily independent newspaper

Yom 7: Daily independent newspaper


Table of Content: Newspapers ………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………3-17

Al Ahram Newspaper Resigned Officers Can Vote……………………………………………………………………………………………………..3 Preparations for the Run-off Round……………………………………………………………………….…………………..4-5 The Constituent Assembly Approved…………………………………………………………………..……………………….6

Al masry al youm Newspaper Sunday Last Day for Challenges against Election Results……………………………………………………………………..7 Sabahi Campaign Prepares Report of Violations……………………………………………………………………………….8 Presidential Candidates Deny Supporting Morsi in Runoff ………………………………………...………………………..9 Nour Party Denies Abandoning Abul-Fotouh……………………………………………………..………………………….10

AL Gomhoria newspaper Egypt’s National Party Supports Ahmad Shafiq……………………………….……………………………………………..11

Al Tahrir Newspaper… Sabahy: I Will Not be Vice President………………………………………………………………………………………….12

Al Sherouk Newspaper.. The Revolution Movements in Qalyoubiya Boycott the Runoffs………………………………………………………….13 The Revolution Front Supports Mursi………………………………………………………………………………………..14

Al youm al 7 newspaper Al Akhbar Newspaper Calls for Sabahi and Abul-Fotouh to Form National Commission ……………………………………………………..15 MP Urges Morsi to Step Down for Sabahi……………………………………………………………………..……………16

TV Coverage…………………………………………………………..………...……...……...….………..…17-20 Al-Hayat…………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………..17 CBC ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………27 Channel 1………………………………………………………………………………….…………….….………….….…27-28 Channel 2……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………28

Radio Coverage…………………………………………………………………..………..……….…………….…..………..22 Radio Masr …………………………………………….……………………………………………………………………….22 Al-Shark Al-Awsat ………………………………………………………………………………………...…………………….22

Internet coverage……………………………………………………………………….……......……….…....……..…… 23 Facebook……………………………………………………………….…………………………………...…….……………..23 Twitter…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………23

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