new-york ttubÜne. new-york daily tribÜÜne. bygreelbyk mcelrath. of...

Post on 14-Jul-2020






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vol.. in. vi i o. IUt*M vi» K, »iiiitntv ¦.BRflNCi, m i ' um-¦ n. i»t». ^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Rl > Rl M.iKMN,Al 1 lie Trlhiine I!nil.linn», rornrr »if «apruie Vi»>-.iu atrrrt«, .(.i>ci»iw> the City Hull:

li.i .|..,»e.-ed ts CltySulnji-rihet. ..¦ ..,

-, »» bca lbsy prsfi ., ,. xdvaa.

copies Two Cauri Mall »nh« - . -

p«r am.urn in adt we* and th» rape:nnaeat bev¡,,i4 the time fur wbiet,lion« tnk*n .or ill nient hirequired in »II exehangr» with t nunti

ed at Out offke wlittse nai I'.an ihon« of Tux Txibumk. are not allowed¦-. ifleic :.f »

1. a ». . r « IBTtaUUte 1 lue». .. . ,.


iiiir Ten l.lnr* PtratItaartlutBach aubaatg » >y be ievery dnj.or onee taa w»-k. nt tlieoption ,.i o « advartiaar. >I nal.le III» ri ll-i'int .. .

ach «abcecvjcaltUaaiaa Bsi

. paper appeartied.

TIIK »r.MI.UI IÍIU.1 IK 11ST M.'. .....

Prioe &i per annum pissfarBe»M.tV-VOKK IVIKM.V TMIIS! F


»r BBaeaa, la advaass It copies for S-


PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE.Krim.I of llic ti'iii'liiii ni tin- Trt-ncury.

[ iba » »lib th-i table | ye,vrda) showing the« aridfis.-«.! >eat -i -I. a'i.-r wbit h It pro-Ce»..'.* HI f'illo-vi

it win >.. paras rti d thai N the -*-r í» ai at aura untilim- 1st (.1 July teal providedby Cm


t i-

* i s be«i afait " i i r tin-tul...:.»'. Tre»«i,r>.ii ybersaftortors-taic IB Mm Trstcsrj to «sect the waatim» ni ana al

,t,i to the mint aad >

tog ? " "i A Mli v this to the, d< Bell la Ibe Treacaryon toe 1st oi .lit/ teal it m»k»i the ana of fitB«*, tuti .. | adttst aaatoonsedtadatMmatad «r,

place prioi to thai -r th .i no eddi't'.ria! revenue was derived


gr"M Would adopt».nuu;,t of $1.".'., (XJ ¡,,

i'lrtt !:,'ii Irnl.rriie-

arinuin BBf II BB Iba i-itrfiiloB Of t

privilege to evi «elllar ta our aa*ai~*yadlai whesevsr the Isdtaatttic rssy b,- extti

». ensam. 8hostd these meaBsreeI.y oiigrest, the loan inlgh'. !.. r,.!u<- ,1 toSBBBI BOB eat«-..»din», «t »h.t tr.osi .$;'/ m ¦o.i'O.'» In.»: -i

»I« - ajlowai cc i* iija.le |,,r tmeasures Inr additional riiv.-oun could Dot u

i Meet aa at to prodaaa tha aaiiiterv.'' batwaaa tot ptaasat . a lit ofJuly nett Altai thai data It la Bot dtrubtod thai th. yWou d produce the full taBOSBt olTn» Prstldest of the i;..'.til Ríate« », bowevor, dl-reclnd contribution» to bo levied in Mform that may be M ..¦. ti Dat',,rn

Í ti.«.' contribution» cmtist, tirst. In durum».taMasattd atpesdllBrca, by obtaialag. aa far atble. supplies lor th» army lu Ml I f Batte*up n Import» ». a military cntt iiui'o.. "

¦ i,

reeajsg the srassrs. asd *ppro|tbe war a.if lh<- tinny >.) all the letamt] rev.-nu.-s ofMl in- K-ot tranitt dut,.'., wbl il r taBBBB d by thi(. awral Q itataraiwl ul M'im- Dt,city or town tn. r.-ol By the acts oi .- iptetn i-i it, I'.-''atiif the I'Jlh of May, 1-"' il il the duty nt Ibis I». pert¬inent to r. port to Coasftei aadtnttotol the pismounl tint ain .Met that so lanerlosa may be aakeglthan wouldii Uagtbcatn.eatlinated. 1 bt BSMI to t,.> rial S*d lr..m th- »¦¦ acoi.trinutlon» will d' , «

li ..ur Blattet an wlthdratra Irom tr. -, tal undport» ¦' '¦' 'ing would bt t,,-< itroir

contribution» It th'-y wnrn withdrawn fit ,¦ ret» til »h!h tr»ntitImporta tote th. lot tha rbb and populous

r the aoaativery »mall rsvsase » .Ill nulla» shown b> paal ej i.,,t exceeding|

t-y ¡-ur hires« b* toa r.-»t». «s t i :. ». t tha *f ryipg .>!

Imp ti« lato lb al rto tosaIhooa I . i peiii-dlato tha Int. loi tbroagh thi It] M ¡ -.tid thenili'in.' r. ..on m. the i tile of -. li ¦.

Utbinus ri-lil.-rrl MCStS it 1« By COB«ro», nu» from aii lbnot i I». I. ss. so lar as thi'»i« r iii-eriii-d. th»,. hat hi-r.-t ¡ I,y theflintiaateat nl Meaieo. I hace i to obtaintsy isilabla alatniacnl ol '.he amount dultoila v..'»..-,. apoa eaportc.»ever It were f»ieetad apoa all Iba rspocra of «pecta from N¦a probably not amount tn less ll.i.ii »1'."'«in urn

It i» not kr.',»»!! bowever, that ao iari¡, -

laa i ti m f. « '"y »k« » u«t,-.ri

h m tarai "

It I. i xir.-nifly difltooH to ...tlniat.' the BrBOOSt ol dttfa s

i »ourw; Iou.i.t sot ta fall below |M)0000 per at.

eolpll 'r,im duty oi, Im; rtl ..lim,-¦i..m «lx to i» iof

»uJ ihliik it i'u.-Ii' lot t o'. .« .», anda,,,4 the roc '. «east

inr .'til ni* »n I Imparti1 inn.-»re m«!.v r. a«,,ii» t»'i> it SBgbtl

| til dalb « BIS tiemi,,) «,, as to ;-,.'.¦ M v ,...' rra :

.whentb» ¿, wi r.-»,lrmit*. :.¦ it.. i. rally I

mporauloa olwbl. h wa» prohlbltod .. i | n ni am s| » i. ¡i »iro

»ug»r. rio.-.nil kli I- m »I kin.?« il ..r eutWntarrsrl t..»p ail » '« ..,,-,,.-. ..... lard»in. »«». » I ,n',.-r ,o

| ,, »l .. a .¦¦.-. r BB«Itotot potk. IrscbgCntt ,u II ink't» or I . »bnea an

,! .-ruin it »li kind«. Th*| Mb-«, ihn ti

activa ¡uto the iscsaaa dttiec, and th» abolition of the.sty tieiitit «bar« ¦. must ol e »rat

In return for our goo '» InNo uailoti. In proportion to it» »i- illli. ..'

> larport more thaa ' r great »topic.|...ii... « »ought by allur ti » rtad ISccc

i i, 1.1 our «».-, I tan th. ¦ ta) irlUi a baloto m»«».i to h ti'.'«i rti'.

-.i. Itimtar. 11 »¦ b « ¦.

ateat (.retent iiiiu.. .

roi-'j aa .

Ianntbnr. w.,¡ le» »n nfdition t tbaamOBBl »x»

«M«\iraii»l iverameat Oa the wh,i», ,-aii!, it be¬et- that uii.!,'i th.« olicunntan.-.-* mil Coaditioa oltofcabov*B*ia«ctcd aataamaatfavorabl

¦«. ports * It alltpOBM th., mad», an.) luteil r lu «ses-

.>l lhan il was ur.d.-r nl olaapcaisl v under th,. gaaraaty a

Bint It any t.-itiJt-f m

r by Mexico. 1 seinternal rev.-m. led by 1nment,Ks wt-lln« d« psitnieiito. wa»»b»iutí1 ou oot to»ll.,viv 1 ,,t»,vt r that ai.y toythi» r«-v. i ,-,.'l.«i-le,l iii..t. «.«lera,an h»ve ao lUBtolt nt data upon which to 'uai- ai.) r. lie-

atam »« i,' Ihatt » 'ur,. a. ! ran aaacii.-uniBano»» it i Itapaaalbta 11 Baam hj ¡ reatia sumk tk»t which probably w BtdbsBc» i d nlliiary(uiitiiuuiim* m M»\i:,i The mot » t

.«. i»iou nl tb»ciuntry by I l«'gorvouldbe tin-n-v.-uun lhu* much I bata thoag

» »nd with.; '.

prect»« sum it i» my cont I,-l|,u that th.« re». BBSt th«tin»y be den\,d tnm these vari, hi BOBIsee la Nw i. 1 be very « r,«li. r.bV. _d ntlt'g from limnlo lime

In v»w. b «wnver, ol the uncortalnty ! the urn uint olthe contributions «g praaest aad toe ,'..-»v ,.t ctrryisgIboro fu'.ly ¡nl., ,s .., ,. ,,, ..,_BBeettag the tevrt.i

issjasaaateaatoa I thaicd by Congre«« I m

. -

terms. lb* actel Snih Jaouaitbew.' .

loan am.-'utillcg to/ $aidtlhtaal ravi u .1 ..> Coagraai m

1 .- A» it 11 be ,. ved h w

evor. that a c sBttEMlmatlb»« .nor« no fartl

0000 lambed alibis period at

that Ihi« rum Ball that a

ly. until the B* .' BBlBMabNlino»«' « thai a farther total rti

» 00.000 n.ay len rroulretl bi»»e. Ih-re »ill !»' a-iu- I tin..' It

cccamuniont- the lai trarsattoa iCsaglBta sud a»k s farthar provjioL 1 »r thai amosatTb* ttocretary then r.-cnmmenJ« a du

m to t» Impost,1 on t»» and M Bat, anddwells on the necessity ,d keeping d urn Ihn Pu'to the !ow.s; poe«; :.. « .m hy thaenuo that can bv ra!»«'d la tho cnintry

Oatttol i ;i and the extooiion. d the prtCcnpt n c.nimi Mr Wslkor bnlJi lb- »

lag languageTne reeooimeodtlinn» In n n r«l as w. II t- ee»-nnd

Ar.pusl l*MB*a ai fe rediirli ,u nt the yri-r o' 1lie Leads In f«»,r,,t setters and culll»»l..rswith th-r. a» i»ai BBarosi r.«t- :. the pre¬emption law«, are again r»«, tente.! to thecensldcrat.oii t <'.>ugreex .«¡alee ai thn redud«d price.It la thought, lauuld be coodiaed to «ciller* totl cultiva

J"r». in limited gaaoMllil fJBsMaal f r firm! an J plan's

| e-1 r i, «7 be eg.slalnf «at el


whlrh the

'..I'sriji-r »-

M they Wt ü ! It WOOld

fsrrai an11(31:1.! tr.. B

. ive I


crlrninali *.n-d ti Ifnepaaaer the A ri who

la¦¡r lr«.

now adopt Ibe «ar¬ia

» aod Ibe IndianI year or that a

loW'i and \Vt»r ir.iln. w- ¦ «

State«. V"...,. ¡a aod flue« le IbtWeal a-1 itatog Wlseoaala aad low« l- ¦¦


'Until« VV. M i

lr K«ilru«.j» Ong nurn ai well m eoaetw

I rada M 1for al lio.»; |w. i.ty y,-ar«

» ..-.: gal » lo tn»

aFi-oMeilve Tarts' It I« now p-roved thel »

r-urinr- MM H M t

.o ad . -. -.

¦t th-m-.ii-tii-ntitiün t,f th>

U -.. t».Tbemloeral loada w« r«« transferred by Congre«« lo

eh 1-47After obtalclcg all Ulaw Waif'r. (,'. X .i-,.

\and oí I>r. 1) 1) O*, i,

«i-i lud.'I i*H 1 I.p*>'l/l'-t.t al H.'-

.«. ate '.> ll ¦»'¦ acta, was

«y. With wir::, v. ,« >.

a i. J t. -t- r-, .,i M »higas »a »am,

» like loatia -t; t.« wfetck war« girt a try me laMeet um. a» w»-!l n to

Mr Ml N»ir Ike H*, ut an 1

»ratina«!»' \>*: leOne It willir.itrnc-ioiii glreabyIkU D '.leur«.


»l drncriptioa ol thii »..

»f'-thi-r w;;i, ittu,m, ai : > kttoaeaa Ibe rilp and Mien

M tntirniit. It r ,r.nert..«l with tl

rom Ike n port» a:r,- idy l>r». Jat-kion ai..l Otvatt, tini Dcpariui. n» le ¦ weO

n«i'jr«-1 that botk th.ian tr.. n will fully f'i»'fil«-b rej mall.-ri !.. r \» r:lou«

«a well aa foi all ..i tneot«which ludaced tt.ianentt apoa tbem Itwai ty to dUect »H


withh vj.-w to tbetr frar.if.-r to lr ,l- laor JOas**pfe II- nry. UMBaeratai. rdli . .ntribaled ».

11 -.. r u,,,,ii toi» h >

rouiitry. m. 1 attracted Ike adrnlratlon aod applaoae olraalu la

,-v-ry portion of the (<-. .«lth.aud nuHclally II

eben Ibe minea i I i" llvl '»»islu I -.h-unit" l'i- ir eh. «\ r »\; ivi.vnrr with

« »-r.-at regl a, oecapyioa a

position li'-e'iy rentr .1 r,rt«.IN -lit portl ,!l o ir

M.ich time m

» . el we» tken tranaferred by i ike rapa rer iln .1 s i-w

Th.- Baal an i to Umlí'iiiDty Lan!«. Mr.Walkertnyi:

It y thn «.-t ol Iba I v It ¦"¦ "

land was iim¡.' ...i» for Ikebrava i iM anil

: r of their ,'¦ i t- \t.. ihol trat,warrant or i-erlltostM hat iaaued. Indli'eting. a» It II be

» Ike i.:.t lot...

it are I i

it I. 'ht' » ht ri g] . i

.-,-ht exl.-rit |..i ; f..tur-, y .r

»trl.tinull ihr patent M

l»»ui'd II mil il 'i,Hii.1 p -i IM »t u1


i a» t«r si prM :r rlstbta it v. . .

¦ut. ait. r h

1 in tlil« .ij.trIt Ike » ildlei andm*.-ht i.


or pure-«

in peymant ol si,y Uil d««ri» t

rat» i»I---T tll.M !o m.' -, there I» a-;



- w»r-

rantaori uot rtm.tthey

ihn Mai ... by i»w.a and a

»I policy adoi

ftoeb Kv- r ''»nul »

,.t» »t t li u».,,! tu aimai»ui-h m Ike ej » for lth .».. i.-. r loaai


gTaea aba aVi-arelary reporta hlrri niuf»-v,.r i-l t-Mili MbMg p.-rti ol rntry In

1 -, .I ¦

idtnf the rila


Ine on the I»tI irnuunl ol debt da M»r> h

¦¦.'¦ill: Mar,-n. 18 I.'. feil It)

lory Htm Mi i

i»l ..! Jsi us: y :»»t. I . ai-iourm«'.'.- « «

i itiere was renalm« Ut, Ji and iiilict-iistr«

sum o! < ilurln,.'the ivim .¦

dMbam York.- .

v .:


u tkeTrrssun-r I that cl.y. «nd tramt.-rred tr.,m or .iby Iba! .'..-.-r be r-i-r ;>.» sod diltursem-: :«1...V, innii'i t in »p.- ... i.,| elevenhive »moiir.i-

a d i! »r lia»iojdrylbflictcd tfO»t0S branch

Tae ' y ha« been -....


transfer«, uc» Le.gant ... LI

.minent tu

fe system, sailt « v

Ibe powert>¦

lacarlnioal« «uggestiM In my last

mint at M «lOOHn».i

feg I rear5

undtr torin.r »., i-.. m. ¡n,,.- nt i the bsutka!" O*1 »per Im

lar«, î-u-han ipimer. acccm;* .

by a g-extent heret. .

greatly i r .r"."« I ...

woul I have pr .¦!¦..-'1 a r, r,i ». 'l herethat ha»; .¦ try, A geaerai» if the bank« w

depressing the w«gt>« of MaMl «cd price« of property «ndproduct«. aiocUng lujorlouily .o upv-atua« and credit

[ "T*n f prodoelor I



thii I' the ad

. .-

tiIra hw»

¦see. sad


,:ry roust ha»i-rnio .

. i . rs have be*

the last w»r. when f t wita. at all



mat Hsw

an» bit tuadj a mag..-.» ihape of l

-* th«i gr:un i.

, »

¡a fewrrmarki l tí a I '--I -:¦ .. y.

I IVa k»r

expect» t ur;ty ganorally


* ...

and pr «¡y-rity "I.


.- > - .¦

-I year "I the newS4. I f. kowever, I

baofe «s.. .. ¦; 11: I -'n-

dure« all nÎ ly re*nth« ut ihli Ai


.iperity li anlet]

le e at, r Inui-rl-i-.l fur» »t,.-ri ,-r >»:;»-r¡*y woald

an »uirn., VI nue 11 H, it wm ihown lh»t

du Irr, Dur po]


t,'r,-i! n ihi-sctus! r-iult« .


. ,,| th-lei ¦. or tl

l It es ll

loi I '.-ange o; pri»duris oltil,, BOB .... '

¡its i iiofjuUi: «h nt$.100 0Ô0 HOD.

Aith i baafastaamas»

azebaiva | td


taaatlvaU" -1». mie

Of nur >

Veré Ulli

port» ai. i export» up to .; ,

ral« .» i, » « us



<por an.

nuin ,:a as ad

low dattes . rti

»r- l!s

tw, :. ». -.

K|t-r'to i», Yet Ibrtw. »,


adai ,.i »

. » th«n two million«,and . - »

i teemA I

It la to)-I obita-. taratt uatlftB »cd

pos dlvanity, which try and

kl free tridowith all lb« a





al trato lu Imp. rt» »ad by thoaaaad« ot ra»r|

lo my ia.t Annual Kep.rtanJ tóat which preceded. Ilwas pr s | » ,« ¦

.»¦led mark- 1»

our nw '*. irnt. and In 1

«appil--J Ma <.


yesr op I Ihs»eaaaana BaaeyaaaaBBbBj

ted In th»lr workiI

add IHeffi m

I duty.¦i :

I »li »i- a I al '..

I ir much

: - i

..reman can an I doe« per-t.y than was:

'^ andre can pay m re i.r a day ¦

e «i.e

'.ar-r- i» kM «- as Buroa air

wa<ei pa'd 1 IMi «

a pi ¦

hii hon«»» aat'i » .*

.'¦. wh . » :jr»«e«r«Os-etal»»«ee.»time than Ihr MBOBM wr.óee wage« ar» p»:J fcyThe »kill, roergy sod i-duitry. th- uttereat «od wrlae

in iucvsjm, the vigilance and p-neevaraacc laat mm be


I I. .


«.. I

are tar


. tie I»a.- «

. I .

an i the Bablli

> -to»te witb us when labor bai partie

1 rivedi

. i hen tu th»

slst'ri :. ...

.-« nave be-n r-

n w |h«more wort


.urh pursuits ür» re w rrttmea¦ lor wirk in '.!

ti- »...« «hit bavo pr


.»ne;«. . ihrsya,! the lowest value ». muir. r. »nd Ier duty «.a»-«« d upon th,' .. value

- toM and

price « i .

Ihr wi.». with whi.«e

»tempt ¡run th., tax

¦try articles, and »I 100 or 300 per cent, upon cheaper fsbrlcs.

si '».¦¦« woald have exitbi'.ed th.- In..

i which ms hlgt

¦¦' duty upon » ni ir-

y ai tbou^h th«

,,r finirt-, ni l.i« wane« .-very day. Wlp«rat II i:.

» - «h by th» «ubitiution ol th.1 .¡J s» '..efr,

syit.-m. la of il tbar silar »s any i «r.r, can si o^»r»t... tad, a» we «

with I ¿a lar..r r. I

import« or pruptfty mull alway» beraore | ....

t . »eh upon a

i (trodstt i.-ti r-¦ nd taio-

W ureal)

lng it a the a« aa r»t..x ,¦ M

- proportion to valí

I to all dwelllnüi and it -.- mid yield a ¡a' par rovI


mart ui j m ,>r un. q« ««

. ¦ .-.d like«

* ih in»».

»¦.i pr«t p, r

-«. that ,.i .Vwi. aaeb

¦ illy irreipec- .In« aatl-Prote

xp ri», »ni"

:.. . tanttf wepoi Mea -,

H . betu

prici", and w« shnuihave alar1 tr favor and bbbbIí


mere.- In Ma

logos)|f> went Into ....

now look «I thegain ,.. . ie period«

«t 1 t-e. -,.. » simy gb«ek na toe »i i

rf, l-vi'

I kl gala of |

whil» . year«

I ind averti l

ii,rapar ¡n.'th.' t«-n y-«ri-.»:. s

tit* Tsritli»n an

. -

the re» so i a «-»In Jj*Ing t-n >e«r» .



... low a

I u. -.-.:

, i :¦. r-»u u si,,

ítlssh.wu by the "\f » neataiy «ven «-

; hy tn*> gain« ol .tale un.Vr a tkorol ¦. nt.


It-xporU »r,-


i --.-

t.-« tl. I r at».

e i --e^t- o ,r ¡- | ¿ tn.¦ »

¦¦*» itx-» ' »t the rfe*

...-' : .- tríese ex

porn «-ti'. .*r¡ IB 1" t '

'71-41 « an agt

under !j»«i i


903 (Dá per »


Having tau» «hovn kotb »J ti «Mete and domaatic»ut In y-a« » ,, ruparesj

with I aty «ndity tic re .. to our tonnage, turelgn a-

t..'.- .,-._.. I .».. . -.-. p-r

_, àr.0umSTt-lflOlaar Slat per annum ai

¦j per cut ta a «ia**** year, .»ucb has 1

I_num blah ram ot Increase o

*rp ..-'.' » i ¦'« N v .-. « b in i ar-.-'srA tear toSBSg. Increased 10-100 , :

,.'.- ,n ".- triM perill.-:'¡¡ :. ..; .,. « -i ..-.-¦ -... «i percato

'.f ranee «a>d Bt|laaa.

¦ was«.:'" : '.' * ;' ";'" *

Franc» »n navio

..,....« -: .' ii t il

L »inwest. Ib» .-rest It-"»»- im »I all BBBBBlunler l-.w dettoa and deprsmed ur.o»r h'sh duo-«.during the tvhoto parted of .- re

. Ü U triad» Iwtrevcr tost tiiaot(h oar forets» com-

ataree ... i \-t ¦-, ne market h«i

:.-.- i«

.1 eaaat ai »

loen« ...

. ....

ao i -. Malee

Í. per an

¡ ru-n. m Irntneoee IfKfweicomp.- : «. .ilWi«e tOOBage.

*' inMag¦


ki->e. sod j

¦1-100 per

I«. -ent per annum


up..o the river» .-f Ihe Weit, »i a.« I Ip n ih- lit «

North wen tne «reit ('..k

It l« «aid the fsmm» 'n Ir-lan.1 was th- .

.... «



. . paare of May C'jotidertng the du

» «lion.A» s ' i -.,. proof that the ev.

bread»- « » sa» rauch great.-r in.

than uorfer high duties II spuesri by H. i

r>.,tn kia .m-" w»» nf the vatae ef |c -I .nd du¬ring tr . i of doe

« «»ily ex¦..¦..tie produce



: 1 m .».¡.tut« sodIke oslsnct* Is largely in in rol the low

duty p-.,-.--. I .«

ol thelonn I :r¡- prvieeal pert d, ia o



I u'i«¿ ..*.».¦ Ifca ril.'i t Incrm th.n

..¦ lattagt. .ii.iog Me view«



tt tw-lve o

r th» now lar, Willi ¡,ye»ri » »p. rty Th..

the i,ni

ral pro-

our lab I itwtieanal»

i, ami new ¡n«t.u',«ud ell . .'

II ¦'¦'. -. 1 which aiw». «

ll.¦ ll r.,,i|i

BMT yean. 3iit tha irr.etruin we tin

»¦' in ra n ag ti.- Ir worb«

iron are In giban bald rive . on that

roma ii i« aaaatog a


¡h» ttm . «id whl.-h is

nn'y » brief check at this period lo our advanrlng or, a

p.-rlty,« .

-. com

i wkj »l .1.

we chai .

ew »yit.'in >.

.», whyput In j- p«rdy by any hsege, Ike


Ike m .«

;r:ts:n to r. rnvr bel Corn Lew« and drfv.« againfrom her port» our breadttofl .: . .1'.

now wh.-n ir . «»tu! >x«mo



aee ..t

nd I

i.- i

i.t« »er,

, I I'lll».

- in ll.Am- C« I'' cerulcly »

tuelly lusur». :n» rene.' ol» i lires

int mW

«hall open their p ,rt» andto-' »

rta wl'h otheii it they bava .i

acflBtrj . the bsrsrark ol l'r-ti-cti-o »pp.ylng ItII11


trmaeei «nJ Into«,. il grec




and Oi»at I»ir com-


I -


.d«l .

mast be ia ««cbaoge

Mr. Wslkei. liter «feo« -a fromth«r«t.- » - -: art-neat that -

nsge, Ac. war« always grss-com pared to ws :

ed ky. -.nneeena.-y

We »aiciiaii«. :a war ,- ia peace. aeon the eceaa at

-i saeitliiB «fee pease«««« mar« nstaral ad-

boftatm thaaMjeUs«. .. ¦.¦ '-*>-$ i«u*»>e u»e «t-tuac-

¦. .

.»»r bar», . ir bave fres


betunen »njtrv« "t wren >..en anv


, « . r - » I I * ." « «

¦..,..-.. Eeiporiam.

> » t ol ihe Ker>ortaHtK«««Hrv«iary of II .:.

Ne» -iuhThe deociewrie« - ITm A;-" -!i:i,'ni ol

tire current year hive bee« caaaed. In great wot.¦aten more than were c. ntem-

i ur«eme^t«hM bs»eeijaru-rmaster « :-périment It is propoeed to

redace MeM expend fera «if a perminer: *.¦.' . N s i irert In tbitmeet .¦. u M BBM the afeMBBBBBat* price« at which menare p.- .. s ..» -«n sloes».

In the eoMBOfeM tor next year n.,thing ha« been de¬ducted t it contrlbetione collected M Uñateo. A gi-od

be received in thl« w»y. but how much !» not

precu-ely known, though ft I« expected that Ibe beetnets will be better th»r h»r"t- re

It I« re«orstfneoded thst mlllury officer» ooUeetfetgteviinu-. | . w.,t » peroratas« thereonsnd -osl suihortty tv» given to regulate the number 11

peraon« Md determine the pay m th;«e thus employe«!.H.w rnui-h hi« been rec»ivrd n revenue from the P»-

efela «porta of HaMci i« f. t known, th«. «mount hat.-.lit the civil government

there..-. »'.».on i« »iked tor unsettled eltimi !. r property

turnlihod lor «ur uie lu i« ,: rn:a. a» - »«

. Ntd indirtdaali 1M \p.n»e at fitting ,.ut v .'un

-, » - , r .; :,, s «Baa r, «liment railed wllhou'authorityThe lurniihlng ol volunteer» In ¡leu ol

curnaiutit'.oo money. »* «t prcfcnt. It recommendedProvision for retired « i aim urgedTbe it«port» ol the C, .nmniary llenera! the I'ayma«

l.iignei-r. lite i h.>r aj <:¦.,¦ 1 pgraph!,-. I . » the fSe.-r In .barge ,( the Ordnance Bepart"i. nt. the Surgeon (ieaeral. the Cnmml«

. . »-..I Bha .inn-.lssion.T ,-t ¡n ,t \-

fair», »re »Is«. submlHe I with the fule« c.i.f.dt nee tbat¦ »mlna'.i. n wll: a-' rJ BBCaM graltly'.o^ pi.ots thai

spaa each, though>' y.-ar. laithfully

and ably oner.

owing to imallarsa ol mrun ih» ataaftti d-tenco o>n

th.- mat» art art aartt ara baallai b«v» i. t , n.« ¦

tsrlB|toayrmr lti»r..¦ tii:ii.-n.i»dnotto»u»pend' thSWW. Sma.ler »pproprl

atlin» ti-n bai re tit n .irrd.Th- M it in a ge.»d condition be-

iluu for an annual..:-'. is aakad i

An toeratM ol lore« of englisirr Boldler« I» Mltoto

ii having bttaa Baaaaaaiy 11 MaptofpttoatoyhyaWaaiIn clu . v Ice. the appointment of «ix hotpltajasrfaaat I rthswarM ra : \ permamnia»»ylii' ri is «Iso recommend. ,1

The i lionera ol »ll cl*»s»s "i it,.- r..','saaaaaat paid .iu-

n 111» lit ol July last wi«

uniyI It has B t ll'-i pieaii« ol ««certain-

Irg ibe ,1-ao'ii am mg th. m hut tl I pension-anhsi , .'. .- .'umldersbly r.'du.-t'.l durli g

year. Thu i- «uniafed to bo a», leastt.-r, pur i-.utum

tog nsl n ,,!i»e arisligVom tos allotment ol bnaatylasdi to taMttaa, aavaral

aaleltrhahai yd. r»y forth.-u I»i-.d »n appropriation for ih employment of such


I'cnti mm-ndooj for the (ami si'ss w.1. re ¡1: y w..r.) on du:y

.1 the p usioii Uw which »hall plaie« llera of tb ». irary on ihe mm

Indian »rlstri am ipok.n Bad Ma pollayM MB «

IcdUn« «w»y lr m . Bad tvrritorlei »i

Mtnai u ata bane taken pino. bna>u. ta*«, MM pmtttÊf tit-* policy baa

.-:«¦ tli.» y.'nrTsrafernaMMbevel Itrttb elf -r.intb»od»

v . ...-r Mlsslulppl «nd I.skii SulUoir litnd» w,-«t .1 that ilmr .

Md lor Ihn Winii-I a

w r ifeJy Ij r « kVM uder th-ir po««e«-*-s an« aba r-mainl-r i« MM In r-s-r*.- for

"I"1 »n» Mill i»i, pi.aVaOBMf}

, e« are

» '

Tramp. aMaBJ awfe hafewalsi, jtrage»

« r i aaaMlhel«w« .. ,' ri ,ur»e wllh ndlan« Il r n.

isrt.r MawBas »e "I

mm n ,.' CoBfraM Ma baaa «ucce««ful A

-, ,'iai «rtfi'ii am.,n«: UM Sta-kbrldge lodimi tn

a». « " ¦poaial itten

, toaa $m P* .* si«to*aamong th» Indian*

... *¦ «y,t m aaato -íingwith rudiin. nlnl Instruction -h»»« h M

ahed and art», .¦> tor olh.'r« «mon«

lh* tribe* Haeatsa« totoafatom ta toy ba« be.n I01...I neeestary t.. employ »l|,. .t toa 0 "fatal "i Bta Department, »,-ms por.arhb h h«» been t a t t ta applied to art-tatto s

,,t s-'iilnar'.'S In lb» »tat. » 11 g,., |*8 und« pro»

education li it* It* «"-: r': .»¦.>' «nd promlica.1 ybeneticl»! Basa, Mta»«*« Informât! m -ti Ihl« »ub] »et o! ladUn AI

« . . "ferred to.

IbairiK-t ol the Id-port ol MM Maat of Ibe "sa» y.

Tali l'fmeut MM '.'¡t vv r»t «tntifiar tlie rininber

of men tu tervlce »Iany i-oe time during the put year'which'«-'-*» 'I fie ilirhmlty of eellitia» min bu de

,. »rr»nt"rneoti t'T ' .'»«trinn BfeMBBlnations Tbi MMB aad optratleui In the Mediterranem»re then aBobaa t,f, Including the a-lslr <,f in.) i.'irmn

-a litbli eaaaecii ,? the <.-r.t«ry «p.-aks of prevaUerlng on Iho part of Mex'c, ai 'ncon»l«tent with the

| iplrlt of the » « »s s means of revenue with

s aas-feMa MM t t¡'. aalold atrocities If Isvored, and d»

« -.» -as recite, I the r.-pr<,b»tion of the civi'lr- d


A merles, the «,u«d., :o month» Hvnc th» opera

, .., the),.p»r»tlia* of too «Oilf *.pi»dr. n.

, :ri near Vera Cruz are next

.ever» y l * Baft»«!* .p-cla! praU« of Com. Ferrya$mm w tn tbo'ost. lb» »«.LU»-« rendered by

the lirlii«h fret-eh and Hp»n!«h »hip« ' w»r «acbored

, Ito of In the highest torco«. The medal«.' CaaptaB Bto to bepremntod to the offl

cer« «ad m -o who ruked their live« oo that uecmtonat Maa «s Com. Perry «ball b»ve

i.-. »te 1 '...- Ir Dam?»

Itaaatoff urge« an lncr. a«e in thrs namber of Alos. He also recommends an allcwacc

b-.-rs atotoatoag iu'iee la Mexican porti <j

ons tter centón Iba »um collected, lu ir..

betwcçB thirty and forty thousand do lar» h«r.

laatsd the amount collected In the Paclf.-. u

o it kecwu. Of the veaeeU captured In it« '¡oil a ¿ rod

many nave been valuevd. t»x.-n Into »ervlee. and their

value 1» to be ps'.d over ». prize-.ucey to the captor» «*

.Baa u lr.»y «ball have bees legally eoed-rnned by the

. a- taken in the Pacific

have b.n eondemwed by a t rti« Court there organixedbut 1.0 prize in cey 1« to dl«rtbutod til! the prr>rje>e<dia¿«

«ve ocen mv!«e»i by tor Uepcrtment.The CEleBrto* of oar law« over Ore, m Territory and

the establUhmeni of C.arU with Adrr.rslty ;arisdiet¡o«. mmena»4 The voysge« o! tn..- Jamestown sad

Maceducian arc next cpoken of. Mr. Uriah Brown«.-» bu beca tried with the | MM sppreprtatod.

it« smsblp has not The liquid lire 1»to aadaaatol of the next year are

spoken of in the f/low-jg paragraphi, which we quote»or to steee -, Mpcctafi m

p ...-.t and |*>-inane* ..

jofrro ... 1¦ «-¦. n» -.-..«., -..«

rkay are based os» ¡uoasaad mes,

a nnmber o' Mtsaisa.._» pt-seut agiatify

« ». a« 11

,< « and direction of the

¦tof U»ii«.tawai.a»»i U»a cstioiate» _v, trees pispwad

aad r«<i»s/wHk a carefai dartre to «afc for aetktag which. -»svaiy totbapotii« tatarest. 1 rtepsKtfaily er*

I» rib« roaMderaii. o of lb« lugiseuoas sad« ky Ik«" :*-1.ah.esa«l l4iUi*Bl officers at Us hasd of IA«

B . «

. ««tent e»:-r»a!«4 for i« lea as». loes three.« w.o.iaaau «,ght knadred «ad two».

, he an v.iat «« t«.r tr-.e c«»rr«»tI* Tfi« «ei-.Kial«« bow areeeat-

I ad inclus» «a :t»ni >f »>l Jí«u,«««, ta t»wpt»U the foar wat. l-aiaerita.uor'.red by th« set of ike M el Match iaet, aeae «tie .r'the «p;-ropr-tl:o.-. 8nd»r tl . head of toatiageat

ad. aodtl -s h»sdr«d «nd fifty thi.osaad «alter«. f ike werfe «a tk« «»y do. k »i New-

t . -.K>n»i..r ibeee «pprvpsisiobs tr« gives ia

». sod. I ptesin.«. nul t*» «BiMfectory T»»re» . <. , »,- -i.»tea for re¡«-.r-.»s «a laoeniUere,-o.« ri¡«n^.ia[f. which «MS» K> «t>« to V» alcana«y fo^

. barge of th« PTIB.IC dutiasd«»ol»«d «a MlUepartre. «lions mad« fur Ibe «arrest

.nespee«ed BB. Will, «ith- st «OB«4. prase.*. ui all -r«. vasts aflke servie«.

oeern it nx ¡aapprui » atr-.. the otea* o«, a« illastra»-' . Navy I '.»-.¦-.*¦' » «. ,tk«

. «a.- to present a comparat-v«atalaa>aot. f a, pr..;r »r asea»» sipaaditar«« f«f tk«

-' year», uadar th« Beads of appropriant of " pay.incraaa» aad " efovtsioa« «ad. «».,«. h.'msiih «cal »upllaaoa» "

rheee may « dtoow mated lb« Tarlakl» »pproprt«ti«a«" .>** «f««eead itaee, «*n«Bag Baa war«» responding peñol a tías« of peace

. .on» par. «on «ahir,-,mh« f».i.,wtng resmlir, .,,, a. j «..'¿új h'rr*nA\-

y»r Vui-'(iK M «.

J -1» « -i.»., .a ». ¦>,*.* T»1 M« M

11. . « »»It« 44And

_the «paeditare f. I mere««« and repsui tauig

r-dve ihemaad ,s«h a ad red «nd mi - - >. »». »>«ee paid foi fifteea

¦ . . pa, a««m«r« It* ntTtVl dralt of wtiec....

> Mstio»Tbe four war steam.-rs authonisd by Ike Act of March

¡Id «C »r» rapid'y bulldtag The rnodVal* toeaage»ni machiner»; were adopted oa lb* repert of a mtart

n«v»l ofitoer» -.«BsL'trefc'r» sad «ctgtaewra. Thecvnirtt-tt ; >r the trnntp rtatl in of the «nail Is steamer«oetwree. New ,ork »nd I.lvacpoo!. betweca Mew .orb

I art Ni'»ii-1'ui. and from li«vaaa to Chagras,have been asado with Mesar» Collins ssd Rtco to com-

p lance with the act ol Coagreea The ccrrtag* .of to*mtl. month y from r»nam» to Oregoa has baas melga it

BBM bidder The ¡tecrelary aay«». ,. lha .>¦-<¦ » «u d»i«rsnin«d «a M»N »in terrontoiof th« ro«t«. with » right of ehaeg

.»rvedteih« l)«pariisM»i.t. and th« Taw was eca-

ie-tuire email to e irenepvriad from on« palat.s» »» i:b'« thirty dava The di«a»c« leascrelheaMart e. art nhkarlada art »arteata kaowa

i ». i- a* to leudei u tii[-raoiU'ah . to pctftoai lac r«B to »a v»»»«,* It was. thsrefcre deter

.a ,. y «tassasn The |'»«-4iai»»c» at wbickthe eervtca '. to be psrf.nnied. th» heavy eapeaeaa wbicbrau« be oourtao. by ll.« »ouiracturt la prevlliag, oa IksPa ». - - e..« » «hip« and maiailsl« fol r«r*il,

. .. . at sad ttpBts for »-««I, laCsaad as* to- i*rui ul ten years as the 4»ia'l.-o ol those,«ehhm heen ademad h» the P.ati i>«e* Uecart-

¦« ', t» m connect« Bel te |««rd atv

tall «gaintt the reproach eareediug the aathority whieh ,

it was the latent on »f Ctmgrem to eoaf«r. »cleaeel.ia-«erted in the .-onireot, r»e»ivin| to Coagree» the light I»

» «cattail »t is appro-««-bing session, if ¡t »ball bepropei or eape.l'ent to do en

Tu« manaati r» ,*ire th* v«»»»U to be ready for »sa laS »aiiib«! el ib* p»«r II and lb» right of

p«v Wtl cooini*ne« with the «oasmeaessaeal of the per-it 111*110- » tsicks »t.rulaud I' h« aaaaal «oes

ib !«i the oootr«. I will bee-m.oei. ...

I\. 4. O. S . Ni'.oos nt1',. Arnold U.rti. 1**,<WC Ot

retard lliesn a» i«. nab.« costrada and Ik« «artakliah-.-m at t régalai anil speedy intercourse by uisii baHwee*lb« Atlantic cities sad Utcâea, as ut ih» highest aalicaalimportance.

«rated In the sst«blishn«Bt of thessveral line» .1 »learner» »ttp'ilatsd by th««« coalise . -,

m n«w «..«.. will«»» iou»trurl«d in lh« atcat skill-lanar, which laj b« used ». war steainsis, sad

will be a>silskls tor nail,mal purposes on any émergeas«.«I a. t« »tit ulats that a mail sgcnt, to be amputat¬

ed by the Postmaster Ueaeral, »liaJ. be placed a.ti ruaia-i, aol H ,t a« tba ciatiacl ¦. tvad« «.'.«a this

-tit. and th« payment« will b« triads tro«» th«ae l..:l» approved k«ra. ant««« otherwise di

.estiou wbetkei th« l«w »sfflcisntlyprovids» ».o th« ie|ui«tinn and rollsctloa of r*'*i«ge* by

IMIll Department, lid bow tar »ah iSiBlflS'lis »syrnsnt .it the«« «oatrMloii

fully »ubni't thst th« n«r«»»sry legsl ss set meal»ou th« subject n,*y beiuads by Cungree«.

The ¦aaaatfety ask« t.,ogre«« to make an appropria-¡h. le rontracti «nd to »pprovoor annul the term

r » i.'h they b»ve le»en madtfThe Obiervatory II in lucceei'ul operation Toe re¬

funding .1 I' JO dalle« on Instrument* Imported fotit» use ii «ike.i lor The Superintendent «U to h»re a

ssaryol |.I(XM, hut owing to a clerical error In Ike «el

prescribing th«i is'.ary he has a« y«t only received kit peya« a' Nary l.'.i uti-uaiit. The neoesssry «nactrneal Uaik.-d fur.

At the N»v.l ri, h.vol 'JO Midiblpmen are la atttead-aiH-ii, the icfcnol Ii doing well «nd in excel leo t tklagAn Increase ol ti.-t nuniber of Mld»hlpu»m In the Navy toI no i« recommeuded. making two lor eeck reureeeotatlv., In th» II.m*»

lu., lu I number of Marloei authorized by the act oflut Mar,-h have ant been appointed. A» the additional

acarpa n serving on land and for the war only, tbsy oughtto bave bounty land given to »oldler» The corps baat. rv. ,1 with dlttinctlon In Mexico. Bad Is entitled to thel.v rubín oor.»ld*r»liou ol Cungr.'ia

11..' system < I disbursing money and »upplle» la thelevy is * ¦-, .»I one. »nd work» well. The measure« ta¬

ken for th...:,instruction ot dueling dock* «1 Phllsdel

phi« h.iler-y and Peli««Col« will be made the tubjest ola «p "lal li.'port __________

Bf Telegraph f» The Trthunt.Vi-va-l m k l.raialMlare ... .srr.cut. »bsbiob.

MOIININU KHPORT.MKNATK.... Albany. Friday. Dec. 10- 1 I*. M.

Nothing of any «pc< ial interest has been done in

th s.nateTin) bill to repeal the law ol 1*4«, to enualita

taxati oí. wat rejerteil on tlnnl reading. Tim re

«iilt wa» I,-, in-lit «In-ill liy the Irtenila of the hillthe «v-nato to a vote without permitting ilia

aaal a A niuti'ii i« now under debate to re<>ia

¦ider til.-AdrlLMHLY

Tin) bill to (-onipeu««te in . »»«... ol death l>y wil-

tjl nt'i'li'i t In paint, lonvcyan. e| wat onlered to a

inr.l n-ailin»*.m titri'tit H-'lolntionl in r<- Ition to Popa

l'niil\ wer.-pa««*.I A!«o the bill to «traiglitenUm lirio .,1 llruadway

I tie bill probioitini; ,.t!i, en of thii rítate from an

»ist in« m the rapture ol fugitive Ulavee WM re-

101 It'll .''I' to ."'

Tim Ileg;eiita of tin- diversity havo r-onferrnd-.roi Ml> on i'roteceor Agaaai/, and Dr

William Fan of LondonThe woHllier i* very warm.

Tita Ootntl Cl tun Hii.l .The bill in raJation

to the lee« ol the County Clerk «ad olhcr» ol this City ,

ha» ,..»... t tt- II -uses need» only the »lgnaluraof the Ooveroor (II ll needs «vea thai, to become claw.

It wa» fir»t passed by the rtenato. then by iba House.

which isitor b'xdy spp«mded s provision giving the He

pervlsor« power to Increase or diminish tbt salariée

| '.; II th»y should deem It prop.r This amendment

was adopte,! |0 the Henato by the following vale

Avrs-MatBH Ifsckos. Beach. Beekmazi, Baar«,Cr*et».I I, r « Oridley H»rg, I.««1er, Mor

r . 11 ig« -. »»dgwiek J B Smth. H ftaaitb. Bpaacsr,»i Bekeoabaeea, Whaeler, Williatns. fuaaa.a

Not- Massrs Bv,.a. H itnnaui, Jur,««,*fi«(iferd,Tuwa.end-».

I.mer from Africa.

Trie .¦¦fiixiner I H. (fairer, Capt» rjlater, from Bierra l.i'otje whence »be »ailed 'in the 4th of Novcmbor, ar¬

rived tbl» morning We leara from Capt lister that itwas currently reported that there were m 000 reeaptorrtA tricas« In the liberated African department. a*d thoca

rejected by the retaining officer« m uafU lor soldier»

wciald be cent to the Weal Indiea m emigraste.llar Itrttantc M».»«y s tfteamer (irowler wm em¬

barking; a larga portion cf them for Iicrxwrara, to Bail

lo a » dsy».Liming the night of the 1Mb of October, th* mala tad

orew of the «chooser Msry Ans, of New-York, Peter

r wrey luMter., ran «way with the vessel from where

abe v»»» anchored at »ieleea« roadstead, and had tot

beea beard of «toce. The Cáptela wm oa ahora stob st

lb» time. It.« UritUb »loop of war r»»ot1to wm at an¬

chor near the M. A. all.lUme siso, the laasch af Br.

brig ttapld at atvehur within bail ot bar. Cap!. Flowreywrut-1 to the c mmandera f r taforma rioa of bit

.choooer. lney declared they anew nothtng of bar.¦ «pi. r ow'ny .,1 the Mary Asa, dirt of aatbma, oa

boarJibai I.. ..ager on the . u»«««.

ty-Tt..: i'roaident« Meaaage wu eare»-B«wndfro«B«wYorhtoB<*to«bytherta-da A»»»1»*»

.»¦-.. conveyed It to Wew llaveo. feBMMJ ^«fmiaute, part 10 oa Tu«nday ev.nla, aod W__Hl_» *»AM He^aloco-rtcHlvewM-r-ap«rival, and «topping oa board ¡»«"»"¡""¿T^Hartford HfeMMSMl -^ . |__¡ f"*?!?Hrarinafisld. Here he took tke rrgolar Si traM lor Itoa-

toa. and arrived -oat before t »«iocfe.

T.i»..BsrHic r««T-Tbe ts-enaroiMion of the

fflcai. beymd Htttburg. Me lie- w-^S_a»^rf_îth-- balsooe ol the m-«Mege feed to be ia wr*ft-«nai Paan-

%; leí '.".oeMaatf, UroMvtUe «nd VUa»«-anjrM, «M-». e was tiin»i«l»-»d to toe peper« »l*aetwo lr>rater «mee,

ara « Smmmm-^gisjffa,..

top related