new spirit journal january 2013

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A Community Newspaper for Soulful Living





Visit us onVOL.8 NO.9

JAN. 2013 FREE

Project Great Energy

especially the heart, up to — if not more than — a football field away. We’re huge beacons of energy, with loud messages telling people how to treat us. This is great if the informa-tion is life-enhancing and sup-portive. If the messages we’re sending out are “I’m a great person,” “You need to treat me right,” or “I get to win the next big lottery,” then things will work well for us. Most of us are programmed with thoughts and beliefs in our subconscious that are opposed to our higher self and highest order. “I don’t really deserve to be supported. I’m not a nice person.” We receive these messages in childhood and they are stored in our cells, then broadcast through our energetic field out to the world. People are able to sub-consciously decipher these messages and respond accord-ingly. KG: What do we do if we think the energy we’re project-ing isn’t in our favor.

Continued on Page 5

Above: Honey is one of Cyndi Dale’s several fur children. She also has two human children and says all of them have more voting rights in the family than she does.

Right: Cyndi demonstrates to a class showing them how to work with the forces caused by trauma so the body can be healed.

Connecting with Your Inner Guidance 2

Ancient Egypt’s Spiritual Treasures 7

Making Eating A Spiritual Practice 9

Cyndi Dale explains how you can show others your strongest self By Krysta Gibson

Cyndi Dale knows about energy and has 15 spiritual books under her writing belt to prove it, including The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy and The Complete Book of Chakra Healing. Her most recent, Energetic Boundaries (Sounds True), is full of practical, powerful ideas and techniques. Krysta: What are our energetic boundaries and why are they important? Cyndi: Most people are drawn to this book because of the word “boundaries.” Most people have figured out they need boundaries and don’t have enough of them. If we have more and better boundaries, we can have more energy for ourselves and our projects. The energetic boundaries are the ones that are outside of us. They start at our skin and proceed outward. Most of us know we’re made of energy. We’re also surrounded by energies that emanate from us as far as a football field away. These are active fields of energy that are telling the world how to treat us and that determine what we’re going to let in to our lives. KG: Did you really say that our energetic boundaries go out from us the length of a football field? CD: Yes! Scientists say that we can find electrons or photons from a person’s field,

Inside The January Issue:


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in yourself and others.Level 1 Class,

February 22-24, 2013For more information:

Hawaiian Healing Comes to Seattle

INDIGENOUS WISDOM TEACHINGS PROGRAMInner Journey - Winter Quarter Classes at Bastyr University

Energetic Armour: Protecting & Strengthening Your Energy BodyJan 23, 30 & Feb 6 � 6pm-9pm � 8 CEU

Tracking Energy: Awakening the Seer and Healer WithinFeb 10 � 9am-6pm � 8 CEU

The Art of Creation: Dancing in the Space Between the SpacesFeb 24 � 9am-6pm � 8 CEU

Wisdomkeeper - Weekend Workshop RetreatMosswood Hollow Retreat Center Duvall, WA � January18, 19 & 20����������������������������������������������������������������������������������

Lauren NalderInstructor


By Leta Hamilton

During a recent end-of-the-year retreat, a few of us brave students spent the day diving into our inner lives to create clarity for what we want to manifest in 2013. As the day progressed, a few highlights sprang to mind for all to consider when seeking to commune with their inner angels, higher self or other terms one likes to use for connecting with that authentic aspect of our being that transcends ego and outer influences. Here are three tips for making that process smooth and free of frustration.

is guidance from within. You are the master of your channeling. You are the master of your guidance. You are the one accessing the inner place within yourself where these energies can speak to you. To arrive at communication with inner guidance, and to keep your lines of communication open, will

require you to accept, once and for all, that everything originates from within you. Your life is an expression of what is being created internally. That is the first step. Next, you must realize that the energy

Connecting with Your Inner Guidance A few tips to help you make the leap from “novice” to “never go back”

First of all, it is important that a person wanting to connect with inner guidance (coming in the form of angels, light beings, or entities of nature such as fairies) realize that nothing originates from outside of one’s self. So, the mistake that many novices make is to look outside of themselves for guidance, when the guidance they seek is within, even if it is coming in the form of a “channeled” being. All guidance, whether the inner voice of the higher self or the whisper of an angel,

Continued on Page 6

lot, and use their gifts in the spirit of service rather than just trying to impress and amaze everyone. Attending psychic fairs is a great way to

meet psychics and find one you resonate with without having to pay for a full session only to discover they aren’t the one for you. An astrology reading with a seasoned astrologer can help you understand the cycles in your life and can help you use these cycles to your advantage. This holds true for numerologists as well. A gifted astrologer will help you know how to use the information in your chart rather than make you feel bound or restricted by what is revealed there. Perhaps a group would be something useful to you. Years

ago, one of the best things I ever did for myself was join a Toastmasters group. I used to be the sort of person who could not stand up in front of a group and speak. My heart would race, my face turned red, my hands were clammy, and my stomach did flips. I hated, hated, hated having to speak in front of more than one person at a time. After going to Toastmasters and learning some skills in a setting with others who had the same issues I did, I eventually learned to speak in public and even enjoy it! Good thing, too, as my life’s work has put me into situations of having to speak to groups of all kinds and sizes, even city councils and other such political gatherings.

These days there are groups for just about anything. There isn’t even an addiction that is without its own anonymous group. There are crafting groups, reading groups, meditation groups, hiking groups, seniors, kids, and on and on. The value of a group is being with others who have similar interests to yours and being able to share thoughts, feelings, activities, questions, etc. Perhaps a church or some sort of spiritual center is what will help you this year. There are a number of open, spiritually-aware churches in just about every community and you could have some fun outings visiting the various groups and seeing which one draws you. The classified section in this newspaper has listings of several such church groups who would love to have you visit them. Would getting involved with a specific teacher or guru serve you? It can be a lot of fun to study a variety of teachers and teachings but the day comes for many people where they want to work with one teacher or they want to associate themselves with a guru. The American culture doesn’t really understand the concept of having a guru and thinks of unsavory characters who want to exert mind-control over their weak followers. Not everyone wants or needs a guru. One teacher I know says, “No, you don’t have to have a guru, unless you want to find God!” A guru is someone who has reached God-realization and who has the magnetism to help others reach this same goal. The

Welcome to 2013. If you’re like most people, you’ve decided to make some changes in your life this year. Maybe you’re going to give up a habit that doesn’t serve you or you plan to acquire some new habits that will support your life better. No matter which direction you’re headed, it’s likely you will be well-served by having some help. But what kind? The kind of help depends on what you’re trying to accomplish. If you want to unravel some deep-seated, long-term issues, you might be helped by seeing a professional counselor or therapist. Although this can be a scary road to walk down and it is definitely not one everybody needs to travel, a skilled therapist can save you years of pain

and can help you move forward rapidly if the therapist knows what they are doing and doesn’t try to make you a lifetime client. Sometimes a psychic or reader can be helpful, especially if they are experienced and have some maturity. If you can find one who is humble and uses their gifts in a spiritual manner, they can help you see more deeply into your life situation. A mature psychic is able to share the information they see and give you sound advice as to how to use the information. They don’t try to make you a lifetime client who can’t or won’t make a decision without having a session with them first. The best psychics I have known are usually pretty low-key, don’t tend to blow their own horn a


• Interviews with Barbara Marx Hubbard and Swami Kriyananda

• New column: “Nutrition for Body and Soul” by Deanna Minnich

• How to Have Lucid Dreams

• What Your Palms Say About Your Health

and more....


Living The Good Lifeby Krysta Gibson

Do You Need Help?

Introductory meetings with video and free literature will be held at: Issaquah Library Seattle Public Library Broadview Branch 10 West Sunset Way; 2:30-4:30 pm 12755 Greenwood Ave. N.; 2:30-4:30 pm Sunday, January 20 Sunday, January 27

Admission is free. For more information visit, call (347) 455-8287or write Additional information will be available on

Maitreya the World Teacher and the Masters of Wisdom, Sharing as a Spiritual Principle, and UFOs and our Space Brothers. All are welcome. Presented by Transmission volunteers.

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Please join us for an Exclusive Screening:

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A Feature film about Grachen Rinpoche’s life, followed by Q&A with Grachen Rinpoche. See trailer: $15 donation requested.

• Friday, Jan. 18, 2 pm: Milarepa Empowerment and Tsog (feast offering)

• Saturday & Sunday, Jan. 19-20, 10 am-noon, 2-5 pm: Mahamudra Teachings

All teachings and empowerment will be given at the Sakya Monastery,108 NW 83rd St., Seattle, WA 98177, (206) 789-2573

For more information please visit

or call Peter at (206) 778-1647

A Rare and Extraordinary Opportunityto be with

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Garchen Rinpoche was born in Nangchen Kham, Eastern Tibet, in 1937 and enthroned at the age of 7 by Drikung Kabyong Rinpoche as the 8th Kyabje Garchen Triptrul Rinpoche. During the cultural revolution in China and the turmoil of the Chinese invasion of Tibet, Garchen Rinpoche left his three year retreat to aid the Khampa rebels. He was im-prisoned for over 20 years. Practicing in secret with the great Khenpo Munsel, he attained realization. He is beloved by all, known for his pure boundless love and compassion and for his clear, precise, powerful pith instructions and transmis-sions on Mahamudra (The Great Seal) The Quintes-sential teachings of Tibetan Buddhism.

This ecial weekend retreat will be filled with stories, seldom seen slides, and answers to yourquestions about Edgar Cayce the man and how the message of his work is relevant to you today.

Singing, workshops, great food and fellowship. Limited space.

Contact Alice Skiff, Registrar, at: or 360-320-2081

Association for Research and Enlightenment Presents

Edga Cayce: The Man and the MesageSpeaker: Sidney Kirkpatrick

Seabeck Conference Center on the Hood Canal,March 22-24, 2013

Healings and Readingswith Sylvie

For more details and events,please visit our website or


Continued on Page 5


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By Kathy Heffernan

We all need direction: we go to financial planners, yoga teachers, psychotherapists and naturopaths. But how often do we pause in our busy lives to ask if what we are do-ing on a daily basis is life-giving? How often do we think about tending to the needs of our soul? This is the realm of spiritual direc-tion, the art of sacred listening. I recently attended an evening lecture by mythologist and story teller Michael Meade. Michael’s events always draw a great crowd of people interested in spiritual growth and social justice. As I was trying to find my seat before the program started, a friend came up to me and gave me a great bear hug. When I asked how he was, he let out a huge growl. “Man, I’m struggling.” He listed his current life challenges: a long-distance relationship, the arduous task of running a small business in this weather-beaten economy, and frustrations with his teenage daughter who had begun to experiment with drugs.

Articles are due: The first Friday of each month.

Ads are due: The second Friday of each month.


Do You Need Spiritual Direction for the New Year?I listened as he poured out his story, and waited until he had finished. “What have you been up to?” he finally asked. I told him about my spiritual direction practice. “Man, that’s what I need, some spiritual direction. How do I sign up?” Spiritual direction can be best described by the Irish word anamcara (pronounced ahn-im-KAHR-uh) meaning “soul friend.” The role of the anamcara in ancient times was that of a spiritual guide and mentor. As in the druidic tradition before them, these men and women served as spiritual midwives for all those who yearned for a deeper connection with the divine. As the legendary Brigit of Ireland was fond of saying, “Anyone without an anamcara is like a body without a head.” In our own times the anamcara tradition is continued through the practice of spiritual direction offered by trained professionals. You might begin spiritual direction as a result of life transition and a hunger for deeper spiritual meaning in your life. You might also come to direction to learn how to integrate spirituality more into daily life, to trust more deeply your experiences of the sacred, to discern and make difficult life choices, to develop meditation and other spiritual practices and to share your hopes, struggles and losses. I offer the following suggestions

to people seeking to cultivate greater awareness of Spirit: 1. Cultivate a daily contemplative spiritual practice. Meditation, in particular, mindfulness meditation, has spread like wildfire in the last 10 years. Many websites can support your practice including our own Seattle Insight Meditation Society: 2. Do something you love to do on a daily or weekly basis. Many people forget that deepening spirituality means going deeper into the life we already have. Our joys and passions are portals to the divine. Do you love to dance but haven’t done it in years? Have you always wanted to play a musical instrument but denied yourself with the excuse you didn’t have talent or the time? As the old saying goes, “If not now, when?” But engage soulfully in an activity

because you have a deep desire to do so, not because you have to fulfill some dry obligation. Remember these words from Rumi: “When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.” Doing what we love to do unblocks us on many levels, bringing us into a sense of spaciousness that nourishes our spirituality. 3. Give yourself daily time for reflection on your life and remember that everything has the potential to reveal the transcendent to you. You might want to write in a gratitude journal at the end of your day. As you record what you have been grateful for, allow yourself to really feel this sense of gratitude moving in you. So often we experience our feelings through our head and think about our

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Continued on Page 6


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relationship has much more to do with energy alignment than with telling people what to do. And he or she doesn’t have to be on the earth plane right now. If you were going to climb Mount Everest, wouldn’t you want to study with someone who had climbed it and could tell you the best routes to take and which to avoid? Would you say, “No, I will find my own way up Mount Everest. Why do I need someone telling me how to get there or showing me the way?” The audio section at has an interview with Hriman McGilloway where he explains this concept

very clearly. Other forms of help you might want to pursue this year could come in the form of books, music, webinars, online communities, audio programs, and creativity programs. How do you know what kind of help you might need? Sit down and write up what sort of changes you want to make. Then go through what you just read and ask yourself if any of these things could help you. Make a list of these. Then get busy and find resources that match what you think might help you. Puruse the ads and articles in this publication; there are some fabulous people who would love to hear from you and

support you! We live in amazing times when it comes to being able to find the help and resources we need to make changes and grow in the directions of our choosing. Take full advantage of what’s here for you and have a splendid 2013!

Join the New Spirit Journal mailing list where we send out e-flyers with notices of events and services that can support your journey. Go to and click on “join our e-mail list.” Krysta will be a guest on the Conscious Talk radio program Jan. 17. Her website is

Continued from Page 3

Do You Need Help?

CD: The good news is we can rewrite the program. We can do it the long, slow, hard way that most of us are familiar with, or we can do it the quicker way. This is by dealing with the energy that dwells in what’s called a chakra. The chakras are centers of energy in the body that generate some of these fields. The most powerful and most potent is the heart. We have energy organs inside of us, just as we have energy fields outside of us, and the one that generates the most powerful messages is located in the heart. There are studies that when we concentrate on good

things in our heart – positive messages about ourselves, positive emotions about other people – then we’re actually going to generate a field that gives positive, optimis-tic messages to the world and people will treat us better. We usually find the messages come down to one: unworthiness; being separate from the divine, from Spirit, from goodness, from our higher power, whatever word we use for a higher force. If we can begin to embrace the part of ourselves that needed to believe we’re unworthy so we could cope, and start to substitute positive affir-mative messages, we can shift the field and our lives. It doesn’t work to just think posi-

tive because we still have the part of us say-ing, “I don’t think so,” and canceling out the positive messages. These are the two steps we must take to change our field: embrace our damaged selves and then substitute something more affirming. KG: Does meditation and prayer fit into this picture somewhere? CD: Yes, because sometimes to shift things, we have to calm down and con-centrate. Prayer is speaking to God, and meditation is going into a place where we’re willing to receive a response. The answers don’t have to come when we’re in a meditative state. We can ask for an answer, assume one will come, and then go about our day. The answer could come through a person or through a television program. One time I had to give a session in the same room where my son was watching the Power Rangers. As I gave the reading, the answers to what the person asked me were given by the Power Ranger characters. They said exactly what my client needed to hear. It was the easiest session of my entire life. That’s how it works. KG: People are talking about the new paradigm we entered during the last part of 2012. What is that all about from your perspective? CD: Some people think the Mayan calen-dar ended Dec. 21, 2012 and that this sig-naled the end of all reality. We are entering a new age. Lots of different cultures talk about this. It’s really about opening to the truth of who we are: beings of goodness and light, divine, angelic. We’re human beings that can pull through the spirit of who we are and who we have always been. The new paradigm is about taking per-sonal responsibility, knowing myself as the being that I really am. A being who can make choices between a negative fear-based

perspective and a being who chooses to live with spiritual qualities. If only a few people did this, we could shift the planetary energy. It’s already hap-pening; we’re shifting. People are starting to help each other and the predicted devasta-tion hasn’t happened and I don’t think it is going to happen. KG: We’re being pushed to a deeper understanding and more into our hearts. CD: That is essentially where we need to make our decisions from, both personally and collectively. The heart is the center of the energy system. The heart governs our brain and our emotions and it is also our spiritual organ. As we move into our hearts and express the greater beings we are, we open to the qualities that are always present and can heal our problems with a broader, more loving, and more fun-loving perspec-tive! KG: Sometimes we seem to stay stuck in our wounding. CD: I have wounds that may never disap-pear and character defects that I have had my entire life. So there you are. In a weird way, we need to get over ourselves. We need to change what we can but love our-selves and not take ourselves so seriously, being more lighthearted. We will get much more enjoyable situations. We can’t control everything. Stuff happens. If we know our-selves as guided, as loved, as comforted, we can deal with the unexpected situations bet-ter and easier.

Cyndi will be a presenter at the 21st Women of Wisdom Conference in Seattle Febr. 14-18. She will give tips and process-es to open up mystical and spiritual quali-ties that will help people to peer into real-ity like a crystal ball. She will teach fun and powerful tools that give an expanded sense of life. Learn more about this confer-ence and register by going to To learn about Cyndi’s classes, spiritual and energy trainings and other events visit Listen to this entire audio interview at

An Interview with Cyndi DaleContinued from Page 1

Continued from Page 4


Continued from Page 2

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coming through as guidance is really just an aspect of you in expanded consciousness. The angels you are bringing forth, the inner voice you are hearing, the nature devas you are channeling are not separate from you. They are you in expanded consciousness. They are part of the oneness of which we all are a part. It is helpful to see them as an extension of you. This will keep you in alignment with point number one: we are the creators of our lives and all springs forth from within. It is helpful to have names for the energies you are accessing and call them by their names to create more validity to your expansion. Your consciousness is surely expanding as you tap into the inner guidance that exists always within you, using it to find authentic answers to your life’s problems. The challenges that exist do not pander to outside “shoulds” and the ego’s desire to make everyone else happy before you. To finish, it is suggested

Connecting with Your Inner Guidance by all great teachers and gurus of our age and of all ages, that a person spend some time in each day practicing travelling within. Many call this meditation. Some call it prayer. The word is not as important as the practice of going within at least once a day to see what’s there. Is there fear there? Is there hope? Is there love? Anger? Pain? What is being experienced internally? Can you name it? By naming it, you break the layer that exists between your outer self and your

inner self. Then you can tap into the guidance that awaits you with ease and grace. It only takes a few minutes a day, but consistency is the key. The more you ask yourself what is going on inside of you and name it, the more you break down the layers of “debris” between you and your inner voice. The inner voice may be a guardian angel, a nature deva, a light being from another solar system. All is there for you to tap into if that is your desire. However, they cannot come through

if you are too blocked with unnamed emotions that you don’t want to deal with. That is the third and final step to receiving guidance from your inner voice, no matter how it “shows up” for you in your life. The bottom line is that if you want to “channel” other beings, or even simply connect with your angels, you must do the

It is helpful to spend some time in each day practicing travelling within. Many call this meditation. Some call it prayer. The word is not as important as the practice of going within at least once a day to see what’s there.

experience rather than truly allowing ourselves to feel our emotions. Allow yourself to steep in the feeling of gratitude as if you were a tea bag steeping in hot water. Allow this feeling of gratitude to strengthen you spiritually. 4. Lean into the pain. Don’t forget that our pain and our grief are also part of the spiritual landscape through which we travel. Too often, according to the Buddhist psychologist John Welwood, we tend to use spiritual ideas and practices as a way to avoid facing unresolved emotional issues and psychological wounds, particularly in the area of relationships. Welwood calls this “spiritual by-pass” and claims it undermines our efforts at spiritual

Spiritual Direction

work to get there. That means, understanding that all originates from within, you are the expanded consciousness of that which you are channeling. You can commune with that expanded aspect of yourself using the names of angels and light beings of other planetary systems. It is all encompassed in your energy field, so it is you, no matter “who” or “what” you are channeling. This is the beginning of your connection with

inner guidance. Once you establish it, there is no going back. It will completely transform how you approach life in miraculous, powerful ways. It truly is a gift we each have within us. Is it time for you to start taking the steps to connect with your inner guidance?

Leta Hamilton is the author of The Way of the Toddler. For more information, see the website

transformation. Walking a spiritual path means engaging consciously with everything in our life, including our pain. 5. Find a good spiritual director. People generally meet with their director once or twice a month. Look for someone who has been trained through a program, has a daily spiritual practice of his or her own, and who has spiritual direction supervision. You might contact the Ignatian Resource Center in Seattle which has a list of qualified spiritual directors spanning the spiritual traditions (, or check out Spiritual Directors International ( Spiritual direction helps you to experience yourself as God’s beloved and supports you on a journey

of spiritual transformation. The anamcara and writer John O’Donohue said it well: “There is a place in you where you have never been wounded,where there is still a sureness in you,where there is a seamlessness in you, and where there is a confidence and tranquility in you. And I think that the intention of prayer and spirituality and love is now and again to visit that inner kind of sanctuary.” In this new year, may you find your own inner sanctuary and experience yourself as a precious and beloved child of the universe.

Kathy Heffernan, MAPS, BCC, RMT, is a professional spiritual director in the Seattle area. She can be reached through her website:


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By Jane Doherty

Do you know your true essence or the purpose of life? Most of us are still seeking the answers to those questions by learning how to spiritually awaken. However, the ancient Egyptians seemed to have been born with higher consciousness. They lived life every day knowing the purpose of life. Could they have been in direct contact with a higher force?

modern man should be more spiritually advanced than previous cultures. This, however, is not true. The ancient Egyptians knew much more about higher consciousness than we do today. What is interesting is how they determined this knowledge without a religion. The concept of God as it is today did not exist in the early stages of human thought. The Egyptian’s religion centered on the interaction between people and their gods. The ancient Egyptians worshipped a god who gave them warmth: the sun. In fact, they worshipped a triune form. God the father and creation was symbolized by the dawn. God the son – the illuminating one – was at noon. God the holy spirit was represented by a flaming red sunset. The deity disappears and then rises the next day. Could these beliefs about God – the sun – be a thread linked to the early days of Christianity? Initiates of the Egyptian mystery school included Moses, Jesus, and others. It is also believed both Moses and Jesus started their ministry immediately following their initiation in the Great Pyramid. This ancient culture saw the world as a spiritual place. Evidence of higher consciousness is depicted in scenes on the walls of the Nile temples. There are spherical shapes of light depicted over the heads of gods and goddesses in temples. Most of the orbs are painted red or yellow and are supported. Some are shown with unsupported orbs that could indicate a more advanced being. Could there be representations of higher consciousness in our lives today?

The halos surrounding religious figures depicted in pictures could represent higher consciousness. This same theme continues in pictures of orbs and unexplained streaks of light in photographs of possible spirit energy. The reappearance of ancient

Ancient Egypt’s Spiritual Treasures

Ancient Egypt is the keeper of secrets. There are mysteries about the Sphinx, temples and pyramids, but it is the spiritual secrets behind the building of those superstructures that is most intriguing. Without those spiritual secrets no temples or pyramids would have been built. Many people tend to think higher consciousness evolves over successive periods of time with each new generation becoming more consciously aware. Based on that theory,

Continued on Page 8

Clues in ancient Egyptian writings, art, and symbols suggest how they achieved higher states of consciousness.


Our AnimalFriendsby Martha Norwalk

crystal skulls in recent years could be a sign of higher consciousness. The skull symbol represents consciousness and crystal has been considered sacred since ancient days. Ancient Egyptians incorporated magic into their lives. Not the hocus-pocus magic of today but magic based on knowledge gained from studying scriptures. The purpose of magic was to make things happen. Words, both written and spoken, were regarded as divine. Hieroglyphics were part of their magic. Today, we use positive thoughts, affirmations, and the quality of our personal vibration to create personal magic. The priests were believed to possess secret knowledge given to them by the gods. The aim of the magic was to alter the consciousness of the priest-magician so he or she had access to psychic abilities and the secret knowledge. Clues in their writings, art, symbols suggest how they achieved higher states of consciousness. Today, we consult religious leaders, mediums, shamans, spiritual gurus, indigenous elders for secret knowledge. Hand positions and images of the lotus flower seen on temple walls are important clues. Altered states of consciousness were achieved by stimulating the senses through beauty, body language, music, art, scent, and the power of suggestion. The ancients believed certain scents activated higher consciousness. Aromatherapy was a way of balancing the auric field with the physical. This was secret knowledge and only those trained in temples were taught the wisdom. Aromatherapy is still in use today.

Personal Vibration Everything in the universe is made of energy. It is the rate of speed at which a particular energy vibrates that distinguishes one thing from another. The ancients knew this secret. The energy you hold in your body, mind and emotions determines your personal vibration. A high, fast vibration develops consciousness. A lower, slower, heavier vibration can attract disappointments and works against spirituality.

How to raise your vibrations and enhance spirituality using

ancient Egyptian wisdom • Align with like-minded people who uplift your energy field. • Make conscious choices instead of allowing circumstances to happen by chance. • Fill other people’s buckets with kind thoughts and compliments. • Think positively. Don’t say, “I hope it will happen” but have faith like the ancients who said, “If God is willing.” • Repetitive negative thoughts lower your personal vibration. • Focus your thoughts on what you want rather than what you don’t want. • Let go of limiting beliefs and obsessive attachments to others. • Use prayer and affirmations, but try to say them aloud like the Egyptian magicians did. • Use sound to raise your vibration. Listen to soothing music, Tibetan singing bowls, crystal bowls and any other music or sounds for deep relaxation. • Trust your intuition. • Meditate, and use guided meditations and self-hypnosis to alter consciousness. • Avoid toxic people. People who are critical, nagging, pessimistic, blame others for problems, gossip, lower your personal vibration.

• Visit a power spot to accelerate spiritual growth. Power spots are at the top of a mountain, lake areas, near rivers, hot springs, place of spiritual worship.

Simple Exercises • Sense the energy of a room or group of people and determine the mood before you enter. This helps to develop intuition. • Imitate the hand positions in Egyptian

pictures and notice if any open the chakras. • Experiment with different scents, especially the lotus one. Research shows scent activates the frontal lobes of the brain, the third eye area. This accelerates spirituality.

Jane Doherty, named “one of the top 20 psychics” by Dr. Hans Holzer, is author of Awakening the Mystic Gift, starred in

Ancient Egypt’s Spiritual Treasures Continued from Page 7

the international TV show, Dead Tenants, and has been featured on Coast to Coast Radio, numerous radio, TV shows and magazines. She will lead spiritual workshops for inner awareness during a 14-day tour visiting Egypt’s ancient sites Sept. 15-28, 2013. Deep inner knowledge can awaken us or we can transcend our consciousness, as we vibrate to the sounds and frequencies of the ancient stones in this once-in-a-lifetime journey across time, space, emotion and inner-being. For tour info visit

“Nourishment is the least acknowledged of personal daily miracles.” – Sondra Ray

Most of the time, we probably associate eating with the realm of the body rather than the expanse of our soul. Our fast-paced society has somewhat moved away from the intimate relationship between food and spirituality steeped within religious traditions and spiritual practices, reducing eating to a mere act of necessity with the ultimate divination contained within the confines of the glorified diet book. However, there are ways to reignite our eating experience as an opportunity to cultivate our spiritual practice.


Nutrition for Body & Soulby Deanna Minich, PhD, CN, RYT

Continued on Page 12


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Making Eating A Spiritual Practice After all, how might our physiology and psychology respond if we developed an appreciation of our next meal as the manifestation of a miracle? What if we invited God to partake in our nourishment? We know now, even from scientific studies, of the healing power of spirituality, with findings suggesting that it can add a dimension of happiness and health, and perhaps even longevity, to our lives. Therefore, it is compelling to think of the potential to link our spirituality to an activity we engage in multiple times daily – like eating – to tap into its significant effect. Here are some ways to invite your soul into your next meal:

Set an intention or say a prayer One of my favorite things to do, either by myself or when eating with a group of people, is to have everyone verbalize their “intention” for a meal before beginning to eat. It can be as simple as one word, like “harmony” or a phrase like “a healthy body.” Saying one’s intention lays the energetic and spiritual groundwork for the meal; thought and spoken word creates a vibration that influences physical matter. It’s one way to let your soul come forth into the eating experience, by speaking the nourishment or need that is truly desired at a deeper level, and then imagining every bite of food filled with the energy of that intention. If you prefer a prayer, that is another option. When praying,

saying each word carefully, as though your deepest, soul-full self was connected to each word, is a special way to start off the spiritual journey of the meal. Through prayer, you are inviting God into the meal, making it a blessed and sacred experience.

Artwork by Manami Lingerfelt


Continued on Page 11

Understand your animal friends

Martha Norwalk is an animal behavior therapist with over 35 years of professional experience and service. She also hosts her own radio show, Martha Norwalk’s Animal World, Sunday mornings on Alternative Talk AM 1150. She is available for private sessions, either in your home or over the phone. With her holistic approach, Martha can help you understand your animal friends and solve any behavior, training or healing issues that they might be having. Martha’s rates are surprisingly affordable so call now for a free/no obligation telephone evaluation.

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Happy New Year! What better way to jump into the new year than with some tools to help keep resolutions and stick with intentions to live a healthier, more balanced, life. The Mind-Body-Spirit (MBS) Scan is just such a tool. I introduced the general MBS Scan in the October issue of New Spirit Journal. This month’s column teaches how to run the MBS

MBS Scan for the Root Chakra Run the MBS Scan without judgment as best you can. The process is meant to gather information and encourage self-awareness so you can figure out how to help yourself. Mind: Am I observing my environment with an objective, open mind? Am I feeling on guard – defensive – within my environment? Is there something in my environment that’s hampering my sense of peace? Am I surrounding myself with like-minded people? Or, am I inviting people into my environment who agitate or throw me off center? Body: Does my body feel at peace? Or is it suffering in some way? Are my bones, legs, hips and lower body muscles strong? Do I enjoy physical activity? Am I consuming things that I know my body is “at peace” with: foods, vitamins and fluids that are compatible with my body’s specific needs? Do I even know what my body’s specific needs are in order for it to function properly? Am I giving my body rest so it can remember what peace actually feels like? Is my stance wide, open, and strong, suggesting I feel safe to be open and honest within my environment? Spirit: Do I feel a connection to Earth’s elements when I go outside? Am I at peace speaking about my spiritual beliefs to those in my community? Am I allowing others in my environment to choose my religion or spiritual practice? Am I listening to, and heeding messages from my higher guidance about my immediate surroundings? When is the last time I got outside or went barefoot (rain, cold, sleet, or sun), breathed fresh air or felt connected to the ground?

3-Step Action Plan for the Root Chakra

The AAA Plan is the 3-step action plan I introduced in the New Spirit Journal’s October issue. It includes: 1) Awareness; 2)

Action; and 3) Affirmation. Awareness: What showed up in your MBS Scan? Consider what about your environment is causing you to lack peace or not feel grounded. To gain clarity, try journaling or talking with a friend. In the end, jot down one or two sentences about what you’ve noticed. Action: What one small thing can you do to help your body thrive? What one small attitude adjustment can you make? What can you do that connects you to the earth energy? Below are two fun ideas: • Plant an herb garden. As your hands get in the dirt pay special attention to your breath. With every action – planting, pruning, watering – consciously slow down your breathing. Work with an herbalist, nutritionist, or health coach to help you choose herbs for your garden that are easy to incorporate into your cooking. Ask for guidance on which herbs are best to help cleanse and strengthen your aura, rid your body of waste and toxins, and balance and ground your energy. Nurturing your herb garden is very grounding in and of itself but consuming your well-loved crop brings a sense of connection to your deeper roots, your soul. • Soak your feet in Epsom salts and apple cider vinegar to draw out negative energy from the lower extremities. After the soak, mix some jojoba oil with a drop or two of tea tree oil and a few drops of a favorite essential oil in the palm of your hand. Massage each foot with complete attention to the movement of your hands, the smell of the oils, the feeling of your feet becoming smooth, clean, fresh. Honor your feet as important parts of your anatomy. Thank them for allowing you to stand, walk, skip, run and move the load they take on every day. Try this as a bedtime ritual. Affirmation: Below are a few sample affirmations for the root chakra: “I am eagerly and happily consuming food that helps my body and mind feel at peace.” “I am grounded and safe in my environment, inside and out.” “I am connected to earth energy in every action I take.” Affirmations work best when expressed in the present tense and when using words that hold a sense of movement and uplifting energy. For more on affirmations, see my November column in New Spirit Journal. Using a small note card, write your AAA Plan. Carry it with you. And keep it simple!

Cultivating Peace – Inside and Out

Chakra Talkby Ruth Stender

Scan specifically for the root chakra. The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and has to do with feeling grounded, centered, at peace, the key aspect of the root chakra. Being grounded is feeling secure with where you are in any given moment; it means to feel firmly planted, rooted, so that challenging people or situations within your environment are less likely to distress you or throw you off center.



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By Sarah Thorpe

A belief is an opinion or conviction. A false belief is something that is no longer true or is held unconsciously. When seen in the energy field, a belief is a batch of energy comprised of thought forms and experiences that confirm the belief. A false belief, when triggered, disrupts the flow in the energy field creating a block.

Bringing False Beliefs to Consciousnesstrickle was moving through and into his life. A closer look showed a stuck memory at the core of an unconscious belief system. When he was a child, he had shown his beautiful drawing to the class, the teacher commented in front of the whole class, “Trees are green, not purple! The sky is supposed to be blue not yellow!” The little boy felt ridiculed and ashamed and never drew like that again. The man developed an unconscious belief that said, “What I create has no value.” In his adult life, this belief undermined the man’s conscious belief that he could achieve anything. Once that memory was de-energized so it no longer held the emotional charge, his creative energy began to flow and his whole energy field was more aligned with his conscious beliefs. Recently, I was at a 5th grade open house when I got a big surprise. The teacher told us that throughout the year the teachers will be challenging the children’s paradigms. This is the story the 5th grade heard to illustrate the concept: An old lady went to the airport. She bought her favorite cookies and went to a table to wait for her plane to be called. She began to read her book when she heard someone sitting down across from her. She looked up and saw a young man who looked a bit scruffy. She continued to read her book. She heard the sound of rustling paper and when she looked up again she saw that the young man was eating cookies, her favorite cookies! She was angry that he would eat her cookies but she didn’t say anything. He smiled and offered her one but she continued reading. When she went to her gate she looked in her bag for her ticket and there to her surprise and shame was her own bag of cookies! How do you know if you’re operating from a false belief? Here are some clues: • You have a very strong reaction to something or someone. • Your strong opinions sometimes surprise you. • You find yourself blaming others. • You have goals and dreams for yourself that don’t become reality even though you put in the time and effort to make them happen. When you are in meditation, go within and tune-in to yourself. The good thing to know is that once an unconscious belief is brought to consciousness, it is changed. Just by bringing it to a conscious level you have illuminated what once was hidden. Bring

Turning the Inside Out When you cultivate lasting peace on the inside, your external surroundings will eventually shift to match. If your surroundings are chaotic or very negative, then getting to a more peaceful state will require a little more work on your part, but if you stick with your 3-step action plan your environment can’t help but change. It doesn’t mean that those jerks at work are all going to get fired but it may mean that you will attract

a job that better suits you. It doesn’t mean that your kids are all of a sudden going to act like angels, but it does mean that your more peaceful energy will influence how they behave. Commit yourself to holding a steady, positive, energy. The law of entrainment guarantees the environment will shift to match your healthier, happier – more peaceful – vibration.

Ruthie Stender is a certified meditation teacher and registered

yoga instructor with Yoga Alliance and author of The Eight Aspects of God, A Pathway to Bliss. She teaches clients how to balance mind, body, and spirit using specific aspects of each chakra, breath work, intuition, and easy-to-use self-healing techniques., (206) 708-3277. To read past columns, go to and click on the icon of the newspaper. This will take you to the past issues mentioned in this column.

Continued from Page 10

Cultivating Peace – Inside and Outto mind a situation you want to change, connect with the emotion in it, identify the belief held there, then allow the emotional charge to be released, allow yourself to know where that belief came from and give yourself permission to let it go.

Sarah Thorpe lives in Gig Harbor, Wash. and is a clairvoyant healer and an instructor of intuitive development and meditation. In her private practice she helps people remember they are spiritual beings so that they can get their own answers and feel empowered in their lives. She works with the human energy field which surrounds and inter-penetrates the physical body. Visit

For example, you believe that if you are nice to everyone they will be nice to you; but, you find people are deceitful and mean to you. Unconsciously, you hold the belief that it is wrong to be angry. You believe that you deserve a healthy loving relationship but find that you attract abusive partners. The unconscious belief is that you are not worthy. You believe you can do anything and are a high achiever, yet the success you want is always just out of reach. The unconscious belief is that you are not capable.What happens is that an unconsciously-held belief will guide you to create your world to validate that belief. You might relate to the story of a man who was not happy with the way his business was moving. He believed that hard work and goal-setting would bring success. In his energy field, the channel that carries creative energy was blocked, so only a

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Sarah Thorpe says that once an unconscious belief is brought to consciousness, it is changed. Just by bringing it to a conscious level you have illuminated what once was hidden.

clear that in part I was hesitant to be seen. That is to say I was fearful of showing who I was at my core. Would that offend people? Would my friends and family support my authentic truth? Had they gotten used to the cloak version of me? The thought of exposing my complete truth at least to this point of discovery was unsettling. There was still something in my way. I was willing to risk the end of most relationships if they could not support me in my truth. I understood those relationships were already dormant. A peek just under the realization of this block of being seen and being true to me held one more big and hidden fear. It felt big. It lay deep within my body, mind and spirit. It was in fact the largest block I had come across and the most secretive. It lived somewhere between my solar plexus and


WHAT IS GOOD COMPANY?A relaxed networking lunch where we gather to share great food and even great-er company. We visit, network, and make referrals. Find out why many people say this is their favorite networking group! Sponsored by Krysta Gibson and Rhonda Dicksion of New Spirit Journal

Join us for lunch and good company!A Monthly Gathering of People Of Positive InfluencePeople of Positive Influence (PPIs) are those who are living their lives in such a way as to be a positive influence on the world around them. It doesn’t matter what kind of work you do or where you do it. If you are helping to make the world a better place, if you are reading New Spirit Journal,you are a PPI! Join us for a monthly network gathering.

• Lynnwood: Tasters Wok First Tuesday: Jan. 8, Feb. 5, March 5 11:30-1 p.m., 15128 Hwy 99, Lynnwood, WA 98037. Reserve your spot: Please no outside food or drinks. For directions only: 425-787-6789

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Participate in the monthly Good Company Club marketing support call sponsored by Marty Marsh, marketing coach, author and speaker ( Join in this call either by telephone or computer and network with other Soul Proprietors. For details and to sign up for the free calls, go to

By Janine Ouellette Sullivan

Throughout my adult life I have used the months

between October and January to make a clean sweep of those things which do not lift me up towards the next positive level

of my personal journey. This process involves anything, from cleaning drawers and closets to

reviewing my relationships with people. The most important part of this gift of clearing out is the gift of self-review and reflection. I have to be honest and say that the accumulation of unnecessary stuff in my life is by and large due to my own

consciousness. This block would make me quiver just at a glimpse. I couldn’t believe the power it had over me. With courage at my side I dug a little deeper. I stood objective to my own feeling of nervousness. I picked up the symbolic lid and took a look inside the most long standing part of my persona, the part of me that was with in the longest. It was the part of me that was most manipulative. We peered at each other’s frightened eyes. This fear looked at me like a little mouse trapped in a dark box. I looked at this part of myself with love and a gentle point of view. I lifted it up to the light and took a good long look at this little being. In the light it was no longer so big and scary. It was not fear of self-realization that frightened me and blocked me. It was the very distinct fear of change. I would need

that feeling grateful is positively associated with better health and well-being. Keeping a gratitude journal, even for a short period of time, has been shown to impact the brain favorably. If we eat three or more times daily, we have many occasions to be in the mode of thankfulness, which will most likely positively affect our state of mind. You may want to try what I call “gratitude bites” where before every bite of food you take, you quietly acknowledge your gratitude with a “thank you.” By the time you are finished with the meal, you may have said thank you dozens of times. It’s a great way to slow down your eating and make yourself more aware of gratitude throughout the meal rather than just in the beginning of it.

The “one bowl”concept I like the “one bowl” concept introduced by Don Gerrard in his book entitled One Bowl. Essentially, the concept is to choose a bowl that you make your own to eat out of, so that each time you do, it takes on an element of sacredness. A bowl that is the same size as both of your hands put together (slightly cupped) may be about the size of your stomach. If you are eating just enough as provided to you by the confines of the

Eating as a Spiritual PracticeContinued from Page 9 bowl, you will be less apt to overeat

compared to eating from a plate of food on which you can pile food high. You can hold the bowl in your hands in a prayer-like manner to set your intention. Additionally, I like connecting a bowl to the dimensions of the stomach because it is a subtle reminder that your stomach is the “altar of your being.” It is where your mealtime offerings are made to your entire self. If we considered eating as the process of making an offering on the altar of our stomach for its transformation and integration into our being, that might create a different awareness of our intake.

Make a “Spirit plate” Although I grew up Catholic, I became acquainted with various spiritual and religious traditions through university classes and by studying with spiritual mentors of different faiths. One of my mentors, Char Sundust, taught me about Native American spirituality and showed her students how to make an offering to “Spirit” (the Native American word for God) at every meal by putting a small amount of food into a bowl or on a plate at every mealtime out of respect, gratitude, and devotion. At the end of the meal, the food can be placed outside for animals to eat. In Buddhist temples, you will commonly find food as offerings to the gods represented and in select Asian restaurants, there is typically a Buddha statue with food placed before it. A spiritual object in your kitchen is another way to create a sanctuary space where you prepare food. I have some figurines in my kitchen to remind me of the divine, including a Buddha, along with tea candles and incense on the windowsill above the sink, to put me in a more spiritual mindset when I am close to food.

Enjoy and enrich your life this new year by creating enlightened eating experiences and meals full of meaning.

Deanna Minich, PhD, CN, RYT, is a mind-body-spirit nutritionist and author who bridges together modern science with ancient spirituality in her novel approach to food and eating. See her website,, and Facebook page, Food & Spirit with Dr. Deanna Minich, for more details.

Continued on Page 13

Making A Clean Sweepoversight. Certainly the maintenance of deflated relationships is largely my doing as well. If I keep these things about it is because I have chosen to do so. If I sustain the thing that brings me down or holds me back I have made a conscious choice. In my own mind and spirit I do have the power to decide what stays or goes. As I move through autumn and winter I have already had a number of personal realizations. My greatest joy is sharing what I learn with you. I realized I had a very hidden and underlying block that was preventing me from moving forward in my life. At one point it was


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Events, Classes,& WorkshopsJANUARY 8, 11:30-1 PMGOOD COMPANY NETWORKING LUNCH. Join us for lunch and network-ing. Cost is the price of your lunch. TASTER’S WOK, 15128 Hwy 99, Lynnwood, WA 98037. For directions: 425-787-6789. Please reserve your spot by email: You don’t have to eat to join us but please do not bring in any outside food or drinks with you. For more information visit

JANUARY 15, 11:30-1 PMGOOD COMPANY NETWORKING LUNCH! Join us for lunch and networking. Cost is the price of your lunch. GOLDEN CITY BUFFET, 1407 West Main Street, Monroe, WA 98272. Chinese buffett and lunch specials. You don’t have to eat to join us but please do not bring in any outside food or drinks with you. No reservations required. For more information visit

Events, Classes,& WorkshopsJANUARY 22, 11:30-1 PMGOOD COMPANY NETWORKING LUNCH. Join us for lunch and network-ing. Cost is the price of your lunch. EAST WEST BOOKSHOP, 6500 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, 98115. You don’t have to eat to join us but wonderful sandwiches are available for purchase! For more infor-mation visit

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FREE SAHAJ MARG MEDITATION for human perfection through yogic transmission. Ph (206) 522-2502.

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Deadline is the second Friday of each month for the following month’s issueThe ClassifiedsChurches andSpiritual HomesFIRST SPIRITUALIST CHURCH OF PUYALLUP Sunday Service 11am ,314 second ST SE Puyallup WA 98372 253-845-4444 All are Welcome, A Spiritual Pick me up every Sunday. Come as you Are. Just Behind City Hall in Downtown Puyallup or on facebook at puyallup spiritualist church

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CHURCH OF DIVINE MAN is a non-profit organization focused on spiritual freedom. The emphasis is on teaching spiritual techniques to allow spirit to awaken and create consciously in the physical world. These techniques and teachings are based upon ancient wisdom and presented in a modern-day format. Take charge of your spiritual creativity by meditating with purpose. or call 425-258-1449.

UNITY is an open-minded, accepting spiritual community that honors all paths to God and helps people discover and live their spiritual potential and pur-pose. A positive alternative to negative religion, Unity seeks to apply the teach-ings of Jesus as well as other spiritual masters. 800-248-6489.

CENTERS OF LIGHT teaches Christian mysticism and finding truth through experiences, not dogma. One-on-one teacher/student relationships offer the personal counseling and love that is rarely found elsewhere. Spiritual communities support each other with integrity, honesty and joy.

ANANDA CHURCH OF SELF-REALIZATION founded by Swami Kriyananda, direct disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda ia a movement based on the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda that helps you bring God into your life through meditation and spiri-tual living. Offers classes, services, Living Wisdom Schools, and spiritual communi-ties in the United States, India, and Italy. Call 530-478-7560.

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to make certain changes in order to live as I was created to live. As a chronic people-pleasure I was under the compulsion to make people comfortable even at my own expense. So, soon into my annual quest toward soul realization I saw this fear that was stifling the flow of my life. This fear of making needed changes was certainly what was

holding me back. What if I chose to write with an honest pen and people didn’t like it? What if I decided to paint wildly free and people didn’t like it? What if I got to know myself and found there were situations in my life I no longer wanted to be a part of? I would have to make some changes. Suddenly my annual clearing out took on a new dimension. This became a question of who am I apart from acceptance or lack of acceptance?

I considered a few things. Can I understand who I am deeply if I continued to surround myself with people who couldn’t see me or hear me? Could I understand who I am if I was unwilling to hear or see myself? One month into this four-month clean sweep I feel so blessed. I feel happy. I feel contented because I like who I am. I like the person I have become. I look forward to the person I will continue to flow into as I nurture my personal journey. Once I picked up that secret little fear and took a long look, it really didn’t seem so large and destructive. It seems rather like an

old friend who got lost along the way. This secret fear of making life changes inside and out was unreasonable. If I held that point of view all through my life I imagine I would be very stagnant on all levels. There are always changes to be pondered and relationships to be reviewed. That is part of the flow of life. Whatever changes are ahead they will be easier having uncovered the secret fear. Not everything in life is designed to be easy, but much of it can be accomplished with ease. I am not a bit concerned about moving

through the remainder of my clean sweep because I know I will be a better person for giving attention to my own life. If I am a better person to me I will be a better person to others. No greater gift is there than to be the best we can be to ourselves and one another. To strive in this with tender consideration and attention to love is what fills that new space after the clean sweep. What will your clean sweep be as a New Year approaches? What wonderful qualities will take over your newly created space?

Continued from Page 12

Making a Clean Sweep


14911 Chain Lake Rd., #431, Monroe, WA 98272 • • (425) 356-7237Publisher and Co-editor: Krysta Gibson • Krysta@newspiritjournal.comDesigner and Co-editor: Rhonda Dicksion • Rhonda@newspiritjournal.comAll content ©2012 by New Spirit Journal • ISSN: 1930-370XColumnists: Krysta Gibson; Deanna Minich, Ph.D., CN, RYT; Martha Norwalk; Ruthie Stender.

New Spirit Journal is a monthly publication dedicated to self-empowerment, joyful co-creation, and thoughtful Earth stew-ardship so that everyone can reach his or her maximum potential. Readers are responsible for their own decisions when read-ing the publication, contacting advertisers, or otherwise pursuing their path through life. Advertisers are responsible for the claims they make and are expected to operate in good faith, tell the truth about their work or products, and treat their clients and customers fairly.

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No doubt most of you reading this have enjoyed the experience of a relaxing or therapeutic massage. Delightfully, the same experience is now readily available for our animal friends. During the last 10 years or so, the field of massage for our animal friends has grown immensely and is flourishing, especially here in the Pacific Northwest. It has become so popular that many practitioners are currently earning a living at it. For our discussion purposes here, there are a number of specific modalities that I will include under the heading of massage.

Those are massage in general, manual ligament therapy, Tellington Touch, and acupressure. Reiki and aromatherapy are often used or taught in combination with these modalities. Not as common yet but also used in association with massage therapy are Bowen therapy, laser treatments, Assisi loops, acutonics, hydro-therapy as well as energetic healing like B.E.S.T. (bioenergetic synchronization therapy). In its infancy, animal massage was most commonly used with dogs and horses. That is because these animals are worked in competition doing various physical activities and it became popular as a version of sports therapy for them. Nowadays most of these therapies are used on all kinds of animals

including cats and many of our, what I call, pocket pets, and even birds and reptiles. There are many animal massage therapists working on their own in private practices. In most cases you take your animal friend to them and the option of home visits is also provided by some. You can also find massage therapists working in conjunction with some veterinarians. This is most common in holistic practices and with veterinary chiropractors. More and more these days, individual animal owners are learning these techniques themselves so they can work on their own animal friends. There are lots of instructional books as well as classes available to facilitate this. There are many reasons why you may want to take your animal friend to an animal massage therapist or learn some of these techniques yourself. It can be very helpful for healing after an injury or surgery. It can help our animal friends relax. It helps them stretch and prepare for physical activities. It can even help resolve some behavior problems. If you learn to do it yourself, it can work wonders improving your relationship with and helping you bond more strongly with your animal friend. Also, if you have always wanted to work with animals and have not found the right niche for yourself yet, a career in animal massage just might be what you are looking for. Here are some resources for learning animal massage. • The Northwest School of Animal Massage,, (206) 463-1425, 1-877-836-3703. • Pet Massage: • Equine and Companion Animal Massage,

• Brandenburg Massage Therapy, • International Association of Animal Massage and Bodywork Association of Canine Water Therapy, •The Animal Massage Guide,

Martha Norwalk is an animal behavior therapist and host of Martha Norwalk’s Animal World, Sunday mornings, from 9 a.m. to noon on Alternative Talk AM 1150. She can be reached at Martha’s Canine, Feline and All Creature Counseling at (360) 217-7258 or For a free, no obligation telephone evaluation or to make an appointment for Martha to work with you and your animal friend, give her a call.

Our Animal Friendsby Martha Norwalk

Massage is for Animals

Reiki in SeattleREIKI CIRCLE

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Thunk!How to Think Less for Serenity and SuccessBy Sandy C. NewbiggingFindhorn Press If you’re plagued by a mind that won’t stop thinking when you want it to, you are being “thunk!” So says Sandy Newbigging, a meditation teacher and creator of the Mind Detox Method. Based on ancient teachings that many people study under different names, Newbigging explains how the mind works, the difference between the content and context of our minds, and gives very specific techniques to stop being victim to our thoughts. This is a friendly book written in a personable style that gently guides the reader to a deep understanding and experience of the “real self,” that part of ourselves where we can live in peace and harmony no matter what is going on in the world around us.

The Sermon on the MountThe Key to Success in LifeBy Emmet FoxHarperOne Originally copyrighted in 1934, this is one of the first books read by people when they are introduced to the world of New Thought. The book is a spiritual classic and gives the guidelines for living a positive and abundant life. Based on the teachings of Jesus, the book challenges many deeply cherished beliefs of traditional religions. This is what makes it so attractive to those who know there is more to biblical teachings that most Christian religions admit. “Jesus has been sadly misunderstood and misrepresented,” says Fox. The Bible, Fox says, is actually a “textbook of metaphysics,” and gives us a practical plan for living our lives. This particular edition is hardback and would make an excellent gift for someone new to these studies or for someone whose current copy is dog-earred!

The Fear & Anxiety SolutionA Breakthrough Process for Healing and Empowerment with Your Subconscious MindBy Friedemann Schaub, M.D., Ph DSounds True Just as the name implies, this is a workbook for people who are fearful and anxious which, according to statistics, is 20% of the adult population! Sharing his own struggles with anxiety and fear, cardiologist and molecular biologist Doctor Friedemann Schaub walks the reader through a deep understanding of where these reside in the subconscious and how to go about releasing yourself from them. He combines his medical expertise with NLP, Time Line Therapy, and clinical

hypnotherapy to create a program that is practical as well as impactful. This is material that can help somone learn how to transform fear and anxiety into peace and confidence.

Animal Whispers Empowerment CardsAnimal Wisdom to Empower, Heal, and InspireBy Madeleine Walker

Findhorn Press Animal communicator and author Madeleine Walker has created a gorgeous set of 45 oracle cards with accompanying book that allows the wisdom and healing nature of animals into our lives. The cow, fly, camel, and flamingo all have something to say to us about how we live our lives, prepare ourselves for spiritual experiences, and experience peace and unconditional love. Over the past few years, Madeleine has communicated with hundreds of animals and these cards represent the most inspiring. Each card has a photo of the animal with a brief message that is explained more in the book. The cards are striking in the use of color that is part of the message being relayed. If you are not currently an animal-lover, this deck could change that! If you already are a lover of animals, you will want to get your hands on this deck as soon as possible!

Leaning Into Sharp PointsPractical Guidance and Nurturing Support for CaregiversBy Stan Goldberg, Ph.D.New World Library

Today there are many people caring for family members or friends who are ill, have some form of dementia, or who are on hospice. There are many questions to be faced, situations to be handled, decisions to be made. This book can help. As a private therapist, clinical researcher, and former San Francisco State University professor, Stan Goldberg brings a lot of experience and knowledge to these issues. From the simpler things such as bedside etiquette, to the more complex such as giving someone permission to die, he writes in a compassionate and clear manner designed to support the caregiver fully.

The Yoga of PregnancyWeek by WeekBy Mel CampbellFindhorn Press This book allows the pregnant mother to consciously connect with the unborn child through the mind, body, and breath. The book leads the mother through a 40-week practice that honors the weekly development and physiological changes happening for both mom and baby. Each week offers thoughts that relate to the child’s development in the womb, an intention, and a pose and reflection for the week. The poses are accompanied by photos as well as affirmations. This is a beautiful book that is sure to delight a mom who is already involved with yoga and would like to have specific practices that support the development of her baby.


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Sacred Journey of the HeartThe Science and Spirit of Our ConnectionA Film by Ronna PrinceDVD 86 minutes This film can help you “dive in, tune in, and lighten up” with information shared by the film’s creator, Ronna Prince. Teachers such as Collin Tipping, Gregg Braden, Joe Dispenza and indigineous elders help explain the

connection between the heart and the brain and how to use this connection in our everyday lives. Our ancestors knew that our central organizing system is the heart and this film not only underscores this, it also provides ways to access the information of the heart, information which is outside time and space. There are some great photos and inspiring music throughout the video, making it fun and impactful to watch. It could provide a great jumping-off point for a discussion group.


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