new south wales development design specification d1

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© The AUS-SPEC Joint Venture date: Mar 2001 Copying strictly prohibited AUS-SPEC-1\NSW-D1 Mar 2001 LIVERPOOL CITY COUNCIL - OCTOBER 2003





(Urban and Rural)


© The AUS-SPEC Joint Venture date: Mar 2001 Copying strictly prohibited AUS-SPEC-1\NSW-D1 Mar 2001 D1-1


Amendment Record for this Specification Part

This Specification is Council’s edition of the AUS-SPEC generic specification part and includes Council’s primary amendments.

Details are provided below outlining the clauses amended from the Council edition of this AUS-SPEC Specification Part. The clause numbering and context of each clause are preserved. New text is shown underlined (eg. new text) and deleted text is shown struck through (eg. struck through ). New clauses are added towards the rear of the specification part as special requirements clauses. Project specific additional script is shown in the specification as italic font.

The amendment code indicated below is ‘A’ for additional script ‘M’ for modification to script and ‘O’ for omission of script. An additional code ‘P’ is included when the amendment is project specific.

Amendment Sequence No.

Key Topic addressed in amendment

Clause No. Amendment



Amendment Date

1 Scope – delete reference to just subdivision roadworks

D1.01.01 M NB 01/10/03

2 Reference and Source Documents D1.03(a) M NB 01/10/03

3 Plan Requirements D1.06(a)&(b) A,M NB 01/10/03

4 Road Hierarchy D1.07.02 M NB 01/10/03

5 Road Hierarchy descriptions D1.07.03-06 O NB 01/10/03

6 Road design feature D1.08.01 M NB 01/10/03

7 Design speeds D1.09.03 M NB 01/10/03

8 Longitudinal grades D1.10.01 M NB 01/10/03

9 Minimum kerb radius on 90o bend D1.11.05 A NB 01/10/03

10 Sag curves D1.12.04 M NB 01/10/03

11 Superelevation D1.13.01 M NB 01/10/03

12 Superelevation - minimum curve radii

D1.13.04 M NB 01/10/03

13 Superelevations - transitions D1.13.05 M NB 01/10/03

14 Cross section provisions D1.14.01 M NB 01/10/03

15 Carriageway/road characteristics Table1.5 M NB 01/10/03

16 Service roads D1.14.09 A NB 01/10/03

17 Half road construction D1.14.10 A NB 01/10/03

18 Pavement crossfalls D1.15.01 M NB 01/10/03


© The AUS-SPEC Joint Venture date: Mar 2001 Copying strictly prohibited D1-2 AUS-SPEC-1\NSW-D1 Mar 2001


19 Crossfalls - offset crowns D1.15.02 O NB 01/10/03

20 Minimum crossfalls on cul-de-sacs D1.15.04 A NB 01/10/03

21 Footpath formation D1.16.02 O NB 01/10/03

22 Footpath formation D1.16.03 M NB 01/10/03

23 Driveway access D1.16.04 M NB 01/10/03

24 Concrete footpath locations D1.16.05 A NB 01/10/03

25 Footpath layout D1.16.06&07 A NB 01/10/03

26 Vehicle Crossings D1.16.08 A NB 01/10/03

27 Batter slopes D1.16.09 A NB 01/10/03

28 Turning templates D1.17.09 M NB 01/10/03

29 Roundabout design criteria D1.18.02 M NB 01/10/03

30 Roundabout linemarking plans D1.18.03 A NB 01/10/03

31 Traffic calming devices design D1.19.02 M NB 01/10/03

32 Verge Parking D1.20.05 O NB 01/10/03

33 On Site Parking - number D1.20.09 M NB 01/10/03

34 Battle axe parking D1.20.10-12 O NB 01/10/03

35 Parking area materials D1.20.14 M NB 01/10/03

36 Right Angled Parking D1.20.15 O NB 01/10/03

37 Rural – Table Drain D1.22.04 M NB 01/10/03

38 Rural road carriageway widths D1.27.01 M NB 01/10/03

39 Kerb and Gutter D1.33 A NB 01/10/03

40 Streetlighting D1.34 A NB 01/10/03

41 Rural Roads – Kerb and Gutter D1.22.06 M NB 15/06/04


© The AUS-SPEC Joint Venture date: Mar 2001 Copying strictly prohibited AUS-SPEC-1\NSW-D1 Mar 2001 D1-3





1. This section sets out the specifications developed specifically for the design of subdivision roadworks using principles of street design to ensure safety and improved amenity and to reduce pedestrian/vehicular conflicts.

Subdivision Roadworks

2. A fundamental requirement of the design process is for designers to determine the vehicle speed which is deemed acceptable for a particular subdivision or section of road. The concept of designing to regulatory street speeds is contrary to the current principles of subdivision road design.

Acceptable Vehicle Speed

3. All relevant design principles must be integrated in the development of the road network. A careful balance is required between maximising amenity, safety and convenience considerations and those related to the drivers’ perception of driving practice.

Integrated Design Principles

4. The words “street” and “road” are interchangeable throughout all parts of this Specification.

5. For the purpose of this Specification the definition of terms used to define the components of the road reserve shall be in accordance with AS 1348.1 and AMCORD.

Road Reserve Component Definitions

AS 1348.1 terms:

Carriageway - That portion of the road or bridge devoted particularly to the use of vehicles, inclusive of shoulders and auxiliary lanes.

Footpath - The paved section of a pathway (verge).

Pathway - A public way reserved for the movement of pedestrians and of manually propelled vehicles (AMCORD verge).

Pavement - That portion of a carriageway placed above the subgrade for the support of, and to form a running surface for, vehicular traffic.

Shoulder - The portion of the carriageway beyond the traffic lanes and contiguous and flush with the surface of the pavement.

AMCORD term:

Verge: - That part of the road reserve between the carriageway and the road reserve boundary. It may accommodate public utilities, footpaths, stormwater flows, street lighting poles and plantings.

D1.02 AIMS

1. The provision of a road system within a subdivision is to be designed so as to achieve the following aims:


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• Provide convenient and safe access to all allotments for pedestrians, vehicles and cyclists.

• Provide safe, logical and hierarchical transport linkages with existing street system.

• Provide appropriate access for buses, emergency and service vehicles.

• Provide for a quality product that minimises maintenance costs.

• Provide a convenient way for public utilities.

• Provide an opportunity for street landscaping.

• Provide convenient parking for visitors.

• Have appropriate regard for the climate, geology and topography of the area.


(a) Council Specifications

All Specifications for Design and Construction.

Council’s Development Control Plans

(b) Australian Standards AS 1348.1 - Road and traffic engineering – Glossary of terms, Road

design and construction. AS 2890.1 - Parking facilities: Off-street car parking. SAA HB69.14 - Guide to traffic engineering practice - Bicycles. AS/NZS 3845 - Road safety barrier systems.

(c) State Authorities Roads and Traffic Authority NSW - Road Design Guide. Department of Housing - Road Manual, 1987. Department of Urban Affairs (formerly Environment) and Planning - Technical Bulletin 12

(1981), Residential Road Widths.

(d) Other AUSTROADS RURAL ROAD DESIGN, Guide to the Geometric Design of Rural

Roads. Guide Policy for the Geometric Design of Major Urban Roads. Guide to Traffic Engineering Practice: PART 5, Intersections at Grade PART 6, Roundabouts PART 10, Local Area Traffic Management PART 13, Pedestrians PART 14, Bicycles

The Institute of Municipal Engineering Australia, Qld Division - 1993: Design Guidelines for Subdivisional Streetworks.

ARRB Special Report No. 33, L E Comerford: A Review of Subdivision Road Design Criteria.


© The AUS-SPEC Joint Venture date: Mar 2001 Copying strictly prohibited AUS-SPEC-1\NSW-D1 Mar 2001 D1-5


Commonwealth Department of Housing and Regional Development – 1995: Australian Model Code for Residential Development. (AMCORD). A National Resource Document for Residential Development.

Stapleton, C 1984: Streets Where We Live – A Manual for the Design of Safer Residential Estates.

Stapleton, C 1988, Dept of Transport South Australia: Planning & Road Design for New Residential Subdivisions.

Brindle, R 1988, ARRB: Planning & Design of the Local Distributor.

Colman, J 1978, ARRB: Streets for Living.

Pak-Poy Kneebone – 1989: Research Study into Road Characteristics for Residential Development.


1. Designers are encouraged to consult with the Council and other relevant authorities prior to or during the preparation of design. Designers should in addition to requirements of this Specification ascertain specific requirements of these authorities as they relate to the designs in hand.

Council, Other Authorities

2. Public consultation on designs shall be provided where such action is required by Council’s current policy.

Public Consultation

3. The Designer shall obtain service plans from all relevant public utility authorities and organisations whose services may exist within the area of the proposed development. These services are to be plotted on the relevant drawings including the plan and cross-sectional views.

Public Utilities


1. In new areas (as distinct from established areas with a pre-existing road pattern) each class of route should reflect its role in the road hierarchy by its visual appearance and related physical design standards. Routes should differ in alignment and design standard according to the volume of traffic they are intended to carry, the desirable traffic speed, and other factors.

Road Hierarchy

2. The road pattern and width must be in conformity with that shown on any relevant Development Control Plan. In areas not covered by these plans, the pattern and width(s) will be determined by Council on their merits.

Conformance with DCP

3. The road network for residential developments should have clear legibility. Legibility

4. The road network should reinforce legibility by providing sufficient differentiation between the road functions.


5. Distinct landmark features such as watercourses, mature vegetation or ridge lines should be emphasised within the structural layout so as to enhance the legibility.

Landmark Features

6. Whilst legibility can be enhanced by introduced physical features such as pavement and lighting details, the road network should by its inherent design and functional distinction provide the necessary legibility.

Introduced Features

7. The maximum number of turning movements at intersections or junctions that a driver should be required to undertake to reach a particular address within the development should be minimised.

Intersection Turning Movements


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(a) Reduction Ratios

1. Plan scales should be selected to allow an appropriate level of detail to be displayed clearly. The following scales shall be used. No other scales will be accepted without the prior approval of Liverpool City Council.

All plans for urban design are to be reduced to 1:500. Rural designs may be reduced to 1:1000. Longitudinal Sections 1:500 H or 1:200 H 1:100 V Cross Sections 1:100 Natural

Kerb Returns 1:10 V, 1:100 H Catchment Plans 1:1000

(b) Drawing Sheets

1. Separate sheets should be provided for a. Cover sheets b. Plan views c. Longitudinal sections d. Cross sections including pavement details e. Structural details

f. Standard drawings g. Kerb Return Profiles h. Intersection Details i. Signposting and linemarking plan j. Traffic Management plan k. Traffic calming device/s details l. Erosion and Sediment Control/Soil and Water Management Plan in

accordance with the requirements of Development Design Specification D7 “Erosion control and Stormwater Management”.

m. Stormwater Design Plans are to be prepared in accordance with the requirements of Development Design Specification D5 “Stormwater Drainage Design”.

(c) Drawing Presentation

1. Drawings are to be presented on A1 sheets unless otherwise authorised. They are to be clear and legible and prepared in consistent lettering and style. Council has the authority to refuse drawings that do not meet these drafting requirements. Drawings copied from other works will not be accepted. All drawings shall be clearly referenced with notations and tables as appropriate. The Designer should always be mindful that apart from being a permanent record and legal document, drawings should be easily read and understood by the Contractor, and others involved in the construction of the Works. Terminology should be kept in 'plain English' where possible.

Clear and Legible, Permanent Record, Legal Document

2. The scope and sequence of drawing sheets shall comply with the example provided in Annexure DQS-B of the Specification for QUALITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR DESIGN.



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(d) Certification

1. Drawings shall bear the signature of the design consultant and shall where required by the Council be certified as complying with the appropriate design specifications (D1 to D12). The certificate shall be in the format detailed in Annexure DQS-A of the Specification for QUALITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR DESIGN.

Design Consultant



1. A hierarchical road network is essential to maximise road safety, residential amenity and legibility. Each class of road in the network serves a distinct set of functions and is designed accordingly. The design should convey to motorists the predominant function of the road. A typical hierarchy is shown on Figure D1.1.


Figure D1.1 - Typical Road Hierarchy


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2. Four distinct levels of roads are: Access Street / Cul de sacs Local Street Collector Street

Trunk Collector / Local Sub-Arterial Road Road characteristics are to conform to that detailed within the relevant Liverpool City Council adopted Development Control Plan for the area.

3. NOT USED Access Street

4. NOT USED Local Street

5. NOT USED Collector Street

6. NOT USED Local Sub-Arterial Road


1. The design features of each type of road convey to the driver its primary functions and encourage appropriate driver behaviour (refer Figure D1.2 to D1.5). Road Networks are to be designed in accordance with Council approved Development Control Plans (DCP). Where no DCP’s exist for the area Clauses D1.08.02 to D1.08.10 should be incorporated into any proposed road network design and forwarded to council for endorsement.

2. Traffic volumes and speeds on any road should be compatible with the residential functions of that road.


3. The maximum length of an access street / cul de sac should ensure its status as a residential place is retained, where the traffic, in terms of speed and volume will enable the integration of pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular movements. This length will also ensure that residential convenience is not unduly impaired as a result of speed restraints.

Access Street

4. The length of local sub-arterial / trunk collector within a development should be minimised.

Local Sub-Arterial

5. The time required for drivers to travel on all streets within the development should be minimised.

Travel Time

6. Where access streets form part of a pedestrian or bicycle network, access links should provide suitable connectivity with adjoining access streets or open space systems so as to ensure such pedestrian and bicycle network are functionally efficient.

Pedestrian or Bicycle Network

7. The road network should ensure that no road links with another road which is more than two levels higher or lower in the hierarchy. In exceptional circumstances roads may link with others that are more than two levels apart, however, no access street or local street should have access to an access-controlled arterial road.

Road Links

8. Connections between internal roads should be T-junctions or controlled by roundabouts.

Internal Road Connections

9. The road layout should conform to the requirements of the external road network and satisfy the transport provisions of an outline development plan.

Transport Provisions

10. The external road network should be designed and located to provide routes External Road


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which are more convenient for potential through traffic within the network. Major roads should be provided at intervals of no more than 1.5 km and should be complete and of adequate capacity to accommodate through network movements. The internal road system should not provide through routes that are more convenient than the external road network.



1. Design speed is generally used as the basic parameter in the specification of design standards, determining the minimum design value for other elements. The NSW Roads and Traffic Authority bases its current design standards on a travel speed rather than a design speed. Travel speed identifies a speed/horizontal radius relationship. This approach is intended for roads of a minimum travel speed of 60 km/h. The maximum speed limit in NSW for built-up areas is 60 km/h and this should be used in calculating design values which depend on speed, (eg collector and sub-arterial roads) however, in difficult topography, the design speed may be reduced. Vehicular speeds are also limited by road intersections as well as changes in horizontal and vertical alignment.

RTA Guidelines

2. Adoption of a low design speed discourages speeding, however, where vertical or horizontal curves of low design speed are located in otherwise high speed sections (tangents) the result is a potentially dangerous section of road. It should be recognised that in low standard roads, operating speeds will tend to be in excess of arbitrary speed standards. Attention should be given to ensuring that potentially hazardous features are visible to the driver and adopting traffic engineering measures which will help a driver avoid errors of judgement.

Low Speeds

Hazardous Features

3. Generally the following design speeds should be adopted: Access Street / Cul de sac 25 km/h Local Street 40 km/h Collector Street 60 km/h Local Sub-Arterial / 60/80 km/h

Trunk Collector

4. The need for road safety barriers shall be assessed and designed in accordance with AS/NZS 3845.

Road Safety Barriers


1. A general minimum gradient of 1.0 0.5 per cent should be adopted. In very flat conditions it may be reduced to 0.3 per cent. Where underground drainage with gully pits or other special works are used it is preferable to allow near level grades rather than reverting to the unsatisfactory device of introducing artificial undulations. Variable crossfall may be necessary to produce the required grade in the gutter. Maximum recommended grades are shown in Table D1.1. Any grades outside these recommendations shall be referred to council for consideration.

Flat Terrain


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Table D1.1

Local Access/ Cul

de sac

Collector Local Sub-

Arterial/ Trunk



Desirable maximum percentage* 12 10 8 10

Absolute maximum percentage* 16 12 10 12 * maximum length 150 m on straight alignment.

2. Longitudinal grade of the minor street on the approach to an intersection should not exceed 4 per cent, the actual gradient being dependent on the type of terrain. Design of the road alignment and the grades used are interrelated. A steep grade on a minor side street is undesirable if vehicles have to stand waiting for traffic in the major road.


3. Turning circles in cul-de-sacs on steep grades should have grades less than 5 per cent.



1. The horizontal alignment of a road is normally in a series of tangents (straights) and curves which may be connected by transition curves. The choice of the horizontal alignment is normally determined from the design speeds for a particular street within the road hierarchy as described in Clause D1.09. Designers should ensure that, for a given design speed, the minimum radius of curvature utilised is such that drivers can safely negotiate the curve. Curves which progressively tighten produce an uncomfortable sense of disorientation and alarm. Sudden reverse curves which drivers cannot anticipate also have a potential to cause similar conditions.

Speed/Radius Relation

2. Where speed restriction is provided by curves in the street alignment the relationship between the radius of the curve and the desired vehicle speed is given in Table D1.2(a).

Speed Restriction

3. To determine appropriate lengths for tangents between speed restrictions, which may be curves, narrow sections or other obstructions, Table D1.2(b) is recommended.

Tangent Length

4. Sight distance on curves is determined by formula, values of which are tabulated in RTA Road Design Guide.

5. The minimum inside kerb radius on 90 degree bends shall be 15m. The designer shall ensure that the longitudinal grade is a minimum of 1 per cent on the outside radius and that the cross fall is maintained.

Table D1.2(a)

Speed/Radius Relationship

Desired Curve Radii (m) on Road Centreline

Vehicle Speed (km/h)

Curvilinear Alignment (no tangents)

Isolated Curve Alignment(with tangent sections)

20 25 30 35 40

15 20 30 50 90

10 15 20 30 40


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45 50 55 60

105 120 140 160

50 60 70 80

Table D1.2(b) Speed/Tangent Length Relationship

Desired Vehicle Speed in Curve

Maximum Advisable Tangent Length (m) between Curves or Restrictions Appropriate to a Selected Design Speed.


(km/h) 25 30 35 40 45 50 60

20 or less 40 75 100 120 140 155 180

25 45 75 100 120 140 165 30 45 80 100 120 150 35 50 80 100 135 40 55 80 120 45 60 105

NOTE: Tables D1.2(a) and D1.2(b) are derived from AMCORD.


1. Vertical curves will be simple parabolas and should be used on all changes of grade exceeding 1 per cent. The desirable minimum design speed is 60 km/h. The length of the crest vertical curve for stopping sight distance should conform with RTA Road Design Guide. These standards are based on 1.5 second’s reaction time which provides a reasonable safety margin for urban conditions, where drivers' reaction time is usually considered to be lower than in rural conditions.


2. For adequate riding comfort, lengths of sag vertical curves should conform with the RTA Road Design Guide. As residential roads are usually lit at night, the criterion for designing sag vertical curves is a vertical acceleration of 0.05g for desirable riding comfort, and 0.10g for minimum riding comfort. The minimum length for sag vertical curves are shown in Table D1.3.

Riding Comfort

Table D1.3 Minimum Length of Sag Vertical Curves

Local access (m)

Collector (m)

Local Sub-Arterial (m)

Minimum vertical curve 25 35 50

Absolute minimum vertical curve (to be applied at road junctions only)




3. Junctions of roads should be located at a safe distance from a crest, determined by visibility from the side road. Location of a side road at a crest should only occur if there is no suitable alternative.

Side Road Junctions


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4. Drainage poses a practical limit to the length of sag curves and a maximum length (in metres) of 15 times the algebraic sum of the intersecting vertical grades (expressed as a percentage) has been suggested. This is to avoid water ponding in excessively flat sections of kerb and gutter. A minimum grade of 0.5 per cent should be maintained in the kerb and gutter. This may require some warping of road cross sections at sag points.

Sag Curves

5. The three dimensional coordination of the horizontal and vertical alignment of a road should be aimed at improved traffic safety and aesthetics. Economic considerations often require a compromise with aesthetic considerations. The following principles should be applied:

• The design speed of the road in both horizontal and vertical planes should be of the same order.

• Combined horizontal and vertical stopping sight distance and minimum sight distance should be considered three dimensionally.

• Sharp horizontal curves should not be introduced at or near the crest of a vertical curve. A horizontal curve should leave the vertical curve and be longer than the vertical curve.

• A short vertical curve on a long horizontal curve or a short tangent in the gradeline between sag curves may adversely affect the road's symmetry and appearance.

Horizontal and Vertical Alignment Coordination


1. The use of superelevation in association with horizontal curves is an essential aspect of geometric design of roads with design speeds in excess of 60 km/h. Local access roads which are designed for speeds of 40 km/h or less and with curves of 60m radius or less generally have the pavement crowned on a curve instead of superelevation. Design standards for such curves have little meaning as drivers usually cut the corners and rely on friction to hold them on a curved path. As the radius of the curve falls, friction becomes more important than superelevation. The maximum cross fall where superelevation shall be employed shall be 6 % and the minimum shall be 3%.

Low Design Speed, Crowned Pavement

2. The maximum superelevation for urban roads of higher design speeds should be 6 per cent. Any increase in the longitudinal grade leading to excessive crossfall at intersections should be considered with caution. While it is desirable to superelevate all curves, negative crossfall should be limited to 3 per cent.

High Design Speed

3. In general, curve radii larger than the minimum and superelevation rates less than the maximum should be used where possible. The minimum radius of curves is determined by the design speed, the minimum superelevation (or maximum adverse crossfall) at any point on the circular portion of the curve, and the maximum coefficient of side friction which allows safe lane changing. This is 0.15 where there is positive superelevation and 0.12 where there is adverse crossfall. The coefficient of side friction depends upon the type and condition of tyres, the pavement, and on speed.


4. Recommendations for minimum curve radii (in metres) on major urban roads (distributors or greater) under varying superelevation/crossfall are shown in Table D1.4.


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Table D1.4 Minimum Radius of Curvature

Design Speed km/h

60 70 80

Minimum Superelevation (%)

5 4 3 2 1

145 150 160 170 180

195 205 215 230 245

255 265 280 300 315

Maximum Crossfall (%)

0 1 2 3

190 260 285 315

260 355 390 430

340 460 505 560

(Source: NAASRA (Now AUSTROADS), Guide policy for the geometric design of major urban roads.)

5. Plan transitions are desirable on superelevated curves for appearance and to provide a convenient length in which to apply the superelevation. On urban roads, superelevation may be conveniently applied to the road cross section by shifting the crown to 2m from the outer kerb. The axis of rotation of the cross section for urban roads will normally be the kerb grading on either side which best enables access to adjacent properties and intersections. On the outside of superelevation, or where the longitudinal grade of the gutter is less than 0.5 per cent, a crossfall of 63mm in a 450mm wide gutter may be adopted.

Transitions, Offset Crowns


1. The cross section of the road reserve must provide for all functions that the road is expected to fulfil, including the safe and efficient movement of all users, provision for parked vehicles, acting as a buffer from traffic nuisance for residents, the provision of public utilities and streetscaping. Table D1.5 details Characteristics of the road reserve, are provided in councils relevant Development Control Plans (DCP) for each area. Where no DCP exists or the DCP does not cover all design information relative to road reserve geometry, Table D1.5 may be used to determine road characteristics.

Cross Section Provisions


© The AUS-SPEC Joint Venture date: Mar 2001 Copying strictly prohibited AUS-SPEC-1\NSW-D1 Mar 2001 D1-14 COUNCIL

Table D.1.5 Characteristics of Roads in Residential Subdivision Road Networks

Carriageway Width (m)(3) Road Type Maximum Traffic Volume (vpd) (1)

Maximum Speed (2) (km/h) Minimum Maximum

Parking Provisions Within Road Reserve

Kerbing (4) Footpath Requirement

Bicycle path Requirement

Verge Width (each side)

Access Street / Cul de sac

300 25 Single lane: NOT USED

Two Lane:5.0 6.5

6.0 6.5 Carriageway Rollover As Above

No Required on one side if greater than 15 lots on street.

No Minimum 4.0m See Note (6)

Local Street 2,000 40 7.0 (up to 1,000 vpd)



As Above

1.2m wide (7) footpath(s)


Minimum 4.0m

7.0 9.0 Carriageway As Above As Above No Minimum 4.0m

Collector Street

3,000 (with access to residential allotments)

50 (8) 7.0 7.5 On bus routes 9.0 9.5m (10).

9.0 9.5

Carriageway or Indented parking.

Rollover (9)

1.2m wide footpath both sides.

No As required by council 1.0m gap in pro- tuberances required for cyclists (10)

Minimum 4.0m(14)

Local Sub-Arterial Road / Trunk Collector

6,000 (no access to single dwelling residential allotments

60 (11) 7.0 7.5 On bus routes 9.0 9.5m (10).

9.0 9.5 Parking not permitted on carriageway (12)

Barrier If required 1.2m wide footpath both sides, and/or 2.5m bicycle path one side only(13)

As required by Council If required 2.0m bicycle path one side only in the verge or two 1.5m wide bicycle lanes marked on carriageway (13).

Minimum 4.5m.


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Derived from AMCORD


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1. For single dwelling allotments apply traffic generation rate of 10 vehicles per day (vpd)/allotment (equivalent to approximately one vehicle per hour (vph) in the peak hour) unless a lower rate can be demonstrated. Lower rates can be applied to multi-unit dwellings based on locally derived rates.

2. See Clauses D1.09 and D1.11 on designing for specific operating speeds.

3. Widening required at bends to allow for wider vehicle paths (using AUSTROADS Turning Templates).

4. Where kerbing is not required by Council a flush pavement edge treatment can be used. Maximum carriageway widths required if barrier kerbing used.

5. Requires: (i) Provision for widening to 5.0m if necessary in the future. (ii) Verge parking as noted with scope for additional spaces.

6. Minimum width required to provide for pedestrians, services, drainage, landscape and preservation of existing trees. Add additional width on one side for future widening of carriageway to 5.0m if required. For two lane carriageway design, no provision for widening required. Minimum of 4.0m wide may be reduced to 3.5m if no more than 6 lots access street.

7. A minimum of one footpath on one side of the street to be constructed initially with provision to construct a second footpath if required by residents council in the future.

8. Reduced speeds are required at designated pedestrian/bicycle crossing. A speed of 20 km/h is desirable, achieved by the road design principles outlined in this Specification.

9. Barrier kerbing may be used if required for drainage purposes without reducing the carriageway width.

10. On bus routes, 7.5m 7.0m travelled way with 2.0m wide indented parking and bus bays defined by kerbed protuberances. Where bicycle way can be anticipated, a bicycle lane is required along the kerb.

11. Speed on local sub-arterial road not to exceed legal limit.

12. If required, to be provided in parking areas which can be exited in a forward direction.

13. Required only if part of a pedestrian/bicycle network. Footpath width may need to be altered to suit pedestrian and/or cyclists needs and designer should consult with Council Engineer to determine width required.

14. Provide adequate road reserve width for widening of carriageway for future bus route if required.

* Many elements are inter-related. Therefore variations from any particular recommended characteristic may require changes to others.

2. The carriageway width must allow vehicles to proceed safely at the operating speed intended for that level of road in the network and with only minor delays in the peak period. This must take into consideration the restrictions caused by parked vehicles where it is intended or likely that this will occur on the carriageway. Vehicles include trucks, emergency vehicles and, on some roads, buses. (Refer to Clause D1.21 for bus routes.)

Operational Aspects


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3. The safety of pedestrians and cyclists where it is intended they use the carriageway must also be assured by providing sufficient width.

Pedestrians, Cyclists

4. The carriageway width should also provide for unobstructed access to individual allotments. Drivers should be able to comfortably enter or reverse from an allotment in a single movement, taking into consideration the possibility of a vehicle being parked on the carriageway opposite the driveway.

Access to Allotments

5. The design of the carriageway should discourage drivers from travelling above the intended speed by reflecting the functions of the road in the network. In particular the width and horizontal and vertical alignment should not be conducive to excessive speeds.

Discourage Speeding

6. Appropriate verge width should be provided to enable the safe location, construction and maintenance of required footpaths and public utility services (above or below ground) and to accommodate the desired level of streetscaping. Wherever possible services should be located in common trenches.

Verge Width

7. The verge when considered in conjunction with the horizontal alignment and permitted fence and property frontage treatments should provide appropriate sight distances, taking into account expected speeds and pedestrian and cyclist movements.

Sight Distance Across Verge

8. Stopping sight distances and junction or intersection sight distances, provided by the verge, should be based on the intended speeds for each road type.

9. Service Roads shall have a minimum carriageway width of 8m, road reserve of 12m and verge width 3.5m adjacent to the lots. Service Roads are to be fully constructed and sealed.

10. Where circumstances prevail within the development of an area that half of a planned road falls within an adjoining property that is not concurrently being subdivided, the developer must either alter the lot dimensions within his own land (with the concurrence of councils chief town planner and engineer) or make arrangements with the adjoining owner to provide sufficient road reserve for the following:

• Verge width adjacent to lots as per councils relevant DCP requirement. If no DCP exists for the area refer to verge requirements set out in table D1.5.

• Carriageway - kerb to edge of bitumen - 5.5m

• Berm - 1m


1. Desirably, roads should be crowned in the centre. Typical pavement crossfalls on straight roads shall be a minimum of 3 per cent are: Pavement Type Crossfall

Bituminous seal coat 3 per cent Bituminous concrete pavement 2.5 per cent Cement concrete pavement 2 per cent (Source: NAASRA (Now AUSTROADS), Guide policy for geometric design of major

urban roads.)

2. There are many factors affecting levels in urban areas which force departures from these crossfalls. Differences in level between road alignments can be taken up by offsetting crown lines or adopting one way crossfalls. Sustained crossfalls should not exceed 4 per cent, although up to 6 per cent may be used where unavoidable. The rate of change of crossfall should not exceed: 6 per cent per 30m for through traffic; 8 per

Offset Crown Lines

Rate of Change


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cent per 30m for free flowing turning movements; or 12 per cent per 30m for turning movements for which all vehicles are required to stop.

3. The crossfall on a collector or local sub-arterial road should take precedence over the grade in minor side streets. Standard practice is to maintain the crossfall on the major road and adjust the minor side street levels to suit. The crossfall in side streets should be warped quickly either to a crown or a uniform crossfall depending on the configuration of the side street. A rate of change of grade of two per cent in the kerb line of the side street relative to the centre line grading is a reasonable level.


4. The Minimum crossfalls within a cul-de-sac head shall be 2 per cent.


1. A suitable design for the verge will depend on utility services, the width of footpath, access to adjoining properties, likely pedestrian usage and preservation of trees. Low level footpaths are undesirable but may be used if normal crossfalls are impracticable. Crossfalls in footpath paving should not exceed 2.5 per cent, in accordance with AUSTROADS Guide to Traffic Engineering Practice, Part 13, Pedestrians. Longitudinal grade usually parallels that of the road and this may be steeper than 5 per cent.


2. Differences in level across the road between road reserve boundaries may be accommodated by:


• Cutting at the boundary on the high side and providing the verge at normal level and crossfall.

• Battering at the boundary over half the verge width with the half against the kerb constructed at standard crossfall.

• A uniform crossfall across the carriageway.

• The lower verge being depressed below the gutter level.

3. The above measures can be used singularly or combined. Generally the lots are to be filled/cut to provide an even grade and crossfall along the verge width. The verge formation should extend with a 0.5m berm beyond the road reserve boundary.

4. The Designer shall design a vehicular driveway centreline profile for the property/ies access and check this design using critical car templates, available from Council. This is to ensure proposed design cut and fill levels can accommodate future driveway grading design and that vehicles can use the driveway satisfactorily. The controls for driveway gradients are provided in either councils DCP for the area or AS2890.1 Off Street Car Parking.

5. Concrete footpath paving 1.2 m wide and 75 mm thick is to be provided at the locations shown in table 1.5 of this specification, and in the following areas:

• One side of any continuous length of road reserve/reserves which may be traversed by pedestrian traffic.

• At the discretion of Council engineer at the time of approval, to provide adequate links to shopping centres, schools, community facilities and pedestrian facilities.

6. The inside edge of the path is to be placed 0.6m from the property alignment.

7. Footpaths at intersections are to be in accordance with Liverpool City Council standard drawing number R4.

8. At vehicle laybacks or gateways where the passage of vehicles over the paving

Driveway Profile


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is possible, the thickness of concrete shall be in accordance with Liverpool City Council standard drawing number R25. This drawing is attached at the end of this specification.

9. Desirable batter slopes shall be 3:1. Absolute minimum batter slopes shall be:

• Cut 2:1, fill 3:1

• Rock batters ¼ : 1


1. The design of intersections or junctions should allow all movements to occur safely without undue delay. Projected traffic volumes should be used in designing all intersections or junctions on local sub-arterial roads.

Traffic Volumes

2. Intersection design for the junction of subdivision roads with existing state rural or urban roads and national highways should generally be in accordance with the publication AUSTROADS Guide to Traffic Engineering Practice, PART 5, Intersections at Grade.

State Roads, National Highways

3. Intersections with state roads or national highways are to be designed, approved and constructed in accordance with the requirements of the State Road Authority.

Approval of State Road Authority

4. Where major intersections are required to serve a development complete reconstruction of the existing road pavements will be necessary where the speed environment and irregularity of the existing road pavement may endanger the safety of traffic in the locality.

Existing Road Pavement

5. Intersections should be generally located in such a way that: Criteria

• The streets intersect preferably at right-angles and not less than 70°.

• The landform allows clear sight distance on each of the approach legs of the intersection.

• The minor street intersects the convex side of the major street.

• The vertical grade lines at the intersection do not impose undue driving difficulties.

• The vertical grade lines at the intersection will allow for any direct surface drainage.

• Two minor side streets intersecting a major street in a left-right staggered pattern should have a minimum centreline spacing of 50m to provide for a possible right-turn auxiliary lane on the major street..

• A right-left manoeuvre between the staggered streets is preferable, avoiding the possibility of queuing in the major street.

6. Adequate stopping and sight distances are to be provided for horizontal and vertical curves at all intersections.

Sight Distance

7. Where required, appropriate provision should be made for vehicles to park safely.


8. The drainage function of the carriageway and/or road reserve must be satisfied by the road reserve cross-section profile.


Deleted: 40m where left-right a left turn

Deleted: Right turn

Deleted: likely to occur frequently.


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9. All vehicle turning movements are accommodated utilising AUSTROADS Design Vehicles and Turning Templates, as follows:

Turning Movements

• For intersection turning movements involving local sub-arterial roads, the "design semi-trailer" with turning path radius 15.0m.

• For intersection turning movements involving local streets or collector streets, but not local sub-arterial roads, the "design single unit" bus with turning path radius 13m.

• For intersection turning movements on access streets but not involving local sub-arterial roads, collector streets or local streets, the garbage collection vehicle used by Liverpool City Council.

• For turning movements at the head of cul-de-sac access streets, the garbage collection vehicle used by Liverpool City Council. sufficient area is provided for the "design single unit" truck to make a three-point turn or, where the length of the cul-de-sac is less than 60m for the "design car" to make a three-point turn. Where driveway entrances are to be used for turning movements, the required area is to be designed and constructed to withstand the relevant loads. The radius to the face of kerb in a residential cul-de-sac shall be 8.5m and 13m in an industrial roads. Entrance radius to the cul-de-sac shall be 16m.

10. Turning radii at intersections or driveways on local sub-arterial road accommodate the intended movements without allowing desired speeds to be exceeded.

Turning Radii

11. On bus routes 3-centred curves with radii 7.0m, 10.0m, 7.0m are used at junctions and intersections.

Bus Routes


1. Roundabouts are to be approved by the Council and the Roads Traffic Authority. Approval

2. Roundabouts should generally be designed in accordance with the requirements of the publication AUSTROADS Guide to Traffic Engineering Practice - PART 6 Roundabouts. Designs adopting alternative criteria will be considered on their merits. Roundabout design should generally comply with the following:


• entry width to provide adequate capacity

• Roundabouts shall be located where shown on council’s Development Control Plans and where circumstances, as a result of a local traffic study, call for one

• adequate circulation width, compatible with the entry widths and design vehicles eg. buses, trucks, cars.

• central islands of diameter sufficient only to give drivers guidance on the manoeuvres expected

• deflection of the traffic to the left on entry to promote gyratory movement

• adequate deflection of crossing movements to ensure low traffic speeds

• a simple, clear and conspicuous layout

• design to ensure that the speed of all vehicles approaching the intersection will be less than 50 km/h.


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• a stormwater pit shall be placed within the central island and connected to the existing council stormwater drainage network where landscaping of the centre island is proposed. Any landscaping of the central island is to be in accordance with council standard details for roundabout landscaping.

• provide adequate lighting to comply with AS/NZS 1158 –Road Lighting

3. Linemarking and Landscaping plans are to be provided with all roundabout designs.


1. Traffic calming devices are to be approved by the Council. Approval

2. Calming devices such as thresholds, slowpoints, speed humps, chicanes and splitter islands should be designed in accordance with the requirements of the publication AUSTROADS Guide to Traffic Engineering Practice - PART 10, Local Area Traffic Management, (LATM). Devices designs should generally comply with councils Development Control Plans, standard drawings and the following:


(a) Streetscape

• reduce the linearity of the street by segmentation

• avoid continuous long straight lines (eg. kerb lines)

• enhance existing landscape character

• maximise continuity between existing and new landscape areas

• traffic calming devices are to include signposting

(b) Location of Devices/Changes

• devices other than at intersections should be located to be consistent with streetscape requirements

• existing street lighting, drainage pits, driveways, and services may decide the exact location of devices

• slowing devices are optimally located at spacings of 100-150m.

(c) Design Vehicles

• emergency vehicles must be able to reach all residences and properties

• local streets with a 'feeding' function between arterial roads and minor local streets might be designed for a AUSTROADS Design Single Unit Truck/Bus

• where bus routes are involved, buses should be able to pass without mounting kerbs and with minimised discomfort to passengers

• in newly developing areas where street systems are being developed in line with LATM principles, building construction traffic must be provided for

(d) Control of Vehicle Speeds

• maximum vehicle speeds can only be reduced by deviation of the travelled path. Pavement narrowings have only minor effects on average speeds,


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and usually little or no effect on maximum speeds and shall not be used in design without the prior approval of council

• speed reduction can be achieved using devices which shift vehicle paths laterally (slow points, roundabouts, corners) or vertically (humps, platform intersections, platform pedestrian/school/bicycle crossings)

• speed reduction can be helped by creating a visual environment conducive to lower speeds. This can be achieved by 'segmenting' streets into relatively short lengths (less than 300m), using appropriate devices, streetscapes, or street alignment to create short sight lines

(e) Visibility Requirements (sight distance)

• adequate critical sight distances should be provided such that evasive action may be taken by either party in a potential conflict situation. Sight distances should relate to likely operating speeds

• sight distance to be considered include those of and for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as for drivers

• night time visibility of street features must be adequate. Speed control devices particularly should be located near existing street lighting if practicable, and all street features/furniture should be delineated for night time operation. Additional street lighting shall be provided by the Developer at proposed new speed control devices located away from existing street lighting.

(f) Critical Dimensions

Many devices will be designed for their normal use by cars, but with provision (such as mountable kerbs) for larger vehicles. Some typical dimensions include:

• pavement narrowings − single lane 3.50m between kerbs − 3.75m between obstructions − two lane 5.50m minimum between kerbs

• bicycle lanes (including adjacent to pavement narrowings) - 1.2m absolute minimum (1.0m in special circumstances in accordance with AUSTROADS Guide to Traffic Engineering Practice – PART 14, Bicycles.)

• plateau or platform areas − 75 mm to 150 mm height maximum, with 1 in 15 ramp slope

• width of clear sight path through slowing devices

− 1.0m maximum

(ie. the width of the portion of carriageway which does not have its line of sight through the device blocked by streetscape materials, usually vegetation)

• dimensions of mountable areas required for the passage of large vehicles to be determined by appropriate turning templates.


1. The parking requirements for normal levels of activity associated with any land use should be accommodated on-site.



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2. All on-site parking should be located and of dimensions that allow convenient and safe access and usage.

3. Adequate parking should be provided within the road reserve for visitors, service vehicles and any excess resident parking since a particular dwelling may generate a high demand for parking. Such parking is to be convenient to dwellings.

Road Reserve Parking

4. The availability of parking should be adequate to minimise the possibility of driveway access being obstructed by cars parked on the opposite side of the street.


5. On single lane access streets parking spaces should be provided within the verge. Such parking should be well defined and an all-weather surface provided. Such parking shall not restrict the safe passage of vehicular and pedestrian traffic.

Verge Parking

6. Parking spaces provided on the verge or carriageway should be of adequate dimensions, convenient and safe to access.

7. For non-residential land uses the opportunity for joint use of parking should be maximised by being shared by a number of complementing uses.

Joint Use

8. Two car parking spaces (which may be in tandem) are provided on-site for each single dwelling allotment.

2 Spaces

9. Three spaces are provided on-site for each two dwelling units for multi-unit residential developments. On site parking requirements shall be in accordance with councils DCP3.

3 Spaces

10. Of the on-site parking one space for each residential unit is provided within the allowable building area and has a minimum dimension of 5.0m by 3.0m.

On-Site Space Dimension

11. On single lane carriageways one space for each two allotments is constructed on the verge within 25m of each allotment, with scope to provide one additional space for single dwelling allotments or for each two units in a multi-unit development if required at a future time.

Future Spaces

12. On single lane carriageways a number of verge spaces are combined to provide for short term truck parking within 40m of any allotment.

Short Term Truck Parking

13. A single (car) space is 6.5m by 2.5m and combined spaces are 13.0m by 2.5m (for two cars) and 20m by 2.5m (for truck parking) with adequate tapers at both ends to allow the necessary parking manoeuvres determined by using AUSTROADS Turning Templates.

Road Reserve Space Dimensions

14. All verge spaces and indented parking areas are constructed of concrete, interlocking pavers, lawn pavers, bitumen with crushed rock or other suitable base material and are designed to withstand the loads and manoeuvring stresses of vehicles expected to use those spaces.

Verge Spaces, Indented Parking

15. Right-angled parking is provided only on access streets and local streets where speeds do not exceed 40 km/h.

Right-angled Parking

16. The number of on-site parking spaces for non-residential land uses conforms to parking standards as determined by the relevant authority.

17. The layout and access arrangements for parking areas for non-residential land uses should conform to Australian Standard 2890.1.


1. Bus routes will normally be identified by Council. It is important that the road Criteria


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hierarchy adequately caters for buses. The main criteria in determining the location of bus routes is that no more than 5% of residents should have to walk in excess of 400 metres to catch a bus. Normally roads above the local street in the hierarchy are designed as bus routes. Table D1.2 details minimum criteria for bus route design.

Table D1.6 Bus Route Criteria

Road Carriageway Width (min)

Stops (Spacing) Bays

Collector* 9m 400 metre ** Single

Local Sub-Arterial 11m 400 metre Shelters***

Arterial 13m 400 metre Shelters and Bays

* Collector roads not identified as bus routes may have 7m

carriageways (see Table D1.5)

** Loop roads with single entry/exit only require stops and bays on one side road.

*** Shelters are subject to Council's requirements.



1. In addition to the foregoing sections this section specifically applies to all those sites identified as being suited to rural subdivisions inclusive of rural home sites and hobby farms types of developments.

2. Design speed is to be generally used as the basic parameter of design standards and the determination of the minimum design value for other elements in rural subdivisions is to be based on the concept of a "speed environment" as outlined in AUSTROADS Guide to the Geometric Design of Rural Roads.

Design Speed

3. Where appropriate superelevation, widening and centreline shift and their associated transitions are to comply with the RTA Road Design Guide or AUSTROADS Guide.

4. Where the table drain is likely to scour a RTA Type SH dish drain, or similar structure is to be constructed along the invert. Also for grades of less than 0.8 1.0%, the inverts of the drain are to be lined to prevent siltation.

Table Drain

5. All rural subdivisions should be designed to restrict access to major roads.

6. All rural residential subdivisions will be required to provide kerb and gutter on both sides of roads and piped drainage will generally be required unless otherwise approved by Council.

Kerb and Gutter

7. Access should be limited to one point on to local, collector, local sub-arterial or arterial road networks.



1. Stopping and minimum sight distances. Stopping sight distance should be Stopping


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provided at all points on the road. The stopping distance is measured from an eye height of 1.15m to an object height of 0.20m, using a reaction time of 1.5 seconds. A minimum sight distance measured from a height of 1.15m to a height of 1.15m is preferable for speeds of 60 km/h and over. Tables are provided in the RTA Road Design Guide.


Sight Distance

2. Stopping distance is the sum of the braking distance and the distance the vehicle travels during a reaction time of 1.5 seconds, and may be calculated using the following formula:

Braking Distance

d = 0 42254


. V Vf


Where d = stopping distance (m) V = speed of vehicle (km/h) f = coefficient of longitudinal friction (Source: AUSTROADS Guide to the Geometric Design of Rural Roads,)

3. Recommended sight distances (based on the RTA Road Design Guide and adjusted to include lower speeds and minimum sight distances using the above formula) are shown in Table D1.7.

Table D1.7 Stopping Sight Distance

Travel Speed km/h

Coefficient of * longitudinal friction

Stopping sight distance (m)

Minimum sight distances (m)

40 0.52 33 **

50 0.50 46 **

60 0.47 60 180

70 0.45 80 220

80 0.43 100 260

* bituminous or concrete surfaces ** not applicable at lower speeds

4. These figures may apply on crest vertical curves only where there are straight alignments. Adjustments should be calculated for steep grades.


1. Horizontal and vertical curves are to be designed generally to the requirements of AUSTROADS - Guide to Geometric Design of Rural Roads. These requirements are essential to satisfy the safety and performance of proper road design. Roads having both horizontal and vertical curvature should be designed to conform with the terrain to achieve desirable aesthetic quality and being in harmony with the landform.



1. Intersections should generally be designed in accordance with the publication AUSTROADS Guide to Traffic Engineering Practice - Part 5, Intersections at Grade. Generally intersections with existing main and local roads will conform to the layouts shown in Figure D1.6 below. The type of intersection required will depend on existing and planned connecting roads.


2. Adequate sight distance should be provided at intersections both horizontally and Sight Distance


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vertically. Each intersection location shall be examined for conformance with the criteria for Approach Sight Distance (ASD), Entering Sight Distance (ESD) and Safe Intersection Sight Distance (SISD).

ASD relates to the ability of drivers to observe the roadway layout at an anticipated approach speed.

ESD relates to the driver entering the intersection from a minor road and ability to observe the roadway layout and assess traffic gaps.

SISD relates to an overall check that vehicles utilising the intersection have sufficient visibility to allow reaction and deceleration so as to provide adequate stopping distance in potential collision situations.

Tabulated speed/sight distance requirements together with detailed explanations for each of the sight distance criteria are given in Part 5 of the AUSTROADS Guide, Intersections at Grade. Repositioning of an intersection may be required to obtain conformance with the sight distance criteria.


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Figure D1.6 Typical Rural Intersection Treatments

Source: AUSTROADS Guide to Traffic Engineering Practice PART 5, Intersections at Grade.

3. Staggered-T arrangements proposed for rural cross-intersections should preferably be of the “right to left” type. This arrangement eliminates traffic queuing in the major road, the need for additional pavement for right turn lanes and greater stagger length associated with “left to right” T-intersections. Figures and discussion on staggered-T treatments are given in Part 5 of the AUSTROADS Guide, Intersections at Grade.

Staggered-T Intersections


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1. A plan transition is the length over which widening and shift is developed from the "tangent-spiral" point to the "spiral-curve" point; ie, the length between the tangent and the curve. In urban road design it is often impracticable to use plan transitions as kerb lines are fixed in plan and any shift requires carriageway widening. Widening on horizontal curves compensates for differential tracking of front and rear wheels of vehicles; overhang of vehicles; and transition paths. Where proposed roads are curved, the adequacy of carriageway width should be considered.

Widening and Shift on Curves

2. Abrupt changes in crossfall, can cause discomfort in travel and create a visible kink in the kerb line. A rate of change of kerb line of no more than 0.5 per cent relative to the centreline should ensure against this. The wider the pavement the longer the transition. Superelevation transitions should be used at all changes in crossfall, not just for curves. Drainage problems can arise with superelevation transitions which may require extra gully pits and steeper gutter crossfalls. Where crossfalls change at intersections, profiles of the kerb line should be drawn. Calculated points can be adjusted to present a smooth curve.

Crossfall Changes


1. Carriageway widths for rural roads should generally be as follows: Major road over 1,000 AADT 6.5 metre seal 2 x 2.5 1 metre shoulder Minor road up to 1,000 AADT 6.5 5 metre seal 2 x 1 1.5 metre shoulders Minor no-through road up to 150 AADT 3.5 metre seal 2 x 1 metre shoulders Rural Residential streets with kerb & gutter shall be as per Councils DCP or where no DCP exists for the area the following shall apply up to 25O AADT 6.5 5 metre seal over 250 AADT 7 metre seal


1. Use of maximum superelevation will be considered where the radius of the curve in approaching the minimum speed environment. Reference should be made to AUSTROADS Guide to Geometric Design of Rural Roads for superelevation calculation. At low and intermediate ranges of design speed (ie below 80 km/h) it is desirable to superelevate all curves at least to a value equal the normal crossfall of straights.

Design Speed


1. Scour protection of roadside drainage and table drains is required. The level of protection will depend on the nature of the soils, road gradients and volume of stormwater runoff. Protection works may involve concrete lined channels, turfing, rock pitching, grass seeding, individually or any combination of these. Geotechnical investigations should be carried out of determine the level and extent of any protection works prior to proceeding to final design stage.

Roadside Drainage and Table Drains


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1. Generally kerb and gutter shall be provided where specified in table 1.5 and be of the dimensions and type shown in council standard drawing no. R2.

2. Kerb and gutter shall be provided in existing roads adjacent to all lots fronting the existing road where kerb and gutter does not already exist.

3. Vehicular layback crossings are to be provided on the low side of each lot. Refer to council standard drawing no. R25 for dimensions of layback.

4. Laybacks for industrial subdivisions shall be omitted. Construction of these laybacks shall take place during the building construction.

5. Where a layback is required to be place in an urban subdivision which has existing kerb and gutter, Council may accept a contribution which shall be held and passed onto the subsequent owner when the final position of the layback is determined.

6. A stormwater outlet for each lot shall be provided and/or extended through the kerb and gutter. Outlets are to be 150mm x 50mm HD galvanised iron pipes and shall be provided near the downstream end of the lot. The invert of the hole is to be 10mm above the invert of gutter. Refer to council standard drawing no D17 for standard roofwater outlet and adaptor details.

7. Kerb ramps are to be provided in accordance with councils standard drawing no R17.

8. The designer is to ensure that the kerb grade has a minimum of 1 per cent on the outside radius of bends in roads and that crossfall is maintained.


1. Where the development involves new roadworks the designer shall ensure that streetlighting is of an adequate standard to meet the required use prposed. The designer is to prepare a streetlighting design plan for the development with due consideration given to all proposed traffic devices and movements including all works within the road reserve. The designer shall request from council’s Transport Planning Section, an appropriate lighting level required for the development. The lighting level provided to the applicant from council shall be of a standard consistent with the requirements of Australian Standard AS/NZS 1158.3.1:1999.

2. The design shall be prepared by a level 3 service provider (listing of accredited providers

may be obtained from the Ministry of Energy and Utilities. Tel. 9901 8816). 3. On completion of the design plans, the plans and a schedule of annual charges shall be


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forwarded to Councils Transport Planning Section for their acceptance of the ongoing maintenance charges. In the case of development other than council funded capital works projects Construction Certificates for the development shall not be issued prior to council providing this letter of acceptance.

4. This letter of acceptance and approved plans shall then be submitted to Integral Energy

for their approval and certification for connection to their streetlighting network.

5. In the case of development other than council funded capital works projects, Subdivision certificates/Occupation certificates shall not be issued prior to council receiving a compliance certificate from Integral Energy stating that the applicant has made the necessary arrangements with Integral Energy for the provision of the approved street lighting works.


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GENERAL .............................................................................................................................3

D1.01 SCOPE 3

D1.02 AIMS 3

D1.03 REFERENCE AND SOURCE DOCUMENTS.........................................................................................4

D1.04 CONSULTATION ....................................................................................................................................5

D1.05 PLANNING CONCEPTS .........................................................................................................................5

D1.06 DRAWING REQUIREMENTS.................................................................................................................6

URBAN DESIGN CRITERIA .................................................................................................7

D1.07 ROAD HIERARCHY................................................................................................................................7

D1.08 ROAD NETWORK...................................................................................................................................8

D1.09 DESIGN SPEED......................................................................................................................................9

D1.10 LONGITUDINAL GRADIENT ..................................................................................................................9

D1.11 HORIZONTAL CURVES AND TANGENT LENGTHS ..........................................................................10

D1.12 VERTICAL CURVES.............................................................................................................................11

D1.13 SUPERELEVATION..............................................................................................................................12

D1.14 ROAD RESERVE CHARACTERISTICS...............................................................................................13

D1.15 CROSSFALL .........................................................................................................................................17

D1.16 VERGES AND PROPERTY ACCESS ..................................................................................................18

D1.17 INTERSECTIONS .................................................................................................................................19

D1.18 ROUNDABOUTS...................................................................................................................................20

D1.19 TRAFFIC CALMING..............................................................................................................................21

D1.20 PARKING...............................................................................................................................................22

D1.21 BUS ROUTES .......................................................................................................................................23

RURAL DESIGN CRITERIA ...............................................................................................24

D1.22 GENERAL .............................................................................................................................................24

D1.23 SIGHT DISTANCES..............................................................................................................................24


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D1.24 HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL ALIGNMENT......................................................................................25

D1.25 INTERSECTIONS .................................................................................................................................25

D1.26 PLAN TRANSITIONS............................................................................................................................28

D1.27 CARRIAGEWAYS .................................................................................................................................28

D1.28 SUPERELEVATION..............................................................................................................................28

D1.29 SCOUR PROTECTION.........................................................................................................................28

SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS ...............................................................................................29

D1.30 RESERVED...........................................................................................................................................29

D1.31 RESERVED...........................................................................................................................................29

D1.32 RESERVED...........................................................................................................................................29

D1.33 KERB AND GUTTER ............................................................................................................................29

D1.34 STREETLIGHTING ...............................................................................................................................29

top related