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New Perspectives in PolicingM A Y 2 0 1 5

VE RI TAS HARVARD Kennedy SchoolProgram in Criminal JusticePolicy and Management National Institute of Justice

The Police and Public Discourse on “Black-on-Black” Violence Anthony A. Braga and Rod K. Brunson

Executive Session on Policing and Public Safety This is one in a series of papers that will be published as a result of the Executive Session on Policing and Public Safety.

Harvard’s Executive Sessions are a convening of individuals of independent standing who take joint responsibility for rethinking and improving society’s responses to an issue. Members are selected based on their experiences, their reputation for thoughtfulness and their potential for helping to disseminate the work of the Session.

In the early 1980s, an Executive Session on Policing helped resolve many law enforcement issues of the day. It produced a number of papers and concepts that revolutionized policing. Thirty years later, law enforcement has changed and NIJ and the Harvard Kennedy School are again collaborating to help resolve law enforcement issues of the day.

Learn more about the Executive Session on Policing and Public Safety at:, keywords “Executive Session Policing”, keywords “Executive Session Policing”


Police departments, especial ly in urban

jurisdictions, are often called on to quell

outbreaks of serious violence such as sudden

increases in homicides, aggravated assaults

and robberies. Inner-city residents and their

children usually suffer the most serious harm

when violent crime waves occur. Unfortunately,

due to a long history of exclusion from important

economic and social opportunities, residents

of disadvantaged urban neighborhoods are

primarily minorities and often black. Research

has long documented that most violence occurs

within racial groups and that black Americans,

often victimized by black offenders, experience

disproport ionately high levels of v iolent

crime. The term “black-on-black” violence,

while statistically correct, is a simplistic and

emotionally charged definition of urban violence

that can be problematic when used by political

commentators, politicians and police executives.

To the vast majority of urban black residents who

are not involved in violence or criminal behavior,

the term invokes visions of indiscriminate and

aggressive police enforcement responses applied

to a broad range of black people. The term also

Cite this paper as: Braga, Anthony A., and Brunson, Rod K. The Police and Public Discourse on “Black-on-Black” Violence. New Perspectives in Policing Bulletin. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, 2015. NCJ 248588

2 | New Perspectives in Policing

seems to marginalize serious urban violence as a

“black problem” that, in the minds of some black

residents, may only receive a cursory response

or, worse yet, be ignored by police departments


We believe that most police departments in

the U.S. are dedicated to reducing violence,

investigating crimes, and protecting victims

irrespective of race. However, poor analyses

and inappropriate descriptions of urban violent

crime problems can sometimes lead to the

adoption of problematic policing policies and

programs. Moreover, careless discussions of the

nature of urban violence can further alienate

law-abiding black residents who need and

desperately want to partner with the police to

create safer communities. In this paper, we briefly

describe how news media coverage sometimes

distorts racial issues, present a (hopefully) more

cool-headed analysis of black-on-black violence

(measured as a homicide problem), and consider

how misconceptions of black-on-black violence

coupled with over- and/or under-policing of

black neighborhoods can further erode citizen

confidence in the police.

The Distorting Role of Mass News Media Coverage of Urban Violence

As Surette (1998) suggests, what most Americans

know about crime and justice comes from popular

media’s portrayal of these subjects. Unfortunately,

media outlets have an interest in presenting

crime and justice issues in a way that captivates

audiences and stimulates passions. Even though

crime has steadily decreased over the last two

decades, personal safety remains high on the

list of public concerns, in part, because citizen

perceptions are inf luenced by news media

sources intentionally designed to make us feel

passionately about the subject (Surette, 1998;

Crayton and Glickman, 2007). Obviously, there

are many positive aspects of intensive, fervent

coverage of crime and justice issues: untended

crime problems may be addressed, miscarriages

of justice may be corrected, victims and their

families may receive relief, and other public

goods may be generated.

However, the media can also distort crime and

justice issues by constructing attitudes and

perceptions that do not match the reality of

contemporary crime problems. Media distortions

of the reality of black-on-black violence in cities

can take many forms. Persistent coverage of

homicides and shootings in black neighborhoods

without appropriate contextual information can

perpetrate inaccurate stereotypes of blacks as

innately violent people. When media outlets

provide extensive coverage of homicides

involving white victims, especially white female

victims, but little ongoing coverage of homicides

involving black victims, it promotes a perception

among black citizens that killings of black people

are less important than killings of white people.

And, by unfortunate association, that the police

are not devoting, or do not think they need to

The Police and Public Discourse on “Black-on-Black” Violence | 3

devote, sufficient resources to investigate black

victim homicides.

A casual sampling of characterizations of black-

on-black violence in the media by political

commentators, politicians and police chiefs reveals

persistently vague definitions of the phenomenon

and occasionally problematic associations with

ideas about morally bankrupt behaviors in black

families and communities.

Jason Riley, Columnist, Wall Street Journal1

“The black crime rate in 1960 was lower than it

is today … Was there less racism or less poverty

than in 1960? This is about black behavior. It

needs to be addressed head-on. It’s about

attitudes toward the criminal justice system in

these neighborhoods, where young black men

have no sense of what it means to be a male or

what it means to be black.”

Chris Wallace, Polit ical Commentator,

Fox News2

“The president talked … about black-on-black

crime. And as I looked into this, the numbers

are just staggering … should the African

American community be focusing on that, the

black-on-black crime, the carnage in our inner

cities and not on George Zimmerman? ... When

you have people demanding, ‘Let’s go after

George Zimmerman,’ hate crimes, economic

boycotts of Florida, that isn’t talking about the

real problems in the inner city.”

Rahm Emanuel, Mayor, City of Chicago3

“The issue of gun violence is not limited to

Chicago … It’s an urban problem.” The urban

violence, Emanuel said, “gets put in a different

value system. These are our kids, these are our

children, and the worst thing for us to do in

my opinion would be to say, ‘Let’s not discuss

this.’ We need to make sure that once a crime

is committed, we don’t allow them back on the

street to become perpetrators or victims. ...

A piece of this is the culture … Part of this is

having an honest conversation, given the lion’s

share of the victims and the perpetrators are

young African-American men.”

Michael Bloomberg, former Mayor, City of New


“Ninety percent of all people killed in our city

— and 90 percent of all those who commit

the murders and other violent crimes — are

black and Hispanic. It is shameful that so

many elected officials and editorial writers

have been largely silent on these facts …

Instead, they have argued that police stops are

discriminatory because they do not reflect the

city’s overall census numbers. By that flawed

logic, our police officers would stop women as

often as men, and senior citizens as often as

young people … To do so would be a colossal

misdirection of resources and would take

the core elements of police work — targeting

high-crime neighborhoods and identifying

suspects based on evidence — out of crime-

fighting … . The absurd result of such a strategy

4 | New Perspectives in Policing

would be far more crimes committed against

black and Latino New Yorkers. When it comes

to policing, political correctness is deadly.”

Ray Kelly, former Commissioner, New York

Police Department5

“The stark reality is that crime happens in

communities of color … About 70% to 75%

of the people described as committing

violent crimes — assault, robbery, shootings,

grand larceny — are described as being

African-American.” … “The percentage of

people who are stopped is 53% African-

American … So really, African-Americans

are being under stopped in relation to the

percentage of people being described as

being the perpetrators of violent crime.”

There are certainly other concerning perspectives

put forth in the popular media on this issue. It

is important to recognize, however, that some

police chiefs steer clear of vague black-on­

black violence descriptions by focusing on

“disparate victimization” in black disadvantaged

neighborhoods. For instance:

Edward A. Flynn, Chief, Milwaukee Police


“Here’s what’s disproportionate to me … With

about 40 percent of Milwaukee’s population,

African-Americans represent 80 percent

of our homicide victims. They represent 60

percent of our robbery victims and 80 percent

of our aggravated assault victims.” … “It’s as

though the arresting of African-Americans

takes place in a vacuum … If I draw an ellipse

over our poorest neighborhoods and then

find an ellipse and draw it where our most

911 calls are, and then draw the ellipse over

where most of our crime victims are ... it’s the

same neighborhoods and the same zip codes.”

Nevertheless, the explicit and implicit promotion

of inaccurate and vague descriptions is generally

offensive to black Americans.

Before we begin to analyze the issue more closely,

it is worth noting what black-on-black homicide

is not. We believe the following ideas are wrong

and ultimately not helpful.

• Black-on-black homicide is random. The term

“random” is commonly defined as “proceeding,

made, or occurring without definite aim,

reason, or pattern.”7 The perspective that

black-on-black homicide is not patterned

lends itself to an interpretation that any

citizen could spontaneously be the victim of

a horrendous crime at any place or any time.

The promotion of this misunderstanding may

result in heightened fear of violence among

black residents and visitors to majority black

neighborhoods. Increased fear of violence

may undermine the full participation of black

residents in neighborhood life and lead to

weakened community control over local youth

and public spaces.

• Black-on-black homicide problems are

symptomatic of persistent lawless behavior

by black people. This wrongheaded idea

The Police and Public Discourse on “Black-on-Black” Violence | 5

leads to an implicit assumption among

the public that a high proportion of black

residents are involved in crime and disorder.

This misperception promotes uncertainty

regarding whether blacks share the moral

standards of mainstream society and, as

a result, diminishes levels of mainstream

concern and determination to find evidence-

based responses to the problem.

• Black-on-black homicide problems are driven

by black people’s tolerance for criminal and

immoral behavior. This false perspective can

influence police officers to mistakenly view

entire black neighborhoods as supportive of

criminal behavior and exacerbate an already

fragile relationship.

Black Homicide Victimization and Black Homicide Offending Rates

In this section, we focus on black and white

comparisons. This crude categorization stems

from a lack of crime data that consistently classify

information for Hispanics and non-Hispanics

as well as for Asians and Native Americans

(Lauritsen and Sampson, 1998). Consequently,

most analysis of disparity and discrimination

in crime and criminal justice has focused on

comparisons between blacks and whites. In

general, the available scientific evidence on crime

victimization suggests the following patterns:

• Blacks suffer much higher rates of personal

violence and violent victimization than

whites.8 As discussed in greater detail

below, this is particularly true for homicide


• Racial differences are reduced substantially

for household crimes and personal theft


• Although whites represent the majority of

suspects arrested for all crimes, blacks are

disproportionately more likely to be arrested

for violent crimes, especially homicide,

relative to their share of the U.S. population.9

Bet we en 19 8 0 a nd 2 0 0 8 , bl ac k s were

disproportionately represented as both homicide

victims and offenders (Cooper and Smith, 2011).

The homicide victimization rate for blacks (27.8

per 100,000) was six times higher than the rate

for whites (4.5 per 100,000) (figure 1). Blacks

accounted for slightly more than 51 percent of

all gun homicide victims between 1980 and 2008,

despite representing only about 13 percent of the

U.S. population. The homicide offending rate for



Figure 1. Homicide Victimization Rates, by Race, 1980-2008







0 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2008


Source: Cooper and Smith (2011: 11).

6 | New Perspectives in Policing

Figure 2. Homicide Offending Rated by Race, 1980-2008








1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2008


Source: Cooper and Smith (2011: 11).

blacks (34.4 per 100,000) was almost eight times

higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000)

(figure 2). The vast majority of homicides are intra-

racial, with 84 percent of white victims killed by

whites and 93 percent of black victims killed by

blacks (figure 3). Black males between the ages

of 18 and 24 are dramatically overrepresented in

homicide. Homicides of young black males in this

age category peaked at 195.9 victimizations per

100,000 in 1993 and subsequently declined to 91.1

victimizations per 100,000 in 2008. Homicides by

young adult black males peaked at 365 offenders

per 100,000 in 1993 and subsequently declined to

175.8 offenders per 100,000 in 2008.

Black homicide victimizations are less likely

Figure 3. Homicides, by Race of Offender and Victim, 1980-2008






Black on black

White on white

Black on white

White on black

1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2008


Source: Cooper and Smith (2011: 13).

to be cleared by arrest than white homicide

victimizations. A recent analysis of 2000-2007

homicide data from the National Incident-

Based Reporting System (NIBRS) reported that

57.2 percent of white homicide victim cases

were cleared by arrest while only 50.6 percent

of black homicide victim cases were cleared by

arrest (Roberts and Lyons, 2011). In general, the

circumstances of homicide incidents powerfully

influence clearance rates. For example, offenders

in gang-related and drug-related homicides

are much less likely to be arrested by homicide

detectives (Wellford and Cronin, 2000), in part

due to lack of witness cooperation. Further, black

males are more likely than white males to be

involved in these kinds of homicide incidents

(Cook and Laub, 2002). Without citizens coming

forward to provide detectives with much needed

information, investigations of gang and drug

homicides can hit dead ends quickly, with no

substantive leads.

The Police and Public Discourse on “Black-on-Black” Violence | 7

Some analysts suggest that the killings of black

male victims receive less investigative time

and effort from homicide detectives (Roberts

and Lyons, 2011), whereas others suggest that

white female homicide victims receive more

investigative time and effort (Holcomb, Williams,

and Demuth, 2004). Most available research on

clearance rates finds little evidence of homicide

detectives valuing or devaluing victims based

on race (Puckett and Lundman, 2003; Litwin,

2004; Lundman and Myers, 2012), but there are

some noteworthy exceptions. For instance, a

multivariate analysis of homicides in Los Angeles

County between 1990 and 1994 suggested that

white homicide victims received additional

investigation attention and, as a result, their cases

were more likely to be solved than those involving

nonwhite homicide victims (Lee, 2005).

The extremely high homicide victimization

and offending rates for young black males in

the early 1990s has been tied to gun violence

epidemics tipped off by the initiation of crack

cocaine sales in most U.S. cities during the

late 1980s (Blumstein, 1995; Braga, 2003; Cork,

1999). Although the intensity of black homicide

rates has changed over the last century, the

persistence of the black-white homicide rate

gap has not (Hawkins, 1999). Criminologists

have long considered the reasons for observed

racial disparities in violence and have put forth

a variety of explanations, including individual

factors (most notably, IQ and self-control),

family socialization, subculture of violence and

economic deprivation theories (see, e.g., Wilson

and Herrnstein, 1985). Unfortunately, most of

these perspectives have been unsatisfactory in

explaining observed differences in homicide

victimization and offending rates for young black

and white males. As summarized by Lauritsen

and Sampson (1998: 65-66):

Constitutional explanations are problematic

on empirical grounds — the variations within

any minority group are greater than the

variations between them. Although there

is good evidence that family socialization

inf luences children’s delinquency and

aggressive behavior patterns, there is no

consistent evidence that factors such as lack

of supervision and erratic/harsh discipline

account for race differences in crime when

socioeconomic conditions are taken into

account. Subcultural explanations of

group variation in offending have yet to

show that black and white Americans differ

significantly in their values and attitudes

regarding crime, or that these differences

in values have an independent influence

on offending disparities. Finally, research

emphasizing access to the legit imate

economic system typically finds that race

differences persist even after controlling for

socioeconomic status.

Another diagnostic approach is to examine

the community-level underpinnings of racial

disparities in violent crime to identify the

neighborhood characteristics that lead to high

rates of violence (Sampson and Wilson, 1985).

Empirical evidence suggests that the capacity

of neighborhood residents to achieve a common

set of goals and exert control over youth and

public spaces, termed “collective efficacy,”

8 | New Perspectives in Policing

protects against serious violence (Sampson,

Raudenbush and Earls, 1997). The presence

of community-based organizations, which

draw membership from individuals within

and outside specific neighborhoods, predicts

collective efficacy and collective civic action

(Sampson, 2012). Concentrated disadvantage in

urban neighborhoods, which are often populated

by black residents, undermines local collective

efficacy and gravely limits the ability of residents

to address serious violent crime problems

(Sampson and Wilson, 1985). As a result, urban

homicides, largely committed with guns and

perpetrated by and against young black men,

tend to concentrate in disadvantaged black


Urban environments experience the largest

proportion of homicides, and black Americans

tend to make up larger shares of urban

populations relative to suburban and rural

areas. Between 1980 and 2008, nearly 58 percent

of homicides occurred in U.S. cities with a

population of 100,000 or more (Cooper and Smith,

2011). More than one-third of all homicides in the

U.S. during that same time period occurred in

cities with one million or more residents. City-

level analyses provide an important opportunity

to understand the nature of homicide problems

better. While useful in describing objective

information on homicide incidents such as age,

race, sex and weapon type, national data systems,

such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s

Supplementary Homicide Reports, are well-

known to be limited in providing reliable and

valid information on homicide circumstances

and relationships between victims and offenders

(Braga, Piehl and Kennedy, 1999; Maxfield,

1989; Riedel and Zahn, 1985). Careful within-

city research on homicide facilitates a deeper

understanding of the situations, dynamics and

relationships associated with elevated rates of

black homicide victimization and offending.

City-Level Analysis of Black Homicide Victims and Black Homicide Offenders

We use detailed data on homicides in Boston

to examine the nature of black homicide

victimization and offending in urban settings.

Although modest differences are associated

with variations in local dynamics across other

U.S. cities, the basic picture of black homicide

victimization as highly concentrated among

a small number of active offenders involved

in high-risk social networks is essentially the

same. Research has consistently documented

that violence driven by conflicts within and

among gangs, drug-selling crews and other

criminally active groups generate the bulk of

urban homicide problems (see, e.g., Block and

Block, 1993; Kennedy, Piehl and Braga, 1996;

Papachristos, 2009; Tita et al., 2004).

According to the 2010 U.S. Census, 24 percent of

Boston’s estimated 618,000 residents identified

themselves as black. Between 2000 and 2013,

Boston experienced 836 homicides. Nearly 74

percent of Boston homicide victims were black

(615 of 836), and roughly 68 percent of arrested

homicide offenders were also black (294 of 430).

In cleared black homicides (218, 35.4 percent

of 615), 91.7 percent of the offenders were black

The Police and Public Discourse on “Black-on-Black” Violence | 9

(200 of 218). As figure 4 shows, the year-to-year

variation in total homicide counts in Boston is

largely driven by black homicide victimization


Black homicide victims were primarily young

(mean age = 26.6 years, 54 percent were age

24 and younger), overwhelmingly male (91.1

percent), and usually died from gunshot wounds

(84.1 percent). Arrested black homicide offenders

were also primarily young (mean age = 25.0

years, 59.5 percent were age 24 and younger)

and overwhelmingly male (94.2 percent). In

addition, 78 percent of black homicide victims

(480 of 615) and almost 90 percent of arrested

black homicide offenders (264 of 294) were known

to the Massachusetts criminal justice system

before the homicide incident. Black homicide

victims and arrested black homicide offenders

known to the criminal justice system averaged,

respectively, 12.4 and 12.7 prior arraignments

in Massachusetts courts for a variety of violent,

drug, property and disorder offenses. So these

Figure 4. Total Homicide Victims and Black Homicide Victims in Boston, 2000-2013

Number of Homicide Victims










Total Homicide Victims

Black Homicide Victims

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013


two groups — homicide offenders and victims —

are essentially the same. Figure 5 (page 10) shows

the previous criminal justice system involvement

of known black homicide victims and known

arrested black homicide offenders. Probation

supervision, commitments to secure facilities

Circumstances of Boston Homicide Victims by Race, 2000-2013

Non-Hispanic Black Non-Hispanic White

Circumstances N Percent N Percent

Gang-related 315 55.0 4 4.4

Personal dispute/argument 95 16.6 34 37.8

Drug-related 84 14.7 14 15.6

Family/domestic violence 34 5.9 11 12.2

Robbery 16 2.8 16 17.8

Other/unknown 29 5.9 11 12.2

Total 573 100.0 90 100.0

Note: Percentages may not add up because of rounding.

10 | New Perspectives in Policing

Figure 5. Criminal Justice System Involvement of Known Black Homicide Victims and Known Arrested Black Homicide Offenders in Boston, 2000-2013

Percent 100











72.9 73.6





48.1 52.9

Prior Probation Active Probation Prior Commitment to Prior Felony Supervision Supervision Secure Facility Conviction

% Black Homicide Victims

% Black Homicide Offenders

Note: N = 480 for known black homicide victims; N = 265 for known arrested black homicide offenders.

and felony convictions characterized the prior

criminal justice system experiences of both of

these groups.

A majority of black homicide victims (78.9 percent,

485 of 618) were killed in the Roxbury, Dorchester

and Mattapan neighborhoods of Boston.

Inhabitants of these areas are mostly black, and

these communities are characterized by high

levels of social and economic disadvantage.

Homicides are not evenly spread throughout these

neighborhoods, though. In fact, most streets did

not experience any homicide incidents between

2000 and 2013. Rather, black homicide incidents

tend to recur in very specific places, such as in

and around public housing dwellings, gang turfs

and street drug markets. A recent analysis by

Braga, Papachristos and Hureau (2010) revealed

that only 5 percent of Boston’s street blocks and

intersections experienced nearly 74 percent of all

fatal and nonfatal shootings in the city between

1980 and 2008. The most violent 60 street blocks

and intersections experienced more than 1,000

shootings during this time period.

Boston, like many cities, suffers gang-related

violence that tends to generate a large number

of black homicide victims. The table on page 9

presents the circumstances of 573 non-Hispanic

black and 90 non-Hispanic white homicide

victims killed in Boston between 2000 and 2013.

The share of gang-related homicides accounts

for the greatest difference in the circumstances

of white and black homicides. Few Boston black

male youths are gang members. The most recent

estimate, in 2006, suggests that only 1 percent

of Boston’s population between the ages of 14

and 24 (Braga, Hureau and Winship, 2008) were

members of street gangs involved in gun violence.

However, black male youth participation in these

high-risk social networks that promote violent

norms to settle disputes puts them at elevated risk

of becoming a perpetrator or a victim of fatal gun


A recent study analyzed detailed police records

to map the social networks of 763 individuals

in one Boston community, using non-arrest

observations to create links between individuals

(the nodes) who were observed hanging out

together (Papachristos, Braga and Hureau, 2012).

The study found that 85 percent of all shootings

in this community occur within the observed

network (less than 3 percent of total neighborhood

population)—nearly all of which are driven by 10

The Police and Public Discourse on “Black-on-Black” Violence | 11

different gangs, also observed in the network. The

risk of fatal and nonfatal gun victimization within

the network spreads outward from other shooting

victims to infect their friends and associates. In

fact, each “handshake” closer one is to a shooting

victim increases one’s own probability of getting

shot by approximately 25 percent (figure 6).

Boston Police Department (BPD) homicide

detectives cleared 50.9 percent of all homicide

v ict im izat ions by a r rest or except iona l

circumstances, such as the subsequent suicide

or murder of the offender, between 2000 and

2013 (426 of 836 homicide victims). Incidents

involving homicides of white non-Hispanic

victims had an 80.0 percent clearance rate (72

of 90 non-Hispanic white homicide victims).

However, BPD homicide detectives only cleared

35.9 percent of non-Hispanic black homicide

victims during this same time period (204 of

573 non-Hispanic black homicide victims). This

disparity seems to be strongly influenced by very

low clearance rates for gang-related homicides.

Only 26.0 percent of gang-related non-Hispanic

black homicides (82 of 315) were cleared by arrest

or exceptional circumstances between 2000 and

2013. Data derived from qualitative interviews

with BPD homicide detectives suggest that low

levels of witness cooperation in gang homicide

cases, driven by citizen fear of violent reprisals

or participation in criminal social networks

with norms against sharing information with

the police, seriously limit investigators’ ability

to make arrests in these kinds of cases.

It is worth noting here that the criminal dynamics

that characterize high levels of homicides and

Figure 6. Social Networks of High-Risk Individuals in a Boston Community, 2008

Source: Papachristos, Braga and Hureau (2012: 998).

Note: Grey nodes represent individuals in the network. Red nodes represent individuals in the network who suffered a fatal or nonfatal gunshot wound.

lower clearance rates in black neighborhoods

are not race-based. Indeed, disadvantaged white

neighborhoods of Boston have been known to

exhibit similar patterns of violence and lack of

cooperation with the police. For instance, the

Charlestown, South Boston and North End

neighborhoods of Boston were noted strongholds

of Irish and Italian organized crime organizations

during the 1960s through the 1980s that were

characterized by repeated, unsolved killings by

warring factions of the organizations (Lehr and

O’Neill, 2000; MacDonald, 1999; O’Neill and

Lehr, 1989). Criminal subcultures that embrace

violent norms in settling disputes and promote

anti-police attitudes exist in impoverished

neighborhoods with varied racial compositions.

However, black neighborhoods suffer higher rates

of this kind of criminal network violence due to

12 | New Perspectives in Policing

the more intense concentration of disadvantage in

these neighborhoods (Sampson and Wilson, 1985).

How Weak Descriptions Further Erode Community Trust and Confidence

Research and analysis thus reveal that black-on­

black homicide, and by extension more general

black-on-black violence, is largely concentrated

among a small number of criminally active

individuals and occurs in a small number

of high-risk settings within disadvantaged

neighborhoods. It is important to remember,

however, that many black homicide victims are

not involved in any criminal activity. For instance,

in 2009, 15-year-old Soheil Turner was waiting for

his early morning school bus in Boston’s Dudley

Square near the Orchard Gardens (formerly

Orchard Park) housing development. Turner

was not involved in gangs. Nevertheless, he was

shot once in the back of the head by 18-year-old

Xzeniyeju Chukwuezi, a member of the Dudley

Street Posse looking to send a message to the

rival Orchard Park Trailblazers. Tragedies like

this, involving innocent bystanders, occur too

frequently in cities across the U.S. All homicide

victims and offenders, regardless of their status

as criminals or not, are members of someone’s

family. In disadvantaged neighborhoods with

limited opportunities, many otherwise promising

youth become involved in criminal activities. And

whether they are lost to ghastly street violence

or to the justice system, family and friends will

grieve over their absence.

As we noted earlier, commentators routinely

refer to eruptions of violence in minority,

disadvantaged neighborhoods as the black-on­

black violence problem. We acknowledge that this

designation is undeniably statistically accurate,

given that most interpersonal violence involves

victims and offenders of the same race. However,

this higher-level statistical view can blind us to

the details of the specific problems and dynamics

that drive these statistics.

Seldom are crimes involving whites described as

white-on-white violence. Use of this vernacular

to describe blacks’ victimization of other blacks

has several important consequences. First, a

singular focus on a rudimentary race-based dyad

characterizing black offending and victimization

has the potential to devalue black life while

overshadowing the importance of harmful social

conditions, such as concentrated neighborhood

disadvantage and low collective eff icacy

(Sampson, 2012) that collectively produce crime.

Second, casual use of the black-on-black violence

classification may lead segments of the public to

implicitly assume that blacks are more tolerant

of crime and disorder and do not share the moral

standards of mainstream society.

Further, tensions between the police and

minority communities are worsened when

frustrated public officials hold press conferences

following high-profile homicides, chastising

residents of black neighborhoods for not

coming forward with information, unwittingly

calling into question the black community’s

fundamental sense of decency or commitment

to citizenship. Such proclamations about blacks’

unwavering reticence to assist the police are not

The Police and Public Discourse on “Black-on-Black” Violence | 13

only inflammatory, they are also exaggerated.

In fact, blacks comprise a sizable proportion of

prosecution witnesses and routinely petition

criminal justice officials for increased attention

to community violence, irrespective of family and

friendship relationships with offenders (Donziger,

1996; Tonry, 1995).

Evolving Police Strategies to Engage Minority Communities

The evolution of policing strategies is highly

relevant to the effective treatment of these issues.

Through the adoption of community and problem-

oriented policing, the way police departments

deliver services in urban communities in general,

and disadvantaged communities in particular,

has changed dramatically over the last 30 years

(Skogan and Frydl, 2004). By the beginning of the

2000s, nearly all large urban police departments

reported having a community policing program

in place (Hickman and Reaves, 2001). Police are

now more open to input from communities, deal

with a wider range of complex social problems,

and rely on partnerships more heavily. In general,

broad-based community policing initiatives have

been found to reduce fear of crime and improve

the relationships between the police and the

communities they serve (Skogan and Frydl,

2004; Weisburd and Eck, 2004). Modern police

departments are also more likely to systematically

analyze the nature of crime problems, develop

tailored responses to those problems, and engage

a diverse set of strategies and partners in their

implemented responses. Indeed, a growing body

of scientific evidence confirms the crime control

value of innovative police strategies such as

problem-oriented policing, hot spots policing

initiatives, and focused deterrence strategies

(Braga and Weisburd, 2010, 2012; Weisburd et al.,


Unfortunately, despite these important reforms,

it remains surprisingly difficult to get residents

of poor minority neighborhoods to engage

constructively with police due to a history of

strained relationships, continued skepticism of

the sincerity of the police, and fear of reprisals

from local criminals when cooperating with the

police (Skogan and Frydl, 2004). Further, highly

disadvantaged neighborhoods often lack the

organizational infrastructure to collaborate

with the police to manage crime and disorder.

The available research suggests that community

policing has been unevenly implemented

within police departments, with responsibility

for community-based initiatives sometimes

relegated to specialized units comprising a small

number of officers rather than spread across

police departments (Skogan and Frydl, 2004;

Skogan, 2006). Many police agencies still have

far to go in developing real working relationships

with the minority communities they serve.

Inaccurate descriptions and poor analysis

of crime problems can lead to inappropriate

and ineffective police responses to recurring

incidents. Goldstein (1990) urged police officers

to ensure adequate depth when analyzing

crime problems so that interventions could be

appropriately focused, and a broader range of

responses, beyond just increasing presence and

making arrests, could be considered. Whereas

police departments should be encouraged to

14 | New Perspectives in Policing

pursue strategies artfully tailored to specific

risks (such as hot spots, repeat victims, high-

rate offenders, or gang hostilities (Braga, 2008)),

how the police choose to address these recurring

problems may either improve or further damage

their relationships with minority residents.

Police departments can adopt crime prevention

strategies that seek to engage the community in

changing the underlying conditions, situations

and dynamics that cause violence to recur.

Alternatively, police departments can simply

“put cops on dots” through directed patrols or

carry out enforcement blitzes aimed at potential

offenders in high-violence areas. The overly

simplistic “black-on-black violence” problem

description seems likely to encourage officers to

pursue harsher and less thoughtful approaches,

concentrating intensive enforcement efforts

or zero-tolerance policies on blacks in specific

public spaces.

Citizens’ appraisals of the police are influenced

by the style of policing in their communities.

Minorities living in distressed neighborhoods

routinely report high levels of dissatisfaction

with, and skepticism of, the police (Bass, 2001;

Websdale, 2001). Police executives and city

managers sometimes point to elevated crime

rates to justify officers’ use of aggressive policing

initiatives in poor black neighborhoods. The

use of what residents may consider heav y-

handed and oppressive crime-control tactics

has resulted in some policing strategies being

compared to “urban warfare” (Brunson and

Gau, 2014). For instance, when specialized

units and task forces constitute the foundation

of neighborhood policing efforts, it potentially

suggests to bystanders that officers are involved

in a fierce battle with every neighborhood

resident, regardless of their law-abiding status

(Brunson and Weitzer, 2009). The urban warfare

mindset begets particular kinds of tactical

operations and has the potential to create a rift

between neighborhood residents and the police,

reducing citizens’ level of trust in officers and

their willingness to participate in local crime-

reduction efforts (Brunson and Gau, 2014). The

vast majority of urban residents, of course, are

not anti-police and fully recognize that officers

are critical to public safety (Carr, Napolitano

and Keating, 2007). Yet, what many minorities

consider over-policing, combined with occasional

disrespectful treatment at the hands of officers,

intensifies black citizens’ overall negative views

of the police.

Over-policing refers to officers intervening in

matters that, to everyday citizens, seemingly

do not warrant law enforcement action. Over-

policing typically occurs in locales that the

police deem suspicious and/or dangerous due

to obvious signs of disorder and perceptions

that a considerable number of crime-prone

individuals operate there (Klinger, 1997).

Where the police consider certain places (and

some of the people they encounter there) more

menacing, they are likely to approach otherwise

mundane situations with greater unease than

they might in more tranquil settings (Klinger,

1997). Further, in extremely disadvantaged

neighborhoods, the police disproportionately

use force when attempting to control and/or

The Police and Public Discourse on “Black-on-Black” Violence | 15

apprehend suspects (Kane, 2002; Smith, 1986;

Terrill and Reisig, 2003). Officers’ disparate use

of force in high-crime, minority neighborhoods

may unknowingly diminish their moral authority

in the eyes of community residents. Poor blacks

disproportionately experience over-policing,

and research demonstrates that people are less

likely to cooperate with officers’ directives if they

are not treated with respect (Tyler, 2006). Hence,

aggressive policing strategies set the stage for

increased acrimony between the police and

disadvantaged blacks.

Brunson and Miller (2006) found that young

black men reported being routinely stopped by

police and “…believed that despite their best

efforts, they were not able to convincingly present

themselves as law-abiding, even when they

were, due to the confounding influences of race

and place in the creation of symbolic assailants”

(p. 636). An abundant body of research reveals

that officers’ preconceived notions about race,

place and crime can lead to patterns of behavior

that leave urban black males believing they are

perpetual targets for the police (for a summary,

see Brunson and Gau, 2014). Fairness and

impartiality are fundamental to police legitimacy

(Tyler, 2006). Heavy-handed policing tactics

underway in far too many black neighborhoods,

coupled with some officers’ predetermined view

regarding criminal involvement of young black

men, seriously challenge efforts to improve police

legitimacy in minority neighborhoods.

Although recent scholarship has devoted

considerable at tent ion to t he ha r m f u l

consequences of over-policing, in economically

disadvantaged, black neighborhoods residents’

concerns about local crime control efforts may

equally center on under-policing (see Kennedy,

1997; Smith, 1986). Specifically, urban blacks

frequently express dissatisfaction regarding

delayed response times, uncertain prioritization

of calls for service, and the overall perception that

police are not committed to solving crimes that

have been reported (Brunson, 2007). Brunson and

Weitzer (2009) examined disadvantaged urban

males’ experiences with police across three

neighborhoods that varied by racial composition:

one was lower class and black, the second was

lower class and predominantly white, and the

third was lower class and racially mixed. They

noted that “perceived police under-protection or

poor service in poor, minority neighborhoods has

been complained about for generations, and some

of [their] respondents made the same complaint”

(p. 876). Poor service and a lack of empathy can

certainly occur at the same time police officers

are saturating neighborhoods with resources to

control outbreaks of violence.

Citizens complain of under-policing when

of f icers appear to dismiss certain cal ls

for service or fail to make arrests in poor

neighborhoods for offenses that individuals

living there unequivocally believe would be

severely punished in wealthier communities

(Klinger, 1997). Residents of distressed, high-

crime neighborhoods consistently report higher

levels of dissatisfaction with the police and often

blame the police for persistent crime and disorder

problems (Weitzer and Tuch, 2006; Weitzer, 2010).

16 | New Perspectives in Policing

Residents of crime-plagued neighborhoods often

call for greater police presence. In fact, Weitzer

(2010: 121) “… found that 85 percent of Hispanics

and 88 percent of African Americans favored

more police surveillance of high crime areas.”

Much like their white counterparts, minority

citizens understand the need for improved

police effectiveness. However, routine eruptions

of neighborhood violence often cause poor

minorities to doubt that they are receiving equal

protection, reducing their overall confidence in

and satisfaction with police.


Police executives, politicians and political

commentators need to refrain from using

overly simplist ic descriptions — such as

“black-on-black” violence — when describing

outbreaks of serious criminal violence in black

neighborhoods. Because the police represent the

most visible face of government and have primary

responsibility for maintaining public safety in all

neighborhoods, police executives in particular

should avoid framing urban violence problems in

this way. Inappropriate use of such phrases can

inadvertently promote inappropriate policing

activities in black neighborhoods, which in turn

erode the community’s trust and confidence in

the police and inhibit cooperation with them.

Disadvantaged neighborhoods that suffer from

serious violence need and benefit from focused

police attention. Black residents clearly want

police in their neighborhoods. However, they

want the police to know the community, treat

residents with respect and dignity, prevent

future outbreaks of violence rather than merely

respond to incidents, and engage with them in

appropriately focused rather than indiscriminate

policing strategies.

Careful analysis can lead to clarity in describing

urban violence patterns and can thus improve

police-minority community relations in at least

two important ways. First, police executives can

better frame and communicate to constituents

the true nature of serious violent crime problems.

Second, careful analysis can lead to the

development and implementation of effective

and appropriately focused crime reduction

strategies. The type of analysis conducted in

Boston, described above, is well within the reach

of most urban police departments.

Inappropriate framing of urban criminal violence

problems, and the policies and practices that

result, constitute substantial obstacles for police

departments and for minority communities

struggling to solve these critical issues. We believe

the key to progress lies with careful analysis of

the specific dynamics that generate patterns of

violence and a broader appreciation of the value

of carefully tailored police interventions.





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The Police and Public Discourse on “Black-on-Black” Violence | 17





5. http://w w

c om m i s s ione r-k e l l y- de f e nd s - s t op -a nd­

frisk-ta rget ing-a fr ica n-a mericans-a r t icle­


6. lynn-says­

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random (accessed May 8, 2014).

8. According to the National Crime Victimization

Survey, in 2012, blacks had a serious violent

v ict imization (rape, robber y, aggravated

assault) rate of 11.3 per 1,000 people ages 12

and older, whereas whites had a serious violent

victimization rate of 6.8 per 1,000 people ages 12

and older (Langton, Planty and Truman, 2013).

9. Accord i ng to t he Federa l Bu reau of

Investigation, whites accounted for 58.7 percent

of persons arrested for violent crimes, and blacks

represented 38.5 percent of persons arrested for

violent crimes in 2012. However, in 2012, blacks

represented 49.4 percent of persons arrested

for murder and non-negligent manslaughter

while whites represented 48.2 percent of

persons arrested for murder and non-negligent

manslaughter (Federal Bureau of Investigation,

2013). In 2012, the U.S. Census Bureau estimated

that blacks represented only 13.1 percent of the

U.S. population.

states/00000.html (accessed Apr. 27, 2014).


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Author Note

Anthony Braga is the Don M. Gottfredson

Professor of Evidence-Based Criminology, School

of Criminal Justice, Rutgers University, and

Senior Research Fellow, Program in Criminal

Justice Policy and Management, John F. Kennedy

School of Government, Harvard University. Rod

K. Brunson is Vice Dean for Academic Affairs,

Ph.D. Program Director, and Associate Professor,

School of Criminal Justice, Rutgers University.


The authors would like to thank Charles Ramsey,

Malcolm Sparrow, Darrel Stephens, Christine

Cole, and members of the Harvard Executive

Session on Policing and Public Safety for their

helpful comments on earlier versions of this

paper. They also would like to thank Anthony

Bator for his excellent research assistance.

Findings and conclusions in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.

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Members of the Executive Session on Policing and Public Safety

Chief Edward Flynn, Milwaukee Police Department Colonel Rick Fuentes, Superintendent, New Jersey State Police District Attorney George Gascón, San Francisco District Attorney’s Office Mr. Gil Kerlikowske, Director, Office of National Drug Control Policy Professor John H. Laub, Distinguished University Professor, Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, University of Maryland, and former Director of the National Institute of JusticeChief Susan Manheimer, San Mateo Police Department Superintendent Garry McCarthy, Chicago Police DepartmentProfessor Tracey Meares, Walton Hale Hamilton Professor of Law, Yale Law School

Dr. Bernard K. Melekian, Director, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (retired), United States Department of ustice

Ms. Sue Rahr, Director, Washington State Criminal Justice Training CommissionCommissioner Charles Ramsey, Philadelphia Police Department


Professor Greg Ridgeway, Associate Professor of Criminology, University of Pennsylvania, and former Acting Director, National Institute of JusticeProfessor David Sklansky, Yosef Osheawich Professor of Law, University of California, Berkeley, School of Law Mr. Sean Smoot, Director and Chief Legal Counsel, Police Benevolent and Protective Association of Illinois Professor Malcolm Sparrow, Professor of Practice of Public Management, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University Mr. Darrel Stephens, Executive Director, Major Cities Chiefs Association Mr. Christopher Stone, President, Open Society FoundationsMr. Richard Van Houten, President, Fort Worth Police Officers AssociationLieutenant Paul M. Weber, Los Angeles Police DepartmentProfessor David Weisburd, Walter E. Meyer Professor of Law and Criminal Justice, Faculty of Law, The Hebrew University; and Distinguished Professor, Department of Criminology, Law and Society, George Mason UniversityDr. Chuck Wexler, Executive Director, Police Executive Research Forum

Commissioner Anthony Batts, Baltimore Police DepartmentProfessor David Bayley, Distinguished Professor (Emeritus), School of Criminal Justice, State University of New York at Albany Professor Anthony Braga, Senior Research Fellow, Program in Criminal Justice Policy and Management, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University; and Don M. Gottfredson Professor of Evidence-Based Criminology, School of Criminal Justice, Rutgers UniversityChief Jane Castor, Tampa Police DepartmentMs. Christine Cole (Facilitator), Executive Director, Program in Criminal Justice Policy and Management, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University Commissioner Edward Davis, Boston Police Department (retired)Chief Michael Davis, Director, Public SafetDivision, Northeastern UniversityMr. Ronald Davis, Director, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, United States Department of JusticeMs. Madeline deLone, Executive Director, The Innocence ProjectDr. Richard Dudley, Clinical and Forensic Psychiatrist



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