new nmfs scientific reports publishedthe prochlorophyta, and 103 species of the chlorophyta. each...

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New NMFS ScientificReports Published

Some publications listed below maybe sold by the Superintendent of Docu­ments, U.S. Government Printing Of­fice, Washington, DC 20402. Copies ofall are sold by the National TechnicalInformation Service, Springfield, VA22151. Writing to either agency prior toordering is advisable to determine avail­ability and/or price (prices may changeand prepayment is required).

NOAA Technical Report NMFS 26.Darcy, George H. "Synopsis of biolog­ical data on the sand perch, Diplec­trumformosum (Pisces: Serranidae)!'March 1985, iv + 21 p., 20 figs., 7tables.


Infonnation on the biology and fishery re­sources of a common western Atlantic ser­ranid, Diplectrum formosum, is compiled,reviewed, and analyzed in the FAO speciessynopsis style.

NOAA Technical Report NMFS 27.Sindermann, Carl 1. (editor). "Pro­ceedings of the Eleventh U.S.-JapanMeeting on Aquaculture, Sabnon En­hancement, Tokyo, Japan, October19-20, 1982." March 1985, iii + 102 p.(15 papers.)

NOAA Technical Report NMFS 28.Perrin, William F., Michael D. Scott,G. Jay Walker, and Virginia L. Casso"Review of geographical stocks oftropical dolphins (Stenella spp. andDelphinus delphis) in the easternPacific." March 1985, iv + 28 p., 26figs., 4 tables, 2 app.


Information on geographical variation isreviewed for Stenella attenuata, S. longiro­stris, S. coeruleoalba, and Delphinus delphisin the eastern tropical Pacific, and bound­aries for potential management units are pro­posed. National Marine Fisheries Serviceand Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commis­sion sighting records made from 1979 to 1983

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which were outside boundaries used in a 1979assessment were examined for validity. Tag­ging returns and morphological data werealso analyzed. Several stock ranges are ex­panded or combined. Three managementunits are proposed for S. attenuata: thecoastal, northern offshore, and southern off­shore spotted dolphins. Four managementunits are proposed for S. longirostris: theCosta Rican, eastern, northern whitebelly,and southern whitebelly spinner dolphins.Two provisional management units are pro­posed for S. coeruleoalba: the northern andsouthern striped dolphins. Five managementunits (two of which are provisional) are pro­posed for D. delphis: the Baja neritic, north­ern, central, southern, and Guerrero com­mon dolphins. Division into managementunits was based on morphological stock dif­ferences and distributional breaks.

NOAA Technical Report NMFS 29.Moser, Mike, Judy A. Sakanari, CarolA. Reilly, and Jeannette Whipple."Prevalence, intensity, longevity, andpersistence of Anisakis sp. larvae andLacistorhynchus tenuis metacestodesin San Francisco striped bass!' April1985, iii + 4 p., 6 figs.


Thirteen hundred and seventy-three stripedbass, Morone saxatillis, were collected fromthe San Francisco Bay-Delta area to correlatehost diet with parasitic infections and todetermine the prevalance, intensity, longev­ity, and persistence of larval Anisakis sp.nematodes and the metacestode Lacistorhyn­chus tenuis. There is an increase in theprevalence and intensity of Anisakis sp. andin the intensity of L. tenuis with increase ofage of the host. These increases are probablyrelated to the diet and the persistence of theparasites. The infections of both species areoverdispersed. San Francisco Bay stripedbass are an incompatible host for bothspecies of parasites. Degenerated Anisakissp. will remain in the host for at least 8months and L. tenuis metacestodes for 22months. The occurrence of several otherspecies of parasites and a tumor are alsoreported.

NOAA Technical Report NMFS 30.Shumway, Sandra E., Herbert C.Perkins, Daniel F. Schick, and Alden P.

Stickney. "Synopsis of biological dataon the pink shrimp, Pandalus borealisKr~yer, 1838:' May 1985, iv + 57 p.


This synopsis of the literature was design­ed to summarize the biological and biochem­ical studies involving Pandalus borealis aswell as to provide a summary of the literatureregarding the fisheries data published beforeearly 1984. Included are many unpublishedobservations, drawn from studies at the Stateof Maine Department of Marine ResourcesLaboratory in West Boothbay Harbor,Maine.

NOAA Technical Report NMFS 31.Anderson, Emory D., John G. Casey,John 1. Hoey, and W. N. Witzell."Shark catches from selected fisher­ies off the U.S. east coast!' July 1985,iv + 22 p., 3 figs., 25 tables.


Included are three articles: "Analysis ofvarious sources of pelagic shark catches inthe Northwest and Western Central AtlanticOcean and Gulf of Mexico with commentson catches of other large pelagics" by Ander­son; "Estimated catches of large sharks byU.S. recreational fishennen in the Atlanticand Gulf of Mexico" by Casey and Hoey;and "The incidental capture of sharks in theAtlantic United States Fishery ConservationZone by the Japanese tuna longline fleet" byWitzell.

Improving Habitatfor Fish and Anglers

"Artificial Reefs?, edited by FrankM. D'Itri, has been published by LewisPublishers, Inc., Ul South Main Street,P.G. Drawer 519, Chelsea, MI 48118. Thebook, with both marine and freshwaterapplications, is divided into four parts:I, physical and limnological character­istics of artificial reefs; II, reef designand construction; III, artificial reef ecol­ogy; and IV, legal, economic, regula­tory, and organization considerations inreef siting and construction. Overall, the25 papers serve as an excellent overviewof the history, current state-of-the-art,and future prospects for man-madereefs.

In Part I, papers review the history ofartificial reefs in the United States, en­hancement of the marine environment


for fisheries and aquaculture in Japan,the ecology of natural shoals in LakeOntario and their importance to artificialreef development, physical and geologi­cal aspects of artificial reef site selec­tion, and the physical and limnologicalcharacteristics of natural spawning reefsin western Lake Erie.

Many of the earlier reports on ar­tificial reefs were often unpublished orpublished individually or in a "pro­ceedings" volume with limited availa­bility. This book, however, updates sev­eral of those studies and makes the dataeasily available to students, biologists,researchers, fisheries managers, etc.

Part II includes papers on the plan­ning of artificial reefs in Japan, recentapproaches in artificial reef design andapplications, reviews of artificial reefprograms in Hawaii, Virginia, and LakeMichigan; the use of scrap tires and flyash from coal combustion for reef build­ing; and a review of mid-water fish ag­gregating devices (FAD's).

Part III, ecology, presents an updateon the Smith Mountain Lake, Va.,artificial reef project, and discussions ofenhancement of fisheries habitat and ur­ban recreational fishing; density esti­mates of warm-temperature reef fishesassociated with an artificial reef, anatural reef, and a kelp forest; a studyof the biota, especially prey species, ofnaturally rocky area of southwesternLake Michigan and what it means forartificial reef construction; and prelim­inary studies of an artificial reef as afishery management strategy in LakeMichigan.

Part IV includes discussions of Fed­eral responsibilities or approaches toregulating artificial reefs, sport fishingneeds for artificial reefs, the economicimpact of artificial reefs on Great Lakessport fisheries, and a review of Florida'sartificial reef network and strategies thatcould enhance user benefits. The 589­page hardbound volume is availablefrom the publisher for $49.95.

Meanwhile, the Artificial Reef Devel­opment Center, administered by theSport Fishing Institute, 1010 Massachu­setts Ave., NW., Suite 100, Washington,DC 20001, has initiated a very usefulTechnical Report Series on various


aspects of artificial reef construction,maintenance, etc.

The first Technical Reports Series 1(24 pages), is "Permitting Proceduresfor Artificial Reefs" by Richard T.Christian, which provides an overviewof the legal authorities of the variousgovernmental agencies and their extentof involvement in permitting artificialreefs. It presents a step-by-step guide tothe procedures that lead to the acquisi­tion of the required permits for reefconstruction.

The second is "Artificial Reef Main­tenance" by DeWitt 0. Myatt (30 pages,5 appendices), and is an excellent guideto long-term planning for the care andmaintenance of the reefs, especially thebuoys and markers which the U.S. CoastGuard classifies as "special purposeaids to navigation."

Number 3, "Liability Concerns inArtificial Reef Development" byPatricia R. Collins (26 pages, 1 appen­dix), deals with what has been a majorconstraint to some reef plans. There islittle case law on the topic and theauthor presents a number of suggestionsfor such concerned parties as materialdonors, reef contractors, volunteertransporters, permittees, and involvedagencies; a discussion of the NationalFishery Enhancement Act of 1984 alsoaddresses many of the concerns.

Report 4 is "Transportation Costs ofArtificial Reef Materials" by RichardT. Christian (19 pages), and recent datais presented from projects in 17 states.Transportation accounts for about 75percent of reef deployment costs, anddepends on the type and amount ofmaterial, which also impinges on thetype of transportation required. Poten­tial funding sources are also discussed.Report prices vary and they are availablefrom the Institute's Center.

A Review of theSeaweeds of China

China's coastline (18,000 krn mainlandand 14,200 krn islands) harbors about1,000 species of seaweeds over zonesranging from tropical to warm temper­ate. And the Chinese are among thosewho actively utilize seaweeds for food

and medicine. At present, 45 generarepresenting a little over 100 species areof economic value in that nation, beingused for food, medicine, fertilizer, andas the raw material for industrial pro­duction of phycocolloids (i.e., agar,algin, and carrageenan) and other prod­ucts such as mannitol and iodine. In­deed, records of the occurrence of Por­phyra and its food value appeared in aChinese book published sometime be­tween 533 and 544 A.D.

Now, "Common Seaweeds of China;'has been published by the Science Press,Beijing, China, in honor of the XIthInternational Seaweed Symposium heldin Quingdao in June 1983. The hand­somely printed volume, a cooperativework by several phycologists, was editedby C. K. Tseng, Research Professor ofMarine Biology, Institute of Oceanol­ogy, Academia Sinica, Quingdao, andit should serve as an excellent guide tothe common marine flora of that region.

Described are 512 species of Chineseseaweeds, including 66 species of theCyanophyta, 226 species of the Rhodo­phyta, 1 species of the Xanthophyta, 115species of the Phaeophyta, 1 species ofthe Prochlorophyta, and 103 species ofthe Chlorophyta. Each species de­scribed is illustrated with excellent col­or photographs (mostly made in thenatural habitat) and, in some cases, withdetailed drawings and micrographswhere needed to highlight particulardetails. However, a few common specieswere not shown owing to a lack of suit­able specimens, and, since the volumeis not all-inclusive, there are no keys tothe genera and species.

The book begins with a systematic listof species and then presents "ecologicalphotographs" of various species in theirnatural habitats and scenes of seaweedharvesting and culture. Then follow theplates and descriptions of the 512species, a selected bibliography, and anindex.

Descriptions of the seaweeds includeexternal morphology, color, texture,habitat, occurrence in China, geograph­ical distribution, and internal structureand reproductive characteristics (whenneeded for identification). Also givenare the uses of economically valuableseaweeds.

Marine Fisheries Review

The hardbound 316-page volume isdistributed and sold for $125.00 byKugler Publications, Po. Box 5794,Berkeley, CA 94705, or, in The Nether­lands, by Kugler Publications BV, P.o.Box 516, 1180 AM, Amstelveen, TheNetherlands.


"Proceedings of the Olympic WildFish Conference;' edited by 1. M.Walton and D. B. Houston, has beenpublished by the Fisheries TechnologyProgram, Peninsula College, 1502 E.Lauridsen Blvd., Port Angeles, WA98362. In this case, "wild fish" refersto the salmonids of the genus Oncorhyn­chus and Salmo of the Pacific coast. Theeditors note that some of these wildstocks have been either neglected, man­aged, or mismanaged almost to theverge of extinction, and the conferencewas held so fisheries managers andscientists could present their currentmanagement strategies, research find­ings, and agency philosophies, exchangeideas, and discuss and evaluate criticalissues. Those objectives were attainedto a surprising degree, with many of thepapers providing interesting and some­times provocative ideas from a varietyof perspectives.

The volume is divided into seven ma­jor sections: Genetic differentiation ofwild fish stocks, lake studies and man­agement strategies, agency managementof wild fish stocks, the cutthroat trout,coho and chinook salmon, steelheadtrout, and one on "perspectives." Thelatter contains thoughtful papers on the"Social value of wild fish" by 1. T. Mar­tin, and Bill McMillan's review of "Anangling community in change," a lookat one stream's 25 years of change froma native steelhead fishery to a hatchery­dominated fishery, and the effects onangling techniques and ethics.

In the first section are discussed theconcept of a salmonid stock and themethods used to differentiate stocks andproblems in gene resource conservationby 1. D. McIntyre. Fred Utter et a1.discuss the genetic characterization ofpopulations in the southeastern range of

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sockeye salmon; R. R. Reisenbichlerreviews "outplanting," releasing hatch­ery fish at remote localities, and itspotential for harmful genetic change innaturally spawning salmonids. 1. H.Helle discusses "gene banks" for wildsalmonid stocks and L. A. Riggs pres­ents a scenario for genetic resourcemanagement of salmon and sea-runtrout.

The second section presents discus­sions on management strategies forrestoration and rehabilitation of sockeyesalmon in Lake Ozette, Wash., the earlyexploitation and current status of troutin Lake Crescent, Wash., and manage­ment prescriptions and classification ofthe lake fishery on Vancouver Island,B.c. The third section presents discus­sions of the preservation of springchinook in Puget Sound, Wash.; statusand management of anadromous fish inOlympic National Park; James M.Johnston provided an administrator'sperspective of wild stock management;and G. S. Morishima provided a lookat the inherent problems and tradeoffsinvolved in or impinging on wild fishmanagement.

And, the fourth through the sixthsections present papers on status, lifehistory studies, habitat utilization,spawning strategies, and managementprograms for several stocks of cutthroattrout, coho and chinook salmon, andsteelhead trout. In sum, the proceedingspresent a good look at several impor­tant if sometimes controversial aspectsof the protection and management ofwild salmonids. Copies of the 308-pagepaperbound volume are available from1. M. Walton at the Peninsula Collegefor $15.00.

Soviet Volume on MarineProductivity Translated

"Oceanology: Biology of the Ocean.Volume 2. Biological Productivity ofthe Ocean;' M. E. Vinogradov, editor­in-chief, has been translated into Eng­lish and published as NOAA TechnicalMemorandum NMFS-F/NEC-34. Pa­per copies or microfiche are availablefrom the National Technical InformationService, 5285 Port Royal Road, Spring-

field, VA 22161 (write NTIS for currentprices).

Initially published by Nauka Press,Moscow, in 1977, the volume was trans­lated by Albert L. Peabody of theNMFS Foreign Language ServicesBranch. The English Version Editor wasKen Sherman, Director, NMFS Narra­gansett (R.I.) Laboratory, and Russianscientists cooperated in reviewing andcorrecting versions of the English trans­lation.

Part 1, "Ecology of Marine Commun­ities," includes chapters on the ecolog­ical concepts, the structure and devel­opment of pelagic, benthic, and coralreef communities in different globalregions from several viewpoints, includ­ing the adaptive significance of school­ing in the sea. Primary and secondaryproduction is discussed, as are ecosys­tem models.

Part 2 focuses on "Human Activity"with a discussion on the potentials forincreasing yields from fishery resourcesin Chapter I and the actual and poten­tial impacts of pollution on marine eco­systems in Chapter II. Altogether, thevolume represents an extensive synthesisof Soviet literature dealing with marineecosystems which is discussed in rela­tion to contemporary ideas of marineecologists in other countries. An exten­sive listing of references in Russian andEnglish which supports the synthesis isincluded.

Methods of U.S.Shellfish Culture

"Crustacean and Mollusk Aqua­culture in the United States;' edited byJay V. Huner and E. Evan Brown, hasbeen published by Avi Publishing Com­pany, 250 Post Road East, P.o. Box 831,Westport, CT 06881 (stock no. 443). Inits 10 chapters, various authorities re­view the status, biology, and culture ofsuch species as crawfishes, freshwaterprawns, penaeid shrimps, homarid lob­sters, other crustaceans (blue and cancercrabs, spot prawn, spiny lobsters, andsmaller shrimps), oysters (American,Pacific, European, and Olympia), clams(hard, manila, butter, littleneck, soft­shell, and surf clams), mussels, and


abalone. The tenth chapter discusseswater quality-physical, chemical, andbiological variables and pesticides andwater analysis-for culture systems. Inaddition, it presents a short appendix onthe life cycle, culture, and utilization ofthe brine shrimp, Artemia.

Many factors influence the commer­cial profitability of shellfish cultureoperation in the United States. Most ofthe species discussed are valued rela­tively high among seafoods, although afew are also used as bait. However, onlythe freshwater crawfishes and oystershave yet been cultured on a profitable,large-scale basis within the UnitedStates. Several of the others, however(i.e., penaeid shrimps, abalones, andmussels), are cultured profitably else­where.

For each species or group is discussedbasic biology (life cycles, reproduction,growth, food habits), genetics, environ­mental requirements, diseases and para­sites, culture methods, processing, eco­nomics, hatcheries (where applicable),and the current status and future of thespecies' culture in the United States.Several species are suggested as candi­dates for expanded culture programs.Each chapter provides a good, succinctreview of each species' culture and thevolume should be a useful reference forthose interested in shellfish culture. In­dexed, the 476-page hardbound volumeis available from the publisher for$59.00.

The Marine Fishes FromIndonesia to Australia

"Trawled Fishes of Southern Indo­nesia and Northwestern Australia;' byThomas Gloerfelt-Tarp and Patricia 1.Kailola, has been published by the Aus­tralian Development Assistance Bureau,the Directorate-General of Fisheries, In­donesia; and the German Agency forTechnical Cooperation. The volume isan excellent inventory of the ichthyo­fauna obtained by trawling in the watersfrom northwestern Australia through theisland regions of Timor, Bali, Java, andSumatra, during a regional fisheryassessment project, JETINDOFISH,the Joint Eastern Tropical Ocean Fish-


ery Study from 1979 to 1981. Most trawl­ing was done between 20 and 250 m,although considerable work was doneclose to coral reefs.

Altogether 1,266 sharks, rays, andbony fishes are described, encompass­ing 179 families. More than 130 of thosespecies had not been recorded beforefrom either Indonesia or Australia, andabout 90 were new to science. The textprovides identification guidelines andgeneric synopses to accompany the 950color photographs and about 232 draw­ings. Indonesian and English names areprovided for the families, and referencesto appropriate literature are cited foreach family. Identification data accom­pany each photo or illustration. Also in­cluded are drawings of fish anatomy anda glossary of terms utilized in fish

ICLARM Reports onTropical Fisheries

ICLARM, the International Centerfor Living Aquatic Resources Manage­ment, MCC P.O. Box 1501, Makati,Metro Manila, Philippines, publishesseveral series of excellent reviews, tech­nical reports, studies, proceedings,bibliographies, etc. Number 8 in theICLARM Studies and Reviews series is"Fish Population Dynamics in Trop­ical Waters: A Manual for Use WithProgrammable Calculators" by DanielPauly.

Chapter by chapter, the author appliesto tropical and subtropical fish and fish­eries methods covering length-weightrelationships, mesh selection, growth,mortality, population size estimation(e.g., by tagging, virtual populationanalysis), yield-per-recruit assessments,stock-recruitment relationships, surplus­yield models, the rate of increase ofpopulations, and aspects of multispeciesstocks and fisheries. The program list­ing the user instructions of 30 programsfor a programmable calculator are in­cluded, and the translation of those pro­grams for use with other types ofcalculators is discussed. Sixty computa­tional examples, including completekeystroke sequencees, are provided to

identification.A 60-page species list provides data

on the author and date of description,capture locality and distribution details,area from which all recorded specimenswere obtained, and other pertinent data.General and specific references arelisted in a 19-page bibliography. Formany fishermen and scientists workingon or with fishes of the region, thevolume will be a handy reference. In­quiries on the availability of the 406­page volume should be directed toeither: Heng, S.u. Pte. Ltd., Tong LeeBuilding, Block A, 35 Kallang PuddingRoad 02-12, Singapore 1334; or The In­donesia Section, S.E.A.P. Branch, Aus­tralian Development Assistance Bureau,G.P.a. Box 887, Canberra, A.C.T. 2601,Australia.

illustrate the methods presented in thetext. Included also is a list of symbolsand their definitions, references, anauthor index, and a program card hold.The paperbound volume costs $25.00(airmail) and the hardbound volume is$29.50 (airmail). U.S. orders throughISBS should include $2.25 postage.

Number 7 in the same series is"Caribbean Coral Reef Fishery Re­sources;' edited by 1. L. Munro. Thevolume constitutes the full 18-part seriesoriginally published as No. 3 in theseries Research Reports from the Zool­ogy Department, Univesity of the WestIndies," plus an epilogue reviewing pro­gress in coral reef fisheries researchfrom 1973 to 1982. Following an intro­ductory review of the Caribbean reeffisheries by Munro, are chapters on theJamaican fishing industry, areas inves­tigated and objectives and methods, andthe composition and magnitude of lineand trap catches in Jamaican waters.Then follow individual chapters whichprovide detailed accounts of the biology,ecology, and bionomics of such majortaxonomic groups as squirrelfishes,hinds and groupers, jacks, snappers,grunts, goatfishes, butterfly and angel­fishes, parrotfishes, surgeonfishes, trig­gerfishes, and spiny lobsters, spidercrabs, and other crustaceans. Finally,

Marine Fisheries Review

Munro assesses information on thepotential harvests of commercially im­portant reef fishes. In the epilogue,more recently developed stock assess­ment methods are used to reanalyze thedata collected in the previous decade,and the advances made in that period arereviewed. Well illustrated, and with col­or plates of a dozen important commer­cial reef fishes, the volume provides afine review of the region's coral reeffishery resources. Paperbound copiesare available from ICLARM for $16.00(surface mail) or $33.00 (airmail), andthe hardback edition costs $19.50 (sur­face) and $37.00 (airmail). Like theother ICLARM publications, it is avail­able in the United States from Interna­tional Specialized Book Services, Inc.(ISBS), p.o. Box 1632, Beaverton, ORCJ](JJ5, using the "airmail" price.

ICLARM Technical Reports 13 is"An Atlas of the Growth, Mortalityand Recruitment of PhilippineFishes" by Jose Ingles and Daniel Pau­ly. The authors present the results of adetailed analysis (ELEFA program) oflength-frequency data collected from1957 to 1981 throughout the Philippines,covering 23 families (including 34genera and 56 species) which represent112 stocks of commercially exploitedfinfishes. The results are presented inthe form of 112 plates. For each stockis provided: An outline drawing of thespecies discussed (including scientificname, sampling location and date), arecruitment pattern used to infer season­ality of spawning and recruitment, anda graph where probabilities of captureare plotted against length to estimatemean length at first capture. For eachstock, a brief legend provides the num­erical values of the estimates of growth,mortality, and exploitation rate; thesource of the data used, brief commentson the biology of the fish, and sourcesof further information. (Price not listedbut is available from both ICLARM orISBS.)

Recent ICLARM publications on ti­lapias include Bibliographies 6, "A Bib­liography of Important Tilapies(Pisces: Cichlidae) for Aquaculture"by Peter Schoenen. This new report listspublished papers and reports on thefollowing species: Oreochromis vari-

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abilis, 0. andersonii, 0. esculentus, 0.leucostictus, 0. mortimeri, 0. spilurusniger, Sarotherodon melanotheron, andTilapia sparrmanii. For each species islisted a separate bibliography, completewith subject and geographic indexes,and lists of synonyms and misidentifi­cations. Paperbound, the volume costs$7.75 (surface mail) and $15.00 airmail.

Published as ICLARM Technical Re­ports 14 is "Experimental Rearing ofNile Tilapia Fry (Oreochromis nilo­ticus) for Saltwater Culture" by Wade0. Watanabe, Ching-Ming Kuo, andMei-Chan Huang. Presented are experi­ments made during 1983 at the NationalSun Yat-Sen University, Institute ofMarine Biology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan,which discuss the utility of early salinityexposure toward the saltwater culture oftilapias. (Price not listed.)

ICLARM Technical Reports 16 is"Salinity Tolerance of the TilapiasOreochromis aureus, O. niloticus andan O. mossambicus x O. niloticus Hy­brill" also by Watanabe et a1. (Price notlisted.) And ICLARM Conference Pro­ceedings 10 is the "Summary Reportof the PCARRD-ICLARM Workshopon Philippine Tilapia Economics:'edited by I.R. Smith, E. B. Torres, andE. 0. Tan. Consisting mostly of ab­stracts of papers and reports of fourworking groups, the 45-page paper­bound item is free of charge fromICLARM.

ICLARM Conference Proceedings 9,"Theory and Management of Trop­ical Fisheries:' edited by D. Pauly andG. I. Murphy, constitutes the results ofan international workshop held jointlyby the Fisheries Research Division ofthe Australian Commonwealth Scientificand Industrial Research Organizationand ICLARM in Cronulla, Australia.The workshop was based on the prem­ise that tropical countries were in urgentneed of a coherent body of rules ap­plicable to the management of theirfisheries, many of which have beenoverfished.

Presentations include reviews of mod­els in use or proposed, current researchon stock assessment, and identificationof major constraints on stock assessmentand management. Other papers com­pare fish yields from a variety of trop-

ical ecosystems, review the managementof tropical multispecies fisheries, ex­plore the realities of fishery manage­ment in the Southeast Asian region, andsuggest directions for future research intropical multispecies fisheries. The vol­ume has indexes to geographical loca­tions, names of authors or discussants,and species or taxonomic groups. Paper­bound copies cost $17.50 (surface) and$28.50 (airmail); hardbound copies cost$21.50 (surface) and $35.50 (airmail).

Fisheries TechnologyProceedings Published

The "Proceedings of the Ninth An­nual Tropical and Subtropical Fish­eries Conference of the Americas;'compiled by Ranzell Nickelson II, havebeen published by the Marine Informa­tion service, Sea Grant College Pro­gram, Texas A&M University, CollegeStation, TX 77843 as TAMU-SG-85­106.

The volume contains 21 presentations,edited by their respective authors, re­lating to the unique problems of produc­tion, processing, packaging, distribu­tion, and utilization of tropical andsubtropical fishery species. Contribu­tions range from a modified dilutionprocedure for bacterial examination ofseafoods and the occurrence and distri­bution of Salmonella in the SuwaneeRiver estuary to the repacking of freshoysters, clams, and mussels, potentialfor problems with Plesiomonas shigel­loides, planning for marketing jerkyproducts, and processing and qualityanalysis of dehydrated seafoods. Othercontributions discuss Salmonella sur­vival in deep-fat fried breaded shrimp(experimental contamination), compar­ative analysis of shrimp block thawingmethods, developing vessel level gradequality standards for the shrimp indus­try, rapid determination of E. coli inCrassostrea virginica, effect of salinityon flavor of penaeid shrimps, nutri­tional, chemical, microbiological, andorganoleptical changes in breadedshrimp stored in wholesale and retailfreezers, and other. Paperbound, the344-page volume is available from thepublisher for $12.00.


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