neuroscience programme course handbook 2010 1

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Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010 1

2 Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010

Haere mai, nau mai, tauti mai ki Te Whare Wananga o Ōtago, haere mai te ihi, te wehi, te mana, te tapu.

Tēnā koutou ngā tauira kua tae mai ki tēnei Wānanga, tēnei mātai, Te Mātai Io Tōpū.

Welcome to the

Neuroscience Programmeat the

University of Otago

For information and course advice contact the Neuroscience Programme Director:

Neuroscience Programme Phone: 64 3 479 9111University of Otago Fax: 64 3 479 5200PO Box 56 Email: Dunedin 9054 Zealand

Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010 3


1.1 Neuroscience @ Otago 81.2 What is Neuroscience? 81.3 Career Opportunities in Neuroscience 9


3.1 Support for Tauira Māori 103.2 Students with a Disability 103.3 Plagiarism 11

4 ACADEMICSTAFFANDDEPARTMENTS 124.1 Board of Studies 124.2 Teaching Staff and Research Supervisors 12

4.2.1 Professors 124.2.2 Associate Professors 134.2.3 Senior Lecturers 134.2.4 Lecturers 144.2.5 Senior Research Fellow 144.2.6 Research Fellow 15


5.1 Neuroscience Degree Flow Chart 155.2 First Year 165.3 Second Year 165.4 Summer Research Projects 175.5 Third Year 185.6 BSc (Hons) fourth year, PGDipSci, and MSc first year 185.7 Calendar Subject Requirements 18

5.7.1 BSc Major Subject Requirements 185.7.2 BSc Honours Major Subject Requirements 19


6.1.1 PGDipSci Subject Requirements 216.1.2 Two year MSc 22

6.2 Application For Admission To PhD 227 COURSECONTENT 22

7.1 Required papers at 100-level 227.1.1 CELS 191 Cell and Molecular Biology 227.1.2 HUBS 191 Human Body Systems I 227.1.3 PSYC 111 Brain and Behaviour 23

4 Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010

7.2 100-level papers from which a selection must be passed 237.2.1 CHEM 191 The Chemical Basis of Biology and Human Health 237.2.2 PHSI 191 Biological Physics 237.2.3 BIOC 192 Foundations of Biochemistry 237.2.4 BIOL 112 Animal Biology 237.2.5 HUBS 192 Human Body Systems II 24

7.3 100-level paper which forms an alternative major 247.3.1 PSYC 112 Human Thought and Behaviour 24

7.4 Required papers at 200-level 247.4.1 PHSL 231 Neurophysiology 247.4.2 ANAT 242 Neurobiology 247.4.3 PSYC 201 Brain and Cognition 24

7.5 200-level papers from which a selection must be passed 257.5.1 BIOC 221 Molecular Biology 257.5.2 GENE 221 Molecular and Microbial Genetics 257.5.3 PHAL 211 Introductory Pharmacology 257.5.4 BIOC 223 Cellular Biochemistry and Metabolism 257.5.5 GENE 222 Genes, Chromosomes and Populations 257.5.6 ZOOL 223 Animal Physiology 26

7.6 200-level papers which form an alternative major 267.6.1 ANAT 241 Human Biology: Cells to Systems 267.6.2 PSYC 202 Social and Applied Psychology 267.6.3 ZOOL 221 Animal Designs for Living 267.6.4 ANAT 243 Reproductive and Developmental Biology 267.6.5 BIOC 222 Proteins and Biotechnology 277.6.6 GENE 223 Developmental and Applied Genetics 277.6.7 PHAL 212 Introductory Therapeutics and Toxicology 277.6.8 PHSL 232 Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiology 277.6.9 PHSL 233 Cellular, Gastrointestinal and Renal Physiology 277.6.10 PSYC 203 Abnormal Psychology 287.6.11 ZOOL 222 Evolutionary Biology 28

7.7 300-level papers from which a selection must be passed 287.7.1 ANAT 336 Selected Topics in Neurobiology 287.7.2 PHSL 341 Cellular and Molecular Neurophysiology 287.7.3 PHSL 342 Integrative Neurophysiology 297.7.4 PSYC 323 Sensation and Perception 297.7.5 ANAT 335 Neurobiology 297.7.6 PHAL 303 Neuropharmacology 327.7.7 PSYC 313 Cognition and Neuropsychology 327.7.8 PSYC 317 Biopsychology 327.7.9 ZOOL 314 Neurobiology 33

Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010 5

7.8 400-level papers 337.8.1 ANAT 454 Neurobiology 337.8.2 COSC 460 Neural Networks 347.8.3 NEUR 452 Neurodegenerative Disorders 347.8.4 NEUR 454 Systems Neurophysiology 357.8.5 NEUR 455 Sleep 357.8.6 NEUR 457 Developmental Neuroscience 357.8.7 NEUR 459 Neuroendocrinology 367.8.8 NEUR 461 Clinical Neurology 367.8.9 NEUR 462 Special Topic 367.8.10 PHAL 423 Neuropharmacology 377.8.11 PHSL 472 Neurophysiology 377.8.12 PSYC 469 Human Information Processing 377.8.13 PSYC 471 Cognitive Neuroscience 377.8.14 PSYC 474 Nervous System Plasticity 387.8.15 ZOOL 412 Neurobiology and Behaviour 397.8.16 NEUR 480 Dissertation 397.8.17 NEUR 490 Dissertation 39 Introduction 397.8.17.2 Dissertation Production 397.8.17.3 Workload and Supervision 397.8.17.4 Supervisors and Projects 40

8 SUPERVISION/RESEARCHINTERESTSOFSTAFF 408.1 Anatomy & Structural Biology 40

8.1.1 Dr Greg Anderson 408.1.2 Dr Stephen Bunn 418.1.3 Dr Marilyn Duxson 418.1.4 Professor David Grattan 418.1.5 Dr Christine Jasoni 418.1.6 Dr Beulah Leitch 428.1.7 Dr Ping Liu 428.1.8 Associate Professor Ian McLennan 428.1.9 Dr Ruth Napper 438.1.10 Associate Professor Dorothy Oorschot 438.1.11 Dr John Reynolds 438.1.12 Dr Joanna Williams 438.1.13 Dr Ming Zhang 43

8.2 Biochemistry 448.2.1 Dr Stephanie Hughes 448.2.2 Professor Warren Tate 44

8.3 Computer Science 44

6 Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010

8.3.1 Dr Lubica Benuskova 448.3.2 Dr Alistair Knott 448.3.3 Associate Professor Anthony Robins 45

8.4 Neurology 458.4.1 Dr Nick Cutfield 458.4.2 Dr Vic du Plessis 458.4.3 Dr Graeme Hammond-Tooke 458.4.4 Dr John Mottershead 458.4.5 Dr Alan Wright 45

8.5 Otago Bioethics Centre 468.5.1 Professor Grant Gillett 46

8.6 Ophthalmology 468.6.1 Professor Tony Molteno 46

8.7 Paediatrics 468.7.1 Dr Barbara Galland 468.7.2 Professor Barry Taylor 46

8.8 Pharmacology & Toxicology 468.8.1 Associate Professor Cynthia Darlington 478.8.2 Dr Steve Kerr 478.8.3 Dr Ivan Sammut 478.8.4 Professor Paul Smith 47

8.9 Physical Education 478.9.1 Dr Jonathan Shemmell 47

8.10 Physiology 478.10.1 Dr Istvan Abraham 488.10.2 Dr Chris Bolter 488.10.3 Dr Colin Brown 488.10.4 Dr Rebecca Campbell 488.10.5 Associate Professor Pat Cragg 488.10.6 Dr Ged Davis 488.10.7 Dr Ruth Empson 488.10.8 Professor Allan Herbison 498.10.9 Dr Phil Heyward 498.10.10 Associate Professor Brian Hyland 498.10.11 Dr Philip Sheard 50

8.11 Psychological Medicine 508.11.1 Professor Paul Glue 508.11.2 Dr Richard Mullen 50

8.12 Psychology 508.12.1 Professor Cliff Abraham 508.12.2 Associate Professor David Bilkey 518.12.3 Associate Professor Mike Colombo 518.12.4 Associate Professor Elizabeth Franz 518.12.5 Professor Harlene Hayne 518.12.6 Professor Neil McNaughton 518.12.7 Dr Liana Machado 52

Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010 7

8.12.8 Dr Bruce Mockett 528.12.9 Professor Jeff Miller 528.12.10 Dr Janice Murray 528.12.11 Professor Geoff White 52

8.13 Zoology 528.13.1 Professor Alison Mercer 528.13.2 Associate Professor Mike Paulin 53


8 Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010


1.1 Neuroscience@Otago

Neuroscience is a coherent, integrated subject in its own right - but it can also be seen as comprising the ‘neuro’ part of each of a wide range of traditional subjects. At Otago, which is the only New Zealand University that offers undergraduate degrees in Neuroscience, the undergraduate programme consists of papers offered by a range of Departments: as of 2010 there are no “NEUR” coded papers offered until 4th year Hons, and for PGDipSci, and MSc degrees. Neuroscience is thus taught by staff from the Departments of Anatomy and Structural Biology, Biochemistry, Bioethics Centre, Computer Science, Neurology, Ophthalmology, Paediatrics, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Physical Education, Physiology, Psy-chological Medicine, Psychology, and Zoology. The Director of the Programme is appointed from one of the contributing Departments, and is currently Associate Prof. Brian Hyland, of the Department of Physiology; the previous Director was from Psychology - which reflects the fact that the BSc in Neuroscience at Otago is a truly interdisciplinary degree.

There is no Neuroscience building - instead, Neuroscience is a “virtual” Depart-ment. In the absence of a physical building, Neuroscience students instead gather on the Web at a Neuroscience Virtual Space. This is a closed social and educational networking site exclusively for Neuroscience students to meet up with each other. Access is limited to those majoring in Neuroscience at . Other networking opportunities arise at Neuroscience-related Research Seminars across the University to which all students are invited via email. Neuroscience students also receive regular information about important events and job advertisements via an email list.

Interested students not yet enrolled in the Programme should visit the Otago Neu-roscience Programme home page . From this page you can download a copy of this booklet or you can request a hard copy by emailing If you are considering a major (or minor) in neuroscience you should discuss your plans with the Programme Director.

1.2 WhatisNeuroscience?

Neuroscience is the study of the nervous system (both brain and peripheral nerv-ous system) in all its aspects and from all points of view. Neuroscience selects the ‘neuro’ component from each of a large number of parent disciplines. For example, Neuroscience is the basic science that underpins existing and emerg-ing applications in areas such as psychology, neurology, physiotherapy, sports science, information processing and robotics.

Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010 9

Neuroscience is one of the fastest expanding disciplines in science, ranking with Molecular Biology as a growth area. The USA-based Society for Neuro-science has over 38,000 members and numbers are still increasing. Its annual conference is attended by more than 30,000 neuroscientists, many from coun-tries outside the USA, including New Zealand. Students enrolled in a Neuroscience study programme at Otago can join the Otago Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience for free. Contact for more information.

1.3 CareerOpportunitiesinNeuroscience

Graduates who wish to pursue a career in Neuroscience will normally proceed to a PhD and then to basic academic or applied research into artificial intelligence, behavioural neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, neural networks, neuro-anatomy, neurochemistry, neuroendocrinology, neuroembryology, neuroethology, neuropharmacology, neurophysiology or a range of other subjects.

In addition to careers directly in academic neuroscience research, a degree in neuroscience will provide you with generic skills that are widely sought after by employers, with technical skills in areas (e.g. molecular biology or computing) where there is a worldwide shortage of skilled workers, and with a foundation for contributing to, and benefiting from, scientific and technological progress in coming years.

Finally, Neuroscience also provides a convenient first degree for those proceeding to postgraduate specialisation in professional or applied fields such as audiology, physiotherapy and bioengineering. It can also be used for graduate medical entry and, for this purpose, is particularly suitable for those intending to practice neurol-ogy, neurosurgery, or psychiatry.


If you are an international student intending to study neuroscience at Otago, you can find general information for international students (including visa requirements, transport etc) at

Information on entrance requirements, English language requirements, course fees, scholarships, application procedures, and enrolment can be found, for undergradu-ates at: and for postgraduates at .

It is important before you consider enrolling to contact us (email: with details of your academic record including transcript of course

10 Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010

taken and grades. We can then provide you with a translation of your existing qualifications into our system. This will determine the level at which you can enter our programme. In some cases, you may be given credit for courses you have already taken for a degree that you have undertaken elsewhere and that has not been completed.


3.1 SupportforTauiraMāori

The University of Otago Māori Centre (Te Huka Mātauraka) is located at 515/519 Castle Street. The Centre offers support for academic, cultural and social needs from pre-enrolment through to graduation.

The Centre is guided by kaupapa Māori and provides the following services: Liaison and Advice; Māori Orientation and Mentoring programmes; Tutorials and Seminars; Resources and Study Rooms.

Haere mai ki te Kōhanga nei o te Tari Whakamātau Hinengaro. Ko te Kōhanga he wāhi whakahirahira mō ngā tauira Māori e whai ake nei i ngā mahi o te Tari Whakamātau Hinengaro me te Mātai Io Tōpū. Kei kōnei tētahi ahuatanga kei roto i te Tari Whakamātau Hinengaro, hei tautoko, hei āwhina i ngā tauira Māori kia mau rātou ki te mātauranga mō tēnei momo mahi.

Welcome to the Kōhanga of the Psychology Department. This Kōhanga is a spe-cial room available for Māori students studying Psychology or Neuroscience. It is an initiative of the Psychology Department and has been specifically designed to provide an appropriate environment and suitable support for Māori students in their studies.

Please feel free to seek advice from Dr Tamar Murachver, the adviser to Māori students in the Psychology Department, email: .

“Nau te rourou, naku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi”

“With your contribution and my contribution, the wellbeing of humanity is assured”

3.2 StudentswithaDisability

Students are encouraged to seek support if they find they are having difficulty with their studies due to disability, temporary or permanent impairment, injury, or chronic illness. For general enquiries and advice, feel free to contact the Neuroscience

Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010 11

course administrator: phone 479 9111 or email: .

It is also recommended that you contact the University Disability Information and Support Office: phone 479 8235, fax 479 5873, email:, or Once registered with that office, for each paper you should contact the Department concerned. Some Department’s Disability Advisers are:

Anatomy & Structural Biology: Kathryn McClea, phone 479 7362, email:

Pharmacology & Toxicology: Jacqui Carroll, phone 479 7266, email:

Physiology: Sue Deans, phone 479 5106, email:

Psychology: Dr Louis Leland, phone 479 7638, email:

Zoology: Jo Forrester, phone 479 7982, email:

For other papers, please contact the Head of Department.

3.3 Plagiarism

Students should make sure that all submitted work is their own. Plagiarism is a form of dishonest practice. Plagiarism is defined as copying or paraphrasing another’s work and presenting it as one’s own. In practice this means plagiarism includes any attempt in any piece of submitted work (e.g. an assignment or test) to present as one’s own work the work of another (whether of another student or a published authority). Any student found responsible for plagiarism in any piece of work submitted for assessment shall be subject to the University’s dishonest practice regulations which may result in various penalties, including forfeiture of marks for the piece of work submitted, a zero grade for the paper, or in extreme cases exclusion from the University.

Further information can be obtained from the website

12 Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010


Staff research interests, email addresses, and websites are listed, organised by Department, in Section 8. Staff are listed alphabetically with Departments in Section 9.

4.1 BoardofStudiesAlison R. Mercer BSc PhD(Otago) FRSNZ ChairKeith A. Hunter MSc(Auck) PhD(E Anglia) FNZIC FRSNZ

Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Division of Sciences

Helen Nicholson BSc MBChB MD(Brist) Dean, School of Medical Sciences

Wickliffe C. Abraham BA(Virg) PhD(Flor) FRSNZ


Mike Colombo BA(Colorado) MS PhD(Rutgers)


Allan Herbison BMedSc MB CHB(Otago) PhD(Cantab) FRSNZ


Neil McNaughton MA(Oxon) PhD(S’thamps) PsychologyRuth M. A. Napper BSc (Hons) PhD (Otago) Anatomy & Structural BiologyMichael G. Paulin BSc(Hons)(Otago) PhD(Auck)


Philip Sheard BSc PGDipSci(Otago) PhD(W Aust)


Paul F. Smith BA PhD (Syd) Pharmacology & ToxicologyBrian I. Hyland BMedSc MBChB PhD(Otago) Director

4.2 TeachingStaffandResearchSupervisors

For details of research interests and email addresses, see Section 8.

4.2.1 ProfessorsWickliffe C. Abraham BA(Virg) PhD(Flor) FRSNZ


Grant R. Gillett MSc MB ChB(Auck) DPhil(Oxon) FRACS FRSNZ

Bioethics Centre

Paul W. Glue MB ChB(Otago) MD(Brist) MRCPsych

Psychological Medicine

David Grattan BSc (Hons) PhD (Well) Anatomy & Structural Biology

Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010 13

Harlene Hayne BA(ColColl) MS PhD(Rutgers) FRSNZ


Allan Herbison BMedSc MB CHB(Otago) PhD(Cantab) FRSNZ


Neil McNaughton MA(Oxon) PhD(S’ton) PsychologyAlison R. Mercer ONZM BSc(Hons) PhD(Otago) FRSNZ


Jeffrey O. Miller BA(Ohio State) PhD(Mich) FRSNZ


Anthony C. B. Molteno MB ChB(Cape Town) FRCSEd FRACO


Paul F. Smith BA(Hons) PhD(Syd) Pharmacology & ToxicologyWarren P. Tate MSc(Well) PhD(Otago) FNZIC FRSNZ MA-PIMBN


Barry J. Taylor MB ChB(Otago) FRACP PaediatricsK. Geoffrey White BSc PhD(Otago) FNZPsS FAPS FRSNZ


4.2.2 AssociateProfessorsDavid K. Bilkey BA(Hons) PhD(Otago) PsychologyMike Colombo BA(Colorado) MS PhD(Rutgers)


Patricia A. Cragg BSc(Hons) PhD(Brist) PhysiologyCynthia Darlington BA(Hons) PhD(Syd) Pharmacology & ToxicologyElizabeth A. Franz BA(Whittier) MSc PhD(Purdue)


Brian I. Hyland BMedSc MB ChB PhD(Otago) PhysiologyIan S. McLennan MSc(Auck) PhD(ANU) Anatomy & Structural BiologyDorothy E. Oorschot BSc (Hons) (W Aust) PhD(Otago)

Anatomy & Structural Biology

Michael G. Paulin BSc(Hons)(Otago) PhD(Auck)


Anthony V. Robins BSc(Hons)(Cant) MA DPhil(Sus)

Computer Science

4.2.3 SeniorLecturersIstvan Abraham MD PhD(Semmelweis) PhysiologyGregory M. Anderson BAgrSc(Hons) PhD(Lincoln)

Anatomy & Structural Biology

Lubica Benuskova MA(Vanderbilt) RNDr PhD(Comenius)

Computer Science

14 Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010

Stephen J. Bunn BSc(Hons)(Sur) PhD(Lond) Anatomy & Structural BiologyChristopher P. Bolter BSc(Brist) PhD(W Ont) PhysiologyColin Brown BSc PhD(Glas) PhysiologyNick J. Cutfield MB ChB (ImpCol Lond) NeurologyGerard Davis BSc(Lond) PhD(Birm) PhysiologyL. J. (Vic) du Plessis MB BCh (Witw) FCP(SA) NeurologyMarilyn J. Duxson MSc(Melb) PhD(Lond) Anatomy & Structural BiologyRuth M. Empson MA (Hons)(Oxon) PhD DIC (Lond)


Graeme D. Hammond-Tooke MB BCh PhD(Witw) MSc(Lond) FCP(SA) FRACP


Christine Jasoni BSc (Calif) PhD (Washington) Anatomy & Structural BiologyD. Steven Kerr BSc (E Carolina) PhD (Wake Forest)

Pharmacology & Toxicology

Alistair Knott BA(Oxon) MSc PhD(Edin) Computer ScienceBeulah Leitch BSc(Hons)(Belf) MSc PhD(Wales)

Anatomy & Structural Biology

Ping Liu BMD(Anhui) PhD(Otago) Anatomy & Structural BiologyLiana Machado BA(UCLA) PhD(UCDavis) PsychologyJohn Mottershead BM BCh BA(Oxon) FRCP NeurologyRichard Mullen MB ChB (Leeds) MRCPsych (Lond)

Psychological Medicine

Janice Murray BSc(Dal) MA PhD(Wat) PsychologyRuth M. A. Napper BSc PhD(Otago) Anatomy & Structural BiologyJohn N. J. Reynolds MBChB PhD(Otago) Anatomy & Structural BiologyIvan A. Sammut BSc(Hons) PhD(Sund) Pharmacology & ToxicologyPhilip Sheard BSc PGDipSci(Otago) PhD (W Aust)


Joanna Williams MSc PhD(Otago) Anatomy & Structural BiologyAlan Wright MB ChB MD(Otago) FRACP NeurologyMing Zhang MB MMed(Anhui) PhD(Otago) Anatomy & Structural Biology

4.2.4 LecturersRebecca Campbell BSc PhD (Oregon) PhysiologyPhilip M. Heyward BSc(Well) PhD(Monash) PhysiologyStephanie M. Hughes BSc(Hons) PhD(Well) BiochemistryJon Shemmell BSc BAppSc(Hons)(Deakin) MSc PhD(Qld)

Physical Education

4.2.5 SeniorResearchFellow

Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010 15

Barbara Galland BSc(Hons) PhD(Otago) Paediatrics

4.2.6 ResearchFellowBruce Mockett BSc PhD DipSci(Massey) Psychology


All degrees in Neuroscience are administered through the Division of Sciences. The general regulations can be found in the University Calendar and in the Course Prescriptions (also available on the University of Otago website - go to Calendar regulations for Neuroscience are shown in Section 5.7 of this handbook.

Intending Neuroscience students are advised to contact the Neuroscience Pro-gramme Director before enrolling for their first year (100-level) courses to ensure optimal course design. Students who have not taken, or did not obtain good marks in 7th form chemistry are strongly advised to enrol in the Summer School bridging chemistry course before enrolling for their first year.

First Year Health Science students considering Neuroscience as a possible later option are strongly advised to include PSYC 111 in their first year course. However, it is also possible to join the Neuroscience Programme in second year if PSYC 111 has not been obtained.

☞ Thought about Honours? BSc(Hons) is an elite 4 year course that recog-nises high achievement and offers ideal preparation for higher study. Special requirements for Honours programme are indicated by the ☞ symbol.

5.1 NeuroscienceDegreeFlowChart

A diagram of the Neuroscience degree structure is provided as a centrefold in this booklet (pages 26-27). It shows the papers by semester and level - but it should be noted that papers can be taken in years that do not match their level. Thus, PSYC 111 is often taken in the second year and 300 level PSYC papers can occasionally be taken in the second year.

To use the chart you need to:

(a) ensure that the plan of your degree includes all bolded papers and their associ-ated prerequisites;

16 Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010

(b) select your desired 300-level papers and then work back from these to ensure that you have their prerequisites.

5.2 FirstYear

Discuss your proposed degree with the Neuroscience course advisor during Course Approval. You should take CELS 191, HUBS 191 and PSYC 111 and normally CHEM 191 (see warning on page 21). BIOC 192 is recommended to allow Pharmacology and additional Biochemistry and Genetics options at second year level. BIOL 112 or HUBS 192 are recommended to allow Zoology options at second year level. If CHEM 191 is not taken, PHSI 191 and BIOL 112 or HUBS 192 are required for entry to second year.

☞ To be eligible to enter honours at the beginning of 2nd year, you need to take 126 points in your first year, including papers listed in section 5.2, and achieve at least a B- average overall and at least a B+ average across three required first year papers. You then apply at the end of 1st year. If you completed less than 126 points in your first year, or your grades were too low but you are still interested in honours, note that entry is possible at third year level, so long as you take the right number of 2nd year papers, and get at least a B- average overall and a B+ average over three second year required Neuroscience papers. Make sure to discuss honours during the sec-ond year course advising so you are eligible to apply at the end of your 2nd year.

5.3 SecondYear

You should take ANAT 242, PHSL 231 and PSYC 201 plus one of BIOC 221, BIOC 223, GENE 221, GENE 222, PHAL 211, ZOOL 223. PSYC 111 is taken in first semester if not already taken (this typically applies to students entering from Health Sciences First Year). If PHAL 211 is not taken, this will limit the allowable papers at 300-level.

During first semester at least, and throughout second year if possible, it is strongly recommended to take the papers to fulfil the 200-level major subject requirements in one of ANAT, BIOC, GENE, PHAL, PHSL, PSYC or ZOOL.

Specific and/or extra requirements to hold open a 2nd major through 1st semester of 2nd year (italic), or through all of second year (bold) (Most common options):

Major 100-level, S1 100-level, S2 200-level, S1 200-level, S2ANAT HUBS 192 ANAT 241 ANAT243

Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010 17

Major 100-level, S1 100-level, S2 200-level, S1 200-level, S2BIOC CHEM 191 BIOC 192 BIOC 221 BIOC222



PHSI 191HUBS 192 PHSL232



Notes: (1) this paper is worth 27 points; (2) Department may allow HUBS 192 to substitute, with B grade or better.

☞ Honours students (and those hoping to enter honours at third year) should take the same base course as the BSc plus enough other papers (including if necessary PSYC 111) to total 126 points, and note that two of (BIOC 221 or BIOC 223), (GENE 221 or GENE 222), PHAL 211, ZOOL 223 are prerequisite for entry to 400-level papers - so it is a good idea to include the second one during 2nd year if possible.

5.4 SummerResearchProjects

Working in a laboratory over the summer at the end of second or third year, is a great way to get insight into neuroscience research. Indeed, BSc(Hons) students, and BSc students intending to proceed to a PGDipSci, are strongly recommended at the end of third year to carry out a summer research project in the laboratory in which they will be undertaking their 4th year project. The work carried out in the summer project cannot itself be included in your fourth year thesis. However, already being trained in the necessary techniques and having extensive contact with your supervisor before the teaching year starts allow you to start collecting thesis data at the earliest possible moment. Funding for 10 weeks work can be obtained through summer scholarships, depending on your grades. If you are interested in this you should early in 2nd semester (a) contact potential supervisors (see Supervision/Research Interests of Staff, section 8) to discuss possible projects and (b) check University/Departmental notice boards for announcements regarding scholarship applications.

18 Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010

5.5 ThirdYear

BSc students take four of ANAT 335 (Neurobiology), ANAT 336 (Selected Topics in Neurobiology), PHAL 303 (Neuropharmacology), PHSL 341 (Cellular and Molecular Neurophysiology), PHSL 342 (Integrative Neurophysiology), PSYC 313 (Cognition and Neuropsychology), PSYC 317 (Biopsychology), PSYC 323 (Sensation and Perception), and ZOOL 314 (Neurobiology). They also take one of BIOC 221, BIOC 223, GENE 221, GENE 222, PHAL 211, ZOOL 223, if not previously taken.

☞ BSc(Hons) students (and those hoping for direct entry to 4th year honours) take six of ANAT 335, ANAT 336, PHAL 303, PHSL 341, PHSL 342, PSYC 313, PSYC 317, PSYC 323, and ZOOL 314, together with additional papers to a total of 126 points. These must include the additional one of BIOC 221, BIOC 223, GENE 221, GENE 222, PHAL 211, ZOOL 223, if not previously taken. To enter at 4th year if not already in the Honours programme, you need at least a B+ average for the six 300-level Neuroscience papers.

5.6 BSc(Hons)fourthyear,PGDipSci,andMScfirstyear

☞ You will choose four papers from ANAT 454, COSC 460, PHAL 422, 423, PHIL 461, PHSL 472, PSYC 469, 471, 474, 476, ZOOL 412, NEUR 452, 454, 455, 457, 459, 461 and 462, plus NEUR 490 (thesis)(BSc and some PGDipSci) or NEUR 480 (some PGDipSci) or NEUR 495 (MSc, see section 6).

The thesis supervisor will usually be chosen from one of the members of staff listed in Section 8. However, subject to the approval of the Neuroscience Programme Director and the agreement of the proposed supervisor, a project can be carried out in any Department of the University. Try and select and contact a supervisor during your third year and arrange to undertake a summer scholarship with them.

For administrative purposes, NEUR 490, 480, 495 code must be replaced by a specific Department code once you know who your supervisor will be.

5.7 CalendarSubjectRequirements

5.7.1 BScMajorSubjectRequirements

100-level: CELS 191, HUBS 191, PSYC 111 and two of BIOC 192, BIOL 112 or HUBS 192, CHEM 191, PHSI 191

200-level: ANAT 242, PHSL 231, PSYC 201, and one of BIOC 221, 223, GENE 221, 222, PHAL 211, ZOOL 223

Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010 19

Students are strongly recommended to include one of the following sets of papers:

ANAT 241 - 243 or BIOC 221 - 223 or GENE 221 - 223 or PHAL 211, 212, or PHSL 231 - 233 or PSYC 201, 202 or ZOOL 221 - 223 (to keep another major option)

PSYC 203 may be substituted for PSYC 201 in approved cases.

300-level: Four of ANAT 335, 336, PHAL 303, PHSL 341, 342, PSYC 313, 317, 323, ZOOL 314

5.7.2 BScHonoursMajorSubjectRequirements

☞ Note: Honours regulations are usually worded to require entire sets of papers to be passed, in each year of study. To provide flexibility in a compound programme like Neuroscience, for instance to enable entry to Hons at 2nd year level for students who do not enter the programme until that year, the Honours regulations for Neuroscience are worded differently, as sets of prerequisites that must be achieved before entry to any particular level.

Key points are:

• At least 126 points of study must be undertaken each year.

• PSYC 111 is a 100-level paper, but can be achieved in second year.

• Two papers from a list of optional 200-level papers must be achieved, instead of one from the list for BSc. The second paper can be taken in third year, if necessary.

• Six papers from a list of 300 level papers must be taken in third year, instead of four for a BSc.

• In addition to the prerequisites, a grade point average of at least B- across all papers taken so far, and B+ for three BSc Neuroscience major requirement papers taken in the previous year must be obtained for entry at any particular level.


For entry to Second year: At least 126 points including CELS191, HUBS 191, and two of BIOC 192, BIOL 112 or HUBS 192, CHEM 191, PHSI 191.

For entry to Third Year: All BSc Neuroscience 100 and 200 level papers, and a total of at least 126 points taken during 2nd year.

For entry to Fourth Year: All BSc Neuroscience 100 and 200 level papers, and a total of 126 points during 3rd year including another paper from BIOC 221 or 223, GENE 221 or 222, PHAL 211, ZOOL 223 if not already passed, and six of ANAT 335, 336, PHAL 303, PHSL 341, 342, PSYC 313, 317, 323, ZOOL 314.


20 Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010

Second Year: ANAT 242, PHSL 231, PSYC 201, and one of BIOC 221, 223, GENE 221, 222, PHAL 211, ZOOL 223 plus 54 further points including PSYC 111 if not already passed.

Students are strongly recommended to include one of the following sets of papers:

ANAT 241 - 243 or BIOC 221 - 223 or GENE 221 - 223 or PHAL 211, 212, or PHSL 231 - 233 or PSYC 201, 202 or ZOOL 221 - 223.

PSYC 203 may be substituted for PSYC 201 in approved cases.

Third Year: Six of ANAT 335, 336, PHAL 303, PHSL 341, 342, PSYC 313, 317, 323, ZOOL 314 and at least 18 further points (including a second paper from BIOC 221 or 223, GENE 221 or 222, PHAL 211, ZOOL 223 if not already passed)

Fourth Year: NEUR 490 and four of ANAT 454, COSC 460, NEUR 452, 454, 455, 457, 459, 461, 462, PHAL 422, PHAL 423, PHSL 472, PSYC 469, 471, 474, 476, ZOOL 412

With the permission of the Neuroscience Director:

(a) one of the following papers may be substituted for NEUR 490: ANAT 490, BIOC 490, COSC 490, PHAL 490, PHSE 491, PHSL 490, PSYC 490, ZOOL 490;

(b) one of the following papers may be substituted for NEUR 462: ANAT 455, ANAT 457, COSC 470, PHAL 427, PHSL 474, PSYC 472, ZOOL 420.


6.1 ChoiceofCourse

The Neuroscience Postgraduate Programme includes PGDipSci, MSc and PhD degrees. The specific point that you would enter our programme will depend on the level and content of your prior training. The relationship of the different degrees is shown in the following table.

Year BSc PGDipSci MSc(1) MSc(2) BSc(Hons) PhD

1234 *


Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010 21

The fourth year course structure is very similar across the postgraduate degrees. The filled grey blocks and arrows, therefore, represent different routes that cover essentially the same material before entry to a PhD. The exception (* in the table above) is Year 4 for the two year MSc degree, where 495 (preliminary thesis work) is taken instead of a 480 or 490 research project. Both the PGDipSci and BSc(Hons) allow direct entry to PhD provided grades are sufficiently high. A PGDipSci plus one-year (thesis only) MSc is similar to a two-year MSc in terms of the papers taken but differs in including a 490 research project.

For students who have a first degree in a subject other than Neuroscience, there is a DipGrad degree that combines Year 2 and Year 3 papers in a single one year course that allows entry to PGDipSci.

For all thesis based courses, an important first step is to contact potential super-visors. Their research interests and email addresses are given in the Research Interests section.

6.1.1 PGDipSciSubjectRequirements

Entry is open to students who have a BSc degree in Neuroscience. It is a one year course.

You take at least 96 points from ANAT 454, COSC 460, NEUR 452, 454, 455, 457, 459, 461, 462, PHAL 422, 423, PHSL 472, PSYC 469, 471, 474, 476, ZOOL 412 , plus NEUR 480 or NEUR 490.

Notes: With the permission of the Neuroscience Programme Director:

(a) one of the following can be substituted for NEUR 462: ANAT 455, 457, COSC 470, PHAL 427, PHSL 474, PSYC 472, ZOOL 420

(b) one of the following can be substituted for NEUR 480: ANAT 480, BIOC 480, COSC 480, PHAL 480, PHSE 480, PHSL 480, ZOOL 480

(c) one of the following may be substituted for NEUR 490: ANAT 490, BIOC 490, COSC 490, PHAL 490, PHSE 490, PHSL 490, PSYC 490, ZOOL 490


NEUR 480 is suitable for students who wish to proceed to a one year MSc, but NEUR 490 must be taken by PGDipSci students hoping to proceed directly to a PhD. NEUR 480/NEUR 490 are research projects which are submitted as a dis-sertation. The difference in points is intended to reflect different sizes and time commitments of the project work.

22 Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010

6.1.2 TwoyearMSc

In the first year, you take at least 96 points from ANAT 454, COSC 460, NEUR 452, 454, 455, 457, 459, 461, 462, PHAL 422, 423, PHSL 472, PSYC 469, 471, 474, 476, ZOOL 412 , plus NEUR 495 Preliminary Thesis work (24 pts). The 495 paper takes slightly different forms in different Departments but generally consists of a mix of preparatory literature review and learning of specific research methods. In second year, enrol for NEUR 5 (which is the code for the thesis). Note that this is not replaced by the Departmental code. This is important so you remain enrolled as a Neuroscience student.

Scholarships are available to support MSc study. Please see for more information.

6.2 ApplicationForAdmissionToPhD

For information about PhD study, and the application process, see .

The application forms for admission to PhD study, both Interim and Direct, are now available in word format on the PhD website so that you can download and type directly into them. On the application form in sections B1 and B4, enter the Department of your supervisor(s). In section B5, enter the thesis enrolment code as NEUR 9. This is important so you remain enrolled as a Neuroscience student.

Some PhD positions are funded through research grants held by supervisors; com-petitive individual University scholarships are also available . See for more information.


7.1 Requiredpapersat100-level

7.1.1 CELS191CellandMolecularBiology

(S1)18ptsAn introduction to the biology of cells; fundamentals of molecular biology; organ-ismal and molecular genetics; human genetic variation; diversity and biology of microorganisms; microbial virulence and disease processes.

7.1.2 HUBS191HumanBodySystemsI

Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010 23

(S1)18ptsAn introduction to the structure and function of the musculoskeletal, nervous, endocrine and immune systems in the human body.

7.1.3 PSYC111BrainandBehaviour

(S1)18ptsAn introductory study of the biological bases of behaviour, developmental psy-chobiology, neuropsychology, perception and learning.

7.2 100-levelpapersfromwhichaselectionmustbepassed

7.2.1 CHEM191 TheChemicalBasisofBiologyandHumanHealth

(S1)18ptsAn introduction to the concepts of chemistry underlying important processes in biology and human health, including energetics, kinetics, equilibria and solubility, properties of water and solutions, acids, bases, complexation and electron transfer, hydrolysis, amino acids and proteins.

Warning: Students who do not achieve high marks in 7th form chemistry are likely to find this paper very hard. With a bursary mark of 60% or lower you are recommended to take the summer school course Bridging Chemistry before enrolling. A tutor is also available for help while taking the paper. Be warned that internal assessment marks are usually much higher than exam marks.

7.2.2 PHSI191BiologicalPhysics

(S1)18ptsFoundations of physics for the health sciences including mechanics, properties of fluids and solids, thermodynamics, optics, electrostatics and DC circuits, and radiation and health.

7.2.3 BIOC192FoundationsofBiochemistry

(S2)18ptsAn introduction to the structure and function of proteins as essential elements of life processes; principles of enzymology; introductory bioenergetics; conservation of the energy of food for body processes; digestion and catabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates; terminal pathways of oxidation, anaerobic and aerobic metabo-lism, mitochondrial metabolism; energy storage and utilisation; the molecular basis of disease; illustrative topics in metabolism. Prerequisite: CHEM 191 or 112

7.2.4 BIOL112AnimalBiology

24 Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010

(S2)18ptsAn introductory survey of the evolution and diversity of animal life. Essential bio-logical principles are illustrated using examples from New Zealand fauna, issues of environmental, social or economic importance, and cutting-edge research developments at the University of Otago.

7.2.5 HUBS192HumanBodySystemsII

(S2)18ptsAn introduction to the structure and function of the human cardiovascular, respi-ratory, gastrointestinal, renal/urinary and reproductive systems including organ development. Prerequisite: HUBS 191

7.3 100-levelpaperwhichformsanalternativemajor

Note that this is not a requirement for Neuroscience.

7.3.1 PSYC112HumanThoughtandBehaviour

(S2)18ptsAn introductory study of developmental psychology, social psychology, language and thought, and abnormal psychology.

7.4 Requiredpapersat200-level

7.4.1 PHSL231Neurophysiology

(S1)18ptsThe mechanisms by which the nervous system integrates sensory information from the environment and co-ordinates the body’s responses at whole organism, cellular and molecular levels.

Prerequisites: (HUBS 191 or BIOL 115) & three of BIOC 192, 111, (BIOL 112 or HUBS 192), CELS 191, CHEM 191, 112, PHSI 191, 110, BIOL 111

7.4.2 ANAT242Neurobiology

(S2)18ptsThe structural and functional organisation of the nervous system at cellular, tis-sue, system and integrative levels.

Prerequisites: (CELS 191 or BIOL 111) & (HUBS 191 or BIOL 115) & 36 further points

7.4.3 PSYC201BrainandCognition

Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010 25

(S2)27ptsBiopsychology, sensation and perception, and cognitive processes.

Prerequisites: PSYC 111 & 112. For Neuroscience students PSYC 111 is sufficient

7.5 200-levelpapersfromwhichaselectionmustbepassed

7.5.1 BIOC221MolecularBiology

(S1)18ptsFrom gene to protein. How genetic information is stored and determines biological function. Principles and applications of genetic engineering. Impact of molecular biology on health, agriculture and New Zealand society.

Prerequisites: CELS 191 & CHEM 191 & at least 36 further points

7.5.2 GENE221MolecularandMicrobialGenetics

(S1)18ptsMutations; genetic analysis in bacteria; mobile genetic elements; genetic analysis of regulatory circuits; DNA cloning and sequencing in genetic analysis; comparative microbial genomics; genetics and evolution of viruses of eukaryotes.

Prerequisites: (CELS 191 or BIOL 111) & (CHEM 191 or 112) & 36 further points

7.5.3 PHAL211IntroductoryPharmacology

(S1)18ptsThe basic principles of pharmacology; how drugs get to their site of action, and how they work when they get there.

Prerequisites: (BIOC 192 or 111) & (CHEM 191 or 112) & two of CELS 191, HUBS 191, 192, BIOL 111, 115

7.5.4 BIOC223CellularBiochemistryandMetabolism

(S2)18ptsMetabolism provides the fuels and molecules for life. How metabolic processes are regulated and coordinated in animals and plants. Human disease states that arise from metabolic imbalances.

Prerequisites: BIOC 192 & CELS 191 & CHEM 191 & 18 further points

7.5.5 GENE222Genes,ChromosomesandPopulations

(S2)18ptsEukaryote genomes and genome evolution; phylogenetics; cytogenetics and

26 Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010

chromosomes; extensions of Mendelian genetics; genetic mapping in eukaryotes; genes in populations; quantitative genetics.

Prerequisites: (CELS 191 or BIOL 111) & 54 further points

7.5.6 ZOOL223AnimalPhysiology

(S2)18ptsA comparative view of development, reproduction, metamorphosis, brains and sensory systems in different animal groups.

Prerequisites: BIOL 112 & (CELS 191 or BIOL 111) & HUBS 191

7.6 200-levelpaperswhichformanalternativemajor

Note that these papers are not required for Neuroscience.

7.6.1 ANAT241HumanBiology:CellstoSystems

(S1)18ptsThe structural and functional organisation of the human body at cellular, tissue, system and regional levels.

Prerequisites: (CELS 191 or BIOL 111) & (HUBS 192 or BIOL 115) & 36 further points

7.6.2 PSYC202SocialandAppliedPsychology

(S1)27ptsHuman factors and decision making, social psychology, and applications of psy-chological methods.

Prerequisites: PSYC 111 & 112

7.6.3 ZOOL221AnimalDesignsforLiving

(S1)18ptsThe body plans of, and the relationships among, major animal phyla are exam-ined using local fauna. Three field trips generate data that is manipulated and presented in report form.

Prerequisite: BIOL 112

7.6.4 ANAT243ReproductiveandDevelopmentalBiology

(S2)18ptsThe structural and functional organisation of the male and female reproductive systems, including consideration of fertilisation, implantation, pregnancy, lactation,

Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010 27

and an introduction to development.

Prerequisites: (CELS 191 or BIOL 111) & (HUBS 192 or BIOL 115) & 36 further points

7.6.5 BIOC222ProteinsandBiotechnology

(S2)18ptsProteins are drivers of all life processes. The diversity of protein structure and func-tion, and how the shape of proteins determines their function. How biotechnology solves medical and industrial problems.

Prerequisites: BIOC 192 & CELS 191 & CHEM 191 & 18 further points

7.6.6 GENE223DevelopmentalandAppliedGenetics

(S2)18ptsDevelopmental genetics of bacteria, yeast, animals and plants; mutant screens to investigate gene function; applications of genetically engineered plants and animals in biotechnology; safety and regulation of GE organisms.

Prerequisites: (CELS 191 or BIOL 111) & 54 further points

7.6.7 PHAL212IntroductoryTherapeuticsandToxicology

(S2)18ptsAn introduction to both the use of drugs in the treatment of disease and the field of toxicology.

Prerequisite: PHAL 211

7.6.8 PHSL232CardiovascularandRespiratoryPhysiology

(S2)18ptsAn exploration of cardiovascular and respiratory function and integration. Examples taken from health (exercise, high altitude and diving) and disease (cardiovascular/lung disease and sleep apnea) will illustrate the principles.

Prerequisites: 72 100-level points including ((HUBS 191 & 192) or BIOL 115) & two of BIOC 192, 111, CELS 191, CHEM 191, 112, PHSI 191, 110, BIOL 111

7.6.9 PHSL233Cellular,GastrointestinalandRenalPhysiology

(S2)18ptsThe epithelial and integrative functions of the gastrointestinal and renal systems of the human body will be examined at the cellular and molecular levels. Examples

28 Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010

of pathophysiological conditions will be highlighted.

Prerequisites: 72 100-level points including ((HUBS 191 & 192) or BIOL 115) & two of BIOC 192, 111, CELS 191, CHEM 191, 112, PHSI 191, 110, BIOL 111


This paper may substitute PSYC 201 only in special cases. (S2)18ptsMental disorder, abnormal behaviour, individual differences, and clinical assessment.

Prerequisites: PSYC 111 & 112


(S2)18ptsEvolutionary theory and mechanism; systematics and phylogenies; the evolution-ary record; evolutionary ecology and behavioural ecology; evolution of human social behaviour.

Prerequisites: BIOL 112 & (CELS 191 or BIOL 111)

7.7 300-levelpapersfromwhichaselectionmustbepassed

7.7.1 ANAT336SelectedTopicsinNeurobiology

(B)18pts Coordinator: Dr Stephen Bunn

Department of Anatomy & Structural Biology

Selected topics in Neuroscience, including ANAT 335 topics studied and critiqued in greater depth. This is a library research and essay-based paper. It serves as an introduction to aspects of postgraduate research.

Prerequisite: ANAT 242 or 232

7.7.2 PHSL341CellularandMolecularNeurophysiology

(S1)18pts Coordinator: Dr Philip Sheard

Department of Physiology

Essential processes in neural development and signalling. Axonal growth and guidance, synaptic formation and maintenance. The resting membrane potential, action potentials, synaptic transmission and their role in memory and adaptation. The contribution of glia to neural signalling and growth.

Prerequisites: PHSL 231 or (PHSL 221 & 222 & 36 100-level BIOC, CHEM or PHSI

Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010 29

points) or (PHSL 223 & 36 100-level BIOC, CHEM or PHSI points)

Essential Reading: Kandel, E. R., Schwartz, J. H., & Jessell, T. M. (Eds.). (2000). Principles of neural science (4th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill.

7.7.3 PHSL342IntegrativeNeurophysiology

(S1)18pts Coordinator: Dr Phil Heyward

Department of Physiology

Integration of knowledge about genes, neurons and systems of neurons as a foundation for understanding the physiological mechanisms underlying sensory experience, movement control and selected brain disorders.

Prerequisites: PHSL 231 or (PHSL 221 & 222 & 36 100-level BIOC, CHEM or PHSI points) or (PHSL 223 & 36 100-level BIOC, CHEM or PHSI points)

Highly recommended: Kandel, E. R., Schwartz, J. H., & Jessell, T. M. (Eds.). (2000). Principles of neural science (4th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill.

7.7.4 PSYC323SensationandPerception

NOTOFFEREDIN2010 (S1)18ptsDepartment of Psychology

How the brain constructs reality: How do we transform information from the environ-ment into perceptions of the real world, including patterns, colours, movements, sounds, textures, and pains? We try to answer this question by considering physi-ological, psychophysical, anatomical, clinical, developmental, and philosophical studies of the senses.

Prerequisites: PSYC 201 & 202. For Neuroscience students PSYC 111 is sufficient.

Required Reading: Blake, R., & Sekuler, R. (2006). Perception (5th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

7.7.5 ANAT335Neurobiology

(S2)18pts Coordinator: Dr John Reynolds

Department of Anatomy & Structural Biology

Structure and function of the normal and injured mammalian brain, including the structure of specific brain circuits and how the biology of neurons and glial cells can lead to degenerative changes. These topics will be studied using the cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, cerebellum and medial temporal lobe to illustrate important concepts.

30 Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010

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32 Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010

Prerequisite: ANAT 242 or 232

Highly recommended: Kandel, E. R., Schwartz, J. H., & Jessell, T. M. (Eds.). (2000). Principles of neural science (4th ed.). New York, McGraw-Hill.

7.7.6 PHAL303Neuropharmacology

(S2)18pts Coordinator: Dr Steve Kerr

Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology

Mechanisms of action, uses and abuses of drugs affecting the nervous system.

Prerequisite: PHAL 211, PHAL 301. With Pharmacology HOD approval, Neuro-science students may be exempt the PHAL 301 prerequisite.

7.7.7 PSYC313CognitionandNeuropsychology

(S2)18pts Instructors: Dr Liana Machado and Professor Jeffrey Miller

Department of Psychology

Human brain-behaviour relationships and mechanisms of attention, memory, and cognition. We will study cognitive processes, including the methods by which infor-mation is normally represented, retrieved, and used, as well as the behavioural changes that occur as a result of damage to the underlying neural machinery. Brain disease and its impact on higher cognitive functions will be examined. Topics investigated may include object recognition, face recognition, attention, problem solving, memory, language, and motor control.

Prerequisite: PSYC 201 & 202. For Neuroscience students PSYC 111 is sufficient.

Selected readings to be assigned during the course.

7.7.8 PSYC317Biopsychology

(S2)18pts Instructor: Professor Neil McNaughton

Department of Psychology

Evolutionary, biological and neural approaches to the understanding of mental function. This paper looks at the insights that biology can give us into the normal and abnormal mind. It focuses in particular on emotion and memory. In both of these areas of psychology, detailed biological (and even molecular) analysis can give us deep insights into the way the mind works and the way that brain function supports the mind. Students with little background in biology or physical science may find its more biological aspects difficult. Students with little background in psychology may find its more psychological aspects difficult. Background material

Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010 33

is provided to help in both cases. Students who have not done 200-level psychol-ogy will need to take particular care to follow the instructions provided on how to write the two experimental reports that constitute the internal assessment.

Prerequisites: PSYC 201 & 202. For Neuroscience students PSYC 111 is sufficient.

Required Reading: Pinel, J. P. (2009). Biopsychology (7th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. Additional readings are provided and all the course material is provided electronically via BlackBoard.

7.7.9 ZOOL314Neurobiology

(S2)18pts Instructors: Professor Alison Mercer and Associate Professor Mike Paulin

Department of Zoology

The comparative approach exploits the diversity of animal nervous systems to explore principles of nervous system function. Animals evolved from a common ancestor which lived about a billion years ago. This animal had an organized nervous system whose components and design underpin the wide diversity of animal nervous systems we see today. We will look at how brains evolve, develop and learn; how animals perceive the world; movement control; the neurochemical modulation of behaviour; memory mechanisms; and we will look at how computer simulations can be used to explore how the behaviour of animals depends on the behaviour of neurons. In recent years, studies of interesting particular systems, such as the auditory systems of barn owls or the olfactory systems of honeybees, have provided fascinating information about how neurons and brains work. The course is 40% internally assessed, including an essay and a practical project.

Prerequisite: 54 200-level points from Science Schedule C

Recommended Reading: Carew, T. J. (2000). Behavioral neurobiology: the cellular organization of natural behavior. Sinauer Associates, Inc., ISBN 0-87893-084-1.

7.8 400-levelpapers

7.8.1 ANAT454Neurobiology

(F)24pts Instructors: Dr Joanna Williams, Dr Greg Anderson and Dr Ruth Napper

Department of Anatomy & Structural Biology

This course aims to expand knowledge of selected areas in neurobiology, while developing skills appropriate for scientific research. ANAT454 comprises three modules. Each discusses a specific research area (e.g. Molecular Neurobiology, Brain injury, Alcohol and brain development) and will emphasise different core

34 Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010

research skills. Assessment: This course is fully internally assessed. There will be an assessment associated with each module, which combined will total 60% . This is followed by an end of semester assessment in which students will prepare a research proposal (40%).

7.8.2 COSC460NeuralNetworks

(F)24pts Instructor: Associate Professor Anthony Robins

Department of Computer Science

Students intending to take this course must have experience of computer programming.

Neural networks are a family of methods based on ‘brain-like’ computing, giving us a different perspective on computation and complex tasks such as vision, natural language and learning.

Despite its slow “hardware”, the brain is a much more powerful and sophisticated computational system than any computer ever built. What can the brain teach us about computation and how to perform complex tasks such as natural language processing, vision and control and optimisation problems? Neural networks are a family of computational methods that try to address these issues and explore “brain-like” computation, information processing and learning. Lectures in this paper will cover: an introduction to neural networks; a survey of systems including basic architectures (linear associators, back propagation, Boltzmann machines, competitive learning) and more recent systems; supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning; new computer architectures; and practical applications of neural networks.

Readings will be taken from a variety of sources.

7.8.3 NEUR452NeurodegenerativeDisorders

NOTOFFEREDIN2010 (F)24pts Instructor: Associate Professor Ian McLennan

Department of Anatomy & Structural Biology

This paper will cover selected topic relating to the causes of neurodegenerative disease, such as motor neuron and Parkinson’s disease. The emphasis will be on the cellular aspects of these conditions, with a bias toward understanding the molecular mechanisms that given the survival and function of neurons. Assess-

Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010 35

ment is 100% internal.

7.8.4 NEUR454SystemsNeurophysiology

(F)24pts Instructor: Associate Professor Brian Hyland

Department of Physiology

Note: renamed for 2010. All students enrolling for NEUR 454 MUST have the enrolment form initialled in the “Department signature” column by Associate Professor Hyland.

This paper covers selected topics in the central nervous system control of move-ment, with emphasis on the contribution made by recent advances in methods of obtaining and analysing single cell recording data from behaving animals. Course work consists of lectures and seminars. Assessment is 100% internal and is via four essays written in the style of scientific review articles exploring in depth the recent literature on specific areas.

7.8.5 NEUR455Sleep

(F)24pts Instructor: Dr Barbara Galland

Department of Women’s and Children’s Health (Paediatric section)

Note: renamed for 2010. This course will cover sleep organisation, sleep-wake regulation, maturational changes related to sleep, and studies of selected sleep disorders. There will be an emphasis on core research skills for recording sleep and measuring behavioural manifestations of disturbed sleep with a particular focus on the infant, child, and adolescent. There will be opportunities for literature research into the theories regarding the function of sleep.

To be run as an informal series of lectures, seminars, discussions, and written assignments with 100% internal assessment.

7.8.6 NEUR457DevelopmentalNeuroscience

(F)24pts Convenor: Dr Christine Jasoni

Department of Anatomy & Structural Biology

Note: renamed for 2010. This paper will cover selected topics in the development of the vertebrate nervous system. The content will be covered with an emphasis on new technologies and animal models, and with an eye toward understanding how current knowledge might contribute to strategies for repair or regeneration

36 Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010

of faulty or damaged nervous systems.

7.8.7 NEUR459Neuroendocrinology

(F)24pts Instructors: Professor David Grattan and Dr Stephen Bunn

Department of Anatomy & Structural Biology

This paper will examine the interactions between hormones and the brain. We will examine the control of the endocrine system by the brain and the reciprocal effects of hormones on brain structure and function. Specific topics of interest will be selected by mutual agreement between the students and the instructors, and will be covered in a series of informal discussions held approximately every two weeks. Emphasis will be placed on the use of current research publications.

Assessment: 50% of the final grade will be internally assessed and 50% assessed in a final examination at the end of the year.

7.8.8 NEUR461ClinicalNeurology

(F)24pts Coordinator: Dr Graeme Hammond-Tooke

Department of Neurology

An introduction to clinical neurology. There is no final written examination for this course. Assessment is 100% internal and will be based on the writing of three extensive reviews on recent advances in the literature on neurological disorders.

7.8.9 NEUR462SpecialTopic

Special topics can be agreed upon between student & instructor, with approval of the Director. Substitutions can include ANAT 455, ANAT 457, COSC 470, PHAL 427, PHSL 474, PSYC 472 (not offered in 2010), ZOOL 420 (not offered in 2010).

In 2010, one specific special topic is being offered:

NEUR462Neuroethics (F)24pts

Instructors: Professor Grant Gillett and Associate Professor Elizabeth Franz Otago Bioethics Centre and Department of Psychology

The course will look at the vexed issues of consciousness, human identity, free will and moral responsibility and moral judgment in the light of research in neuro-science that illuminates these topics. We will cover such things as the role of mirror neurones in empathy, reduced states of consciousness and the value of human life, the allegation that acts of the will are an illusion based on the unconscious

Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010 37

workings of the brain and the relationship between brain activity and moral think-ing. The students will be expected to lead the sessions based on assigned read-ing and presentations will then be submitted and marked as part of the in-course assessment. The students will be expected to critically engage with the literature.


(F)24pts Instructor: Dr Steve Kerr

Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology

In this journal club format paper we assess the neuropharmacology of important CNS disorders, including Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, spinal injury and stroke, and drugs that may control or cure these diseases. Special emphasis is placed on future and novel pharmacological strategies.


(F)24pts Convenor: Dr Ruth Empson

Department of Physiology

A seminar series exploring research frontiers in physiology by study of contem-porary papers from the scientific literature in each topic area.


(F)24pts Instructor: Professor Geoff White

Department of Psychology

Information processing is a metaphor that describes our ability to act and make decisions on the basis of complex environmental and social information. Much of the information is not present at the time and relies on memory. Sometimes it can be integrated in a glance and without awareness, and at other times the processing requires effort. Is our memory a reconstruction of the past or does it reflect the structure of the environment? Are older memories more resistant to interference? How can we know the time of occurrence of a personally experienced episode? Does our ability to process information deteriorate with age? What are the best models for decision making and remembering, and how can we apply them to everyday life? Can we apply what is known about attention and memory to enhance study and learning?

Reading: Original journal articles and reviews.


38 Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010

(F)24pts Instructor: Associate Professor Elizabeth Franz

Department of Psychology

How networks of neurons within the brain support cognitive processes.

As a key question in cognitive psychology relates to how knowledge is represented or coded within a brain, a major goal of cognitive neuroscience is to provide an account of “representation” using the language of neural processing. To this purpose, research approaches range from investigations of the behavioural cor-relates of single cell activity to elucidation of putative neural circuits based on neuropsychological data and scanning studies of whole brain activity. In this paper we will examine contemporary research in this area. Classwork will consist of a guided reading approach. Professor Grant Gillett contributes as a guest lecturer who provides first-hand neurosurgical experience and philosophical perspectives and approaches to the topics covered.

Note: Admission requires an average grade of B in 300-level PSYC papers and satisfactory performance in PSYC 311.

Reading: Original articles and reviews as assigned.


(F)24pts Instructor: Professor Cliff Abraham

Department of Psychology

In this paper we investigate the neural mechanisms of learning and memory, with particular emphasis on the physiological, biochemical, and anatomical changes which underlie information storage. Model systems of study include the mammalian hippocampus, cerebral cortex, and amygdala plus invertebrates. Class meetings, consisting of lectures, student presentations, and discussions, will be held once a week. Prior completion of PSYC 317, PHSL 341 or an equivalent neuroscience paper is highly recommended as preparation for this paper.

Internal assessment is based largely on student presentations, an essay on a seminar topic, a test, and a brief research proposal.

Readings will consist of original journal articles plus reviews.

Note: Admission requires an average grade of B in 300-level PSYC papers and satisfactory performance in PSYC 311.

Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010 39


(S2)24pts Instructors: Associate Professors Alison Mercer and Mike Paulin

Department of Zoology

Examination of neural basis of perception and behaviour in animals. Advantages and limitations of a simple systems approach for studying brain function.

There are remarkable similarities in nervous system structure and function between animals as different as fruit flies (Drosophila) and humans. This pattern of diversity superimposed upon common underlying themes provides fascinating opportunities to explore and test ideas about brain function. Do fruit flies get Alzheimer’s dis-ease? Do sharks have episodic memory? We will have weekly meetings to discuss recent publications and future possibilities. Grading is based on oral contributions to the meetings, plus two major written reports on issues raised in the meetings.


24ptsThe NEUR 480 dissertation is available for the 120 pt PGDipSci and is similar to the 490 dissertation except it involves half the workload. Students intending to proceed directly to PhD should take NEUR 490 to make their PGDipSci up to 144 pts. See description of 490 for further details. For PGDipSci regulations see Section 6.1.1.


48pts7.8.17.1 Introduction

The dissertation is the result of a piece of supervised original research. Please use the 490 code of your supervisor, i.e. of the Department in which you will carry out the research. The work should aim to be of a quality which would allow publica-tion in an international journal. But it will generally only be of sufficient quantity to form part of such a publication. DissertationProduction

The dissertation should normally be laid out in the same general manner as an international journal article or MSc thesis, be typed and be spiral bound (or the equivalent) with clear plastic covers. Specific format details of the thesis, deadlines and examination will be as for other students of the supervisor’s Department. WorkloadandSupervision

The dissertation is assessed as the weight of two papers. As such it should involve an average of about 16 hours per week throughout the academic year, including

40 Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010

time spent in reading literature, analysing data and so forth (NEUR 480 should involve an average of 8 hours per week). Approximately two-thirds of the working time should be taken up in preliminary reading and experimental work and one third in data analysis and thesis preparation - this will vary from Department to Department and project to project.

The format and examining of the thesis should be as for other 480/490 theses in the relevant Department and is examined together with them.

The student should expect to meet with their supervisor at least once a week. Most Departments should also be able to provide desk space for the student in addition to the facilities required specifically for the project.

The project should be of such a type that conclusive results can be expected which will allow the student to frame at least tentative conclusions with respect to a specific research question. SupervisorsandProjects

A supervisor can be any member of staff or other qualified person within the University or hospital who has been approved by the Neuroscience Programme Director and who has agreed to supervise the specific project. Staff willing to supervise research projects in Neuroscience, together with a description of their general area of interest or proposed projects are listed in Section 8. If you think you are interested in any particular area you should discuss the matter further with the person concerned. For help in choosing a supervisor contact the Director. Neither the project nor the supervisor need be limited to those listed in Section 8.

Topic areas and supervisors listed are appropriate for NEUR 480, NEUR 490, MSc and PhD research.


8.1 Anatomy&StructuralBiology

For more information about the Department please visit .

8.1.1 DrGregAnderson

The neuroendocrine control of reproduction. The current focus is the effects of

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leptin, prolactin and the recently-discovered gonadotrophin-inhibitory hormone on mammalian reproduction, and the cell signalling pathways used by these hor-mones in the hypothalamus.


8.1.2 DrStephenBunn

The cellular and molecular mechanisms responsible for hormone synthesis and release from neuroendocrine cells. Research employs isolated neuronal and neuroendocrine cells maintained in cell culture to determine how individual cells respond to and integrate multiple inputs to generate an appropriate secretory response. Current research is focussed on determining how signals derived from the immune system influence neuroendocrine responses. This research programme is conducted within the University of Otago, Centre for Neuroendo-crinology.


8.1.3 DrMarilynDuxson

The development of muscle and motoneurons. I am particularly interested in the very early stages of muscle development and how the muscle and motor nerve interact, and control each others development, during the time when the muscle is still forming.


8.1.4 ProfessorDavidGrattan

The neuroendocrine control of reproduction, in particular the regulation of neuro-nal structure and function by reproductive hormones. The neurological and neu-roendocrine adaptations of the maternal brain. Hyperprolactinemia and infertility.


8.1.5 DrChristineJasoni

Our lab is interested in understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the navigation of axons from the basal forebrain. A number of physi-ologically important neuroendocrine cells reside in this region, including gona-dotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons, that control mammalian fertility. In addition, this is a pathologically important brain region because it contains cholinergic neurons that become lesioned in Alzheimer’s disease. Our long-term

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goals are to understand the mechanisms that axons use to navigate to their cor-rect target so we can repair faulty brain wiring that results from inborn errors or injury. To address questions about axon navigation during development, we use a combination of cell culture, histochemical and molecular biology techniques, live imaging of moving growth cones, and transgenic mouse models. There are several projects available to summer students as well as students desiring longer-term projects, including honours and PhD. Keen students are encouraged to contact me to learn more, and to discuss their scientific interests, so we can match you to an appropriate project.


8.1.6 DrBeulahLeitch

Cellular neuroscience, focusing on the structural and functional development of neurons and their synapses; and also the mechanisms by which chemical mes-sengers modulate the excitable properties of neurones and regulate the strength of synaptic transmission. Research Projects include: Effect of Stargazin-induced BDNF Deficits on Synaptic Plasticity in the Cerebellum of the Stargazer Mouse; Identification of Calcium Channels in Hippocampal Neurones. The experimental techniques used include, electron-microscopy, molecular biology, immunocyto-chemistry, immunogold labelling, confocal microscopy, and electrophysiology.


8.1.7 DrPingLiu

Major research areas are: (i) Neurobiological basis of aging, with a particular focus on age-associated learning and memory impairments; and (ii) Biological basis of learning and memory. A combination of behavioural, neurochemical, molecular biological, immunohistochemical and electrophysiological approaches is being used.


8.1.8 AssociateProfessorIanMcLennan

We have discovered a regulator of the brain, which is involved in the generation of sexual dimorphism during development and the maintenance of neurons in both sexes. The therapeutic potential of the regulator is being investigated, as well the underlying basic biology. We therefore study both humans and GM mice, using behavioural studies and a broad range of cellular and molecular analyses of post-mortem tissues.


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8.1.9 DrRuthNapper

Effects of alcohol during fetal development on the structure of the brain; investi-gations of the long term behavioural effects of alcohol induced cell death with a focus on the forebrain.



Structure and function of the normal or hypoxic basal ganglia. In the normal basal ganglia, neural circuits are being researched to test hypotheses on the cellular basis of movement and learning. For the hypoxic basal ganglia, treatments are being researched to determine whether striatal neurons can be rescued from hypoxic-induced death. Stereological methods underpin this research. These methods are also being used to test hypotheses about Huntington’s Disease.



Reward-related learning and memory mechanisms in the mammalian brain, with a particular interest in the role of neuromodulators in the normal functioning of the striatum of the basal ganglia. Techniques include electrophysiological, immu-nohistochemical, molecular biological and behavioural approaches to plasticity in the striatum and cortex of the intact brain in vivo.



This research team applies the tools of molecular biology to understand how the brain functions. The major goal is to understand how nerve cells in the brain adapt when memories are formed. As aging, brain trauma and neurological dis-eases result in deterioration of memories and have catastrophic affects both to the individual affected and society as a whole, it is important to understand the molecular steps involved in the maintenance of memories.



Development of skeletal muscle with a particular interest in the cellular pattern-ing of myogenic cells. Clinical anatomy of vascular structures and deep fasciae.


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8.2 Biochemistry

For more information about the Department please visit .

8.2.1 DrStephanieHughes

The Neural Development and Disease group studies the generation, mainte-nance and diseases associated with upper motor neurons. Specifically, we are interested in the function of the transcription factor, Fezf2, a molecule that is essential for the development, and perhaps maintenance of cortical spinal motor neurons. Our lab uses a variety of approaches to understand the molecular regu-lation of Fezf2 including neural stem cell and neuronal cell cultures, animal mod-els and lentiviral mediated gene transfer and knockdown.


8.2.2 ProfessorWarrenTate

Molecular aspects of long term storage of information in the brain.


8.3 ComputerScience

For more information about the Department please visit .

8.3.1 DrLubicaBenuskova

Dr Benuskova is a member of the AI Research Group and she is associated with the University of Otago Research Theme on Memory: mechanisms, proc-essses and applications.


8.3.2 DrAlistairKnott

I’m a computational linguist, with a background in cognitive psychology. I am interested in exploring the hypothesis that an account of natural language syn-tax can be grounded in a model of sensorimotor cognition. One of the ways I am investigating this hypothesis is by developing a neural network simulation of visually-guided reach actions, informed by the psychological literature on visual attention and motor control.

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8.3.3 AssociateProfessorAnthonyRobins

My main areas of teaching and research are neural networks and artificial intel-ligence. I am particularly interested in neural networks as a tool for modeling cognition. My current research is focused on the problem known as “catastrophic forgetting” (the stability / plasticity dilemma) in neural networks, and whether the “pseudorehearsal” solution that I propose has anything to do with the consolida-tion of learning during sleep in humans.


8.4 Neurology

8.4.1 DrNickCutfield

Vestibular neurology, eye movements, functional MRI.


8.4.2 DrVicduPlessis

General neurology and rehabilitation. Medicolegal neurology.


8.4.3 DrGraemeHammond-Tooke

Functional MRI and transcranial magnetic stimulation in stroke, synaesthesia and conversion syndrome. Experimental toxic neuropathy. Clinical neuromyol-ogy.


8.4.4 DrJohnMottershead

General neurology and multiple sclerosis.


8.4.5 DrAlanWright

Neuromuscular disease, in particular diabetic neuropathy. Clinical neurophar-macology.


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8.5 OtagoBioethicsCentre

8.5.1 ProfessorGrantGillett

Research in the philosophy of neuroscience with particular interest in theoretical critiques of models in memory, cognitive function and perception and attempts to reconcile philosophical and neuroscientific work in thought and language. Mech-anisms and measures of recovery from spinal cord damage.


8.6 Ophthalmology

8.6.1 ProfessorTonyMolteno

Application of modern neurophysiological research findings to the treatment of strabismus and amblyopia in children. A substantial population of normal and abnormal children pass through the eye Department each year and their parents are usually more than happy to cooperate in research projects aimed at improv-ing the overall outcome.


8.7 Paediatrics

8.7.1 DrBarbaraGalland

Respiratory, cardiovascular and sleep physiology with a particular focus on Sud-den Infant Death Syndrome and sleep related breathing disorders in children.


8.7.2 ProfessorBarryTaylor

Sleep and its disorders in children and youth. In particular, the prevention of sleep disorders and the understanding of Sudden unexpected death during sleep in infancy. Professor Taylor also has a clinical practice that involves analysis of home and hospital sleep studies.


8.8 Pharmacology&Toxicology

For more information about the Department please visit .

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8.8.1 AssociateProfessorCynthiaDarlington

Neural basis of tinnitus; drug treatments for tinnitus; cognitive impairment follow-ing inner ear damage.


8.8.2 DrSteveKerr

Bioassay and mechanisms of action of marine, terrestrial and fungal neurotoxins; investigations of age-related changes in glutamate receptor function and toxin sensitivity; mechanisms of CNS neuroprotection and the supersensitivity of the aged brain to excitotoxic insult; cardiac damage following seizures.


8.8.3 DrIvanSammut

Profiling cardio-renal and CNS damage in ischaemic disease. Development of novel therapeutic interventions.


8.8.4 ProfessorPaulSmith

Lesion-induced plasticity in the vestibular and auditory systems; tinnitus; effects of vestibular and auditory damage on the hippocampus.


8.9 PhysicalEducation

For more information about the Department please visit .

8.9.1 DrJonathanShemmell

Neural mechanisms underlying motor learning and recovery from neurological injury, with a focus on induced plasticity within motor cortical areas. Interactions between spinal and supraspinal neural elements in the regulation of limb stability.


8.10 Physiology

For more information about the Department please visit .

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Non-classical estrogen action in the central nervous system



Nervous control of the heart and circulation; cardiac and vascular afferent inner-vation.



The neuroendocrine control of reproduction, in particular the regulation of oxy-tocin neuron function, which controls delivery of the offspring at birth, and deliv-ery of milk for the newborn. Oxytocin and vasopressin (anti-diuretic hormone) neuron control of body weight, fluid balance and blood pressure.



The central nervous system regulation of fertility and the central defects that con-tribute to infertility. Projects in my laboratory revolve around: i) defining neuronal inputs and their relative importance in GnRH neuron function, ii) understand-ing the functional role of the GnRH neuron dendrite, and iii) defining the central causes and consequences of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).



Control of breathing.



Reflex control of the cardiovascular and renal systems in health and disease (hypertension, obesity, diabetes).



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Ca2+ Signalling at Synapses. Adequate and versatile control of intracellular Ca2+ levels is critical for synapse function and neuronal survival. For this reason, neurons rely upon a variety of mechanisms, often called the Ca2+ “toolkit”, to ensure strict control of intracel-lular Ca2+ levels. A key component of the toolkit is the Ca2+ pump, a plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase (PMCA) that pumps Ca2+ from the cytosol back into the extracellular space, at the cost of ATP. Recent findings also indicate that the PMCA may be more than simply a pump. Our recent work shows that PMCA2 interacts with a variety of signalling complexes at synapses and that this may underlie certain forms of synapse plasticity.

Transgenic mice lacking PMCA2 exhibit ataxia (loss of controlled movement) and our recent work shows that PMCA2 influences the timing of the circuitry responsible for the “error correction” function of the cerebellum.

As part of a multidisciplinary team you will have the opportunity to develop skills in the following areas to answer important questions about the contribution of PMCA to Ca2+ signalling at synapses: cellular and synapse electrophysiology, Ca2+ imaging, cell culture, confocal immunocytochemistry, synapse signalling, biochemistry and proteomics.



Neural mechanisms underlying the control of fertility and the manner in which gonadal steroid hormones influence brain function.



Synaptic interactions and membrane properties of brain neurons involved in the sense of smell.

Actions of drugs used to treat depression, epilepsy, and bipolar disorder on brain circuits and neurons.


8.10.10 AssociateProfessorBrianHyland

Investigations into (1) brain systems involved in control of movement, including in animal models of human movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and

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(2) the reward and learning-related functions of the midbrain dopamine neurons and related structures.


8.10.11 DrPhilipSheard

Examination of motoneuron/muscle fibre relationships during development, age-ing, and regeneration. Investigation of the underlying causes of age-related mus-cle weakness.


8.11 PsychologicalMedicine

For more information about the Department please visit .


Pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics; central receptor challenge paradigms; development of novel therapeutic agents; affective disorders.



Delusions and other abnormal beliefs, insight into mental disorder, descriptive psychopathology, schizophrenia, abnormal illness behaviour and compulsory treatment.


8.12 Psychology

For more information about the Department please visit .


Neural mechanisms of learning and memory, long-term potentiation, cellular and molecular events underlying nervous system plasticity, Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia.


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The biological basis of memory. The role of the temporal and prefrontal cortex in memory, spatial processing and decision-making. Hippocampal dysfunction and schizophrenia.



The effects of brain damage on behaviour; the role of visual cortex and hip-pocampus in the processing and retention of visual and spatial information; the neural basis of cognition: the neural basis of gambling behaviour.



Neural mechanisms of complex coordinated actions in humans. Cognitive and neural processes are studied in neurological patient populations and in the nor-mal brain, using fMRI and EEG. Our primary focus is on action selection and inhibition of competing information, with the basal-ganglia-frontal circuits making up our main regions of interest.



Development of learning and memory in infancy and early childhood; infant cog-nition; developmental psychobiology; adolescent risk-taking.



The neuropsychology of anxiety and amnesia. Functions of the septo-hippocam-pal system and prefrontal cortex. The effects of anxiolytic drugs and antidepres-sants on neural activity and behaviour in rats and human beings. Subcortical control of rhythmic activity in the cortex. The Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory of human personality.


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Neuropsychology, visual attention, automaticity and control.





Cognitive psychology and psychophysiology, visual perception and attention, human information processing, reaction time models, statistical methods.


8.12.10 DrJaniceMurray

Visual cognition: face and object recognition, visual attention, face perception and aging.


8.12.11 ProfessorGeoffWhite

Memory and discrimination processes in animals, human memory.


8.13 Zoology

For more information about the Department please visit .


Modulatory actions of dopamine and serotonin in the developing nervous sys-tem; Structural and functional plasticity of the insect brain.


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Neurophysiology and computer modelling of sensation, perception and sen-sory-motor coordination. Current projects include prey detection and navigation using the electric sense in sharks, perception of balance and movement in bull-frogs, cerebellar models for robotic applications, and 3D interactive graphics for research and teaching applications in neurobiology.



For further details of research interests, email addresses and web pages see Departmental listings in Section 8. For academic qualifications see Section 4.

Wickliffe C. Abraham Psychology

Istvan Abraham Physiology

Greg M. Anderson Anatomy & Structural Biology

Lubica Benuskova Computer Science

David K. Bilkey Psychology

Christopher P. Bolter Physiology

Colin Brown Physiology

Stephen J. Bunn Anatomy & Structural Biology

Rebecca Campbell Physiology

Mike Colombo Psychology

Patricia A. Cragg Physiology

Nick Cutfield Neurology

Cynthia Darlington Pharmacology & Toxicology

Gerard Davis Physiology

Vic du Plessis Neurology

Marilyn J. Duxson Anatomy & Structural Biology

Ruth M. Empson Physiology

Elizabeth A. Franz Psychology

Barbara Galland Paediatrics

54 Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010

Grant R. Gillett Bioethics Centre

Paul W. Glue Psychological Medicine

David Grattan Anatomy & Structural Biology

Graeme D. Hammond-Tooke Neurology

Harlene Hayne Psychology

Allan Herbison Physiology

Phil Heyward Physiology

Brian I. Hyland Physiology

Stephanie Hughes Biochemistry

Christine L. Jasoni Anatomy & Structural Biology

D. Steven Kerr Pharmacology & Toxicology

Alistair Knott Computer Science

Beulah Leitch Anatomy & Structural Biology

Ping Liu Anatomy & Structural Biology

Ian S. McLennan Anatomy & Structural Biology

Neil McNaughton Psychology

Liana Machado Psychology

Alison R. Mercer Zoology

Jeffrey O. Miller Psychology

Bruce Mockett Psychology

Anthony C. B. Molteno Ophthalmology

John Mottershead Neurology

Richard Mullen Psychological Medicine

Janice Murray Psychology

Ruth M. A. Napper Anatomy & Structural Biology

Dorothy E. Oorschot Anatomy & Structural Biology

Michael G. Paulin Zoology

John Reynolds Anatomy & Structural Biology

Anthony V. Robins Computer Science

Ivan Sammut Pharmacology & Toxicology

Philip Sheard Physiology

Jon Shemmell Physical Education

Neuroscience Programme Course Handbook 2010 55

Paul F. Smith Pharmacology & Toxicology

Warren P. Tate Biochemistry

Barry J. Taylor Paediatrics

K. Geoffrey White Psychology

Joanna Williams Anatomy & Structural Biology

Alan Wright Neurology

Ming Zhang Anatomy & Structural Biology

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