neural fuzzy motion estimation and compensation - signal

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Neural Fuzzy Motion Estimation and CompensationHyun Mun Kim and Bart Kosko

Abstract—Neural fuzzy systems can improve motion estimationand compensation for video compression. Motion estimation andcompensation are key parts of video compression. They helpremove temporal redundancies in images. But most motion es-timation algorithms neglect the strong temporal correlations ofthe motion field. The search windows stay the same through theimage sequences and the estimation needs heavy computation. Aneural vector quantizer system can use the temporal correlationof the motion field to estimate the motion vectors. First- andsecond-order statistics of the motion vectors give ellipsoidalsearch windows. This algorithm reduced the search area andentropy and gave clustered motion fields. Motion-compensatedvideo coding further assumes that each block of pixels moveswith uniform translational motion. This often does not hold andcan produce block artifacts. We use a neural fuzzy system tocompensate for the overlapped block motion. This fuzzy systemuses the motion vectors of neighboring blocks to map the priorframe’s pixel values to the current pixel value. The neural fuzzysystem used 196 rules that came from the prior decoded frame.The fuzzy system learns and updates its rules as it decodesthe image. The fuzzy system also improved the compensationaccuracy. The Appendix derives both the fuzzy system and theneural learning laws that tune its parameters.


T HIS PAPER presents new schemes for motion estima-tion and compensation based on neural fuzzy systems.

Motion estimation and compensation help compress videoimages because they can remove temporal redundancies inthe image data. Motion estimation schemes often neglect thestrong temporal correlations of the motion field. The searchwindows remain the same through the image sequences andthe estimation may need heavy computation. We designed anunsupervised neural system that uses the temporal correlationof the motion field to estimate the motion vectors and to reducethe entropy of source coding.

Motion-compensated video coding uses the motion of ob-jects in the scene to relate the intensity of each pixel in thecurrent frame to the intensity of some pixel in a prior frame.It predicts the value of the entire current block of pixelsas the value of a displaced block from the prior frame. Italso assumes that each block of pixels moves with uniformtranslational motion. This assumption often does not holdand can produce block artifacts. We designed a neural-fuzzysystem that uses motion vectors of neighboring blocks toimprove the compensation accuracy.

Manuscript received February 7, 1996; revised April 2, 1997. The associateeditor coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for publicationwas Dr. Michael Zervakis.

The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering—Systems,Signal, and Image Processing Institute, University of Southern California, LosAngeles, CA 90089-2564 USA.

Publisher Item Identifier S 1053-587X(97)07359-5.

Fig. 1 shows the typical structure of the Moving PictureExperts Group (MPEG) encoder. The MPEG standard dependson two basic algorithms. Motion-compensated coding usesblock-based motion vector estimation and compensation to re-move temporal redundancies. Block discrete cosine transformsreduce spatial redundancy. The MPEG standard defines andforms the bit-stream syntax to achieve interoperability amongdifferent blocks. Standards improve interoperability amongvideo systems and help speed the development of high-volumelow-cost hardware and software solutions [7].

Most current research in video compression seeks newalgorithms or designs high-performance encoders that workwith existing standards. These standards give a bit-streamsyntax and a decoder and thus allow some flexibility in howone designs a compatible encoder. The MPEG standards do notgive a motion estimation algorithm or a rate-control mecha-nism. This leaves manufacturers free to use the flexibility ofthe syntax.

Our neural quantizer system uses the first- and second-order statistics of the motion vectors to give ellipsoidal searchwindows. This method reduces the search area and givesclustered motion fields. It reduces the computation for motionestimation and decreases the entropy that the system needs totransmit the entropy-coded motion vectors.

We also propose a neural fuzzy overlapped block motioncompensation (FOBMC) scheme for motion compensation.Fuzzy systems use a set of if-then rules to map inputs tooutputs. Neural fuzzy systems learn the rules from data andtune the rules with new data. The FOBMC estimates eachpixel intensity using the block-based motion vectors availableto the decoder. The fuzzy system uses the motion vectors ofneighboring blocks to map the prior frame’s pixel values to thecurrent pixel value. The 196 rules come from the prior decodedframe. The neural fuzzy system tunes its rules as it decodesthe image. The fuzzy system defined a nonlinear “blackbox” function approximator that improved the compensationaccuracy. The Appendix derives the supervised learning lawsthat tune the parameters of the fuzzy system.


This section briefly reviews the standard techniques ofmotion estimation and compensation.

A. Motion Estimation

Motion estimation occurs in many areas of image process-ing. Video coding schemes often exploit the high temporalredundancy between successive frames in a sequence bypredicting the current frame from the prior frame basedon an estimated motion field. Then, the schemes code and

1053–587X/97$10.00 1997 IEEE


Fig. 1. Block diagram of the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) encoder.

transmit the prediction error image. The schemes may alsoneed to transmit the motion field if the motion estimationalgorithm uses information that the receiver does not have.The prediction error often contains much less information thandoes the original frame if the motion estimates are accurate.

The MPEG standard uses three types of pictures that dependon the mode of motion prediction. The intra (I) picture servesas the reference picture for prediction. Block discrete cosinetransforms (DCT’s) code the intra pictures, and no motionestimation prevents long range error propagation. Coding thepredicted (P) pictures uses forward prediction of motion. Wedivide each image into macroblocks of size pixels andsearch blocks of the same size in the prior reference I frameor P frame.

A second type of picture is the bidirectional interpolated(B) picture. We perform both forward and backward motionprediction with respect to the prior or future reference I orP frames. Averaging these two predictions gives the interpo-lation. Bidirectional interpolation can handle just covered oruncovered areas since the system cannot predict an area justuncovered from the past reference. The system can still predictthe areas from the future reference frame. The one that has thesmallest mean-square error among the forward, backward, andinterpolated prediction gives the best motion prediction. Theencoding and decoding orders of video sequences can differfrom that of the original sequences due to the three types offrames. Therefore, the th and th frames followthe th frame as in Fig. 2. The decoder needs to reorderthe frames to display them.

The two main types of motion estimation use pel-recursivealgorithms or block matching algorithms [23]. Pel-recursivealgorithms predict the motion field at the decoder based onhow neighboring pixels decoded in the current frame relate topixels in the prior frame. Block-based motion estimation de-rives from the need for relatively accurate motion fields whilekeeping low the side information one needs to represent themotion vectors. Image sequence coding often uses full-searchblock matching among the block-based motion estimationtechniques. This scheme is simple and easy to implement in

Fig. 2. Ordering of video sequences in MPEG.

hardware. Exhaustive search within a maximum displacementrange leads to the absolute minimum for the energy of theprediction error and is optimal in this sense. This acts as a typeof codeword search in vector quantization (VQ) [10]. VQ findsa codeword from the codebook that minimizes some criteriasuch as mean-squared error (MSE). It locates the minimum forthe energy of the prediction error and tends to have a heavycomputational load.

Accurate modeling of the motion field becomes more im-portant under the constraint of a very low bit rate [21]. Here,however, full block search technique tends to produce noisymotion fields that do not correspond to the true 2-D motionin the scene. Noises in real video images can also affectthe locations of the smallest distortion. Noise gives rise toa blocky effect in motion-compensated prediction images andhas no physical meaning in terms of the estimated motionvectors. These artificial discontinuities lead to an increase ofthe side information to transmit the entropy-coded motionvectors. A decrease in this side information while keepingthe same accuracy for the motion fields improves low bit rateapplications [5]. Therefore, we propose a new adaptive scheme


to estimate motion vectors that have spatial consistency. Thescheme uses the temporal correlation of the motion field toreduce the computation and to give a clustered motion field.

B. Motion Compensation

Motion-compensated video coding relates the intensity ofeach pixel in the current frame to the intensity of some pixelin a prior frame. It links these pixels by predicting the motionof objects in the scene. However, the transmission overheadneeded to inform the decoder of the true motion at everypixel in the image may far outweigh the gains of motioncompensation. Motion compensation assigns only one motionvector to each square (often a -pixel) block in the frame.The encoder selects this motion vector to minimize the mean-squared prediction error. It predicts the value of the entirecurrent block of pixels by the value of a displaced block fromthe prior frame. Therefore, it assumes that each block of pixelsmoves with uniform translational motion. This assumptionoften does not hold and can produce block artifacts.

Orchard and Sullivan [22], proposed overlapped block mo-tion compensation (OBMC) to overcome this problem. Thislinear scheme estimates each pixel intensity using the block-based motion vectors available to the decoder. It predictsthe current frame of a sequence by repositioning overlappingblocks of pixels from the prior frame. Then, it computesthe coefficients of the linear estimator by solving the nor-mal equations of least squares, but this scheme has at leasttwo problems. The coefficients computed from the trainingsequences may not work well for the test sequences, andthe coefficient calculation is computationally heavy and thedecoder must store these values.

We propose afuzzyoverlapped block motion compensation(FOBMC). A fuzzy rule-based system estimates pixel inten-sities using the block-based motion vectors available to thedecoder. Fuzzy systems compute a model-freeconditional mean [16], [20], [24] and thus computea least-mean-square nonlinear estimate of the random variable

based on our knowledge of the random vector. TheFOBMC system uses the conditional mean to predict eachpixel intensity. It uses the motion vectors of neighboringblocks to map the prior frame’s pixel values to the current pixelvalue. This has at least two advantages. The rules come fromthe prior decoded frame, and the neural fuzzy system tunesits rules as it decodes the image. Simulation results showedthat the FOBMC improved the compensation accuracy. Thismethod also shows how to insert expert knowledge into thecompensation process.


This section reviews the standard additive model (SAM)fuzzy system and how SAM’s learn with and without super-vision. The Appendix derives the ratio structure of the SAMand supervised learning laws that tune its parameters.

A. Additive Fuzzy Systems

A fuzzy system stores rules of theword from “If , then ” or the patch

form . The if-part fuzzysets and then-part fuzzy sets have setfunctions and . The systemcan use the joint set function [11] orsome factored form such as , or

, or any other conjunctiveform for input vector .

An additive fuzzy system [17]–[20] sums the “fired” thenpart sets


Fig. 3 shows the parallel fire-and-sum structure of the SAMsystem. The additive system is standard if the if-part value

scales the then-part set to give the fired set. These systems can uniformly approximate any con-

tinuous (or bounded measurable) functionon a compactdomain [17].

Fig. 4 shows how three rule patches can cover part of thegraph of a scalar function . The patch cover showsthat all fuzzy systems suffer fromrule explosionin high dimensions. A fuzzy system needs on the order of

rules to cover the graph and thus to approximate avector function . Optimal rules can help deal withthe exponential rule explosion. Lone or local mean-squaredoptimal rule patches cover the extrema of the approximand[18]. They “patch the bumps.” Better learning schemes moverule patches to or near extrema and then fill in between extremawith extra rule patches if the rule budget allows.

The scaling choice leads to astandardadditive model(SAM). Appendix A shows that taking thecentroid of in (1) gives [16]–[20] the SAM ratio



positive rule weight;nonzero volume or area of then-part set;centroid of or its center of mass.

Therefore, a SAM has the form of a convex sumfor convex coefficients

so that andfor each .

The SAM theorem (2) implies that the fuzzy structure ofthe then-part sets does not matter for a first-order functionapproximator. The ratio depends on just the rule weightandthe volume and location or centroid of the then-part sets

. Our SAM has then-part sets of the same area and weightand . Therefore,

the volume terms and the weight cancel from (2). Weneed pick only the scalar centersto define the sets. Thethen-part structure does affect the second-order structure oruncertainty of the output [19]–[20].


Fig. 3. Architecture of an additive fuzzy systemF : Rn ! Rp with m rules. Each inputx0 2 Rn enters the systemF as a numerical vector. At theset levelx0 acts as a delta pulse�(x � x0) that combs the if-part fuzzy setsAj and gives them set valuesaj(x0) aj(x0) =

R�(x � x0)aj(x) dx.

The set values “fire” the then-part fuzzy setsBj to give B0

j . A standard additive model (SAM) scales eachBj with aj(x). Then the system sums theB0

j sets to give the output “set”B. The system outputF (x0) is the centroid ofB.

B. Learning in SAM’s: Unsupervised Clusteringand Supervised Gradient Descent

A fuzzy system learns if and only if its rule patches moveor change shape in the input–output product space .Learning might change the centers or widths of triangle ortrapezoidal or bell-curve sets. These changing sets then changethe shape or position of the Cartesian rule patches built out ofthem. The mean-value theorem and the calculus of variationsshow [18] that optimal lone rules cover the extrema or bumpsof the approximand. Good learning schemes [3], [4] tend toquickly move rules patches to these bumps and then moveextra rule patches between them as the rule budget allows.Hybrid schemes use unsupervised clustering to learn the firstset of fuzzy rule patches in position and number and toinitialize the gradient descents of supervised learning.

Learning changes system parameters with data. Unsuper-vised learning amounts to blind clustering in the systemproduct space to learn and tune the fuzzy rules orthe sets that compose them. Then,quantization vectors

move in the product space to filter or approximate thestream of incoming data pairs or the concatenateddata points . The simplest form of suchproduct space clustering[15] centers a rule patch at each datapoint and, thus, puts . In general, both the data and thequantizing vectors greatly outnumber the rules, and therefore,

.A natural way to grow and tune rules is to identify a rule

patch with the uncertainty ellipsoid [2], [3] that forms aroundeach quantizing vector . The ellipsoid stems from the inverseof the vector’s positive definite covariance matrix . Then,sparse or noisy data grows a patch larger and, thus, a lesscertain rule than does denser or less noisy data. Unsupervisedcompetitive learning [15] can learn these ellipsoidal rules inthree steps:


Fig. 4. Each fuzzy rule defines a Cartesian-product patch or fuzzy subset ofthe input–output state space. The fuzzy system approximates a function as itcovers its graph with rule patches. Lone optimal rule patches cover extrema.





for the Euclidean normThe first step (3) is the competitive step. It picks the nearest

quantizing vector to the incoming data vector andignores the rest. Some schemes may count nearby vectorsas lying in the winning subset. We used just one winner perdatum. This correlation matching approximates a great deal ofthe competitive dynamics of nonlinear neural networks. Thesecond step updates the winning quantization or “synaptic”vector and drives it toward the centroid of the sampled data


pattern class [14]. The third step updates the covariancematrix of the winning quantization vector. We initialize thequantization vector with sample data to avoidskewed groupings and to initialize the covariance matrix withsmall positive numbers on its diagonal to keep it positivedefinite. Then, projection schemes [2]–[4] can convert theellipsoids into coordinate fuzzy sets. Other schemes can use theunfactored joint set function directly and preserve correlationsamong the input components [11]. Supervised learning canalso tune the eigenvalue parameters of the rule ellipsoids.

Supervised learning changes SAM parameters with errordata. The error at each timeis the desired system outputminus the actual SAM output . Unsupervisedlearning uses the blind data point instead of the desiredor labeled value . The teacher or supervisor supervises thelearning process by giving the desired valueat each trainingtime . Most supervised learning schemes perform stochasticgradient descent on the squared error and do so throughiterated use of the chain rule of differential calculus. AppendixB derives the supervised learning laws that tune the parametersin (2). We do not know in advance which parameters to tuneor which mix of parameters to tune.



Motion vector estimation removes the temporal correlationof video images. Block matching methods often neglect thefact that the motion field itself has strong spatial and temporalcorrelation. We propose an unsupervised neural system thatuses the temporal correlation of the motion field to estimatethe motion vectors. The neural system acts as an adaptivevector quantizer.

A. Competitive AVQ Algorithm for LocalMeans and Covariances

First- and second-order statistics of the motion vectorscombine to pick the search windows. Anadaptive vector quan-tization (AVQ) determines the local means and covariances ofthe motion vectors for the prior frame. The covariance matrixagain defines an ellipsoid [2]. The ellipsoids from the motionvectors of the prior frame pick the search windows for thecurrent frame based on the temporal correlation in the motionfield. The ellipsoidal windows give a clustered motion fieldthat has lower computational load than that of the full searchmethod. Fig. 5 shows the search windows for full-search blockmatching and the ellipsoidal method. The ellipsoidal windowuses the spatial consistency of the motion field.

Define each frame of an image sequence on a 2-D rectan-gular lattice of pixels with members . Letstand for the intensity at pixel of frame of the sequence.Let stand for the pixel intensity of the correspondingdecoded frame. Let stand for a motion vectorand stand for a motion vector for pixel of frame . Wecall a set of motion vectors for all pixels in the latticea pixel motion field and write the entire field as . Letstand for a partition of into a lattice of blocks of widthand height . Let stand for a block from ,



Fig. 5. (a) Search window for full-search block matching. Such windowinvolves heavy computation and tends to produce noisy motion fields. (b)Ellipsoidal search window gives a smooth and meaningful motion field. Thesearch window hops about more in the presence of noisy motion vectors and,thus, has a larger “error” ball. The covariance matrixKj measures this errorball.

and let stand for a pixel position within a block.Define a diagonal matrix with diagonal elementsand such that with modulo and

modulo . Let stand for a motion vector for blockin frame . We call the set of motion vectors a

block motion field for frame and write it as .Vector quantizers can use competitive learning to estimate

the local mean and conditional covariance matrix for eachpattern class [16]–[20]. Motion vector drives thecompetitive learning process. We first form the concatenatedvector in the product space . Then weassign quantization vectors to the same product space.


Fig. 6. Motion vector histogram from the full-search algorithm for the “Miss America” image. We use these motion vectors to estimate the localmeans and covariances.

These vectors learn or adapt as they code for the local samplestatistics and give rise to an AVQ. The AVQ vectors act asthe synaptic fan-in columns of a connection matrix in a neuralnetwork with competing neurons [14]. The points learnif and only if they move in the product space. The pointstrack the distribution of the incoming motion vectors’s andtend to be sparse or dense where the’s are sparse or dense.

Each AVQ vector converges to the local centroid of themotion vectors ’s. Therefore the AVQ vectors estimatethe local first-order moments of some unknown probabilitydensity that generates the motion vectors’s. The AVQalgorithm is a form of nearest-neighbor pattern matching or

-means clustering. The are random estimators since themotion vectors ’s are random. The AVQ point hops aboutmore in the presence of noisy or sparse data and thus has alarger “error” ball. The covariance matrix measures thiserror ball. The competitive AVQ algorithm in (7)–(9) belowupdates the positive-definite matrix . The inverse matrix

defines an ellipsoid in the product space as thelocus of all points that obey


for centering constant . Then the th ellipsoid definesthe th search window.

The following scheme describes the competitive adaptivevector quantization algorithm for local means and covariances.

1) Initialize cluster centers from sample datafor .

2) Find the “winning” or closest synaptic vector tosample motion vector


where denotes the Euclidean norm.

3) Update the winner

if the th neuron winsif the th neuron loses


and update its covariance estimate as shown in(9), at the bottom of the page.

The sequences of learning coefficients and shoulddecrease slowly [20] in the sense of but not tooslowly in the sense of . In practice, .The covariance coefficients obey a like constraint as in ourchoice of where is the total numberof data points.

B. Motion Estimation Using Adaptive Vector Quantization

This section shows how we obtain a smooth and meaningfulmotion field. The fact that the motion field has strong spatialand temporal correlation [12] motivates our algorithm. Fig. 6shows the motion vector histogram we obtain if we use thefull-search algorithm. It shows the scattered motion field. Thefull search with the MSE criterion locates just the minimumof the prediction error.

We assume that the objects in motion move with an almostconstant velocity within a few consecutive frames. Therefore,we model the motion vector field in frame using themotion vector field in frame


if the th neuron wins

if the th neuron loses.(9)


where is the noise field in frame . The noisemay come from an acceleration or deceleration of the blockof pixels in consecutive image frames. We assume it has azero mean and finite variance. The noise may result frommany sources: poor camera handling, misfocus, nonideal filmmaterials, camera zooming, scene cut, or sudden light intensitychanges [12].

AVQ estimates the motion vector field . The area ofthe search window depends on this motion vector field so thatlearning can reduce the search windows with centers that shiftand window sizes that vary. However, the full-search methodalways chooses a fixed-size search window with the centerat the origin. It simply locates the energy minimum of theprediction error and does so without outside information.

C. Unsupervised Weighting for AVQ Algorithm

We can also add an unsupervised weighting scheme to theAVQ algorithm. We need to minimize the calculation overheadsince we want to decrease the complexity of the full-searchalgorithm. We add a simple weighting scheme to the AVQalgorithm to help achieve this.

The search window hops about more in the presence ofnoisy motion vectors and, therefore, has a larger “error” ball.This presents a problem since noisy motion vectors will havea larger search window than smaller and more certain motionvectors have. We give more weight to the window that has thecloset center to the zero point.

The unsupervised weighting scheme has a simple form. Weuse in (6) for the window that has the closet center tothe zero point and use in (6) for the other windows.

D. Complexity Analysis

The AVQ algorithm has less complexity than the full-searchtechnique. Consider the number of additions and multiplica-tions. We need additions for each search point.Therefore, we need additions for eachmacroblock using the full block search technique if we assumea window size. This givesadditions for the full block search technique.

Suppose we have five ellipsoids for the AVQ algorithm.We need additions andmultiplications to find the winning vector in (7). We needfour additions and two multiplications to update andeight additions and eight multiplications to update .There are 256 motion vectors if we assume animage. We first use five motion vectors to initialize themean and covariance and then use the other 251 motionvectors to update them. Therefore we needadditions and multiplications to find thelocal means and covariances. We also need to compute (6)to pick the search points. This takes eight additions and 12multiplications. Therefore we need additionsand multiplications to pick search pointsinside the window. Therefore the extra calculations using AVQcome to 15 469 additions and 16 552 multiplications. However,we use this search window for the whole image sequenceuntil intraframe coding resets it. Therefore if we divide the


Fig. 7. Eight nearest neighbors ofb assigned for optimal motion vectors forthe center blockb. The pixels in the second quadrant ofb have four motionvectors selected for the shaded blocks.

overhead by three then this gives 5156 additions and 5517multiplications. The number of additions in the AVQ is just

. This involves an overheadof 5156 additions and 5517 multiplications if we search only25% of the window.

Unsupervised learning can decide which window has thecloset center to the zero point. It needs nine additions andten multiplications if we assume five search windows. If wedivide this by three, then we get only three additions and fourmultiplications. Table I summarizes these results.


This section shows how a “fuzzy” conditional mean canpredict each pixel intensity. Standard motion compensationviews the sent motion vectors as fixing a motion field for thedecoder. This assumes that each block of pixels moves withuniform translational motion. This assumption often does nothold and produces block artifacts.

Orchard and Sullivan [22] have viewed the sent motionvectors as giving information about an underlying randommotion field. They described this information with an inferredprobability density that models the decoder uncertainty aboutthe true motion at each pixel given the sent data. Then, motioncompensation predicts the intensity of each pixel with respectto this inferred probability density.

Motion-compensated coding somehow represents a motionto create a prediction for each pixel and then encodes


Fig. 8. “Miss America” image. Top: First frame. Middle: Fourth frame.Bottom: Seventh frame.

the compensated frame difference (CFD)

CFD (11)

We often send only a block motion field rather than anexact pixel motion field . The standard blockwise motioncompensation approach forms the prediction for all pixelsina block by using the same encoded motion vector


Estimation theory can view any data that the decoderreceived prior to the decoding of frameas a source of infor-mation about the true motion field. This information allows usto define ana posterioriprobability density functionthat gives the probability that is the correct vector to applyat given all information that the decoder received.Block motion compensation deals with the case .Orchard and Sullivan [22] define ideal motion compensationas an optimal estimator of pixel intensity with respect to theprobability density . Therefore the minimum mean-squared error estimate is the conditional expected value [22]


but a general optimal solution to (13) may be quite complex.Orchard and Sullivan proposed an optimallinear solutioncalled overlapped block motion compensation (OBMC) toreduce this complexity [22].

A. Overlapped Block Motion Compensation

Orchard and Sullivan proposed OBMC to simplify thesolutions to (13). They used linear filtering (Wiener filter)for (13) and an ordered set of integer displacements



where is a set of weights for the displacements.

Rule-based motion compensation often restricts toconsist of just one vector and . Thisgives a probability density function that assigns probability oneto and probability zero to all other vectors. It assumes thecorrect vector applied at pixel is with certainty. The sum(14) improves over (12) since the new model the does notassume that the coded block motion vector field can pick thetrue pixel-by-pixel motion vector field.

OBMC defines to include motion vectors from blocksin some neighborhood ofinstead of restricting to consistof the single vector . It assigns a set of motion vectorsfor blocks in the neighborhood ofto predict . TheOBMC scheme computes the mean-squared-error prediction ofweight vector by estimating the relevant cross correlations.The weight vector consists of the elements .The cross correlation vector for pixel locationbetween theprediction pixel intensities and the true pixel intensity has theform


for each and where stands for the expecta-tion operator. The autocorrelation matrix has the form

(16)with the finite variance



Fig. 9. Ellipsoids created from the local means and covariances of the motion vectors from “Miss America.” These ellipsoids act as search windowsfor the next frame.

The term is the variance of the desired outputthat we assume has zero mean. Then the mean-squared-errorof prediction has the form [22]


Solving (18) with orthogonality conditions gives [29]


This is just the Wiener weight vector.OBMC assumes symmetric motion to form windows that

are symmetric with respect to the location of pixels in a blockquadrant. It also assumes that how the system predicts eachquadrant of a block should be similar except for a mirroringof the weight vector.

B. Fuzzy Overlapped Block Motion Compensation

OBMC needs the normal equation of least squares tosolve for the Wiener weight vectors but the estimation ofthe correlations in (15)–(17) has a high cost in computation.OBMC uses 215 frames of scene for training in [22]. OBMCmay not work well if the correlations of the test sequencesdiffer from those of the training sequences. We cannot assumethe same correlations for the test sequences as those for thetraining sequences. We propose instead a fuzzy estimator.Samples give probabilities associated with pixel intensitiesbetween two consecutive frames that motion vectors link. Thelearned probability density functions serve as fuzzy rules inthe fuzzy system [24]. The number of blocks in a frame picksthe number of rules.

We seek rules that relate the current pixel value to the priorframe’s pixel values. To find them we use the motion vectors

of neighboring blocks rather than estimate the Wiener weightvector. OBMC limits the size of the set by 4 to controlthe complexity. The optimal motion vector fordepends onmotion vectors assigned to the eight nearest neighbors of. Wechoose the four nearest motion vectors per pixel that dependon , as in Fig. 7. Therefore the sample data will give rulesof the form IF is and is and is andis THEN is .

Then, the fuzzy system defines the map . The’s stand for the pixel values that the four motion vectors

point to and stands for the predicted pixel value. We changethese rules slightly to reduce their dimension. We compute thedifferences between and the other variables by taking asa reference. This gives the reduced fuzzy systemwith rules of the form IF is and isand is THEN is . The fuzzy system

uses 196 rules of this form.We factor the joint set function as the

product for the vector input. The combined output fuzzy set becomes


We use triangular scalar set functions


Fig. 10. Search windows obtained from the neural AVQ algorithm with unsupervised weighting for the “Miss America.” The system used these windowsfor the next frames until intra-frame coding reset them.


where stands for a triangular fuzzy set centeredat with base and height 1.

Parzen [26] showed how one may construct a family ofestimates of a probability density function fromsamples


Here, are independent realizations of the randomvariable . The estimator is consistent at all points, wherethe density is continuous. The weighting function mustobey Parzen’s conditions






Our set functions satisfy Parzen’s conditions if we choose. Parzen also proved that the estimateis consistent

in the mean-squared sense that


Cacoullos [1] has extended Parzen’s results to cover themultivariate case


This estimator uses sampled data points fromrandom variables and and uses triangular weightingfunctions. Therefore, the combined output fuzzy “set”withintegrable set function becomes the consistentestimator or joint density except for a scaling constant.

The conditional mean is the least-mean-square nonlinearestimate of the random variable in terms of the observedvalue of the random variable [25]


Centroid defuzzification maps to the conditional meanestimate [17]–[19]








for all , even though may hold. Thereforethe centroid defuzzifier plays the role of the conditional meanestimator. Putting (21) into (33) gives (35)–(39), shown atthe bottom of the page, in the notation of the SAM in (2).Therefore, (39) can compute the conditional expected valuein (13). Neural learning can tune the if-part sets, the ruleweights , or the then-part set centroids.

We do not need to store the weights as in the OBMCscheme since the rules come from the prior decoded frame.The neural fuzzy system also learns and tunes its rules as itdecodes the image. This improves the prediction if the imagesare stationary over a small number of consecutive frames.


A. Motion Estimation

This section shows the simulation results we obtained forthe neural AVQ motion estimation algorithm applied to the In-

ternational Committee on Telegraph and Telephones (CCITT)test sequences “Miss America” and “mobile1.” We appliedthis algorithm to forward prediction only. We can apply thesame algorithm to backward and bidirectional predictions ifwe choose the proper reference frames. We set the frame rateat 10 Hz rather than the original 30 Hz. Therefore we usedthe first, fourth, seventh, frames in the simulation. Theycorrespond to I frames and P frames in Fig. 2.

Fig. 8 shows the first, fourth, and seventh frames for “MissAmerica.” We computed the motion vectors from the first twoframes of “Miss America” using the full-search block match-ing technique. Fig. 6 shows the motion vector histogram thatthe first two frames gave. We estimated the local means andcovariances using AVQ based on these motion vectors. Fig. 9shows the ellipsoids that arise from AVQ and the directionsof motion vectors. The directions of motion vectors do notreflect the number of occurrences in that directions. The localmeans and covariances of the motion vectors choose theseellipsoids. We chose five ellipsoids for the simulation. Themaximum displacement and the ellipsoids pick the commonset of the boundary. This in turn picked the size and shape ofthe search windows for the next frames until intraframe codingreset them. Fig. 10 shows the windows the system grew fromthe next frames.

Simulation results compared the full-search block matchingtechnique, AVQ window without unsupervised weighting, andAVQ window with unsupervised weighting. We used







Fig. 11. Motion vector histogram obtained for the full-search algorithm for the seventh frame in the “Miss America” image. Note the randomnessof the motion field.

Fig. 12. Motion vector histogram obtained for the AVQ search algorithm for the seventh frame in the “Miss America” image.

pixels as a block size and pixels for maximum dis-placement. The simulation ran for one period until intraframecoding reset it. Fig. 11 shows the motion vector histogramobtained from the full-search algorithm for the seventh frame.It shows the randomness of the motion field because it searchesonly for the least-error position. Fig. 12 shows the motionvector histogram obtained for AVQ search with unsupervisedweighting for the seventh frame of “Miss America.” This gavea smooth and clustered motion field with almost the sameprediction error. We can also decrease the side informationto transmit the entropy-coded motion vectors. We comparedthe average sum of absolute difference (SAD) and entropyfor “Miss America.” We compute the entropy of the

discrete probability density as


where stands for the occurrence probability of the motionvectors. Table II shows the results. The SAD increased about0.4 to 1.7% as a result of a 70 to 74% reduction of the searcharea and decreased entropy.

Next, we applied our algorithm to the “mobile1” image.Fig. 13 shows the first, fourth, and seventh frames for “mo-bile1.” Fig. 14 shows the motion vector histogram obtainedfor the full-search algorithm for “mobile1.”


Fig. 13. “Mobile1” image. Top: First frame. Middle: Fourth frame. Bottom:Seventh frame.

Fig. 15 shows the search windows obtained for AVQ algo-rithm with unsupervised weighting for “mobile1.” Table IIIshows the results. The SAD increased about 0.9 to 1.7% asa result of a 79 to 81% reduction of the search area anddecreased entropy.

B. Fuzzy Motion Compensation and Supervised Learning

This section shows the simulation results we obtained whenwe applied the FOBMC to the CCITT test sequence “Miss

America.” All tests used a block size of and reflect theresults of only the motion-compensating original frames. Thetests used integer-searched block motion fields. We excludedthe border blocks from all test scores so that the measurementswould not depend on how we treated the border regions. Thetest began with a full-search integer pixel minimum-MSEblock matching estimation.

Simulation results compared the standard motion compen-sation, FOBMC without SAM learning, and FOBMC withsupervised SAM learning. We did not need to store the weightsin the FOBMC system without learning since the rules comefrom the prior decoded frame. We used (64) in Appendix B toupdate the centroid in the FOBMC. This further increasedthe compensation accuracy and the system complexity. Wealso tuned the weights in (2) and then-part set centroids

using (57) and (64). Our fuzzy systems had the same then-part set volumes. Therefore . We did nottune the then-part set volumes. Tuning bothand furtherincreased the compensation accuracy but at a greater cost ofcomputation. Table IV and Fig. 16 show the results. We alsotuned the mean and “variance” of the triangles with (68) and(69) as explained in Appendix B. Tuning the if-part sets didnot improve over tuning only the rule weights and then-partcentroids but it did require much more computation.


Neural fuzzy motion estimation and compensation offer newtools for video compression. They helped reduce the com-plexity for motion estimation using the temporal correlationof the motion field and decreased transmission entropy ofmotion vectors. Tuning the fuzzy compensator with super-vised learning further increased the compensation accuracywithout side information. The real advantage of the fuzzysystem is that it computes amodel-freenonlinear conditionalmean.

We applied the neural-fuzzy motion estimation and com-pensation schemes to image sequences with fast motion. Wehad problems when we tried to estimate motion vectors withsmall search windows. Our scheme may best apply to systemslike video conferencing where the motion is moderate and thebit budget for motion vectors is tight. The side information formotion vectors makes up a large portion of the total bit stream.

Very low-bit-rate coding requires improved motion estima-tion and compensation techniques since it creates annoyingblocking artifacts as bit rates fall. We need to estimate moremeaningful motion vectors than simple scalar optimizationmay provide. The mean-squared-error score may not estimatetrue motion vectors because it locates only the minimum ofthe prediction error.

Future fuzzy systems may estimate motion vectors usingprior knowledge of the moving objects. Fuzzy systems allowthe user to state knowledge in rules and insert these rules ina numerical function approximator. The same or new neurallearning laws can tune these rules.

Future neural fuzzy systems for motion compensation mayalso use more complex learning laws to tune their sets andrules for better compensation accuracy. The supervised SAM



Fig. 14. Motion vector histogram obtained for the full-search algorithm for the “mobile1” image.


learning laws in the Appendix may not allow real-time learningfor large imaging problems. That real-time barrier recedesas computer systems become faster and more parallel. Cus-tomized fuzzy chips can improve the speed and on-line learn-ing of the fuzzy motion compensators but perhaps not enoughfor fuzzy systems that use many input variables. Even the bestfuzzy systems face a prohibitive exponential rule explosionin high enough dimensions. Real-time neural learning onlycompounds this complexity. New learning schemes may ease

this burden and may tune the black-box approximators without

gradient descent.



Theorem: Suppose the fuzzy system is

a standard additive model: Centroid

Centroid . Then is a convex sum of


Fig. 15. Search windows obtained for the AVQ algorithm for the “mobile1” image. The system used these windows for the next frames until intra-framecoding reset them.

the then-part set centroids


The convex coefficients or discrete probability weightsdepend on the input through


where is the finite positive volume (or area if ) andis the centroid of then-part set



Proof: There is no loss of generality to prove the theoremfor the scalar-output case when . Thissimplifies the notation. We need but replace the scalar integralsover with the -multiple or volume integrals over in theproof to prove the general case. The scalar case gives(43) and (44) as



Then, the theorem follows by expanding the centroid ofand invoking the SAM assumption CentroidCentroid to rearrange terms

Centroid (47)






Fig. 16. Mean-squared error for neural-fuzzy motion compensation of the “Miss America” image. Solid line: Standard motion compensation. Dotted line:FOBMC without learning. Dashdot line: FOBMC with supervised SAM learning for then-part set centroidscj . Dashed line: FOBMC with supervised learningfor both rule weightswj and then-part set centroidscj . Further tuning the if-part set trianglesAj did not significantly improve the motion compensation.





Supervised gradient descent can learn or tune SAM systems[19], [20] by changing the rule weights in (54), the then-part volumes , the then-part centroids , or parameters ofthe if-part set functions . The rule weightenters the ratio form of the general SAM system


in the same way as does the then-part volumein theSAM Theorem. Both cancel from (54) if they have the samevalue—if or if .

Therefore, both have the same learning law if we replace thenonzero weight with the nonzero volume or




for instantaneous squared error withdesired-minus-actual error . The volumes thenchange in the same way if they do not depend on the weights(which they may in some ellipsoidal learning schemes)



The learning law (57) follows since and sincefrom the SAM Theorem we have






The centroid in the SAM Theorem has the simplestlearning law



Therefore, the terms , , and do not change when, and thus, when the th if-part set barely fires,

.Tuning the if-part sets involves more computation since

the update law contains an extra partial derivative. Supposeif-part set function is a function of parameters

. Then we can update each parameter with



Exponential if-part set functions can reduce the learningcomplexity. They have the form and obey

. Then, the parameterupdate (66) simplifies to


This can arise for independent exponential or Gaussian sets

. The exponential set functionhas partial derivatives

and .The Gaussian set function

has mean partial derivativeand variance partial derivative. Such Gaussian set functions reduce the SAM

model to Specht’s [28] radial basis function network. Weused these smooth update laws (67) in the motion compen-sation simulation to update the nondifferentiable triangles. Weviewed their centers and widths as the Gaussian means andstandard deviations and tuned them with the laws




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Hyun Mun Kim received the B.S. degree in controland instrumentation engineering from the SeoulNational University, Seoul, Korea, the M.S. degreein electrical and computer engineering from NorthCarolina State University, Raleigh, and the in electrical engineering from the Universityof Southern California, Los Angeles, in 1984, 1985,and 1995, respectively.

During 1986 to 1991, he worked with ETRI,Seoul, as a researcher. Since 1996 he has beenworking with LG Semicon Co. Ltd., Seoul. His

research interests include neural and fuzzy techniques in signal and imageprocessing.

Bart Kosko received Bachelor degrees in philoso-phy and economics from the University of SouthernCalifornia (USC), Los Angeles, the M.S. degree inapplied mathematics from the University of Califor-nia, San Diego, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical en-gineering from the University of California, Irvine.

He is an Associate Professor of electrical engi-neering at USC and a past Director of USC’s Signaland Image Processing Institute.

Dr. Kosko is an elected governor of the Inter-national Neural Network Society and has chaired

and cochaired many neural and fuzzy systems conferences. He has authoredthe textbooksFuzzy Engineering, Neural Networks for Signal Processing,andNeural Networks and Fuzzy Systems(Englewood, Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall)and the popular booksFuzzy Thinkingand Nanotime. He was the guestco-editor of the summer 1988 PROCEEDINGS OF THEIEEE special issue onIntelligent Signal Processing.

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