netherfield news spring 2010

Post on 21-Feb-2016






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Elderly Community by Cllr Allen Clarke who’s wife, Cheryl also sings with the choir. A big thank you to eve- ryone who came along for the afternoon. Due to the success of the concert we hope to put on more concerts in the future. Please keep a look out on our Notice boards outside the Loco Centre & at St Georges for more information. Concert Pictures courtesy of NG4 online 1



St Georges Centre, 91 Victoria Road, Netherfield NG4 2NN. Tel: 0115 9113302 - Email


Concert Pictures courtesy of NG4 online

The Loco Centre was the venue for a fantas-tic choral concert for the over 50’s at the be-ginning of February. The concert performed by Stanza included songs from the musi-cals and comedic sketches. “Stanza” a twenty-three strong group of past and pre-sent members of vari-ous amateur operatic societies from the Not-t inghamshire area gave a fabulous per-formance which was enjoyed by all. It was duly followed by after-noon tea and home-made cakes.

The Loco was an ex-cellent venue with the spacious hall giving su-perb acoustics! The concert was supported

by Cllr Allen Clarke who’s wife, Cheryl also sings with the choir.

A big thank you to eve-ryone who came along for the afternoon. Due to the success of the concert we hope to put on more concerts in the future.

Please keep a look out on our Notice boards outside the Loco Centre & at St Georges for more information.

Elderly Community

Comes Together

for Choral

Concert at

the Loco Centre


Neighbourhood NewsNeighbourhood NewsNeighbourhood News

Carlton & Netherfield Stations

Some Positive News to Report!!

NETHERFIELD Station - An assessment and initial design work is continuing so trains can run at faster speeds on the Nottingham to Grantham line. This would allow services to be increased at Aslockton, Radcliffe & NETHERFIELD.

CARLTON Station - From 24th May all daytime trains will call at Beeston, rather than passing through at present. Journey time from Carlton to Beeston will be around 15 minutes and the £3.40 kangaroo tickets can be used. There is also a scheme to raise the speed on the Nottingham to Lincoln Line to 90mph, which could allow more trains to call at Carlton Sta-tion.

Timetables are available in the St Georges Centre, Victoria Road, Netherfield & Carlton Library, Manor Road, Carlton.

Launching the 2010 Garden Competition by Peggy Woodward

I am writing this whilst snow is on the ground and everybody’s garden looks the same...

When the snow has gone its time to make your garden look different and easier to maintain through the Summer. People will say “that's good, how do you find the time to keep it look-ing so good. Once you have got it neat and tidy and how you want it, it will make you keep it that way. It only takes about half an hour each day to keep on top of it. Gardening is also very good for you, it is very good exercise and also relaxing. Do give it a go then enter The Garden Competition this year. There are several categories– garden, hanging baskets and tubs, you can enter just one or all of them. We are hoping to judge the competition on the morning of Monday 5th July.


Services and Regular Services and Regular EventsEvents

Every Sunday Parish Mass begins at 11am

with Sunday School in St. George’s Centre and Crèche in Church.

Special Sundays Family & Parade Service inc. Baptisms

Tuesday 10am Mass (said Holy Communion) followed by Coffee.

Last Thursday in Month Bible Study at 7.30pm. Saturday 10.30am Coffee Morning & Open Church. Everyone is welcome to all the Activities and Services above.

We also have lots of others events throughout the year so please check the notice board or contact

Fr. Robert for further details on 0115 9815566.

Monday Afternoon


At St Georges

for the over 50’S


Enjoy Activities, Socialising & a

Delicious Cream Tea

All for only £1.50


Card Game Optional

with prizes For £1.00 (Card


Netherfield Eco Action Team Just before Christmas the Netherfield Eco Ac-tion Team (NEAT) was invited to apply for up to £500,000 from a new government-led energy scheme called the Low Carbon Communities Challenge. NEAT joined forces with Netherfield Forum to apply for energy saving measures, including solar heating and photovoltaic panels for households and community buildings in Netherfield. Over 230 applications were re-ceived from communities all around the UK, and we have just heard that NEAT's application was not successful. "We are disappointed not to get the funding" said NEAT member Laura Hield, "but we submitted a good application at very short notice, we have started a good part-nership with the Forum and we've formed strong links with other groups and businesses in the community which we can only build on. We also received some really positive letters of support about what we have been doing from people like Vernon Coaker MP and Global Ac-tion Plan, which has been great."

And the work NEAT put into their application won't be wasted - the group intends to continue to offer easy low/no cost activities such as en-ergy awareness events and film screenings, and are planning another 'Veg Out' day too. The seeds and vegetable seedlings giveaway was very popular last year and NEAT hopes it will be an annual event from now on. Come along and 'Veg Out' on May 22nd - more de-tails coming soon.

“Veg Out Day'“

The Seeds and Vegetable Seedlings


on Saturday May 22nd 2010


The St George’s Community CentreThe St George’s Community Centre Part of the Netherfield Forum Part of the Netherfield Forum -- Centre Manager Centre Manager UpdateUpdate

Welcome to the Spring Edition of the Netherfield NewsWelcome to the Spring Edition of the Netherfield NewsWelcome to the Spring Edition of the Netherfield News The nights will soon be getting lighter and hopefully the extreme winter weather will be behind us. Just about the right time try something new. Here at St Georges & The Loco we are continually looking to provide new, interesting and exciting events and courses for the whole community to enjoy. As you can see from the front page our Choral Concert was a great success and we hope to repeat this in the very near future. We are also introducing lots of new courses in association with New College Nottingham. These range from Computer courses (3 days a week) to French, Salsa, Tarot, Angels & Fairies, Health & Beauty, Painting Landscapes and many more. Something for everyone. Most courses are free if you are in receipt of means tested benefits so pop into the Centre for a prospectus when your next passing and why not stay for a snack or drink in our Com-munity Cafe—Shunters. Their new Monday Roasts are soon to be famous!

Birthday Parties

Regular visitors to the Centre will know that we are a popular venue for Children's Birthday parties, both here and at the Loco Centre. We can help you with all the arrangements including providing the food, hiring bouncy castles and face paint-ers, disco’s and even the party bags to make your child’s party go with a swing and to make your day that little bit easier.

The History of the Forum

As many of you may know the Netherfield Forum was originally formed by a group of local residents wishing to make a difference to Netherfield. Their hard work over many years has provided Netherfield with a super Community Centre in St Georges and a fantastic youth of all ages provision at the Loco Centre. The Nether-field Forum are now welcoming new members to the forum who would like to make a difference to Netherfield, to support the continued running of both centres and Netherfield as a whole. Local residents, business peo-ple , professionals and interested people who have a skill and can offer a couple of hours a month are invited to join the forum to strengthen and improve the work we do. The forum was set up for the whole of Netherfield and within it has a voice that can achieve necessary changes within the Community. If you are interested in becoming a member or would like to hear more about the work of the forum please do not hesitate to contact me, Emma (pictured above) at the St Georges Centre or call 0115 9113302 or by completing the tear off form overleaf.

A Fond Farewell to 2 members of Staff

Michelle Swinson has worked for the Netherfield Forum for nearly 2 years she has contributed to the success of the Shunters Cafe and her work co l leagues and regu la r customers will miss her. Michelle and her daughter will be moving to just outside of Grimsby and we wish her well.

Allan Woolley, our caretaker is now set to retire and have a rest after 3 years working for the Centre. He will be sorely missed by the staff and customers. Allan, a big music fan and drummer in several bands is looking forward to working out in his gym and spending more time with his family


@ @ @


Look out for our Daily Specials

Monday to Friday


Shunters Cafe will continue to grow with plans for ex-tending the seating area by the end of 2010. In the meantime come along and enjoy the varied special lunches which we now have available on a daily basis.

Relax with friends over a latte coffee or bubbly hot chocolate.

Join the Monday ladies Sticky 13 club from 2-3pm and enjoy the freshly baked cream tea.

Our takeaway menu has be-come a popular addition to the services we have on of-fer here at St George’s Shunters Cafe. We look for-ward to you visiting us very soon.

Tea, Coffee or Hot

Chocolate with this

Take Away Specials St Georges Centre



0115 9113302


What would you like to see at St George’s & Loco Centre?

Here are some suggestions, please circle and return with your completed slip below

Chair Based Exercises



Guest Speakers

Language Courses

More Choral Concerts

Themed Dining




Street Dance Classes

After school


Tea Times

Craft & Table Top

Fairs Tea Dances

To win a free 2 course meal at Shunter’s

Complete the box below and return to St George’s Centre by 31st March 2010


Thank you for taking the time to complete this form – Please complete and return to St Georges’ Centre, 91 Victoria Road, Netherfield, Nottingham, NG4 2NN

Mr/Mrs/Ms: Family Name:…………………………….First Name: …………………………...............


……………………………………………………………........Post Code:…………………………..................

Tel no: ………………………………………. mobile no: ………………………………………....................

Would you like to become a member of the Netherfield Community Centre:-

I would like to see the following activities at the St George’s & Loco Centre.

(Please write your suggestions in the boxes)


? ? ? ?



139 Victoria Road, Netherfield, Nottingham

Magical Movers Music and Dance Group Magical Movers Mu-sic and Dance Group, previously known as Little Stars, now run 16 weekly classes for children aged 6 months - 4 years. Founder, Claire Ray-ment, established the music and dance group in 2004. As a qualified nursery nurse, dancer and mum of 3, Claire decided to put together her many years experi-ence in childcare and the performing arts to develop a fun and creative class for under 5’s. Each weekly 45 minute class is themed. Musical instruments, songs, games, toys, props and easy dance routines are incor-porated into each inspiring and interactive session. Classes allow young children to explore their own creativity through rhythm and play and enjoy their imagination. Claire, together with Rachel, Emma and Hannah run classes all over Nottingham and can be found at the Loco Centre every Wednesday morning. Class starts at 10am.



£3.00 per session

(one hour)

Ages 6-10 years 5-6pm


Ages 11-16 years 7-8pm The Loco Youth Centre is now running a 12 week

trampoline courses for complete beginners

We have a British Gymnastic Qualified Coach and Olympic Standard Trampoline

Work towards recognised badges and certificates, keep fit, stay healthy & have fun!!

For more information telephone The Netherfield Forum,

St George’s Centre on 0115 - 9113302 or call into reception.

HURRY BOOK YOUR PLACE NOW !! A medical questionnaire and consent form must be

completed before the start of the course.

Loco Youth Club (6-13)

Loco Youth Club (13-19)

Beaver Scouts (6-8)

Cub Scouts (8-10)

Astral Sport Karate

Magical Movers (Under 5’s Dance)

Loco Youth Club (6-13)

Loco Youth Club (13-19)

Scouts (10-14)

GKR Karate

Trampoline Club

Popular For Children’s Par-ties

GKR Karate



5.30pm- 6.30pm

6.45pm- 8.15pm








Enqu. @ St Geo’s















LOCO Centre

Activities for Young People


Community News

Win A Free Leisure Pass If you are 60 or over, take part in part in our Survey and get the chance to win a

FREE 1 Year Leisure Pass! Gedling Borough Council is presently carrying out a Scrutiny Review into the quality and effectiveness of Health Promotion Services for the Over 60’s in Gedling, and need your views. From March 2010, a freepost questionnaire is available from your local Leisure Centre, The St Georges Centre, Sheltered Housing Warden, Community Centre and G.P. Surgery, or contact Jane Ansell on 0115 9013627 for a copy.

If you are a “Silver Surfer” you can fill it in on line All completed questionnaires will be entered into a prize draw and the winner presented with a 1- year free Gedling Leisure Centre pass by the Mayor of Gedling. The review takes place until late spring 2010, and a report of our findings will be published on the Gedling Borough Council Website in late June 2010., where you can also find out more about Council Scrutiny and how you can get involved.


290-292 Carlton Hill



Tel:- 0115 9872179

0115 987 9105

Fax:- 0115 940 2510

Have your say!

Everyone is invited to have their say on a major document which, when final-ised, will set out how the borough will look in the future. The document is the Greater Nottingham Aligned Core Strategy: Option Consultation and follows on from an initial consultation exercise carried out last summer. This latest Option

for Consultation sets out a number of strategic policies to deal with issues like sustainable housing growth, climate change, environment and transport over the next 15 years. It also sets out in more de-tail our draft proposals to accommodate the housing targets required by Government.

The Option for Consultation is available for viewing and comments on the Planning Policy pages of the our website It is also available to view here at the Civic Centre, St George’s Cen-tre in Netherfield, Bestwood Village Miners Welfare and local libraries. People are invited to comment between mid February and mid April. Comments can be submitted either online or on paper forms which can be downloaded from our website, or picked up from the above mentioned venues.

For more information contact the Planning Policy team on ext 3733/3734, or email:


MickMickMick RobinsonRobinsonRobinson ButcherButcherButcher

52 Victoria Road, Netherfield Nottingham Telephone 961 5390 / Facsimile 940 4978


Hair and BeautyHair and Beauty

Call 0115 Call 0115 9614777 9614777

Victoria Road, NetherfieldVictoria Road, Netherfield

LaLa DiDi DaDa

Cuts from £12.00 Children £6.50Cuts from £12.00 Children £6.50

Sunbeds 50p a minSunbeds 50p a min

FAMILY EMPLOYMENT INITIATIVE Do you need support back into work and training?

Do you live in the Gedling area?

Help is now back at The St George’s Centre.

I’m Elle and I am your Family Employment Adviser.

I am at St George’s Centre on the following days:

Tuesday 1.30pm to 4.30pm Wednesday 9.00am to 12.00noon

Thursday 1.30pm to 4.30pm Friday 1.30pm to 4.30pm

I can be reached on 07790083394.

I am here to help you with CVs, to support you with job applications, interview skills, confidence building and signposting you into other agencies.

Elle Dring, Community Employment Advisor

FEI East Midlands Phone: 01623744400


Community News

Netherfield & Colwick Senior Citizens Club

Are you over 55 Years of Age & Would Like to Join a Club which meets once

a Month We meet on the first Friday of every month and both men and women are welcome. (Doors open approx 1.30pm).Start is 2pm till 3.30pm.

We have speakers and each December a Carol Service. We also have a Harvest Festival every year and a bring & Buy Sale. An Annual membership fee is payable of £2.50. We also have a party afternoon each year with entertainment and we do 3-4 bus trips each year.(you do have to be a member for 6 months to qualify to go on these) unless there are seats not taken. We also have raffle every month and we do wel-come raffle prizes. And lastly we have a cup of tea and bis-cuit at every meeting.

If You are Interested in

joining us, ring our Chair lady

Mrs Edna Gardiner

on 0115 9618123

IT @ THE LOCO Did you get a computer or lap-top for Christmas, or have you got one already?

Need Help?

Then come to the basic computer course which is held on

Mondays 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm & Tuesdays 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm

at the LOCO Centre for Youth in Netherfield.

Come along and learn how to use your computer to send and re-ceive emails, produce a CV and lots more useful tips.

From March 2010 there is intro-

duction to tracing your family tree. The course is being taken by John Butterworth a local com-puter trainer and genealogist, and is open to anyone with or without prior computer knowledge.

For further details contact St Georges Centre on Nottingham 0115 911 3302 or just drop in at the Loco Centre, 139a Victoria Road, Netherfield.


Community Tree Planting at Jackie

Bells Play Area

The ‘Friends of’ Jackie Bells Play Area would like to thank the community and the volunteers who came out to plant trees on Saturday 30 January 2010.

It was great to see the community enjoying the sunshine and get-ting stuck in. We managed to plant three Rowan trees, three Birch trees, three Liquidambar (Sweet Gum) trees, one edible Cherry tree and a Christmas tree. Approximately 40 residents and friends group members attended the event, in-cluding children from Netherfield Primary School who planted two trees. One youngster said: “this is the best day ever”.

Thanks go to our local councillors Barbara Miller, James O’Riordan, John Clarke and Allen Clarke for their financial assistance and practical help.

Support was also given by The Netherfield Fo-rum, Greenwood Community Forest, Gedling MP Vernon Coaker and the Netherfield Eco Action Team.

The friends group are hoping to hold more events and activities in the park throughout the year, in-cluding a planting day during Easter weekend.

If you would like to join in and want more infor-mation please contact Jane Richardson on 0115 901 39 63 (co-ordinator for the friends group).or come along to the next friends of meeting.

At the time of going to print a state of the art teen shelter has been installed on the park with money provided from Public Realm funds administered by Gedling Homes. On 3 March young people can share their design ideas with profes-sional Graffiti artist, Phil Riley, during an evening of consulta-tion held at the Loco Centre in Netherfield, starting at 7pm. The shelter will then be sprayed up with the designs, with the same group of young people assisting the artist, on Saturday 6 March between 1 and 6pm. All young peo-ple from the commu-nity are welcome to attend both activities. This project is being organised in partner-

ship with Nottingham-shire County Council Y o u t h S e r v i c e ,

Next Friends of Jackie Bells Meeting

Tuesday 2 March at 7pm at the

St Georges Centre


Can you Spare a Few Hours to

Become A Volunteer?

Have you a few hours a week to spare. The St Georges Centre are looking for volunteers to help us with a d m i n i s t r a t i o n , organising events, fund raising and helping out in the Community Café and even a bit of gardening.

If you would like to hear more of the benefits of becoming a volunteer please drop into the St Georges Centre for a chat.






Would You Like to be in Would You Like to be in thethe


If you wish to have an article

printed in the Netherfield News please

Contact Emma on 9113302. Deadline dates for articles or ad‐

verts are:‐

Summer Edition— Tues May 4th 2010 Autumn Edition—

Mon 2nd August 2010 Winter Edition—

Mon 1st November 2010 Articles must be in by these dates

For further enquiries please con‐

tact Emma Callow—Centre Manager

Gedling Homes Housing Surgery at St Georges Centre

Gedling Homes are pleased to announce the upcoming dates for their monthly housing surgery at the St George’s Centre this autumn and winter .

The surgery is for any tenant to come in to discuss housing issues such as anti-social behaviour, repairs or their rent account .

The Tenancy Services Manager Mark Vasey said “This service is a great way for our tenants to have direct contact with our staff to discuss any issue which is effecting them or their tenancy”

The surgeries will be the first Thursday of the month between 11am-1pm. The upcoming dates are:

Thursday 3rd March 2010

Thursday 1st April 2010

Thursday 6th May 2010 If you have any queries in relation to this then please contact the Tenancy Services team on 0115 905 1515 or email on

Community News

Come and Meet your Netherfield Community

Housing Officer, Christine who will be happy to help.

Your Police Beat Manager

Pc Pete Wolstenholme

Contact 0115 9670 999 Ext 6667/8 Or 0752 5226790 Next Beat Surgeries are

At the Co-op, Victoria Road on

Wed 17th Feb and Thurs 11th March 6.30pm—7 pm. 11 am till noon .

Valentines Pamper Day @ St Georges in conjunction with New College Nottingham

The Centre got in the mood for Valentines Day with our Valentines Pamper Day. Free mani-cures, Salsa sessions and Colour Healing along with craft stalls and Valentines themed treats from Shunters cafe were enjoyed by visi-tors to the Centre. If you would like to take part in any of the courses offered by NCN, just pick

up a brochure from St Georges Reception to see what courses they have to offer at St Georges & Loco Centres.


Gain a Central




Health & Wellbeing Pages

‘Getting Active in Gedling’

Become A Chair Based Exercise Leader

Nottinghamshire PCT funds Gedling Community & Voluntary Services (Gedling CVS) to deliver chair based exercise sessions across Gedling. The initiative has proved so successful that the CVS is for the third year running recruiting Chair Based Exercise Leaders.

In the first year of the project, 302 sessions were delivered across the borough with a total of 3221 attendees. Demand for the service outstrips sup-ply and Gedling CVS are now looking for ad-ditional volunteers to train to become chair based exercise leaders. The training is to take place on Friday 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th March 2010.

Designed to help im-prove strength, stamina, posture, circulation, range of movement and sleep patterns, the ses-sions are gentle, safe and effective. They may reduce the need for medication and the risk of accidents and falls. Above all they are an ideal way for older people to help maintain their inde-pendence in later years.

If you want to become a Chair Based Exercise Leader and be a part of something that is improving people’s quality of life in Gedling or if you are a member of a group or o rgan isa t ion (care homes, residential settings, lunch clubs etc…)who would like to take advantage of these sessions , please ask for

Sonia Lane at Gedling CVS on 0115 9266750

Community Outreach Service

If you or someone you know feels isolated or worried about how to manage something or simply wants some information about services available and are having trouble find-ing out about them, Age Concern’s There for You, which is supported by Link Age Plus and the Department of Work and Pensions, can help you. You may need practical help, to talk to someone, to get out more, to have some adaptations to your home or have someone speak for you about a particular matter. You might need help with transport, household repairs or help getting around. You might need information about other services available in your locality or need money and benefits advice.

Whatever it is you are having trouble managing or finding out about for yourself, There for You can put you in touch with the service you need, helping you remain in control and living an independent life.

Once you get in touch about yourself or refer someone else to our service, our advisor will arrange to visit you or them. She will then chat with you to work out what your needs are. It may be, however, that you already know exactly what you need and in that case we can simply take details over the phone and give you the relevant information about the services you require. Though you may of course need to pay for some of the services you decide upon, Age Concern’s There for You service itself is com-pletely free of charge as are many other Age Concern services.

For further details please contact Adele Walker, Age Con-cern’s Community Outreach Advisor for Gedling on: 07872 839624 OR Age Concern on 0115 8440011.

Pictured - Adele Walker—Community Outreach Advisor

Scentsations Florist

Friendly Professional Service

Balloons Gifts & Teddy Bears

Same Day Delivery Service

81 Victoria Rd, Netherfield Tel:- 0115 9404200

Flowers for all Occasions


Christmas Raffle Winner

Mary Ursell, a regular user of the Centre was overjoyed when she was told that she had won the beautiful Rocking Horse in the St Georges Christ-mas Raffle. She told us ”When I bought the ticket I gave the horse the name of Tia Maria as my great-granddaughter’s name is Tia. To have won this is better than winning the lottery”. Mary gave Tia Maria to Tia for her first Christ-mas and you can see her pictured right.

A Tribute to Mick Tucker

What can I say about my dad, he was such a kind and warm hearted man who would do anything for anyone. He and my mum got married on 21st Septem-ber 1968 at St Paul’s Church in Carlton and went on to live locally for over 40 years. My dad was a plas-terer by trade but his real passion was Martial Arts, he trained at shotokan karate for over 35 years and I can remember when he used to take me to karate competitions in his arms when I was still a baby. He loved martial arts and went onto to set his own asso-ciation up called Wandering Dragon Karate Associa-tion, I think one of his proudest moments in the sport was when the Wandering Dragon Karate Association Kata Team beat the England Team, also when I passed my 3rd dan black belt examination at the age of 21 and became the youngest 3rd dan in the country but unfortunately when he had a stroke 5 years ago he had to retire from the sport he so loved. He was also chairman of the New Station Road Social Club in Carlton where he had some good times. We were blessed and privileged to have had him in our lives but our great sadness is that he was taken away from us so early. You will be sadly missed.

Free Energy Monitors in Libraries

If you live in Derby, Derby-shire or Nottinghamshire you can borrow an Energy Monitor from your local li-brary in the same way you

would borrow a book.. Energy Monitors help you keep track of how much energy you are using in your home by telling you how much money you are spending and how much carbon dioxide your energy use is releasing into the atmosphere. You can use them to work out ways of reducing en-ergy usage in your home.

This fantastic scheme means that instead of pay around £40 to buy a monitor you can bor-row it for a few weeks. I’ve used one of these in my own home and a few weeks is more than long enough to work out where you are wasting energy and where you can cut your usage.

In Nottinghamshire the scheme was piloted in Rushcliffe and has recently been extended to the whole county as a result of a partnership be-tween the County Council, the Energy Saving Trust and all of the district and borough councils in the area.

Community News


THE W.D.K.A COMMITTEE:-Mr Wayne Tucker - 7th Dan

Mr John Binks - 4th DanMr Richard Farnsworth - 3rd Dan

Mr John Mulkerrin - 2nd Dan Mr Kevin Phenix - 2nd DanMr Daniel Gunn - 2nd Dan

Miss Keighly Taylor - 1st Dan



TUESDAY’S AND THURSDAY’S All Grades 6.45 - 7.45 pm.




O R TE L E P H O N E - 0 7 9 5 4 5 8 6 5 4 9 .

Your Local Club





Quality Carpets and Fitting

Free Estimates

Our World is at Your Feet

Many thanks to all of the Local Businesses who have Kindly supported this issue of the Newsletter

Key Cutting from £2.00

top related