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Post on 20-Aug-2020






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“Moving to OpenText Content Suite Platform as a Cloud Managed Service was by far the more attractive option, with lower cost of ownership.”Stephanie de Lustrac IS Service ManagerNeptune Energy

Neptune Energy streamlines document handling with OpenText Cloud Managed ServicesOpenText Content Suite Platform and OpenText Cloud Managed Services help lower operational costs and increase productivity

Success story

Access to the latest Content Suite Platform developments

Reduce operational costs and avoid costly infrastructure refresh

Managed Services in the Cloud provides built-in disaster recovery and resilience

Improved overall performance, especially for remote users

Neptune EnergyIndustry• Oil and Gas

Solution• OpenText™ Content Suite Platform

Services• OpenText Cloud Managed Services


Neptune Energy streamlines document handling with OpenText Cloud Managed Services

Neptune Energy is an oil and gas exploration and production (E&P) company, headquartered in France. More than 1,900 employees contribute to the continued growth of the business in Europe and the Mediterranean basin. Neptune Energy oversaw 343 licenses, totaling 699.2 Mboe (million barrels of oil equivalent) of 2P or proven and probable reserves and produced 59.1 Mboe in 2015.

Managing the lifecycle of documentation in a complex, highly distributed and regulated industry is a significant undertaking. Neptune Energy must be able to ensure that documents are accessible quickly, easily and from locations that span the globe, in a secure and controlled manner. For many years it had successfully managed business critical documenta-tion on-premises, using OpenText™ Document Management.

However, with increasing pressure from the business to upgrade to the latest offering from OpenText in order to provide better user functionality, the company faced an expensive and complex refresh of its increasingly obsolete infrastructure.

Cloud offers lower operational costs and improved performanceAcross the globe, 1,400 of Neptune Energy’s employees regularly use OpenText for the capture, storage and retrieval of a wide array of business documentation. Providing this service in the most cost-effective and effi-cient way is central to the overall operational efficiency of the business.

Stephanie de Lustrac, IS service manager at Neptune Energy explained further: “We knew our existing infrastructure was reaching the end of its useful life. We undertook a cost comparison study of a complete, in-house refresh, against the cost of moving to a cloud solution, managed by OpenText. Moving to OpenText™ Content Suite Platform as a Cloud Managed Service was by far the more attractive option, with lower cost of ownership.”

Neptune Energy has many remote locations that suffer from poor network bandwidth, which could not be addressed with the existing on-premises infrastructure. These are now benefitting from the im-provements in the speed of access to documentation that the move to OpenText cloud is providing.

“The business was really only interested in getting access to the new capabilities of OpenText Content Suite Platform, such as faceted search, user interface improvements, integration to Microsoft® Office and improved performance. However, the market is currently in a cost control mindset, so the economics of a move to the cloud had to add up too, and they do,” said de Lustrac.

By moving to the cloud with OpenText, Neptune Energy has been able to eliminate the need to refresh its infrastructure in this area. Operational and support costs are lower, too, as OpenText takes care of the man-agement and administration of the infrastructure.

Cloud Managed Services provides built-in disaster recoveryAnother shortfall of the old, on-premises solution was a lack of a workable disaster recovery plan.

“We always knew that should we suffer any kind of event resulting in the loss of our servers, we would have a huge task ahead of us to rebuild and recover. Now we don’t have that worry, as OpenText provides a resilient solution, with disaster recovery built in,” said de Lustrac.

Neptune Energy also benefits from OpenText managing the solution in the cloud because it means always having access to the latest functionality.

“Users really like the faceted search capability. They can quickly narrow down a search and get to the document they need faster than ever.” Stephanie de Lustrac IS Service ManagerNeptune Energy

Neptune Energy streamlines document handling with OpenText Cloud Managed Services

“Moving to the cloud raised questions internally around security. We had to involve multiple stakeholders in the decision to move our data into the cloud, but all were satisfied that OpenText is able to provide more than sufficient security for our needs,” said de Lustrac.

Fast deployment and positive user feedback drive adoptionNeptune Energy engaged the Professional Services team from OpenText. This gave the company access to extensive knowledge and expertise in the design and implementation of the new cloud managed solution.

“Thanks to the skills and dedication of the OpenText Professional Services team, the project was completed in just 14 weeks, in-cluding implementing customizations from the existing solution,” said de Lustrac.

User feedback has been positive, with many welcoming the new function-ality. Managing the change was a key part of the project, and users were prepared ahead of the go-live date. Access to the old, on-site system was allowed for a short period, with the caveat that any updates made to the old system would not be replicated in the new one.

“Users quickly adopted the new system, as it’s not hugely different to use from the old one. However, it does give them new facilities that they had been asking for, which we couldn’t previously provide,” said de Lustrac.

The solution is now providing Neptune Energy with two main work areas: one for working documents, and a second for reference or published documents. Users can propose that a document becomes a published reference document through the built-in workflow capabil-ities. This triggers an approval to the relevant document manager, who then accepts or rejects, notifying the requester. The whole process is lean and efficient, saving time.

Finding information is now quicker than ever. The solution is integrated to Neptune Energy Microsoft® Exchange email and Microsoft® Outlook® desktop, making it quick and easy for users to save emails. Also, a geo-graphic information system (GIS) is used to provide a map of assets in the field, which users can click through to access relevant documents, a great benefit for users out in the field at installation sites.

“Users really like the faceted search capability. They can quickly narrow down a search and get to the document they need faster than ever,” said de Lustrac.

With the move to OpenText Cloud Managed Services, not only has Neptune Energy streamlined its document processes, users are more efficient, and there is a solid foundation from which to build for the future.

About OpenTextOpenText, The Information Company, enables organizations to gain insight through market leading information management solutions, on-premises or in the cloud. For more information about OpenText (NASDAQ: OTEX, TSX: OTEX) visit

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