nepal trekking, trekking in nepal 2015

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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Peak Clim bing in Nepal

Peak Climbing in Nepal is a challenging alpine experience in Himalayas of Nepal. Nepal

Footprint Holiday operates peak climbing adventures in Nepal to some of the most beautiful Trekking peaks, which take just few days to climb (max- 5 days). Every peak climbing adventure

in Nepal is technically safe guided by veteran Sherpa Climbers.

Peak Climbing in Nepal is considered as the sport, profession, or recreational activity of

Climbing or going up the mountains. It is a more challenging than a simple hiking; where one have to trek on higher altitudes. Although the toughest, this outdoor activity is also the most

fulfilling.Peak climbing in Nepal is all about challenge and determination, about putting hands and feet onto rocks and ice and snow and finally reaching a summit. There, high above the world of cities and civilization, the climber can pause and look across a natural world ruled by nature

and her precise beauty.

Peak climbing in Nepal Himalayas is a dream for many climbers. With world's most of high mountains and more than 1300 snow capped peaks, Nepal is justifiably the most popular

destination for mountaineering expeditions.After the first ascent on Everest in 1953, people knew more about amazing climbing opportunities in Nepal.

The peaks we are talking about are not Everest , Cho Oyu or the Manaslu, but peaks with lower height and easier climbing.Often these peaks are referred as "trekking peaks of Nepal" by some western writers as most of them can be combined to your trek to Everest , Annapurna or

Langtang region. However "trekking peaks of Nepal" is a misguiding and romantic phrase. Almost all these peaks are higher than the highest mountains in Europe, US or Africa. Some of

them do require technical climbing skill and only a professional climbers should attempt. However some others can be climbed by first timers with good fitness and basic climbing skills.


河边外,最重要的,是因为在世界上最高峰 - 珠峰的氛围下徒步。徒步已在尼泊尔成为最受欢迎的度假活









各式的节日庆祝。近年来,大多数尼泊尔徒步路径,如珠峰基地营(EBC)、珠峰三大隘口区域(Three passes

of Everest region)、GOKYO湖区(Gokyo Lakes trial)、安纳普尔纳基地营(ABC)、安娜普娜环状(Annapurna

circuit)、马纳斯鲁环状(Manaslu Circuit)、潘恩山(Poon Hill),蓝塘地区(Langtang region) 等,沿途皆有茶

馆,提供住宿,食物和休闲服务,而几条充满冒险的露营徒步路线如Kanchenjunga circuit trek及 Dhaulagiri




时, 有些徒步路径可沿着背风面处行走,如Upper Mustang 及 Lower Mustang。

Icicles Adventure是由一群拥有数十年徒步与旅游经验的专业团队所组成,您可以信任并将您的假期交给我

们。 请浏览我们的网站,选择自己感兴趣和适合你的方案。如果你正在寻找客制化的方案,只要留下您感

兴趣的详细内容,我们将马上回复你。我们的行程都经过精心设 计并有足够的时间适应环境与海拔高度。




Female Trekking Guide in Nepal is about empowering ladies making them trust in their capacities, a

venture to make them chivalrous and tender brand envoys of this rough daring experience. Female

Trekking guide in Nepal is a liberal step towards building an independent society particularly for the

ladies living in the remote mountain territories dominant part of who are inwardly, physically and

monetarily insecure and facing hardships obliged to live denied life cycle. Initially, ladies in Nepal were

hesitant to take up this method for work, however with satisfactory direction and inspiration they have

now begun to acknowledge this occupation professionally. Nonetheless, man dominated society of

Nepal has been finding it difficult to acknowledge the females of the general public in this dari ng

employment yet a few females trekking guides have possessed the capacity to break this pattern and

have gradually taken to terms and relentlessly kept pace with the trekking calling and affirmed

themselves to be superior to male trekking guides.

Among a modest bunch of trekking associations

that advance female trekking guide culture in Nepal, Icicles Adventure Trek & Tours is one of them.

Icicles Adventure is certainly one of the best female situated trekking associations leading trekking

enterprises with total accuracy and significance. We give best proficient female trekking guides in Nepal.

In spite of the fact that our female trekking guides in Nepal are favored for the most part by female

trekkers, nowadays because of their delicate nature, great administration, sincerity towards

employment and polished skill, male trekkers are likewise inclined to lean toward female trekking guides

instead of the customary standard of opting male trekking guides. Given that for female trekkers

trekking with a female trekking guide has various favorable circumstances and concealed highlights

joined to it. A female trekking guide in Nepal is ideally equipped particularly for the female guests, in the

event that they make a trek to this some piece of the world alone or with a gathering can exploit this

opportunity with a minimum object. Every single trekking trip may give various types of afflictions and

physical issues for which approaching a male trekking guide may be cumbersome, however in the event

that the same happens while on trekking with a female trekking guide it can be effectively sent

crosswise over and an answer can be determined there direct. Female trekking guides are more specific

and methodical in their methodology and they regard the visitors or guests as one of them. Female

Trekking adventure is not just about providing customized bolster and administrations on trekking

voyages or just responsibility and confirmation of best esteemed administrations, yet an unceasing

guarantee of cleverness, fellowship and making it a point of happiness and maybe even changes the

viewpoint of your life.

Annapurna Base Camp trek is the most preferred trekking site for all trekkers, the combination of easy

walking and majestic scenery makes the trek to Annapurna Base Camp (4130m) commonly known as

Annapurna sanctuary, one of the most popular treks in Nepal. You can enjoy with mountain views,

bamboo, deep rhododendron forests, Snike River, water falls and a mix of unparallel cultures as you

venture deep into the Annapurna Himal. You can enjoy natural beauty of pristine glaciers, deep gorges,

fascinating life styles and culture of inhabitant's settlements. On the starting day, normally planned for

Ghorepani, a short climb up to Poon Hill is worth doing to get a sweeping view of the entire western

Himalaya, including the giant Dhaulagiri.

Our Annapurna Base Camp trekking from beautiful town of Pokhara, cross river beds and terraced

hillsides, blazing rhododendron and oak forests, to picturesque Ghandurung, the principle village of

Gurungs. We go to the deep narrow corridor of Madi Gorge, entrance to sanctuary, a spectacular

mountain amphitheatre formed by the towering peaks of Annapurna south, Fang, Annapurna I & II,

Gangapurna, Glacier Dome and Machhapuchhree. Then, you descend though the gorge and cross

Deurali Pass from which you can have a bird's eye view of the Kali Gandaki valley.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek is a celebrated walk at the foothills of Annapurna and Machhapuchhre

ranges which takes you through a lot of captivating sights and finally to very heart of the Annapurna

mountain ranges that will keep you absorbed in the moment. Mt. Annapurna, being the tenth highest

peak of the world, every adventure seeker accomplishes a sense of pride after reaching its foot.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek is a break to be at the base of some of the world’s highest mountains, a

period to get enthralled being among the enormous glaciers, an occasion to walk through rice paddies,

rhododendron and pine forests, temples, waterfalls; a prospect to watch the sunrise over the

spectacular snow capped peaks from Poonhill, an offer to get an insight of the people who inhabit

among the Annapurna hills, and an offer to discover the flora and fauna in the subtropical forest to

blooming rhododendron forest and pine bushes. Finally, Annapurna base camp trek is an opportunity to

picture you with the Himalayan giants Dhaulagiri, Annapurna South, Fishtail Tukuche Nilgiri, Annapurna

I, Manaslu, Hiunchuli and Tarke Kang and many others at the background.

Posted 4 weeks ago by Icicles Adventure Treks And Tours


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Manaslu Circuit Trek Manaslu Circuit Trekking is considered one of the most challenging treks in Nepal; it is rewards the

adventurous with an unparalleled alpine experience. The Manaslu circuit offers a perfect combination of

rich culture heritage, unsurpassed Himalayan beauty, spectacular scenic beauty, fascinating Tibetan

culture and a rich mountain biological diversity. Manaslu at 8118 meters is the 8th highest peak in the

world and is located near to the border of Nepal and Tibet. The name Manaslu means "The Spirit-

Mountain" in the local dialect, referring to the benevolent and strong deity, which dwells within.

Trekking in Manaslu region is one of the most delightful adventures. If you would like to sample both

extremes of the trekking experience in Nepal, and really get to see what all the excitement is about in

terms of the most breath-taking mountain scenery on earth, then look no further than the Manaslu

circuit via the Larkya La. Pass. It is challenging trip requiring good physical fitness and stamina.

The standard Manaslu circuit trekking usually begins from Arughat and ends at Dharapnai in Annapurna


Manaslu circuit trek offers a unique opportunity to experience a reasonably "untouched" region of

Nepal. This trek follows a route that has long been covered by Himalayan buffs, going north behind

Himalchuli Peak 29 (7,835 m.) and Mt. Manaslu (8,118 m.)

Itinerary in Details Day 01: Arrive at Tribhuwan International Airport (TIA) Kathmandu.

You are welcomed by hospitable meeting and then you will be transferred to hotel. Our airport

representative will explain briefly the program upon arrival. Overnight at Hotel.

Day 02: Trek preparation and Kathmandu Valley Sihgtseeing tour.

Sightseeing of world heritage sites in Kathmandu valley including, Kathmandu Darbar square,

Swayambhunath Temple , Boudhanath Stupa & Pashupatinath Temple. Overnight at Hotel.

Day 03: Drive Kathmandu to Arughat (640meters) 8 hours.

Your Trekking staff will come to your Hotel early in the morning at 7.00 am to pick you up; from there

we have an 8 hour driving journey to Arughat. From Kathmandu to Dhading Bensi (The district

headquarter of Dhading1050m) for 4 hours is comfortable drive but from there to Arugat for another 4

hours we will be driving on rough road. Overnight at Tented Camp.

Day 04: Arughat to Soti Khola (775meters) 6 hours.

Along the Budhi Gandaki River toward its point of origin. We pass the village of Morder and Simre to

reach Arkhat River. After Arkhat we ascend slowly toward Kyoropani. Camp today nears the confluence

of Seti River - an ideal place to take a fresh water bath. Overnight at Tented Camp.

Day 05: Soti to Machha Khola (900meters) 5.30 hours.

Trail descends slowly until you climb again to mountain ridge to Almara. Pass the forest trail to arrive at

Riden Gaon. The valley here cuts into another side of the river to enter Budhi Gandaki. At Lambesi, the

trail follows down to the sandy river bed of Budhi Gandaki. Camp tonight at Machha River. Overnight at

Tented Camp.

Day 06: Machha Khola to Jagat (1340meters) 6 hours.

After crossing Machha River and Khrola besi, there is a hot spring called "Tatopani". The trail follows

forested area after this toward Dovan. Below Dovan, there is a huge rapid at Budhi Gandaki. As the

elevation increases, the rapids and the scenery undergoes a complete transformation. Overnight at

Tented Camp.

Day 07: Jagat to Ngyak (2310meters) 6 hours.

After ascending to a terraced hill of Saguleri and view of Sringi Himal (7177 meters) we continue toward

Sirish Gaon, Gandaki valley narrows from herewith soaring precipitous walls. Overnight at Tented Camp.

Day 08 : Ngyak to Ghap (2100meters) 6 hours.

Follow the trail upstream of Deng River - a tiny village of 4 houses. We walk through a newly built rock

tunnel from here, thus avoiding the traditional steep climb. At Ghap, the Tibetan culture begins with

Mani stones and chortens all around. Overnight at Tented Camp.

Day 09: Ghap to Lho (3200meters) 6 hours.

After crossing the wooden bridge over Budhi Gandaki we follow the path lined with houses that are

interspersed with cultivated fields. At Namru, there is a police check post again. After Namru, across the

Hinan river originating from Linda Glacier and continue on to Sho. Naike peak, Manaslu north (7774

meters) and Manaslu (8150 meters) are visible from here. Tonight we camp near a spring at Lho gaon - a

small village. Overnight at Tented Camp.

Day 10: Lho to Samagompa (3500meters) 6 hours.

You will pass the stone gate and long Mani stone wall of the village after Lho with full view of Peak 29

ahead. You can make a side excursion to Pungen Glacier from here to get a very close up view of

Manaslu. Follow the lateral moraine of Pungen Glacier toward Sama. From the village of Sama, it takes

another 20 minutes to reach Sama Gompa for night halt. Overnight at Tented Camp.

Day 11: Samagompa to Stone Hut (4500meters) 5 hours.

Today we climb a terraced hill on the opposite bank of Budhi Gandaki River from here toward a most

remote permanent settlement - Samdo. Here amid the most sever conditions of nature live some 200

villagers in forty houses check-by-jowl. Camp at Stone Hut. Overnight at Tented Camp.

Day 12: Acclimatization and exploration day.

We will spend a day here in order to acclimatize and adjust to the reduction of the air and also for local

excursion. Overnight at Tented Camp.

Day 13: Stone Hut - Cross Larkya La (5215meters) and trek Bhimphedi (3590meters) 8 hours.

We first climb towards Cho Chanda and then slowly head steeply uphill towards the snowed-up pass.

From the top the panorama is magnificent: Himlung Himal (7126meter), Cheo Himal (6820meters),

Gyagi Kung, Kang Kuru (6981meters) and the Annapurna II (7937meters). The descent is steep, through

moraines, towards Bhimphedi. Overnight at Tented Camp.

Day 14: Bhimphedi to Tilje (3900meters) 5 hours.

The route gets easier. We start with a gentle climb through paddy fields towards the small Karcha La

pass and descend through fig tree and rhododendron forests to Tilje. Overnight at Tented Camp.

Day 15: Tilje to Tal (1725meters) 5 hours.

Follow the trail downstream of Marshyangdi River, passing through the scattered villages to reach Tal

village for overnight stay. Overnight at Tented Camp.

Day 16: Tal to Jagat (1300meters) 5 hours.

Today the trail runs gently downstream of the river passing the village of Chamje and Himal pani We will

have overnight stay at Jagat. Overnight at Tented Camp.

Day 17: Jagat to Besisahar (720m) 6 hours.

Descending gently for 30 minutes and the trail runs gently down to Syange village, and then catch the

jeep to Besisahar, Overnight at Tented Camp.

Day 18: Drive back Besisahar to Kathmandu by bus 7 hours. Overnight at hotel.

Day 19: Leisure day in Kathmandu. Overnight at hotel.

Day 20: Transfer to the International Airport for your home departure. “Farewell”

Service Includes

All local transportation by suitable vehicle (car, van, bus) in Kathmandu Four nights’ accommodation with breakfast at 3 – 4 star category hotels in Kathmandu. A day Kathmandu sightseeing as per itinerary with tour guide & entry fees Kathmandu to Arughat & Besisahar to Kathmandu both ways by bus Meal on full board (breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea & coffee) prepared by our expert camping cook. Twin sharing accommodation on tented camp during the trek An experience Guide (trained by Ministry of tourism), required number of porters, their food,

accommodation, salary, insurance, equipments. Manaslu conservation & Annapurna conservation entry fees and TIMS Permit

Trekking equipment (two men tent, dining tent, kitchen tent, Table with chairs, kitchen utensils, Down sleeping bag / Jackets, walking sticks, and other necessary equipments during the trek).

Special Manaslu permit (Manaslu Circuit Trekking is in Restricted zone, we need special permit to visit this area)

Annapurna conservation entry fee and TIMS Permit Safe drinking water, Boiled/Iodine tablets First aid medical kit bag All government and local taxes Office service charge

Service Excludes

Meals whilst in Kathmandu allow US$ 10 - US$ 12 per meal. Travel insurance (if you want us to arrange your travel insurance, we would greatly be happy to

assist). International air fare to and from Nepal.

Nepal entry visa , you can obtain a visa easily upon your arrival at Tribhuwan International Airport in Kathmandu. (Tourist Visa with Multiple Entry for 30 days can be obtained by paying US $ 40 or equivalent foreign currency. Similarly, Tourist Visa with Multiple Entry for 90 days can be obtained by paying US $ 100. Please bring 2 copies of passport size photos.) US$ 40 (duration 30 days from date of issue)- you may easily issue the visa upon your arrival at Tribhuwan International Airport - Kathmandu.

Items of a personal nature Any kind of alcoholic drinks, hot water, hot shower, cold drinks, laundry, phone call and

internet. Tips for guide, porters, driver. ( Tipping is expected)

Explore the Himalayas | Experience the adventure

Nepal, being the top holiday destination for adventure activities like trekking, peak climbing, hiking,

rafting, paragliding and bungee jumping etc.; it definitely satisfies the hunger of every passionate

adventure explorers around the world. We, Icicles adventure treks would like to offer you all these

exciting and thrilling packages and exhibit to the whole world what holiday in Nepal has to offer.

Whether it be trekking adventures in the most popular regions of Nepal (Annapurna, Everest and

Langtang) or exploring wilderness in the jungle safari at Chitwan National Park; the reason to visit Nepal

is limitless.

Tibet tours and trekking in Bhutan are other equally exciting and trips that we have been running. You

will not only get the satisfaction from trekking and sightseeing but also get an opportunity to learn and

explore about local tradition, culture and lifestyle. The blend of experienced team, professional service,

technical knowledge, good relations, safety concerned and reasonable priced makes us the best option

for selecting Icicles as your travel and trekking partner.

Langtang Valley Trek

Langtang Valley Trek starts from the lower Langtang, through its forests and among the villages and

farmlands of its people, many of who are of Tibetan origin. The valley offers pine forest, swift mountain

streams, rugged rock and snow- capped peaks, grassy downs and meadows strewn with daisies and wil d


Langtang valley trek gives an opportunity to discover the pure blend of natural beauties like scenic

landscapes, snow-capped mountains, rhododendron forests and cultural glimpse of Tamang and Sherpa

people. It is an adventure of 8 days in Langtang region near Tibet and possesses the similar geographic

structure and surroundings like of Tibetan highlands.

langtang is closer to Kathmandu than other trekking regions, it is lies in the area of Tibetan culture and

the home of the Yak. In the upper part of the valley there are snow ridges spanning angry torrents, high

passes enveloped in mist, tiny lakes of crystalline brightness and glaciated mountain giants. The trek

starts from Dhunche or Syabru Bensi and ends at the same point.

During the trek we can view the Langtang National Park, with wildlife and interesting animals and birds

such as monkeys, musk deer, Danphe, national bird of Nepal, red pandas etc. From Langtang village, the

track continues to Kyangjin Gompa (3,740 m), the site of the Yala Cheese Factory.

Itinerary in Details Day 01: Arrive at Tribhuwan International Airport (TIA) Kathmandu.

You are welcomed by hospitable meeting and then you will be transferred to hotel. Our airport

representative will explain briefly the program upon arrival. Overnight at Hotel. B & B

Day 02: Trek preparation and Kathmandu Valley Sihgtseeing Tour.

Sightseeing of world heritage sites in Kathmandu valley including, Kathmandu Darbar square,

Swayambhunath Temple , Boudhanath Stupa & Pashupatinath Temple. Overnight at Hotel. B & B

Day 03: Drive to Syabru Bensi (1462 meters) by bus 7 Hrs.

Drive from Kathmandu to Syabru Besi which takes about eight hours by bus. You head north out of

Kathmandu driving through scenic foothills and ridgeline vistas to Syabru Besi passing through Dhunche.

While passing along the road at the bank of Trisuli River you catch a glimpse of Ganesh Himal, terraces

and green hills. As you pass through Dhunche you feel as if you are heading towards deep land. A t the

same time, you notice that the road is still under construction. Overnight at Guest House.

Day 04: Trek to Lama Hotel (2500 meters) 5 Hrs.

Today, the first part of the trail crosses through Bhote Koshi and follows the Langtang Khola. This trail is

gradually climbs to Bamboo passing through the Landslide area. Afterwards, your trek ascends gently to

Ramche (2400meters) through Bamboo (1960meters) which lies at the bank of Langtang Khola. You can

have lunch at this place if you like. And at the end your trail is level to the Lama Hotel. En route you

could see red pandas, monkeys and bears if you’re lucky. Overnight at Guest House.

Day 05: Trek to Langtang Village (3307 meters) 5 Hrs.

The trek route follows Gumanechok, Ghoda Tabela literally it means the Horse Stable. After this the trail

is slightly gradual and beautiful in the valley with the grazing Yaks. Langtang village is one of the very

local and old villages along this trekking route and the view from here is more spectacular. Overnight at

Guest House.

Day 06: Trek to Kyangjin Gompa (3798 meters) 4 Hrs.

Today is a shorter walk but enough for acclimatization. The surroundings are interesting also because of

the famous Cheese factory. This beautiful valley in the lap of the Langtang Lirung and othe r around. A

place to explore the valley and lots of small peaks to climb. Overnight at Guest House.

Day 07: Kyangjin Gompa Exploration!

Today is a day to rest and explore the area. You can visit the monastery and the cheese factory, walk up

the moraine to see the spectacular ice faces and tumbling glaciers of Langtang Lirung or ascend Kyangjin

RI (4350meters) which is highest point of this trek, directly behind the village, for a breath-taking

panorama of the Langtang peaks. Overnight at Guest House.

Day 08: Trek back to Lama Hotel (2500 meters) 5.30 Hrs. Overnight at Guest House.

Day 09: Trek to Syabru Bensi (1462 meters) 5 Hrs. Overnight at Guest House.

Day 10: Drive back to Kathmandu by bus. 7 Hrs. Overnight at Hotel.

Day 11: Drive to Tribhuwan international airport (TIA) for your home departure! “Farewell”

Cost Included

All Airport / hotel / pick up & drop by private car / van. Three nights’ accommodation with breakfast at 3* category hotel in Kathmandu. Kathmandu city tours, inclusive of all entry fees, tour guide by private car / van. Meals breakfast, lunch and dinner with tea & coffee during the trek. Best available twin sharing lodge to lodge accommodation during in the mountain. One highly experienced, helpful and friendly Guide, required porters (1 porter between 2

people), their food, accommodation, salary, equipments & insurance etc.. Kathmandu - Syabru Sensi - Kathmandy surface transfer by Bus/Jeep. Down Jacket & Sleeping Bag during your Langtang valley trek. First Aid medical kit. Langtang national park permit fee, TIMS - Trekkers Information Management System. Government taxes & Office Service charge.

Not Included

Meals whilst in Kathmandu allow US$ 10 - US$ 12 per meal. Travel insurance (if you want us to arrange your travel insurance, we would greatly be happy to

assist). International air fare to and from Nepal. Nepal entry visa , you can obtain a visa easily upon your arrival at Tribhuwan International

Airport in Kathmandu. (Tourist Visa with Multiple Entry for 30 days can be obtained by paying US $ 40 or equivalent foreign currency. Similarly, Tourist Visa with Multiple Entry for 90 days can be obtained by paying US $ 100. Please bring 2 copies of passport size photos.) US$ 40 (duration 30 days from date of issue)- you may easily issue the visa upon your arrival at Tribhuwan International Airport - Kathmandu.

International Airport Tax in Nepal - approx. US$ 24. Items of a personal nature Any kind of alcoholic drinks, hot water, hot shower, cold drinks, laundry, phone call and

internet. Tips for guide, porters, driver..

Langtang valley trek Map

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Friday, March 20, 2015

Annapurna ciruit Trek, Annapurna Round Trek

Annapurna circuit trekking is best described as the most happening incentive trekking destination of

Nepal. It has been proved as a highly praised and spectacular trekking route in the Annapurna region

since it opened to foreign trekkers in 1977. The trek starts right from Besisahar and goes along the

Marshyangdi River, with great view of Manaslu and Himal Chuli to the east. This magnificent trek leads

you to the fine village inhabited by a wide diversity of people from different ethnic groups, offering

spectacular and majestic view of the white Himalayas. As it continues to the north of the main

Himalayan range on to the high and dry Tibetan Plateau, the scenery is equally breathtaking.

Our trek has two options: either you can fly Jomsom to Pokhara or continue the trek in the Annapurna

loop, Ghorepani ,Poon Hill then finish at Pokhara. The Annapurna Circuit starts with a drive to Besisahar

and winds through lush, subtropical forests and traditional farming terrace villages of west Nepal. Every

ridge brings a Himalayan panorama with Annapurna and Himalchuli soaring above. This is a magnificent

trek that follows the Marshyangdi Khola (river) from the subtropical lowlands to the Manang basin and

then crosses the Thorung La (5416m) by descending to the deepest gorge in the world, the Kali Gandaki.

Annapurna Circuit Trekking is considered to be the traditional trek in the Annapurna region. The

highlight of this trip is to reach the sacred site of Muktinath temple through the trek over the 5416m

Thorong La pass. Also Annapurna circuit trekking is one of the classic treks in the world where it is

possible to make the trekking itinerary short or long as trekkers demand because who those who a have

short time frame can take a flight from Jomsom to Pokhara and those who have enough time have

options to continue to Ghorepani Poon hill finish at Birethanti (Nayapul). Between Jomsom and

Ghorepani there are natural hot springs in Tatopani where tourists enjoy taking hot baths.

Itinerary in Details Day 01: Arrive at Tribhuwan International Airport (TIA) Kathmandu.

You are welcomed by hospitable meeting and then you will be transferred to hotel. Our airport

representative will explain briefly the program upon arrival. Overnight at Hotel. B.B

Day 02: Trek Preparation and Kathmandu Valley Sihgtseeing tour.

Sightseeing of world heritage sites in Kathmandu valley including, Kathmandu Darbar square,

Swayambhunath Temple , Boudhanath Stupa & Pashupatinath Temple. Overnight at Hotel. B.B

Day 03: Drive from Kathmandu to Besisahar (790m) 6 Hrs.

Trekking staff will arrive at your Hotel to pick you up, we have 6 hours of driving to Besishar. It is about

185km from Kathmandu. On arrival at Besisahar you will witness stunning snow caped mountain

scenery. Overnight at Guest Gouse. B.L.D

Day 04: Trek to Bahundanda (1310m) 5 Hrs. Today our journey starts at Besisahar, from where, the trail

makes the climb to Khudi at 790m, we then reach the first Gurung village (many of Nepal’s Gurkha

Soldiers are Gurungs). As we continue from Khudi the trail offers fine views of Himalchuli and Peak 29

(Ngadi Chuli). It climbs to Bhulbhule at 825m; it then goes to Ngadi before reaching Bahundanda at

1310m. Overnight at Guest Gouse. B.L.D

Day 05: Trek to Chyamje (1400m) 6 Hrs. Today the trail drops steeply to Syange at 1070m from

Bahundanda crossing the Marshyangdi River on a suspension bridge. We then follow the river to the

stone village of Jagat before climbing through forest to Chyamje at 1400m. Overnight at Guest Gouse.


Day 06: Trek to Bagarchhap (2160m) 5 Hrs. The day begins with the rocky trail following the

Marshyangdi rivers steadily uphill to Tal at 1675m, the first village in the Manang district. We make a

trailverse crossing a wide, flat valley. The trail then climbs a stone stairway to 1860m till another

stairway. The journey continues making up and down to Dharapani at 1890m. There we find a stone

entrance chorten typical of the Tibetan influenced villages from here northwards. We then arrive

Bagarchhap, offers the typical flat roofed stone houses of local Tibetans design although the village

which is still in the transition zone before the dry highlands. Overnight at Guest Gouse. B.L.D

Day 07: Trek to Chame (2630m) 6 Hrs. With often rough and rocky, the trail climbs to Tyanja at 2360m,

& then continues through forest, but near the river, to Kopar at 2590m. As we reach the Chame, the

headquarters of the Manang district, we are rewarded by the fine views of Annapurna II as you

approach Chame & two small hot springs by the town. Overnight at Guest Gouse. B.L.D

Day 08: Trek to Pisang (3300m) 5 Hrs. The day starts through deep forest in a steep and narrow valley,

crosses a river on a long bridge at 2910m. We then cross another bridge at 3040m, from there the view

of the soaring Paungda Danda rock face really begins to appear. From there the trail joins to climb to

Pisang, which sprawls between 3200m & 3300m. Overnight at Guest Gouse. B.L.D

Day 09: Trek to Manang (3500m) 4 Hrs. Today we continue through the drier upper part of the Manang

district, cut off from the full effect of the monsoon by the Anapurna Range. People of this region, herd

yaks & raise crops for part of the year besides, they also continue to enjoy special trading rights gained

way back in 1784.

Leaving Pisang, we have an alternate trails north and south of the Marshyangdi River which meet up

again at Mungji. The southern route by Hongde, with its airstrip, at 3325m involves less climbing than

the northern route via Ghyaru, though there are better views on the trail that follows the northern bank

of the river. From Mungji, the trail continues past the picturesque but partially hidden village of Bryanga

at 3475m to nearby Manang at 3500m. Overnight at Guest Gouse. B.L.D

Day 10: Manang - Acclimatization day Today we spend a day acclimatizing in Manang. The whole day

we spend by doing some fine day walks and over viewing the magnificent views around the village and

the day time is best to gain altitude. At the end of the day, we return back to our accommodation &

have a night rest. Overnight at Guest House. B.L.D

Day 11: Trek to Ledar (4250m) 5 Hrs. Today we leave Manang, and the trail makes an ascent of nearly

2000m to the Thorung La pass. We make the climb steadily through Tenki, leaving the Marshyangdi

Valley. Continuing along the Jarsang Khola Valley, we reach Ledar at 4250m, there we see the

vegetations steadily more sparse. Overnight at Guest Gouse. B.L.D

Day 12: Trek to Phedi or High Camp (4600m) 4 Hrs. The trail descends to cross the river at 4310m we

then climb up to Phedi at 4420m or at High Camp on the elevation of 4600m. Overnight at Guest Gouse.


Day 13: Trek to Muktinath (3800 meters) via Thorung La pass (5416 meters) 8 Hrs. The journey from

Phedi “foot of the hill” or at the foot to the 5416m Thorung La pass, begins the day. We then make the

climb steeply that is regularly used and easy to follow. However, the problem may arise due to the

altitude and snow. It often causes terrible problem to cross the pass if it is covered by snow. Abo ut four

hours climb up to the pass marked by the chortens & prayer flags. As you reach the top, you are

rewarded by the magnificent view from the top. Overnight at Guest Gouse. B.L.D

Day 14: Trek to Marpha (2670 meters) 6 Hrs. Our descent continues through the Kali Gandaki Valley to

Marpha. Marpha is home to many apple orchids as well as all the various food products made from the

fruit. Apple Brandy is a local specialty that you may be lucky enough to taste en route. Overnight at

Guest Gouse. B.L.D

Day 15: Trek to Ghasa (2010 meters) 6 Hrs. We descend through the valley following the Kali Gandaki

River to Ghasa. We walk along the bank of Kali Gandaki River. Overnight at Guesthouse.

Day 16: Trek to Tatopani (1190 meters) 5 Hrs. Today, we will walk through the world’s deepest gorge in

the Earth at Kopchepani; we then continue descending through the Kali Gandaki River valley to

Tatopani. This place is famous for its hot springs. This is the best place to relax your body after a long

days trek, we will have one more extra day here tomorrow to relax. Overnight at Guest Gouse. B.L.D

Day 17: Rest and Relaxing day at Tatopani.Overnight at Guest Gouse. B.L.D Day 18: Trek to Ghorepani

(2810 meters) 7 Hrs.

Leaving the hot springs, we ascend again to Ghorepani arriving mid afternoon. Overnight at Guesthouse.

Day 19: Hike to Poon Hill (3210meters) and trek to Tikhedhunga (1570meters) 5 Hrs. Today, very early

in the morning, we start an hour hiking to Poon Hill at elevation of 3210meters, a brilliant spectacle; this

vantage point provides unobstructed views of the early morning sunrise over the high Himalayas. There

we spend about 1 hour, then return to Ghorepani where we take a hot breakfast at the hotel then trek

down to Tikhedunga (1570meters). Before starting towards Tikhedhunga, we then walk down along the

ridges and through rhododendron forests to large Magar village of Ulleri at 2070meters. After that we

descend steeply down to Tikhedunga. Overnight at Guest Gouse. B.L.D

Day 20: Trek to Nayapul (1010 meters) 3 hours and drive to Pokhara

Today, we are going to end our trek at Nayapul at elevation of 1010 meters, then driving to Pokhara for

an hour by private vehicle. We have short and easy walking day for today. Overnight at Hotel. B.L.D

Day 21: Drive back to Kathmandu (1345meters) 6 Hrs. Overnight at Hotel. B.B

Day 22: Transfer to International Airport for your home departure. "Farewell"

Note: B&B = Bed & Breakfast, B.L.D = Full Board Service ( Bed, Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner)

Our Cost Included During Trip!

Airport / Hotel / Airport pick up & transfer by Car / Van.

Three nights’ accommodation with breakfast at 3* category hotel in Kathmandu. Kathmandu city tour as per itinerary, inclusive of all entrance fees. Meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) with Tea & coffee during the trek. Best avaiable Lodge to lodge accommodation during the trek. 1 highly experienced, helpful and friendly guide, porter (1 porter for 2 people), their food,

accommodation, salary, equipments, insurance. Surface transfer from Kathmandu - Besisahar and Pokhara - Kathmandu by tourist bus. Annapurna conservation permit and all necessary ducuments. Trekkers' Information Management System (TIMS) One night standard accommodation at two star hotel in Pokhara (inclusive breakfast, lunch &

dinner). Government taxes & sffice service charge.

Cost Not Included During The Trip!

Lunch and Dinner in Kathmandu Your Travel insurance. International airfare and airport departure tax. Nepal entry visa , you can obtain a visa easily upon your arrival at Tribhuwan International

Airport in Kathmandu. (Tourist Visa with Multiple Entry for 30 days can be obtained by paying US $ 40 or equivalent foreign currency. Similarly, Tourist Visa with Multiple Entry for 90 days can be obtained by paying US $ 100. Please bring 2 copies of passport size photos.).

All kind of cold drink like alcoholic and mineral water, Coke, Fanta, Juice etc... Hot and cold shower during the mountain. Personal shopping and laundry etc. Personal trekking Equipments. Tips for trekking staff and driver.

Annapurna circuit trek map!

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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Langtang Gosainkunda Trek

Langtang Gosainkunda trek combines three major areas toward north-east of Kathmandu along the

border of Tibet with spectacular valley of Langtang and high mountain lakes at Gosainkunda. Visit the

beautiful Langtang National park and then trek to the end of the valley to view the wonderful mountains

views. Following the Trisuli River north out of Kathmandu, we drive through Trisuli Bazaar and Dhunche

to Syabrubensi, a Sherpa village located at the very edge of the Langtang National Park. We then swing

east into the Langtang valley, crossing the river several times as we trekl up along lower section of the

valley. We pass through oak and rhododendron forests and even cross glacial moraine on our way to the

Tamang village of Langtang.

A little further up the valley is Kyanjin Gompa, where we stop overnight and sample the local yak

cheese. We pass through Nubamatang, nestled in a hidden valley, on our way up to view the glaciers,

which mark the gateway into Tibet. Backtracking, we travel through Syabru and Sing Gompa to a high

plateau, where the sacred lake Gosainkunda is located. Crossing the Laurebina Pass (4610m), we

continue south, leaving the Langtang region behind us as we trek through the Helambu valley to Gul


This charming regions offer an opportunity to explore villages, to climb small peaks and to visit glaciers

at a comfortably low elevation. There are about 108 lakes or kundas (in Nepali Kunda Means Lakes) in

this area and mainly visible from the routes are Saraswati Kunda, Bhairab Kunda, Surya Kunda and

Gosainkunda is the famous and most important one and we have excellent views of snowy mountain

peaks, such as Langtang Lirung (7,246 m.). Gangchenpo (5,846 m.) and Dorje Lakpa (6,966 m.). Those are

most peaceful and fascinating peaks in Langtang region.

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Manaslu circuit Trek

Manaslu Circuit Trekking is considered one of the most challenging treks in Nepal; it is rewards the

adventurous with an unparalleled alpine experience. The Manaslu circuit offers a perfect combination of

rich culture heritage, unsurpassed Himalayan beauty, spectacular scenic beauty, fascinating Tibetan

culture and a rich mountain biological diversity. Manaslu at 8118 meters is the 8th highest peak in the

world and is located near to the border of Nepal and Tibet. The name Manaslu means "The Spirit-

Mountain" in the local dialect, referring to the benevolent and strong deity, which dwells within.

Trekking in Manaslu region is one of the most delightful adventures. If you would like to sample both

extremes of the trekking experience in Nepal, and really get to see what all the excitement is about in

terms of the most breath-taking mountain scenery on earth, then look no further than the Manaslu

circuit via the Larkya La. Pass. It is challenging trip requiring good physical fitness and stamina.

The standard Manaslu circuit trekking usually begins from Arughat and ends at Dharapnai in Annapurna


Manaslu trek offers a unique opportunity to experience a reasonably "untouched" region of Nepal. This

trek follows a route that has long been covered by Himalayan buffs, going north behind Himalchuli Peak

29 (7,835 m.) and Mt. Manaslu (8,118 m.)

Itinerary in Details Day 01: Arrive at Tribhuwan International Airport (TIA) Kathmandu.

You are welcomed by hospitable meeting and then you will be transferred to hotel. Our airport

representative will explain briefly the program upon arrival. Overnight at Hotel.

Day 02: Trek preparation and Kathmandu Valley Sihgtseeing tour.

Sightseeing of world heritage sites in Kathmandu valley including, Kathmandu Darbar square,

Swayambhunath Temple , Boudhanath Stupa & Pashupatinath Temple. Overnight at Hotel.

Day 03: Drive Kathmandu to Arughat (640meters) 8 hours.

Your Trekking staff will come to your Hotel early in the morning at 7.00 am to pick you up; from there

we have an 8 hour driving journey to Arughat. From Kathmandu to Dhading Bensi (The district

headquarter of Dhading1050m) for 4 hours is comfortable drive but from there to Arugat for another 4

hours we will be driving on rough road. Overnight at Tented Camp.

Day 04: Arughat to Soti Khola (775meters) 6 hours.

Along the Budhi Gandaki River toward its point of origin. We pass the village of Morder and Simre to

reach Arkhat River. After Arkhat we ascend slowly toward Kyoropani. Camp today nears the confluence

of Seti River - an ideal place to take a fresh water bath. Overnight at Tented Camp.

Day 05: Soti to Machha Khola (900meters) 5.30 hours.

Trail descends slowly until you climb again to mountain ridge to Almara. Pass the forest trail to arrive at

Riden Gaon. The valley here cuts into another side of the river to enter Budhi Gandaki. At Lambesi, the

trail follows down to the sandy river bed of Budhi Gandaki. Camp tonight at Machha River. Overnight at

Tented Camp.

Day 06: Machha Khola to Jagat (1340meters) 6 hours.

After crossing Machha River and Khrola besi, there is a hot spring called "Tatopani". The trail follows

forested area after this toward Dovan. Below Dovan, there is a huge rapid at Budhi Gandaki. As the

elevation increases, the rapids and the scenery undergoes a complete transformation. Overnight at

Tented Camp.

Day 07: Jagat to Ngyak (2310meters) 6 hours.

After ascending to a terraced hill of Saguleri and view of Sringi Himal (7177 meters) we continue toward

Sirish Gaon, Gandaki valley narrows from herewith soaring precipitous walls. Overnight at Tented Camp.

Day 08 : Ngyak to Ghap (2100meters) 6 hours.

Follow the trail upstream of Deng River - a tiny village of 4 houses. We walk through a newly built rock

tunnel from here, thus avoiding the traditional steep climb. At Ghap, the Tibetan culture begins with

Mani stones and chortens all around. Overnight at Tented Camp.

Day 09: Ghap to Lho (3200meters) 6 hours.

After crossing the wooden bridge over Budhi Gandaki we follow the path lined with houses that are

interspersed with cultivated fields. At Namru, there is a police check post again. After Namru, across the

Hinan river originating from Linda Glacier and continue on to Sho. Naike peak, Manaslu north (7774

meters) and Manaslu (8150 meters) are visible from here. Tonight we camp near a spring at Lho gaon - a

small village. Overnight at Tented Camp.

Day 10: Lho to Samagompa (3500meters) 6 hours.

You will pass the stone gate and long Mani stone wall of the village after Lho with full view of Peak 29

ahead. You can make a side excursion to Pungen Glacier from here to get a very close up view of

Manaslu. Follow the lateral moraine of Pungen Glacier toward Sama. From the village of Sama, it takes

another 20 minutes to reach Sama Gompa for night halt. Overnight at Tented Camp.

Day 11: Samagompa to Stone Hut (4500meters) 5 hours.

Today we climb a terraced hill on the opposite bank of Budhi Gandaki River from here toward a most

remote permanent settlement - Samdo. Here amid the most sever conditions of nature live some 200

villagers in forty houses check-by-jowl. Camp at Stone Hut. Overnight at Tented Camp.

Day 12: Acclimatization and exploration day.

We will spend a day here in order to acclimatize and adjust to the reduction of the air and also for local

excursion. Overnight at Tented Camp.

Day 13: Stone Hut - Cross Larkya La (5215meters) and trek Bhimphedi (3590meters) 8 hours.

We first climb towards Cho Chanda and then slowly head steeply uphill towards the snowed-up pass.

From the top the panorama is magnificent: Himlung Himal (7126meter), Cheo Himal (6820meters),

Gyagi Kung, Kang Kuru (6981meters) and the Annapurna II (7937meters). The descent is steep, through

moraines, towards Bhimphedi. Overnight at Tented Camp.

Day 14: Bhimphedi to Tilje (3900meters) 5 hours.

The route gets easier. We start with a gentle climb through paddy fields towards the small Karcha La

pass and descend through fig tree and rhododendron forests to Tilje. Overnight at Tented Camp.

Day 15: Tilje to Tal (1725meters) 5 hours.

Follow the trail downstream of Marshyangdi River, passing through the scattered villages to reach Tal

village for overnight stay. Overnight at Tented Camp.

Day 16: Tal to Jagat (1300meters) 5 hours.

Today the trail runs gently downstream of the river passing the village of Chamje and Himal pani We will

have overnight stay at Jagat. Overnight at Tented Camp.

Day 17: Jagat to Besisahar (720m) 6 hours.

Descending gently for 30 minutes and the trail runs gently down to Syange village, and then catch the

jeep to Besisahar, Overnight at Tented Camp.

Day 18: Drive back Besisahar to Kathmandu by bus 7 hours. Overnight at hotel.

Day 19: Leisure day in Kathmandu. Overnight at hotel.

Day 20: Transfer to the International Airport for your home departure. “Farewell”

Service Includes

All local transportation by suitable vehicle (car, van, bus) in Kathmandu Four nights’ accommodation with breakfast at 3 – 4 star category hotels in Kathmandu. A day Kathmandu sightseeing as per itinerary with tour guide & entry fees Kathmandu to Arughat & Besisahar to Kathmandu both ways by bus Meal on full board (breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea & coffee) prepared by our expert camping cook. Twin sharing accommodation on tented camp during the trek

An experience Guide (trained by Ministry of tourism), required number of porters, their food, accommodation, salary, insurance, equipments. Manaslu conservation & Annapurna conservation entry fees and TIMS Permit

Trekking equipment (two men tent, dining tent, kitchen tent, Table with chairs, kitchen utensils, Down sleeping bag / Jackets, walking sticks, and other necessary equipments during the trek).

Special Manaslu permit (Manaslu Circuit Trekking is in Restricted zone, we need special permit to visit this area)

Annapurna conservation entry fee and TIMS Permit Safe drinking water, Boiled/Iodine tablets First aid medical kit bag All government and local taxes Office service charge

Service Excludes

Meals whilst in Kathmandu allow US$ 10 - US$ 12 per meal. Travel insurance (if you want us to arrange your travel insurance, we would greatly be happy to

assist). International air fare to and from Nepal. Nepal entry visa , you can obtain a visa easily upon your arrival at Tribhuwan International

Airport in Kathmandu. (Tourist Visa with Multiple Entry for 30 days can be obtained by paying US $ 40 or equivalent foreign currency. Similarly, Tourist Visa with Multiple Entry for 90 days can be obtained by paying US $ 100. Please bring 2 copies of passport size photos.) US$ 40 (duration 30 days from date of issue)- you may easily issue the visa upon your arrival at Tribhuwan International Airport - Kathmandu.

Items of a personal nature Any kind of alcoholic drinks, hot water, hot shower, cold drinks, laundry, phone call and

internet. Tips for guide, porters, driver. ( Tipping is expected)

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Saturday, February 21, 2015

Lobuche Pek Climbing

Lobuche Peak climbing is being very much famous in Nepal, Mountaineering in a professional and

dedicated approach. Lobuche East peak 6119m is one of the popular climbing peak in Nepal. Lobuche

peak is an attractive summit and offers various routes for climbing. The normal route for Lobuche Peak

climbing is through South point. Lobuche east peak consists of several small summits, ice slopes and

climbing steep snow is required.

Lobuche peak climbing is an attractive summit and offers various routes for climbing. The usual route

for climbing Lobuche peak is through South. TheLobuche peak consists of several small summits and the

true summit requires climbing steep snow and ice slopes to the top from the summit point. We

followEverest base camp trekking route. Lobuche base is at 4,950m.

The best time for Lobuche Peak Climbing is beginning of March to end of May and beginning of

September to end of December. You can choose the details of itineraries for Lobuche peak Climbing in

Nepal as per your desire and holidays

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Labels: highest peak climbing in Nepal, lobuche peak climbing, peak climbing in Nepal

Annapurna Short Trek, Annapurna Base Camp Trek

Annapurna short trek, as the name suggests it is the shortest trek in Nepal offering the magnificent

views of Himalayan ranges with around the Pokhara valley trekking and hiking along the way to

Australian camp and Sarangkot. It is considered as the ideal family holiday. The trail along the route is

equally beautiful, passing through the Rhododendron forest that blossom during the spring season,

small villages inhabited by mixed ethnic groups and of course the eye catching view of Himalayan ranges

like Annapurna I, Fish tail, Dhaulagiri, NIlgiri and other snow-capped mountains.

Short trek in Nepal begins after taking a short mountain flight from Kathmandu to scenic and

adventurous Pokhara city. Pokhara is famous for its natural beauty filled with lakes, caves, waterfalls,

surrounded by valleys and views of magnificent Himalayas. We head further towards Australian base

camp passing the small Dhampus village. The Australian base camp is also famous for its spectacular

mountain view. The very next day we cross the naudada to reach sarangkot from where you can see the

bird’s eye view of scenic Pokhara valley. We return back to explore the beautiful Pokahra city and end

our short but worth a visit trek after flying back to Kathmandu.

If you have limited time and want to grab the trekking experience along with magnificent views of

Himalayas then this Annapurna short trek around the Pokhara valley is an ideal option for you.

Our Annapurna Base Camp trekking from beautiful town of Pokhara, cross river beds and terraced

hillsides, blazing rhododendron and oak forests, to picturesque Ghandurung, the principle village of

Gurungs. We go to the deep narrow corridor of Madi Gorge, entrance to sanctuary, a spectacular

mountain amphitheatre formed by the towering peaks of Annapurna south, Fang, Annapurna I & II,

Gangapurna, Glacier Dome and Machhapuchhree. Then, you descend though the gorge and cross

Deurali Pass from which you can have a bird's eye view of the Kali Gandaki valley.

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Annnapurna Base Camp Trek

Few treks in the world combine so many different landscapes and bring you so close to the base of 7000

and 8000-meter peaks in so few days. This trek carves its way up the narrow gorge of Modi Kola until

you are surrounded by a high and glaciated wilderness at the base camp of Annapurna I, which is used

by expeditions attempting the massive south face of Annapurna.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek follows a stone stair pathway that leads you beyond terraced rice paddies

and lush forests of rhododendron and bamboo, to find yourself in a high glacial basin surrounded by

eleven of Nepals major peaks including Annapurna I, 8091m, Annapurna South, 7219m, Machapuchhre,

6993m and Hiunchuli, 6441m. This is known as the Annapurna Sanctuary trek, home of the divine

godesses Annapurna and Gangapurna.

Nights are spent in village teahouses where you experience the local culture of the predominately

Gurung and Magar ethnic groups in the region. These people are well known as the brave Gurkhas

soldiers of the British army.

The Annapurna Base Camp trek starts with a short drive from Pokhara, a quiet city nestled in a valley

beside a peaceful lake with an incredible view of the Annapurna range. The trailhead is at Phedi, a

rushing stream from where we ascend up to Dhampus, the first of many mountain villages we will pass

through. Each day as you trek you will enjoy the impressive snowy peaks from new viewpoints.

With the altitude at Annapurna BaseCamp a little over 4000m, it is vital to acclimatize properly.

Although it is possible to reach Annapurna Base camp in fewer days, our proposed itinerary is planned

to allow our bodies time to acclimatize and avoid any risk of altitude problems. The steep stone trails are

steps that seem to be continually either uphill or downhill. In the lush forest of the approach to the

Annapurna Sanctuary the underfoot conditions can be damp and slippery.

The Annapurna Base Camp Trekking is possible in all seasons however, in the winter the Base Camp is

sometimes closed due to the level of snow. The most beautiful time of year is spring when the

rhododendron forests are in full bloom.

Annapurna Foothill Treks and

Expedition offer competitive prices and excellent packages which assure that you are well taken care of

and enjoy your trek to the fullest. There are numerous lodges and tea-houses where we can take

refreshing breaks all along this popular trekking route.

The Annapurna Sanctuary Trek takes just one day longer than Annapurna Base Camp Trek and includes

the amazing view from Poon Hill above Ghode Pani. Some clients who have already been to Poon Hill, or

are short for time however, choose the Annapurna Base Camp Trek.

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