ncar staff notes - · ncar staff notes no. 359 may 11, 1973 cast and eitew oi)...

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NCAR Staff Notes

No. 359 May 11, 1973

Cast and eitew oi) "Steeeper," anew Wioody A~en &Lbn, wee on Locationa~t the Me/sa Labowatoty~ thiz week.. I-tis -to be a zcience (jiction cornedyabout a man who gon o 6eep in 1973

Woody and a t~wJined ired-tailed hawkwe/Le the 6a~'c --- W~oody danq~inq mceho4 Tundaq in mid-&&L {tom -the no'tthtowe,' and -the hawk p'Lacticng divingzwoop6 to co-ttlect a Ia-~en no~e----oh wec,, mrayjbe yu,'c'd hettai go -seethe movice.

The 4ee paid by -the pt'ochccet.,Ro2.Ynz and Jo66e P'coducfionz, 6ot'"se o4 NCAR'z~ Fedeta&ey owned pt'emi/sezwt& 'eve,'t .to -the U.S. Tt'eazu/ccj.Sevelta.6 -ta46 rnmbemu who -took a dayfoAj vacation to -ze've as ex-tJAo have-tectned -tha-t acting is no i4aste% -'toute-to p-'copea&Jt -than -zeience- -they wexepaiLd $20 4oAt the day, m-Lnuz a thkee-dottaL agent -6 corm464on.

The 4i&m is /sheduted o'c te-

Zea-e in Decem, bet.

* * *

NCAR Staff Notes/No. 359Sheet 2


The 14th in the series of Brown Bag Forums was well attended in thecafeteria on Tuesday, May 8. Walter Roberts conducted this forum.

He commended John Firor, the NCAR staff and "the many, many people in-side and outside NCAR who have contributed enormously to the positive responsewe have made and our enormously constructive effort of responding to the JECreport."

In discussing the upcoming Members and Trustees meetings, Roberts saidthat Friday morning the Trustees will meet. At that time, he plans to submitto them a detailed proposal for his own retirement. In line with his oftenstated goal of retirement from administrative duties by his 60th birthday,Roberts plans to propose that the office of President-Elect of UCAR be createdand filled as quickly as possible. In this way, the transfer from himself tothe new President could take place smoothly on June 30, 1975---a month and ahalf before Roberts' stated retirement goal. He said there are some variantsof this plan that he will also suggest.

The Members will also meet on Friday. The assembled Members will hear tworeports. The first is the report of the Trustees on the reorganization of NCARand the second is the report of the Evaluation and Goals Committee (E&G). Robertsexpressed the hope that this meeting would also provide a summary list of thethings that have been done and a summary list of the things that remain to bedone. A vote of either confidence or no confidence for the Trustees, the Presi-dent of UCAR and the Director of NCAR will probably also be forthcoming from theMembers meeting. Although such a vote is not binding on the Board of Trustees,the Trustees will meet after the Members' meeting and take any further actionthat they deem necessary. One such action should be approval to send a formalreport to NSF answering the JEC report.

Roberts then moved to a detailed discussion of the future. Qualifying hisremarks by calling them "my opinion" he said that the period of rapid growth inthe atmospheric sciences is ended. "We will have to live within constant 1973levels. We will have to do better with our money. Competition will be fiercerthan it has been in the past. We cannot compete in a disorderly way for theexisting dollars. UCAR must develop a unified voice about NCAR and its role inthe atmospheric sciences."

He said the ultimate criterion of success will be our ability to communicatewith universities, with society at large, with the general public, with the de-cision makers of the general public, and with Congress. "We have a responsibilityto carry out this communication. More than 100 million dollars has been spenton NCAR and society has a right to expect something meaningful to be accomplishedhere." He paraphrased these remarks "We have a product to sell and, if societydoes not want to buy that product, we are out in the cold."

The next Brown Bag Forum will be Wednesday, May 16, at 12:30 p.m. in theMesa Laboratory lobby.

* * *

SNCAR Staff Notes/No. 359Sheet 3


Janet W. Brown, Director, Office of Opportunities in Science of the AmericanAssociation for the Advancement of Science will be at NCAR next Friday.

Her schedule includes: a public lecture, "Women Are People," at 9:00 the Seminar Room; a meeting with NCAR supervisors; lunch with staff members;and a 2:00 p.m. Open Forum Discussion.

Serving with Dr. Brown in the Open Forum Discussion will be Janet Roberts,Boulder City Councilwoman; Mary Kay Hildebrandt, Corps of Advocates, NationalOrganization for Women; and Ola Watford, geophysicist with the National Oceanicand Atmospheric Administration.


Six HAO scientists are in Houston, Texas, preparing for the Apollo/Skylablaunches May 14 and 15.

The eight-month-long mission of this first U.S. space station will requirefour launches during 1973. On the first day, the unmanned Skylab workshop willbe launched on a two-stage Saturn V.

After it has successfully maneuvered into the planned attitude pointedtoward the Sun with its solar observatory moved 90 degrees from the verticallaunch position to its operational position, the quarters are pressurized with anoxygen-nitrogen environment and all is ready for the arrival of the astronauts.On the second day then, the first three-man crew will be launched into a lowearth orbit in an Apollo spacecraft aboard a Saturn TB rocket. Using the space-craft's service propulsion system, the astronauts will propel their spacecraftto the Skylab's altitude and dock with Skylab. Four weeks later they will return

to a splashdown in the Atlantic,

About two months after the first crew returns, a second crew will be launched* to a rendezvous in earth orbit with Skylab. They will stay aboard Skylab con-

ducting experiments for 56 days before returning, again to an Atlantic Oceanrecovery area.

NCAR Staff Notes/No. 359Sheet 4

A month after the second crew's return, the third and final set of threeastronauts will leave for Skylab. They will again stay aboard for 56 days beforere-entering their Apollo spacecraft for a return trip to earth and a splashdownin the Pacific Ocean.

The largest element in the Skylab cluster is the workshop and crew quarterssection made from the third stage of the Saturn V. Unlike the propulsion unitsused to send men to the Moon, this third stage was prepared on the ground to serveas a spacecraft.

Other Skylab components include the Apollo Telescope Mount (ATM) whichhouses six very special telescopes and two other instruments used for studyingthe Sun. The largest solar cell array system ever devised for a spacecraft pro-vides the electrical power for the ATM. The array is made of four wings which,when open in space, form a huge cross 98 feet wide. The ATM is housed above themiltiple docking adapter at launch and then swings aside at a 90 degree angleonce in orbit. Here, aboard ATM, is the Boulder-designed instrument -- a whitelight coronagraph experiment (WLCE) developed by scientists at NCAR's HighAltitude Observatory (HAO). The fabrication was done on contract by the BallBrothers Research Corporation here.

The WLCE is designed to observe any transient solar events such as flaresas well as to gather synoptic observations of the outer atmosphere of the Sun,the solar corona.

Robert MacQueen, Principal ATM/Skylab Investigator for HAO's WLCE says:"The structure of the solar corona near the Sun, where solar material can becontained by the coronal magnetic field, is complex and poorly understood. Theevolution of coronal structures is particularly obscure. Other fundamentalquestions include the origin and growth of major coronal structures, and theirrelation to solar activity.

"Because the brightness of the solar corona is less than one hundredmillionth that of the direct solar disc, observations of the corona can only bemade when the solar disc is blocked. Nature, of course, provides this occasionat a total solar eclipse, but the numerous eclipse photographs from the past haveallowed detailed study of only the particular coronal configurations present atthe time of eclipse.

"Another means of observing the corona is to eclipse the Sun by an occulting

disc in the observing telescope or coronagraph such as the WLCE."

With MacQueen in Houston for the Skylab launch effort are: John Gosling;Ernest Hildner; Richard Munro; Arthur Poland---all HAO co-investigators; andCharles Ross, Project Manager. They will share around-the-clock duty shifts tomake necessary scientific decisions during the manned portions of the Skylabmission.

4* * *'

NCAR Staff Notes/No. 359Sheet 5

rnrr, r-_,r) F. FR!-E!

EAC Skating Party


May 12

5:45 -- 7:45 p.m.

Flatirons Ice Arena

Staff and families



READIEID FOR FAIRPre-registration for the fair indicates

that there will be a broad range of items dis-played for sale at the Fair on May 19.

Hand-painted china, knit items, stitchery,plants, and jewelry are among the exhibit andsale tables planned by staffers. Family membersare also welcome as exhibitors. The fee, waivedfor exhibitors under 12 years of age, is $1.00.Please let Lois Gries know if you plan to exhibitat the Fair and do mark the 19th on your calendarand plan to come around. The Fair is open from10:00 a.m. til 4:00 p.m. on the Tree Plaza.

* * *

NCAR Staff Notes/No. 359Sheet 6

T91!PTq DE 'pErTFn

Blair Smallwood, Safety Coordinato; reports that on May 14, the "B" towerof the Mesa Laboratory will be safety inspected by the Safety Coordinator anda member of the Safety Committee.

Also, Blair submitted the following safety report:

April Accident Report

Accidents RequiringAccidents Reported Medical Attention Lost Work Days

6 3 3

Blair says: "None of the accidents reported in April were very serious,though each one was painful to the person involved. One lost-time accidentaccounted for all of the last work days. This accident happened in Marchand was reported nearly a month later, apparently because the accident wasnot painful initially. Late reporting of accidents may result in the re-jection of the Workmen's Compensation claim. Supervisors and staff membersshare the responsibility for getting these reports to the Safety Coordinator."


If you weigh less than 110 pounds, are over 65 or under 18 years old, havemalaria and just had a tooth pulled besides, you aren't eligible to donate badlyneeded blood to the NCAR Blood Bank.

If this description does not fit you, you are probably an eligible blooddonor and the EAC would welcome you to the Damon Room on Monday, May 21, todonate. As organizer, Vonda Giesey notes "If you have to be at work on a Monday,you might as well bleed a little."

The hours of collection are from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. but each staff memberdoes need an appointment. This is available from Vonda at ext. 281.

The blood will become part of the Belle Bonfils Memorial Blood Center whichhas the responsibility for meeting the blood and blood component needs for morethan one million Coloradoans.

* NCAR Staff Notes/No. 359Sheet 7

Betty Strickler, Administrative Director of the Belle Bonfils Blood Bank says:"Out goal is to have free blood for everyone in each hospital we serve. To ob-tain this optimum, we must have 4000 volunteer blood donors a month. Only alaboratory fee would be necessary if this is accomplished. We need you; you needus. You can help make this program a success. We make it as easy as possible fordonor participation in the Community Voluntary Blood Program. We bring the BloodCenter to you through the use of our mobile facilities."

So, all eligible, willing staffers -- do call Vonda and make an appointment.


"Science in the Future: Will it be Different" is the topic Walter 0.Roberts will address at the AMS Banquet meeting to be held Wednesday, May 16,at the Greenbriar Inn. Alf Modahl, Secretary-Treasurer, asks that reservations,

* with advance payment included, be made with either Mike Fritsch, Department ofAtmospheric Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80521,or with Gladys Anderson at NCAR. The deadline for reservations is Monday,May 14.


John Donnelly has arranged to show a movie , "1972 C.U. Football High-lights" at 12:30 p.m., Thursday, May 17, in the Seminar Room. All staffmembers are welcome.

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NCAR Staff Notes/No. 359Sheet 8


David S. Day: Student visitor working with the National Hail ResearchExperiment in Grover, Colorado. Contact through Toni Chapman, ML room 100,ext. 601.

Uwe H. Grote: Data analyst working with the Research Systems Facility,PSRB-2 room 214, ext. 77:794.

Bernice R. McCain: Electronics assembler working with the Research AviationFacility, PSRB-2 room 251, ext. 77:782.

Andre Goforth: Programmer working with Gerald Grams, ML Room 460 A, ext. 626.

John A. Sparling: Electronics technician working with the National ScientificBalloon Facility in Palestine, Texas.


Laura L. Baker

Melvin Wallace

David LeshRussell M. Miyao

David M. Wells

April 16

April 25

April 30April 30

May 4

V1SITORSArsalan Vaziri, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware. May 10 - 18.

--Computing Facility (Rotating flow over topographies on a p-plane.)

* NCAR Staff Notes/No. 359Sheet 9

JOB PF!SAs of May 9, 1973

For further information contact Jeri Miller, Personnel Office, Colorado Buildingroom 802, ext. 517.

REGULAR (Full-time):

Aircraft Operations Coordinator (Admin. range IV)............... GATE (GARP)

Assistant to UCAR President (Admin. range III-V).......................UCAR

Atmospheric Dynamicist (Ph.D. curves).......... Atmospheric Dynamics

Division Director................. Atmospheric Analysis and Prediction Group(Staff reporting to NCAR Director)

Division Director.................Atmospheric Quality and Modification Group(Staff reporting to NCAR Director)

Electronics Technician (Technician range I). .......... NASA/GAMP (FAL)

Manager, GATE Data Management Center (Ph.D. curves) ........ GATE (GARP)

Meteorologist (BS/MS curves) .a..0...........Atmospheric Dynamics

Secretary (Clerical range IV)..................... Computing Facility (FAL)

Secretary (Clerical range II).......................Director's Office (FAL)

Secretary (Clerical range III) .........0.a.a.. ... Personnel (ADMN)

Senior Technician (Technician range III) ............. NASA (TWERLE)

TEMPORARY (Full-time):

Secretary (4 months) (Clerical range II) ....... Computing Facility (FAL)

TEMPORARY (Half-time):

Programmer Technician (EDP range IlI) ......... Computing Facility (FAL)


Security Guard (Guard range minimum) .. .. . ..... Physical Plant (ADMN)

** *

NCAR Staff Notes/No. 359

Sheet 10

Calendar NotesMay 14 through May 21, 1973

MONDAY, May 14



0 Meeting -- Council for NCAR Women

12:15 p.m.NCAR Mesa Laboratory, Director's Conference Room

S Atmospheric Dynamics Seminar -- Objective Analysis of Meteorological Data,Thomas W. Schlatter, LAS

1:30 p.m.NCAR Mesa Laboratory, Seminar Room


* Brown Bag Forum XV

12:30 p.m.NCAR Mesa Laboratory, Main Lobby

* Special ASP Seminar -- Games Finite Amplitude Baroclinic Waves Play,Arthur Loesch, ASP

1:30 p.m.

Fleischmann Building


* Special Seminar -- The Growth of Large Hail, Marianne English, SouthDakota School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, S.D.

10:00 a.m.

NHRE Headquarters' Conference Room, Grover Site

* HAO Colloquium -- Non-stationary Coronal Expansion, Roger Kopp, HAO

11:10 a.m.HAO Classroom 138

NCAR Staff Notes/No. 359

Sheet I

THURSDAY, May 17 (Continued)

0 Defensive Driving Course

3:00 p.m.NCAR Mesa Laboratory, Seminar Room

FRIDAY, May 18

* Special Seminar -- Women Are People, Janet Brown, American Associationfor the Advancement of Science

9:00 a.m.NCAR Mesa Laboratory, Seminar Room

0 Special ASP Seminar-- Aerosols and Climate, Part II, Petr Chylek andJames Coakley, ASP

1:30 p.m.Fleis chmann Building

0 Open Forum -- Janet Brown, AAAS; Janet Roberts, Boulder City Council;Mary Kay Hildebrandt, NOW; Ola Watford, NOAA

2:00 p.m.NCAR Mesa Laboratory, Seminar Room


0 NCAR Arts & Crafts Fair

10:00 a.m. to 4:00_p.m.NCAR Mesa Laboratory, Tree Plaza

MONDAY, May 21

0 Belle Bonfils Memorial Blood Bank Mobile Unit

9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.NCAR Mesa Laboratory, Damon Room

Calendar Notes announcements may be called to Vonda Giesey, extension 281.Other Staff Notes information or comments should be addressed to Anne Garrelts,extension 258. Wednesday at 12:00 noon is the deadline for items to beincluded in either the Calendar or Staff Notes.

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