native action by justad, the platform for cross promotion

Post on 16-Aug-2015






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THE PLATFORM FOR CROSS PROMOTIONNative Action by justAd o�er the ability to cross promote your catalogue of apps within your own database. These will be native to your app. The cost for developers is a fraction of the normal cost for a user and the ROI’s are high. The term Cross Promotion covered the arena of getting New Acquisition of users.


App developers are in an age where they can develop multiple apps and launch them to the app stores on a weekly and monthly basis. The need is to get more and more users to your app portfolio. The challenge is that you want more users, but its now becoming di�cult to get them. App developers can try and reward users for sharing their app on social media, and now this is becoming more and more di�cult. App store regulations have started to impose limitation of app promotions via rewards. It also doesn't make sense to incentivize users if you want long term users.

Some research has found that the average cost per install can be $2.73 for mobile games*, compared to an average revenue per user (ARPU) of just $1.96. For each holiday season, the CPI can be more than double the ARPU.*Source: super data research

Other methods of acquiring new users can be costly, and when developers have multiple apps and huge databases, the method of cross promotion can be more e�ective with better ROI’s.

The new service by justAd, known as Native Action can help increase user acquisitions for your app.


Native Action by justAd, the Platform for Cross Promotion

We are a Mobile Rich Media provider. We o�er a fully native ad platform for your mobile applications that allows you to cross promote your many apps. The ads allow for fully immerse fully interactive always dynamic experience.

The ads won't ruin the user experience for the user and are native to the app thus enhancing the communication channel with the user. We also a o�er brand experience that comes straight to the users pocket (or smartphone).

The native ads are simple to run. We will provide you with a one line JS code to enable the app can still be in use while the ad is displayed.


By harnessing highly e�ective mobile rich media advertising technology, we enable you to increase downloads of your apps, as well as keep users engaged and active. Retention can

have high costs that cut into your budget as well as manpower.

We have seen results that are lower than any industry benchmark. New Acquisitions (from your existing database can come in for as little as $0.05 per user. If you have millions of users and several apps, then using our engagement platform, you can spend minimal and get proven results.

Through partnerships with major app developers, and with our rich media native mobile ads, we have seen CTR’s scale higher than 67%. This meaning conversion rates through to the app store or for the download of the app. The engagement rates are high, and the industry is seeing engagement rates of 55% and more.

As we mentioned earlier, the average cost per install has said to be $2.73 for mobile games*, compared to an average revenue per user (ARPU) of just $1.96. For each holiday season, the CPI can be more than double the ARPU.

*Source: super data research


Mobile communication channel with users with the use of rich media adsCustom ads that share the same look and feel of your app Customize the messaging to trigger according to your app �owImmerse your marketing message in the appThe ability to be �exible with your marketing campaigns as well as supporting as many marketing campaigns as needed without the dependence of the app, or app updates. NO R&D; Native Action by justAd is based on existing and standard technology. it is Native to the App visual design, UI/UX and �ow. It can also be pre-cached for better user experience. Cost of promotion is considerably lower than other techniques, with higher ROI. Cross-promotion marketing is the easiest and often one of the most successful marketing strategies.

The Proof is in the Pudding:Some Example for the average cost for acquisition are showing less than 50C sometime less than 10 cents. Hundreds of million of messages per month can be shared within native cross promotion. You can see CTR’s between 20% to 50%This method of promotion is currently being used by some of the most popular app owners in the world. The key factor is that the majority also prefer Native Action, by justAd (Cross Promotion) over other user acquisition and retention tools.

Native Action by justAd allows you to gain users with less than 5C for real users.


Native Action by justAd o�er the ability to cross promote your catalogue of apps within your own database. These will be native to your app. The cost for developers is a fraction of the normal cost for a user and the ROI’s are high. The term Cross Promotion covered the arena of getting New Acquisition of users.


App developers are in an age where they can develop multiple apps and launch them to the app stores on a weekly and monthly basis. The need is to get more and more users to your app portfolio. The challenge is that you want more users, but its now becoming di�cult to get them. App developers can try and reward users for sharing their app on social media, and now this is becoming more and more di�cult. App store regulations have started to impose limitation of app promotions via rewards. It also doesn't make sense to incentivize users if you want long term users.

Some research has found that the average cost per install can be $2.73 for mobile games*, compared to an average revenue per user (ARPU) of just $1.96. For each holiday season, the CPI can be more than double the ARPU.*Source: super data research

Other methods of acquiring new users can be costly, and when developers have multiple apps and huge databases, the method of cross promotion can be more e�ective with better ROI’s.

The new service by justAd, known as Native Action can help increase user acquisitions for your app.


Native Action by justAd, the Platform for Cross Promotion

We are a Mobile Rich Media provider. We o�er a fully native ad platform for your mobile applications that allows you to cross promote your many apps. The ads allow for fully immerse fully interactive always dynamic experience.

The ads won't ruin the user experience for the user and are native to the app thus enhancing the communication channel with the user. We also a o�er brand experience that comes straight to the users pocket (or smartphone).

The native ads are simple to run. We will provide you with a one line JS code to enable the app can still be in use while the ad is displayed.


By harnessing highly e�ective mobile rich media advertising technology, we enable you to increase downloads of your apps, as well as keep users engaged and active. Retention can

have high costs that cut into your budget as well as manpower.

We have seen results that are lower than any industry benchmark. New Acquisitions (from your existing database can come in for as little as $0.05 per user. If you have millions of users and several apps, then using our engagement platform, you can spend minimal and get proven results.

Through partnerships with major app developers, and with our rich media native mobile ads, we have seen CTR’s scale higher than 67%. This meaning conversion rates through to the app store or for the download of the app. The engagement rates are high, and the industry is seeing engagement rates of 55% and more.

As we mentioned earlier, the average cost per install has said to be $2.73 for mobile games*, compared to an average revenue per user (ARPU) of just $1.96. For each holiday season, the CPI can be more than double the ARPU.

*Source: super data research


Mobile communication channel with users with the use of rich media adsCustom ads that share the same look and feel of your app Customize the messaging to trigger according to your app �owImmerse your marketing message in the appThe ability to be �exible with your marketing campaigns as well as supporting as many marketing campaigns as needed without the dependence of the app, or app updates. NO R&D; Native Action by justAd is based on existing and standard technology. it is Native to the App visual design, UI/UX and �ow. It can also be pre-cached for better user experience. Cost of promotion is considerably lower than other techniques, with higher ROI. Cross-promotion marketing is the easiest and often one of the most successful marketing strategies.

The Proof is in the Pudding:Some Example for the average cost for acquisition are showing less than 50C sometime less than 10 cents. Hundreds of million of messages per month can be shared within native cross promotion. You can see CTR’s between 20% to 50%This method of promotion is currently being used by some of the most popular app owners in the world. The key factor is that the majority also prefer Native Action, by justAd (Cross Promotion) over other user acquisition and retention tools.

Native Action by justAd allows you to gain users with less than 5C for real users.


19 West 21 st. NEW YORK, NY, 10010, USA


Founded in 2009, justAd develops the leading self service advertising platform that enables advertisers to create highly engaging rich media ad campaigns for mobile and tablet devices, without the need for custom coding, server-certi�cation nor testing.justAd Studio, the company’s ad production platform for the creation of IAB standard and bespoke ad units, is being used by hundreds of advertising professionals around the world – from DSPs, mobile ad networks and full service agencies to SSPs, mobile publishers and web publishers. In 2014 alone, customers created more than 200 ad campaigns using justAd Studio – 80% of those were totally self-serviced.Headquarters in Tel Aviv, with a sales o�ce in NYC, justAd serves clients across �ve continents in over 30 countries, generating hundreds of millions of ad impressions a month.

Contact: Tsvika Vagman,

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