national digital literacy programme briefing for parents · 2021. 1. 8. · the national digital...

Post on 22-Jan-2021






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National Digital Literacy Programme

Briefing for Parents

The National Digital Literacy Programme (NDLP)

Digital technology is becoming increasingly pervasive injobs, workplaces and society.

The NDLP was launched in March 2020 to make digitallearning inclusive by equipping students with the digitalliteracies to be future-ready.

The National Digital Literacy Programme (NDLP)

The NDLP aims to equip our students with DigitalLiteracies.

Digital Literacies better enable our students, at differentstages of their education journey, to acquire the digital skillsrequired to navigate the digital age through four mutuallyreinforcing components in the ‘Find, Think, Apply andCreate’ framework.

The National Digital Literacy Programme (NDLP)

Through the NDLP, all secondary school students will own aschool-prescribed personal learning device (PLD) by end2021, Singapore Citizen students can use their EdusaveAccount to pay for the PLD.

The device will be used to facilitate an environment thatencourages personalised learning.

Learning with a Personal Learning Device

@ Zhenghua Secondary School

Intended Outcomes of a Personalised Learning Environment

Enhance Teaching and Learning

Support the Development of Digital


Support self-directed and collaborative learning

The use of the personal learning device for teaching and learning aims to:

How will your child use the Personal Learning Devices?

Self-Paced Learning, Online Assessment

How will your child use the Personal Learning Devices?

Collaborative Learning & Project Work

How will your child use the Personal Learning Devices?

Home-Based Learning

Device and Funding Information

Personal Learning Device (PLD)

• All 2021 Sec 1 – 3s to own their device

Insurance Coverage Claimable

• Fire• Lightning• Power Surges• Accidental e.g water spillage, drop etc.• Theft due to forcible entry• Robbery

1 repair or 1 replacement (1-year insurance)

2 repairs or 1 replacement(3-year insurance)

Device Bundle includes the device, associated accessories, insurance and warranty, fortnightly courier services by Contractor for damaged devices.• Base Device bundle comes with 1-year insurance and 1-year warranty• Enhanced Device bundle comes with 3-year insurance and 3-year


• Sec 1s and Sec 2s will purchase the Enhanced Device bundle• Sec 3s and Sec 4/5s will purchase either the Base or Enhanced Device


Device Bundle

Funding Support for Singapore Citizen (SC) Students

● The cost of the device bundle can be paid using yourchild’s Edusave account, after setting aside provision forpayment of second-tier miscellaneous fees.

● To ensure the affordability of devices, there was a one-time Edusave top-up of $200 in April 2020 to supportthe purchase of the device

● This is on top of the annual $290 credited into theEdusave account for Secondary School students.

Funding Support

Funding Support for Singapore Citizen (SC) Students

● For students on MOE-FAS, subsidies are available even ifthere is insufficient Edusave balance. The cash out-of-pocket will be $0.

● Subsidies will be provided for SC who need support,particularly those whose Gross Household Income (GHI)is below $4,000 or Per Capita Income (PCI)# is below$1,000.

● For more details on financial assistance, please approachthe general office.

#PCI is GHI divided by the number of household members.

Funding Support

Funding Support for Non-Singapore Citizen Students

● Permanent residents (PR) and international students (IS)who need support could apply for subsidies, particularlythose whose Gross Household Income (GHI) is below$4000 or Per Capita Income (PCI)# is below $1000.

● For more details, please approach the school.

#PCI is GHI divided by the number of household members.

Funding Support

Responsible Usage of Devices

Supporting Students in the Responsible Use of the Devices

The school has in place some measures to enable a safe andseamless learning environment for students. The role of theparent is also key in partnering the school to support your child.

A. Educating students on Cyber WellnessB. Device Management Application (DMA)C. Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

Responsible Use

A. Educating students on Cyber Wellness (CW)MOE has made significant changes to the Character and Citizenship Education (CCE) curriculum. CW lessons will feature significantly in the new CCE2021 lessons.

Topics covered in the CW lessons include:

Cyber Wellness Education

Cyber Identity:

Developing a healthy online


Cyber Use: Maintaining a

healthy balance of online and

offline activities

Cyber Relationships:

Developing safe, respectful and meaningful

online relationships

Cyber Citizenship:

Being a positive

presence and influence in the

online community

Cyber Ethics: Creating and sharing online content in a responsible


The school educates students about CW through various programmes. These include:• Customised lessons based on contemporary issues such

as POFMA, doxxing and cyber bullying• Promoting a culture of peer support through the Cyber

Netiquette Ambassadors (CNA) who champion CW messages and are a positive influence on their peers

Cyber Wellness Education

In addition, through various programmes in school, students willcontinue to learn to be respectful, safe, and responsibleusers of technology.

Assembly Talks by Guest Speakers

Parenting Seminars organised by PSG

Cyber Wellness Education

As parents, you can also play a part.• Model good digital habits for your child.• Know your child well, and have conversations with your child

about safe and responsible use of technology.• Set ground rules for internet use.• Navigate the internet together to understand their usage.

Cyber Wellness Education

To support you in keeping your child safe online, you may refer tothese resources:

•• /•••

Cyber Wellness Education

Supporting Students in the Responsible Use of the Devices

B. Device Management ApplicationDevice management application (DMA) software will beinstalled on your child’s device to provide a safe learningexperience for your child, and to prevent misuse of the device.

The DMA will be funded by MOE and will be uninstalled fromthe device when the child graduates/ leaves the school.

*Installation of the DMA will be performed after the collection of the device.Students will be guided on the installation.

Responsible Use

C. Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)Parents could refer to the AUP when helping to managehis/her child’s use of the PLD.The AUP will help your child tounderstand the expectations of device use to enable aconducive learning environment.

It also outlines the consequences for violating the policy.

Supporting Students in the Responsible Use of the Devices

Responsible Use

Responsible Use

What’s Next

Time Frame Activity

18 Jan 2021 Parental Consent for Purchase and Edusave Withdrawal

March 2021 Signing of Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

March 2021 Collection of Devices

* Parent Gateway / Parents’ Letter would be used to convey information and to facilitate the purchase.

For Singapore Citizens

What’s Next

Time Frame Activity

18 Jan 2021 Parental Consent for Purchase(to submit supporting documents if applying for subsidy)

After 18 March 2021

Payment via Cash / AXS / Giro / PayNow / Cheque (afterstudents had received the school bill)

March 2021 Signing of Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

March 2021 Collection of Devices

* Parent Gateway / Parents’ Letter would be used to convey information and to facilitate the purchase.

For Permanent Residents (PR) / International Students (IS)

What’s Next

Your child will be collecting his/her devices from March 2021.

• Parents could submit the ‘Authorisation Form’ if you would like to appoint your child/ward to collect his/her device personally

Collection of Devices

To access/find out more about... Contact/Helpline

This deck of slides on PDLP

Edusave Balance 6260 0777

Financial assistance for purchase of PLD

67639455 ext 105 or ext 111

Important Contacts

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