naomi albu bullying in british schools

Post on 25-May-2015






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Why do kids bully every day ?


Name:Albu NaomiGrade:11th ECoordonating teacher:Poenar Lorina

• 1.About racism• 1.1 What is racism?• 1.2 The history of racism

• 2.Bullying in schools• 2.1 Point of view• 2.2 Why are people racist ?

• 3. The effects of bullying• 3.1 What is bully?• 3.2 Forms of agressions

• Nowadays,people have forgotten they should take care of others and care about other’s lives because if we help others, we will have an easier life and maybe make some new friends.

• I believe it is important not to discriminate others, but love and support them whenever possible.

Precis • The topic is about Bullying in British schools.• Its main part are :Introduction,two chapters

regarding a definition of racism and the history of it.In the next chapter,we will see how some people can be bad even they have no reasons and why this disease it is so spread in the world.


What is racism ?

Racism is the convinction that the members of one race are superior to the members of other races.

The history of racism

• Racism began years ago, when African Americans were discriminated by Whites.

• Nowadays, there is still several of us who discriminate people because of the colour of their skin or their background.

Point of view

Why are people racist?

• Racism comes from ignorance and fear brought on by stereotypes.


Bullying in British schools

What is bullying?

Bully persons are those who..

Why do people bully?

Forms of agression in schools

Verbal agression

Physical agression

The effects of bullying

Anti-Bullying policies

How can we prevent bullying in schools ?


• The bully at classroom by Ellen Craig

The feeling of inferiority at school by Lenon Mirch• The behavior of kids who bully by Maddy Jane • Bullying prevention by Nicky Previnson• A story about Bullying by Pillat Olsen• Racism is not a solution by Rhyne Merde• Stop bullying in schools by Zayn Freddie••


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