n r voice - amoaye · 2018-10-02 · issue16 r n the father’s love real people, real testimonies...

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Richard AmoayeMinistries

Inspiring Greatness






Real People, Real Testimonies - Snacthed from the Jaws of death (page10)


4The Father’s LoveUnderstanding the love God has for us through His purpose, and how the agenda of the Devil often clashes with this purpose.

6The Opposing Forces to Our DestiniesHow does the plan of God for us get Highjacked and how do we identify these forces?

The Prophetic Voice

Real People Real TestimoniesSnatched from the jaws of death— Gichia Mungai

Is the official mouthpiece of The Richard

Amoaye Ministries.

Enlightening people at all levels of society using the prophetic gift. In RAM, we believe trapped within every person is the seed of greatness. Our passion is to help people discover and nurture that seed, which in turn will cause them to live a meaningful and impactful life.

We always love to hear from you.

To partner feel free to contact us at

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e-mail: info@richardamoayeministries.com

Saints, welcome to the final quarter of 2018. I pray that the God of grace continues to be your banner.

In this month’s issue, we take a second glance at a parable so popular and so steeped into our culture that it has become a common metaphor in mainstream society ~ the parable of the prodigal son.

Through the unveiling of scripture by the Holy Spirit, Prophet Richard peels back a deeper layer to a revelation that further enriches this timeless teaching.

Our prayer for you is that the Holy Spirit shall grant understanding and wisdom in application and that the Spirit of the letter shall bring a renewal of the mind and transformation.

We love you but Jesus Christ our King loves you more.

Calvary Blessings from the team.

Editor, Gichia Mungai

Editor’s Note






For The Youth By The Youth: Life by DesignClaaical Misdirection: A piece from the Ghost Potter.

The Battle Cry! The enemy is in trouble.Prophetic Decrees and Declaraations

Between You and GodA piece from Honorine Ange Iradukunda.

8Your Fidelity to God’s AssignmentHow do we stay focused on the path to fulfilingl our God given destiny in spite of the many disruptions?


Tparable of the prodigal son is one that is quite popular even within the

mainstream secular culture. God however reveals to Prophet Rich-ard an interesting revelation that is loaded with relevant lessons for impactful living.

“Then He said: “A certain man had two sons. And the younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the portion of goods that falls to me.’ So he divided to them his livelihood. And not many days after, the younger son gathered all together, journeyed to a far country, and there wasted his possessions with prodigal living. But when he had spent all, there arose a severe

famine in that land, and he began to be in want. Then he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country, and he sent him into his fields to feed swine. And he would gladly have filled his stomach with the pods that the swine ate, and no one gave him anything. “But when he came to himself, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger! I will arise and go to my father, and will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you, and I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Make me like one of your hired servants.” ’ “And he arose and came to his father. But when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him. And the son said to him,

‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight, and am no longer worthy to be called your son.’ “But the father said to his servants, ‘Bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet. And bring the fatted calf here and kill it, and let us eat and be merry; for this my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ And they began to be merry. “Now his older son was in the field. And as he came and drew near to the house, he heard music and dancing. So he called one of the servants and asked what these things meant. And he said to him, ‘Your brother has come, and because he has received him safe and sound, your father has killed the fatted calf.’ “But he was angry and would not go in. Therefore his father came out and pleaded with him.

he answered and said to his father, ‘Lo, these many years I have been serving you; I never transgressed your commandment at any time; and yet you never gave me a young goat, that I might make merry with my friends. But as soon as this son of yours came, who has devoured your live-lihood with harlots, you killed the fatted calf for him.’ “And he said to him, ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours. It was right that we should make merry and be glad, for your brother was dead and is alive again, and was lost and

is found.’ ” (Luke 15:11-32 ) NKJV.

To understand this parable, one would need to understand the prevailing mindset of the time. In the time when Christ lived, anyone who was not a Jew was considered a gentile. But was this always the case? If not, what is the genesis? Let’s take a stroll down memory lane. When Adam and Eve came on the scene as the first humans, the only race that existed was the human race. This was all to

scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city. There-fore its name is called Babel, because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth; and from there the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all the

earth.” (Genesis 11: 1-9 ) NKJV.

The divine dispersion of the people marked the outset of the different lan-guages and races on the face of the earth. Later on, we learn of God’s chosen peo-ple i.e. The Israelites. These were the descendants of Jacob whom was later named Israel by The Angel of The Lord (God). In the days of Rehoboam the son of Solomon, the kingdom was divided.

The remnants of the Kingdom of Judah would later be known as Jews of which Jesus was one. In our parable, the first born son is sym-bolic of the Jews whilst the prodigal son is symbolic of the gentiles. Christ came to make us all one unto Himself as seeds of Abraham and therefore heirs of the covenant made with Abraham.

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the prom-ise.”. (Genesis 3: 28-29 ) NKJV.

change in Babel as humans used the strength in their unity for self-exaltation and to challenge the supremacy of the one true God.

“Now the whole earth had one language and one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. Then they said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks and bake them thor-oughly.” They had brick for stone, and they had asphalt for mortar. And they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.” But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built. And the Lord said, “Indeed the people are one and they all have one language, and this is what they begin to do; now nothing that they propose to do will be withheld from them. Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.” So the Lord



“Or how can one enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house. He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad”. MATTHEW 12: 29-30


In this teaching of the prodigal son reloaded, we recognise and appreciate this meaning.

However, we shall be taking a slightly different approach in order to extract different lessons from it.

The strongman as depicted in the above verse is Satan; the adversary. The created being is no match for the creator. Satan can therefore not dare make a direct attack on our father; God. Diablo (Satan) is acutely aware that he would be pulverised into smithereens for such a brazen

attempt. He thus picks on the apple of God’s eye (His Children i.e. Christians) in a bid to vex the Creator. The adversary’s modus operandi is to oppose the estab-lishment of the purpose of God’s beloved (You and I) in order to stifle the imminent glorification of The Most High God. With this understanding in mind, let’s revisit our feature verse; Luke 15:11-32.

The term prodigal according to the Cambridge dictionary means wasteful. True to form, the second son threw all caution

to the wind and went for broke! His reckless indulgence left him penniless and destitute in a for-eign land. Parallels can be drawn between this and the bulk of modern day believers. They lack intimacy with the Lord and thus lean on the arm of flesh instead of divine revelation. Consequent-ly, they place a higher premium on what man and the world says rather than the truth of The Liv-ing Word. This has created a rift between them and their Father (God).

God set us apart for His glory.

He gifted each of us that we may use these giftings to establish His great purpose and

colonise the earth for Him through the King-dom of God. Lamentably, we often create altars

to ourselves as we pervert the gift to build our own great name and legacy instead of God’s. The

gift therefore becomes an investment to self rather than an asset for Kingdom building. In the eye of

the Maker this is prodigal, no different than what the second son did.

Abnormal use (abuse), is inevitable when truth re-garding purpose is lacking. The result is dissipation.

The parable therefore has more facets than is often ini-tially perceived. In modern context we probably imagine

the prodigal son as the type of guy who would have gone to Las Vegas and blown his inheritance in the casinos with

the big rollers or with the ‘escorts’ at the ‘gentlemen’s clubs’. Not quite, the prodigal son could easily be you or me. An-

ytime we make a decision without consulting the one who fashioned our days (Psalm 139:16), or are more concerned

with our glory rather than His, we are squandering and not investing and hence are prodigal.

When purpose is not known, abuse is inevitable

The second son was looking for ‘life’ and joy outside the constraints of his father. He poured out himself complete-ly into that which he thought would bring him fulfilment and happiness but ended up miserable and a slave to the system. The resemblance between this parable and contemporary life is striking. Today’s mantra is ‘happi-ness’. It is the reason most people enter in and out of relationships, jobs, locations etc. We have become slaves

to emotion rather than use emotions to reflect the true nature of Christ. We expend ourselves into and derive our identity from relationships, jobs etc only for those things to become our master and lead to our demise. Woefully, many believers are eating with the swines when the Father’s house has better food.

Jesus Exhorted:

Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and


Dr Myles Munroe

follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it. For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost?”. (Luke 9: 23 -25 ) NKJV.


If we love our lives unto death, we will bow to the image (systems of this world) which is idolatry, instead

of becoming His image through the transformation brought about by the renewal of our minds.

A man who is outside Eden (God’s presence) is a drown-

ing man. A life without Christ is a life in crisis whereas crisis in a life hidden in Christ only brings out the best in us.

Saints, let us commit ourselves wholly to God and come to Him not seeking for material things that do not satisfy but with

a desire for our soul to be replenished. Let us draw to the throne room of grace so we can boldly declare, Christ in us is the hope of our glory. The devil is doomed, his destiny is sealed in fire and he does not want to suffer the brunt of this punishment alone. One of the greatest deceptions of today’s society is that the devil is a figment of our imagination or worse

still a clueless, harmless being. On the contrary, he is vile, calculated and relentless with the singular mission of killing, stealing and destroying. Let us not be hoodwinked. Through Christ alone do we overcome because He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world.

Saints, let us trust the process with the understanding that the fire is not there to kill us but rather to purify us.

“In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by var-ious trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ, whom having not seen you love. Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, receiving the end of your faith—the salvation of your souls.”. (1 Peter 1: 6-9 ) NKJV.

The absolute highest honour that can be conferred on a believer is for the Maker to announce you as a good and faithful servant. Faithfulness in this context refers to fidelity to the assignment.

As the prodigal son stood in the filthy pig pen, famished and ready to wrestle a swine for the cob, he had an epiphany. The lights in his conscience finally went on. Suddenly he realised he how foolish he had been. Here he was in a foreign land, ravenous from the famine, whilst the servants in his father’s house feasted! He knew he had grieved his father deeply with his defiance but maybe he could be accepted back at least as a servant? Anything at this point would surely be better than his current state of affairs

The prodigal son’s return to the Father’s house was an act of repentance. Brethren, when we decide to renounce the world and its ways and yield to the Creator, we’re in essence forsaking the pig sty and going back home; the world behind us and the cross before us.

Saints, let us never allow life to speak louder than truth. You may be in a season of lack

but that should not be your identity. You may have slipped and found yourself in the mud with pigs but that does not make you swine. Do not allow what you do to define you. As Prophet Richard usually says, definitions belong to the creator and the Creator sees you for your created value. Trapped within you are precious gifts that will be utilised to the glory of the living God and the welfare of humanity. Brethren, there is some-one who will never leave you nor forsake you! He exchanged who we were (sinners) and gave us the privilege to be sons.

To meet Jesus is to encounter destiny. When you are defined by the purpose of God upon your life, your tests are turned to testimonies and your mess becomes a message. The archetype of this in the bible is the Samaritan woman by the well (please see John 4:4-26).The lady had been married five times before and was now living with a man who was not her hus-band. She was an outlier, an anomaly, especially during very conservative times and not many would have wanted to identify with her. Her love life was a mess and it had no doubt earned her ridicule from her community. Jesus turned what was meant for evil for her good and a ministry to men was birthed where many came to the saving grace.


“His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and

faithful servant;”


Continue from page 12




My Story

Iwas nineteen when I left my home country (Kenya) to pursue undergraduate study in Australia. I had a cocktail of emotions.

On the one hand I was brimming with excitement about the possibilities and new adventures that lay ahead and on the other, a tinge of trepidation as it was the first time I would be so far away from home and from anyone and everything I knew and had grown accustomed to. As my dad embraced me, he advised that from the moment I took my seat and fastened my seatbelt I was a grown man. I pondered these words as I made my way to my seat. I enrolled at Monash College in Melbourne and had made friends from all around the world, mainly international students such as myself trying to find their way in a new land. Melbourne was exciting with a very vibrant night and music scene. I was having fun, going out, making new friends and exploring new places. I was eating out of life with a big spoon. Y.O.LO. (You Only Live Once) was the motto. At first we would go out on Fridays and Saturdays. We then gradually found out that each night provided something different, including Sundays. Soon, our nights out began on Wednesdays and stretched all the way to Sunday. Monday was a resting day and Tuesday was light drinks at the house in anticipation for Wednesday. I had also began smoking, at first it was just socially when I went out but now that I was out almost everyday, it had developed into a habit. On a night out, I could easily smoke through a twenty pack of Winfield Blues. Another habit I had picked up and developed a penchant for was smoking weed (marijuana). I liked the mellow feeling it gave. All seemed well with the world when one was high. I also felt that it heightened my senses and helped me enjoy finer details of music and things that I would have otherwise missed. What had started of as a hobby habit was now quickly developing into much more. I would be high on most days for most of the day. Gradually, I started missing classes and failed to hand in assignments on time. I was losing focus of my main mission in Australia. My parents had started suspecting all may not be well. The pocket money would not last me anywhere as long as it should have. My new lifestyle was literally burning a hole through my pockets. I had not secured a job yet and constantly made excuses, blaming a busy study schedule that was virtually non existent. The school had sent me two academic warnings but that had not prompted a change. It was the third letter from the school that jolted me

Real People Real Testimonies

Gichia Mungaiback to reality and out of cloud nine (literally). I had been expelled from the school for not meeting the academic requirements as an international student. My student visa was cancelled and I now had 28 days to leave the country. My world came crashing down. How was I going to face my parents, having wasted time and money and return home with nothing to show for it? They would skin me alive! I had to work something out and quick!

Growing up, I had a few early victories. I had a curious mind and an insatiable appetite for knowledge. I immersed myself in reading and would devour anything I could get my hands on, both curricular and extracurricular material. This served me well academically and I flourished. I was among the top students in my district and was admitted by merit to a high school where the smartest kids in the country would be trained and moulded as future leaders. In this school I was picked to be amongst the student leaders (prefects). My parents could not be more proud of my achievements. My future seemed bright. And now this. The unimaginable, had happened. I had been kicked out of a school, my one area of strength. How could I have fallen so low? I had to fix this! Due to my early successes, I had earned my parent’s trust and leverage in handling my own affairs. I had taken care of my university application and visa process. Consequently, I knew a few people I could call. I did so and they promised to work something out. By God’s grace it worked! The situation was averted, I had escaped by the skin of my teeth! I was reinstated to a different school on a new visa. I vowed to myself never to let that happen again.

After these incidents I knew I needed a drastic change in my life. Miraculously, I graduated. I felt that the time was now ripe for me to start over. I felt a great nudge to go to Sydney. It is only in retrospect that I understand that God was ordering my steps and He knew me, though I did not know Him. I applied for and was accepted for a Masters program at Macquarie University. I moved to Sydney, hoping to start a new life with new results. Sydney felt right. I could not tangibly point out why but I knew this was where I needed to be. I had success getting a place to stay within the first week. A lady leased out a room to me in a house that had nobody else. She would also occasionally put food in the fridge as well at no additional cost. Again, in hindsight, I attribute her generosity to God’s mercy. The good times however did not last too long. One can change their location multiple times however, if at their core, they remain the same, they ultimately find themselves back where they started. In a nutshell, I found myself doing the same things that I used to do back in Melbourne. Only this time I leaned more heavily on the alcohol and weed as opposed to the aforementioned ‘party drugs ‘. There are seasons when chaos careens with apparent carelessness through our lives, living us shattered. I was in the midst of such a season. I felt a dreary emptiness. I had crucial existential questions that I could not find an answer to. I knew that the key lay in discovering the solution. Unfortunately, I was looking for solutions in all the wrong places. Nothing felt fulfilling. I knew that the answer did not lie in a happy relationship. I had looked there, multiple times and always came up short. The partying was just but a momentary escape and the return to reality usually carried regrets of decisions made while in a drunken stupor.

I questioned the very purpose of life. Surely, there must be more to it than chasing money, paying bills and indulging in gluttonous consumerism? Turning to God may seem obvious to some, but I did not know enough about him to even suspect he held the key. I had not attended a church service in almost a decade at this point. During this season, an unrelenting darkness would descend and hover upon me like a cloud. I could not see it but I could sense it. It was so heavy, it almost felt tangible. I also had constant taunting thoughts that I was a failure. That I was not good enough. I began to flirt with the idea of death. Every bridge I drove over, held the enticing thought of throwing myself over. I was not one to pray, but I often requested God to take me away. I would drink and drive, throwing all caution out of the window. I sometimes would wake up parked at a car dealership or in a park or even sometimes at my house with no idea how I got there. I had an international driving licence at the time. I incurred fines in the thousands. I am still paying for them till date, years later. Each payment, a stark reminder of the miry clay God pulled me from. One night, a police van stopped me at around 2am. I was high as a kite. They put me in the back of the paddy wagon and drove me to the station. This was a very low moment. I could not believe it had come to this.

My licence was suspended for a year and I was served with a court date. They say hindsight is 20/20. I am thankful for that traffic stop as it probably saved my life by keeping me off the road. I also now recognise that what I was dealing with was spiritual. The enemy was trying to snuff me out before I could obtain salvation and realise God’s plan for my life. I would dream about death in my sleep and fantasise about it in my waking moments. I desperately

needed help. I just did not know where to turn.

It was in the depth of this morbid darkness and hopelessness that strange supernatural things that I could not have even fathomed began to happen in my life. To some it may seem like hyperbole, it is however the unembroidered truth told in as much accuracy as I can remember.

One morning whilst waiting at Merrylands station in Sydney, for my train to work, a young lady approached me and struck a conversation. Being a carnal, red blooded male, I went along with it thinking that today may after all be my lucky day. We got on the train and as we got closer to her destination, the conversation took a more serious tone. She said that God had showed me to her in a dream the night before. She also explained that God had told her that I had been wrestling with questions of purpose and destiny. She went on and said God had directed her to give me the book ‘Purpose Driven Life’ by Rick Warren. She requested that I read it and that she would be available for any questions and with that she got off the train. I was stunned, baffled! I had never experienced anything remotely similar before. I did oblige with the request to read the book. As a matter of fact I studied it as one would academic literature for an exam. My mind was blown away by what many may consider obvious. That God loved me in spite of and he had a specific purpose for my life and indeed for every life. I learnt that by cultivating a relationship with God, I would come to discover my purpose and in this purpose, fulfilment in life. Wow! It gave me a whole new understanding of God and really about life and our existence. In the weeks that followed, we would meet once a week at a coffee shop where I was armed with a barrage of questions regarding God and the journey of life. This lady, Carol, also held classes for beginning Christians that would teach fundamentals such as what prayer was and how to pray. I will forever be indebted to her for allowing God to use her in a life saving way. I was curious about God and the Christian walk. I desired to join a church and learn more. A desire I’d never harboured before. I visited some of the big name churches in Sydney but they didn’t resonate with me. I visited Carol’s church but that wasn’t it either. I understood intrinsically that I would know the place when I finally found it but I could not describe this place in words. I would google churches and each Sunday I would visit some. I attended churches in a library, some in people’s houses, some in garages. I still had not found the one I was looking for.

It was around this time that one friend of a friend began calling me, inviting me to church. Her name was Deborah and she was a neighbour to one of my friends. On this specific occasion I was hosting a party at my house and saw a missed call and message that indicated rather urgently that she would be at my house at 9am and would pick me up and drop me back home. I thought it must be quite important if she was going to make that much effort and the next morning I was ready albeit slightly hungover.

The church we went to was God’s Power Ministries (GPM). Immediately I walked in, I could sense a difference in the atmosphere. The presence of the Holy Spirit was unmistakable. The praise and worship simply ‘blew me away’. I did not know the songs but I enjoyed it. It had been delivered with such a deep earnestness that I could not help but marvel. The preacher, Prophet Richard, stepped on the pulpit and delivered the word with such conviction and boldness like I had not seen before. The message was deep, laden with revelation. I realised this was what I had been desperately searching for. A living church where I could witness signs and wonders and the power of God as I had read in the bible. I will forever be grateful to Deborah for introducing me to this great ministry and what would later become my church home.



I see The Father’s love being poured immeasurably on you.His aboundant treasuresshall be your portion

God is pouring into you an irresistible GRACE that willcause you to want more of Him

I decree over you as a child of God! You will walk in an uncommon annointing that will secure you and all your needs

Prophetic Decrees & Declarations


Brethren, it is never ever too late to go back to the Father. Nothing you have done is too grievous, no stain is too stubborn that His blood cannot cleanse. The Father only sees you for your created value. Unlike the world, He knows who you were at the beginning. He alone has the key to joy everlasting, purpose and fulfilment. Like the prodigal son, He is waiting, longing to embrace you. The heavenly feast is ready and you are the guest Heaven is waiting for.

Today is a good a time as any to make the best and most important decision, to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Master saviour! To become a son and an heir to the Living God. Nothing in this world beats that!

...The woman then left her water-pot, went her way into the city, and said to the men, “Come, see a Man who told me all things that I ever did. Could this be the Christ?” Then they went out of the city and came to Him. And many of the Samaritans of that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman who tes-tified, “He told me all that I ever did.”

JOHN 4: 28 -30, 39 NKJV

Continuation of page 9



pay bills and buy groceries, save a bit of what’s left then repeat the same thing next week. At work it was the same song every day. Nothing new comes around, just different clients with the same problems. I have wanted to quit but the thought of how I will manage my debts and bills has kept me in the same place.

I hardly see my wife and when we do, we discuss upcoming bills and relative’s drama. What seemed like a fairytale wedding had become a life of waking up next to a stranger. I used to look at her and smile, adoring how blessed I was that she was a part of my life. Now I look at her and feel sorry for her. Sorry that she had to marry me and be stuck with me for the rest of her life. My life has been derailed. I feel as though somewhere along the line, I forgot one crucial By The Ghost Potter


usto duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, seddvoluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, nasd gubergren, no sea takimata

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For The Youth By The Youth

By The Ghost Potter


in this loop to ensure you never receive your salvation and uses you as a tool to bring others down. Each day seems the same and you never get anywhere. You pay one debt and others pop up! You move to an apartment with more space and in a better location. You pay more rent but now have less to live on. On days off you take whatever is left of your pay and shout yourself a fancy din-ner or go out for a drink. You come back home broke and depressed. You fall asleep feeling sorry for your-self. Have you stopped and asked yourself...What is going on here???

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” (John 10: 10)a aThe bible, The Word of God, says we are made in God’s image. We are made to rule the earth. Everything is ours, by faith and by grace. If your life is in the never-ending loop, my friend, now is the time to stop and reassess where you are headed. How will you flee from this failure and disappointment you call your

life? Yeah sure, work is a part of life, but not when it brings depression! The way i see things, if it steals your joy, it’s not yours. What is yours stays with you… Go and find yours... You are the custodian of your own happiness...

See Genesis 1: 1-3; and 1: 24-31).

God created us like puzzles. We are created with ‘slots’ or key-holes to which only specific keys can go in and unlock. That feeling of empti-ness deep inside which we end up trying to fill in with things of this world (alcohol, sex, clubbing, drugs, crime). That slot is not meant for that, which is why we end up hitting rock bottom only to realize that gap in us still exists. There is a slot in us which can only be filled with our purpose. Where God created you to fulfill a purpose and can only be filled by you doing exactly that.

When you work in a job which you dislike and everything doesn’t seem to work out or add up. You are trying in the wrong key. You need to use the right one. Those people whom we see or hear of doing well at jobs,

Ever get to a point in your life when you stop and ask yourself these ques-


What am I doing with my life? Where am I going with my life? What have I achieved in the past decade and what do I have to show for it?

We have lived our lives on autopilot for very long. The few times your life has pro-duced something tangible and solid were those times you took the reigns and made it happen. The times you felt ‘something has to be done’. We are built with a little ‘lizard’ in us. The auto pilot robot which ensures things built into habit continue happening without us being conscious-ly aware of it. Like breathing, fiddling or sucking our thumbs and cracking knuck-les. We’ve done it for so long that it just happens. We wake up, go to work, come back home and sleep. Then it’s the next day. Not much happens outside this routine and we are so used to it that we have grown to believe that is what life is about… Routine

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future”. (Jeremiah 29: 11)

In another dimension; spiritual, the devil and his minions exist. They make your life a nev-er-ending loop of failure. The devil keeps you

time it usually takes, helping oth-ers rise etc … The right key…

There is a big ‘Put God here’ slot, which can only be filled with His presence. The biggest part of you. This part can make you or break you. This is the part people fill with all kinds of wrong like sexual immorality. The part which makes us feel wanted or recognized and we go to vile lengths to fulfil it. Then we end up hating ourselves, falling into depression and worse… Taking our own lives. The part meant only for God.

Jesus Speaks of 3 Parables on Similar Meanings in Luke 15:

• ●Parable of the lost sheep

The man has 100 sheep but when he loses one, he leaves the rest to go and search for the one. It shows the extent God goes to reach out to the lost and how He offers hope to sinners.

• ●Parable of the lost coin

Like the story Above, the story portrays how when a sinner repents, there is great joy in heaven.

• ●Parable of the prodigal son

The man asked his father for money and moved away with it. He wasted the money on bad habits and wrong behavior. Soon he had nothing left and began to struggle. He tried pulling him-self out of it but realized that he couldn’t get far. He then returned to his father who gladly took him back.

This story shows how we per-ceive things and how in God’s eyes they are wrong. How we lean on our own understanding and we end up digging ourselves into a pit and forget the God who has blessed us. How we use what He has blessed us with for personal fulfilment. How we try and fill in that ‘God Only’ slot with worldly things.

It also emphasizes how God does not tolerate sin but Has made it possible for people to come back to Him. They must be humble and repent. God will forgive them and bless them.

ACCEPT JESUS AS YOUR PER-SONAL LORD AND SAVIOURYeah, you’ve heard this a lot of times I’m sure. You probably finished the sentence before you read it. What does it mean? From where?

Well for one, Jesus did die for your salvation. The ultimate sacrifice. Imagine dying just so someone else can live. Even at our level that’s something right? This first step basically covers a few things. Firstly, that you believe that Jesus exists, then that the bible and all in it is true. The bible is where you will find evidence of the life of Jesus. Next you should believe that the Bible

is the Word of God. God sent His Son to die so you will be saved, so God exists, and you believe in that too. See, there is a lot going on here. The final thing is saying, you have “Faith”. I like that one the most. Because the walk you are about to walk in needs faith. You can’t do without it (please see Romans 5: 8; Hebrews 11: 6; and John 14: 1-4). scing elitr

STUDY THE WORD OF GOD, sed This sometimes sounds a bit daunting. I have been there and am fighting the good fight. You must know what you are dealing with. Being a child of anyone or anything means you know them, you have a relationship with them. Being a child of God means you need to have a relationship with God. Best way is by commu-nication. God speaks through His word, you speak to God through prayer. As your relationship with Him grows, so will the communi-cation and He will reveal Himself to you in more ways. That situa-tion you had before, your life, at this point you will ask yourself, “Why am I so blessed?”i(please see John 1: 10-13; 2 Timothy 3: 16-17; and Matthew 7: 24). scm nonumy eirmod temThe Parable of the prodigal son is a case of classical misdirection. It happens when you don’t have all the facts and end up relying on only what you are used to or what you have been told. The Word of God has all the facts, read it and you will be blessed. Return to God our father and He will bless your ways.

May God grant you the desires of your heart through faith. May He return you to the only truth and align your life with your purpose and destiny. May you find fulfil-ment in God and completing the work He has for you. May joy be an everyday thing and any chains used by Satan to tie you down and away from your purpose be broken.In Jesus name, Amen


BETWEEN YOU AND GOD by Honorine Ange Iradukunda

thought they didn’t need God (The in-heritance in this case would be the time, talent, skill or blessing that the person has, which is given by God). The person then find themselves in need of help because their inheritance alone wasn’t able to sustain them.

This can also be compared to a Christian who asked to be blessed by God, got his request granted from God but ends up being away from God, distracted by the very blessing received from God.

This can also be a person who ends up misusing or mistreating the very bless-ing he or she received from God until the blessing is no more. Squandering your very own blessing or your own life can result into a feeling of painful regret. Regret is a mighty weapon that the dev-il uses to make Christians believe that they cannot be blessed again especially in the same area that God initially bless-ed them.

God will restore you regardless of how again especially in the same area thatmuch you have misused the blessing that has been given you as long as you sincerely repent and seek Him whole-heartedly. It’s important in this instance to remember about God’s forgiveness (please see 1 John 1: 9, and Ephesians 1:7). These two verses are true to any situation. If you find yourself in a situ-ation where you have squandered the blessing that God has given you, or you feel like you have wasted your own life. Choose to seek restoration from God rather than thinking that God cannot bless you anymore because you have wasted what He already gave you.

2. YOUR RIGHTEOUS BROTHERThe prodigal son had a brother; he had someone to compare himself with. Unfortunately for the prodigal son, his brother did the opposite of what he did. His brother stayed with his father and was a good son to him. If the prodigal son had focused on comparing himself to his righteous brother, he probably wouldn’t have had the courage to go back to his father.

In our Christian walk, we might look at our brother or sister whom we think is a better child of God and get very discouraged. Comparison is another great weapon used by the devil to trap us into believing that there is a limit to how much blessing we can get from God because we are not as good as our brother or sister.

The story of the prodigal son shows us that God does not compare us to our brothers in order to restore us or bless us. The prodigal son believed that even his brother cannot come between him and his father. This is a healthy atti-tude to have as a Christian because we understand that God is interested in us individually. However, it is also healthy to learn from our brethren who do well.

There is only love between you and God, God does not look at you in comparison to anyone else. Our relationship with God is a one on one relationship (see Galatians 6:4-5).

Another important lesson to learn from this is that even if good works are im-portant, they don’t buy the love of God. The love of God is free and everything is given to us freely (see Romans 5: 8; 1 Corinthians 2:12; and Romans 8: 32). Do not compare yourself to your

brother/sister and feel like God accepts you less because you have not done what they have done. God is able to restore you and bless you so that you can also enjoy His blessing. Learn from your brother/sister but do not compare yourself as God is interested in you as an individual.

3. IGNORANCEThe prodigal son dared to go back to his father after such a shameful conduct because he had hope in his father’s love. He knew that his father will do some-thing to bring him relief. He must have also known that his father had enough to restore him.

In his desperate time, after a long time away from his father, he had to rely on what he knew about his father. As chil-dren of God, we need to constantly feed ourselves with what God is. We need to know about God enough to know that He is able to love us back into His kingdom and restore us.

Believing that God loves you and that He is able to restore you is essential for your restoration. You might have abused your blessings but that doesn’t mean that His resources are exhausted nor does it mean that your identity as a child of God has changed. (see Psalm 86:5 and Ephesians 2: 4-5).

Meditate on the love of God for you until you understand without any doubt that God loves you.God’s love is a precious gift to us be-cause we didn’t deserve it. I personally believe that most of our worries and anxieties would disappear if we knew how important and loved we are by God. God gives second, third, fourth, chances. God does not compare us to anyone in order to bless us. God’s love for us is unconditional. Let go of any regrets or fear and pursue your restoration. Despite your past unwise and/ or selfish decisions, you deserve to be restored simply because God loves you and wants to restore you.

It is my prayer that you come to a real-isation that the most important thing between you and God is His pure love. Not good deeds, your prayerful family, your tithe, your assignment, your minis-try or anything you might consider as a link between you and God.

There is only God’s love between you and God.

Recently, our spiritual father Prophet Richard Amoaye took us through the story behind the parable of the prodigal

son. It is a great story from which we can learn different life lessons. It paints a perfect picture of a father’s love and helps us better understand the unconditional love of God.

Apart from being a perfect love story, the story of the prodigal son is also a story of courage. When we approach the story from the prodigal son’s point of view, it becomes a story of a son who chose to believe in his father’s love. A son who was not ignorant of how mighty his father’s love for him was. A son who believed that his father’s love was not dependent of his behaviour. A son who knew that between him and his father, there was nothing but pure love.

Many reasons could have stopped the prodigal son from going back to his father despite his painful situation. It was possible for the son to give in to the idea that he was no longer worthy of his father’s love.

The prodigal son had indeed made very foolish

and selfish decisions but he pursued his res-toration nonetheless because he had a strong belief in his father’s love.

From this amazing story, we learn that no matter how sinful we have been, we can still be restored because what links us to God is noth-ing but love from God. God loves and blesses us simply because of His love.

God loved us first (1 John 4:19) we love be-cause He first loved us.


1. WHAT HE HAS ALREADY GIVEN YOU?The prodigal son asked his father for his inher-itance and ran away because he believed he wasn’t in need of his father anymore. He later squandered the inheritance and found himself in desperate need of his father’s provision again.

This can be compared to a person who chose to live life on their own terms because they

“Believing that God loves you and

that He is able to restore you is

essential for your restoration.

You might have abused your bless-

ings but that doesn’t mean that

His resources are exhausted nor

does it mean that your identity as

a child of God has changed”


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We live in a time where we are most enlightened,

educated and have the resources to live satisfied

life’s yet a lot of us live without hope. Our

enlightenment fails in offering real solutions for

many of the hopelessness we see in our world. This

is because most of the issues that confront us have

their source in the spiritual realm. As such, we need

to be equipped to deal with the root causes instead


is designed not only to create an atmosphere

conducive for possibilities but also empowers us to

identify, disrupt and diffuse the enemy’s agendas;

and enforce God’s will in our lives, families and

world. Remember there is nothing like impossibility

in the Realm of the Prophetic. That is why RAM’s

Prophetic Atmosphere Conferences (including our

facebook livestream sessions held every thursday

(7-8 pm AEST) and the RAM feed the homeless

project held monthly are important

RAM programmes July - December 2018

You May Say This Prayer With faith;

Heavenly Father,

I come to you in prayer asking for the forgiveness of my sins. I confess with my mouth and believe with my heart that Jesus Christ is your son, And that He died on the Cross at Calvary that I might be forgiven and have eternal Life in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Father, I believe that Jesus rose from death and I ask you right now to come in to my life and be my personal Lord and Saviour. I repent of my sins and will worship you all the days of my Life.

Because your word is truth, I confess with my mouth that I am born again and cleansed by the Blood of Jesus!

In Jesus name I pray with thanksgiving.


If you want Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Personal Saviour...

Prophetic & Leadership ConferencesThe Richard Amoaye Ministries (RAM) in partnership with people, churches, and organisations across the globe organizes prophetic conferences in Australia and overseas, inspiring the seed of greatness in people. For partnering with RAM for a prophetic conference in your city or town, please contact us at:

E-mail: info@richardamoayeministries.com Tel: +61 415300482 Address: 1 Toohey Road, Wetherill Park, NSW 2164, AUSTRALIA

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Prophet’s Reading Corner: Be Enlightened

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