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1. Background of the study

Economic globalization, increasing consumer demand for better quality products or services,

explosions in technological advances and constant changes in the business environment have

created the need for organizations to continuously provide their employees with certain skills,

knowledge and abilities (SKAs) in order to maintain market competitiveness and business

survival (Vloeberghs & Faes; 2003). As Employee training is essential as it is one of the

main ways of raising the skill level of the workforce. Training is an important factor that

could facilitate a firm’s expansion, develop its potentials and enhance its profitability (Cosh,

et al, 1998). Tung-Chun (2001) agreed with this stating that educated and well-trained

employees are a prerequisite for an organization’s competitive advantage.

For developing and managing people properly organizations are conducted by Human

Resource Management (HRM). HRM is a planned approach to managing people effectively

for performance (BEARDWELL et al, 2004). The core activities of HRM are manpower

Planning, Recruitment, Performance Management, Training and Development, Staff

Relations. Among of these training is the most important act to utilize employees’ talent and

skills. It is a learning experience that seeks a relatively permanent change in individuals that

will improve their ability to perform of the job (Decenzo & Robbins; 2006). Training

include: the improvement of employee job performance, employee development (Burden

and Proctor, 2000).

Especially for the Multi-national Company’s (MNCs) staff training is essential as MNCs

operate in a complex and uncertain environment which creates a unique set of organizational,

co-ordination and managerial issues for managers (Collings & Morley, 2004). Like others

MNCs Ericsson also has a huge budget for employee training. Ericsson is now a top company

in the world only because of its personnel so it trusts that people are assets, it motivates its

people to be creative and hard work through satisfying them. Actually the company recruits

talent people and try to utilize their capability and finally retain them.

2. Background of the company

Ericsson is a world-leading supplier of telecommunications equipment and related services to

mobile and fixed network operators globally. Its 1,000 networks in 140 countries utilize its

network equipment and 40 percent of all mobile calls are made through its systems. It has

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been present in Bangladesh since 1997, to support its customers through a local branch office,

Ericsson AB – Branch Office Dhaka. In early 2006, it incorporated under the Bangladesh

laws as LM Ericsson Bangladesh Limited (EBL), for establishing a full-fledged company.

Today, Ericsson Bangladesh is a partner to all major operators in the country. At present the

country’s largest end-to-end telecommunications solutions provider with complete in-country

expertise and support team with a staff-strength of more than 400.

Ericsson trusts its employees are its greatest asset. Every employee is important in helping

them to reach its vision and goals so every employee counts. It recruits those people who are

proactive, innovative, trustworthy and responsive and then utilizes them. As Ericsson utilize

its resources globally, promote global networking, and expect its employees to work across

organizational and national boundaries and makes the staffs capable through training and

development. EBL has 800 staffs and it utilizes their SKAs through local and foreign

training. It funds BDT 5 million yearly for its human resources’ development. It provides

training almost 400 employees yearly and it is committed with its staffs that it will help them

make the most of their potential by providing a rich learning environment and a structured

framework for their career development.

3. The problems statement and Significance of the study

The 21st century companies are facing unique competitive, economic and global challenges.

With the challenges the global business climate also facing a challenge for managing and

employing people, (Vloeberghs & Faes; 2003). People are one of the key inputs into

organizations (Campbell and Butterworth: 2005).Any company’s success depends on its

manpower. To reach the vision of a company, it has to recruit talent, proactive, innovative,

trustworthy and responsive staffs. Then improve their SKAs by training and justify the

potential results or feedback from the trained staffs. Training enhances organization

performance with employee’s individual performance. So the main intension of the study is

to gain a better understanding of the effectiveness of training those enhance personnel’s

performance in EBL.

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4. Research objectives and questions

From the problem discussion above, the main objective of the research is a general evaluation

of EBL to assess its training effectiveness to enhance employees’ performances. These are

the main intentions why the research is done:

i. To evaluate the effectiveness of training in EBL

ii. Assessing the effectiveness of training motivation in EBL

iii. Scrutinize the relationship between employee perceived training effectiveness

and job satisfaction in EBL

iv. To identify the EBL’s training strategies for enhancing employees’


The following three research questions have been developed in order to support the

objectives of the study in the best way possible. The following research questions will be

explored in the study:

i. Does training enhance employees’ performances?

ii. How employees could be utilized for the betterment of the organization via

effective training?

5. Review of Literature

5.1 Definition of Training

Cascio (2003) stated training consists of planned programs designed to improve performance

at the individual, group or organizational levels. It is a learning experience in that it seeks a

relatively permanent change in an individual that will improve the ability to perform on the

job. it includes experiences intended to meet essential job requirements, update skills, prepare

people for career movement of any kind, rectify knowledge or skill deficiencies, and evoke

new insights or even create new knowledge (Rothwell & Kazanas, 2003). Its main purpose

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is workplace is to develop the abilities of the individuals and to satisfy the present and future

needs of the organization (Manpower Services Commission, 1981).

5.2 Types of training

According to Robbins (2005) training can include everything from teaching employees basic

reading skills to advanced courses in executive leadership. There are four general skills


Figure 2:7 Skills categories of training

Source: Robbins, 2005. Pp.521

• Basic literacy skills: Organizations increasingly have to offer basic reading and math

skills for their employees.

• Technical skills: Most training is focussed at upgrading and improving employee’s

technical skills. Technical training has become vital at present because of two

reasons- new technology and new structural design.

• Interpersonal skills: Human resources’ work performance depends on their ability to

interact with their co-workers and their boss. Some employees may have to improve

their interpersonal skills through training.

• Problem solving skills: When managers or employees perform no routine tasks, they

have to solve problems on their job then according their requirements of skills they

can participate in problem solving training (Robbins, 2005).

5.3 Training Methods

According to McConnell (2005) there are two procedures of training and these are 1)

Internal training & 2) External training. Internal training is that training offered and

Skill Categories

Basic literacy skills Technical skills Interpersonal


solving skills

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conducted by the organization. External Training is also job-related, but an external source

rather than the organization itself. There are two methods of training;

Figure 2:8 Training Methods

Source; Beardwell et al., 2004

5.3.1 On-the-job training: Training a person to learn a job while working on it. it is planned,

organized, and conducted at the employee's worksite.

i. Coaching or Understudy method: Coaching is one of the training methods, which is

considered as a remedial method for inadequate performance (Dessler; 2005).

ii. Special assignments: Special assignments similarly give to lower-level executives’

firsthand experience in working on actual problems. (Dessler; 2005)

Training Methods

On-the-job training*Coaching or Understudy method

*Special assignments*‘Sitting by Nellie’ and learning by doing

*Mentoring*Shadowing & Job rotationDecenzo & Robbins; (2006)

*E-learning*Apprenticeship programs*Job instruction training

Source: Beardwell et al., 2004,

Off-the-job training*Classroom Lectures/ conferences

*Films*Simulation exercises

*Experimental exercises*Role playing*Case studies

*Computer modeling*Vestibule training*Sensitivity training

*Transactional analysis Source: (Decenzo & Robbins; 2006)

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iii. ‘Sitting by Nellie’ and learning by doing: these traditional methods are used to

teach new skills and methods to employee and they can be very effective.

iv. Mentoring: Mentoring provides guidance and clear understanding of how the

organization goes to achieve its vision and mission to the junior employee.

It is not as structured and regular than in coaching (Beardwell et al, 2004).

v. Shadowing & Job rotation: It usually aims to give trainee managers a ‘feel’ for the

organization by providing experience of working in different departments.

vi. E-learning: a more recent concept of the informational and learning exchange

environment is electronic learning (e- learning) (Beardwell et al, 2004).

5.3.2 Off-the-job training:

It can involve both theory and practical training and may comprise assessment and

examinations. But it may not provide as much transfer of training to the actual job as do on

the job program (Fisher et al, 2005). There are some methods of off-the-job training;

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(Decenzo & Robbins; 2006)

Table 2:1 Off the training methods

There are some cross-cultural training methods that is mainly important for MNCs

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Table 2:2 Cross-cultural training methods

Source: Treven, Sonja. 2003.

According to Davies (2001) there are some factors that Influences on training design

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Figure 2:9 Influences on training design

Source: Davies (2001)

Before selecting training methods organization should concern about these factors.

5.2 Importance of Training

Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995) stated that training is used to improve employee performance

which leads to improved business results. Various authors pointed out many advantages of

training. Summary of which are as follows:

i. Supply of talent: Training is a way to create a supply of talent within the

organization through structured but flexible long-term individual development plans

(Dubois and Rothwell, 2000). It creates a pool of qualified applicants in the right

numbers and with the right skills for higher-level jobs inside an organization.

ii. Equipping individuals with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes: training is an

important and useful tool for equipping individuals with the knowledge, skills, and

attitudes. It is geared to helping managers and workers see and even experience why

changes stemming from strategic objectives are needed (Rothwell & Kazanas, 2003).

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iii. Implementation of a new strategy: training can help an organization that is moving

toward implementation of a new strategy in a changing environment. Training can

serve as a medium for simulating artificial experience to anticipate future events so it

helps people understand what knowledge and skills they might need in the future,

thereby motivating those to learn to meet future rather than past needs (Rothwell &

Kazanas, 2003).

iv. Potential tool: training is a potential tool for giving individuals the skills they need to

think strategically (Rothwell & Kazanas, 2003).

v. Retention of potential talent: Basically, retention of employees, and the retention of

valued skill sets, is important for continued business achievements (Mak and Sockel,

1999). Employee switching may lead to a loss of human resources weakening

competitive positions. Training reduces employee’s switching.

vi. Increase ability: Job-related training increases an employee's ability to perform job

related tasks. As Job satisfaction is an important motivator for employee performance

and is negatively related to turnover so to satisfy employees through training is really

very important (Mak and Sockel, 1999).

vii. Help to meet commitment: Ranft and Lord (2000) stated company commitment to

the training needs of its employees positively influences employee satisfaction,

leading to an increase in employee motivation and an increase in retention and such

commitment culminates in employee exposure to quality job-related training, leading

to better employee morale, an increased sense of employee achievement and

accomplishment (Elizur, 1996). For example, global organizations committed to

employee development (e.g., Proctor & Gamble, Intel, Boeing, Cisco, Dell,

PepsiCo) attract highly qualified candidates (O'Toole & Lawler, 2006).

viii. Good sign of future economic: d'Arcimoles (1997) examined the effects of

employee training upon the financial performance of 61 French firms and found that

there were significant immediate and lagged effects as expenditure on training by firms

was associated with 'immediate and permanent' improvements in productivity and

profitability so: "substantial training expenses seem to be a good sign of future

economic performance."

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ix. Lead to productivity: Bartel (1994) had used a value-added measure of productivity

and found that the introduction of new training programs led to a productivity gain of

18.86% over three years and this gain applied across the board to low performing and

high performing companies.

x. Employee loyalty: Training employees leads to increased employee satisfaction,

facilitates the updating of skills, leads to an increased sense of belonging and benefit,

increased employee loyalty to the organization (Bushardt et al., 1994).

Finally, training has a direct effect on productivity, internal quality and financial outcomes

for firms by raising the general level of skills and enhancing the human capital of the firm.

It is a standalone practice that leads to effective task performance on the part of employees

and this is reflected in enhanced firm performance. Horwitz (1999) showed the Levels of

human resource development how individual effectiveness converts to organizational

effectiveness in the following figures

Figure 2:3 Levels of human resource development

Source: Horwitz (1999)

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The world’s top companies for instance IBM, Accenture, Intel and Lockheed Martin alone

each spend in excess of $300 million a year on employee training (Robbins: 2005 Cited in

Training March 2003, p20).

2.5 Disadvantages of training

Ineffective implemented training may disadvantageous for employee and organization both:

Training can be a financial drain on resources; Ineffective training may expensive for

development and testing, expensive to operate.

It often takes people away from their job for varying periods of time so it may create


Equips staff to leave for a better job: trained people may leave the job to join in

another better job (Rothwell et al ., 2000 ).

Canadian industry is not making adequate investments in training (Betcherman, 1992).

2.6 A systems model of the training cycle

Cole (2005) states that to contribute to the organization’s overall goals training programs

should be developed systematically. There is an Instructional Systems Design (ISD) how

the organization recover its haphazardness and failure possibilities of training. The model

shows four steps; 1) needs assessment; 2) design & development of training; 3) delivery of

training; and 4) evaluation of training (Fisher et al, 2005).

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Figure 2:4 an instructional Systems Design Model

Source; Fisher et al., 2005 pp. 372

Step 1; Assess needs: Needs should only be systematically identified when the cause of a

performance problem is lack of knowledge, skill, or appropriate attitude (Rothwell et al .,

2000). There are three levels of needs assessment; Organizational analysis, Job & task

analysis, and Person analysis.

Develop training objectives translates the identified needs by the organization, task and

individual analysis into computable objectives that can guide the training effort (Fisher et al.,


For training needs analysis, potential tools are: observation, questionnaire, using

consultants, interviews, group discussions, using of tests and using of business records

(Erdoğmuş, 1997, pp. 307-11).

Step 2 Design & development: this step includes selecting appropriate training methods and

developing training materials. This phase covers planning, design and development of

magistrate training. The following activities should be done in this step;

o Select training methods

o Develop detailed content

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o Develop training materials

o Pilot test training programme

o Train trainers (Fisher et al., 2005).

Step 3; Deliver

This stage ensures that the delivery of the training is effective and provides opportunities for

the trainee to learn. This will involve choosing the most appropriate design for meeting

training needs, and taking advantage of different training methods (Fisher et al.,; 2005).

Step 4; Evaluate

For a thorough evaluation four levels of evaluation should be collected; reaction, learning,

behaviors and results. Finally, the effectiveness of a training program can be calculated by

assessing its costs and putting a dollar value on its benefits to the organization (Fisher et al,

2005). According to Davies (2001) there are also three stages

All Line Managers are responsible for ensuring that the competence of their workforce meets

the requirements of Ericsson and its commitments to customers. EBL encourages each

employee to develop his/her potential to the maximum. Training is provided based on the

Ericsson’s Competence Management Process. Development needs are identified as part of the

IPM process. Individual Performance Management is an annual ongoing process, which

normally includes at least three IPM discussions over the period of 12 months. The process


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Figure 2:6 EBL's training process

Setting Individual Goals:

The managers start the discussions with employees to set their individuals goals for the

coming year and first review period. This step takes place in the beginning of the year, when

the target setting for the unit is finalized. The individual goals are usually set for a period of

one year.

Training needs assessment:

During the year further discussions holds to review and follow up results and provide

constructive feedback to support the employee to meet or exceed the goals and expectations.

Regular feedback has also proven to increase the employee motivation.

Value and Behaviors

Leadership Behavior

Operational needs

Annul Performance Summary:

Summarizing all sections in the IPM discussions during the year is discussed. This normally

takes place at the end of the year or may early in the next coming year.

Performence Goal

Setting Individual Goals

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It is a final performance & development evaluation and feedback session but can also be

combined with the start of a new IPM discussion cycle with goal setting for the new review


2.10 Training and job satisfaction: Fisher et al. (2004) claim that job satisfaction includes

the positive feelings associated with the rewarding aspects of a job that can intuitively lead to

improved work performance. Currie (2001) suggests that satisfaction is related to the degree

to which an individual is satisfied with the terms and conditions of employment. Rowden

and Conine (2005) propose that training may be used as a tool to increase job satisfaction

and trained employees will better satisfy the needs of their customers. job satisfaction has

been linked to improved job performance (Wright et al (2002) if it can be shown that an

organization's training program increases job satisfaction, then a bridge from training and

improved employees performance can be established.

2.11 Training, employees’ performances and organizational performance: According to

Harrison (2000), learning (training) is a variable that may have a positive effect on

organizational performance and is considered to be a key element to the attainment of

organizational goals. This becomes clearer by examining Bramley's individual model of


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Figure 2:10 Bramley's individual model of training

The model dictates that the organization should recognize that its employees are not effective

and a change should be attempted in their knowledge, attitudes and skills. According to

Swart et al. (2005) an individual improvement will be contingent on the quality of the

training program, the motivation of the individual and the individual's needs. The model

generally assumes that employee knowledge, skills and attitudes will change by the adoption

of a training program and if the employee believes, there is an improvement in his knowledge

and skills; it may be safe to also assume that, there will be an increase in the person's

individual performance. As a result, according to the model, there will be an increase in

the overall performance of the organization.

2.12 Training effectiveness and employee commitment: Mathews and Shepherd (2002)

stated commitment is an internalized employee belief often associated with “soft HRM” and

a high-trust organizational culture and is frequently associated with an exchange relationship

between the employer and employee. Organizational commitment has also been linked to

improved performance within an organizational context (Bozeman & Perrwe, 2001).

Ahmad and Bakar (2003) tested the relationship between implementing training and

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organizational commitment, came across various findings concerning all three aspects of

commitment, affective, normative and continuance. They found that various dimensions of

training are related with all three aspects of commitment, which is consistent to a large extent

with the findings of Kim (2006).

2.13 Training motivation and training effectiveness

Training motivation is an individual's desire to engage in training activities and fully embrace

the training experience (Facteau et al., 1995). The more motivated the trainee, the more

likely he/she are to reap the intended benefits from the training experience (Noe and Wilk,

1993). Generally individuals who are highly motivated to attend the training program and to

give due attention to the contents of the training program are more likely to score higher

points on the post-training test. Also they are more likely to see the training as a means to

obtain some future benefits. These benefits will only be fully realized if the trainees can

either utilize what they learned on the job (i.e. training transfer), in a new setting (i.e. training

maintenance), and/or to more complex task situations (i.e. training generalization) (Chiaburu

and Marinova, 2005). Training motivation plays a more determinant role than other

individual factors in regard to training performance (Quiñones, 1997).

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6. Methodology

Figure 3:1 Methodology Overview

Source: Foster, 1998 Pp, 81

3.1 Research Purpose

According to Saunders et al (2003) the most commonly used classification of purpose of

research is; exploratory, descriptive and explanatory. Descriptive and exploratory types of

research are for quantitative method while explanatory research is for qualitative method

(Mcnabb, 2002).

Descriptive Research: Descriptive research design is used to develop snapshot of a

particular situation. Generally things are described by providing measures of an event

or activity. It focuses to describe a particular situation (Mcnabb, 2002).

Exploratory Research: Exploratory research includes exploring or searching through

problem or solution to provide insights and understanding. In exploration researcher

are more interested to search out data from those sources that give in depth

information (Emory & Cooper, 1991).

Explanatory Research: According to Saunders et al (2003) an explanatory study

aims to establish casual relationships between variables. Typical objectives of the

research include explaining why some phenomenon occurred, interpreting a cause-

and-effect relationship between two or more variables, and explaining the differences

in two or more group’s responses (Mcnabb, 2002).

The study is mainly descriptive because descriptive data has been collected through detailed

interviews and library studies. But it will also move into the exploratory and explanatory

Research Purpose Validity & Reliability

Research Strategy Data Collection

Research Approach Data Analysis

Sample Selection

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stages as the study is done to gain a deeper understanding the effectiveness of human resource

training to enhance employees’ performances in Ericsson Bangladesh Limited.

3.2 Research Approach:

Here, different research approaches will be presented and the research approach of this study

and related reasons will be given. First, deductive versus inductive research approaches will be

discussed and secondly qualitative and quantitative research will be explained. According to

Maxwell (1996) the qualitative or quantitative approaches are used for the collection and

analysis of the empirical data.

Qualitative Method: According to Patel and Davidson (1994) a qualitative

approach is used to find a deeper understanding of the area studied. A qualitative

method’s purpose is to create a holistic view of the problem (Gustavsson, 1998).

Quantitative Method: Patel and Davidson (1994) state a quantitative approach

involves a statistical analysis of the collected data. Data used in this approach is based

on numbers and variables and as a result it is easier to communicate the results

(winter, 1992). In this approach researchers are generally concerned with deductive

testing of the theories and hypothesis (Alvesson & Sköldberg, 1994).

For the study combining the quantitative and the qualitative methods has used. A qualitative

research is suitable to understand which variables affect employees performance and why this

is the case. A quantitative research is suitable to support the qualitative research and give the

major characteristics and patents of a population. The qualitative research will serve as a

preparation for the quantitative research. The quantitative element will help to support

implicit/explicit claims to generalization.

3.3 Research Strategy

Research strategy will be a general plan of how researcher will go about answering the

research questions that have been set by researcher (Thornhill et al, 2003). According to Yin

(1994) there are five primary research strategies, in the social sciences: experiments, surveys,

archival analysis, histories, and case studies;

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Strategy Form of research Question

Requires control over behavioural events?

Focuses on contemporary events?

Experiment How, why Yes Yes

Survey Who, what where, how many, how much

No Yes

Archival analysis Who, what where, how many, how much

No Yes/No

History How, why No NoCase study How, why No YesSource: Yin, 1994

Table 3:1: Summery of research strategies

Since the type of the study is combining of exploratory, descriptive and explanatory and the

aim of the study was to collect answers from large scales of sample (senior level managers,

general employees and trainer) among EBL in order to formulate the answer of the

investigated problem, so the study mainly conducted by survey. Meanwhile, survey is more

appropriate method in order to gain a better understanding of the research area in quantitative


3.4 Data Collection

Two types of data can be collected, primary and secondary data. Primary data is recognized

as data that is gathered for a specific research in response to a particular problem through

interviews, questionnaires or observations. Whereas secondary data information can be

obtained through various kinds of documents, e.g., research reports, annual reports, books, and

articles (Wiedersheim-Paul and Eriksson, 1999). Different sources of data are showed in the


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Figure 3:4 Different Sources of data

In this work both type of data have been used. A questionnaire has been used as the main

source of data collection (primary data). The questionnaire is filled by the sample population

which consists of staffs of Ericsson’s and who are Ericsson’s trainee. For this literature

review secondary has been gathered from various books, news articles, surveys done by

different agencies, news paper.

3.5 Sample Selection

Sampling is selecting some of the elements in a population; researchers may draw conclusions

about the entire population. There are several compelling reasons for sampling, including:

lower cost, greater accuracy of result, greater speed of data collection and availability of

population selection (Cooper & Schindler 2003). Traditional sampling method can be

divided into two broad categories: probability and non-probability sampling (Samouel et al,


P r i ma r y

d a t a

S a m p l i n g , S u r v e y s , P e r s o n a l

i n t e r v i e w s , O b s e r v a t i o n s ,

Q u e s t i o n n a i r e s a n d O f f i c i a l

r e c o r d s ( S a u n d e r s e t . a l , . 2 0 0 3 ) o b s e r v a t i o n ,

i n t e r v i e w s a n d / o r

q u e s t i o n n a i r e s ( H a i r e t . a l . ,

2 0 0 3 ) .

S e c o nd a r y d a t a

J o u r n a l s , B o o k s ,

R e p o r t s , M a g a z i n e s ,

f r o m p e r s o n a l c o m m u n i c a t i on , N e w s p a p e r

a n d o n l i n e ( S a u n d e r s e t .

a l , 2 0 0 3 ) g o v e r n m e n t a l p u b l i c a t i o n s ,

p e r s o n a l r e c o r d s , c e n s u s

( K u m a r , 1 9 9 6 ) .

Sources of data

Page 23 of 61

Figure 3:5 sampling Methods

Source: Samouel et al, 2003

Probability: In probability sampling, sampling elements are selected randomly and the

probability of being selected is determined ahead of time by the researcher (Hair et. al.,


3.5.2 Non-probability: the aim of being statistically representative of the population

(Samouel , 2003). According to Samouel et al., (2003) most common non-probability

sampling methods are

i. Convenience sampling: Convenience sample involves select sample members who

can provide required information and who are more available to join in the study (Hair

et al, 2003).

ii. Judgment sampling: Researcher’s judgment is used to select sample element and it

involves for a specific purpose. Group of people who have knowledge about particular

problem they can be selected as sample element (Hair et. al., 2003).

iii. Quota Sampling: In quota sampling the researcher defines the strata of the target

population, determines the total sample size and set a quota for the sample elements

from each stratum (Samouel, 2003).

For the study sample has been selected from the Ericsson’s staffs because it took less time to

conduct research. Sample was selected by using judgment because is more convenience and

low cost involvement.

Sampling method

Probability Sampling

Non-probability sampling

Convenience sampling

Judgment sampling

Quota Sampling

Page 24 of 61

3.5.3 Sample Size

The larger the sizes of the sample the greater its precision or reliability, but there are

constraints to be dealt with .The constraint are time, staff and cost. In this study population are

the human resources (staffs) of Ericsson Bangladesh limited (EBL) and the samples are

senior level managers, general employees and trainers of EBL. Samples sizes are;

Table 3:2 Sample size

The choice of company was based on the fact they operate in different countries which

will further increase validity. The choice of respondents was based on the assumption

that they were the most appropriate people to be interviewed in regards to the purpose

and research questions of the study.

3.6 Data Analysis

According to Yin (2003, p.109) “data analysis consists of examining, categorizing, tabulating,

testing or otherwise recombining qualitative evidence to address the initial propositions

of a study”. There are different strategies of how to analyze the data collected:

i. Understanding the characteristics of language

ii. Discovering regularities

iii. Comprehending the meaning of text or action

iv. Reflection (Saunders et al, 2003)

For quantitative data analysis, statistical software’s for analysing data SPSS 13.0 for windows

and Microsoft Office Excel 2007 were used for data input and analysis. The statistics results

were presented by graphical form with detail descriptions.

Samples Size

Senior level managers 20

General employees 100

Trainers of EBL 4

Total samples 124

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Data Analysis

4.1 General information of the respondents

In this section the data related to general specifications of respondents such as sex, income,

position in the company. APPENDIX H provides a table 4:1 of Demographic Information

of the respondents

4.2 Analysis the Questionnaire of senior level managers (sample size 20)

Question 1: General questions to senior level managers……..

General questions to Senior level managers Responses

a. Approximately how many employees does your organization have? 800 employees

b. How much money EBL budget for the T&D? 5 million

c. Approximately how many employees are trained yearly? Almost 400

d. Does HR department conduct briefing and debriefing sessions for employees sponsored for training?


e. Is the company's management is committed to training and development?


Table 4:2 General questions to senior level managers

Employees Training programmes of a company are crucial for organizational operation, and

organizational advancement (Mak and Sockel, 1999). As any company’s success depends on

its manpower so the company has to utilize their skills through training. EBL has 800

employees and it funds a huge amount to develop them yearly. The company utilizes its

personnel skills, capacity and capability through local and foreign training. It funds BDT 5

million yearly for its human resources’ development. It provides training almost 400

employees yearly. For managing people properly the organization is conducted by Human

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Resource Management. In EBL, HR department conducts briefing and debriefing sessions for

employees sponsored for training. But it may do not conduct 100% so the organization

should concern on their HR department that it conducts briefing and debriefing sessions for

employees sponsored for training properly. And Ericsson is committed with its staffs that it

will help them make the most of their potential by providing a rich learning environment and

a structured framework for their career development.

Question 2; do you feel EBL has adequate facilities to develop its human resources?



Figure 4:1 Do you feel EBL has adequate facilities to develop its human resources?

Here 90% of respondents said- yes EBL has adequate facilities to develop its human

resources but 10% respondents said that it does not have enough facilities it should consider

many other facilities for its human resources development. Ericsson believes employees are

its greatest asset. So EBL provides the better facilities to its human resources development to

utilize employees’ skills and talent. The employees are provided with training and

development programs on a regular basis in a multi-technology environment.

Question 3; do you feel there is adequate emphasis on developing managerial

capabilities of the managerial staff through training?

Page 27 of 61

Strongly agree

Agree Neither agree nor disagree

Disagree Strongly disagree

Series1 8 10 0 2 0







Figure 4:2 Do you feel there is adequate emphasis on developing managerial capabilities of the managerial

staff through training?


Here 40% respondents strongly claimed that there is adequate emphasis on developing

managerial capabilities of the managerial staff through training and 50% respondents agreed

with them but 10% respondents were totally disagree with them and said EBL does not have

adequate emphasis on developing managerial capabilities of the managerial staff through

training. Basically managers supervise other personnel of the organization so they should

have adequate managerial capabilities. They also support and assist employees’ development

by discussing, documenting and implementing their development plan. So the managers have

to be trained in a way that they may work as proactive, innovative, trustworthy, and

responsive and also supervise the personnel very effectively. EBL has adequate importance

on developing managerial capabilities of the managerial staff through training. It provides

local and foreign training to its managers. But sometimes it may not provide training in

special circumstance.

Question 4; Do you think that employees are sponsored for training programmes on the

basis of carefully identified development needs?

Page 28 of 61

To answer this question, 60% respondents strongly stated that employees are sponsored for

training programmes on the basis of carefully identified development needs and 20%

respondents also supported them but 10% were not agreed with them. And other 10%

respondents could not answer of the question and they did not give any clear opinion. They

said it varies on basis of different cases.

Basically there are four steps of any training process in most of the organization; 1) needs

assessment; 2) design & development of training; 3) delivery of training; and 4) evaluation of

training(Fisher et al, 2005). Like other organization EBL’s employees are also sponsored for

training programmes on the basis of carefully identified development needs. But sometimes it

may not occur in special circumstance.

Question 5; How true is that induction training is given adequate importance in EBL?

Here 80% respondents claimed that it is somewhat true that induction training is given

adequate importance in EBL and 10% of respondents said it is true to a great extent but

another 10% alleged that it is a little true. Induction training is absolutely vital for new

personnel at organization. Good induction training ensures new personnel are retained, and

then settled in quickly and happily to a productive role. It's about the basics that experienced

employees all take for granted: what the shifts are; where the notice-board is; what the

routine is for holidays, sickness; where the canteen is; what the dress code is; where the

toilets are. That is why induction training is given adequate importance in EBL. Colleagues

and senior level managers generally help during induction training.

Question 6; Is it true that senior managers take interest and spend time with the new

staffs during the On-the-Job training?

Page 29 of 61

On-the-job training (OJT) is one of the greatest training methods because it is planned,

organized, and conducted at the employee's worksite. OJT is provided at the worksite so

every staff has to be helpful towards trainee to train him effectively (Beardwell, Holden &

Claydon; 2004). In EBL, senior managers take interest and spend time with the new staffs

during the On-the-Job training if it is needed. To answer this, question 80% respondents

claimed it is somewhat true that senior managers take interest and spend time with the new

staffs during the On-the-Job training and another 20% said it is a little true.

Question 7; How would you rate the quality of training programs in your organization?

Very good



very bad







Figure 4:3 How would you rate the quality of training programs in your organization?

45% respondents stated that EBL’s training programmes are very good and 50% also support

them to claim that the programmes are good but another 5% stated that the programmes are

neither good nor bad.

To ascertain the quality of training program every company has to evaluate the training

process. When they EBL evaluates its training programmes then it ascertain training feedback

or quality. It provides quality training programmes to its personnel and it is a world-leading

supplier of telecommunications equipment and related services to mobile and fixed network

operators globally because of its expert human resources and hi technology.

Question 8; Do you believe that external training programmes are carefully chosen after

collecting enough information about their quality and suitability?

Page 30 of 61

To answer this question, 96% respondents stated that EBL’s external training programmes

are always carefully chosen after collecting enough information about their quality and

suitability and 4% said EBL do it sometimes. To justify the quality and suitability of the

programmes EBL takes some actions such it send its agent to know about the training and

review the programmess’ history. And EBL funds a huge amount for T&D so it’s external

training programmes are carefully chosen after collecting enough information about their

quality and suitability.

Question 9; How would you indicate a training area most important to your

development over the next two years?

Market train-ing

Technical/pro-fessional train-


Management development

Presentation skills training

Foreign lan-guage training

Series1 0 4 16 0 0



Figure 4:4 How would you indicate a training area most important to your development over the next two years?


To indicate a training area most important to EBL development over the next two years 20%

respondents suggested that the organization needs technical/professional training more but

80% suggested that they should management development more for future. In any

organization management development should be the main focus of training programmes. As

organized management can reach the company’s goal or vision so EBL has to focus on

management development as well as technical training in future.

Question 10: How would you rate the effectiveness of EBL training programs to

enhance organizational performances?

Page 31 of 61

Here 50% respondents rate the effectiveness of EBL training programs to enhance

organizational performances as very good and 50% also rate as saying good. According to

Harrison (2000), training is a variable that may have a positive effect on organizational

performance and is considered to be a key element to the attainment of organizational goals

Question 11; How satisfied are you with your overall experience of working in EBL to

enhance your performance or skills?




Figure 4:5 How satisfied are you with your overall expe-rience of working in EBL to enhance your performance

or skills?

Very satisfiedSatisfiedNeither satisfied nor dissat-isfiedDissatisfiedVery Dissatisfied

Here, 40 % respondents are satisfied with their overall experience of working in EBL to

enhance your performance or skills. However 50 % are very satisfied with their overall

experience of working in EBL to enhance your performance or skills. Ericsson Training

Programs is value-for-money training that enhances internal competence, giving personnel a

strong base of in-house, leading-edge skills and expertise.  Stay up to date with the skills and

competence needed to address the latest technology and business scenarios. The company

generates profits satisfying its personnel. But another 10% are either satisfied or dissatisfied

with their overall experience of working in EBL to enhance your performance or skills.

4.3 Analysis the Questionnaire For general employees or line managers (sample size 100


Page 32 of 61

Question 1; How would you rate the training process of the company for employees?

Very good Good Neither very bad bad0












0 0 0

Figure 4:6 How would you rate the training process of the company for employees?


To answer the question 80% respondents stated that the training processes of the company for

employees are very good and another 20% supported them saying that the processes are


EBL delivers different training programmes to all its employees based on their needs.

Usually, on the job trainings help them to develop their knowledge on the ongoing business

scenarios and internal work processes. Formal trainings and workshops enhance knowledge

more on general level such as products, skills such as communication skills; excel

knowledge, VAT & tax knowledge etc. To attract and retain motivated professionals who

perform to their full potential, EBL offers a unique employee value proposition such as one

that encourages individual drive and achievement while also focusing on how every

employee can contribute to, and benefit from, their collective strengths. So it is clear that

EBL’s training program is really good according to its employees.

Question 2; do you agree with the following statement “By receiving training, one can

enhance his/her performances and also overall company’s performance very well”?

Page 33 of 61



2% 1%

Figure 4:7 Do you agree with the following statement “By receiving training, one can enhance his/her performances

and also overall company’s performance very well”?

Strongly agreeAgree Uncertain Disagree Strongly disagree

About 62% respondents were agree with the statement “By receiving training, one can

enhance his/her performances and also overall company’s performance very well”, 35%

strongly agreed with the statement, 2% were uncertain to answer the question but 1%

respondents claimed disagree with the statement.

Training leads to increased employee satisfaction, facilitates the updating of skills, leads to an

increased sense of belonging and benefit, increased employee loyalty to the organization

(Bushardt et al, 1994), and also strengthens the organization’s competitiveness (Burden

and Proctor, 2000). It also cuts employees’ turnover and help to retain skilled employees.

Basically employees’ capabilities or productivities are improved by training and

development. Employees are encouraged to drive their career forward and to try new ideas.

They are supported by clear expectations and goals. Working in teams across organizational

and national boundaries, employees will utilize the wealth of knowledge around personnel to

find creative ways to succeed in an ever-changing business environment. EBL believes that

“By receiving training, one can enhance his/her performances and also overall company’s

performance very well”.

Question 3; How important training affect your performance towards your job?

Page 34 of 61

Highly impor-tant

Important Average Less impor-tant

Not important

Series1 75 22 2 1 0









Figure 4:8 How important training affect your per-formance towards your job?

To anwer this question, 75% respondents claimed that training affect our performance

towards our job highly important, 22% stated it as important, 2% said as average and 1%

stated as less important.

Job-related training increases an employee's ability to perform job-related tasks. As Job

satisfaction is an important motivator for employee performance and is negatively related to

turnover, so to satisfy employees T&D is really very important (Mak and Sockel, 1999). As

EBL provide training based on needs assessment of employee so the training enhances job

related knowledge and employees can work properly. Learning available to meet personnel

specific needs Ericsson offers:

28 Education Centres worldwide

400 experienced learning consultants and instructors

800 courses in the standard portfolio

Students from over 160 countries

Over 300000 student days per year

Latest Talent and Learning Management systems

Question 4; Are you satisfied with the quality of training and development that you

receive for your current position in the company?

Page 35 of 61

Very satisfied


Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied


Strongly dissatisfied

5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75Very satisfied Satisfied Neither satis-

fied nor dis-satisfied

Dissatisfied Strongly dis-satisfied

Series1 76 20 2 2 0

Figure 4:9 Are you satisfied with the quality of training and de-velopment that you receive for your current position in the com-


76% respondents are very satisfied with the quality of training and development that

they receive for their current position in the company and 20% are satisfied.

However 2% are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied on the other hand 2% are

dissatisfied with the quality of training and development that they receive for their

current position in the company.

Employees receive training identifying their development needs. EBL utilizes their

resources globally, promote global networking, and anticipate employees to work across

organizational and national boundaries. It encourages international careers and job

rotation to reinforce EBL’s global approach. That begins with an environment that

energizes personnel’s efforts to build success. As EBL relentlessly invest a huge amount

in employees’ competence so it tries to provide them better training programme. It makes

every effort to ensure that they are offered challenges and are able to grow and develop in

his role.

Question 5; Do you agree with the following statement that “On-the-job Training is

better than off-the-job training”?

Page 36 of 61

Strongly agree

Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly disagree

Series1 98 2 0 0 0


Figure 4:10 Do you agree with the following statement that “On-the-job Training is better than off-the-job training”?


98% respondents strongly agreed with the following statement that “On-the-job Training is

better than off-the-job training” and another 2% also agreed with them.

On-the-job training (OJT) is one of the greatest training methods because it is planned,

organized, and conducted at the employee's worksite. It will generally be the crucial method

used for broadening employee skills and increasing productivity. It also provides a valuable

employee at no cost or obligation. As the name implies off-the-job training is the training

done on behalf of employers, usually away from their premises or may be near to the

worksite, at a special training centre or resort (Fisher et al, 2005). This enables the trainee to

study theoretical information or be exposed to new and innovative ideas (Beardwell et al,

2004). As OJT provides practical knowledge about the job so we can say “On-the-job

Training is better than off-the-job training”.

Question 6; Do you agree that EBL”s training are implemented, including cultural

awareness, communication and conflict resolution?

Page 37 of 61

13% respondents are strongly agreed that EBL”s training is implemented, including

cultural awareness, communication and conflict resolution, 85% are agreed but 1% is

uncertain about this and another 1% claimed as disagree. Ericsson is a truly global company

and therefore has to communicate globally, and so its employees have the opportunity to

work with different cultures and travel to all sorts of wonderful places. EBL’s people from

Ericsson, the Swedes and the ex-pats working in Japan, really had such a willingness to learn

their culture and values, and to respect them, and unique. Ericsson is less hierarchical an

organization and is very informal compared to lots of other companies - there are no barriers

to communication. To cope up with multi-cultural challenges the company offer some special

training programme so EBL”s training are implemented, including cultural awareness,

communication and conflict resolution

Question 7; Are you satisfied with how your supervisor has worked with you to create a

development plan for a future position at the company?




Figure 4:11 Are you satisfied with how your supervisor has worked with you to create a development plan for a future pos-

ition at the company?

Very satisfiedSatisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatis-fied DissatisfiedVery Dissatisfied

Managers are very focused on development and the next stage in each person's career -

they're not scared to lose an individual; they're focused on how they can move him or her

forward and benefit the whole company. Here, 66% respondents are very satisfied with how

Page 38 of 61

your supervisor has worked with you to create a development plan for a future position at the

company, 20% are also satisfied, 7% did not comment specifically on it and they just said we

are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied but 5% are dissatisfied and 2% respondents are very


Question 8; Are Human relations competencies adequately developed in your

organization through training in human skills?

Strongly agree

Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly disagree

Series1 84 11 2 2 1


Figure 4:12Are Human relations competencies adequately developed in your organisation through training in human



Here 84% respondents confidently stated that Human relations are competencies adequately

developed in our organization through training in human skills and 11% were agreed with

them. But another 2% were disagreed and 1% was strongly disagreed however 2% were

indecisive about the response.

At EBL, there are some training programmes in human skills. Human relations competencies

are adequately developed in EBL through training in human skills. Any company’s success

depends on its manpower so human relationships have to be cooperative in any organization.

At EBL, there are some training programmes in human skills. Human relations competencies

are adequately developed in EBL through training in human skills

Question 9; what do you feel that “Employees prefer being trained or they prefer

finding out things with themselves”?

Page 39 of 61

Frequency Percent




e Percent

Valid Strongly agree 90 70.9 90.0 90.0

Agree 6 4.7 6.0 96.0

Uncertain 1 .8 1.0 97.0

Disagree 2 1.6 2.0 99.0

Strongly disagree 1 .8 1.0 100.0

Total 100 78.7 100.0

Missig System 27 21.3

Total 127 100.0

Table 4:3 Frequency & Percent responses

As employees are sponsored for training programmes on the basis of carefully identified

development needs so they prefer being trained then prefer finding out things with

themselves. Here 90% respondents are strongly agreed with the following statement

“Employees prefer being trained or they prefer finding out things with themselves”. And 6%

also agree with statement but 1% was uncertain, 2% disagree and 1% was strongly

disagreeing with the statement “Employees prefer being trained or they prefer finding out

things with themselves”.

Question 10; Do you agree with the following point “Training development is positively

significant with your (employee) satisfaction”?

Page 40 of 61

Strongly agree

Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly disagree

Series1 15 74 5 6 0


Figure 4:13 Do you agree with the following point “Training development is positively significant with your (employee) satis-



To answer this question, 15% answerers were strongly agreed and 74% were agreed with the

following point “Training development is positively significant with our satisfaction”.

However 6% respondents claimed as disagree and 5% are vague. In EBL employees are

sponsored for training programmes on the basis of carefully identified development needs so

employees can improve their weaknesses or lacking through training. So employees believe

that Training development is positively significant with their satisfaction.

Question 11: Does training increase your level of commitments towards organization?

Here 98% answerer said yes training increase our level of commitments towards organization

but 2% were disagree with them. career development, employee evaluation of appraisal

practices, and assessment of the benefits offered by the organization have an effect on both

affective and normative commitment, while training was found not to contribute to the

increase in employee commitment.

Question 12: How would you rate the training motivation of EBL?

Page 41 of 61

Very good



very bad


0 50



Figure 4:14 How would you rate the training motivation of EBL?

50% respondents stated their training motivation is good but 25% stated bad, another 25%

neither good nor bad. So organization should more concern on training motivation as the

more motivated the trainee, the more likely he/she are to reap the intended benefits from the

training experience (Noe and Wilk, 1993).

4.4 Analysis the Questionnaire For trainer (sample size 4)

Question 1; what are the training methods does EBL deliver to its employees and


EBL delivers on the job trainings, local seminars, workshops, foreign seminars and

workshops to all its employees. Generally, on the job trainings help people to develop their

knowledge on the ongoing business scenarios and internal work processes. Formal trainings

and workshops enhance knowledge more on general level such as products, skills such as

communication skills; excel knowledge, VAT & tax knowledge etc. Providing training is a

continuous process which the company believes help employees to grow as professionals

with the organization. 

Question 2; is training delivered at both employee and executive levels?

Page 42 of 61

Yes No0










Figure 4:15 Is training delivered at both employee and executive levels?

Every respondents said EBL delivers training at both employee and executive levels.

Question 3; what are the draws back of the training process?

On the job training has more scope of interaction and feedback whereas formal trainings may

not have that. In EBL formal training is proposed for an employee when other forms of

development are deemed ineffective.

Question 4; Are there any other training areas EBL should consider? Please list:

EBL should consider;

Organizational attachments,

Job rotation

Job rotation usually aims to give trainee managers a ‘feel’ for the organization by providing

experience of working in different departments. It provides the employees with opportunities

to widen the horizon of knowledge, skills, and abilities by working in different departments,

business units, functions, and countries (Beardwell et al., 2004).

Page 43 of 61


7.1 Research Questions

The majority of employees today expect to be trained and they trust that training is very much

effective to enhance their skill and satisfy them. In this chapter the research questions would

be answered:

Question 1; does training enhance employees’ performances?

Training is a variable that may have a positive effect on organizational performance and is

considered to be a key element to the achievement of organizational goals as organizational

performance is depends on its human resources performance. However EBL adopt a training

activity as a solution to lagging performance presupposes that this performance problem, i.e.

this gap between the desired and the actual performance, is due to lack of training. Its

management ought to adopt training interventions to bridge this gap. Bridging the

performance gap involves adopting a particular training intervention aiming at changing

specific skills and attitudes of the employees. As the employee believes, there is an

improvement in his knowledge and skills; it may be safe to also assume that, there is an

increase in the person's individual performance. Through training the person's competencies

will be reinforced and will enable him to execute the tasks assigned effectively and

efficiently. As a result there will be an increase in the overall performance of the

organization. In EBL about 97% employees believe that “By receiving training, one can

enhance his/her performances and also overall company’s performance very well”. As EBL

provide training based on needs assessment of employee so the training enhances job related

knowledge and employees can work properly.

Question 2: How employees could be utilized for the betterment of the organization via

effective training?

To the extent that employee training programs are effective, organizations are able to avoid

wasteful spending and improve performance and productivity. It is clear that training improve

employees’ performance so training is also effective to utilize other inputs as human

resources are run or work the other inputs of the organization. For betterment of the

organization the employees who perceived training utilize other management resources very


Page 44 of 61

Figure 7:1 Key management resources

Source: Davies (2001)

When an employee perceived training effectively then he can apply it in its new or

complicated methods. They can use job materials as skilled. Within a short time (Minutes)

they can perform his job even in low cost (Money) than other employees who did not

perceive training. An effective worker can work more and in an organized way. EBL know

how to help employees to utilize other management resources for betterment of the

organization. People are the controller of other factors. So, if organization can develop, train

or utilize its human resources then they can work others elements very efficiently and


7.2 Justification of research objectives

In this part it would be revealed that how the research objectives are met

Research objective 1: to evaluate the effectiveness of training in EBL

According to the respondents EBL provides very good training to its senior level manageress

and also employees and that affect their job performance very much. EBL utilizes its human

resource’s talent and increase productivity providing different training programs to its staffs.

EBL training program is very much effective as it evaluates every employee’s performance








Page 45 of 61

through IPM process and provides proper training to resolution staff’s SKAs lacking. EBL’s

training helps them reduce their anxiety or frustration, brought on by work demands, that they

are not familiar with, and they are lacking the skills to handle effectively. So it is employees

that perceive their training beneficial will be more satisfied than those who get no training or

training of no value.

Research objective 2: Assessing the effectiveness of training motivation in EBL

Generally motivation is a characteristic of an individual willing to expend efforts toward a

particular set of behavior. From a training context, motivation can influence the willingness

of an employee to attend the training program and to transfer what they learn in the program

onto the job. Thus, it is likely that trainees cannot reap the full benefits of training without

considering training motivation. Trainees who possess higher training motivation will

demonstrate more training effectiveness than those who have low motivation. EBL motivate

its employees through training, its personnel prefer being trained then they prefer finding out

things with themselves. EBL should concern on training motivation more because only 50%

employees are happy with their training motivation.

Research objective 3: Scrutinize the relationship between employee perceived training

effectiveness and job satisfaction in EBL

Job satisfaction is an important motivator for employee performance and is negatively related

to turnover, so to satisfy employees training is really very important in EBL. And results of

hypothesis 1 also revealed a significant and coefficient relationship between employees’

perceived training effectiveness and their job satisfaction in EBL. As the P value = .000 that

is < .05 that is mean their relationship is significant. About 90% managers are satisfied with

their overall experience of working in EBL to enhance their SKAs.

Research objective 4: To identify the EBL’s training strategies for enhancing

employees’ performances?

EBL delivers on the job trainings, local seminars, workshops, foreign seminars and

workshops to all its employees. It delivers training based on its Individual Performance

Management process where every employee has an individual performance goal. And the

result of regression analysis depicts that the organizational performances was positively and

significantly coefficients with quality of the training of EBL as the P’s value is .000.

Page 46 of 61

EBL”s training is implemented, including cultural awareness, communication and conflict

resolution. So EBL’s training strategies for enhancing employees’ performances are very

much effective.

EBL provides effective training to employees that is co efficiently related with employee

performance, job satisfaction, employee commitment and training motivation etc. according

to respondents it should be more concerned on training motivation. But overall training

process is very good and satisfactory to enhance employees’ performances.


8.1 Recommendations for EBL

Within the framework and limitations of this study and based upon the findings and

conclusions of this study, the following recommendations are specifically directed to the EBL

in terms of effective employee training development process design.

EBL should introduce updated programs such Organizational attachments and Job

rotation to get higher outputs from its human resources concerning on training costs.

Enhance the scope of interaction and feedback of its formal training.

The supervisors and senior managers should act as a team leader in the directing


More concern on training motivation

EBL”s training program may concern more on cultural awareness, communication

and conflict resolution

More importance should be given on management and technical training programs.

Induction training should be given adequate importance in EBL

Refine the criteria for approval of training classes to ensure consistency and fairness

for all employees.

EBL may open a university like Motorola University that created a new internal

institute named College of Learning Technologies (CLT) to develop employees’

educational delivery systems through satellite, Internet and virtual classrooms.

EBL may modify its training process for additional benefits as following process:

= established training process of EBL

= Recommended training process for EBL

Page 47 of 61

Figure 8:1 Recommended training process for EBL

From the recommended framework it is evident that managers should define individual

performance goal precisely for each employees. In the next recommended phase manager

should make sure that all employees are assessed to ensure ongoing competence through the

trust’s Appraisal Review process. The purpose of this is to provide positive feedback on

performance and can also highlight every individual problem that can be supported through

ongoing training needs. In the next phase the training needs should only be systematically

identified when the cause of a performance problem is lack of SKAs.

Step 1: Setting individual

peroformance goal

Step 2: Assessment of individual goal

through appraisalStep 3: Training needs assessment • Organizational

analysis • Person analysis • Task analysis

Step 4: Micro organizational training level

Analysis •Place

•Product •Promotion


Step 5: Ensuring transfer of

training• Self-

management strategies• Peer and

manager support

Step 6: Selecting training methodsStep 7: Annual

performance summery

•Validate all the section •Final

performence & development

evulation •performence feed

back review

Page 48 of 61

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10.2.3 Magazine & Newspaper articles

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10.2.4 Websites

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7. Foster,T. (1998), " Industrial Marketing Communication ", Lulea University of

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18. Saunders,M., Lewis,P. and Thornhill,A. (2003), "Research methods for business

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10.3.2 Journals & Articles

1. Howell, J.; Miller, P, Park, H., Sattler, D., Schack, T., Spery, E, Widhalm, S. and

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3. Maxwell J. A. (1996), “Qualitative design research” Sage publications applied Social

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4. Thornhill, R., Gangestad, S.W., Miller, R., Scheyd, G., McCollough, J.K., & Franklin,

M. (2003). Major histocompatibility complex genes, symmetry, and body scent

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5. Wiedersheim Paul, F. and Eriksson, L.T. (1999).ATT Utreda, Forska och Rapportera.

Malmo, Sverige: Liber Ekonomi


RESEARCH. Journal of Official Statistics, 8:2, 1992,

10.5 Chapter 6

10.5.1 Books

1. Sirota, Alper. & & Pfau, Inc. (1989). Report to respondents; Survey pf views toward

corporate education and training practices. New York; Auther.

2. Swart, J., Mann, C., Brown, S., Price, A. (2005), Human Resource Development:

Strategy and Tactics , Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann Publications, Oxford,

10.5.2 Journals & Articles

3. Gaertner, K.N., Nollen, S.D. (1989), "Career experiences, perceptions of employment

practices and psychological commitment to the organisation", Human Relations , Vol.


4. Meyer, P.J., Smith, A.C. (2000), "HRM practices and organisational commitment: test

of a mediation model", Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences , Vol. 17 No.4,

5. Noe, R.A., Wilk, S.L. (1993), "Investigation of the factors that influence employees'

participation in development activities", Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 78


6. Pool, S., Pool, B. (2007), "A management development model", Journal of

Management Development , Vol. 26 No.4,

7. Tai, W.T. (2006), "Effects of training framing general self-efficacy and training

motivation on trainees' training effectiveness", Personnel Review, Vol. 35 No.1,

Page 57 of 61

Chapter 12




For senior level managers (sample size 20)Question 1: General questions to senior level managers……..

a. Approximately how many employees does your organization have?b. How much money EBL budget for the T&D?c. Approximately how many employees are trained yearly?d. Do you feel EBL has adequate facilities to develop its human resources?e. Is the company’s management is committed to training and development?

a. Yesb. No

Question 2; do you feel EBL has adequate facilities to develop its human resources?a. Yesb. No

Question 3: Do you feel there is adequate emphasis on developing managerial capabilities of the managerial staff through training?

a. Strongly agreeb. Agree c. Uncertain d. Disagree e. Strongly disagree

Question 4; Do you think that employees are sponsored for training programmes on the basis of carefully identified developmental needs?

a. Strongly agree b. Agreec. Uncertaind. Disagreee. Strongly disagree

Question 5; How true is that Induction training is given adequate importance in EBL?a. Not at all true b. A little truec. Somewhat trued. True to a great extente. Very true

Question 6 ;Is it true that senior manager’s takes interest and spends time with the new staff during the On-the-job training?

a. Not at all true b. A little true c. Somewhat trued. True to a great extent

Page 58 of 61

e. Very true

Question 7; How would you rate the quality of training programmes in your organisation?a. Very goodb. Good c. Neitherd. very bad e. bad

Question 8; Do you believe that external training programmes are carefully chosen after collecting enough information about their quality and suitability?

a. Alwaysb. Sometimesc. Most frequently d. Not necessarily

Question 9; How would you indicate a training area most important to your development over the next two years?

a. Market training b. Technical/professional training  c. Management development d. Presentation skills traininge. Foreign language training

If others please mention that…………..

Question 10: How would you rate the effectiveness of EBL training programs to enhance organizational performances?

a. Very goodb. Goodc. Neitherd. very bad e. bad

Question 11; How satisfied are you with your overall experience of working in EBL to enhance your performance or skills?

a. Very satisfiedb. Satisfiedc. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfiedd. Dissatisfiede. Very Dissatisfied

For general employees or line managers (sample size 100 persons)

Question 1; How would you rate the training process of the company for employees?a. Very goodb. Goodc. Neitherd. very bad e. bad

Question 2; Do you agree with the following statement “By receiving training, one can enhance his/her performances and also overall company’s performance very well”?

Page 59 of 61

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Uncertaind. Disagreee. Strongly disagree

Question 3; How important training affect your performance towards your job?a. Highly importantb. Importantc. Averaged. Less importante. Not important

Question 4; Are you satisfied with the quality of training and development that you receive for your current position in the company?

a. Very satisfiedb. Satisfied c. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfiedd. Dissatisfiede. Very Dissatisfied

Question 5; Do you agree with the following statement that “On-the-job Training is better than off-the-job training”?

a. Strongly agree b. Agree c. Uncertaind. Disagreee. Strongly disagree

Question 6; Do you agree that EBL”s training are implemented, including cultural awareness, communication and conflict resolution?

a. Strongly agreeb. Agreec. Uncertaind. Disagreee. Strongly disagree

Question 7; Are you satisfied with how your supervisor has worked with you to create a development plan for a future position at the company?

a. Very satisfiedb. Satisfiedc. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfiedd. Dissatisfiede. Very Dissatisfied

Question 8; Are Human relations competencies are adequately developed in your organisation through training in human skills?

a. Strongly agreeb. Agreec. Uncertaind. Disagreee. Strongly disagree

Page 60 of 61

Question 9; What do you feel that “Employees prefer being trained or they prefer finding out things with themselves”?

a. Strongly agreeb. Agreec. Uncertaind. Disagreee. Strongly disagree

Question 10: Do you agree with the following point “Training development is positively significant with your (employee) satisfaction”?

a. Strongly agreeb. Agree c. Uncertain d. Disagreee. Strongly disagree

Question 11 ; Does training increase your level of commitments towards organization?a. Very good b. Goodc. Neitherd. very bad e. bad

Question 12: How would you rate the training motivation of EBL?a. Very goodb. Good c. Neitherd. very bad e. bad

For trainer (sample size 4)1. What are the training methods does EBL deliver to its employees?2. Is training delivered at both employee and executive levels?

a. Yesb. No

3. What are the draws back of the training process?4. Are there any other training areas EBL should consider? Please list

Page 61 of 61


Demographic Information of the respondentsQuestions for Senior level Managers

Variables MeasuringGroup

Frequency Percentage %

Gender Male 18 18Female 2 2Total 20 20

Age 30-40 13 1340-50 7 7

Total 20 20Income 100000-150000 5 5

150000-250000 15 15Total 20 20

Questions for general employees (Sample 100)Variables Measuring

GroupFrequency Percentage %

Gender Male 85 85Female 15 15

Total 100 100Age 25-35 70 70

36-48 30 30Total 100 100Income 20000-50000 51 51

50000-100000 49 49Total 100 100

For Trainer (Sample 4)Variables Measuring

GroupFrequency Percentage %

Gender Male 4 4Female 0 0

Total 4 4Age 27-35 2 2

35-45 2 2Total 4 4

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