my mind movie

Post on 27-May-2015






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My Mind Movie

I am grateful for my friends who stick around through the thick AND the thin

Every day is a new day in which to succeed

I play so much that getting a workout is easy and fun

I am surrounded by people who love and care about me, themselves, and the world around them

I do my best at school and at work

I fill my body with only the most fresh, ripe, delicious, and frugivorous fuel

I am incredibly healthy and happy

I have a positive attitude that makes the best of every situation

I am being the change I wish to see in the world

I vibrate with feelings of love and compassion

I am one with the world

I am at peace with myself

I am living in harmony with my environment

I will find housing with someone who shares my values and who is vegan. The rent will be cheap but the home will be beautiful and filled with love. There will be space in the yard to play

and put up a trampoline. I will become fast friends with my roommate(s). I will find a place close to school and

that is within biking distance of wherever I need to be.

I find humor in daily life and laugh a lot

I keep myself well hydrated

I sleep until my body is well rested

I am helping to save the planet

I am helping my fellow human beings

I’m learning to do a handstand and hold it (and then walk in it)

I’m learning a back tuck

I spend lots of time in nature

I am living my life to the fullest

I am achieving straight A’s in school

I am balancing school, work, a social life, and a personal life with ease

I am comfortable with, and in, my own body

I am going to Hawaii to WWOOF

I am traveling the world, locale by locale

I am surrounded by abundance, wealth, and prosperity

I am finding my soul mate

I am thoughtful and reflective. I meditate and journal daily.

I enjoy downtime to read, watch a movie, or relax


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