my favourite object, drums and drumsticks diego

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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My favourite object, drums and

drumsticks.Diego Muñoz Rangel A01334833

My favorite objects are my drums and my drumsticks. My drums because they represent a lot of things to me, for example the effort and determination that I made to get them because I bought them without help. Also I like them because when I’m angry or stressed there is where I can express my anger. Or take out all those feelings

Also when I’m happy or any other feeling that I have.It is like putting your soul in every song you play it is something satisfactory for me.

I like my drumstick because they were given to me by a very important friend 2 years ago and they haven’t broken like other drumsticks I‘ve had, because on average the stick brakes after six months or less, but those are not broken obviously i don’t play every day with them but sometimes I do it with them, I don’t know if it is because of the wood or something like that, but I like them

They are also important to me because I played with them in my first big event.

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