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Post on 09-Mar-2016






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my first multimedia ebook



Multimedia projects | Jackeline



Copyright © 2011 by Jackeline Argueta Library of Congress Number: 20112236787 ISBN# Hardcover 978-0-9876-7896-2 Soft cover 978-0-8976-6789-1

All right reserved. No Part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copy right owner.

This book was made in Guatemala C.A.

Contact: Jackeline Argueta 1-800-503-4444


You should know I wrote as a innovating teacher and I write to let you know that using technology for teaching will help students to have meaningful learning, as I write I know that there are many people who love technology and also to teach as much as I do and I believe this book will help many people to understand particularly how to implement technology as a tool of teaching. I want this book to be used as a tool of meaningful learning.


One Prologue / 3


Introduction / 5

Three Multimedia Projects / 6


Types of multimedia projects / 11

Five Critics circle project / 15


Technology and multimedia / 20

Seven Seven principles of good practice in technology / 19


Visual cues / 22

Nine Some important programs that support teaching with multimedia / 23


Conclusion / 24


Did you ever wonder what would be like to live as part of technology tools at any moment and to have you life depending on that? Wonder no more. Now our lives depending on machines as cell phones and computers. This is a new generation where everybody uses multimedia and technology for living. Inside this book we will emphasize the types of multimedia we have and the uses of it in order to learn interactively. So let’s see why this statement is true and where we are or can be part in this new generation that use technology for teaching and learning.


Including multimedia project in learning process motivates students and gives them the opportunity to use a wide variety of tools to give the information.

1. Text 2. Graphic 3. Images 4. Audio 5. Video

The main purpose of using multimedia is to help teachers to achieve academic goals.

With a multimedia project students will create media using links among it.

Links make the project more interactive and interesting.

The project maybe would not have the 5 media but will have links.

This is a tool for educators to help their students. Creating and integrating multimedia projects in class is meaningful in order to achieve academic goals like:

Improve thinking skills Enhance interpersonal group skills Constructivism Organization of knowledge Incidental learning Effective use of media and computers.

Effectiveness and efficiency depends on letting students select, represent and organize the materials they are going to use in order to make the project. And also to decide what information they will include in it and which 5 media they will use to put and link information together in order to get a meaningful organization.


The creation of a multimedia project gives a lot of opportunities to students to learn significantly.

Interesting Linearly Motivating Sequences Links: to arrange information in Boring.

Meaningful organization.

Use in a multimedia project to join and avoid linear and sequence information.

It is called hypertext when is use to join text information.

It helps students to make a relationship among a variety of information.

Multimedia project!!

Classic report!!


Computers allow students to create multimedia project in which links come alive. With computer students: Can create buttons and links quickly and easily. Decide what information they want to place on each screen Decide what button to create and the links that they will use for that button. In order to help students with the creation of multimedia project and make activities that were not possible before, computers are part of multimedia.

The essence of multimedia is: INTERACTIVITY that can be created by linking the information on the project. Years ago did not exist a lot of tools to create an interactive class or an interactivity learning process. THEORY Important modern methods to improve educational system:

Allow students give information using different media.

Employ hypermedia to organize information

Involves a sufficiently a lot of activities and skills. Students learn better if:

They construct knowledge actively.

They learn to work in groups and at the same time by themselves

They use multiple sensory modalities.


Text is the most effective medium for express concrete information.


Critics circle project: Involves audio. In order for students to create voice records.

Science Quiz: involves video, in order for students to create a trailer Memoirs: Students interview adults in order to create digital video and

audio. SELECTING PROJECTS AND GOALS Teachers should know that the meaning of using multimedia is not for students to practice technology but to learn and practice topics and achieve other academic goals. 4 CATEGORIES OF GOALS:

Thinking skills Group and interpersonal skills Content or discipline Technical skills


MOTIVATION: Multimedia motivates students to work in a quality manner. PITFALLS AND BYPASSES It is not recommended to students to write a lot of text on the screen. RELATION TO WRITING AS A PROCESS AND ORGANIZING INFORMATION Student should plan what type of information they are going to include in the project. Learning how to organize information is vital because links depend on how they will provide interaction and the relationship between the information. MULTIMEDIA SKILLS AND AUTHENTIC LEARNING Creating a multimedia project helps student develops skills using the media and provides good tools for life. Creating a multimedia project gives students a lot of opportunities to learn and practice different skills.


When implementing a multimedia project, teacher will have to observe the environment in which it is used multimedia, as television shows and programs, radio programs, video games, schools that already use multimedia, supermarkets, airports, and try to get a lot of details about multimedia uses. Do not forget to make an equipment and skills inventory because this will help us to know what resources we have in order to make a multimedia project.


Current events:

A project used as a

time line to express



Science quiz A multimedia project that needs a video camera and computer in order to record the process of some topic

Critics circle

a project that involves a movie in which students will give opinions about and by the use of the computer they will critic the movie.



Projects of making interviews with digital

video an audio in order to associated the

collected information.

Trailers Records of clips in order to play them and listening to them

Research magazine Project use to represent and give digital information around the world


Multimedia projects in schools Using multimedia projects in class it makes learning more interactive, attractive that will help students to make: electronic portfolios, slideshows, have tutorial, look for information, virtual tool and also make e-books. Multimedia projects in newspapers To make reading more interesting Multimedia projects for commercials Used for publicity in design and elegant



This project involves several important multimedia technologies such as:



Symbolic icons.

With this project students will acquire the key higher-order thinking skill in order to recognize that nobody thinks the same way about the same topic. The project also requires writing exposition and oral expression which are standard components of all levels of English curriculum. The form of working the project is making groups of 3 or 5 students and they will have to record their own opinions of a movie. BACKGROUND: Students will participate as critics and then record their oral opinions about a movie. Other members of the group will provide images of the critics, design symbolic icons, denoting viewpoints, and prepare a written summary of opinions. GROUPS CREATE THEIR CRITICS’ CIRCLE: To start the project, select a movie a make groups of 5 students each. Then each group will have a roundtable discussion about the movie in which everyone gets a chance to say what they think about the movie selected. Then the group will make a decision on which 3 members will be the critics. Groups will proceed to create its own project by modifying its own copy of the critics’ circle template provides by the teacher. Three critics use the template to record their opinions about the movie, when they open it they see a “welcome” with images for the 3 critic and the microphones. Here they will have to record in order to participate and give their opinions. Maybe the images are not merely pictures on the computer screen, they are actually links that tell the system to start recording or play back what the critic recorded.


AUDIENCES USE EACH PROJECT: When the project is finished everyone can use it and listening to it in order to analyze the critics’ opinions of the movie and read the group’s summary of the options. THEORY: Cognitive and interpersonal experience is involved in this project. It can achieve a lot of objectives even by using a movie as the topic for the project’s opinion. It requires a team effort with the result of a presentation in front of the class. If only a part of the group work on the project will be worthless and no meaningful in order to affect the presentation of the whole project. Individuality and collectivity is important the same with the interest and engagement on the project. Current curriculum standards call for attention to the different kinds of communication skills Critics’ Circle provides such attention, both to scripts for the spoken comments and to the written summary. The project requires students to go through a process that includes brainstorming, exposition with feedback, writing editing and publishing or performance. STEPS FOR MAKING THE PROJECT Step 1 – teacher prepares. Write goals it is important for the project but teacher has to focus on the good selection of the project, in order to achieve those outcomes using the available equipment. INPUT AND OUTPUT EQUIPMENT:


Text and data,


Still image, audio,

Analog video

Digital slow frame video

Digital full motion video.

And of course a computer for each group.


If no audio is available the teacher may choose to use an audio cassette tape recorder. Then students will present the text and graphics on the computer with instructions on it to put the cassette correctly for each critic’s opinion in a player at the correct time. If no digital video capture adapter or equivalent is available, students could hold up photographs as instructed by written instructions on the computer screen. Teacher will want students to focus on achieving the nontechnical academic goals instead of worrying about the hardware or software. Using multimedia projects motivates student to spend more time on the task that they would normally tolerate being required to spend. Groups of 5 students in which each group records summarize 3 opinions, varying groups helps prevent any student from being consistent. Step 2 – Teacher assigns project Emphasize that each group should produce and engagement show, and the viewpoints, emphasize that many people will read and listen to the movie reviews and book reviews and that most people enjoy hearing different opinions. Moreover, people enjoy a movie if they heard different opinions. Two key parts of assigning the project are telling students how long they have to complete their work and coaching them on how to allocate the available time among the many tasks that are required for completion. As a part of assigning the project, you can demonstrate a sample critics’ circle in order to show how one possible finished project might appear to its users. You might also show an example of using cookbook instructions to make or modify the sample, in case students get stuck, lose the thread of what they are doing, or do not achieve the results they expect. Teacher should write down who is in each group, what computer is assigned to each group, what features of the project are absolute requirements, and what features an outstanding project might have. Teacher may elect not to explain the academic goals to the students as part of assigning the project. Especially in elementary grades, it may be more effective to save such discussions for the last step. Step 3 – Students create project. Optionally, you can facilitate a class discussion that results in agreement on a series of steps that you can facilitate a class discussion that results in agreement on a series of steps that each group should follow and a time frame in which they should strive to accomplish each step.


Possible steps for a group to follow: - Group discussion - Select 3 group members whose opinions represent the entire spectrum of

thinking about the movie. - Let each of the 3 selected critics speak in turn without recording. - Decide what graphics to use to replace the sample icons on the template’s

“welcome” page. - Record each critic’s opinion. - Use each critic’s image to replace the corresponding sample image that was

included as a place holder. - Discuss the issues that the group wants to include in the “summary” page

and agree on the basic content. - Assemble the complete project and make sure that a user, who is not a

member, can navigate from page to page. - Reflect on the total project and improve or enhance it at time and

imaginations allow. Teacher may suggest to: - Add a title page. - Add background music - Illustrate the summary page - Create links from the summary text to particular critics’ pages. - Give the critics’ pages smaller photos to leave room for some graphics. Or

text. STEP 4 – REFLECTION In this step, the groups have to have time to do their reflections and then, circulate and see other’s work. The assessment can be done by asking and answering the following kind of questions. 1. Did the group complete the project’s requirements? 2. Is the project appealing, attractive, entertaining, and convincing? 3. Are the commentaries at an appropriate level for the students? 4. How the project could be improved? Reflections can become parts of students’ portfolios, so they will have them there for future comparisons and for noting improvements. During this step, students can be involved in a discussion of the entire activity, process, and content. Students can also find people with whom they tend to agree or disagree. The purpose of this project is to produce major learning in the doing. The critics' circle is an activity that includes the usage of sound clips and images. The requirements to produce icons, speech, and summaries can invoke deep thinking. This activity can be applied as a culminate one of a unit or a stand-alone event.


Technology and multimedia Nowadays Technology plays a big part of our life, and we can see technology as Object, knowledge, activities, process, system etc. and all this help students to develop skills in order to gain a lot of knowledge but in difference with MULTIMEDIA, that is a term used to refer to media, using a computer and a software When Windows reached about version 3, and Intel was making the 386, the SoundBlaster equipped PC was beginning to approach the Mac in sound capabilities it but still had a long way to go as far as video. The Pentium processor, VGA graphics and Windows 95 nearly closed the gap with the Mac and today's with fast Pentiums, new high definition monitors and blazing fast video cards the PC has caught up with the Mac and outperforms television. There are a number of terrific software packages that allow you to create multimedia presentations on your computer. Perhaps the best and most widely known is Microsoft's PowerPoint. With PowerPoint a user can mix text with pictures, sound and movies to produce a multimedia slideshow that's great for boardroom presentations or a computer kiosk but difficult to distribute. Eventually, in the not too distant future, the digital movie imbedded in web pages will become the presentation delivery system of choice relegating PowerPoint to the dustbins of software. If you have ever browsed a DVD movie disk on your computer you've seen that future. The basic elements of multimedia on a computer are: Text Still images Sound Movies Animations Special Effects Text, still images and the video portion of movies are functions of your monitor, your video card and the software driver that tells Windows how your video card works. Your monitor is essentially a grid of closely spaced little luminous points



1. Good Practice Encourages Contacts between Students and Faculty Communication between students and faculty members is important to increase student motivation and involvement. With technology communications this contact has improved because it reaches most students despite their shyness in some of them, lack of time in other cases and gives the students the chance to go beyond and ask other things they may need to, in order to understand better a topic. The use of e-mail at first was only to deliver homework to the teacher, but now, with other available tools such as computer conferencing and chats, gives the opportunity to converse and exchange work faster and safer than before and in a better way than being face – to – face. Using asynchronic communication gives students the chance to analyze what they are going to ask and to write, avoiding unnecessary details. .

2. Good Practice Develops Reciprocity and Cooperation among Students Collaborative work is enhances with the use of technology because it is easier to be in communication among students and with faculties. Using cooperative learning is better because members in the group help each other to accomplish tasks and each member learns from the others. But it has to be team effort and not isolated cooperation. Group work is strengthened when using communication tools.

3. Good practice uses active learning techniques. Practice makes excellent teachers. In order to have a meaningful learning practicing knowledge plays an important role. So in technology everybody needs to practice to developed skills. Everybody learns by doing, not only by watching or hearing. To improve learning: Students need to have activities that require the use of technology. Support students.


4. Good Practice Gives Prompt Feedback Knowing what you know and still don’t know help you to focus your learning. Students need opportunities to perform and receive feedback, to reflect on what they have learned and need to learn. Technology provides different ways to give feedback.




Blog comments


Computers can also keep track of the actions done to demonstrate how much knowledge has been gained. By using technology giving feedback becomes more meaning for the student.

5. Good Practice Emphasizes Time on Task Value time is important to meaningful learning. With technology the amount of time people spend it is important in order to increase knowledge.

6. Good Practice Communicates High Expectations. “expecting to have more” is a good motivation, a motivation applied for all type of students, when someone try to get something bigger and powerful every day, it is known that this person will get it, because his vision of the results will search to fulfill the expectations. New technologies can communicate high expectations explicitly and efficiently, because it sharpens their cognitive skills of analysis, synthesis, application, and evaluation. This is because students know that at the end of their work, their results will we shown in the internet, so they search by themselves to obtain the best results they can.

7. Good Practice Respects Diverse Talents and Ways of Learning Students need opportunities to show their talents and learn in ways that work for them. Every one of the students in a classroom have different ways to learn, so they need to use different methods and activities; internet provides us, as teachers, many opportunities to enhance our students into knowledge, and this is because it provides us a lot of resources of information and application. Students need to become familiar with the Principles and be more assertive with respect to their own learning. When confronted with teaching strategies and course requirements that use technologies in ways contrary to the Principles, students should, if possible, move to alternatives that serve them better.


The arrangement and presentation of text and images can aid or hinder effective communication. One key aspect of print design is providing visual signposts or visual cues that let readers know where they are and where they are going. Signposting breaks up text and images into readable, easy-to-follow blocks or panels of information.

ART WORK photos and captions clip art charts and graphs elaborate initial caps

TITLES nameplate / title page headlines secondary headings including kickers, decks, and subheads

Paragraph Emphasis and Organization Solid blocks of unbroken text are difficult to read. Text is made more readable by

breaking up the text and using visual indicators to show where paragraphs start and end.

Character emphasis Using bold or italics text is one common method of letting the readers know what information is especially important or noteworthy.


A program used to make multimedia projects for publishing in an interactive manner the topics.

A web program used to make slide shows

Computer program used to make slide shows

Web program used to edit pictures

The programs above give wide opportunities in the experiential learning But how can we include them in the teaching process? Students can use it to: 1. Participate in a media revolution, profoundly affecting the way they think about and use information technologies. 2. Improve the ways of learning in new learning fashions 3. Extend the ability and skills of applying their learning in real situation. 4. Working in groups for cooperative and collaborative learning 5. Developing self-learning habits at their own pace and time. 6. Learn with the teacher rather by the teacher. 7. Develop inquiry-learning habits. 8. Use right information at right time to achieve right objective. 9. Review and explore qualitative data. 10. Exchange learning experiences and information with others students and teachers living anywhere in the world. Teachers can use it to: 1. Present the material in more interesting and attractive way. 2. Guide and help students in searching the qualitative material. 3. Make best use of time. 4. Coach the students. 5. Provide individualized instruction. 6. Direct the students toward cooperative as well as collaborative learning activities. 7. Prepare learning material for students, rather teaching in conventional situations. 8. Diagnose the learning problem of students and help them to overcome. 9. Solve the study problems of students.


Changing the way of teaching, now we have a lot of technology around us, but do students have access to all of those resources? If they do, teacher should take advantages of it.

Help students with multimedia is easy and fast. Here constructivism is involved and also motivation.


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