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Post on 10-Jul-2020






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TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

MY DAILY SCHEDULETwenty-four hours there are in every day.It's always been like that; that's how it's going to stay!Eight hours sleeping; I waste them on my back.Only sixteen hours left. It's time I seem to lack.Showering and etceteras, take an hour every day.That leaves fifteen hours for school, for friends, for play.Seven hours I spend in school, so only eight remain.[If a teacher's absent, an hour I might gain.]T. V. Computers. Meals. All have their place.If there's any time left for homework, it always is a race.How can I finish the English book the teacher said to read?"Always put off for tomorrow!" That's my basic creed.

1. Write the six numbers that appear in the text? ____________________________________ Which number is repeated twice? __2. I agree / don't agree with the daily schedule above because _________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

3. A daily schedule is / isn't important because ______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

1. Fill in your daily schedule below:


©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

MY PARENTS1. My parents pay for everything, not just the basic things.

They pay for clothes and driving lessons and shoes, haircuts and rings.

2. My parents only pay for my very basic needs,like food and jeans and T-shirts and books that everyone in school reads.

3. My parents give me an allowance, a certain amount of money.With this I go out with my friends. When it's gone, it isn't funny.

4. My parents pay for nothing. I have to go out to work.I have to get a part-time job as a waiter or a clerk.

1. Choose the category that best fits you. Do you think it's fair? Why, or why not? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Agree or disagree: Children should work to pay for things they want. Reason: ____________________________________________________________________


3. Agree or disagree: Parents owe it to their children to buy them whatever their

friends have! Reason: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

I FORGOT!I came into the classroom, but there was no one there.Where was everybody? Where, oh where, oh where??I put down my schoolbag and walked into the hall.There was not one person there, nobody there at all!"How strange!" I thought, "Where could everyone and the teacher be?""I'm on time [for once]. Is there anything wrong with me?"Then I saw the poster in black and green and red.I went up close to read it, and this is what it said:

STUDENTS! Remember! Tuesday's the class picnic in the park!Bring lots of food and games and drinks. We'll be there until


1. What did you do next? [Write 30+ words] ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Copy the 10 verbs that are in past simple [including the title]. Learn for a spelling test. Next to each write the present simple and the meaning in Hebrew.


©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

TEACHER: Students can learn the poem by heart. You can also delete the above verbs from the text, which can then be handed out to the pupils as a dictation. [They fill in the missing words as you read the text.]

I DON'T WANT TO DO IT!I don't want to do it. I can't do it alone.If you try and make me, I tell you I'll leave home!It's impossible for me to do it! It will take me hours.If you do it for me, I'll buy you some nice flowers."NO?" you say. "You can't! You have other things to do."How can you say such a thing when I always count on you?USE YOUR IMAGINATION

1. What are they talking about? _______________________________________2. Who is the speaker, male or female? Age: ___


Personality: ____________________________________________________3. Who is the speaker talking to? ______________________________________4. Where are they? Why do you think so? _______________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

5. Why doesn't the speaker want to do it? ______________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Why doesn't the person being spoken to want to do it? ___________________________________________________________________________________

7. Who is right and why? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9. You are the speaker. How would you persuade the other person to do it for you, or at least help you with it._________________________________________________________________

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:


SHOULD WE BE ALLOWED?1. Should we be allowed to chew gum in class?

This way we can concentrate. This way we can pass.

[ ] yes [ ] no Reason: ______________________________________________________________

2. Should we be allowed to go out 'when nature calls'?Then there'd be a lot of kids walking in the halls.

[ ] yes [ ] no Reason: ______________________________________________________________

3. Should we be allowed to eat during a big test?If we eat, we can't talk and the teacher can sit and rest!

[ ] yes [ ] no Reason: ______________________________________________________________

4. Should we be allowed to miss homework one time in ten?If we don't do homework, we'll fail the test [again]!

[ ] yes [ ] no Reason: ______________________________________________________________

5. Should we be allowed to come dressed anyway we choose?We could come in sloppy clothes and even without shoes.

[ ] yes [ ] no Reason: ______________________________________________________________

6. Should we be allowed to smoke in school at all?Better to do it openly, than hiding behind a wall!

[ ] yes [ ] no Reason: ______________________________________________________________

7. Should we be allowed to come late to class, once the teacher's in?So what, if we're late again? Is it such a sin?

[ ] yes [ ] no Reason: ______________________________________________________________

8. Should we be allowed to walk out if the lesson is a bore?We'd leave all our things there and just walk out the door.

[ ] yes [ ] no Reason: ______________________________________________________________

9. Should we be allowed to read a book if we know what the lesson's about?Why listen to it a second time? It's boring, there's no doubt.

[ ] yes [ ] no Reason: ______________________________________________________________

10. Should we be allowed to study for the test that we have the next hour?Maybe this teacher will let us, if we bring her a flower.

[ ] yes [ ] no Reason: ______________________________________________________________

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:


If sit changes to sat, why doesn't hit change to hat?If eat changes to ate,why don't we spell it like wait?If tongue and young are pronounced exactly the same way,why are there different ways for bough and dough and tough that we have to say?If bake and make and take change to baked and made and took,how can we teach the spelling rules out of any book?


©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:


I got into the shower, washed my body and my hair.Then I turned on the hot water, but hot water wasn't there.I washed very slowly / quickly; I'm sure you’d do the same.Why wasn't there hot water? Who was there to blame?When I left the bathroom, I didn't say a word.My brother went in after me, and this is what I heard:"Where's all the water hot? I bet you used it all!When I get out, I'll 'get' you, no matter whom you call."I quickly ran to mother / our dog and explained it all to her.Just then the electricity / a bomb went off and everything was a blur.There was my brother shouting, even though he was older,so I knocked at the door and handed him a gun / a candle in a holder."I didn't do it!" said I. "Why do you always pick on me?Is it my fault there's no hot water? Is it my fault you can't see?"My brother said / didn't say he was sorry. He took the gun / candle so it wouldn't go off / out.He would be kinder to / probably hit me later. Of that I had no doubt.Instead I went / didn't go back to my room. I hid beneath the table.I'm going to run away / move out:

Choose your own ending: as soon as I am able!I'd rather live in a stable.This whole story is just a fable!

1. Write 2 things you like and don't like about the older brother.LIKE DON'T LIKE

1. 1.2. 2.

2. Write 4 things you know about the person telling this story.

3. This could / couldn't be a true story because ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

4. Tell about an experience YOU had when the electricity went off.

DIFFERENT KINDS OF RINGSRead the poem first, before answering.

RING! went my telephone. A friend is on the line.What happened next? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

RING! went my alarm clock. Get up, lazybones! Time to rise and shine!What happened next? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

RING! went the school bell. Are you going in or out?What happened next? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

RING! went the doorbell. "Will you get it?" I heard mom shout.What happened next? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

RING! went the ambulance. Someone may be dying.What happened next? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

RING! went the lie detector to show that someone's lying.What happened next? _______________________________________________

RING! went the air raid siren, as everyone ran for the door.What happened next? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

RING! went the ice-cream man, the "ring" I've been waiting for!What happened next? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:


Dear "Advice Lady",School is very hard this year. I don't know what to do, so I'm writing this letter for advice; I'm writing it to you.First my teachers are all old; they must be 34.Second, the teacher moved my seat. I now sit near the door.What should I do when the person next to me isn't a friend,but she copies all the time. Will it ever end?Another thing that bothers me is I don't understand the math.[Besides, the teacher smells. I wish he'd take a bath!]Furthermore, the homework we get, well there's just no end!Can you help me, Advice Lady, before I go 'round the bend?

Yours, "A student somewhere in Israel"

YOU are the Advice Lady. Write a 50+ letter back to this student to help.

Dear _______________________,









Sincerely yours, ____________________________

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

THE NEWSPAPERI glanced at the paper. On the first page I could seepictures of a disaster. They didn't interest me.The headlines were about politicians, who had taken money,but when a bridge fell and people died, it wasn't at all funny!So-and-so married such-and-such. He could have been her father.Should I turn to page two, or shouldn't I even bother?A bank was robbed; a tourist mugged and nobody seems to care.The newspaper has big headlines, but they don't give me a scare.The drinking water's polluted; the ozone layer's thin.That couple isn't married; [they're just 'living in sin'.]I see the jokes are funny; the weather's hot today.Should I continue reading, or should I throw the paper away?

1. I agree / disagree that most news in the paper isn't interesting because _____________________________________________________________________________________



2. When I read the paper, I look at the following:

First _________________________________________________________________

Second _______________________________________________________________

Third ________________________________________________________________

I never read ___________________________________________________________

Papers should have more news about _______________________________________

and less news about ____________________________________________________.

3. Sometimes headlines are purposely misleading. For example: "THE MAN WITH THE ONE TRACK MIND" Could you guess it's about Shoresh Lerer, the head of the Railways Authority? Bring in two headlines that are misleading and let the class guess what the article was really about.

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

COME STAND WITH ME, ALL MOTHERSwritten by Phyllis Oded

We can stand on opposite sides…….. or we can stand together.We can teach our children to hate…….. or make the situation better.We can live in unity, two nations on this land……..

or we can fight and lose our sons. It's time we took a stand!

Enough! We’re not small children. In a war no one can win.Let's look for a way that's peaceful, before disasters begin.Children are taught to hate; it's not something they are born with.Let's put a stop to it now, so we won't have to mourn withthousands of bereaved parents, who loved their children well.Children lost forever, because they fought and fell.

There is a message here. Please, pay attention to it.If it comes to war, all of us just blew it!Come, stand with me; put away both your prejudices and your guns.Come, stand with me all mothers; we're fighting for our sons.

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

IT'S UP TO MEI came home from school at the end of a long day,smiling, till mom said, "How was the test?" and my smile went away."I'm hungry, mom. What is there to eat?""That bad!" she said. "Come here and have a seat."She didn't act very upset. She didn't shout at all.I ate lunch quickly and we went shopping in the mall"Hey, mom, aren't you angry that I didn't pass the test?""Tell me one thing, my son, did you really do your best?"

I looked at her a minute and thought of hours wasted on the phone,and the hours spent with my friends, when I should have been at home."No, I didn't, mom. I could have done much more."She didn't say another word, just walked up to the door."Well, it's your life. If you fail, you'll be left out."I realized that she spoke the truth. Of that I had no doubt.

Now, when I come home from school at the end of a long day,I always do my homework before going out to play.Because if my grades are bad, there's no one I can blame.My advice to you, dear reader, is for you to do the same.

1. I agree / disagree with this advice because __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2.Personally, I need / don't need to study for tests because ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. The mother's reaction was / wasn't typical because ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. How would your mom react? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. School is the student's responsibility, not his parents'. Agree / Disagree. Reasons:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Write this story as a short page in your diary. [30+ words]WHAT'S THE ANSWER?

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

"What's the answer," I signaled, "to question number three?"[The teacher was reading a paper. She didn't even glance at me!]My friend wrote down the answer and made a little ball.He threw it to me quickly, so that near my feet it would fall.

I was copying the answer, as Miri signaled me."I also need the answered," she mouthed, "to question number three."I wadded it up again; I hoped that it would reach her.But, as I raised my hand to throw, next to me stood the teacher.

1. Finish the story in 30+ words._____________________________________________________________________






2. Read and act out the story.

3. If a student is caught copying or helping another student during a test, what punishment

should be given? _____________________________________________


4. You are the teacher [with x-ray vision]. Rewrite the story from your point of view._____________________________________________________________________







©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

Read the following once before filling in the missing information.

You did what was asked.. Then what happened?

Look up! said the weatherman. "I think it's going the rain."________________________________________________________________________


Look out! said the police at the crossing. "Here comes another train."



Look at this picture! said the artist. "The colors are very bright."



Look over the homework! said the teacher. "See if your answers are all right."



Look into the matter! said the lawyer. "Think it over carefully."



Look down at other people? said the snob. "I think that I agree."



Look forward to the future! said grandma. "What do you think it will bring?"



Look up the phone number! said my friend. "And I'll give him a ring."



GIVE [up, back, away, in]

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

"Give it up!" said the doctor. "Cigarettes aren't good for you."

"Give it back!" said my friend. "If you want one, buy it new!"

"Give it away!" said my mom. "You can't wear it anymore."

"Give in!" said the wrestler. "I've thrown you on the floor."

Write a short story about something or a situation in which you gave [up/back/away/in],answering the questions: What? Why? When? Where? What happened? [50+ words]



















©Phyllis OdedTHIS? THAT?

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

This or that? I can't decide which one I want to wear.I'll let fate decide by tossing a coin in the air.Heads, it's this; tails it's that. Nothing could be as fast.Two out of three will decide. This toss will be my last.

Nine out of ten? Well, one more time. Then I won't try again.I'll have to wear the other one; it won nine times out of ten.

1. What was the narrator's problem? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. I believe / don't believe in fate [chance / 'it's meant to be'] because _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Did you ever reach a decision by tossing a coin? If so, what happened? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Do you believe in premonition [a feeling that something is going to happen]? Tell about your experience or the experience you heard about.


5. We should / shouldn't leave things up to fate because ___________________________


'STRANGE PEOPLE'There are lots of strange people, everywhere I look.

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

There's a teenager, who's actually reading a book!I see a young man, who is giving up his placeto an older person. Is this the human race?I see an old lady being helped across a busy road.I see a stranger stopping to help someone with his load.I see an older brother sharing all his toys.I see students sitting and not making any noise.Yes, there are 'strange' people, wherever I can see.But the strangest one of all is sitting next to me!

1. What does the narrator mean by 'strange' people? What makes them strange and why?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Write an imaginative [30+ word] composition. What does the narrator mean by the last sentence? Who is it? Why is this person strange? [behavior? appearance?]











I'M NOT REBELLING!I dyed my hair purple. Then I dyed it bluewith green and red and orange stripes. How does it look to you?I think it goes nicely with the earring in my nose

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

and the one in my navel [and others I can't expose.]I like the way I look now. No one looks quite like me.This is how I express myself, trying to be free.

Soon I'll go in the army and all of this will disappear.Soon I'll be a soldier. The time is getting near.So let me have my dyed hair and let me 'do my thing'.Soon I'll be a soldier. Who know what next year will bring?

1. Who is the narrator? Write all the information you can about him / her? [First decide ifthe narrator is male or female.] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Explain the title in connection with the story. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. I agree / don't agree with the narrator because _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. The narrator is pessimistic / optimistic because _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

WHY NOT ME?People with curly hair wish their hair were straight.People with straight hair always bemoan their fate.Tall people hunch down, trying to look less tall.Short people stand straight, or nobody would see them at all.

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

Fat people diet [or at least they sometimes try.]Thin people [I hate them!] eat till they could die.Young people are always trying to look old.Older people don't tell their age; that's what I've been told.Boring people don't know it. They like to hear what they say.Interesting people are few and far between. You're talking to one nowby the way!

1. Who is the narrator, male or female? Age:__ Reasons: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. What adjectives describe the narrator?

Here is a picture of the narrator's head. Draw the hair and body according to how youvisualize this person. I'm interesting

3. I am happy / unhappy with the way I look. I would like to change _________________ because _______________________________________________________________

MUSICI listened to some music; it was very nice.Mom said it sounded like a knife that was cutting ice.Mom listened to some music, "from the '60's" it is called.All the singers are either dead today, or they're going bald.Grandma listened to some music, people screaming all the time.

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

She said that it was 'opera'. I said it was a crime!

My brother took music lessons. He learned to play the drums.Maybe he can make some rain before the winter comes.What is 'good music'? It depends on what you hearand who you are and what you like: loud, soft, fast, or clear.Personally, if it's loud, the better it is for me.But music is individual; with that you must agree.

1. Name 4 types of music and the age group it most attracts. TYPE OF MUSIC AGE GROUP

2. Which do you like best? _____________Why? _______________________________ Which do you least like? _____________Why? _______________________________

3. Agree or disagree:

[ ] agree [ ] disagree 1. If we heard opera from a young age, we would all like opera today. Reason: _____________________________________________________________

[ ] agree [ ] disagree 2. Only musical people like music. Reason: _____________________________________________________________

[ ] agree [ ] disagree 3. Loud music, for an extended length of time, harms your hearing. Reason: _____________________________________________________________

[ ] agree [ ] disagree 4. This so-called music of the '90's is nothing more than loud noise! Reason:

WHY YOU ARE MY FRIEND!Some choose their friends for money; others look for fame.Me? I choose people, much like me, who usually think the same.We may not agree step by step, on everything we do,but basically you agree with me and I agree with you.

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

Sometimes I do stupid things, things I will then regret.You never say, "I told you so!" or "You'll fail! You want to bet?!"You're there to listen to me; I can always pick up the phone.And most important: what I tell you is for you and your ears alone.

If you need me, I'll be there. Friendship works two ways.Friendship has to be worked at, but you'll find it always pays."No man is an island." Each of us needs good friends.Friendships may come and go, but I hope ours never ends.

1. What does the next to the last line ["No man is an island!"] mean? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

2. Why do we need friends? _________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

3. Which part of the story don't you agree with? Why? ___________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

4. Which part of the story do you agree with the most? Why? ______________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

5. Can a good friend only be from the same sex? Explain._________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

6. Can your best friend be an animal? Explain. _________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

NO WAY!Twice you phoned me. Twice you said the same.But why should I forgive you? Life is not a game.You shouldn't have done it. You knew I would be hurt.How could you call yourself my friend and then treat me like dirt?

One more chance? Forget it! You know exactly what you did,and you did it on purpose; you're not a little kid.So just don't phone me anymore. No way are you my friend.

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

You brought it upon yourself. You made our friendship end!

1. Who is the speaker? Who is the person being spoken to? ________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Reason: _______________________________________________________________

2. What happened and why? ________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

3. Why is the speaker so upset? _____________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

4. Shouldn't friends be more tolerant of each other? Explain. _______________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

5. I would forgive my best friend anything / wouldn't forgive my best friend ever because

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

GOOD MORNING, DEAR TEACHERGood morning, dear teacher. Am I late [again] today?Our dog just had kittens and I have more to say.A thief broke in last night and he stole all my books.Don't you believe me? You're giving me such looks!

My brother had a baby. Then the television rang at two.Of course it's all the truth. Would I lie to you?

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

I fell out of a window, while sitting in the park.Take off my sunglasses? Oh! That's why it's so dark!

The gas attendant this morning didn't have any changefor my credit card. Don't you think it's strange?My alarm clock didn't go off. The electric battery was dead.What do you mean you don't believe a single word of anything I have said?

1. What about you? Do you believe this student? _____ List all the reasons why not.







2. If you were the teacher, would you let this pupil come into class? Yes / No Explain. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

2. Would you punish this student in any way? Yes / No Explain. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

THE PHONE RANGThe phone rang. I picked it up and this is what I heard."The test tomorrow is cancelled." Not another word."Who is this speaking? Why are you calling me?There is no test tomorrow, as far as I can see!""Isn't this Danny? Danny from the 9th. grade?"Number 5-4-6-3-1-1? This is the fifth call I have made!""No, this isn't Danny. That's not my number at all.

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

You dialed a wrong number. Who's this 'Danny' you meant to call?""I'm very sorry. I dialed 5-4-6-3-1-1, I'm sure.""Well, that's not my number and there is no Danny here!"

1. Who made the call? Why? ________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

2. Who got the message? __________________________________________________

3. Why do wrong numbers happen? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Danny never got the message. Write a short paragraph about him [studying hard only to come to school to learn that the test had been cancelled.] 30+ words.


5. Write a short conversation between Danny and the caller the following morning.Danny: _________________________________________________________________Friend: _________________________________________________________________Danny: _________________________________________________________________Friend: _________________________________________________________________Danny: _________________________________________________________________Friend: _________________________________________________________________Danny: _________________________________________________________________Friend: _________________________________________________________________

ANIMALSMEOW went the puppy. TWEET-TWEET went the cat.

OINK-OINK went the donkey. WOOF-WOOF went the rat.HEE-HAW went the little pig. R-ROAR went the bird.SQUEEK-SQUEEK went the lion. The strangest sounds I've ever heard!

1. Copy the correct sound next to each animal.ANIMAL SOUND

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:




2. Write the correct sounds in the story._______________ went the puppy._______________ went the cat.

_______________ went the donkey._______________ went the rat.

_______________ went the little pig._______________ went the bird._______________ went the lion.

The strangest sounds I've ever heard!

Cut out, turn over and match.




VOICE INFLECTIONS1. Read the following sentences aloud, stressing the word in capital letters. Notice that the meaning totally

changes each time.DANIEL saw them together. Daniel SAW them together.Daniel saw THEM together. Daniel saw them TOGETHER.

2. Read the following sentences aloud TWICE, giving two different voice inflections [interpretations].1. All right! I'll do it! 2. Oh, no! You blew it!3. What? Another fight? 4. Hey! Who shut off the light?5. I only counted four. 6. The last one out, please close the door.7. I'll never do that again! 8. Keep pouring! I'll tell you 'when'.

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

3. According to your interpretation, create a situation around each one. Who said this to whom? Why? What happened in the end?

1. All right! I'll do it!_____________ said this to ______________because __________________________________.In the end _____________________________________________________________________.

_____________________________________________________________________________2. Oh, no! You blew it!

_____________ said this to ______________because __________________________________.In the end _____________________________________________________________________.

_____________________________________________________________________________3. What? Another fight?

_____________ said this to ______________because __________________________________.In the end _____________________________________________________________________.

_____________________________________________________________________________4. Hey! Who shut off the light?

_____________ said this to ______________because __________________________________.In the end _____________________________________________________________________.

_____________________________________________________________________________5. I only counted four.

_____________ said this to ______________because __________________________________.In the end _____________________________________________________________________.

_____________________________________________________________________________6. The last one out, please close the door.

_____________ said this to ______________because __________________________________.In the end _____________________________________________________________________.

_____________________________________________________________________________7. I'll never do that again!

_____________ said this to ______________because __________________________________.In the end _____________________________________________________________________.

_____________________________________________________________________________8. Keep pouring! I'll tell you 'when'.

_____________ said this to ______________because __________________________________.In the end _____________________________________________________________________.


IT HAPPENED ON MY WAY TO SCHOOLIt happened on my way to school, though I’d left with time to spare.It really wasn't my fault that I was late in getting there.A boy of twelve was on his bike and swerved in front of us.It happened so suddenly; he was run over by the bus.The bike lay there all broken; the boy didn't move or sigh.Was he dead already? Was he going to die?A policeman asked us questions; I was a good eye-witness, you see.As I told him what had happened, other people would agree.No helmet and on a busy street; what was he doing there?How did his parents allow him to ride when his head was bare?

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

The bus finally continued on. I knew that I was late.The morning traffic was heavy, so we had to wait.The light turned green and we drove on when an old man crossed the street.The driver slammed on his brakes; it wasn't an easy feat.But, he managed to stop in time, but barely, if you ask me.The old man fell; he looked confused; that everyone could see.The same policeman questioned us; my picture was taken. I didn't look my best.And that's why, dear teacher, I've come to school late for your test.Oh, the policeman wrote you a note saying that all of this is true.[And my picture will be in the paper, for everyone to view!]

1. The student expected the teacher to believe his/her story because:a. __________________________________________________________________b. __________________________________________________________________

2. Who was legally responsible for the bike-bus accident, and why? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. I think people should / shouldn't be allowed to ride bikes in the street because ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Not all eye-witnesses are reliable . Explain.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. You are the teacher and have to decide [1] whether to believe the student, or not and[2] whether to let the student take the test, or not. What would you decide, and why?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

COUNT FROM 20, BACKWARDYour eyes are growing heavy; now you want to sleep.Count from 20 backward as you count the sheep.20 - 19 - 18; your eyes both want to close.17 - 16 - 15; there's a tingling in your toes.14 - 13 - 12; you're floating on a cloud.11- 10 - 9 - 8. No! Don't count with me aloud!7 - 6 - 5 - 4. Asleep! Asleep at last!No one finishes counting, when I give him sleeping gas.

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

1. Who is the narrator? _____________________________________________________

2. Where is he? ___________________________________________________________

3. What's the purpose of counting here? _______________________________________


4. Who is he giving sleeping gas to, and why? __________________________________



6. In which situation would a teacher count heads? _____________________________



7. When we say, "we can count on someone", we mean __________________________



8. "Do it again. It didn't count." Means _______________________________________



LETTERSMany people write letters. The reasons aren't the same.Some write for information. Others write to blame.Some write in answer to a newspaper ad they have just seen.Others write to the editors to ask them what they mean.Still others write to relatives to find out how they are.Others send long letters to loved ones that are far.Mothers write to teachers explaining why their kids were ill.People write letters to places when they get a bill.Letters are important when you have something to say.Here's my letter to you:


1. Name the reason listed for writing letters. Give an example of a key sentence you might find in each.REASON KEY SENTENCE


©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

Circle the numbers above of the informal letters.2. You would like to go on an inexpensive trip to Turkey. The ad you see reads:


Write a letter expressing your interest and needs. Ask for more information.




Sincerely yours,

THE RECURRING DREAM Over and over the dream recurred. I woke up in a fright.I dreamed I was in an accident. It was a terrible sight.A neighbor had offered us a ride; this way we'd save bus fare.But in my dream there was a crash and we never did get there.I told my mom in the morning; I thought she'd laugh at me for months.But she said something similar had happened to her once.She wanted to buy a used car and then she had a dream.The blue Fiat that she had bought crashed and she heard herself scream.The next day she was shown a car, the one she had dreamed about.She refused to buy it. She began to shout."The motor is defective. It isn't safe to drive.It will crash on the highway. No one will get out alive!"The used car dealer thought my mom was really weird,until the person who bought the car crashed, just as mom had feared.She told me then that some dreams really do come true.

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

The neighbor has just offered me a ride. What do you think I should do?

1. Decide and then finish the story in 30+ words.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. I believe / don't believe in dreams [premonitions] because _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. If I had such a dream, I would / wouldn't ignore it because ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Retell a dream you once had. Why do you remember it?

5. How are dreams connected to the Bible? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

THE WORLD AS WE SEE ITIt's not easy being a teen, especially in the world today.Some parents listen to us; others let us have our own way.The world has changed dramatically, in many ways for the better.Today we fax and e-mail things; before we sent a letter.Today due to cable T.V. the world has become much smallerand due to vitamins and good food, we have grown much taller.

However, people are less idealistic; they don't build things to last.They don't worry about the future and they've forgotten about the past.People are less considerate; they push and shove in line.Why don't they help each other more? They don't want to take the time.

It's scary not knowing if a nuclear bomb will fall.Should we look to the future? Will there be any future at all?I don't mean to be pessimistic, but I'm telling it as I see it.

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

Things are getting worse in this world. What can I do to free it?

1. Who is the speaker? _____________________________________________ Age: __Reason: ______________________________________________________________

2. The world has changed. [You may add your own comments to the chart below.]


3. Why is the narrator so pessimistic? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. Answer the question posed in the last sentence of the story.

long-term plan:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ short-term plan: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

THE PARTYMy neighbors had a party. They danced till 3 a. m.They played the music loudly and then they danced again.The noise was deafening; no one was able to sleep.We listened to screams and laughter instead of counting sheep.At 3 a. m. the police came. I thought there'd be a riot.But by 3:15, everything was quiet.I didn't call them. I didn't say a wordwhen all the noise and music for hours I had heard.

Soon I'm going to be drafted; I'll invite all my friends.There will be lots of dancing and food and music that never ends.My neighbors had a party. They made noise till 3 a. m. Next week I'm having a party. Loud noise? Well, I'll show them.

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

1. Who is the narrator? _____________________________________________ age: ___

Reason: ______________________________________________________________

2. Tick off as many answers as you wish.

The best part of parties:

[ ] the noise [ ] the people [ ] the music [ ] the food [ ] the beverages [ ] the place

[ ] something else? _____________________________________________________

3. Plan your own pre-draft party.

LOCATION: _________________________________________________________

PEOPLE: ___________________________________________________________

ENTERTAINMENT: __________________________________________________

FOOD: ______________________________________________________________

OTHER THINGS: ____________________________________________________





1. "Which?" said the _________________ "Which one of you wants to read?"Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

"Witch!" said the _________________ under his breath and all the students agreed!Situation: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. "Two!" said the _________________ . "I'd like two of these, please!" Situation: ________________________________________________________________________


"Too!" said the _________________ . "I'm too tired to please."Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. "Know!" said the _________________ . "I know what you said."

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

"No!" said the _________________ . "I don't want to go to bed!" Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. "Eye!" said the _________________ . "Open it very wide." Situation: ________________________________________________________________________


"I” said the _________________ . "I'm the most important person alive." Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. "Blew!" said the _________________ . "Now all the birthday candles are out." Situation: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

"Blue!" said the _________________ . "It's my favorite color, without a doubt!" Situation: ________________________________________________________________________



6. "Hour!" said the _________________ . "That's how much time I need." Situation: ________________________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________ "Our!" said the _________________ . "Our book, not yours, we'll read."

Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. "Ate!" said the _________________ . " Who did it? The cake is gone!" Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

"Eight" said the _________________ . "But only seven belong!"Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

8. "See" said the _________________ . "This picture is very nice.Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

"Sea" said the ________________of the Titanic . "Why is it so full of ice?"Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. "Hear!" said the _________________ . "I do it with my ears." Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

"Here!" said the _________________ . "Put it down here, please."Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. "Where?" said the _________________ . "Where did I put my pen?"Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

"Wear" said the _________________ . "Shall I put it on again?"

Situation: ________________________________________________________________________



11. "Dyed" said the _________________ . "Now my hair is green!" Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

"Died?" said the _________________ . " Because my cat ate all the cream."Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12. "Brake" said the _________________ . "It better work when this car passes!" Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

"Break" said the _________________ . "It's what I need in between classes!"Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

13. "Sew" said the _________________ . "With a sewing machine."

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

"So?" said the _________________ . "So, tell me what you mean!"Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

14. "Heel" said the _________________ . "It's at the bottom of your foot." Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

"Heal" said the _________________ . "It will heal with the medicine you put."Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

15. "U" said the _________________ . "It's a letter in the alphabet." Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

"You" said the _________________ . "You are a person I've just met!"Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


16. "Stare" said the _________________ ."It's not a polite thing to do." Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

"Stair" said the _________________ . "Too many to climb for you!"Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

17. "Four" said the _________________ . " The number of seasons in a year." Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

"For" said the _________________ . "None left for you, I fear."Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

18."Hey!" shouted the _________________ . "You're sitting in my chair!"Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

"Hay!" thought the _________________ . "That's what I like to eat!"Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

19."Flour" said the _________________ . "I use it when I bake."Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

"Flower!" said the _________________ . "I'll bring some because I'm late."Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

20."Son!" said the _________________ . "Here are the keys to the car."Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

"Sun" said the _________________ . "It's just another big star."Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


21."Shoo!" said the _________________ . "Get that cat out of here!"Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

"Shoe!" said the _________________ . "I can only find one to wear!"Situation: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

A HUNDRED TIMES"If I've told you once, I've told you a hundred times!"How many times has my mother repeated and repeated those same lines?"I'm not nagging," she said. "I'm just 'reminding' you."But it's always about something that I never want to do!"It's the last time that I'll tell you!" I only wish it were!But she goes on and on, while no one listens to her.

"It's my room. It's my mess!" is the answer I always give."I'll clean it when I'm ready. It's the way I want to live."To ALL moms out there, don't waste your breath anymore!If our rooms are too messy for you, well then,…….just shut the door!

1. I agree with the narrator / the mother because ________________________________



2. Who cleans your room? ________________________________________________

Why? _______________________________________________________________

How often? ___________________________________________________________

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

When you are told to clean your room , what is expected of you?


3. Rewrite the story from the mother's point of view. [70+ words]____________________________________________________________________



ALLITERATIONDON'T DRINK DIET DRINKS! That's what the billboard said.MILK MAKES MORE MUSCLES! That was what I read.

EXERCISE EVERY EVENING and you will always be fit!BUZZING BEES / BIG BUGS BITE. Be careful you don't get bit!

PEOPLE PREFER PLEASANT PICTURES of a place, not a dog or a cow.ENGLISH ENRICHES EVERYBODY! You have to learn it now!

DON'T DRINK DIET DRINKS! That's what the billboard said.I agree / disagree because _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

MILK MAKES MORE MUSCLES! That was what I read.I agree / disagree because _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

EXERCISE EVERY EVENING and you will always be fit!I agree / disagree because __________________________________________________

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:


BUZZING BEES / BIG BUGS BITE. Be careful you don't get bit!I agree / disagree because _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

PEOPLE PREFER PLEASANT PICTURES of a place, not a dog or a cow.I agree / disagree because _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

ENGLISH ENRICHES EVERYBODY! You have to learn it now!I agree / disagree because _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

WILL THEY COME HOME SAFELY?Many of my friends are soldiers now, serving 'far away'.Every day I listen to the news. Every day I prayfor them to get home safely, for them to be all right.It's not the war that kills them, it's driving home at night.I read their ages in the paper; no one's over 22.A whole life was before them, a life they never knew.

I'll soon be a soldier, in some far, out-lying base and there will be many terrors that I'll learn to face.Soldiers grow up fast; a gun turns them into men.But to drink and drive can get you killed [and dead men don't do it again.]So, will they come home safely? If they're careful, most of them will.It's not the wars that have caused so many deaths, it's the car accidents that kill!

1. Who is the narrator? __________________________________________age: ______Reason: _____________________________________________________________

2. What is the narrator's message? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I agree / don't agree with the message because: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:


3. I think that the narrator over-exaggerated / under-exaggerated because ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. You are the conscience of a young soldier, home on leave, at a pub with friends.Give advice.

DO DON'T1.2.3.4.



Draw what you read. Write what it is in English.

It's a circle. I can wear it on my head. _____________

It's an oblong. I sleep on it in bed. ________________

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

It's a triangle, when I cut my sandwich in half.


It's a square. The picture in it can make me laugh.



I laugh when I'm happy.

I smile when I'm glad.

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

I frown when I can't decide.

I cry when I'm sad.OVER AND OVER AND OVER….

Over and over and over, the drummer played the tune.Ta-TA, TA-TA, RAP, RAP, RAP, BOOM-BOOM, BOOM-BOOM, BOOM!The neighbor's son is 12 years old; he's as happy as can be.He's always wanted to play the drums; [no one's happier than he!]

He plays when he comes home from school, [when I try to rest.]He plays from 8 p.m. till 10 or when he has a guest.Over and over again, the same song he plays in his room.Ta-TA, TA-TA, RAP, RAP, RAP, BOOM-BOOM, BOOM-BOOM, BOOM!

I sit here slowly going deaf; will I also go insane?I'm going to buy my son a drum. Two can play the same game!!

1. Who is telling the story? ______________________ Copy one sentence to prove this:____________________________________________________________________

2. What / Whom does the word two in the last sentence refer to? What 'game'? ___________________________________________________________________________

3. What was the narrator's objection to the drum? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Is it wrong to object? Explain. ____________________________________________

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:


4. If you were in the narrator's shoes, what would you do and why?I would _____________________________________________________________Because _____________________________________________________________

5. What about the 12-year-old boy's parents? Write three things you think are true about them.1. __________________________________________________________________2. __________________________________________________________________3. __________________________________________________________________

THE SUMMER THAT WASSeptember, 2001

Dear Pen-pal:

Summer was hot and humid. I often went to the pool.I sometimes felt so bored that I wished I were at school.I went out in the evenings when it wasn't so hot.Often I'd come back at 5 a.m. and sleep around the clock.

The sign on my door read DO NOT DISTURB , so I was left alone.The only thing that woke me was the ringing of the phone.Once a week I'd meet my friends; we'd walk around the mall.It was so much cooler there; you couldn't feel the heat at all.We'd take in a movie or go out to eat a meal.We ate mainly salads; heavy food had no appeal.I also worked a few weeks, putting flyers in the mailabout new places to eat at, or stores having a sale.The ten weeks passed slowly, in the end too slowly for me.I looked forward to the beginning of school. Enough of 'being free'!

Love, _______________________________Your name

1. I agree / disagree with the narrator about summer because __________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Three things I did this summer:THINGS I DID THIS SUMMER REASON


©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

3.3. Three things I would have liked to do this summer but didn't:


4. Summer vacation is / isn't too long because: _________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________5. There should / shouldn't be four weeks of summer school because _______________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

DO YOU CARE?A bomb went off somewhere. Were you interested? Did you carethat so many innocent people were thrown up in the air?Some were barely wounded; others were blown apart.Why did it have to happen and how did it ever start?Is violence the accepted answer to everyone's problems now?Shouldn't it be banned once and for all? What does the law allow?"We want what we want …..and we want it now!Give it to us or we'll take it!" That's what they all vow!Over and over like a snowball, picking up momentum as it went,it grew out of proportion, as countless people were sentto their deaths through torture, through explosions and through pain.Although they died not knowing why, they still died just the same.People hurting other people in the name of "justice" and "peace",as we sit back and do nothing to make this needless killing cease.Nation against nation; mankind picking up arms against man.Can anyone make a difference? If we stand together, I know we can!Do you care?1. Who is the speaker? _______________________________________________age:__

Reason: ______________________________________________________________2. Who is being spoken to? _________________________________________________3. Why is the speaker so upset?

Main reason: __________________________________________________________Secondary reasons: [1] __________________________________________________

[2] __________________________________________________4. Who are the ‘they’ in line 8? ______________________________________________5. Who is the ‘it’ in line 10? _________________________________________________

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

6. Who are the ‘we’ in line 14? _______________________________________________7. Give an example of the speaker’s pessimism: _________________________________8. Give an example of the speaker’s optimism: _________________________________9. Give an example of the speaker’s anger: _____________________________________ 10.Give an example of the speaker’s frustration: _________________________________11. Bring in a Hebrew [Russian/Arabic] news article about a bombing, with a picture, if possible. Summarize your article in 3-4 sentences in English, answering: where/when/ why/who.

THE CLASS CLOWNEverybody looked at me, as if they wanted to say,"Wiggle your ears! Make us laugh! How will you be funny today?"The teachers all get angry; some even throw me out.Others try to ignore me. A few turn red and shout.But nobody knows the truth, that underneath is me,a less-than-average student [my teachers will agree],who needs a lot of attention, who wants desperately to have friends,which is why I call attention to myself by any means and ends.So far nobody has seen through my act; no one sees that I pretendto be a clown, someone I'm not; it's just an image that I send.If I'm in your class, please listen to my plea.I want to be accepted. I just want you to like me.

1. How do you react when there's a class clown in your class? ______________________ ______________________________________________________________________

2. Is this person generally a weak / weaker student? Explain._______________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

3. What should be done with a class clown in the classroom? ______________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

4. What advice would you give to him/her? ____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

to his/her teacher? _______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

TAKE YOUR BROTHER"Take your brother to the park!" "Do I have to bring him back?""Be nice to your little brother!" "It's patience that I lack.""Don't hit him when he runs away." "He's such a pest, you see.""And I'll give you ten shekels an hour." "That's not enough for me!""O.K. Make it 15, but watch him with both eyes." "For 15 shekels an hour, I'll treat him like a prize!""Here's his hat. He must keep it on. The sun is very hot.""O.K., little brother. Let's go, ready or not!""Don't forget the water and take something to eat. And don't let him take off his shoes or he'll hurt his little feet.""No problem, mom. We're all set to go.See you in three hours with my little brother in tow."

1. Who is the narrator? _____________________________________________ age: ___Reason: ______________________________________________________________

2. Rewrite the story in 3-4 sentences: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


3. Why doesn't the narrator want to babysit for the little brother? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. How old is this little brother? ___ Reason/s: __________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________5. Write five [5] things that mother want to make sure of:

1. Don't______________________________________________________________2. __________________________________________________________________

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

3. __________________________________________________________________4. __________________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________________

6. Describe what happened at the park. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

ANOTHER WORKSHEET Here's another worksheet. Our teacher must be lazy.Will we fill in answers all day? Does she think we’re crazy?Circle the right answer or mark an X next to the wrong one.Draw a line under each adjective, and we've only just begun!

Read the questions below. Which answer is it that’s right?Write the past tense for the irregular verbs, like run and stand and fight.Turn these nouns into plural. Which word needs a capital letter?"The more we do, the better we get!" our teacher says. But do we really get any better?

I think worksheets are a total waste of time. They don't teach me a thing, except to finish quickly and then wait for the bell to ring!

[ ] agree [ ] disagree 1. Worksheets are a total waste of our time.Reason: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

[ ] agree [ ] disagree 2. Worksheets are a good way of teaching new material.Reason: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

[ ] agree [ ] disagree 3. Worksheets help us review material.Reason: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

[ ] agree [ ] disagree 4. Worksheets are a good way of learning the material better.Reason: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

[ ] agree [ ] disagree 5. Worksheets make the lazy teacher's life easier.Reason: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

GRANDPA'S STORY"A long time ago, or was it just last year?I lived in Tel Aviv with sand and camels near.""Grandpa! Camels? Never in Tel Aviv!""Well, when night fell, they all had to leave!""Grandpa! Are you sure that you remember right?"

"Well, I think so! I do remember day from night!"Now, let me get on with my story, the one I'm telling you.""Grandpa! Forget about the story. Please take me to the zoo.""Zoo? Oh, yes, I remember! It was once near City Hall.They moved it to the Safari and built a shopping mall.Tel Aviv was quieter then. People were in bed by ten.Nowadays when parents go to sleep, their kids go out again!""Grandpa, tell me, what you did when you were young like me.""We were members of the Scouts, where we learned to climb a tree.We met our friends, traded stamps and played Monopoly.""Grandpa, grandpa, what is that you say?You had no computers to pass the time of day?""We wore simple clothing. Name brands were still unknown.We were lucky to have an ice-box. Forget about a phone!And we rode our bicycles all around the city.Not like today when you phone, "Hey mom, come and get me!""Poor grandpa. Life must have been boring with nothing to do.""No, you're wrong, my grandson. Life today is more boring for you!"1. I agree / disagree with grandpa that life is more boring today. Give examples:

THEN NOW1.2.3.

2. How old is grandpa? ___Reason: _____________________________________________________3. How old is the grandson? ___Reason: _________________________________________________

©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:

4. Grandpa still had / didn't have a good memory. Prove it.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Give five adjectives to describe the grandparent-grandson relationship:1. ____________ 2. _____________ 3. _______________ 4. ______________ 5. _____________

6. Write a short story [5 sentences] anyone's grandparent once told you.

TICK-TOCKTICK-TOCK went the clock. Another minute passed.

TICK-TOCK TICK-TOCK. Each minute slower than the last.

When does time pass slowly for you?




TICK- TICK- TICK- TICK went the clock. Why is it going so fast?

TICK- TICK- TICK- TICK. Another day has passed.

When does time fly for you?




It's one o'clock, one-fifteen; now it's one twenty-five.I'm waiting and waiting. When will they arrive?

Later…For three hours they've been sitting here; that's three hours in a row.For three hours they've been sitting here. How can I get them to go?Suggestion:


©Phyllis Oded

TEACHING INTERACTIVE ENGLISHT.I.E. RHYMES [pair and groupwork] [file # 4]

ORIGINAL MATERIAL written by PHYLLIS ODED -Name: class: date:



©Phyllis Oded

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