my abc book u.s history by christian.admire 4 5-12-11

Post on 23-Feb-2016






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My abc book u.s history By christian.admire 4 5-12-11 . A Abolitionist-a person against slavery Arsenal – a place to store weapons Amendment an addition to the constitution . Bonds-promise to pay back money issued by the government Boomtown- a sudden growth in population - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


My abc book u.s history

By christian.admire45-12-11

AAbolitionist-a person against slavery

Arsenal – a place to store weapons

Amendment an addition to the constitution

Bonds-promise to pay back money issued by the government

Boomtown- a sudden growth in population

Boycott-refuse to by items from a particular country

Canal -artificial water way

Cash crop- crop raised for money

Civil war – two citizens fighting each other from the same country

Douglas Fredric most famous free slave

Davis Jefferson president of south during civil war

draft required military service

Emancipation proclamation –freed all slaves in north

English bill of rights – helped are bill of rights

Export -sell goods

Factory system- manufacturing step to speed up a process

Federalist –power between federal and state

Freed man a person freed from slavery

guerrilla warfare- hit and run tactics

Gadsden purchase- last perchance of the united states of America

George king III -king during revolutionary war

Hancock john –signed the declaration of the united states of America

Hennery Patrick-gave the speech of give me liberty or give me death

Homestead act gave it 60 acres of land to people that can hold it for 3 years

Impeach-vote out of office

Import- buy goods from furan market

Inflation-rise on price in goods

Judicial branch – courts and laws

Judicial review –established the judicial branch

Jefferson Thomas-he was the third president

Kansas Nebraska act-popular solvency was used foe the first time

Kansas ,bleeding mini civil war was held

Key francs Scott-wrote the star spangled banner

Lassie –fare -government interfere as little as possible

Landslide-overwhelming victory

Loyalists-loyal to Britten in revolutionary war

Majority-more than half

Mercalisam -system ware power equals wealth

Militia-a group of untrained solders

Neutral –no sides to a fight or argument

Northwest passage-water route throw north America

Nullify –cancel

Offence- to take an attack

Ordnance -law

Over ride-over turn a bill

Pacifist- opposed war and violance

Patriot –wanting to fight for freedom

Petition -formal request

Quakers- don’t have a religion and didn't care

Ratify – give official approval

Recruit – enlist in army

Resolution –formal expression of option

Secede-leave of withdraw

Secession –withdraw from union

Slave code –laws for slaves

Tariff- tax on imports

Total war –war on all enemy life

Tribute-money paid for protection

Unalienable rights-rights that can not be surrendered

unconstitutional- not constant with constitution

Utopia-perfect society

Vaquero-Hispanic ranch hand

Veto-reject bill

Vigilantes-people that take law into own hands

War hawks –people that wanted war with Britain

Writ of assistance -allowed officers to search homes

Washington d.c.- capital of united states of America

Xyz affair –France sent spies to the states

Yankee-union solder

Yorktown – ware Brittan surrendered

Yeoman-southern farm owner that had no slaves

Zenger john peter –used freedom of press to get out of law suite

Zuni the native Americans in south west

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