mvp bulletin 4/28

Post on 13-Mar-2016






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Church Bulletin


As you prepare for worship, consider these words from the book of Colossians,

“We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, because

we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people – the

faith and love that spring from the hope stored up for you in heaven and about which you have

already heard in the true message of the gospel that has come to you.”

Who do you know that inspires you to be more faithful? Take time right now to say a prayer

of thanks for the people who have a positive, Christ-centered influence in your life.


WORSHIP IN SONG You Are My All in All

Be Still, My Soul

God is Good

LIFE OF THE CHURCH Matt Elam & Carol Benson

Aloha Sunday and Mission Celebration

New Member: Nahid Naghavi

During this time, ushers will pass out the friendship pads. Please sign your names

and welcome those who are sitting next to you after the service.


Offertory: “Our Prayer”


SCRIPTURE READING Colossians 1:1-14

SERMON “ PCH Discipleship - A Different Kind of Road Trip” Tom Stephen Scripture: Colossians 1:1-14


CLOSING WORSHIP “LORD, Listen to Your Children Prayin’”


We invite you to join us on the patio for coffee and refreshments

8:30 am Service

Celebration of Worship

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Aloha Sunday

Sunday School and Youth Groups

• Preschool-5th Grade meet in the CE Building and Youth Bldg. Rm 3.

• Jr. High (grades 6-8) meet in the Youth Building Rm 4 for The MSG.

Both groups dismissed after the Children’s Moment.

Jr. High/Pipeline meets Wednesdays 6:00-7:45 pm

Sr. High/Riptide meets Thursdays 7:00-8:30 pm

Next Week

Good News!!! No, great news!! Jesus is so much more than a little baby in a manger or a nice man who healed and taught. He is the One and Only God – the One who begins our faith and brings it to completion. Join us next week as we explore just who Jesus is and what He has done to totally bless the entire world.

10:30 am Service


LIFE OF THE CHURCH Matt Elam and Carol Benson

Aloha Sunday and Mission Celebration

New Members: Stephanie Jo Hughes, Farid & Lauren Najjarpour, Mike Violano

During this time, ushers will pass out the friendship pads. Please sign your names

and welcome those who are sitting next to you after the service.


Offertory: John Losey

SCRIPTURE READING Colossians 1:1-14

SERMON “PCH Discipleship - A Different Kind of Road Trip” Tom Stephen

Scripture: Colossians 1:1-14



We invite you to join us on the patio for coffee and refreshments

Ushers will bring the offering forward as we commit our gifts to be used to

further the Kingdom of God throughout our community and the world.


The children are dismissed for Sunday School after this time.

Middle School students will be dismissed for The MSG after this time.

Aging in America

Saturday, May 4, 2013 9:00am to noon

Topic: Facing Life’s Final Chapter Special Presentation: “Consider The Conversation – Video and Discussion”

If you are interested in attending on May 4, please contact John Andersen at 805-390-5487 or at

Thank you!

$5,060.00 Donated!

The Mission CelebrationMission CelebrationMission CelebrationMission Celebration is HereHereHereHere!! Join the celebration after each service today.

Learn about our missions.

Complete a game sheet and

win ice cream! win ice cream! win ice cream! win ice cream!

The Pathway of Discipleship - Living Out the Call to Follow Jesus

What does it mean to “follow” Jesus? Is it really possible to have a relationship with the God of the universe? How do I commit my life to God and follow Christ?

Have you ever asked or heard these questions?

You are invited to attend an eight-week series of hour-long Sunday morning classes on the marks of discipleship beginning May 5th at 9am. Reverend Joanne Oemig will lead discussions on prayer, worship, hearing God through the Scriptures, and growing in our relationship with God and one another. We will be challenged to take the Gospel into the world as disciples of Christ.

Signups begin April 28th in the Courtyard after services. Come and join us!

Motivational Gifts Class

“The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The meaning of life is to give

your gift away” Dan Zadra and Kobi Yamada

Come find what are your God-Given gifts and how by using them you find joy. Are you a Server, Perceiver, Exhorter, Giver, Teacher, Administrator or Compassion Person? These are the 7 gift areas we will explore.


1st Sunday: May 26 – 10:15-11:45 AM; 2nd Sunday: June 2 – 9:00-10:15 AM Sign-up on the patio or call Cindy Vodraska xxxx or Ruth Toops xxxx or email xxxx or xxxx

April 28, 2013

To be prayerful, compassionate

and humble disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ, enthusiastically sharing the message of salvation through inspired worship,

devoted study and faith that serves.

Our Staff

Rev. Tom Stephen, Pastor (

Carol Benson, Lay Pastor (

Matt Elam, Director of Youth Ministries

Mary Nelsen, Children’s Ministry (

Lori Maier, Director of Music - Priscilla Losey, Children’s Music Director

Rev. John Josselyn, First Service Music Facilitator

Toriann Garner, Choir Director - Kathy Josselyn, Pianist

Jim Lambert, Facilities Director

J.J. Shaules, Preschool Director ( (Preschool phone 805-499-6610)

Kathy Lambert, Administrative Assistant (

Erin Blackburn, Nursery Attendant

If you have any questions, please call the Church Office at 805-498-8213. You can reach us: Monday - Friday 8:30 am –12:30 pm & 1:00 - 2:30 pm.

Monte Vista Presbyterian Church 3797 W. Lynn Road, Newbury Park, CA 91320


Prayer & Praise Reports

Prayer Requests can be added to the Prayer Chain by emailing Rich-ard Vickers at and/or the church office at monte-

Let us know how we can pray for you by filling out a Prayer Card available in the pews & in the Friendship Pads. They can be dropped into the offering plate.

• Pray that the people of Monte Vista come to know the love of Christ in a deeper way.

• Thanksgiving & prayer for our neighbors at First Christian.

• Pray for healing for Lois Baker, consolation Coscarelli family, the Paulsen family and for Jo & the Marinelli boys,

• Continued Prayers for the Ward & Widman Families, the Guiteras Family, the Medler Family, Pat Kihm, Rodolfo Vaccaro, Jazzy Betka, Rosalia & Paul

Lewis, the Lucas Family, Sally Losey, Gayle & Grace Olson, Pat Bland, Tony

Newman & Kelly, these difficult economic times, and for employment.

• Pray for Monte Vista Preschool.

• Pray for Retired ministers Judy Rarick of Lompoc and Jeff Cotter of Los


What’s Happening!

Our Elders

Don Schwaiger - Missions John Losey - Youth Ministry

Finance Jeff Farrar - Property Management

Annette Bilous - PCH Discipleship Ministry Gaye Lampert - Administration

Cindy Vodraska - Clerk of Session Steve Pellnitz - Children’s Ministry/Preschool

Larry Lindsay - Worship Karen Washburn - Care Ministry

Ken Coscarelli - Evangelism/Outreach Karl Smith - Personnel

Christian Singles Fellowship

Men’s Breakfast (Every Thursday at 6:30 am at Parkview Café) Meet to share breakfast and start your day with discussion, friendship, and fellowship while sharing thoughts on scripture in our daily lives.

Men’s Luncheon (Wednesday, May 8th at Noon) All men are invited to enjoy lunch in the Fellowship Hall at Monte Vista. Cost for lunch is shared along with friendship and fellowship

Women’s TLC Prayer Group (2nd & 4th Thursdays at 7:00 pm) Join us in the Fellowship Hall as we offer fellowship, prayer, and support to one another. Contact Brooke Gant xxxx for more info.

Sweet Monday Book Club (2nd Monday every month 6:30 pm) Join us at Caffe Aroma (2130 Newbury RD, NP) Questions? Call Mardelle Koenders xxxx The book for May is: “Kisses from Katie” by Katie Davis

Breakfast and a Movie (Last Saturday every month at 9:00 am) Are you ready for a relaxing morning, great food, and a movie? We have just the place for you! We will be meeting at the home of Cindy Vodraska. The movie for April 27th is: “I Am David”. Contact Annette Bilous xxxx or Ann Riley 8xxxx RSVP to Alanna Jacobs and find out what to bring at xxxx

Prayer Shawl Ministry (3rd Tuesday every month at 6:30 pm) Gather together to knit, crochet, and pray over blankets, shawls, and other items to be given to those who are hurting. Contact Juanetta Cook xxxx or Karen Washburn xxxx and xxxx. Visit our website at

PCH Prayer Groups (every Sunday and Monday) Join us in the Choir Room on Sundays at 9:30 am. Is there a good time for you to pray with us during the week? Contact Phyllis Melampy xxxx or Marge Mayfield xxxx

National Day of Prayer Celebration (Thursday, May 2 12-1pm) Come join us at the Civic Arts Plaza on Thurs., May 2, from noon to 1:00pm. You'll be so welcome at the National Day of Prayer celebration! Gathering in prayer with hun-dreds of the Christian faithful is always a special privilege. For further information, call Marge at xxxx, or Phyllis at xxxx

Coffee, Canines and Cats (May 18, at 9:30 am to 3:00 pm) Join for a photo-shoot fund-raiser for their cookbook: “Kitchen Res-cues: “Recipes for People and Their Pets”. Hosted by Jan Romero of Starbucks. RSVP to reserve a time for your photo shoot: xxxx or xxxx

Mexico Mission Trip (April 29 – May 4) Please join us as we work on the Ranch. Visit with the Don & Susan! Contact Bill Aby at xxxxx

Volunteers Needed We are in need of members to volunteer as contribution “counters” or “data entry personnel.” The work is done in pairs, is fun, and is a way to contribute in a special way. Please consider helping. contact: Bob Kahn xxxx or xxxx

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