music video analysis

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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La La La- Naughty Boy ft Sam SmithRosie Ward

▪ The video starts with an establishing wide shot of a door which it then moves towards. A character then appears in the middle of the frame who stimulates the music when he puts his fist on the table. We can tell that this is an important character as he motivates the shot. The camera follows him where is abusing a little boy. The camera is then stimulated by the little boy rather than him. This shows a shift in importance within the video. This contradicts the stereotypes of the older generation being in charge and motivating most of the shots. This little boy featured helps to fit music video by his actions fitting the narrative of the song. This is due to him covering his ears and lip synching to the song. Him blocking out his ears helps to stimulate the video due to the viewer not being able to hear his dad shouting at him.

Establishing Shot

▪ This video is set in a very ‘normal’ setting. The mise en scene of the characters within it are dressed quite plain and basic. The dad is dressed is a red shirt. The connation's of the colour red represent anger, war, danger, strength, ect. All these connation's portray the characters personality effectively. His actions within the video help to fit this again. The boy in the video is wearing plain duller colours. This helps to portray his character. This is because from his costume we can tell that he is of a lower class and mistreated. This is reinforced by his dad and his behaviour which stereotypically the child would be effected badly by this. He juxtaposes this stereotypical view due to him being positive and escaping his dad.


▪ The lighting varies throughout this video. The lighting fits the different moods throughout the video. At the beginning the general bad mood which is represented in the dark, shadowy lighting. This lighting helps to keep the mystery of the video. This is because its near the beginning of the video where we have only been introduced to few characters. This helps to keep the suspense and keeps the viewer interested in the narrative of the song. When the little boy escapes his abusive dad the lighting turns into high key. This lighting represents the mood change between the scenes and starts to explain the storyline and narrative. The little boy motivating the shots and lighting shows his importance within the video.


▪ From the boy motivating the shots, the colours used throughout are very varied. The bright colours show his age and his naivety. The POV shots from him are what he wants to see and this shows how he is escaping from reality. This shows the stereotypical views of this kind of father/son relationship and how he is able to escape. The conations of the bright colour blue are happy and cheery scenes. This helps to effectively portray his age. These colours help to juxtapose music video theory due to the images not fitting the lyrics which are quite negative. The scenes shown are positive which is also effective even though it goes against the theory. This helps to keep the viewer intrigued.

Motivated Editing

▪ Many music videos contain an element of Voyeurism. This video goes against this due to the main characters being a man a little boy. Voyeurism is usually used with women to aim the music video at mainly a male audience. This video is very stimulating so can avoid using voyeurism in the video. Using interesting videos and characters in this video helps to gain lots of views and from a wide age range due to not including voyeurism which may be inappropriate for younger viewers.


▪ Within this music video, they use many different characters. Each character has an extreme close up taken of them. This shows that although the characters don’t motivate the shot it’s a POV shot from the little boy’s perceptive. It being a wide shot shows how important these characters are within his reality. At the beginning his dad is shown in a far away shot which shows his isolation. The many different characters within again helps to keep the viewers interested as many characters within a stereotypical music video is unusual. This helps to show how the situation he is put in and helps the viewers to be able to relate.


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