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Artistic Process: Creating-Improvisation


Music Model



Model Cornerstone Assessment (updated August, 2015)

Creating - Improvisation: Ensembles, Page 2

Intent of the Model Cornerstone Assessment

Model Cornerstone Assessments (MCAs) in music are tasks that provide formative and summative means to measure student achievement of performance standards in the National Core Music Standards. Each MCA focuses primarily on one Artistic Process (i.e., Creating, Performing, or Responding), and is designed as a series of curriculum-embedded assessment tasks, each of which measures students’ ability to carry out one or more process components.

Because these MCAs are still in development, for this pilot it is important for music teachers to follow all written guidelines so researchers can:

• evaluate and refine those guidelines; • identify the extent to which the content and context of each assessment can be integrated into individual teachers’

curriculum; and ultimately • compare achievement levels in the student work generated during piloting.

Although each MCA is designed so that it can be administered within one instructional sequence or unit, teachers may choose to spread the component parts of one MCA across multiple units or projects. Student work produced by these MCAs will be selected as benchmarks to illustrate the level of achievement envisioned in the National Core Music Standards.

Common Anchor #1: Generate musical ideas for various purposes and contexts

Enduring Understandings The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that influence artists’ work emerge from a variety of sources.

Essential Question(s) How do musicians generate creative ideas?

Common Anchor #2: Select and develop musical ideas for defined purposes and contexts

Enduring Understanding Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their experience, context and expressive intent.

Essential Question(s) How do musicians make creative decisions?

Common Anchor #3: Evaluate and refine selected musical ideas to create musical work(s) that meet appropriate criteria

Enduring Understanding Musicians evaluate, and refine their work through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the application of appropriate criteria. Musicians’ presentation of creative work is the culmination of a process of creation and communication.

Essential Question(s) How do musicians improve the quality of their creative work? When is a creative work ready to share?

Using the MCA document This MCA is meant for any ensemble. This document is available in a .pdf format with links for easy navigation within the document and to external links for .doc versions of worksheets. It is divided into student achievement levels but could be considered grade levels: Novice (5th/6th grade or an equivalent to 2 years of study in an ensemble in addition to general music); Intermediate

(7th/8th grade or an equivalent to 4 years of study in an ensemble in addition to general music); Proficient (One or more years of high school study); Accomplished (Proficiency exceeding average performance proficiency for high school study); Advanced (Preparing for collegiate study in music). General description of the Assessment Task Given a short, familiar melody with clearly implied chords or a rhythmic pattern with a clearly discernable meter, the student will be asked to improvise on this melody or rhythmic pattern. (It is suggested that the inexperienced student improviser may want to begin with rhythmic improvisations.).

Estimated time for Teaching and Assessment Individual teachers can determine the length of time required to complete the assessment. Use the following links to find the National Standards Skills and Knowledge and the Music Standards Glossary

Click at left to use bookmarks for quick movement across document.

Model Cornerstone Assessment (updated August, 2015)

Creating - Improvisation: Ensembles, Page 3



Print sufficient copies of Imagine Worksheet for students (Novice; Intermediate; Proficient; Accomplished; Advanced).

Study the Imagine Scoring Device and prepare roster for rating.

Assessment Environment Setup

The teacher will model how to identify melodic phrases, harmonic structure, and musical form (aurally and/or from notation) that exist in pieces for improvisation.

From identified melodies, the teacher guides students through an exploration of selected improvisational ideas.

The teacher provides an opportunity for students to individually explore and improvise ways to alter the melody.


The teacher will:

guide students to select a musical selection (as specified on the worksheet) discovered in one of their ensemble pieces.

have students complete the assignment as indicated on the appropriate Imagine Worksheet. (for the pilot, performances will be recorded).

collect, score using the Imagine Scoring Device, and provide feedback for the Imagine Worksheets and recordings.

Prerequisite Skills and Knowledge (as appropriate for the level of achievement identified on the standard)

Able to identify sounds, rhythms, melodies, harmonies, etc. to express an idea or feeling.

Identify resources for improvising melodic and rhythmic ideas.

Identify and apply criteria for melodic and rhythmic ideas.

Have experiences with using sounds to express ideas or feelings .

Understand how musical elements are utilized and manipulating them to explore expressive options.

Recognize and able to convey expressive intent in music performance.

Able to manipulate various elements of music through the effective use of improvisational techniques .

Able to apply improvisational techniques for creating unity and variety, tension and release, and balance to convey expressive intent.

Can document improvisations through the use of notation or audio/video recording.

Assessment Strategy 1 (Imagine)

Novice - MU: Cr1.1.E.5a Intermediate - Cr1.1.E.8a Proficient - MU:Cr1.1.E.Ia

Accomplished - MU:Cr1.1.E.IIa Advanced - MU:Cr1.1.E.IIIa

Model Cornerstone Assessment (updated August, 2015)

Creating - Improvisation: Ensembles, Page 4

1. Select a short phrase from one of the ensemble pieces that is appropriate for your performance

medium. Independently explore four of the following improvisory devices (ask your teacher if more explanation or examples are needed):

Articulation – altering or adding a variety of articulations or varied diction.

Dynamics - altering or adding a variety of dynamic channges.

Passing tones - Adding notes to the melody that move up or down the scale to connect the pitches.

Repetition - sounds or passages are often repeated.

Syncopation – varying the rhythm in some way unexpected that makes part or all of a tune or piece of music off-beat.

Trills - musical ornament consisting of a rapid alternation between two adjacent notes, usually a semitone or tone apart.

Turns - A turn is a short figure consisting of the note above the one indicated, the note itself, the note below the one indicated, and the note itself again.

Use of silence (rests) – adding space between notes or removing selected notes.

Altered text/syllabic scat singing - wordless vocables, nonsense syllables or without words. Explore each idea a sufficient number of times in order to choose which you like the best to re-imagine this phrase, then improvise using one of the improvisational devices.

2. After experimentation using the improvisational devices on the selected short phrase, select your favorite versions and record (using a digital recording device) the original phrase (melodic/rhythmic), then the improvised phrase that you feel appropriately embellishes the original characteristics of the music/text.

What improvisational device did you use?


Imagine Worksheet – Novice

Model Cornerstone Assessment (updated August, 2015)

Creating - Improvisation: Ensembles, Page 5

Hand in this worksheet with the recording of your improvised short phrase.

3. Select a complete melody from one of the ensemble pieces that is appropriate for your performance

medium. Independently explore four of the following improvisory devices (ask your teacher if more explanation or examples are needed):

Augmentation - where a melody, theme or short phrase is presented in longer note-values than were previously used.

Diminution - a long note is divided into a series of shorter values or where a melody, theme or short phrase is presented in shorter note-values than were previously used.

Trills - musical ornament consisting of a rapid alternation between two adjacent notes, usually a semitone or tone apart.

Turns - A turn is a short figure consisting of the note above the one indicated, the note itself, the note below the one indicated, and the note itself again.

Passing tones - Adding notes to the melody that move up or down the scale to connect the pitches.

Repetition - sounds or passages are often repeated.

Scat singing - wordless vocables, nonsense syllables or without words at all.

Sequence - the restatement of a short phrase or longer melodic (or harmonic) passage at a higher or lower pitch.

Syncopation – varying the rhythm in some way unexpected that makes part or all of a tune or piece of music off-beat.

Explore each idea a sufficient number of times in order to choose which you like the best to re-imagine this melody, then improvise a re-imagined version using all four of the devices.

4. After experimentation using the improvisational devices on the selected piece, select your favorite version and record (using a digital recording device) the original melody (melodic/rhythmic), then the improvised melody that you feel appropriately embellishes the original characteristics of the music/text.

What improvisational devices did you use?





Hand in this worksheet with the recording of your improvised melody.

Imagine Worksheet - Intermediate

Model Cornerstone Assessment (updated August, 2015)

Creating - Improvisation: Ensembles, Page 6

1. Select two complete melodies, each from a different historic/stylistic ensemble piece and appropriate

for your performance medium. Independently explore an improvisation for each using a variety of improvisational devices appropriate for the style/genre of each piece (e.g., Augmentation, Diminution, Trills, Turns, Passing tones, Repetition, Syncopation, Sequence, Harmonic dissonance, Alterring metric feel, Scat singing)

2. Explore each idea a sufficient number of times in order to choose which you like the best to re-imagine each melodies while maintaining the stylistic/historic integrity of the piece.

3. After experimentation using the improvisational devices on the selected melodies, select your favorite version or each and record (using a digital recording device) the original melody (melodic/rhythmic), followed by the improvisation for each.

What improvisational devices did you use?

Melody 1 - __________________________________________________________________________________________________




Melody 2 - __________________________________________________________________________________________________




Hand in this worksheet with the recording of your improvised melody.

Imagine Worksheet - Proficient

Model Cornerstone Assessment (updated August, 2015)

Creating - Improvisation: Ensembles, Page 7

1. Select a complete piece from an ensemble piece with a culutural connection and appropriate for your

performance medium. Independently study the piece exploring the improvisational components and formal properties. Improvise on this piece using a variety of improvisational devices while maintaining the cultural/stylistic integrity of the theme.

2. After experimentation using the improvisational devices on the piece, select your three versions and record (using a digital recording device) the original phrase (melodic/rhythmic), followed by the improvisations.

Explain or diagram the improvisational devices you used.

Improvisation 1 - ______________________________________________________________________________________________



Improvisation 2 - ______________________________________________________________________________________________



Improvisation 3 - ______________________________________________________________________________________________



Hand in this worksheet with the recording of your improvised melody.

Imagine Worksheet - Accomplished

Model Cornerstone Assessment (updated August, 2015)

Creating - Improvisation: Ensembles, Page 8

3. Select a complete piece with advanced harmonic or melodic components (approved by your instructor) from an ensemble piece with a culutural connection and appropriate for your performance medium. Independently study the piece exploring the improvisational components and formal properties. Improvise on this piece using a variety of improvisational devices while maintaining the cultural/stylistic integrity of the theme.

4. After experimentation using the improvisational devices on the piece, select your three versions and record at a live performance using appropriate back-up ensemble (using a digital recording device) the original phrase (melodic/rhythmic), followed by the improvisations.

Explain or diagram the improvisational devices you used.

Improvisation 1 - ______________________________________________________________________________________________



Improvisation 2 - ______________________________________________________________________________________________



Improvisation 3 - ______________________________________________________________________________________________



Hand in this worksheet with the recording of your improvised melody.

Imagine Worksheet - Advanced

Model Cornerstone Assessment (updated August, 2015)

Creating - Improvisation: Ensembles, Page 9

Achievement Level

Level 1


Level 2

Approaches Standards

Level 3

Meets Standards

Level 4

Exceeds Standards

Performance Standards


Primarily repeated the original melodic/ rhythmic short phrase without clearly using an improvisation device.

Slightly altered a melodic/rhythmic short phrase using one improvisational device with questionable connection to the original.

Re-imagined a melodic/ rhythmic short phrase with one improvisational device that appropriately embellished the characteristics original.

Re-imagined a melodic/ rhythmic short phrase exploring multiple improvisational devices that clearly enhanced the characteristics original.

MU:Cr1.1.E.5a Compose and improvise melodic and rhythmic ideas or motives that reflect characteristic(s) of music or text(s) studied in rehearsal.

Intermediate Slightly altered a melodic/rhythmic melody with three or fewer improvisational devices with questionable consideration of the original.

Slightly altered a melodic/rhythmic melody with four improvisational devices with questionable consideration of the original.

Re-imagined a melodic/ rhythmic melody with four improvisational devices with clear consideration of the characteristics from the original.

Re-imagined a melodic/ rhythmic melody with four improvisational devices that creatively enhances the characteristics of the original.

MU:Cr1.1.E.8a Compose and improvise ideas for melodies and rhythmic passages based on characteristic(s) of music or text(s) studied in rehearsal.

Proficient Slightly altered two melodies from different historic styles without a clear connection to the historical/stylistic integrity of the original.

Re-imagined two melodies from different historic styles, but the connection to the historical/stylistic integrity is questionable.

Re-imagined phrases from two historic styles that reflect the nature of the original.

Re-imagined/created phrases from two historic styles that reflecting a depth of understanding of the nature of the original insightfully.

MU:Cr1.1.E.Ia Compose and improvise ideas for melodies, rhythmic passages, and arrangements for specific purposes that reflect characteristic(s) of music from a variety of historical periods studied in rehearsal.

Accomplished Created three complete musical versions that were very similar to the original.

Re-imagined three complete musical versions, but the connection to the original was questionable.

Re-imagined three complete musical versions based while maintaining the integrity of the original.

Re-imagined three complete musical versions based that creatively enhances the integrity of the original.

MU:Cr1.1.E.IIa Compose and improvise ideas for arrangements, sections, and short compositions for specific purposes that reflect characteristic(s) of music from a variety of cultures studied in rehearsal.

Advanced Re-imagined three complete musical versions, but the connection to the original was questionable.

Re-imagined a three musical versions of a complex piece based on and maintaining the integrity of the original.

Re-imagined a three musical versions of a complex piece based on and maintaining, but creatively expounded upon the original.

MU:Cr1.1.E.IIIa Compose and improvise musical ideas for a variety of purposes and contexts.

Imagine Scoring Device

Model Cornerstone Assessment (updated August, 2015)

Creating - Improvisation: Ensembles, Page 10



Print sufficient copies of Plan, and Make Worksheet for students. (Novice; Intermediate; Proficient; Accomplished; Advanced)

Study the Plan, and Make Scoring Device and prepare roster for rating.

Have musical instruments, staff paper, sequencer, recording devices, etc., available for students.

Plan time and space for students to explore musical ideas

Assessment Environment Setup

In class or independently, the student listens to the recording of their original short phrase and the improvisation.

The the student identifies what they want to do to improve the improvisation on the left-hand side of the Plan and Make Worksheet and define how they will accomplish it on the right-hand side.


The teacher will:

explain to the students that they will be improvisation on a piece. If done in class, the teacher should constantly monitor the students and use the praise, point, and leave strategy (praise their progress, point them at the next step, then leave).

Collect, score, and provide feedback for the Plan and Make Worksheets using the Plan and Make Scoring Device. Then return to the students for use in refinement.

Prerequisite Skills and Knowledge

Recognize and able to convey expressive intent in music performance.

Have experience manipulating the various elements of music displaying effective improvisational technique.

Able to apply improvisational devices for creating unity and variety, tension and release, and balance to convey expressive intent.

Can use audio/video recording devices and music technology to document rhythmic phrases, melodic phrases, and harmonic sequences.

Assessment Strategy 2 (Plan, and Make)

Novice - MU: Cr2.1.E.5a&b Intermediate – Cr2.1.E.8a&b Proficient - MU:Cr2.1.E.Ia&b

Accomplished - MU:Cr2.1.E.IIa&b Advanced - MU:Cr2.1.E.IIIa&b

Model Cornerstone Assessment (updated August, 2015)

Creating - Improvisation: Ensembles, Page 11

After listening to your improvised short phrase, list the ways you feel you can improve your improvisation in the left-hand column of this chart. Then write what you must do to accomplish this in the right-hand column. This chart provides an example. If you intend to this as one of your decisions, then list it again.

What will improve this

improvisation? How do I do this?

e.g., Add Syncopation e.g., Move some notes of the melody off of the beats to

the &.

Teacher Feedback:

After the teacher provides feedback and returns this form, you will begin preparing your improvisation for

performance through rehearsal and refinement. Remember to maintain some connection to the

characteristics of the original.

Plan and Make Worksheet - Novice

Model Cornerstone Assessment (updated August, 2015)

Creating - Improvisation: Ensembles, Page 12

After listening to your improvised melody, list the ways you feel you can improve your improvisation in the left-hand column of this chart. Then write what you must do to accomplish this in the right-hand column. Complete all four boxes This chart provides an example. If you intend to this as one of your decisions, then list it again.

What will improve this

improvisation? How do I do this?

e.g., Add Syncopation e.g., Move some notes of the melody off of the beats to

the &.

Teacher Feedback:

After the teacher provides feedback and returns this form, you will begin preparing your improvisation for

performance through rehearsal and refinement. Remember to maintain some connection to the

characteristics of the original.

Plan and Make Worksheet - Intermediate

Model Cornerstone Assessment (updated August, 2015)

Creating - Improvisation: Ensembles, Page 13

After listening to each improvised melody, list the ways you feel you can improve your improvisation in the left-hand column of this chart. Then write what you must do to accomplish this in the right-hand column. Complete all four boxes This chart provides an example. If you intend to this as one of your decisions, then list it again.

What will improve this

improvisation? How do I do this?

e.g., Enhance the syncopation

e.g., Move the third and fourth pitches of the first phrase

off of the beats to the &, then place a space before the

next to shift the remainder of the melody.

Piece #1

Piece #1

Piece #2

Piece #2

Teacher Feedback:

After the teacher provides feedback and returns this form, you will begin preparing your improvisation for

performance through rehearsal and refinement. Remember to maintain some connection to the

characteristics of the original.

Plan and Make Worksheet - Proficient

Model Cornerstone Assessment (updated August, 2015)

Creating - Improvisation: Ensembles, Page 14

After listening to your improvisation, list the ways you feel you can improve your improvisation in the left-hand column of this chart. Then write what you must do to accomplish this in the right-hand column. Complete all four boxes This chart provides an example. If you intend to this as one of your decisions, then list it again.

What will improve this improvisation? How do I do this?

e.g., Enhance the syncopation similar to the style of Manhattan


e.g., Move the third and fourth pitches of the first phrase off of the

beats to the &, then place a space before the next to shift the

remainder of the melody.

Teacher Feedback:

After the teacher provides feedback and returns this form, you will begin preparing your improvisation for

performance through rehearsal and refinement. Remember to maintain some connection to the

characteristics of the original.

Plan and Make Worksheet - Accomplished

Model Cornerstone Assessment (updated August, 2015)

Creating - Improvisation: Ensembles, Page 15

_____________________________________________________ (name of original piece)

After listening to your improvisation, list the ways you feel you can improve your improvisation and what you must do to accomplish these things. Work to maintain the integrity of the original piece while reinventing the music by altering characteristics of the piece. Consider the following categories to guide your plan.

Ideas & Content—(theme, expression, dynamics)—varied in a way to keep the listener’s attention;

Organization—(form) —Clear recognizable patterns and sequence; guides listener’a anticipation;

Flow—(melody)—clear melodic direction with performable intervals

Fluency—(rhythm)—functional and performable—flows with a forward feel

Conventions—(symbols, accurate manuscript)—few errors; easy to read

Explain or diagram your ideas.

After the teacher provides feedback and returns this form, you will begin preparing your improvisation for performance through rehearsal and refinement. Remember to maintain some connection to the characteristics of the original

Plan and Make Worksheet - Advanced

Model Cornerstone Assessment (updated August, 2015)

Creating - Improvisation: Ensembles, Page 16


Level 1


Level 2

Approaches Standards

Level 3

Meets Standards

Level 4

Exceeds Standards

Performance Standards


Provided non-descript way to improve the improvisation without a strategy to accomplish it.

Provided a general way to to improve the improvisation and provided an unspecific strategy to accomplish it.

Clearly identified one way to improve the improvisation and specifically provided their strategy to accomplish it.

Clearly identified one way to improve the improvisation and specifically provided their strategy to accomplish it demonstrating a depth of stylistic and creative expression.

MU:Cr2.1.E.5a Select and develop draft melodic and rhythmic ideas or motives that demonstrate understanding of characteristic(s) of music or text(s) studied in rehearsal. MU:Cr2.1.E.5b Preserve draft compositions and improvisations through standard notation and audio recording.

Intermediate Provided four or less non-descript ways to improve the improvisation without strategies.

Provided general ways to to improve the improvisation and non-specific strategies.

Clearly identified four ways to improve the improvisation and specifically provided strategies to accomplish them.

Clearly identified four ways to improve the improvisation and provided specific strategies that demonstrate a depth of stylistic and creative expression.

MU:Cr2.1.E.8a Select and develop draft melodies and rhythmic passages that demonstrate understanding of characteristic(s) of music or text(s) studied in rehearsal. MU:Cr2.1.E.8b Preserve draft compositions and improvisations through standard notation and audio recording.

Proficient Provided non-descript ways to improve the improvisations without strategies.

Provided general ways to improve both improvisations and non-specific strategies.

Clearly identified two ways to improve each improvisation and provided specific strategies for each.

Clearly identified two ways to improve each improvisation and provided specific strategies for each that demonstrate a depth of stylistic and creative expression.

MU:Cr2.1.E.Ia Select and develop draft melodies, rhythmic passages, and arrangements for specific purposes that demonstrate understanding of characteristic(s) of music from a variety of historical periods studied in rehearsal. MU:Cr2.1.E.Ia Preserve draft compositions and improvisations through standard notation and audio recording.

Plan and Make Scoring Device

Model Cornerstone Assessment (updated August, 2015)

Creating - Improvisation: Ensembles, Page 17


Level 1


Level 2

Approaches Standards

Level 3

Meets Standards

Level 4

Exceeds Standards

Performance Standards

Accomplished Provided non-descript ways to improve the improvisations without strategies.

Provided general ways to improve both improvisations and non-specific strategies.

Clearly identified two ways to improve each improvisation and provided specific strategies for each.

Clearly identified four ways to improve the improvisation and provided specific for each demonstrating a depth of stylistic and creative expression.

MU:Cr2.1.E.IIa Select and develop arrangements, sections, and short compositions for specific purposes that demonstrate understanding of characteristic(s) of music from a variety of cultures studied in rehearsal. MU:Cr2.1.E.IIa Preserve draft compositions and improvisations through standard notation, audio, or video recording.

Advanced Provided general ways to improve both improvisations and non-specific strategies for each.

Clearly identified ways to improve each improvisation and provided specific strategies for each.

Clearly identified four ways to improve the improvisation and provided specific for each demonstrating a depth of stylistic and creative expression.

MU:Cr2.1.E.IIIa Select and develop composed and improvised ideas into draft musical works organized for a variety of purposes and contexts. MU:Cr2.1.E.IIIa Preserve draft musical works through standard notation, audio, or video recording.

Model Cornerstone Assessment (updated August, 2015)

Creating - Improvisation: Ensembles, Page 18



Prepare a student roster to enter student achievement score. Print copies of Peer Assessment Worksheets for three students to review one student’s

first draft. Print copies of Evaluate and Refine Worksheets (click for .doc version) and the Final

Improvisation Rubric for each student.

Study the Improvisation Scoring Device to be familiar with all the criteria for evaluation.




To support student in refining their improvisation, teacher will:

put students in groups of four independently or in class. Each student should perform the original, then perform their improvisation with the other three providing feedback using the Peer Feedback Form.

The group of four students will review the final improvisation rubric and discuss how the improvisations can reach meeting or exceeding standard.

Then the students will continue to enhance the improvisation, experimenting with adjustments in response to the feedback and rubric discussion.


To assess students’ refinement of their improvisations, the teacher will ask students to complete the Evaluate and Refine Worksheet, which will be turned in after the final performance.

Prerequisite Skills and Knowledge

Have experience self-assessing personal work.

Able to apply criteria in evaluate and explain choices of creative ideas based on criteria.

Can appropriately describe improvisational techniques, style, form, and a variety of sound sources in improvisation.

Can describe the use of tension and release, unity and variety, and balance to convey expressive intent.

Can read and use standard or iconic notation and/or use audio/video recording devices and music technology to document rhythmic phrases, melodic phrases, and harmonic sequences.

Able to perform and/or record of improvisations.

Able to recognize explain craftsmanship and originality within music.

Assessment Strategy 3 (Evaluate and Refine)

Novice - MU: Cr3.1.E.5a Intermediate – Cr3.1.E.8a Proficient - MU:Cr3.1.E.Ia

Accomplished - MU:Cr3.1.E.IIa Advanced - MU:Cr3.1.E.IIIa

Model Cornerstone Assessment (updated August, 2015)

Creating - Improvisation: Ensembles, Page 19

My Name: ____________________________________

My Friend’s name: ____________________________________

My Friend’s Improvisation: _______________________________

What did you hear?

Describe the improvisational techniques you heard that were used to express the intent of the tune.

What did you like?

Describe the parts about the improvisation that you liked.

What suggestions could enhance the improvisation?

Describe what you think the improviser should consider when continuing to work on the improvisation.

Return completed to the improviser.

Peer Assessment Worksheet

Model Cornerstone Assessment (updated August, 2015)

Creating - Improvisation: Ensembles, Page 20

My Name: ___________________________________

What did you learn from your classmates’ and teachers’ feedback?

Describe how you plan to improve your improvisation and your reasons for making those changes.

Outline your revision and rehearsal plan.

Evaluate and Refine Worksheet

Model Cornerstone Assessment (updated August, 2015)

Creating - Improvisation: Ensembles, Page 21


Level 1


Level 2

Approaches Standards

Level 3

Meets Standards

Level 4

Exceeds Standards

Performance Standards

NOVICE: Evaluate and Refine

Evaluate and refine selected musical ideas to create musical work that meets appropriate criteria

Response to Peer Feedback

Response to feedback is singular words or non-descript (e.g., good/bad).

Response to feedback is brief without any specific reference.

Response to feedback is descriptive but lacks clear decisions pertaining to improvisational possibilities.

Response to feedback demonstrates a clear understanding of the feedback and considers suggestions with minimal description of improvisational possibilities.

MU:Cr3.1.E.5a Evaluate and refine draft compositions and improvisations based on knowledge, skill, and teacher-provided criteria.


The student evaluation does not identify challenges.

The student is able to identify challenges, but not revisions to the improvisation.

The student is able to identify the need for revisions to enhance the improvisation, but lacks specificity.

The student is able to identify specific ideas to adjust improvisation with slight consideration of expressive intent.

Decisions and Plan for Refinement

Decisions and plans for refinement are limited to singular actions (e.g., practice, or do again).

Decisions and plans for refinement are included but unclear.

Decisions and plans for refinement are general, lacking specific details.

Decisions and plans for refinement are clearly described but needs enhanced depth of rationale.

INTERMEDIATE: Evaluate and Refine

Evaluate and refine selected musical ideas to create musical work that meets appropriate criteria

Response to Peer Feedback

Response to feedback is brief without any specific reference.

Response to feedback is descriptive but lacks clear decisions pertaining to improvisational possibilities.

Response to feedback demonstrates a clear understanding of the feedback and considers suggestions with minimal description of improvisational possibilities.

Response to feedback demonstrates a clear understanding of the feedback and considers suggestions with clear description of improvisational possibilities.

MU:Cr3.1.E.8a Evaluate and refine draft compositions and improvisations based on knowledge, skill, and collaboratively-developed criteria.


The student is able to identify challenges, but not revisions to the improvisation.

The student is able to identify the need for revisions to enhance the improvisation, but lacks specificity.

The student is able to identify specific ideas to adjust improvisation with slight consideration of expressive intent.

The student is able to cite specific criteria associated with the external feedback leading to refinement of musical ideas in order to both convey expressive intent and to improve craftsmanship of the improvisation.

Decisions and Plan for Refinement

Decisions and plans for refinement are included but unclear.

Decisions and plans for refinement are general, lacking specific details.

Decisions and plans for refinement are clearly described but needs enhanced depth of rationale.

Decisions and plans for refinement includes clear rationale for choices.

Evaluate and Refine Scoring Device

Model Cornerstone Assessment (updated August, 2015)

Creating - Improvisation: Ensembles, Page 22


Level 1


Level 2

Approaches Standards

Level 3

Meets Standards

Level 4

Exceeds Standards

Performance Standards

PROFICIENT: Evaluate and Refine

Evaluate and refine selected musical ideas to create musical work that meets appropriate criteria

Response to Peer Feedback

Response to feedback is descriptive but lacks clear decisions pertaining to improvisational possibilities.

Response to feedback demonstrates a clear understanding of the feedback and considers suggestions with minimal description of improvisational possibilities.

Response to feedback demonstrates a clear understanding of the feedback and considers suggestions with clear description of improvisational possibilities.

Response to feedback demonstrates a thorough consideration of the feedback and responds to suggestions in clear description of improvisational possibilities.

MU:Cr3.1.E.Ia Evaluate and refine draft melodies, rhythmic passages, arrangements, and improvisations based on established criteria, including the extent to which they address identified purposes.


The student is able to identify the need for revisions to enhance the improvisation, but lacks specificity.

The student is able to identify specific ideas to adjust improvisation with slight consideration of expressive intent.

The student is able to cite specific criteria associated with the external feedback leading to refinement of musical ideas in order to both convey expressive intent and to improve craftsmanship of the improvisation.

The student is able to apply criteria and prior knowledge in evaluating external feedback to make decisions that lead to refinement and craftsmanship of the improvisation.

Decisions and Plan for Refinement

Decisions and plans for refinement are general, lacking specific details.

Decisions and plans for refinement are clearly described but need enhanced depth of rationale.

Decisions and plans for refinement includes clear rationale for choices.

Decisions and plans for refinement are thorough and includes clear rationale for choices.

Model Cornerstone Assessment (updated August, 2015)

Creating - Improvisation: Ensembles, Page 23


Level 1


Level 2

Approaches Standards

Level 3

Meets Standards

Level 4

Exceeds Standards

Performance Standards

ACCOMPLISHED: Evaluate and Refine

Evaluate and refine selected musical ideas to create musical work that meets appropriate criteria

Response to Peer Feedback

Response to feedback demonstrates a clear understanding of the feedback and considers suggestions with minimal description of improvisational possibilities.

Response to feedback demonstrates a clear understanding of the feedback and considers suggestions with clear description of improvisational possibilities.

Response to feedback demonstrates a thorough consideration of the feedback and responds to suggestions in clear description of improvisational possibilities.

Response to feedback demonstrates an insightful consideration of the feedback and responds to suggestions with creative improvisational possibilities.

MU:Cr3.1.E.IIa Evaluate and refine draft arrangements, sections, short compositions, and improvisations based on personally-developed criteria, including the extent to which they address identified purposes. Self-


The student is able to identify specific ideas to adjust improvisation with slight consideration of expressive intent.

The student is able to cite specific criteria associated with the external feedback leading to refinement of musical ideas in order to both convey expressive intent and to improve craftsmanship of the improvisation.

The student is able to apply criteria and prior knowledge in evaluating external feedback to make decisions that lead to refinement and craftsmanship of the improvisation.

The student is able to apply criteria and prior knowledge in evaluating external feedback to make decisions leading to the generation of new creative musical ideas in order to both convey expressive intent and to improve craftsmanship of the improvisation.

Decisions and Plan for Refinement

Decisions and plans for refinement are clearly described but need enhanced depth of rationale.

Decisions and plans for refinement includes clear rationale for choices.

Decisions and plans for refinement are thorough and include clear rationale for choices.

Decisions and plans for refinement are thorough and includes creative choices.

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Level 1


Level 2

Approaches Standards

Level 3

Meets Standards

Level 4

Exceeds Standards

Performance Standards

ADVANCED: Evaluate and Refine

Evaluate and refine selected musical ideas to create musical work that meets appropriate criteria

Response to Peer Feedback

Response to feedback demonstrates a clear understanding of the feedback and considers suggestions in clear description of improvisational possibilities.

Response to feedback demonstrates a thoughtful consideration of the feedback and responds to suggestions in clear description of improvisational possibilities.

Response to feedback demonstrates an insightful consideration of the feedback and responds to suggestions with creative improvisational possibilities.

Response to feedback demonstrates an insightful consideration of the feedback and responds to suggestions with creative improvisational possibilities.

MU:Cr3.1.E.IIIa Evaluate and refine varied draft musical works based on appropriate criteria, including the extent to which they address identified purposes and contexts.


The student is able to cite specific criteria associated with the external feedback leading to refinement of musical ideas in order to both convey expressive intent and to improve craftsmanship of the improvisation.

The student is able to apply criteria and prior knowledge in evaluating external feedback to make decisions that lead to refinement and craftsmanship of the improvisation.

The student is able to apply criteria and prior knowledge in evaluating external feedback to make decisions leading to the generation of new creative musical ideas in order to both convey expressive intent and to improve craftsmanship of the improvisation.

The student is able to apply criteria and prior knowledge in evaluating external feedback to make decisions leading to the generation of new creative musical ideas in order to both convey expressive intent and to improve craftsmanship of the improvisation.

Decisions and Plan for Refinement

Decisions and plans for refinement include clear rationale for choices.

Decisions and plans for refinement are thorough and includes clear rationale for choices.

Decisions and plans for refinement are thorough and includes creative choices.

Decisions and plans for refinement are thorough and includes creative choices.

Model Cornerstone Assessment (updated August, 2015)

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Assessment Task 2 - Present



Prepare a student roster to enter student achievement score. Prepare a device to record students’ presentation. Setup a schedule for student’s final presentation of their improvisations. Study the Final Improvisation Scoring Device to be familiar with all the criteria for





In preparation for the final improvisation presentation, teacher will:

Talk about proper performance etiquette. All student perform for each other first playing the original melody followed by the

improvisation(s). Emphasize proper listening when responding to the performances. Great supportive behavior is expected!


To assess student’s final improvisation, the teacher will record students’ presentation of their improvisations to the class where they perform the original version followed by the improvisation(s).

Score the improvisation using the Final Improvisation Scoring Device.

Collect the Rehearse to Refine Worksheets and Peer Feedback Forms, then score with the appropriate level Rehearse to Refine Scoring Device.

Prerequisite Skills and Knowledge

Can read and use standard or iconic notation and/or use audio/video recording devices and music technology to document rhythmic phrases, melodic phrases, and harmonic sequences.

Able to perform and/or record of improvisations.

Able to recognize explain craftsmanship and originality within music.

Assessment Strategy 4 (Present)

Novice - MU: Cr3.2.E.5a Intermediate – Cr3.2.E.8a Proficient - MU:Cr3.2.E.Ia

Accomplished - MU:Cr3.2.E.IIa Advanced - MU:Cr3.2.E.IIIa

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Level 1


Level 2

Approaches Standards

Level 3

Meets Standards

Level 4

Exceeds Standards

Performance Standards


Had limited comprehension of characteristics in the original short phrase.

Incorporated one improvisational device with limited craftsmanship.

Improvisation was disorganized.

Recognized the existence of the characteristics in the original short phrase, but was challenged to specifically identify.

Incorporated one improvisational device with limited craftsmanship.

Improvisation was presented clearly and organized.

Recognized the characteristics in the original short phrase.

Demonstrated craftsmanship incorporating one improvisational device.

Demonstrated confidence and pride in the improvisation.

Demonstrated insightful understanding the characteristics in the original short phrase.

Creatively and with craftsmanship incorporating one improvisational device.

Demonstrated confidence and pride in the improvisation.

MU:Cr3.2.E.5a Share personally-developed melodic and rhythmic ideas or motives – individually or as an ensemble – that demonstrate understanding of characteristics of music or texts studied in rehearsal.

Intermediate Had limited comprehension of characteristics in the original passage.

Incorporated three or fewer improvisational devices all with limited craftsmanship.

Improvisation was disorganized.

Recognized the existence of the characteristics in the original passage, but was challenged to specifically identify.

Incorporated four improvisational devices but some with limited craftsmanship.

Improvisation was presented clearly and organized.

Recognized multiple characteristics incorporated in the original passage.

Demonstrated craftsmanship incorporating four improvisational devices.

Demonstrated confidence and pride in the improvisation.

Demonstrated insightful understanding the characteristics in the original passage.

Demonstrated craftsmanship incorporating four improvisational devices with clear expressive purpose.

Demonstrated confidence and pride in the improvisation.

MU:Cr3.2.E.8a Share personally-developed melodies and rhythmic passages – individually or as an ensemble – that demonstrate understanding of characteristics of music or texts studied in rehearsal.

Final Improvisation Scoring Device

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Level 1


Level 2

Approaches Standards

Level 3

Meets Standards

Level 4

Exceeds Standards

Performance Standards

Proficient Had limited comprehension of historic/stylistic characteristics in the original passages.

The differences between the original and the improvisation are superficial and minimal.

Improvisation was disorganized.

Recognized non-discript characteristics in the each original passage.

Incorporated three or fewer improvisational devices all with limited craftsmanship.

Improvisation was presented clearly and organized.

Recognized the historic/stylistic characteristics in each original passage.

Demonstrated craftsmanship incorporating two improvisational devices for each passage.

Demonstrated confidence and pride in the improvisation.

Demonstrated insightful understanding the historic/stylistic characteristics in each passage.

Demonstrated craftsmanship incorporating two improvisational devices for each passage with clear expressive purpose.

Demonstrated confidence and pride in the improvisation.

MU:Cr3.2.E.Ia Share personally-developed melodies, rhythmic passages, and arrangements – individually or as an ensemble – that address identified purposes.

Accomplished Demonstrated limited comprehension of cultural characteristics of the original passage.

The differences between the original and the improvisation are superficial and minimal.

Improvisation was disorganized.

Appeared aware of some cultural characteristics in the original passage.

Incorporated the improvisational devices with limited craftsmanship.

Improvisation was presented clearly and organized.

Clearly identified cultural characteristics in the original passage.

Created interest with creative ideas and complexity.

Demonstrated confidence and pride in the improvisation.

Demonstrated insightful understanding the cultural influence.

Demonstrated craftstmanship in creative ideas and complexity.

Demonstrated confidence and pride in the improvisation.

MU:Cr3.2.E.IIa Share personally-developed arrangements, sections, and short compositions – individually or as an ensemble – that address identified purposes.

Advanced Recognized non-discript characteristics in the each original passage.

Incorporated three or fewer improvisational devices all with limited craftsmanship.

Improvisation was presented clearly and organized.

Conceptually recognized charateristics of the original.

Improvisation differed from the originals in imaginative ways, but each is reflected characteristics of the original.

Demonstrated confidence and pride in the improvisation.

Demonstrated insightful understanding charateristics of the original.

Improvisation demonstrated craftsmanship in imaginative ways and reflected characteristics of the original.

Demonstrated confidence and pride in the improvisation.

MU:Cr3.2.E.IIIa Share varied, personally-developed musical works – individually or as an ensemble – that address identified purposes and contexts.

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Differentiation Strategies

(Instructional approaches that respond to individual student needs and strengths to maximize student learning and success.)

Resource: (sample)

pre-assess to determine levels of student prior knowledge and abilities

determine and teach to reduce learning gaps

create independent enrichment/enhanced work for students who show mastery

group students to accommodate learning needs

use provocative, complex questioning to stimulate high level thinking

devise open-ended tasks to allow students of all ability levels to achieve success at their own levels

tier tasks to address levels of abilities and support students within each tier,

assure that students are given choice in tasks in order to address their learning styles, interests, etc.

Extension Experience: Have students write in journals and/or essays reflecting on their Improvisation experiences. Using the language of the Improvisation

Rubric, they should include why their melody worked or didn’t work, what they will do differently in their next Improvisations, and an assessment of their efforts on

the project. A brief reminder of the Six-Trait Writing Model might be in order.

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