music magazine contents analysis

Post on 08-Aug-2015






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Genre: R&B and hip-hop musicVibe magazine has a R&B and hip hop genre, similar to the ‘Georgia music’ front cover format research I did. I chose this contents page because I thought it was interested and matched the genre of R&B perfectly.

The artist, Chris Brown, features in the contents as it is the only picture on the page, also making it the background, this makes the magazine layout relaxed but effective. There is no direct mode of address as the artist had is facing a different direction, however the colour of the background matches the colour of his outfit, black, enhancing the flow of the magazine and maximizing the professional outcome. The colouring of black with white text makes it stand out due to the two contrasting colours and also makes the contents page appealing to read.

The language of a contents page is a key aspect to take into consideration because it reflects the brand and genre of music. In this case the language is engaging through the use of rhetorical questions like ‘Rap is a young man’s sport. Or is it?’. This attracts the reader and draws them in to reading further in the magazine. Furthermore other lexis used includes ‘A splash of masculinity’ which is intriguing and makes you want to read on, even though it has no association with the genre it is fun and up beat, similar to R&B music.

The magazine has V in the top left standing for Vibe, the magazine name, this reminds the reader of the magazine name but most importantly allows the magazine to create their own brand. This is something key to this magazine as soon as you see V on a magazine you initially think Vibe, showing they have a strong and persistent brand.

I think this magazine reflects the genre well through all the attributes of the magazine, making it successful and keeping the brand consistent.

Genre: Rock music

This contents page is from the brand Kerrang that is a Rock music magazine, which I have previously analysed the format of one of their front covers. One thing I noticed was how all the attributes of the magazine contributed towards the bold and edgy outcome, similar to this contents page. This is something purposely done to suit the genre and create a brand for the magazine.

The colours of the magazine are yellow black and white, which is the same throughout the whole page. By choosing these colours and keeping the consistency means that the magazine has a bigger impact and suits the vibrant genre of rock. To reinforce this the Headline and the subheadings are all capitalized which not only stand out but further emphasize the bold outcome. The font of these headings match the font on the front cover keeping that constant link and ensuring their magazine is consistent. The majority of the front on the page of importance has been capitalized, this draws attention to it but more importantly adds to the brand of the magazine due to the ‘in your face’ outcome.

Furthermore the contents page includes all the links between the pages and what’s in them, allowing the reader to navigate their way around the page easily. The magazine have made this page more enjoyable and engaging through adding pictures alongside some of the numbers and also having a screen print of key pages in the top left. This means the magazine is more interesting and encourages the reader to read on.

In addition to this the magazine has a main image which is of the artist Slash, placed in the top half of the page which adds diversity to the contents and also leads you to another page which is labelled next to the image. Other images on the page include a picture of the Deputy Editor which allows you to understand background information about the magazine, getting the audience involved in more than one aspect.

To advertise the magazine further the contents page includes the number which will allow you to order the magazine for £6 a month, part of this text is in red making it stand out and highlight the advertisement. The target audience would be interested in this.I like how this magazine contents page is ideal for the genre, Rock music, and the house style is a constant throughout the magazine, therefore allowing the magazine to create their own individual brand.

The language of the magazine is well suited to the genre due to the abbreviation like ‘Get K!’ this is short and blunt to be bold and edgy, similar to rock.The lexis ‘slam dunk’ is very bold and known to

the Rock genre, the magazine includes lexis like this to reinforce their brand and make them stand out in order to suit their target audience.

Genre: Classical music

This contents page Is shaped by the genre, classical music, and is from the BBC which is the same brand I use for the front cover format research. This allows me to see if there is a constant house style and to see if the genre of music contributes towards making a brand for the magazine.

Furthermore this contents is over a double page spread, this makes the layout more relaxed as the magazine has more space to use up, this is something specifically done for the genre as the target audience for classical music would normally be towards the elderly, so it makes the contents easier to read as it flows a lot better. This is something the magazine has clearly taken into consideration as the font, layout of pictures, size is all clear, simple and basic.

The majority of the text on the page is black, however some numbers are in red to highlight the page and make them stand out. The magazine could do this to draw attention to a particular story like the ‘Composer of the month’.A lot of this magazine is taken up by pictures annotated with the page number, this makes the magazine more visually appealing and applies to the specific target audience.

I think that this contents page has clearly been specifically designed to suit the target audience, the fact that the layout is clear yet effective means that it can create its own brand, therefore allowing this contents page to link to the layout of the front cover.

Some of the language on the page has been enlarged above, it includes lexis like ‘distinctively colourful’ and ‘shatteringly powerful’ which has been specifically chosen to fit in with the genre. This lexis is very descriptive and goes in depth when describing the music, highlighting that it is a classical music magazine rather than a genre like rock that is ‘in your face’. By purposely choosing this lexis the magazine is able to appeal to the target audience, as they wouldn’t like slang words or shortened words.

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