music dvd construction

Post on 15-Dec-2014






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Music DVD Construction

By Hassan Yasin

I began constructing my Music DVD on Adobe Photoshop. I used a linear gradient and applied a radial gradient over the top; to create a cool and funky effect. Moreover, I used colours that could relate to genre of music and the music video to continue the same style (vibrant and cool colours); audiences would know that the Music DVD belongs to this specific artist.

What is more is that I started to download brushes of the internet and I imported the brushes onto a blank file on Photoshop; I did this so I could get an idea of how the images would look on the DVD.

Various brushes I downloaded

I used the brush tool and used a specific brush that had shapes of turntables, headphones and synthesizers; relating to the music genre and artist.

I used a dark blue for the turntable and applied an outer glow by adjusting the layer style; this allowed the turntable to stand out (attracting audiences attention).

To add to this, I used the shape tool to add some modern arrow symbols to act as a background for the turntable. Moreover, I adjusted the transparency of the arrows so the main image (the turntable) could stand out.

I added some text that showed the artists name and the title of the DVD; the title relates to the album.

Moreover, I applied a gradient over the text to highlight the artists name.

To add to this, I kept the same house style with the texts; using the same fonts, similar colours and effects.

In addition, I applied a texture to the background of the Music DVD. This was a ‘cloud’ texture which linked into the title, “In The Air.” In my opinion the title has connotations of the colour blue and of clouds, water and peace.

I also used the brush tool again to add a rainbow swirl effect; I added this behind the title.

I imported the image file of the music DVD cover into a DVD template on Photoshop. Moreover, the template provided a professional looking DVD that would enable the music DVD to be sold on the high street.

Moreover, I need a image to put on the back cover of the Music DVD to give audiences an insight into how the DVD menu would look like.

I opened a new Photoshop file where I could create a realistic DVD menu to add onto the back cover of the Music DVD.

I started with the brush tool to create a picture of a disk, I then used it to accompany the text; it acts as a bullet point.

I also used the gradient tool to add a background of white and blue; this gave a funky and cool feel.

I then used the brush tool and imported pictures of a DJ, a disc cover and a turntable. I downloaded the brushes of a free Photoshop brush website, click here to view the site.

The images give audiences an insight into the DVD footage and features, for example the picture of the turntable links into the “bonus tracks and remixes” heading; turntables are used in making dance tracks and remixing music.

I then imported the image of the DVD menu I had created earlier onto the template file. I place the image under the heading it would accompany (the “smart technology menu” heading ). Also, I imported some text into the “special features” box, I used language that would attract audiences and gain their attention. Moreover, I resized the image to fit into the space; I did not want it to be to large or too small.

For the spine of the Music DVD I imported the text and images I had created earlier with the brush tool. I imported them by copying and pasting them onto the DVD template file. I rotated the text and placed it onto the spine, the text is black and the background is white; this allows the text to stand out.

Moreover, I imported the images, resized them and placed them onto the white background of the spine; again allowing them to stand out.

Having a spine with text is a convention of Music DVD’s.

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