multivariate bayesian analysis of atmosphere–ocean general ... · the results of such models are...

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Multivariate Bayesian Analysis of

Atmosphere–Ocean General Circulation Models

Reinhard Furrer,1 Stephan R. Sain,2 Douglas Nychka,1

Claudia Tebaldi,1 and Gerald A. Meehl1

Numerical experiments based on atmosphere–ocean general circulation models (AOGCMs) are one of the primary

tools in deriving projections for future climate change. Although each AOGCM has the same underlying partial

differential equations, modelling large scale effects, they have different small scale parameterisations and different

discretisations to solve the equations, resulting in different climate projections. This motivates climate projections

synthesized from results of several AOGCMs’ output. We combine present day observations, present day and

future climate projections in a single hierarchical Bayes model. The challenging aspect is the modeling of the

spatial processes on the sphere and the amount of data involved. We pursue a Bayesian hierarchical model that

separates the spatial response into a large scale climate change signal and an isotropic process representing small scale

variability among AOGCMs. Samples from the posterior distributions are obtained with computer-intensive MCMC

simulations. The novelty of our approach is that we use gridded, high resolution data within a spatial hierarchical

framework. The primary data source is provided by the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) and

consists of 9 AOGCMs on a 2.8 by 2.8 degree grid under several different emission scenarios. In this article we

consider mean seasonal surface temperature and precipitation as climate variables. Extensions for our model are

also discussed.

Keywords: Climate change; Spatial process; Spherical covariance, Hierarchical model; Large datasets; MCMC.

1 Introduction

The influence of human activities on the Earth’s climate is by now largely undisputed and the potentialfor even greater changes in this century confront us. A grand challenge facing the geosciences is to provideaccurate predictions of these changes along with quantifications of uncertainties. Because future climatemay be very different from the observational record a primary tool for assessing changes are large computermodels that simulate the Earth’s climate system under different circumstances. The results of such modelsare complex spatial fields and the use of statistical analysis is particularly useful for synthesizing theinformation from several models and providing statistical measures of uncertainty. The application ofconventional statistics here is interesting because the models themselves are deterministic computer codesbut the variation and biases among different models can fit into a probabilistic framework. Accordinglywe will refer to the model output as “data” even though it may not fit the conventional perception of astatistical sample.

1.1 Climate change assessment

The impact of climate change can be persuasive from disrupting ecosystems to effecting economies toinfluencing public health. Significantly, each of these areas requires the analysis of climate at a regionalspatial scale or at even smaller areas and part of the goal of current climate models is to provide suchinformation. Although small spatial scales are the most useful for determining specific impacts these areprecisely the scales where climate simulation is difficult and model biases increase. Thus, any approachto interpret climate projections at regional scales should include a quantification of the uncertainty in theestimated climate. The number of cutting edge climate system models is limited, however, and it is ironicthat despite the voluminous spatial output for a given model the sample size for comparison across different

1 National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO 80307–3000; Corresponding e-mail: University of Colorado at Denver, Denver, CO 80217–3364.



models is small. This work addresses this problem by spatial models that borrow strength across adjacentspatial regions and provide a more statistically accurate assessment of model bias and variability. Based ona statistical framework for the response of a suite of climate models it is possible to produce a synthesizedestimate of climate change at a regional scale along with a measure of the uncertainty.

Assessing probabilistic climate change is not a new topic. Recent work in determining probabilities ofglobal temperature change includes Allen et al. (2000), Schneider (2001), Wigley and Raper (2001), Forestet al. (2002), Gregory et al. (2002) Knutti et al. (2002, 2003), Frame et al. (2005). Tebaldi et al. (2005)evaluates probabilistic climate change on a regional level.

1.2 A random effects statistical model

As part of this introduction we give a overview of the main points of our statistical model for combiningclimate model experiments. Given experiments from N climate models, for the ith model let Xi denote avector of average temperatures representing current climate at a grid of points on the surface of the Earth.Let Yi be the corresponding averages simulated at a future period under a specific scenario of climatechange. Setting Di = Yi −Xi we are lead to the statistical model

Di = Mθi + εi,

where M is a matrix of spatial basis functions and θi are a vector of coefficients. We identify this regres-sion function with the difference in the model’s climate between present and future conditions. The keyassumption is to interpret θi as a random effect that is different for each model but whose expected valueis the true difference in climate. The second term εi is assumed to be a mean zero spatial process. Besidesbeing a focused example on interpreting climate model output, the flexibility of this spatial random effectsmodels can have more general application. We believe that the representation of a spatial response into atargeted set of basis function and a more generic stationary model for finer detail is an effective model andis amenable to simple Markov Chain Monte Carlo techniques for an approximate Bayesian analysis.

1.3 Outline

This article is structured as follows. In the next section we discuss the model output, what we refer to as“data”. Section 3 introduces a simple spatial model for climate change. Section 4 presents the results ofour analysis. Extensions to the model and a discussion are given in Sections 5 and 6.

2 Climate Model Data

The climate at a given location is the joint distribution of meteorological variables describing the atmosphereaveraged over a given period of time. In statistical language, given a stationary time series the climate issimply the marginal or stationary distribution. A common working definition of climate is a twenty to thirtyyear average around a particular time. The temporal variability of meteorology about a climatological meanis termed weather and it is weather that is observed both in the real world and also what is simulated bymodels. Thus, any analysis for differences in climate must account for the intrinsic variability of weatherand the fact that climate can not be determined exactly with a finite sample.

2.1 Climate System Models

Climate models attempt to simulate the Earth’s climate system including the complex interactions amongthe ocean, atmosphere, sea ice, biogeochemistry and the land surface. Technically these coupled models arereferred as atmosphere–ocean general circulation models (AOGCMs). Large AOGCMs, such as the NCARCommunity Climate System Model, involve hundreds of man years of scientific research and softwareengineering and require months of supercomputer time for numerical experiments. In these models the


motion of the atmosphere and ocean is the result of discretizing the partial differential equations for fluiddynamics. However, there are many geophysical processes that can not be resolved by the model buthave important feedbacks to larger scales. These processes are parameterized in the models and becausethey are not derived directly from classical physics are potential sources of model bias. The AOGCMs areadvanced on a short time step, typically on the order of minutes and they simulate weather. Over timethey take as inputs a suite of variables that are considered external to the climate system. Some examplesinclude greenhouse gases produced by human activities, changes in the sun’s energy or changes in land use.These variables that drive the climate are termed forcings. Analogous to observational data, the weatherproduced by the model over a given period of simulation is then averaged to estimate the model’s climate.This realized climate will be a function of the different magnitudes and sequences of forcings used in theexperiment and so provides a tool for determining the effect of different curbs on greenhouse gas emissionson future climate. AOGCMs are also tested by using a sequence of external forcings that match the previouscentury or present conditions. In this way the climate produced by an AOGCM can be compared to theclimate estimated from observations. However, it is well accepted that the bias of an AOGCM for presentclimate may not have a strong relationship with the magnitude or sign of model bias for future projections.The exact relationship between present and future model bias is still an open statistical problem.

2.2 Numerical Experiments

The different components of the AOGCMs generate a vast array of output. However, the most commonatmospheric variables used for assessing the impacts of a changed climate are surface temperatures, precipi-tation, and to a lesser extent surface winds. These variables are often averaged to monthly or seasonal fields.In this article we focus on average surface temperature and precipitation for the boreal winter (December,January and February) and boreal summer (June, July and August).

We work with a set of 9 AOGCMs based on Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) Meehlet al. (2000); Covey et al. (2000), summarized in Table 1. At present there are approximately a dozenresearch centers and universities supporting independent AOGCM development and these CMIP experi-ments represent a subset of these different modeling groups. CMIP began in 1995 by collecting outputfrom model “control runs” in which climate forcing is held constant at present values. These experimentsare thus simulations of current climate. Later versions of CMIP have collected output from an idealizedscenario of global warming. Here, the atmospheric CO2 is increased from current levels at a steady rateof 1% per year until it doubles at about year 70. The years 60–79 are averaged to estimate the climate at

Model Supporting research center

CCCM Canadian Climate Centre, CanadaCSIR Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, AustraliaCSM National Center for Atmospheric Research, USAECHAM Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum, GermanyECHO Max Planck Institut fur Meteorologie, GermanyGFDL Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, USAHADCM United Kingdom Meteorological Office, EnglandMRI National Institute for Environmental Studies, JapanPCM Los Alamos National Laboratory, the Naval Postgraduate School, the US Army Corps

of Engineers’ Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab and the National Center forAtmospheric Research, all USA

Table 1: Summary of CMIP AOGCM models used. A more detailed description of the models and keyreferences can be found at . See also (Houghtonet al., 2001).


Figure 1: Winter temperature fields for control run (left panel) and transient minus control run (climatechange, right panel) for model CSM (Unit: C).

Figure 2: Winter precipitation fields for control run (left panel) and transient minus control run (climatechange, right panel) for model CSM (Unit: mm/day).

the end of this period. This experiment is termed a transient run because the changing forcing (i.e. theamount of CO2 is not constant). Hence, one would not expect the climate to be constant over time either.However, taking an average of 20 years is the standard format for summarizing the climate around a giventime point. The different AOGCMs were run at a spatial resolution of 2.8 × 2.8 degrees at the equator.This resolution is converted into a standard gridded output format of 128 × 64 equally spaced points inlongitude and latitude. Note that this griding convention for the output yields substantially smaller gridcells in area near the poles.

As an example of the model output, Figures 1 and 2 show winter temperature and precipitation fields forcontrol run and transient minus control run (i.e. climate change) for model CSM. Compared to temperaturefields, the precipitation fields exhibit a different pattern. The spatial structures have smaller scales and thefields are more heterogeneous. Exploratory data analysis suggests that a log transformation corrects forboth of these shortcomings. Some models have a few grid cells with zero precipitation and we modified thedata of these cells to 0.1mm/day precipitation, which can be justified by the climatological nature of thedata and the size of the area of the grid cells.

As a useful summary, Figures 3 and 4 show the mean and standard deviation over all considered CMIPmodels of boreal winter climate change for the temperature and the log precipitation.

3 A Spatial Model for Climate Changes

In this section we present a spatial hierarchical model to synthesize the climate projections based on thedata described in the last section. Similar models in slightly different contexts are presented in Wikle et al.(1998), Wikle and Cressie (1999) or Berliner et al. (2000). Banerjee et al. (2004) gives an excellent overviewof hierarchical modeling for spatial data.


Figure 3: Mean and standard deviation of boreal winter temperature climate change (Unit: C).

Figure 4: Mean and standard deviation of boreal winter log precipitation climate change (Unit: mm/day).

3.1 Simple Hierarchical Model

The temperature or transformed precipitation fields of the N = 9 models are stacked into vectors of lengthn (total number of grid points), denoted as follows:

Xi = climatological field from control run of model i,

Yi = climatological field from transient run of model i.

The difference is given by

Di = Yi −Xi, i = 1, . . . , N,

which represents the climate change with respect to temperature or log precipitation. We use a standardhierarchical Bayes approach based on the following three levels: data, process, and priors.

Data level : The data level models the quantity of interest Di, i = 1, . . . , N , as a spatial process. Weassume that the climate change is an additive decomposition of a large scale climate signal and small scalesignals consisting of model bias and internal model variability. The single run CIMP data is not sufficientto model the small scale signals separately and we therefore represent both by a single spatial process. Thisdecomposition is consistent with the more traditional decomposition in spatial modelling (Cressie, 1993;Banerjee et al., 2004) where the mean corresponds to global (first-order) behavior and the error captureslocal (second-order) behavior. Based on these ideas:

Di = µi + εi, [Di | µi, φi ] iid∼ Nn(µi, φiΣ), φi > 0, i = 1, . . . , N, (1)

where |means “conditioned on” andNn is an n-dimensional normal density. In our approach, the correlationmatrix Σ is specified (see Section 3.3) and φi are scale parameters. Model (1) implies that the density ofthe entire dataset, conditional on µi and φi, i = 1, . . . , N , is the product of N Gaussian density functionsdictated by Nn(µi, φiΣ).


Process level : The second hierarchical level models the large scale climate signals µi, i = 1, . . . , N .We use a dimension reduction technique and assume that µi = Mθi, where the given “design” matrix Mcontains p basis functions with p n. The choice of M is further discussed in Section 3.2. We denote the“true” large scale climate change pattern as Mϑ and the θi are modelled as:

[θi | ϑ, ψi ] iid∼ Np(ϑ, ψiΩ), ψi > 0, i = 1, . . . , N.

Centering these coefficients vectors about the true climate one (ϑ) represents our assumption that thesample of climate models do not exhibit systematic large scale errors. However, we do expect departuresbetween each model and the true climate and this variation is captured by the covariance term (ψiΩ). Inparticular the variation of ψi across different models reflects different levels of bias and internal variabilityfor a given AOGCM. Although the correlation matrix Ω might have arbitrary structure, for orthogonal orclose to orthogonal basis functions we believe Ω = I is a reasonable choice.

Prior level : The last level puts priors on the process parameters.

[φi ] iid∼ IΓ(ξ1, ξ2), ξ1, ξ2 > 0, i = 1, . . . , N ;

[ψi ] iid∼ IΓ(ξ3, ξ4), ξ3, ξ4 > 0, i = 1, . . . , N ;

[ϑ ] ∼ Np(0, ξ5I), ξ5 > 0;

where IΓ denotes the inverse Gamma distribution and where ξ1, . . . , ξ5 are hyperparameters. If we includemore basis functions in M or if the climatological fields are smooth then we expect φi to be small. Thescaling parameters ψi are related to the internal variability of the model and should also be small. Whenseveral model runs or ensembles are available, they can be used as prior information for the magnitudeof ψi. Since we do not have any independent information about the truth ϑ we choose a large value for ξ5,reflecting an uninformative prior and justifying the identity as its correlation matrix.

3.2 Choice of Basis Functions

We now discuss the basis functions used to construct the design matrix M. These functions need to besufficiently flexible to represent the mean structure of the difference fields, and to achieve this goal we usethree different types.

Any real valued random field on a sphere that has finite variance and has realizations which are squareintegrable over the surface of the sphere may be represented as an infinite series of spherical harmonics (e.g.Jones, 1963). The spherical harmonics are a generalisation of a sin-cosine decomposition of a real valuedfunction to the sphere. It is therefore natural to assume that the large scale signal is a linear combinationof ps spherical harmonics. The spherical harmonics can be obtained with an iterative procedure and eachadditional level has smaller scales. For a given level `, there are 2`+1 basis functions. For example, the firstspherical harmonics corresponds to the global mean (` = 0), level ` = 1 consists of three single sin/cosinestructures on the sphere and so on. Figure 5 gives four examples from the first, second, third and seventhlevel.

Figure 5: Examples of spherical harmonics. The fields correspond to spherical harmonics from levels` = 1, 2, 3, 7.

Temperature fields differ over ocean, land or sea ice and the AOGCM climate change fields echosthese patterns (see Figure 3). These patterns based on land forms are not easily represented by spherical


harmonics. We therefore also introduce indicator basis functions linked to land forms and sea ice. Figure 6gives four examples of these indicator functions. Incorporating these indicator functions results in the errorprocesses εi exhibiting more stationary and isotropic behavior, i.e. the covariance between two pointsdepends only on the great angle distance of the points and not on their location.

Figure 6: Examples of land indicator basis functions. From left to right Alaska, Greenland, Canadian arcticice and lower USA.

Finally, temperature or precipitation change is related to the respective field itself (e.g. Figure 4). Wetherefore use a basis function consisting of present climate derived from observed data, provided from thereanalysis of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) (Kalnay et al., 1996).

3.3 Models for Correlation Matrices on the Sphere

We will assume that the remaining small scale structure εi in equation (1) is an isotropic and station-ary processes on the sphere. Although this is a strong assumption, it is supported on a global scale byexploratory graphical analysis with εi (e.g. Cressie, 1993). However, locally a few models exhibit slightnon-stationary behaviour in different regions. In Figure 7 we show localized variograms (e.g. Cressie, 1993)of the error processes εi of the model ECHAM for the temperature field and the log precipitation field.The differences in the temperature variograms can be traced to localized variability of this AOGCM aroundGreenland and in the Canadian arctic. For the log-precipitation the residuals in the Intertropical Conver-gence Zone (ITCZ), a zone of trade wind convergence and excessive precipitation, boosts the variogram forthe equatorial zone (see also Figure 13 lower right panel)

Although the variogram is useful in identifying a functional form for the covariance function, the precisespecification of a covariance must be derived from considering families of functions that are positive definitewhen restricted to a spherical domain. We discuss two approaches to the construction a such functions.Further information can be found in Yaglom (1987), Weber and Talkner (1993), Gaspari and Cohn (1999),and Gneiting (1999).

Schoenberg (1942) showed that a function belongs to the class of positive definite functions on the sphereif and only if it can be represented as an infinite series of Legendre polynomials. This representation is only

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35






lag in degrees




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35





lag in degrees




Figure 7: Localized empirical variograms of residual process εi for model ECHAM for three different latitudebands (80 to 30 dotted, 30 to −30 solid, −30 to −80 dashed). We used the robust variogram estimator asgiven by equation (2.4.13) in Cressie (1993).


useful in practice if we can rewrite the expression in a low-order parameterized form. However, there areonly a few known closed form expressions where the infinite series can be summed. One, refereed to as thePoisson kernel, is

c(θ; η) =(1− η)2(1− η2)

(1 + η)(1− 2η cos(θ) + η2)−3/2, η ∈ (0, 1), θ ∈ [0, π], (2)

where η is related to the range parameter, i.e. how quickly the correlation decays, and θ is the great circledistance distance, i.e. the shortest angular distance between two points on the sphere.

A second more general approach is to restrict homogeneous and isotropic correlation functions on R3

to the sphere. In this case the Euclidean distance is replaced by 2R sin(θ/2) where R is the globe’s radiusand θ is the great circle distance. A simple example is the exponential correlation function

c(θ; τ) = exp(−2R sin(θ/2)/τ

), τ > 0, θ ∈ [0, π], (3)

where τ is the range parameter. This approach can be generalized to Matern family (Matern, 1986; Hand-cock and Wallis, 1994), that allows parameterizing the smoothness of the process. We prefer this secondapproach and the choice of the covariance function is discussed in Section 4.

In Section 3.1 we proposed a model with given correlation matrices Σ. This implies that the rangeparameters η or τ are not modeled within the hierarchical model. However, the values of these parameterscan be chosen according to an “empirical Bayes” approach or with restricted maximum likelihood techniques(REML). Both approaches consider the data model as a linear regression with correlated errors and estimatethe error parameters with an iterative procedure as follows. To begin the algorithm assume an initialcovariance matrix Σ, then one estimates the mean structures, i.e. the vector θi, via weighted least squares(WLS). Given the estimate θ∗i of the mean, Di −Mθ∗i is used to estimate the covariance structure φiΣ∗

with a REML or a method-of-moments approach. Now θ∗i is updated using WLS with the covariance matrixφ∗i Σ

∗ and we obtain a second estimate θ∗i . These two steps are repeated until both θ∗i and φ∗i Σ∗ converged

according to some criterion. Given the similarity of both approaches it is no surprise that the estimates arealso very similar.

3.4 Implementing a Gibbs Sampler

The goal of our hierarchical modelling approach is to obtain the posterior distribution of Mϑ given themodel observations Di, i.e. [Mϑ | D1, . . . ,DN ]. The posterior density can be derived via Bayes’ theorem(e.g. Bernardo and Smith, 1994), synthesized as

[ process | data, parameters ] ∝ [ data | process, parameters ] · [ process | parameters ] · [ parameters ] .

The densities on the right-hand side are, of course, given by the three levels of the hierarchical model. Thejoint posterior is often a complicated distribution that has no closed form or from which it is impossibleto draw directly. However, the posterior can be sampled using a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)procedure known as the Gibbs sampler (Geman and Geman, 1984; Gelfand and Smith, 1990). The essenceof the MCMC approach is to simulate complex joint probability distributions by sampling from a Markovchain with a stationary, ergodic distribution that is identical to the posterior distribution (see also Gilkset al., 1998; Robert and Casella, 1999).

Essentially the Gibbs sampler works as follows. For each parameter in the model its distribution con-ditional on all the other random quantities in the model is identified. Such distributions are called fullconditionals because only the parameter of interest is allowed to be random and the entire remaining partof the model is fixed (or conditioned upon). The Monte Carlo algorithm cycles among the parameters bysimulating a new value for each parameter based on the full conditional distribution and the current valuesof the other parameters. Under weak assumptions the sequence converges to the intended distribution.

Since the hierarchical model is based on multivariate normal and inverse gamma distributions, it ispossible to derive the full conditionals in a closed from. To do so we use the property that if a random


variable X has a density proportional to exp(−1/2(xTAx − 2xTb)

), for a positive definite symmetric

matrix A and a vector b, then X has a multivariate normal distribution with mean A−1b and varianceA−1. Starting from the joint density

[ϑ, θi, φi, ψi, Di | ξ1, . . . , ξ5

], the full conditionals are:

[ϑ | . . . ] ∼ Np(A−1b,A−1), A =1ξ5

I +N∑



I, b =N∑




i = 1, . . . , N : [θi | . . . ] ∼ Np(A−1b,A−1), A =1ψ i

I +1φ i

MTΣ−1M, b =1ψ i

ϑ +1φ i


i = 1, . . . , N : [φi | . . . ] ∼ IΓ(ξ1 +


2, ξ2 +

12(Di −Mθi)TΣ−1(Di −Mθi)


i = 1, . . . , N : [ψi | . . . ] ∼ IΓ(ξ3 +


2, ξ4 +

12(θi − ϑ)T(θi − ϑ)


where the ‘. . . ’ at the right of the conditioning sign refers to all the random quantities in the model, apartfrom the parameter to be drawn, and the data. Given the closed form of all the full conditionals, it isstraightforward to implement a Gibbs sampler in any numerical software program.

We programmed the Gibbs sampler with the freely available computer software R (Ihaka and Gentleman,1996; R Development Core Team, 2004). R (“GNU S”) is similar to the S system, which was developed atBell Laboratories by John Chambers and coauthors. It provides a wide variety of statistical and graphicaltechniques (linear and nonlinear modelling, statistical tests, time series analysis, classification, clustering,etc.), as well as a fully functional programming environment. For the numerical experiments presentedhere, we run the sampler for a total of 20,000 iterations discarding the first half of the simulated valuesto obtain convergence and saving only every 20th draw. Thus, we base our conclusions on a total of 500values for each parameter, representing a sample from its posterior distribution. On a reasonable desktopPC this task can be performed within a few hours.

The parameter space of the entire model is (N +1)×p+2N roughly of the order of 1000. It is thereforenot possible to perform formal tests of simultaneous convergence of the sampled chains. However, lookingat trace plots, correlation plots, we strongly believe that the posterior samples are stationary and reachedconvergence.

4 Results

In this section we present the results concerning surface temperature and log precipitation output fieldsfrom the 9 AOGCM models.

The original CMIP 2.8× 2.8 degree resolution is too large to be handled in a direct way and we also donot expect significant agreement in the models at this resolution. We use a simple bilinear interpolator toreduce the climate fields to a 5×5 degree resolution. Although we work on the sphere, our results are muchmore stable if we do not include the poles. Therefore we only consider the fields from −80 to 80 degreelatitude.

Table 2 summarizes the simulation parameters and hyperparameters for the simulations. The mostcritical parameter is the number of basis functions. We found that the key choices are the number ofspherical harmonics functions, inclusion of indicator functions for land forms and sea ice, and the field ofpresent climate derived from observed data. The correlation range τ for εi was found to be directly relatedto the number of basis functions. If we include more basis functions in M the resulting processes εi has asmaller spatial range. This result is not unexpected because a richer basis will remove more structure inthe field leaving less for the small scale component. Based on empirical variograms we were lead to modelthe covariance using the exponential form in (3). In addition, simulations showed that the correlationmatrix based on (3) yielded slightly more stable results compared to (2). This is probably due to the linearbehavior of the exponential covariance function at the origin. However, we added a small nugget effect tothe covariance with fixed signal-to-noise ratio. The choice of hyperparameters does not appear to be crucialto the results.


Simulation parameters Hyperparameters

p (ps) range τ s/n ratio ξ1 ξ2 ξ3 ξ4 ξ5

TemperatureDJF 103(81) 0.15 19 2.1 0.11 2.1 0.11 1JJA 103(81) 0.15 19 2.1 0.11 2.1 0.11 1

PrecipitationDJF 191(169) 0.1 9 2.1 0.11 2.1 0.11 1JJA 191(169) 0.1 9 2.1 0.11 2.1 0.11 1

Table 2: Parameter and hyperparameter specifictions for the Gibbs sampler. An inverse gamma distributionwith ξ1 = 2.1, ξ2 = 0.11 has mean 0.1 and variance 0.1.


0 100 300 500

NCEP obs.

Spher. har. 2

0 100 300 500


Spher. har. 6

0 100 300 500


Spher. har. 10

0 100 300 500

Can. Arctic Ice

Spher. har. 54

0 100 300 500

Lower USA

Figure 8: Trace plots for the mean, the spherical harmonics given in Figure 5 (top row), the NCEP climateobservation and the land indicator fields given in Figure 6 (bottom row) of the parameter ϑ for the DJFtemperature change. The horizontal line represents zero.

Figure 8 and 9 depict trace plots and kernel estimates of the posterior densities for the mean, thespherical harmonics, the NCEP climate observations and the land indicator fields given in Figure 5 and 6of the parameter ϑ.

0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75


−0.05 0.00 0.05

NCEP obs.0.00 0.05 0.10

Spher. har. 2

−0.10 −0.05 0.00 0.05

Alaska−0.04 0.00 0.04 0.08

Spher. har. 6

−0.10 −0.05 0.00

Greenland−0.06 0.00 0.04 0.08

Spher. har. 10

−0.05 0.00 0.05

Can. Arctic Ice−0.04 0.00 0.04 0.08

Spher. har. 54

−0.06 −0.02 0.02 0.06

Lower USA

Figure 9: Kernel estimates of the posterior densities for the mean, the spherical harmonics given in Figure 5(top row), the NCEP climate observation and the land indicator fields given in Figure 6 (bottom row) ofthe parameter ϑ for the DJF temperature change.


4.1 Analysis of Surface Temperature and Precipitation Fields

Surface temperature is a rather smooth field and only about 100 basis functions (` = 8) are required toobtain a good fit of the model. Here, we judge adequacy of the fit by assessing whether the small scaleresidual field is consistent with our assumption on isotropy. Figure 10 gives the temperature change thatoccurs with at least 80% probability in 70 years with 1% CO2 increase. Figure 11 shows the probabilitythat the temperature change exceeds 2C. The numbers 80% and 2C are arbitrary but this particularformat was found to be useful in presenting results to a general scientific audience.

Figure 10: The DJF (left panel) and JJA (right panel) temperature change (degree Celsius) that occurswith at least 80% probability in 70 years with 1% CO2 increase.

Figure 11: Probability that DJF (left panel) and JJA (right panel) temperature change exceeds 2C.

The statistical model was also applied to smaller regions than the full globe with the goal of makinginferences at a regional scale. The hierarchical model still works well at these small scales, but for verysmall regions (100 grid cells or less) the results are more sensitive to the number of basis functions.

Log precipitation fields have more small scale variability than temperature and are highly non-stationary,therefore we were lead to use more basis functions compared to temperature (` = 12). As example for theanalysis of the precipitation fields, Figure 12 gives the median precipitation change that occurs in 70 yearswith 1% CO2 increase.

Figure 12: The median DJF (left panel) and median JJA (right panel) log precipitation change (mm/day)that occurs in 70 years with 1% CO2 increase.


4.2 Model Checking

Although the posterior fields for each model, [Mθi | D1, . . . ,DN ], are not directly interesting we believethat they can nevertheless be useful for diagnostic purposes. Samples from these posterior fields shouldresemble the observed fields. Figure 13 shows posterior draws from the ECHAM model, where the lowerright panel depicts the CMIP data. Overall the realizations from the posterior look qualitatively similarto the actual model output. This agreement confirms the adequacy of our modeling approach. Since thedata panel exhibit a smoother behaviour in the arctic sea, slight improvements would probably be achievedif we generalize the errors εi to anisotropic, non-homogeneous spatial processes. The resulting covarianceshould have smaller scales and larger ranges in high latitudes compared to the equatorial zone.

Figure 13: Posterior fields of precipitation climate change for the ECHAM model. The lower right panelgives the AOGCM result (Unit: mm/day).

5 Extensions

This paper has focused on the simplest model for comparing climate model output, assuming single realiza-tions from each AOGCM and differenced (future minus present) climate fields. Although this presentationemphasizes the basic spatial elements of this problem, there are several important extensions to considerto make this analysis appropriate for application in current IPCC activities.

The presented model can be extended in three intuitive ways: we could 1) include the the covarianceparameters of Σ as part of the hierarchical model, 2) include several different runs of the same AOGCMand 3) model the control and transient runs separately.


5.1 Parameterization of the Covariance Structure

A natural way to parametrize the covariance is to model the range parameter and the signal to noise ratioin the Gibbs sampler. With correlation model (3), the exponential covariance matrix Σ(φ) would be basedon

c(θ;φ) = φ1Iθ=0 + φ2 exp(−2R sin(θ/2)/φ3

), φi > 0, θ ∈ [0, π],

where I is the indicator function. The resulting full conditionals for the parameters φi do not have aclosed form and hence it would be necessary to include Metropolis–Hastings steps in the Gibbs sampler(e.g. Banerjee et al., 2004). Simulations suggested that this additional computational burden does not offersignificant improvements in the performance of the model.

5.2 Different Ensemble Runs from Each AOGCM

The new generation of model data for the forth assessment report (AR4) of the IPCC has several runs fordifferent models. These are termed ensembles of runs and can be interpreted as multiple realizations ofweather from the same climate. The hierarchical approach can be extended by

Xi,j = climatological field from control run j of model i,

Yi,j = climatological field from transient run j of model i,

and modelling the difference Di,j = Yi,j −Xi,j . Here, the variability between separate runs in an ensembleis due to the internal variability of the model and not due to differences in simulated climate. In this case,we would have the possibility to estimate the internal variability of each model (e.g. φi).

5.3 Separate Control and Transient Run Modelling

The data level of the presented hierarchical model addresses the climate change directly. Another approachis modelling the control and transient fields individually and linking them via a correlation structure. Again,we use a large scale and small scale separation for the control and transient runs:

Xi = MXθi + σi , Yi = MYηi + νi ,

where the errors satisfy

[σi | Σi ] iid∼ Nn(0,Σi),

νi = ωi + ρiσi with [ ωi | Ωi ] iid∼ Nn(0,Ωi) and ωi ⊥ σi .

If ρi = 0, then νi ⊥ σi and if ρi = 1, then σi ⊥ (νi − σi). The data level in this approach can bewritten as a 2n-dimensional normal model. The advantage of using this conditional approach compared toa direct 2n-dimensional normal model is the simple way of parameterizing the correlation structure withoutconstraints on ρi. An important advantage of this separation is the ability to use the observed climate asan additional hierarchical component. For example, let X0 denote the NCEP observation field, then wealso include

X0 = Mϑ + σi.

in the statistical modeling approach. This model is a spatial extension of Tebaldi et al. (2005). The processlevel and prior level are similar to what has been discussed in Section 3.1. Note that model (1) is a specialcase of this more general approach if Σi = φXi

Σ, Ωi = φYiΣ and MX = MY.


6 Discussion

A key feature of this work is not only an assessment of the difference in the spatial fields but also a measureof the uncertainty of this difference based on the posterior distributions. From the analysis of the climatemodel experiments, there is considerable warming over the landmasses and some warming over the oceans.These inferences are illustrated in Figures 10 and 11, where potential temperature shifts are related todifferences that have high posterior probability. Precipitation change is harder to interpret. However, mostof the sub-tropical areas have a decreased mean precipitation and in tropical areas and in the high latitudesthe mean precipitation increases (Figure 12). Again, the posterior distribution is useful in characterizingthe uncertainty of these results.

Although the presented analysis has used the CMIP experiment an important direction for future workis to apply the same statistical approach to a comprehensive set of AOGCM experiments prepared forthe next IPCC report (AR4). Part of the computational challenge of this work will be to implement thestatistical models for the full resolution of the climate models.

Even though our presentation has included many details specific to climate model output we haveillustrated a general methodology that can be used in other contexts. The basic ingredient is to separatethe spatial response into significant features represented by a small number of basis functions and a smallscale process that has little structure. Although this separation may appear difficult to achieve, we shouldnote that variogram analysis of the residuals and the posterior distribution provides detailed diagnostics andimplied in our case the adequacy of the model. It is particularly efficient to use a hierarchical statisticalmodel to implement these ideas. Moreover, for a Bayesian analysis many components of the model areeasy to handle using a Gibbs sampler. Although we have chosen to estimate some parts of the modelusing maximum likelihood there is always the option to include a richer Bayesian model that accounts forthese parameters. The extensions of our model outlined in Section 5 involve a more complicated MCMCalgorithm but also include important features not accounted for by a simple approach.

We conclude by noting one outstanding problem that is an area of future statistical research. The choiceof basis functions was done in a subjective manner based on the scientific background and diagnostic of thefit. However, it would be useful to have the model selection included as part of the Bayesian analysis. In thisway an important component, the basis functions choice, is included in the overall uncertainty encapsulatedby the posterior distribution.


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