multi-scale contour extraction based on natural image...

Post on 15-May-2020






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Multi-Scale Contour Extraction Based on Natural Image Statistics

Francisco J. Estrada and James H. ElderCentre for Vision Research, York University

4700 Keele St., Toronto, On.M3J 1P3, Canada



Perceptual grouping of the complete boundaries of ob-jects in natural images remains an unsolved problem incomputer vision. The computational complexity of the prob-lem and difficulties capturing global constraints limit theperformance of current algorithms. In this paper we de-velop a coarse-to-fine Bayesian algorithm which addressesthese constraints. Candidate contours are extracted at acoarse scale and then used to generate spatial priors on thelocation of possible contours at finer scales. In this way,a rough estimate of the shape of an object is progressivelyrefined. The coarse estimate provides robustness to textureand clutter while the refinement process allows for the ex-traction of detailed object contours. The grouping algo-rithm is probabilistic and uses multiple grouping cues de-rived from natural scene statistics. We present a quanti-tative evaluation of grouping performance on the BerkeleySegmentation Database, and show that the multi-scale ap-proach outperforms several single-scale contour extractionalgorithms.

1. Introduction

We address the problem of computing complete bound-ing contours of salient objects in a natural image. This prob-lem is of central importance to computer vision, and yet re-mains largely unsolved. Most current boundary detectionalgorithms work on data at a single scale (usually the scalethat provides the highest amount of detail). These single-scale algorithms can yield useful results on reasonably sim-ple scenes, but natural images with their wealth of detail,texture, clutter, and other artifacts continue to be extremelychallenging.

There are many factors that make the problem hard. Herewe focus on two:

• Complexity. Finding complete bounding contoursamounts to finding a specific sequence of n local edge

primitives from a much large clutter of N edges. Thegeneral problem is of exponential complexity. Algo-rithms must therefore make strong assumptions thatmay limit performance, or must limit search to a smallportion of the total hypothesis space.

• Global Constraints. Many algorithms use Markov as-sumptions that do not capture global structure. Captur-ing global constraints can generally be computation-ally expensive

One reason current algorithms are not more successfulis that their single-scale nature is too constraining given thecomplexity of the grouping task. The abundance of detail onmedium- and high-resolution images can cause single-scalegrouping algorithms to “miss the forest for the trees”. Pre-vious research [6] has demonstrated that prior informationabout the contents of the image can be used to successfullydeal with image complexity. However, such information isgenerally not available.

In this paper we demonstrate that a multi-scale approachcan be used to reduce the complexity of the grouping taskin the absence of prior scene knowledge. Our method isbased on the observation that coarse object boundaries canbe recovered from low-resolution images in which groupingcomplexity is significantly reduced. Such coarse boundariescan be used to inform and guide the grouping process atfiner scales of resolution, culminating in detailed contoursat the finest scale. The general procedure is applicable tomost existing grouping algorithms provided that a suitableway can be devised to propagate information across scales.Here, we build on the probabilistic grouping framework ofElder et al. [6]. Their algorithm is based on natural scenestatistics, and provides us with a sound base upon which tostudy the multi-scale grouping problem.

We evaluate the algorithm on images from the Berke-ley Segmentation Database (BSD), and provide a quantita-tive comparison between our multi-scale method, the RatioContour algorithm of Wang et al. [24], the grouping algo-rithm of Estrada and Jepson [10], and the single-scale ver-

sion of our framework, which is roughly equivalent to thegrouping algorithm of Elder et al. [6].

2. Previous Work

There has been interesting work in applying multi-scalemethods to shape modeling. Dudek and Tsotsos [3] intro-duced a method for 2D and 3D shape representation andrecognition based on multi-scale curvature. Dubinskiy andZhu [4] proposed a coarse-to-fine method for shape encod-ing and synthesis. In their work, contours are formed withlinear combinations of simple shapes; starting with an el-lipse, and adding basis shapes progressively to achieve re-fined reconstructions. More recently, Wang et al. [27] pre-sented a multi-scale image representation based on a sketchpyramid, and show that it is potentially useful for applica-tions such as tracking and super-resolution. The progressmade on multi-scale shape representation is encouraging,but it does not address the question of how we get the shapesto be represented out of the image in the first place. That isthe main concern of this paper.

Many recent methods for boundary detection treatgrouping as a clustering problem. Mahamud et al. [14] de-fine an affinity matrix based on the probabilities of randomwalks biased by smooth continuation and proximity, and usethe spectral properties of this matrix to estimate edge andlink saliencies from which closed contours can be extracted.Sarkar and Soundararajan [22] use graph-partitioning tech-niques to identify subsets of features that are weakly con-nected to the remaining features in a graph that encodesperceptual grouping principles. Wang et al. [24] presentan algorithm for finding contours as maximum-likelihoodcycles in a graph. Gdalyahu et al. [11] present a groupingmethod that finds clusters of features (which for perceptualgrouping are short line segments) that often appear togetherin stochastically generated graph cuts.

Elder and Zucker [7], extract contours as shortest-pathcycles in a graph encoding perceptual grouping principles.They introduce a Bayesian grouping framework that ac-counts for different causes of contour fragmentation. Thiswork was extended by Elder et al. [6] to allow the incorpo-ration of object knowledge. The algorithm is based on natu-ral scene statistics, and incorporates prior knowledge aboutthe objects of interest in the form of the expected photomet-ric appearance of the image around individual object edges.Estrada and Jepson [10] propose a search-based algorithmbased on local affinity normalization. The resulting nor-malized affinities provide robustness to varying degrees ofclutter, and result in significantly reduced search complex-ity.

All of these algorithms work at a single-scale. Thereare a couple of methods that, although not multi-scale,use multiple levels of inference to extract features. Mo-han and Nevatia [17] use a constraint satisfaction network

to generate progressively more complex structures. Theirmethod proceeds hierarchically from single edgels to con-tours, ribbons, and finally surface patches. Sarkar andBoyer [21] propose a Bayesian network model of group-ing. In their scheme, progressively more complicated fea-tures are formed by the network using voting methods andgraph operations supported by perceptual grouping princi-ples. Raman et al. [18] propose a method similar in spiritto the work we describe here. Starting from coarse-scaleclosed contours of important structures in MRI images, theytrack and refine the shape and position of each contourthrough scale-space. Their method is able to generate ac-curate edge maps while being resistent to noise and clutter.

Saund [20] introduced a fine-to-coarse edge grouping al-gorithm for extracting larger scale shape primitives from bi-nary (silhouette) images. Liang et al. [13] use a two-scaleimage-space method to refine the position estimates of arte-rial walls. Ren and Malik [19] study a multi-scale, Bayesianmethod for contour completion. The goal of their algorithmis to refine the edge map based upon contour continuity overmultiple scales. The algorithm is not designed to extractcomplete object boundaries, but some improvement in thelocalization of salient edges is demonstrated.

Several of the boundary detection algorithms mentionedabove have been shown to successfully detect simple objectboundaries on images from constrained domains. However,on complex natural images current grouping algorithms areeasily misled, and ultimately fail. Reliable boundary ex-traction on complex images remains an unsolved problem.It is also interesting to notice that in the context of object-boundary detection the problem of scale has received rel-atively little attention. In the remainder of the paper wewill show that the use of multi-scale information leads toimproved boundary extraction on natural images from theBerkeley Segmentation Database (BSD). We begin by de-scribing the specific objective of our algorithm

3. Training and Testing Image Data

The BSD provides a useful record of how human ob-servers segment natural images into a small number of dis-joint regions. However, the objective of our work (and mostcontour grouping efforts) is not to compute a full segmenta-tion of the image, but to extract complete contours bound-ing the most salient objects in the scene. In addition tothis, many BSD images are mostly composed of irregularlyshaped texture regions that do not correspond to individualobjects.

In order to be able to use images and ground-truth seg-mentations from the BSD to train and evaluate our method,we will use only those images from the BSD that containat least one salient, unoccluded object that is fully con-tained within image bounds. Two human observers (inde-pendently, and including one of the authors) viewed all 200

images from the BSD training set and selected those thatsatisfied the above criteria. In total, there were 37 trainingimages that both observers agreed satisfy these conditions.

Each image in the BSD has between 4 and 7 associatedhuman segmentations. For each selected image, the ob-servers cooperatively hand-labeled the regions from the cor-responding ground-truth segmentations that correspondedto individual objects (which is necessary because a seg-mentation may split individual objects into several regions).This resulted in 37 sets of ground-truth object boundariesfor training. The same process applied to the 100 BSD testimages resulted in 20 test images, and 20 sets of ground-truth boundaries for testing.

4. Single-Scale Grouping Algorithm

Our grouping framework is based on the grouping al-gorithm of Elder et al. [6]. Their method takes as input aset of tangents (line segments) T = {t1, ..., tN} and pro-duces contours that are guaranteed to be closed and simple(without self-intersections). It is assumed that only a subsetT o ⊂ T of tangents in the image lie on the boundaries ofobjects of interest. A contour hypothesis s = {tα1 , ..., tαm

}is defined as an injective (non-repeating) sequence of tan-gents. Only a small subset C of the possible sequenceswill correspond to actual contours in the image, and onlya subset C0 of these will lie on the boundaries of objects ofinterest.

Let Io1 = {α1, ..., αm} represent the set of tan-

gent indices for the current hypothesis s, and let Ic1 =

{{α1, α2}, ..., {αm−1, αm}} represent the set of indexpairs for directly successive tangents on the hypothesizedcontour. Elder et al. approximate the posterior probabilityof the hypothesis as

p(s ∈ C0|D) α F (s, D) =∏




pcij , (1)

where poi is the posterior probability that tangent ti lies on

an object of interest, and pcij is the posterior probability that

tangents ti and tj are directly successive tangents on a realcontour.

The observable cues D can be partitioned into unary ob-ject cues Do, used to compute po

i , and binary grouping cuesDc, used to compute pc

ij . The unary cues represent the ap-pearance of the image near individual tangents. The binarycues represent perceptual grouping relationships betweenpairs of tangents. When the objects of interest are of a spe-cific type (e.g., skin coloured regions), unary cues can pro-vide strong evidence for particular sequences (e.g., hue). Inthis paper we are interested in computing the boundaries ofa broad range of salient objects, so the unary cues are rela-tively weak. Binary cues such as proximity and good con-tinuation tend to be more stable over object type, althoughdomain specificity can be observed.

The algorithm for computing hypotheses based on thesecues is constructive: it generates progressively longer con-tours by expanding the current set of hypotheses by one tan-gent each iteration. The expansion is done so as to maxi-mize the posterior probability that the resulting tangent se-quence belongs to the set Co of true contour fragments lyingon the boundaries of objects of interest, given the observeddata D.

Elder et al. call F (s,D) the foreground term since itdepends only on the tangents that are part of the hypothesiss. The posterior probabilities po

i and pcij are given by

poi =


1 + (Loi P

oi )−1

and pcij =


1 + (LcijP



where for a set of mo unary cues at each tangent (e.g.colour, contrast), and a set mc of binary cues for each tan-gent pair (e.g. proximity, smooth continuation),

Loi =



p(dki |ti ∈ T o)

p(dki |ti /∈ T o)

Lcij =



p(dkij |{ti, tj} ∈ C)

p(dkij |{ti, tj} /∈ C)



P oi =

p(ti ∈ C)

p(ti /∈ C)P c

ij =p({ti, tj} ∈ C)

p({ti, tj} /∈ C).

Here dki is the observed value of the kth unary cue at tan-

gent ti and dkij is the observed value of the kth binary cue

for the pair of tangents {ti, tj}. The binary cues we use areproximity, smooth continuation, and similarity of brightnessand contrast between a pair of tangents; with the associatedprobability distributions (learned from natural scene statis-tics) reported by Elder and Goldberg in [5].

In [6], unary cues are derived from prior knowledgeabout the scene. Here we assume no such knowledge. In-stead, we will use unary cues to measure the salience ofindividual tangents and to incorporate the information pro-vided by coarse-scale contours during multi-scale grouping.We describe the use of information provided by coarse scalecontours in the next section.

To estimate the salience of individual tangents we usethe boundary detector of Martin et al. [16]. Their detector,trained on natural scenes from the Berkeley SegmentationDatabase [15], uses brightness, colour, and texture to com-pute the boundary energy at each pixel. Martin et al. showthat this boundary energy tends to emphasize salient objectboundaries while disregarding many types of texture thatproduce strong responses from typical edge detectors.

To obtain the probability distributions on boundary en-ergy required by our algorithm, we computed the boundaryenergy for our training dataset. To allow for typical local-ization errors in the boundary energy map, the boundaryenergy output was smoothed with a Gaussian kernel andnormalized to [0, 1]. We then computed likelihood distri-butions of normalized boundary energy for edges on andoff the ground-truth boundaries. The resulting distributions

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10






0.06p(BE | on)

Normalized Boundary Energy




0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10









0.18p(BE | off)

Normalized Boundary Energy




a) b)

Figure 1. Probability distributions for boundary energy on ground-truth contours (a), and for random edges not part of the ground-truth contours (b).

p(BE | on) and p(BE | off) (shown in Fig. 1) then becomeone component of the object cue likelihood ratio Lo

i ( 2).The grouping algorithm starts with a set of individual

tangents. It keeps a table of the best M possible continu-ations for each tangent, and iteratively expands its currentlist of hypotheses as follows:

• For each of the K current hypotheses of length l, gen-erate a set of M expanded contours of length l + 1by adding to that hypothesis one of the M tangents inits list of best continuations. This yields K · M newhypotheses of length l + 1.

• Remove any self-intersecting or duplicate contours.

• Compute the term F (sk,D) for each of the remaininghypotheses.

• Sort the new set of hypotheses, and keep only the Kcontours with the highest F (sk,D).

• Detect and store any closed contours found among thenew hypotheses.

The process terminates when none of the current hy-potheses can be expanded, either because there are nosuitable continuations, or because the possible expansionslead to self-intersecting shapes. Once the expansion phasehas been completed, all closed contours are evaluated andsorted in order of decreasing quality. We estimate the qual-ity of a particular hypothesis with the geometric mean ofF (sk,D). The use of the geometric mean of probabilitiesalong a chain of edges was first proposed as a measure ofgrouping quality by Mahamud et al. [14]. They noted thatthe use of the geometric mean enables an algorithm to com-pare contours of different lengths, removing the bias forshort boundaries that occurs when only the product of theprobabilities along the contour is considered. For a contourof length γ, the geometric mean is defined as F (sk|D)1/γ .In the log domain, this yields

log(F (sk|D)1/γ) =


log(poi ) +




The algorithm described above is capable of detectingclosed contours on natural images at a single scale. How-ever, it can fail to detect complex contours on natural im-ages. The algorithm explores only a small subset of the

hypothesis search-space which often does not contain theboundaries of salient objects. In what follows we willdemonstrate that a multi-scale approach can be used to suc-cessfully guide the algorithm toward better object bound-aries.

5. Multi-scale Contour Grouping

We start from the observation that on low-resolution im-ages it becomes possible for a grouping algorithm to explorea much larger portion of the full hypothesis space (or even toperform an exhaustive search). Thus it seems reasonable touse a coarse-to-fine strategy to successively refine contoursfound at lower resolutions. We expect that at coarse scalesthe grouping algorithm will find a great variety of closedshapes, at least some of which will correspond to salientobject boundaries. These contours can then be refined untildetailed boundaries are obtained at the finest scale.

We generate a Gaussian pyramid with W levels for theinput image. Separately for each image in the pyramid wedetect edges (see [8]), and use a greedy algorithm to fitsmall line-segments to groups of consecutive edges withsimilar orientation. This yields W sets of tangents (line seg-ments) that are used as input for the multi-scale algorithm.

The multi-scale grouping proceeds as follows: Thesingle-scale algorithm described above is run on the imageat the coarsest level. The best P contours resulting fromthis step are stored. We then run the grouping algorithmP + 1 times at the next finer scale. This corresponds tousing each of the P spatial priors as an object (unary) cue,plus one additional run without any spatial prior so as toallow the algorithm to capture objects whose contour firstbecomes discernible at the current scale. The contours out-put by each of these runs are stored, and after all the runs atthe current resolution are complete, the overall best P areselected again to form spatial priors for the next finer scale.This procedure is repeated until contours at the highest res-olution are obtained.

To accomplish the above, we need a way to transformcoarse-scale contours into a suitable spatial prior to be usedat a higher resolution. This problem has two parts. First, weneed an appropriate contour representation that can be eas-ily transported across scales. Second, we need to study therelationship between contours at coarse scales and their re-fined versions at higher resolution, so that we can derive theappropriate statistical distributions to use with our groupingalgorithm.

5.1. Fourier Contour Representation

We model contours using their Fourier descriptors. TheFourier representation is attractive because it is relativelyinexpensive to compute (using the FFT), can be easily trans-ferred across scales, and can be used directly for object

recognition tasks [25], [1], [12].Given a list of coordinates (xk, yk) for k = 0, . . . , N −

1 along an extracted contour, we represent the contour asa curve in the complex plane formed by the points bk =xk + iyk. The discrete Fourier transform of the set of pointsbk along the contour yields a set of complex coefficientsB(n) = 1/N

∑N−1k=0 b(k)e−ik2πn/N for n = 0, . . . , N − 1.

These Fourier coefficients can be used to reconstruct thecontour to a specified level of detail. Here N is typically onthe order of hundreds of sampled points. A good, intuitivedescription of how Fourier coefficients represent a shape isgiven in [23].

To determine the appropriate number of coefficients touse in the reconstruction, we studied the Fourier coeffi-cients of the ground-truth boundaries in our training set.We reconstructed the original contours using different num-bers of Fourier coefficients, for each of the reconstructions,we computed the distance error between the original curveand the reconstructed one. Our results indicate that typi-cal boundaries can be reconstructed to an average error ofless than 1 pixel using as few as 25 Fourier coefficients.This is the number of Fourier coefficients we will use in ourgrouping algorithm. An additional advantage of the Fourierrepresentation is that it smooths out noise and discretiza-tion artifacts, providing a suitable model on which to builda spatial prior. This is particularly useful at coarse scaleswhere discretization artifacts are more pronounced.

5.2. Building the Spatial Prior

For a particular coarse-scale contour, we generate aFourier model and project a reconstruction of the contourscaled by a factor of 2 onto the image at the next finer scale.We want our grouping algorithm to favour lines whose ori-entation and spatial location are similar to the location andorientation of the projected contour. To accomplish this, weneed to study the typical variations in position and orienta-tion for object contours across scales.

We examined our ground-truth training contours at thefinest and next-to-finest scale. We generated Fourier de-scriptors for the lower resolution contours, and projectedthem (after appropriate scaling) onto the images at the finestscale. We then measured the deviation in position and orien-tation between the scaled Fourier contours and the ground-truth contours at the fine scale. From these statistics, weestimated four probability distributions: p(dist|on) whichcharacterizes the distance between ground-truth tangentsand the scaled contour; p(ang|on) which characterizesthe difference in orientation between ground-truth tangentsand the model; p(dist|off) which corresponds to the dis-tance between tangents not on the object boundary and theFourier model; and p(ang|off) that models the differencein orientation between tangents not on the object boundaryand the scaled contour. These distributions are shown in

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 140







0.07p(dist | on)

Distance (pixels)




0 50 100 150 200 2500






0.03p(dist | off)

Distance (pixels)




−2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 20






0.06p(ang | on)

Angle (radians)




−2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 20








0.016p(ang | off)

Angle (radians)




a) b) c) d)

Figure 2. Distributions for a) p(dist|on), b) p(dist|off), c)p(ang|on), and d) p(and|off).

Fig. 2. The likelihood ratios p(dist|on)/p(dist|off), andp(ang|on)/p(ang|off) become additional object cues inthe term Lo

i from Eq.(2). These distributions indicate thatcontour tangents at fine scale show good agreement in po-sition and orientation with regard to the scaled coarse con-tours, whereas tangents not belonging to the fine-scale con-tours show no orientation agreement, and are situated far-ther away from the scaled coarse contours.

Together, the distance and angle cues form a spatial prioron the expected location and orientation of contour tangentsgiven a particular coarse-scale hypothesis. The effect of thisspatial prior is that finer-scale contours favour boundariesthat correspond to refined versions of the coarse-scale hy-pothesis. Since the coarse-scale images are unlikely to con-tain much detail, coarse contours usually capture the roughshape of large objects. This gives the multi-scale groupingalgorithm increased robustness against the typical problemsintroduced by the abundance of clutter and texture at higherresolutions.

Figure 3 shows this coarse-to-fine process. For eachlevel of the Gaussian pyramid we show the spatial priorat that scale derived from the contour extracted at theprevious scale, corresponding to the ratio (p(dist|on) ∗p(ang|on))/(p(dist|off) ∗ p(ang|off)); the best contourextracted by the multi-scale procedure; and the best contourextracted by the single-scale grouping method (i.e. withoutthe spatial prior) at that scale. Whereas the multi-scale pro-cedure successfully recovers the boundary of the object, thesingle-scale procedure becomes confused by the complexityof the line-set at higher resolutions.

6. Experimental Set-Up

There has been a significant lack of research with regardto the proper evaluation of grouping algorithms. Many ofthe current methods are demonstrated on a handful of im-ages, with only visual comparison as a means of demon-strating their capabilities. Exceptions include the work ofBorra and Sarkar [2] who carry out a performance eval-uation of three grouping methods in the context of aerialobject recognition, and the work of Williams and Thorn-ber [29] who present an evaluation of different affinity mea-sures used in grouping. More recently, Wang et al. [26]presented an interesting comparison of the grouping algo-rithms in [7], [14], [24].

Multi−scale Single−scaleSpatial PriorInput Image

Figure 3. A complete run of the multi-scale algorithm. From left to right, the columns show the original input image (coarsest scale at thetop, finest scale at the bottom); the spatial prior generated from the contour at the previous scale, where brightness is proportional to theestimated probability that a given segment is on a the object’s boundary; the contour extracted by the multi-scale algorithm; and the contourextracted by the single-scale algorithm (i.e. without using the spatial prior). The image at the highest resolution is 737×486 pixels in size.

Here, we evaluate the performance of our algorithm us-ing the set of ground-truth boundaries generated from thetest images of the BSD. We provide a comparative analy-sis of the quality of the contours extracted by our multi-scale method (MS), the single-scale version of our algo-rithm (SS), and two alternate grouping methods: The RatioContour algorithm of Wang et al. [24] (RC), and the group-ing method of Estrada and Jepson [10] (EJ)1.

We used half-scale BSD images 241×162 pixels in size.This is because in our current implementation detected-contour quality degrades significantly at higher resolutions(see the discussion below). For the multi-scale algorithmwe build a 4-scale Gaussian pyramid, which results in im-ages 31× 21 pixels in size at the coarsest scale. All imageswere processed with the same edge detector [8], however;the edge maps produced by this method are typically verycomplex. Our algorithm deals with this by using the bound-ary energy of Martin et al. [16]. To obtain a fair compari-son, we pre-filtered the edges used as input to RC and EJ byselecting only the edges for which a blurred version of theboundary energy term is above some small threshold (deter-mined experimentally on training images). The blurring of

1The authors would like to acknowledge the kindness of Dr. SongWang in providing us with his implementation of RC.

the boundary energy was the same used for estimating theboundary energy distributions for our algorithm. On train-ing images this filtering step greatly enhanced the resultsobtained both with RC and with EJ.

From the edge data, RC generates its own input featuresby fitting spline curves to small sequences of edges. EJ usesthe same line segments that were input to our algorithm.Since each algorithm has a different measure of saliency forextracted contours, we disregard the ranking of the shapesproduced by the algorithms during the comparison (other-wise, it would be difficult to ascertain whether the observedvariations are due to differences search completeness, or tothe different ranking measures used by each method). In-stead, we allowed each algorithm to generate 20 contoursfor each of the test images using its own quality measure.From these 20 boundaries, we selected for comparison theone with the smallest error with regard to the ground-truth.

We use an error measure based on the pixel-by-pixelagreement between the regions enclosed by the ground-truth contours and the computed boundaries

Error =AGT − AGT∩CT




where AGT is the area of the region enclosed by theground-truth boundary, ACT is the area enclosed by the


Figure 4. Ground-truth boundaries and best contours extracted byeach algorithm on 20 of our test images.

computed contour, and AGT∩CT is the area of the inter-section between the two. The first term of the error measurepenalizes a contour for not capturing the entire shape de-fined by the ground truth. The second term penalizes thecontour for extending into the background. Error values arein [0, 2] and will be zero when the contours are identical.

7. Results and Quantitative Evaluation

Fig 4 shows several images from our test set, along withthe best contours extracted by each of the algorithms. Themulti-scale algorithm recovers boundaries that more accu-rately describe the shape of the main object in each of theimages. Fig 5a shows the mean error for each of the algo-rithms over the complete testing set. The results indicatethat the multi-scale method outperforms the competing al-gorithms. The error values show high correlation betweenthe algorithms (e.g. the R2 correlation between the errorvalues for MS and RC is .37), so the absolute error may notbe very informative. To verify that the difference is mean-ingful, we computed the relative errors of SS, RC, and EJtaking the multi-scale error as a baseline (this is just the dif-ference of the corresponding errors on each image). Fig. 5bshows the mean relative errors of SS, RC, and EJ with re-gard to the multi-scale algorithm. Here, positive scores in-dicate that the corresponding algorithm has larger error onaverage compared to the multi-scale method. A standardt-test on the relative error measurements indicates that theobserved differences are statistically significant with 95%confidence. It is clear from these results that the multi-scalealgorithm is significantly superior to the single-scale ver-sion of the method, and that in general, it outperforms othersingle-scale grouping algorithms. It is worth pointing outthat the test images constitute difficult perceptual organiza-tion problems, so the enhanced robustness that results fromthe use of multi-scale information is an important result. It











1Mean error across all images



MultiscaleSingle−scaleRatio−ContourEstrada & Jepson










0.45Mean relative errors



e E


SS vs. MSRC vs. MSEJ vs. MS

Figure 5. Error data for the grouping algorithms on our test imageset. a) Mean absolute error for each algorithm. b) Mean relativeerror of alternate algorithm with regard to multi-scale.

should be noted that the multi-scale method described heremust solve ((M − 1) × (P + 1)) + 1 individual groupingproblems for an M -level Gaussian pyramid. Run-time forour current (Matlab) implementations is between 45 min.and 1 hr. for the multi-scale method, and between 3 and5 min. for the single-scale version. RC and EJ (both ofwhich are binary packages) take less than 1 min. to com-plete.

8. Discussion

Even with the use of multi-scale information, our algo-rithm can miss object boundaries in complex images. Inparticular, we have noticed degraded performance at fullresolution, this may be due to a number of factors. The al-gorithm has no prior model for shapes, it can be led into ex-tracting complicated boundaries winding their way throughregions rich in structured texture (which, incidentally, areusually associated with high boundary energy). In additionto this, we have noticed that the geometric mean we use toestimate the quality of a contour is probably not the optimalmeasure on natural images. In general, the boundaries thatresulted in the smallest error with regard to the ground-truthwere ranked outside of the top 5 contours. Given that ouralgorithm chooses the best contours at each scale to refine athigher resolutions, the use of a more robust quality measureshould improve upon the results presented above. It seemslikely that such a measure would take into account not onlythe shape of the boundary and the relationship between fea-tures along the contour, but also the appearance of imageregions inside and outside the hypothesized contour. Thedevelopment of an appropriate measure of contour qualitythat yields good results on natural images is one of our cur-rent research topics.

Another interesting direction for future research is theaddition of a prior global shape model based on naturalscene statistics. Such a model could be used not only toguide the formation of boundaries, but also to evaluate theextracted contours. The main difficulty here is in devel-oping a shape model that can be used to give both localpredictions for suitable grouping directions, and global es-timates of the quality of an extracted shape. Finally, current

research by one of the authors [9] shows that the use of ap-pearance information from regions near a growing contourresults in significantly better contour detection at a particu-lar (single) scale.

9. Conclusion and Future Work

We have presented a Bayesian, coarse-to-fine frameworkfor boundary detection. Our algorithm exploits reducedsearch complexity in low-resolution images to generate a setof coarse contour hypotheses, these boundaries are later re-fined until detailed object contours are obtained at the finestscale. Since the coarse contours capture general shape in-formation, the procedure is less likely to be misled by thelarge amounts of texture and detail that exist at higher res-olutions. We have shown that the proposed algorithm isable to detect complex object boundaries in images wherea single-scale grouping algorithm would fail. We evaluatedour algorithm on images from the BSD, and out results indi-cate that the multi-scale procedure yields, on average, bet-ter boundaries than alternate grouping algorithms. This isa promising result, and it is our hope that it will encouragefurther research in multi-scale boundary detection.

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