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QPCODE 59O91 Page No..... 1

M.Sc., (I.T) Degree Examinations

November / December 2013 (C.B.C Scheme)

(Distance Education)

MSIT - FC: FOUNDATION COURSE Time: 3 hrs] [Max. Marks: 100

Note : 1. Part - A compulsory. Answer all the questions

2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART - B


Answer All the questions: 25 Marks

1) What is Computer? List out the applications of computer. 3 Marks

2) What is software? Explain the types of software. 3 Marks

3) Write a note on structures? 3 Marks

4) What is flowchart? Explain various symbols used in flowchart. 4 Marks

5) Explain different programming languages. 3 Marks

6) Give the difference between recursion and iteration. 4 Marks

7) What is an assembler? 2 Marks

8) What is meant by Simplified Instructional Computer (SIC)? 3 Marks


Answer any FIVE questions: 5 x 15 = 75 Marks

1) a) Explain the basic computer organization. 9 Marks

b) Eist and explain different input devices. 6 Marks

2) a) Explain the different notations used to measure time complexity of an

algorithm. 8 Marks

b) Write an algorithm to find the largest of three numbers. 7 Marks

3) a) Explain different data types used in C - language. 8 Marks

b) What is an arithmetic expression? Explain their priorities. 7 Marks

4) Explain different control structures used in C. 15 Marks

5) a) What is multidimensional array? Write a C program to add two matrices. 9 Marks

b) With an example describe the different logical operators used in C. 6 Marks


QP CODE 59O91 Page No..... 2 6) a) What is function? Explain different parameter passing mechanisms. 9 Marks

b) What is stack? Write the functions for PUSH and POP procedure. 6 Marks

7) a) Explain Pentium Pro Architecture. 9 Marks

b) What is Compiler? What are the steps involved in compilation process. 6 Marks

8) Write short note on the following: 3x5 = 15 Marks

a) Memory

b) Preprocessor Directives

c) Computer network


Q.P. Code. No. 59001 Page No.....1

First Semester M.Sc., (IT) Degree Examinations

November /December 2013

(Distance Education)

MSIT- 11: Total Personality Development Programme

Time: 3 hrs.] [Max. Marks: 100

Note : 1. Answer Part - A is compulsory

2. Answer any FIVE full questions from Part – B.

PART -A 25 Marks

1. _ ___ means exchanging views through language or body language. 1

2. List out your knowledge and skills which would help you to get selected for a job. 3

3. What are letters? What is the Significance of it? 3

4. Write a note on Communication skills ? 3

5. What is a Fax ? Why it is reliable ? 3

6. What is a topic sentence ? Why is it important ? 3

7. What are the qualities of a Good paragraph ? 3

8. What is Memo ? 3

9. List the various uses of a Dictionary. 3


1. a) Briefly explain some of the Tips for Time Management

b) Describe Herzberg's motivation - hygiene theory. (8+7)

2. a) Prepare a Good Bio-data of yourself.

b) Briefly write out a preparation plan for a interview for software Engineer's post.


3. a) Write a letter to the controller of examinations of your university informing that

you have received the wrong set of certificates and also ask for the correct ones.

b) What is Memo ? How is it different from a letter (8+7)

4. a) What are Primary Characteristics that make people Creative?

b) List out the important qualities needed to be a team player. (8+7)

5. a) Briefly explain some of the Letter Writing Tips.

b) Discus the Characteristics of a Good paragraph. . (8+7)


Q.P. Code. No. 59001 Page No... 2

6. a) What is skimming ? What are the two basic features of Skimming?

b) Describe the good features of a Speech. Explain the importance of body

language. (8+7)

7. a) What are Linking Devices ?Why are they important?

b) List the various uses of a Dictionary. (8+7)

8. a) What are Writing skills ? What is the importance of acquiring writing skills?

b) Write a note on Characterization of Successful people. (8+7)


Q.P. Code No. 59002 Page No... 1

First Semester M.Sc., (IT) Degree Examinations

November /December 2013

(Distance Education)

MSIT-12 : Software Engineering

Time:3hrs.] [Max. Marks: 100

Note : 1. Answer Part -A is compulsory

2. Answer any FIVE full questions from Part - B.

PART - A 1. Software Engineering is a __________ 1

2. General Characteristics of software are the areas of software application

and ______. 3

3. Define Prototyping briefly. 3

4. SRS Stands for ________ ?

5. What is Software Design ? 3

6. The design process for the software has two levels ______ and _______ 2

7. Define Software validation .Briefly explain. 3

8. Define Basic path Testing. Briefly explain. 3

9. Write a note on Debugging. 3

10. What is UML ? List types of them. 3


1. a) What are the characteristics of a Good Software? Discuss.

b) Discuss Software process with generic activities in software process. (8+7)

2. a) Define software Process Model and discuss Prototype model.

b) Briefly explain the Spiral model with neat diagram. (8+7)

3. a) Why we need SRS? Discuss what SRS should include.

b) Compare and Contrast Cohesion and Coupling. . (8+7)

4. a) Briefly explain General Software Design Principles.

b) Describe Software Testing Strategies. . (8+7)

5. a) Discuss Software Testing with black Box and White Box Testing.

b) Explain Metrics for Software Testing. . . (8+7)


Q.P. Code No. 59002 Page No... 2 6. a) Briefly Discuss Project Management Activities.

b) What are Metrics for Software Quality ? Briefly Explain. (8+7)

7. a) Bring out the differences between verification and validation used in Software

Quality Assurance Activities,

b) Discuss OOA with Generic Components of OOA model. (8+7)

8. a) Discuss Clean Room Software Engineering.

b) Explain the concept of Reuse Process Model. . (8+7)


Q.P. Code, No. 59003 Page No... 1

First Semester M.Sc., (IT) Degree Examinations

November /December 2013

(Distance Education)


Time: 3 hrs./ /Max. Marks: 100

Note : 1. Answer Part - A is compulsory

2. Answer any FIVE full questions from Part - B.

PART-A 1. OOP stands for _______. , 1

2.Polymorphism means one name and ______ 1

3.List various Basic concepts of OOP. 3

4. Distinguish between Objects and classes. 3

5. Define JVM and functionality of JRE. 3

6. Why is JAVA known as Platform Neutral Language ? 3

7. List various tools available in JDK. 3

8. Give one significance of main method in JAVA. 3

9. List different types of Operators used in JAVA. 3

10. The term _______ refers to a class's direct Ancestor. 1

11. An interface can't implement any methods. (True/False) 1

PART-B 1. a) Distinguish between.

i) Objects and Classes ii) Data Abstraction and Data Abstraction

b) List few areas of Application of OOP technology. (8+7)

2. a) Briefly highlight features of JAVA.

b) Explain JAVA Environment with JAVA Standard Library and API. (8+7)

3. Explain the following terms with an example.

a) Abstract class b) Interface c) Polymorphism d) Superclass e) Applet (15)

4. a) Write a program in JAVA to perform Linear search ?

b) Briefly explain different types of Branching Statements in JAVA. (8+7)


Q.P. Code. No. 59003 Page No... 2

5. a) Distinguish between String and String Buffer class.

b) Briefly explain types of inheritance. . (8+7)

6. a) Define Visibility Control, List and briefly explain them.

b) Distinguish between Final and abstract Classes. (8+7)

7. a) Define a Package give the procedure to create your own packages.

b) With diagram explain the five Life Cycle Stages of Applet. (8+7)

8. a) Design an Applet to display your name and address.

b) Define layout managers in AWT and briefly explain them. . (8+7)


Q.P. Code No. 59OO4 Page No... 1

First Semester M.Sc., (IT) Degree Examinations

November /December 2013

(Distance Education)

MSIT-14 Relational Database Management System

Time: 3 hrs. / [Max. Marks: 100

Note : 1. Answer Part -A is compulsory

2. Answer any FIVE full questions from Part - B.


1. Define Data Abstraction. List several level of Abstraction. , 3

2. List 2 different types of Data Independence. 2

3. List 2 important types of Data Models. 2

4. Define Entity, Attributes and Domain ? 3

5. Define Keys. List different types of keys. 3

6. Give the Syntax of Select Operator with example ? 3

7. What is integrity constraint? Briefly explain. 3

8. What is SQL ? Give the classification of SQL. 3

9. What is virtual Table ? How do you define it ? . 3

PART-B 1. a) What is database? Differentiate File System and Database System.

b) Write a Simple ER Diagram for Student Database ? (8+7)

2. a) Define Attributes. Explain different types of it.

b) With diagram briefly explain Database design process. . (8+7)

3. a) Define and explain different types of keys.

b) List and briefly explain different types of entity relationships. (8+7)

4. a) What are the Data types present in SQL ? Explain with example.

b) What is view in SQL ? Explain with one SQL Query. . (8+7)

5. a) Explain transitive dependency and 3NF with example.

b) Briefly explain rules of BCNF. . (8+7)

6. a) Explain Insert, Update and Delete Statements in SQL.

b) Define Transaction. Give Properties for it. (8+7)


Q.P. Code No. 59004 Page No... 2

7. a) Explain Two Phase Commit ?

b) Define Shadow paging. Explain with example. . . (8+7)

8. a) Explain Mandatory Access Control for Multilevel Security.

b) With a neat diagram explain Public Key Encryption. . (8+7)


Q.P. Code No. 59021 Page No... 7

Second Semester M.Sc., (IT) Degree Examinations

November /December 2013

(Distance Education)

MSIT-21 Analysis and Design of Algorithm

Time: 3 hrs.j [Max. Marks: 100

Note : 1. Answer Part ~ A is compulsory

2. Answer any FIVE full questions from Part - B.

PART-A 1. Differentiate time complexity from space complexity. - 3

2. What is a recurrence equation ? 3

3. What is called a substitution method ? 2

4. What is an optimal solution ? 2

5. Define optimal binary search tree. 2

7. What is divide and conquer ? Explain with an example. 3

8. What is the difference between live node and a dead node ? 3

9. What is a biconnected graph ? 3

10. Define principle of optimal. 2

PART-B 1. a) Explain how time complexity is calculated ? Give an example.

b) Elaborate asymptotic notations with example. (8+7)

2. a) With a suitable algorithm, explain the problem of finding the maximum and

minimum items in a set of n elements.

b) Explain the merge sort problem using divide and conquer technique with example. .


3. a) Write down and explain the algorithm to solve all pairs shortest path problem.

b) Explain how dynamic programming is applied to solve travelling sales man

problem. (8+7)

4. a) Write a prim's algorithm and comment how it is different from Kruskal's algorithm.

b) Discuss the principle of back tracking. . . (8+7)


Q.P. Code No. 59021 Page No... 2

5. a) Discuss incidency matrix and adjacency list with an example of a graph.

b) Define principle of optimality. Write an algorithm to find all pair shortest paths.


6. a) Describe the backtracking solution to solve 4 queen problem.

b) Explain the greedy method with appropriate example. " (8+7)

7. a) Explain in detail the graph traversal.

b) For a directed graph of at least 4 vertices, find all pair shortest paths using

Floyd's algorithm. . . . (8+7)

8. a) What is 0/1 knapsack problem ? Find the optimal solution using dynamic

programming technique.

b) Explain the different operation that can be performed on stacks. . (8+7)


Q.P. Code 59022 Page No... 1

Second Semester M.Sc., (IT) Degree Examinations

November /December 2013

(Distance Education)

MSIT-22 Computer Networks -1

Time 3 hrs] [Max.Marks: 100

Note : 1. Answer Part - A is compulsory

2. Answer any FIVE full questions from Part - B.

PART-A 1. Define following terms i) protocol ii) internet. 2

2. What is communication network ? ' 2

3. Define synchronous TDM. 2

4. Differentiate between continuous signal and discrete signal. 3

5. Discuss the working of time division multiplexing. 2

6. Briefly explain CRC. 3

7. List various ARQ protocols. 2

8. List the various network topologies. Discuss one of them. 2

9. IEEE is ________ . 1

10. Give comparison between LAN, MAN and WAN with example. 3

11. FDDI stands for __________ 1

12. What is amplitude modulation ? 2


1. a) What is data communication ? What are its characteristics ? Explain..

b) Describe with neat diagram the functionalities of each layer in the OSI model.


2. a) Explain the transmission modes..

b) Explain TCP/IP protocol architecture mode). . (8+7)

3. a) Explain the following random access protocols

i) CSMA ii) CSMA/CD.

b) Explain the Delta modulation. (8+7)

4. a) Explain space division and time division switching.

b) What do you mean by channelization ? Explain the protocols used for

channelization. . . (8+7)


Q.P. Code 59022 Page No... 2

5. a) Discuss the Bluetooth technology.

b) What is multiplexing? With neat diagram explain the FDM. (7+8)

6. a) Briefly explain twisted pair and optical cable, with their applications.

b) Describe the MAC layer in IEEE 802.11 standard. ' (8+7)

7. a) Explain SONET multiplexing.

b) With neat diagram explain the ATM architecture.. . . (7+8)

8. a) Explain stop and wait ARQ.

b) Explain the bridges and AMPS. . (7+8)


Q.P. Code 59023 Page No... 1

Second Semester M.Sc., (IT) Degree Examinations

November /December 2013

(Distance Education)

MSIT-23 Advanced Operating System

Time: 3 hrs.] [Max, Marks: 100

Note : I. Answer Part - A is compulsory

2. Answer any FIVE full questions from Part - B.


1 Define an Operating system. 2

2. What is symmetric multiprocessing system ? 2

3. Name any three secondary storage devices. 2

4. Differentiate between long term schedulers and short term schedulers. 3

5. What is PCB? 2

6. What are threads ? 2

7. What is paging? 2

8. Virus means _______ ? 1

9. What are semaphores ? . 3

10. What is job scheduling ? 2

11. UNIX provides ________ for interposes communication. 2

12. What is swapping ? 2

PART-B 1. a) Explain the role of operating system with user and system viewpoints.

b) Give the brief description of the evolution of operating system. (8+7)

2. a) Give the features of symmetric and asymmetric multiprogramming system,

b) Describe the process state with the help of state diagram. . (8+7)

3. a) What is multithreading ? Explain the benefits of multithreading programming.

b) Discuss various multithreading models with neat diagram. (7+8)

4. a) Define race condition. List the requirements that a solution to critical section problem must satisfy.

b) What are semaphores ? Explain two primitive semaphore operations . What are the

advantages of semaphores? . . (8+7)


Q.P. Code 59023 Page No... 2

5 a) Explain how resource allocation graph is used to describe deadlocks.

b) What are the different methods for handling deadlocks ? Explain Banker's

algorithm. (7+8)

6. a) What is segmentation ? Explain in detail.

b) What is a file ? What are the attributes of a file ? Write the operations on files.

What are the types of files ? ' (7+8)

7. a) Describe the following :

i) Semaphore ii) Wait ( ) operation iii) signal () operation

b) Discuss the various approaches, used for deadlock recovery. . (8+7)

8. Explain the following disk scheduling algorithm in brief with examples..

i) SSTF scheduling ii) SCAN scheduling iii) LOOK scheduling . (15)


Q.P. Code No. 59024 Page No... 1

Second Semester M.Sc., (IT) Degree Examinations

November /December 2013

(Distance Education)

MSIT - 24 : Advanced Java

Time:3hrs.] [Max. Marks: 100

Note : 1. Answer Part -A is compulsory

2. Answer any FIVE full questions from Part - B.

PART-A 1. Differentiate between character stream and byte stream classes. 2

2. What is a polymorphism ? 2

3. What are threads ? 2

4. What is the difference between object oriented and procedure oriented Language ? 3 ,

5. What is an adapter class ? 2

6. What are applets? 2

7. What is the difference between AWT and Swing ? 2

8. Why do you require collections ? 2

9. What is object instantiation ? 2

10. What is JDBC? 2

11. What are swings? 2

12. What is meant by JVM? 2

PART-B 1. a) Explain the characteristics of Java Programming language.

b) Explain different access specifiers in Java with example. (8+7)

2. a) Briefly explain the callable statement object. Write a program to cali a stored Procedure,

b) What are inner classes ? Write a program to demonstrate inner class.. (8+7)

3. a) What is sterilization ? How to achieve that ? Explain.

b) Explain the life cycle of a thread. . (8+7)

4. a) What arc database drivers ? Mention different types of drivers used in JDBC.

b) What is transaction processing ? Write a program to execute a database ransaction. . . (8+7)


Q.P. Code No. 59024 Page No... 2 5. a) What is an Applet ? Explain.

b) Write a program to demonstrate. J Button and J CheckBox on the frame. (7+8)

6. a) What is a Servlet ? Explain the life cycle of the Servlet.

b) What is a cookie ? List out the methods defined by cookie. Write a program in

HTML for adding a cookie. ' (7+8)

7. a) List out difference between CG1 and Servlets.

b) What is RMI concept ? Explain the server side and client side methods. (7+8)

8. a) Briefly describe the enterprise Java beans..

b) Explain the differences between session beans and entity beans. (7+8)


QP CODE 59092 Page No..... 1

M.Sc., (I.T) Degree Examinations

November / December 2013

(Distance Education)


Time: 3 hrs] [Max. Marks: 100

Note : 1. Part - A compulsory. Answer all the questions

2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART – B


Answer all the questions: 25 Marks

1) Give the differences between JAVA and C language. 4 Marks

2) Describe the applications of OOP. 3 Marks

3) What are asymptotic notations? Explain. 3 Marks

4) What is an array? Explain array representation. 3 Marks

5) What is Queue? List the operations performed on queues. 3 Marks

6) Explain time complexity of an algorithm. 3 Marks

7) What is an operating system? List different types of operating systems. 4 Marks

8) Explain Polymorphism. 2 Marks


Answer any FIVE questions: 5 x 15 = 75 Marks 1) a) Explain the basic concepts of object oriented programming. 8 Marks

b) Explain various tools available in JDK. 7 Marks

2) a) What is Stack? Explain different Stack operations. 8 Marks

b) What is recursion? Explain with an illustrative Java program. 7 Marks

3) a) Explain the OSI Reference Model. 10 Marks

b) Differentiate between LAN and WAN. 5 Marks

4) a) What is protocol? Explain Protocol architecture. 9 Marks

b) What is inheritance? Explain different types of inheritance. 6 Marks

5) How graph is represented on a computer? Explain Adjacency matrix representation.

15 Marks


QP CODE 59092 Page No..... 2 6) a) Explain any two modulation techniques. 10 Marks

b) Give difference between DFS and BFS. 5 Marks

7) Explain any three CPU scheduling algorithms. 15 Marks

8) Write a short notes on: 3x5=15 Marks

a) Multiprogramming

b) Primitive data structures

c) Process management


Q.P. Code No. 59041 Page No,.. 1

Third Semester M.Sc., (IT) Degree Examinations

November /December 2013 (Distance Education)

MSIT - 31 : Computer Networks - II Time: 3 hrs.] [Max. Marks: 100

Note : 1. Answer Part -A is compulsory

2. Answer any FIVE full questions from Part ~ B.

PART-A (5X5=25) 1. Explain the concepts of protocol and protocol architecture.

2. Describe the different address mechanism used in the TCP/IP model.

3. What are the services offered by TCP ?

4. Describe the control connection used in FTP.

5. Compare secret key and public key cryptographic systems.

PART-B (15X5=75) 1. a) Explain about the physical, data link and network layers in the OSI model.

b) Describe the TCP/IP protocol architecture. 8+7)

2. a) Describe IP datagram.

b) Explain IP routing table 8+7)

3. a) Describe process to - process communication.

b) Discuss UDP operations. . (8+7)

4. a) Differentiate Connectionless iterative server and connection - oriented concurrent server.

b) Describe data connection, communication and command processing concept in FTP. .

. (7+8)

5. a) Describe secret key cryptography concept.

b) Explain -the applications of cryptography to security. . (8+7)

6. a) What is TCP segment? Explain.

b) Explain the concept of query messages. ' (8+7)

7. a) Explain the way of UDP checksum computation.

b) How does file transfer occurs in FTP ? (8+7)


Q.P. Code No. 59O41 Page No... 2

8. Write a short notes on:

i) Network Security

ii) Three way Handshaking

iii) ICMP message types and format. . (5X3=15)


Q.P. Code No. 59042 Page No... 1

Third Semester M.Sc., (IT) Degree Examinations

November /December 2013

(Distance Education)

(CBS Scheme)

MSIT - 32 : Software quality & Testing

Time: 3 hrs] [Max.Marks: 100

Note : 1. Answer Part -A is compulsory

2. Answer any FIVE full questions from Part - B.

PART-A (5X5=25) 1. What is software testing ?

2. What are quality concepts ?

3. Explain rapid testing.

4. Explain testing of client? Server architecture.

5. Explain the benefits of extreme and testing.

PART-B (15X5=75) 1. a) What are the reasons for software bugs ?

b) Explain the basic principles of testing. (8+7)

2. a) Explain in detail, the review technique adopted in Quality Assurance.

b) Explain the process involved in code review. (8+7)

3. a) What is white box testing ? Explain.

b) Explain different methods available in black box testing with examples. (8+7)

4. a) Explain the need for GUI testing and its complexity.

b) Explain unit test method with the help of your own example. (8+7)

5. a) What is validation test? Explain.

b) What are the different levels network protocols testing ? Explain.. (8+7)

6. a) Explain test process cluster.

b) How to improve test process? Discuss (8+7)

7. a) Explain the metrics typically used within the testing process.

b) Explain the approaches to security testing. (8+7)


Q.P. Code No. 59O42 Page No... 2

8. Write a short notes on:

i) Test case design

ii) Code inspections

iii) Quality assurance - (5X3=15)


QP CODE 59043 Page No..... 1

Third Semester M.Sc., (I.T) Degree Examinations

November / December 2013

(C.B.C Scheme)

(Distance Education)

MSIT - 33: Data Ware Housing and Data Mining

Time: 3 hrs] [Max. Marks: 100

Note : 1. Part - A compulsory

2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART – B


I. Answers ALL the following questions: 5x5 =25 Marks 1) Explain architecture of load manager.

2) Explain the method of designing fact tables.

3) What is the role of indexing the summary tables?

4) What are the issues of data mining?

5) What is an error? Explain the classification of error.


II. Answer any FIVE questions: 5x15 =75 Marks

1) a) With the help of diagram, explain the typical process flow in a

data warehouse. 8 Marks

b) Explain the architecture of a data warehouse with a neat diagram. 7 Marks

2) a) Explain the star flake schemas. 8 Marks

b) Explain the method for designing of dimension tables. 7 Marks

3) a) What is normalization? Explain. 8 Marks

b) Explain horizontal and vertical partitioning in brief.

4) a) What are the aspects to be looked into while designing the summary tables? 8 Marks

b) Explain the role of access control issues in data mart design in detail. 7 Marks

5) a) Explain data warehouse process managers with neat diagram. 8 Marks

b) What purpose the metadata is used? Explain. 7 Marks


QP CODE 59O43 Page No..... 2

6) a) Explain the architecture of a data mining system in detail. 8 Marks

b) How data mining systems can be categorized. 7 Marks

7) a) What are the issues in data of mining? Discuss? 8 Marks

b) Explain the applications of mining. 7 Marks

8) Write a short notes on: 3 x 5 = 15 Marks

a) Aggregations

b) Schedule manager

c) Data cleaning


QP CODE 59044 Page No..... 1

Third Semester M.Sc., (LT) Degree Examinations

November / December 2013

(C.B.C Scheme)

(Distance Education)


Time: 3 hrs] [Max.. Marks: 100

Note : 1. Part - A compulsory

2. Answer any FIVE fall questions from PART - B


I Answer a/I the questions: 5x5 = 25 Marks

1) Explain the kernel level architecture of Linux system.

2) What is the property of Linux kernel?

3) What is virtual file system? Explain with its logical diagram.

4) Explain how pipes are used in IPC.

5) What is deadlock and how it is resolved using semaphores.


5x 15 -75 Marks

3) a) Explain the high level architecture of Linux system. 7 Marks

b) Explain with simple program, the complete procedure of implementing

a system call. 8 Marks

2) a) Name the system configuration files. Explain any two in detail. 8 Marks

b) What arc user programs? Explain any four re files. 7 Marks

3) a) With the architecture block diagram, explain the functions of

each component Linux system. 8 Marks

b) Explain any two kernel data structures. 7 Marks

4) a) Explain how file systems helps 1 n managing hardware resource. 8 Marks

b) Discuss the procedure of registering file system. 7 Marks

5) a) Define semaphore. Explain with its block diagram, how semaphores

helps in communication among processes. 8 Marks

b) Define process and explain context switch with an example. 7 Marks


QP CODE 59O44 Page No….. 2

6) a) Explain the segments of process with its block diagram. 8 Marks

b) With block diagram, explain the life cycle of a process. 7 Marks

7) a) Discuss in detail, the demand paging mechanism in Linux. 8 Marks

b) Explain ps command and give any two examples. 7 Marks

8) Write a short notes on: 3x5 = 15 Marks

a) Hash tables

b) Pipes

c) PS command


QP CODE 59045 Page No..... 1

Third Semester M.Sc., (I.T) Degree Examinations

November / December 2013

(C.B.C Scheme)

(Distance Educatiori)


Time: 3 hrs] [Max. Marks: 100

Note : 1. Part - A compulsory

2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART - B


I. Answers ALL the following questions: 5x5-25 Marks

1) List three types of PKRL variables.

2) Explain form interaction with CGI.

3) List the advantages and disadvantages of SSI.

4) What is DHTML? Explain.

5) Write a note on Errors in CGI applications.


II. Answer any Five full question: 5 x 15 - 75 Marks

1) a) Explain internal working of CGI. 8

b) Describe how to configure CGI server? 7

2) a) Write a descriptive note on Perl variables. 10

b) Write a Perl program to display digital clock which displays the current time of the server. 5

3) a) What is the use o “Expires” and “Pragma” headers? 7

b) With a neat diagram explain how form interacts with CGI. 8

4) a) Explain “Config”, "include" and “Flastmod” directives of SSI. 7

b) What are the applications of SSI? Explain. 8

5) a) Explain “http” “Query string” and “self url”. 7

b) Explain the syntax of HTML : : Template. 8


QP CODE 59045 Page No..... 2

6) a) What is How input is handled in 8

b) Explain loops and conditionals in HTML : : Template. 7

7) a) What is XML? Explain the advantages of XML. 7

b) Write a PUP program to demonstrate biggest of three numbers. 8

8} a) Explain any four Perl coding techniques. 10

b) Write a perl program to check the number of characters in a string. 5


QP CODE 59046 Page No..... 1

Third Semester M.Sc.s (I.T) Degree Examinations

November / December 2013

(C.B.C Scheme)

(Distance Education)


Time: 3 hrs] [Max. Marks: 100

Note : I. Part - A compulsory

2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART - B


I. Answers ALL the following questions: 5x5 = 25

1) Compare OSI and TCIVIP reference models.

2) How can signals he used for IPC?

3) What are IP address? Explain

4) Explain network utility functions.

5) What are HTTP status codes?


Answer any FIVE questions: 5x15 =75 Marks

1) a) Describe UDP datagram and TCP segment format. What are their applications?

8 Marks

b) Why is fragmentation necessary'? How is it done? 7 Marks

2) a) Explain Semaphores. 7 Marks

b) With a neat diagram, explain the working of a FIFO. 8 Marks

3) a) Give BSD syslog facility used for daemon. 8 Marks

b) List the basic rules for coding a daemon. 7 Marks

4) a) What are system calls? Explain process control system calls. 8 Marks

b) Explain RAW sockets. 7 Marks

5) a) Explain the internal working of CGI. 8 Marks

b) Illustrate GET and POST methods for accessing information from the

web server. 7 Marks


QP CODE 59O46 Page No..... 2

6) a) Explain the concept of shared memory. 8 Marks

b) How do you create and assign an address to the socket. 7 Marks

7) a) Compare IPV4 and IPV6. 8 Marks

b) Describe message queues and controlling message queues. 7 Marks

8) Write a short notes on: 3x5- 15 Marks

a) IP datagram

b) I PC

c) CGi and its applications


QP CODE 59047 Page No..... 1

Third Semester M.Sc., (I.T) Degree Examinations

November / December 2013

(C.B.C Scheme)

(Distance Education)


Time: 3 hrs] [Max. Marks: 100

Note : 1. Part - A compulsory

2. Answer any FIVE fall questions from PART- B


I. Answer ALL the questions: 5 x 5 =25 Marks

1) What is Modem?

2) What is an image? I low ii is represented?

3) What is Touch Screen? Where it is used?

4) List the network characteristics suitable for multimedia communication system.

5) Discuss round robin scheduling.


II. Answer any FIVE questions: 5 x 15 - 75 Marks

1) a) What are the main properties of multimedia system? 8 Marks

b) Explain the applications of multimedia. 7 Marks

2) a) List and explain image file formats. 8 Marks

b) Draw and explain a digital video system. 7 Marks

3) a) What is data compression? Explain lossless and lossy compression technique.

8 Marks

b) What is MPHG? How video encoding is done using this? 7 Marks

4) a) Briefly explain all multimedia output devices. 8 Marks

b) Explain the various hardware components of multimedia computer. 7 Marks

5) a) What arc the general goals of multimedia system? 8 Marks

b) Explain the components of multimedia communication system. 7 Marks

6) a) List and explain design goals of multimedia system. 8 Marks

b) What is ATM? Explain its characteristics. 7 Marks


QP CODE 59O47 Page No..... 2

7) a) Discuss the features oi'XTP. 8 Marks

b) What is RSVP? What are its features? ' 7 Marks

8) Write a short notes on: 3x5 = 15 Marks

a) Run length coding


c) Hyper media and Hyper text


QP CODE 59048 Page No..... 1

Third Semester M.Sc., (I.T) Degree Examinations

November / December 2013

(C.B.C Scheme)

(Distance Education)


Time: 3 hrs] [Max. Marks: 100

Note : 1. Part - A compulsory

2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART - B


I. Answers ALL the following questions: 5x5 = 25 Marks

1) Define pattern recognition. Explain implications of pattern recognition.

2) Explain the motivation for pattern recognition.

3) What is histogram? Explain

4) Explain computational complexity.

5) What is clustering? Explain similarity measures.


II. Answer any FIVE questions: 5x15 =75 Marks

1) a) Discuss applications of pattern recognition. 8 Marks

b) What is machine perception? Discuss with an example. 7 Marks

2) a) Explain methodology of pattern recognition. 10 Marks

b) List the fundamental problems in pattern recognition system. 5 Marks

3) a) Discuss linear and non linear decision rule for two class problem, with

neat diagram 8 Marks

b) How classification can be done using statistical methods? Discuss with example.

7 Marks

4) a) Explain different components of atypical pattern recognition system. 8 Marks

b) Explain different learning methods. 7 Marks

5) a) Explain Bayesian decision theory for two category classification. 8 Marks

b) Explain multivariate normal density function. 7 Marks


QP CODE 59048 Page No..... 2

6 a) What is nearest neighbor rule? Explain K - Nearest neighbor rule. 8 Marks

b) Explain unsupervised maximum likelihood estimation. 7 Marks

7) a) Distinguish between Agglomerative and Divisive methods of clustering. 8 Marks

b) With suitable example explain:

i) Single linkage method ii) Complete linkage method 7 Marks

8) Write short Notes on: 3x5=15 Marks

a) Use of Cluster analysis

b) Isodata method f

c) Dynamic cluster method


QP CODE 59049 Page No..... 1

Third Semester M.Sc., (I.T) Degree Examinations

November / December 2O13

(C.B.C Scheme)

(Distance Education)


Time: 3 hrs] [Max. Marks: 100

Note : 1. Part - A compulsory

2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART - B


I. Answers ALL the following questions: 5x5 = 25 Marks

1) E -Commerce is the new mantra of Business — Explain.

2) Discuss the Significance of legislation.

3) Discuss the current forms of computer crime.

4) Discuss the policy approaches to privacy issues.

5) Write a note on electronic governance.


II. Answer any FIVE questions: 5x15 =75 Marks

1) a) Discuss the nature and features of the internet. 8 Marks'

b) Discuss the impact of the information technology revolution in society. 7 Marks

2) a) Explain the different sources of law. 8 Marks

b) Distinguish between the different branches of law. 7 Marks

3) a) What is common law? How does it differ from codified law? 7 Marks

b) Discuss the current forms of computer crime. 8 Marks

4) a) State and discuss the primary assumptions of a legal system. 8 Marks

b) Discuss the classification of crimes under the IT Act. 2000. 7 Marks

5) a) Discuss the importance of digital signatures in the formation of a contract. 8 Marks

b) What are the remedies for the breach of a contract? 7 Marks

Contd... ....2

QP CODE 59O49 Page No..... 2

6) a) Define IPR. Discuss the role of intellectual Property in developing countries.

8 Marks

b) Write a note on Domain name and Domain name process. 7 Marks

7) a) Explain the term digital signature. What is a digital signature certificate?

8 Marks

b) What is meant by unauthorized access to a computer under the provision of

the IT Act, 2000. 7 Marks

8) Write a short notes on: 3x5 = 15 Marks

a) Cyber Contract

b) Enforcement rights

c) Power to adjudicate


QP CODE 59O50 Page No..... 1

Third Semester JVLSc., (LT) Degree Examinations

November / December 2013

(C.B.C Scheme)

(Distance Education)


Time: 3 hrs] [Max. Marks: 100

Note : 1. Part - A compulsory. Answer all the questions

2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART - B

PART - A Answer All the questions: 25 Marks

1) What is Computer data storage? Explain its types. 4 Marks

2) Define Primary and Secondary Storage. 2 Marks

3) Explain the characteristics of hard drives. 4 Marks

4) Explain briefly the type of DVD is? 4 Marks

5) List out SCSI functions and their categories. 5 Marks

6) What is the primary difference between RAID - 3 and RAID - 5? 4 Marks

7) What is stripe? How is stripe - size determined? 2 Marks


Answer any FIVE questions: 5x15 =75 Marks

1) a) List out the characteristics of storage. 9 Marks

b) Define Compact Disk. Explain its types 6 Marks

2) a) Explain different types of communication takes piace in I/O Devices. 6 Marks

b) Explain the working and construction of Compact Disk. 9 Marks

3) a) With a neat sketch explain the components of magnetic tape and list out

advantages and disadvantages of it. 8 Marks

b) What arc topologies? Explain different Fibre channel topologies. 7 Marks

4) a) What is Cache? Explain the operation of Cache. 6 Marks

b) With a neat diagram, explain different units of storage in computer. 9 Marks

Contd......... ...2

QP CODE 59O5O Page No..... 2

5) a) Define File System and give example with a diagram. 8 Marks

b) Explain the structure of I/O bus system. 7 Marks

6) a) Explain SAN Component layered structure. 10Marks

b) What is data security? Identify best practices for maintaining data security. 5 Marks

7) a) Explain Backup and Recovery. 10 Marks

b) Explain Storage virtualization. 5 Marks

8) Write short note on the following: 3x5 = 15 Marks

a) IP SAN Protocols

b) Data Management

c) ILM


QP CODE 59051 Page No..... 1

Third Semester M.Sc.7 (LT) Degree Examinations

November / December 2O13

(C.B.C Scheme)

(Distance Education)


Time: 3 hrs] [Max. Marks: 100

Note : 1. Part - A compulsory. Answer all the questions

2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART - B


Answer All the questions: 5 x 5 = 25 Marks

1) Explain router boot process

2) List the difference between routers running configuration and running configuration.

3) What is dynamic routing?

4) What is router authentication?

5) What are the types of OSPF routers?


Answer any FIVE questions: 5x15 =75 Marks

1) a) Discuss main memory areas within a Cisco router. 8 Marks

b) Briefly discuss system configuration dialog wizard. 7 Marks

2) a) Explain the router boot process. 8 Marks

b) How to test connectivity in the router? Discuss with example. 7 Marks

3) a) Explain a routed network with simple example. 8 Marks

b) Write a note on static routing and dynamic routing. 7 Marks

4) a) Explain routing information protocol (RIP). 8 Marks

b) Distinguish between OSPF and distance vector routing protocol. 7 Marks

5) a) Explain access list types exist in Cisco 1OS. 7 Marks

b) How to apply access lists to interfaces in order to filter traffic. 8 Marks

6) a) Explain Cisco switching methods. 8 Marks

b) What are the benefits of VLANs? 7 Marks


QP CODE 59051 Page No..... 2

7) a) Explain the different features of IPV6 protocol. 10 Marks

b) What are the two types of authentication used in wireless technology? Discuss. 5 Marks

8) Write short note on the following: 3x5=15 Marks

a) Point to Point protocol

b) NAT and PAT

c) Wireless networks


QP CODE 59061 Page No..... 1

Fourth Semester M.Sc., (I.T) Degree Examinations

November / December 2O13

(C.B.C Scheme)

(Distance Education)


Time: 3 hrs] [Max. Marks: 100

Note : 1. Part - A compulsory

2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART - B


I. Fill the following blanks with suitable words: 12x1 = 12 Marks

1) Four quality measures are : ______ , _______ , ______ and validation.

2) Good design stipulates high _______ and low _______.

3) Three types of abstraction are - _______, _______ , _______ .

4) _______ is a set of structural relationships among classes.

5) To create a modeling language usable by _______ and _______.

6) _______ reduces risk and increases predictability.

7) The UML provides a _______ for software blueprints.

8) _______ binds the modeling elements.

9) The middle compartment holds a _______

10) Template class is the _______

11) Software components instances represent _______ manifestations of code units.

12) _______ is called the Multiplicity of an association.

II. Answer the following questions: 13 x 1 =13 Marks

1) Define a method.

2) What are traditional methods?

3) Define object oriented analysis.

4) What is an abstract class? - .

5) Define a link.

6) What is incremental process?

7) Define operation.


QP CODE 59061 Page No..... 2

8) What do you mean by Dependency?

9) What is collaboration diagram?

10) Define constraint.

11) WhatisUML?

12) Define multiplicity.

13) What is activation?


III. Answer the following question, select any FIVE questions: 5x 15 =75 Marks

1) a) What are the characteristics of traditional methods? Explain. 8 Marks

b) What are the merits of object oriented approach? Explain. 7 Marks

2) a) What is delegation? Explain with an example. 8 Marks

b) What do you mean by Polymorphism? Explain. 7 Marks

3) a) What are links? Explain with example. 8 Marks

b) Explain the different kinds of relationship among classes with example. 7 Marks

4) a) With diagram explain the Unified Approach - process and components 8 Marks

b) Briefly describe the User Interface Layer. 7 Marks

5) a) Explain the steps in UML. 8 Marks

b) Explain the UML diagrams. 7 Marks

6) a) Explain briefly the concept of Operation with example. 8 Marks

b) Briefly explain the interface and Packages. 7 Marks

7) a) How to eliminate' unnecessary Associations? Explain 8 Marks

b) Explain the kinds of Associations. 7 Marks

8) a) Briefly explain Static view diagrams 8 Marks

b) What are class diagram? With example explain briefly. 7 Marks


QP CODE 59062 Page No..... 1

Fourth Semester M.Sc., (I.T) Degree Examinations

November / December 2013

(C.B.C Scheme)

(Distance Education)


Time; 3 hrsj [Max. Marks: 100

Note : 1. Part - A compulsory

2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART - B

PART - A Answer the following questions, EACH carries ONE mark. (25 Marks)

I. Fill the following blanks with suitable word: 18x1 =18 Marks

1) Mobile computing is also called as _______.

2) OMG stands for _______.

3) The two kinds of system model are _______ and _______.

4) IP address has _______ number of classes.

5) MAN means _______.

6) Serialization is achieved by creating an instance of the class _______.

7) RFC stands for _______.

8) An object becomes remote by implementing a _______.

9) A _______ is a file that provides a mapping from text names to internal file identifiers.

10) AFS stands for _______.

11) A _______ clock is maintained by the operating system from the hardware clock.

12) Internal synchronization is also known as _______.

13) The key properties of a useful mutual exclusion algorithm are: __ ,___ and ___ .

14) A _________transaction runs on _______ entities.

15) ACID stands for _______, _______, _______ and _______.

16) JVM stands for _______

17) Work harder refers to _______

18) _______ provides domain independent interfaces and capabilities that are used by DOC



QP CODE 59O62 Page No..... 2

II. Say TRUE or FALSE: 7x1 =07 Marks

1) Resource sharing is a disadvantage of distributed system

2) A cache is used to avoid performance bottlenecks and reduce network traffic

3) LAN is used for small area

4) Any number of senders can send message to a port

5) IDL syntax is drawn from C++

6) TCP is a connection oriented protocol

7) ORB is a logical component of the COBRA standard


Answer the following question, select any FIVE questions: 5 x 15 =15 Marks

1) a) Explain any two examples of distributed system. 8 Marks

b) Explain the properties of distributed system. 7 Marks

2) a) Explain different types of fundamental models. 8 Marks

b) List the advantages and disadvantages of middleware. 7 Marks

3) a) Explain the concept of firewalls 8 Marks

b) Explain any two routing algorithms. 7 Marks

4) a) Explain the steps of server program. 8 Marks

b) Explain the concepts of ports and unix sockets. 7 Marks

5) a) Explain the concept of DCOM. 8 Marks

b) Explain similarities and differences between CORBA and DCOM. 7 Marks

6) a) Explain the requirements of DPS. 8 Marks

b) Briefly explain the server and client setup in NFS. 7 Marks

7) a) Explain happened-before relation. 8 Marks

b) Explain different types of synchronization. 7 Marks

8) a) Explain two - phase commit protocol. 8 Marks

b) Explain distributed deadlock with an example. 7 Marks


QP CODE 59063 Page No..... 1

Fourth Semester M.Sc., (I.T) Degree Examinations

November / December 2013

(C.B.C Scheme)

(Distance Education)


Time: 3 hrs] Max. Marks: 100

Note : 1. Part - A compulsory

2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART - B


I. Answers ALL the following questions: 5x5 = 25 Marks

1) Name the three broad phases of consumer's perspective.

2) Why does an ATM does not involve a computer at customer's level?

3) What is the need for market place interacts?

4) What is the main disadvantages of bill boards?

5) List the policy guidelines to be followed for security.


II. Answer any FIVE questions: 5x15 =75 Marks

1) a) Before the advent of networks, how was data being transferred between computer

7 Marks

b) Name and explain two areas which are reasons of worry in e - commerce. 8 Marks

2) a) Name the three classes of e - commerce application based on transactions. 8 Marks

b) Give the architectural framework for e - commerce. 7 Marks

3) a) List the desirable characteristics of e - commerce marketplace. 8 Marks

b) Explain mercantile model from the merchant's perspective. 7 Marks

4) a) With the help of a block diagram explain information flow in EDI. 8 Marks

b) List the tangible benefits of EDI. 7 Marks

5) a) List and explain various issues to be addressed while designing e - payment system.

8 Marks

b) List and explain the categories of credit card payment system on - line network.

7 Marks


QP CODE 59063 Page No..... 2

6) a) Give the meaning for new age of information based management. 8 Marks

b) What is Micromarketing? Sap lain different type of Micromarkcting. 7 Marks

7) a) List and explain technological components of education on - demand. 8 Marks

b) Describe in detail the electronic publishing process. 7 Marks

8) Write a short notes on: 3x5 = 15 Marks

a) Security threats


c) Electronic Publishing


QP CODE 59O64 Page No..... 1

Fourth Semester M.Sc., (I.T) Degree Examinations

November / December 2013

(C.B.C Scheme)

(Distance Education)


Time: 3 hrs.] [Max, Marks: 100

Note : 1. Part - A compulsory

2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART - B


I. Answers ALL the following questions: 5x5 - 25 Marks

1) How a desktop PC is different from embedded system?

2) Write note on SHARC bus

3) List the various mobile/handheld operating system explain any two.

4) Explain various components of USB interface.

5) Explain Irda interface.


II. Answer any FJVE questions: 5x15 - 75 Marks

1) a) What are the communication interfaces an embedded system can have? 7 Marks

b) Discuss the hardware architecture of a typical embedded system using

a block diagram 8 Marks

2) a) What are state diagrams? Discuss the state diagram for the bus read transaction?

7 Marks

b) With a liming diagram explain the operation of a Dynamic RAM? 8 Marks

3) a) Discuss some of the main difference of among the various off the shelf operating

system. 8 Marks

b) Discuss the features of embedded NT operating system? 7 Marks

4) a) Discuss the device driver traditional development techniques. 7 Marks

b) What are the visual development tools available for device driver development?

Explain its features 8 Marks


QP CODE 59064 Page No..... 2

5) a) Explain why communication interfaces are necessary for an embedded system?

7 Marks

b) Explain the salient feature of Bluetooth technology. 8 Marks

6) a) Discuss the features of IEEE 802.11 standard? 7 Marks

b) What is Ethernet? Explain how it works. 8 Marks

7) a) Explain the functional organization of the SA1110 based reference board? 7 Marks,

b) List some of the important products where SA1110 processors are used? 8 Marks

8) Write a short notes on:

a) I/O Devices - 10 Marks

b) Real lime operating system 5 Marks


QP CODE 59O65 Page No..... 1

Fourth Semester M.Sc., (I.T) Degree Examinations

November / December 2O13

(C.B.C Scheme)

(Distance Education)


Time: 3 hrs] [Max. Marks: 100

Note : 1. Part - A compulsory

2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART - B


I. Answers ALL the following questions: 5x5 =25 Marks

1) Digital image with required mathematical expression.

2) Explain arithmetic and logic operation on digital image.

3) Explain any one image data structures.

4) Name the properties of 2 - D fourier transform.

5) Discuss the purpose of image pre - processing.


II. Answer any FIVE questions. 5x15 =75 Marks

1) a) Briefly explain the fundamental steps in digital image processing. 10 Marks

b) Discuss any one property of digital image. 5 Marks

2) a) Show that discrete fourier transforms and its inverse are periodic function. 9 Marks

b) Discuss any one gradient operator for edge detection. 6 Marks

3) a) Explain RGB and HSV colour model. 8 Marks

b) Briefly explain FFT algorithm with required equations. 7 Marks

4) a) What is image restoration? With an example explain image restoration model.

8 Marks

b) Explain discrete cosine transformation with suitable equation. 7 Marks

5) a) With help of block diagram explain image compression model. 8 Marks

b) Compare and contrast adaptive and non - adaptive transform coding. 7 Marks


QP CODE 59065 Page No..... 2

6) a) Briefly explain lossy predictive coding. 8 Marks

b) Discuss region based image segmentation. 7 Marks

7) a) List out the merits and demerits of thresholding. 6 Marks

b) Briefly discuss the techniques for detecting discontinuities in an image. 9 Marks

8) Write short note on the following: 3x5 = 15 Marks

a) Sampling

b) K -1 transform

c) Pseudo-color image processing


QP CODE 59066 Page No..... 1

Fourth Semester M.Sc., (LT) Degree Examinations

November / December 2O13 (C.B.C Scheme)

(Distance Education)

MSIT - 4D: MOBILE COMPUTING Time: 3 hrs] [Max. Marks: 100

Note : 1. Part - A compulsory

2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART – B


i) Answers ALL the following questions: 5x5 =25 Marks

1) What is wearable computing? List out the technological applications of mobile


2) What is multiplexing? Mention the advantages of multiplexing.

3) Explain bearer service in GSM.

4) Discuss hidden and exposed terminal problem.

5) List the advantages and disadvantages of hiperlanl.



Answer any FIVE questions: 5x15 =75 Marks

1) a) Briefly discuss the development of wireless communication in India. 8 Marks

b) What is multipath propagation? Explain different types fading. 7 Marks

2) a) With illustrative example explain CDMA. 8 Marks

b) What is modulation? Explain ASK, PSK and FSK. 7 Marks

3) a) With a neat diagram explain the architecture of GSM. 10 Marks

b) Define handover. Explain the different types of handovers in GSM 5 Marks

4) a) Explain the security service offered GSM system. 7 Marks

b) Explain new data services provided by GSM network. 8 Marks


QP CODE 59O66 Page No..... 2

5) a) Discuss packet reservation multiple access. 7 Marks

b) Narrate how MACA eliminate the problem of hidden and exposed problem. 8 Marks

6) a) With a neat diagram explain protocol architecture of IEEE802.11. 9 Marks

b) What is spread spectrum? Explain FHSS. 6 Marks

7) a) Compare the OSI model and HIPERLAN. 7 Marks

b) Explain Dynamic host configuration protocol. 8 Marks

8) Write a short notes on: 3x5 = 15 Marks

i) Polling

ii) TDD and FDD

iii) MANET


QP CODE 59067 Page No..... 1

Fourth Semester M.Sc., (LT) Degree Examinations

November / December 2013 (C.B.C Scheme)

(Distance Education)


Time: 3 hrs] [Max. Marks: 100

Note : 1. Part - A compulsory. Answer all the questions

2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART - B


I. Answers ALL the following questions: 5x5 =25 Marks

1) List the various principal constituents of soft computing.

2) What is the difference between soft computing and hard computing?

3) What are the limitation of perceptron?

4) Compare classical logic and fuzzy logic?

5) List the components of simple genetic algorithm.


II. Answer any FIVE questions: 5x15 =75 Marks

1) a) List the applications of artificial neural network. 6 Marks

b) What is mean by learning in an ANN? Draw the diagram of artificial

neuron system. 9 Marks

2) a) What are linear units? Explain the learning algorithm for a perception. 8 Marks

b) Show how an AND problem can be solved using perceptron. 7 Marks

3) a) What are basis functions? Discuss the learning algorithm for a fixed

RBF network? 10 Marks

b) Discuss the drawbacks of Kohonens net. 5 Marks

4) a) Draw the architecture of BPN. 7 Marks

b) Explain the back propagation learning algorithm. 8 Marks

5) a) What is unsupervised learning? Explain hebbian learning. 8 Marks

b) Discuss the operation and properties of fuzzy sets. 7 Marks


QP CODE 59067 Page No..... 2

6) a) Explain the following with illustrative examples. 6 Marks

i) core, ii) support iii) boundaries

b) With the help of a diagram explain fuzzy controller system. 9 Marks

7) a) With the help of flowchart explain genetic algorithm. 8 Marks

b) Explain the growth of a scheme under. 7 Marks

i) selection, ii) crossover, iii) mutation

8) Write a short notes on: 3x5- 15 Marks

a) convex hull

b) fuzzy inference

c) fitness scalling


QP CODE 59O68 Page No..... 1

Fourth Semester M.Sc., (I.T) Degree Examinations

November /December 2013

(C.B.C Scheme)

(Distance Education)

MSIT - 4F: Software Project & Management

Time: 3 hrs.] [Max. Marks: 100

Note : 1. Part ~ A compulsory. Answer all the questions

2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART - B


I. Answers ALL the following questions: 5x5= 25 Marks

1) What are the five top critical success factor of software project?

2) Give the factors considered for proposal preparation.

3) List out (he advantages of Delphi estimation model.

4) What are key parameters necessary for selecting and appropriate software life cycle?

5) Mention the characteristics of a good project schedule.


II. Answer any FIVE questions: 5 x 15 = 75 Marks

1) a) What are the basic characteristics of project? Explain. 7 Marks

b) Give the mindmap of software project failure. 8 Marks

2) a) Explain the role of technical expert in a project proposal. 7 Marks

b) Write the service contract template. 8 Marks

3) a) Explain briefly the function point model with its diagram. 8 Marks

b) Explain cocomo model of project estimation. 7 Marks

4) a) Discuss the characteristics of a good requirement 5 Marks

b) Explain project plan template. 10 Marks

5) a) Explain key principles for managing projects. 8 Marks

b) Discuss the practical tips of software project. 7 Marks

QP CODE 59O68 Page No..... 2

6) a) Name the ISO principles to be followed in quality management. 5 Marks

b) Explain how filhbonc diagram is constructed. 10 Marks

7) a) Explain process risks and technology risks. 10 Marks

b) What are disadvantages of v - model. 5 Marks

8) Write a short notes on: 3 x 5 = 15 Marks

a) Water fall model


c) Quality assurance


QP CODE 59069 Page No..... 1

Fourth Semester M.Sc., (I.T) Degree Examinations

November / December 2O13

(C.B.C Scheme)

(Distance Education)


Time: 3 hrs] [Max. Marks: 100

Note : 1. Part - A compulsory. Answer all the questions

2. Answer any FIVE full questions from PART – B


Answer AH the questions: 25 Marks

1) Internet is a network of ________ 1 Mark

2) List the special services rendered by a router . 3 Marks

3) One of the main Functions of the router is ______. 1 Mark

a) Error control b) Congestion control

c) Fragmentation d) Routing.

4) What are the Functions of ICMP? Bring out the different types of ICMP messages.

6 Marks

5) Destination unreachable why this message is generated? Explain. 6 Marks

6) UDP needs the ___ _ address to deliver the data to the correct process. 1 Mark

7) Router often are ____ address. 1 Mark

a) MAC b) Logical

c) Hardware d) IP

8) Write a brief description about the control connection used in FTP. 5 Marks

9) UDP is an acronym for ____ . 1 Mark

PART – B Answer any FIVE questions: 5x15 =75 Marks

1) a) Explain Route table lookup. 8 Marks

b) Explain Hierarchical Routing and discuss the advantage and disadvantage

of Hierarchical Routing. 7 Marks

2) a) Explain the Features of address resolution protocol with necessary details. 7 Marks

b) Explain internet control message protocol (ICMP). 8 Marks


QP CODE 59O69 Page No..... 2

3) a) Explain services offered by TCP 8 Marks

b) Explain UDP checksum computation. 7 Marks

4) a) Describe briefly how error - control mechanism is achieved in TCP

when data is corrupted and when acknowledgment is lost. 9 Marks

b) Explain the need of pushing data operation in TCP. 6 Marks

5) a) Write a short note on FTP. 5 Marks

b) Explain connection less Interactive service and connection oriented

concurrent server. 10 Marks

6) a) Write brief description about the control connection used in FTTP. 5 Marks

b) Write brief description about the data connection used in FTP? 5 Marks

c) Briefly describe client / server model. 5 Marks

7) a) Explain with a neat figure process - process communication. 6 Marks

b) Explain with a neat figure of UDP Datagram 9 Marks

8) Write short note on the following: . 3x5 = 15 Marks

a) Protocol Eayered Structure TCP / IP.

b) Socket addresses

c) Shortest Path Routing


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