ms word-2007

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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Technology for Teaching English Lab

Eng. Tahani Z. Fourah 1

Microsoft WORD 2007


1. Screen layout

2. Creating a new document

3. Opening an existing document

4. Saving a document

5. Closing a document

6. Home Tab

a. Clipboard

b. Formatting Font

c. Formatting Paragraph

d. Find and replace

7. Insert Tab

a. Table

b. Picture

c. Hyperlink

d. Page Numbers

8. Review Tab

a. Track changes

9. Word keyboard shortcuts

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Eng. Tahani Z. Fourah 2

1. Screen Layout

Figure (1)

1. Microsoft Office button 2. Quick Access Toolbar: is a customizable toolbar containing commands used frequently.

By default, Quick Access Toolbar contains save, undo, redo commands.

To add more commands to quick access toolbar:

• Click small arrow beside Quick Access Toolbar as in Figure(2).

• Check the command you want to appear in the toolbar.

Figure (2)

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3. Tabs : There are 7 tabs and each tab contains the following tools:

Home: Clipboard, Fonts, Paragraph, Styles, and Editing.

Insert: Pages, Tables, Illustrations, Links, Header & Footer, Text, and Symbols

Page Layout: Themes, Page Setup, Page Background, Paragraph, Arrange

References: Table of Contents, Footnote, Citation & Bibliography, Captions, Index, and

Table of Authorities

Mailings: Create, Start Mail Merge, Write & Insert Fields, Preview Results, Finish

Review: Proofing, Comments, Tracking, Changes, Compare, Protect

View: Document Views, Show/Hide, Zoom, Window, Macros

We are going to discuss the most important features in Home, Insert and Review Tabs Later.

4. View choices: include

1. View layout of the document

a. Print layout

b.Full screen reading

c. Web layout


e. Draft

2. Zoom

+ for zoom in

- for zoom out

Figure (3)

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2. Creating a New Document

There are several ways to create new documents, open existing documents, and save

documents in Word:

• Click the Microsoft Office Button then Click New

Figure (4)

• Double Click on blank document

Figure (5)

OR by using keyboard shortcuts:

o Press CTRL+N (Depress the CTRL key while pressing the “N”) on the keyboard.

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3. Opening an Existing Document

• Click the Microsoft Office Button and Click Open

Select the file you want to open (with .docx or .doc extension) using the browser window as

shown below.

Figure (6)

OR by using keyboard shortcuts:

o Press CTRL+O (Depress the CTRL key while pressing the “O”) on the


4. Saving a Document

• Click the Microsoft Office Button and Click Save or Save as

• Type the document name

• Select the document type (.docx, .doc, .dot,…..).

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Figure (7)

OR by using keyboard shortcuts:

o Press CTRL+S (Depress the CTRL key while pressing the “S”) on the keyboard.

OR by using the Quick Access Toolbar

o Click the File icon.

Figure (8)

You may need to use the Save As feature when you need to save a document under a

different name or to save it for earlier versions of Word.

To use the Save As feature:

• Click the Microsoft Office Button

• Click Save As

• Choose the format of the document (Word Doc, Word Template, word 97-2003..)

• Type in the name for the document

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Figure (9)

5. Close a Document

To close a document:

• Click the Office Button

• Click Close

Figure (10)

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6. Home Tab

In Home tab, 4 main features used in formatting text will be demonstrated:

1. Clipboard

2. Formatting Font

3. Formatting Paragraph

4. Find and replace

Figure (11)

1. Clipboard: before applying any feature you have to shade the text, and then you can click

to copy

to cut

to copy formatting from one place and apply it to another

to paste

2. Font: before applying any feature you have to shade the text, and then you can click

To change the font type

To change the font size

To change the font size; to maximize and to minimize

To make the font bold

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To make the font italic

To underline the font

To highlight the font

To change the font color

3. Paragraph

to start a bulleted list; Click the arrow to choose different bullet


to start a numbering list; Click the arrow to choose different

numbering format

to decrease the indent level of the paragraph

to increase the indent level of the paragraph

to set the text direction from Left-to-Right

to set the text direction from Right-to-Left

to align the text to the left margin

to align the text to the center margin

to align the text to the right margin

to justify the text ( align the text to both left and right margins)

to change the spacing between lines of the text

to color the background behind the selected text or paragraph

4. Find and replace

To find a particular word or phrase in a document:

• Click Find

• To find and replace a word or phrase in the document, click Replace.

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Figure (12)

7. Insert Tab

In Insert tab, we are going to explain 4 main objects to insert:

a. Table

b. Picture

c. Hyperlink

d. Page Numbers

Figure (13)

1. Table:

a. Insert Table

There are many ways to insert a table:

The first way:

• Click on Table in Insert Tab

• Specify number of rows and columns of your table from (10 columns*8

rows matrix)

Figure (14)

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The second way: If the number of rows or columns of your table is larger than the

given matrix, then you have to

• click on Insert Table in Insert tab

Figure (15)

• Specify number of rows and columns of your table

Figure (16)

The third way: to draw the table manually by clicking on Draw Table in Insert tab.

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Figure (17)

b. Cell alignment

• Select the table by the clicking on in the top corner of the table.

Figure (18)

• Click on Table Tools in the top of menu tab. Table Tools contain all

table properties.

Figure (19)

• Click on Layout below Table Tools

• Select the cell(s) you want to align text in

• Choose the desired alignment as shown in the red rectangle.

Figure (20)

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c. Insert new columns

• From Table Tools --> Layout

• Click on insert right to add a new column directly to the right of the

selected column.

• Click on insert left to add a new column directly to the left of the

selected column.

Figure (21)

d. insert new rows

• From Table Tools --> Layout

• Click on insert below to add a new row directly below the selected row.

• Click on insert above to add a new row directly above the selected row.

Figure (22)

e. delete columns, rows, cells, entire table

• From Table Tools --> Layout

• Select columns, rows, cells, entire table you want to delete

• Click on Delete as shown in the figure below.

Figure (23)

f. Merge cells

• From Table Tools --> Layout

• Shade the cells you want to merge them into one cell.

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• Click on Merge Cells

Figure (24)

g. Shading

• From Table Tools --> Design

• Select the cells you want to shade them

• Click on shading and choose a suitable color for shading.

Figure (25)

h. Borders ( hidden table): to make a table hidden, i.e., without borders

• From Table Tools --> Design

• Select the table

• Click on Borders.

• Select No Borders form the list

Figure (26)

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2. Picture:

• Click the Insert tab

• Click Picture button

Figure (27)

• Select a picture from your computer

Figure (28)

• Click insert

3. Hyperlink

To create a hyperlink:

• Select the text that will be the link

• Click the Insert Tab

• Click the Hyperlink Button

Figure (29)

• Type in the web address, or URL of the link

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Figure (30)

• Click OK

4. Page Numbers

To insert page numbers:

• Click Insert Tab

• Click Page Numbers

• Choose the place where you want to insert page numbers as in figure(31)

Figure (31)

8. Review Tab

a. Track changes

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Track Changes is a great feature of Word that allows you to see what changes have been

made to a document.

Figure (32)

To start Track Changes

• Click Review Tab

• Click Track Changes

• Make the changes to your document and you will see any changes you have made.

Figure (33)

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9. Word Keyboard shortcuts

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Lab Task (1)

Use the following text to practice using some of the Word keyboard shortcuts.

1. Open new file, Copy the text and past it onto the new file.

2. Title: bold and in center

3. Italicize the terms in blue colour.

4. How many times is the word Twitter mentioned in the text? Highlight them all yellow.

5. Font size: 12 and font type: Times New Roman

6. Double space the 1st two paragraphs, single space the 3rd and 4th , and space the last 5th

and 6th 1.5.

7. Justify the right side margin.

8. Hyperlink the title using the web address at the bottom of the text.

9. Save the file and give it your name.

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Lab Task(2)

1. Tabulate the following exercise in a table.

2. Add this phrase in the top column Odd one out.

3. Hide the table borders

1. wind - flood - floor - sandstorm

2. Amman - Nablus - Ramallah - Jerusalem

3. Boat - ship - train - canoe

4. Kettles - apples - bananas – orange

Lab Task (3)

Below is a paragraph written by a secondary school student. It has several mistakes. Correct the

mistakes using Track Changes feature.

I live in gaza which is located in the south of palestine. I has 4 brothers and 4 sisters. My father

is a engineer. He studied in the islamic university of gaza. He works in the ministry of

information. The capital of Palestine is jerusalem which has al-aqsa mosque.

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