ms. thursday night special

Post on 18-Oct-2014






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MS. THURSDAY NIGHT SPECIAL... YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE EXCEPT UNEMPLOTMENT Cast off the yoke of old, worn out methods of job seeking and join the grow ranks of your fellow campers who have successfully returned to the world of work! #job leads, #new jobs, #Phoenix, #employment, #job search




Cast off the yoke of old, wornout methods of job seeking and join the grow ranks of your fellow campers who have successfully returned to the world of work!


We recently surveyed all of the job searching advise available to you and found that 90% of all the advice, suggestions and/or tips start by assuming that you are a Corporate Room Warrior, an Educator, maybe, the Iron Chef or were written ten years ago and are so far removed from your current need for good advice that it was down-right scary and now we understood why so many entry-level (re-entry) workers were unemployed. Most job advice that we found was merely a repackaging of the same stuff that was that they have pumped out for years to prepare you to work in an executive gig with a large corporation. Are you looking for an executive position? We thought not. You need a job…better yet, you want a job and we are here to warn you that much of the career advice out there

will hurt you; it will cost you many opportunities and will keep you unemployed long beyond what you needed to be because the methodology of acquiring an entry or re-entry level job requires a much different path than a corporate gig. While “Dress for Success” and a killer resume are magical, mystical beasts of the ancient, corporate world that may still level mountains or soften the heart of even the coldest-hearted HR Director, the same methods will prevent you for getting hired in a real world job interview. In the real world of this job market, wearing a suit and taking that killer resume to an interview will create confusion as to what position(s) you are applying for and cast negative assumptions in regards to your suitability for or your ability to do non-management work. In the real world you do not wear a three-piece suit to Home Depot to apply for a non-management position. If you do, you will be long remembered as the brunt of the management’s jokes regarding how you didn’t understand their industry or didn’t understand the job – so in that way, you did impress them…we guess?

From the desk of

Duke “Pat” Menot PhD.

WHERE TO START? Well, this insert is not for you if you are a Corporate or Board Room Warrior as that 90% of stuff of stuff we found out there on the internet still works (more or less) for you although (even) that advise is getting long in tooth and needs to be updated or revised. If you are a high-end and skilled person this guide is not for you as this book is designed to help real people who need a real job. This insert is to help people who are re-entering the job market for any number of reasons. The real problem that we found is that the vast majority of the advice and tips do not work for these real people because it is designed for educated and skilled people seeking high-end corporate and/or skilled professional jobs. These job seekers live in a very different job market that the job

seekers that we are trying to help. It is a different process with very different rules of operation and more traditional methodology because the hiring process is controlled by a conservative and older generation of hiring managers. Understand that there is Google and some forward thinking companies but, the hiring practices in this high-end of the market has never moved much further than dress for success (From IBM’s coded standard of a shiny blue suits, with white shirts and skinny black ties) and “Killer Resumes” that can magically open any door or that will soften the heart of even the most foul hiring manager without the applicant needing to do anything other than send that resume and show up in your blue suit.. For the vast majority of people that utilize the Used Job Shack this is…how can I be nice? Well Campers! This is not Kansas Anymore TITO (Michael Jackson’s brother?) But, seriously, most of our readers read and believe the urban legends (that are presented to them as the way to do successful get a job) because no one has ever stood up and said that this does not make sense or doesn’t work for real people needing a real job. We have tried hard (here at the Used Job Shack) to break our readers free

of worn out job searching techniques, urban legends and just bad advice that actually prevented them (8 out of 10 job applications) from going to getting a job(s) that they were more than qualified for but, didn’t get because their job search was an assemblage of these worn out tips and urban employment myths. Sadly, all year, we see that people who didn’t need, who could not or should not have used that one size fits all resume as their main marketing tool.

NOT NEED A RESUME? OH MY GOD! WHAT A HERESY! (A heresy is a noun meaning, 'any opinions or doctrines at variance with the official or orthodox position) To the traditionalists, the job seeking workshop and training merchants and/or to the gurus who peddle thread-worn techniques or recycle advice designed for high-end professionals because they didn’t understand or were too lazy to find out what the low-end, entry level of real people jobs were all about; yes, we seem like the Anti-Christ! What this guide will try to do is show you why their way didn’t help you go to work and will explain why it won’t help you going forward. The advice that we give is tailor-made to the audience that we serve and if you are not in any

of these groups then, this ain’t your job search program either! We know that the job market at the end of the market that we work in has drastically, dynamically and radically morphed into a new process that has a new set of rules and that needs new approaches for you to successfully get a job. This is why we are here and this is the role that we play and so far, we have a very good track record. Everything that we have learned, that we have taught or that we have developed over the past twenty years about job seeking went out the window like yesterday’s trash. In the past year as a way to deal with all of the changes, we had to re-invent the way we did business, we had to questioning and start rejecting many of the still accepted norms taught by the big dogs in the workforce industry. The bottom line will always be if it works for our consumer and as long as it does we will live on the cutting edge of rejecting “killer,” “one-size-fits-all” and in some cases, question if a resume doesn’t do more harm than good to many of our consumers because they truly still believe in the mythology (that workforce teaches them) of it’s magical, mystical powers to create job seeking wonders and they will use it as such – and in their

inexperienced hands it will become a secret, weapon of mass destruction of their job seeking opportunities. This inset is not a final work, but rather, is a work in progress and a means of starting off the New Year with some new ideas or suggestions that will actually help you go to work. – ADO! =================================== From the desk of Walt U. Thinkimeant Ph.D. LOOKING FOR JOBS IN ALL THE WRONG PLACES…

THE SEVEN NEW JOB SEEKING RULES! Dr. Thinkimeant is a world leading authority in the seeking employment in the current job market and is well known and respected down at the local Unemployment Office. The current labor market is a mine field of bad advice; outdated information and a sea full people who are willing to share their own formula on how to get a job. At the library, you will find 5000 book on the perfect resume. Can they all be right?

Is your Uncle Herman’s advice solid and worth following even though he has been on disability since 1972? Is your dad’s advice on “…getting off your duff, putting on your walking shoes and start knocking on doors!” a good suggestion? Actually, you dad has it partially right but, for all the wrong reasons. He thinks you need to be more pro-active, to get out there and meet people and to make the process of getting a job, your number one priority. That part of what your dad said is correct and right on the mark. When people come to see me about getting a job, I can quick determine how successful or how difficult their job search will be; by asking a short series of direct question(s) that involve the whys, the where’s and the how’s of the actual search that they have already done. If a person tells me that they are serious about work but, (when pressed to go beyond the pat answer of “a lot!”) have only a few companies that they have applied for, don’t remember what the requirements were for the jobs they applied for, that they did an online application with no further follow up; and if the answers that they gave me fills up less than a page, there is very little that I can do to help them.

RULE # ONE (The Right Attitude): You need to be dead serious about getting a job. You need to have total committed to doing everything that you need to do, spending ever how long you need to achieve success. If you are not, then, you will never do any of these things and you will have an extremely hard time finding work. You need to care about yourself and be doing this for yourself. If you are not willing to give yourself a 1000% commitment, then, how can you expect anyone else to do more?

RULE # TWO (URBAN MYTH 1): I need a resume to apply for jobs and I since I don’t have one, then I can’t start looking for work! OK…Who told you that you need a resume? Depending upon what type of job, what industry you are applying for will determine if you even need a resume. In some industries, applying for certain kind of (entry level) jobs, a resume (or worse yet…a good resume) is a kiss of death. Don’t believe that? Then, you have bought into one of the biggest urban myths that there is. Remember, a resume does not hire you; a person hires you after they meet with you and are impressed by your knowledge of the job, your

knowledge about their company and (after) you have demonstrated your commitment to getting that job.

RULE # THREE (URBAN MYTH 2): I don’t need to custom make a new application for each job because that is a lot of work and/or I have a very good resume already. The reality is that eight out of ten applications (made by people with a killer resumes) never showed the required skills that the employer needed.

Why is this? Each of those eight people decided that it was too much of an effort to custom design their application to show the employer that they did have the required skills. Or worse yet, they felt that the employer would be able to dig through their resume/application to discover all of those skills. The one excuse that I love is “Don’t you know that is what a _____ does?” The real world answer to that is “NO.” The key to remember here is that all that an employer knows about you is what you put on the application. The employer does not know you; you are not their cousin and they will not have the time to find out about all the skills and abilities that you left out of your application or your one-size-fits-all resume. The other problem with

that one-size-fit-all resume is that you believe in its magical powers to open any door, soften any employer’s heart and get you any job; so you send it out to over 400 companies. Sending out massive amounts of generic applications that are wrong (one-size-fits-all) or that doesn’t match what the company was hiring for is the surest way to turn your job search into a failed mission…a disaster that could result in your shutting yourself off from future consideration of getting hired. Remember once the incorrect information is out there you can’t take it back. Sadly now you have 400 places that you can’t apply at in the future.

From the desk of Walt U. Thinkimeant Ph.D. LOOKING FOR JOBS IN ALL THE WRONG PLACES…

THE SEVEN NEW JOB SEEKING RULES! Part Two In part one we talked about some things that eight out of ten job seekers get wrong. As I said it is a mine field with ancient believes and notions that linger on even though the labor (job seeking) market has drastically changed in the past year or so. Much of the misinformation comes from it being out of date or that the person who is giving you the secrets of success have not been out looking for work in the year or so. Don’t blame them but, do not trust your employment future on what they tell you. We talked about the myth of the one-size-fits-all, killer resume and that its once might power to move heaven and earth to get you a job has waned to the point that it costs eight out of ten people a job. This myth was always over stated and promoted by people who usually made

a living at making them or from people who spent a fortune in purchasing one. As the old man said, “you can’t ride a dead horse into town and the one-size-fits-all resume can’t get you hired anymore. OK! If you are the Iron Chef or some corporate type…yea…you still need this mighty beast…as it still welds magical powers in boardrooms across the world. But, then again, if you are reading this then we can assume you ain’t a corporate warrior. Most entry level jobs require an application and many times these are filled out after you have been interviewed and/or hired. Here a resume is a loss leader and can (if you have a killer resume) work against you to the point of you not getting a job. In many occupations a killer resume leads to comment like “you are over qualified for this job”…”you wouldn’t like this job!”…or the worse “…and you applied for this job why?” This is due to the snob factor and/or the related issue of the intimidation factor. If your killer resume is better than the person interviewing you has or worse yet, the person interviewing you doesn’t have a resume; you are not connecting on the peer level and more importantly, it just cost you that job.

RULE # FOUR WITH MANY LARGE COMPANIES… It is important that you know that for the first two levels of review, a real person does not see your application because the company’s computer system scans your application. The computer converts what you write into a number score from 0-100 and that will determine if a live person sees your killer resume/application or not. I can tell the computer that I have ten years of experience in customer service but the computer does not understand what I just said. It is not programmed to understand. It is programmed to seek out key words and/or phrases. Every time, it sees one of these words you get one point. From here it is simple math. Did your application, resume have 100 key words? If not, this may be why you are not getting called to interviews. If you do not understand this process then, you will have a hard time getting selected regards of your level of real skill or experience. The other part of Rule # 4 is the misconceptions and assumptions that you have when a position does not require any experience, you assume that it does not matter what you submit to the employer. The reality is that just because you do not need

actual work experience does not mean that the employer is not expecting that you have the skills and abilities necessary to do the job. The cashier job at COSTCO does not require any experience but when we tear about their job description we come up with 58 key words or phrases that they are looking for. If you did not know this and/or you didn’t know what they were looking for, you would miss it by a mile and it would be just another hour spent doing an application without success. Wasted time and energy and the worse part is that you were super qualified for that job if you would have known what they were looking for. In fact, only 19 of the things that they were looking for had to do with money handling. Customer Service related skills accounted for 24 items. Think about that for a moment. If you didn’t know that your customer service skill set trumped your money handling skills you would have missed the mark. Then think about the fact that everything you have ever done required these 24 customer service items. RIGHT? Now, see how far you are over 100 points if you merely incorporate these 24 key words and/or phrases into each of your job description(s)? Does this start to make sense? If it does

and you invest the time to put together a correct application, you will be able to get pass the computer gatekeeper at any of these companies. The real question is where can I find these key words and phrases? In the case of COSTCO, they have a very well written job description that gives you enough detail to allow you to do RULE # 4. Most times with most companies, this is not true and you cannot use what they give you to get pass the gatekeeper. This is where your BFFs in the US. Department of Labor has come to your rescue. They have done a very detail analysis of every job in America and have created for you a four-to-six page job description that breaks down all the different skills and abilities while including enough key words or phrases to be able to successfully use RULE # 4. This magical, mystical creation by Uncle Sam, will truly lay waste to the computer gatekeeper and allow you to sail by to an interview with a real person if you take your time and do it correctly. This mystical website is known as ONET ONLINE. Failure to use this system will result in failure to get called for interview, lead to disappointment, continued unemployment or settle for a lesser paying, just another dead-end job. From the desk of Walt U. Thinkimeant Ph.D.



RULE # FIVE: Research…Do your homework: This is one of the most critical rules on the list and in some ways it is almost as critical (or more) than Rule # 4. Employers are (especially on entry level jobs) looking for availability, then skills and most importantly, they are looking for your motivation in wanting this particular job and/or working for this company. Employers understand that serious applicants make dependable employees and are always looking to find them. In this process, they have stumbled across the prefect screening question that will allow them at the onset of the interview to determine your suitability for employment. The question in itself is innocent and used asked before the applicant believes that they are being

interviewed. The question is “What do you know about my company?” You answer will tell the employer everything they need to know about you and lets them shut down the interview as quickly as possible if you give the wrong answer. This question is brilliant in that it can determine how successful you will be as an employee. We had a corporate manager educate us on this question and its usage. She told us that at this point in the process you are working for yourself and

• If you are not willing to invest in your (short term) future – as everyone assumed you really wanted this job…

• If you are not willing to get on the internet to discover “who her company is…what they do and why they do it, “

• If you are not willing to invest in yourself then, what kind of commitment would you offer her company?

If this is true, the bottom line is that she does not need you as an employee. She said that it is just human nature that we would always work much harder for ourselves than for someone else and what this proves is that the quality of commitment and work that we would give her company would be substandard due to our

unwillingness or in ability to help ourselves.. By showing up uneducated, you are insulting the employer and they will know that you didn’t really want THIS JOB from the very start of the interview…they needed you to want THIS JOB not any job…these interviews usually end with “Thank you very much…we will let you know…”

RULE # SIX (Reliable Transportation): “Reliable transportation” does not mean “do you have a car?” If you needed a car they would have asked you directly…they want to know you can get to work without calling in because you missed a bus…they do not care if you can get home…that’s on you (if it’s a concern of yours) for picking a job so far away from home or school.

RULE # SEVEN The golden rule in searching for a new job is to stay as local as possible. We had a manager at a large corporate store tell us that you should remember that the employers are using the 5-10 mile golden rule. If you are riding the bus then they will allow you a five mile buffer before the distance of your home to their location starts factoring in to the decision to (not hire you but…) to

interview you. She said if you are driving then they will buffer you out to about ten miles. This has nothing (personally) to do with you or your work history. It is based upon their experiences with people (that came before you) not making it to work on time, missing days and then quitting sometimes without notice. Is it fair? Sure is not! This is the reality of living in the 4th largest city in America. This same manager told us that the sweetest thing she can hear from an applicant is that they live in the neighborhood (or down the street) as this reassures her of your dependability, flexibility and your availability. She explained that many times the decision to hire you comes down to 80% for potential dependability and 20% on your motivation (seriousness). Nowhere in this equation is experience or even skills involved in the real hiring process and this is why she suggests that you stay local – it gives you a great advantage. So her suggestion to any job seeker looking to work with her corporation is to select the closest office and apply there. She told us that she will look at your address and if there is a closer store to you, she will toss your application.

If you need to apply outside this golden rule zone, she said that you MUST go out to the location you are applying for to introduce yourself and explain as to why you selected their store. She advised that if you do not do this visit then they will never call you (unless…maybe…mutant zombies took out the rest of her staff and everyone who was in her zone). She suggests that if you are sending a resume outside of your golden rule zone then delete your address on your resume with “Phoenix Metro Area” so that an employer can’t eliminate you from the get go. On the other hand, if you live across the street, then she told us to bold type the address so that the employer would know “you lived in the neighborhood.” ==================================


From the desk of Walt U. Thinkimeant Ph.D. LOOKING FOR JOBS IN ALL THE WRONG PLACES…


Remember yet another Urban Employment Myth, “you must always ask a question to show the employer that you are interested in the job…” and how entire classes where devoted to making you seem deep, engaging and maybe a bit witty to boot? It is a cottage industry. It plays upon your paranoia and fear that that an employer will assume that you no longer want the job that is unless you are able to ask an insightful, challenging or offer up a detail question based upon the information given by the employer. The whole industry came to be based upon a “what if question” given to a Workforce Guru and (being the guru that they were) they saw the potential of making a dime by feeding off the fears of uneducated job seekers. Next came the thesis, then the workshops and this led to the book/workbooks and this became so

success in its marketing that even employers bought into it (Ya! There was a class to teach employers how to interview…told ya that there was big bucks to be made here!). The REAL truth is that it was a stupid question that has become NUMBER TWO on our list of “GREATEST URBAN EMPLOYMENT MYTHS.” This myth ranks up there with the other classical myth of the mystic, magical powers of the killer resume. If you took the time to think this question through you would realize that wouldn’t it be easier to say to the employer: “Hey I am still interested in this job!” What doesn’t make sense about that? Please allow me to badly misquote, the Greatest Workforce Guru, Ms. Christa Cicinelli, to you as a means of showing you how a simple question could become an industry…“Simple, workable solutions will not work in workforce…because they are!” Job seeking campers…STOP…don’t spend those hard earned dollars (that are now in short supply) to get a book or to take a class to be able to say “I am interested in the job.” Just practice with me: “Yes, I am interested in this job.” ===================================

5632 N. 7th Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85014

Lola Tapas and Wine Bar

at The YarD servers*hostesses


TIPSTER: Availability mixed with the right attitude (personality) will trump years of experience. How do we know? No where did they say you had to be experienced. Please remember that experience is not the same as skilled. They are looking for serious people who can come in and impress Kenny on

how much they want this job and can explain what in their background would make them a great candidate (all in 200 words or less…not that easy). Being a serious candidate is in knowing about whom they are, what they do and why they do it…from there you don’t need to be the iron Chef to realize where you fit into the picture by the skills and abilities you have. This seriousness starts with you doing your homework about the company and (since this is a restaurant) learning them menu. The pro job seeker will also have read the reviews from places like and the New Times, to gain their talking points. If the reviews complain about the customer service, I will go out of my way to talk about how strongly I am committed to “ensuring the dining experience for each guest will be pleasant and enjoyable.” Get it???? MENU: REVIEW(S): WHA SKILLS ARE NEEDED? If you have only worked at home, ONET ONLINE IS YOUR BFF! Look up Residential Cook and there is your skill set, key words and much more.

Dishwashers & Kitchen Helper We are currently seeking full-time Dishwashers/Kitchen Helper to assist in dishwashing, food preparation, and various other kitchen and dining room tasks. Candidates must be able to work a flexible schedule. (Do not come during lunch!) Criminal background clearance and drug testing required. Visit us at: La Siena, 909 E. Northern Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85020 =============================

General Cleaner Part Time

$8.50- $13.50 per/hr. DOE. GLENDALE, Arizona. This entry level position =============================

Airline lounge cleaners Airline Lounge Management Company is looking for Airline Lounge Cleaners for weekdays, weekend, morning and evening scheduled shifts. Shifts are subject to change. Qualified applicants should email work history or a resume that shows skills related to this type of work and write 200 words (or less) as to why you want to work at the airport and especially work for ALM. E-Mail this to: Please include PHX Airline Lounge Cleaner in the subject line. ==============================

37-2011.00 - Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners


West Coast Arborists, Inc. All application fields must be completed otherwise it is an incomplete application and will not be considered.

WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? It is in your employment interest to know who these people are and what they do. This company is rather proud of who they are and what they do, so if you really want to work here, do your homework!

414 w. university dr. Tempe, AZ 85281

NOW HIRING Breakfast Line cooks at our Tempe

location We are open every day 630am - 230pm & Sunday 7am - 230pm, if you are picked to be one of our Biscuits Cafe Team Employees you will love

these hours to be with your Friends and Families!!!!!!! PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON IF YOU REALLY WANT THE JOB!

3538 E. Indian School Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85018

WHAT WE STAND FOR No Preservatives/Trans Fat Free Oil/100% Fresh Beef Ground Daily In House/Tender Chicken/Hormone & Antibiotic Free/Stone Ground Corn Tortillas/Fresh Homemade Lemonades & Horchata/Fresh Vegetables (Local When Available)/100% Cholesterol Free / Gluten Free Rice Bran Oil/Hand-Spun REAL Ice Cream, Milkshakes, Salsa, Guacamole Made Fresh Everyday



TIPSTER: Better be prepared as these guys are starting to get famous and they know it. Proud of who and what they are doing. You need to understand them and the way they do things if you even want a slight chance to get hired – Taco Bell they ain’t!! MENU:

Host/Hostess Both lunch and dinner shifts available. Flexible hours. Previous experience in a fast paced fine dining restaurant helpful. Apply in person from 2pm -- 5pm Monday - Friday at The Stockyards Restaurant and 1889 Saloon, 5009 E Washington St. Phoenix, AZ 85034 LOCAL – RIGHT DOWN THE STREET! =============================

Dishwasher We are currently looking for a dishwasher at our main campus, located at 420 W. Watkins Rd., Phoenix, AZ. High School Diploma or Experience. Requirements: Minimum of 6 months dishwashing experience in large central kitchen setting. Food Handlers Sanitation Certification. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul ============================= FORTUNE “World’s Most Admired Companies” – 2014

FORTUNE “100 Best Companies to Work for in America” – 2013 Reputation Institute "World's Most Reputable Companies" – 2013

Great Place to Work Institute: “World’s Best Multinational Workplaces” – 2013 =================================== 401149BR City Driver 402386BR City Driver 402506BR Dockworker Part-time 401845BR Dockworker Part-time 02463BR Shop Technician 2 401854BR Shop Technician 3 402524BR Supv-Fleet Maintenance

Dockworker Part-time 5620 West Lower Buckeye Road. Job ID: 402506BR. Transport freight across dock area to/from trailers for

loading to trailers. High school diploma or equivalent, preferred • Must be at least 18 years of age • Prior experience in warehousing, freight handling and/or fork lift operations preferred If hostler/yard mule duties required, experience preferred.

Dockworker Part-time 5620 West Lower Buckeye Road. Job ID: 401845BR. Transport freight across dock area to/from trailers for loading to trailers. High school diploma or equivalent, preferred • Must be at least 18 years of age • Prior experience in warehousing, freight handling and/or fork lift operations preferred If hostler/yard mule duties required, experience preferred.

City Driver 5620 West Lower Buckeye Road. Job ID: 401149BR. Operate tractor-trailer combination, including doubles

(and triples, where applicable) and/or straight trucks. Must possess a class A Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) with double/triple, hazardous materials and tank endorsements • Must possess one (1) year experience within most recent three (3) years or successful completion of FedEx Freight Driver Development Course • Must possess acceptable Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) based on hiring standards • Must meet all Department of Transportation (DOT) regulatory requirements under section 391 of the Federal Motor Carrier (FMC) regulations • Long combination vehicles (LCV) (i.e. Triple Trailers, Rocky Mountain Doubles, and Turnpike Doubles) are operated in the states of AZ, CO, FL, ID, IN, KS, MT, ND, NV, OH, OK, OR, SD and UT. LCV Drivers in these states must meet the Long Combination Vehicles (LCV) Qualification and Certification Minimum Standards. ===================================

City Driver 5620 West Lower Buckeye Road. Job ID: 402386BR =============================

Part-time Package Handler FedEx Ground facilities typically have multiple sorts operating daily in each location. During the sort, Package Handlers are responsible for the physical loading, unloading and/or sorting of packages by hand, including lifting, pushing, pulling, carrying and placing, in a safe and efficient manner. Package Handlers may be assigned to or rotate through various areas and positions such as Loader, Unloader and Quality Assurance. Individuals who are interested in being considered for a Part-time Package Handler position are required to attend a sort observation before completing an employment application. During the sort observation, interested individuals will have the opportunity to view an actual sort in operation and obtain a realistic preview of the Package Handler job. Individuals may register for a sort observation on a first-come, first-served basis by visiting:

Package handler hiring process FedEx Ground is currently searching for package handlers in several facilities throughout our growing network. In order to be considered for one of these positions, you must successfully complete the following three steps: Attend a Sort Observation – A sort observation is a brief tour of our facility.

Please register for only one tour per location by searching here.^WjdoJ4K0hhmxmz9GhAvhc4SSOaX2kn5IysXeXWrco_slp_rhc_FfexU1QQURh2y1InL8V3Xk

Check back often, as new sort observations are added on a regular basis. Apply for a Position – After your tour, you will receive an email with a link to apply. Interview – You may be contacted for a brief onsite interview. To search for other opportunities with FedEx, go to


Mo Money Pawn Shop is looking to fill an immediate need for a full time cashier that supports its' retail store. The qualified individual will be a detail oriented person, with the ability manage the traffic in a very busy retail location as well as answer incoming phone calls in a pleasant and professional manner. Central Phoenix location in close proximity to all mass transportation and freeways. PLEASE APPLY IN STORE OR ONLINE; ALL APPLICANTS WILL BE SUBJECT TO A CRIMINAL BACKGROUND AND DRUG SCREENING. 1152 E. Indian School, Phoenix, AZ 85014 =============================

PHOENIX EI TRANSPORTATION Inc. NEED TO HIRE FAST. Non-emergency medical transport company is looking for a driver to transport patients in wheelchair and stretchers to and from facilities within Maricopa County. Training will be provided as needed.

Driver must be physically fit, be able to lift and load patient on a stretcher up and into a commercial van on a regular basis, and have an open schedule. Person must have a clean driving record, pass a background check, and pass regular drug testing. Phoenix EI Transportation is a non-emergency medical transportation company dedicated to providing safe, reliable on time service for those with a stretcher, wheelchair, or ambulatory need. Our fleet consists of several types of vehicles with different capabilities to fit the needs of every client. These include ADA compliant stretcher vans, wheelchair vans, and ambulatory sedans. Each vehicle is equipped with an automated wheelchair lift, emergency safety equipment, and first aid kit. DOWNLOAD APPLICATION THEN FAX BACK TO 602-230-1422 I believe with our exceptional staff and dedication to service that we can provide all our customers with the respect and care they deserve. - Diana Say - President, Phoenix EI Transportation Inc.

Please email resume (illustrating related work history and skills) Send to

No walk-in applications accepted! We need people with stocking, order picking and packing experience. The job duties include stocking product on shelves, unloading trucks, picking orders and packing orders in the shipping department and assisting customers who are shopping in the warehouse. Many customers bring their pets into the warehouse so you must be pet friendly. This job requires you to be on your feet 8 hours a day. Qualified applicants will be required to pass a background check that may include a drug screen.

We are open for business Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. We have full-time positions available. We will also consider part-time employees who can work at least 24 hours per week during our open business hours. We do not have any night or weekend hours.

1805 E McDowell Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85006 – Cross Streets: Between N 18th St and N 19th St.

4025 North 16th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85016


You may download our current job application here.

E-Mail your attached application with cover letter and resume

(Work History) to:

We are also looking for one FULL-TIME position. We are also looking for one PART-TIME position (approx. 25-30 hrs. per week) that could work full time during our peak times. This part-time position *might* turn into full-time if necessary (40 hours) after our peak Back to School time. Qualified applicants must be able to pass a criminal background screening prior to employment. Please do not call store locations to check the status of your submitted application! 730 E. Missouri Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85014

PT cashier – No prior experience necessary Love fashion? Why not apply today! Your local Buffalo Exchange is always accepting applications for entry-level

positions. Looking for cheerful, dependable & energetic quick learners with knowledge of

fabrics, styles, current retail trends and eras. Challenging, fun, fast-paced retail environment. As an employee, you'll receive on-the-job training in recycling fashion. No prior experience necessary. Part-time employees must be able to work 3 days a week, including at least one weekend day. This is not your regular retail job! STOP IN AND IMPRESS US TO HIRE YOU (AM PEFERRED) @ 730 E. Missouri Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85014. NO EXPERIENCE DOES NOT MEAN NO SKILLS OR ABILITIES!

FLOOR ASSISTANT As an employee, you'll receive on-the-job training in recycling fashion. No prior experience necessary. Part-time employees must be able to work 3 days a week, including at least one weekend day. This is not your regular retail job! STOP IN AND IMPRESS US TO HIRE YOU (AM PEFERRED) @

730 E. Missouri Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85014.

NO EXPERIENCE DOES NOT MEAN NO SKILLS OR ABILITIES! ================================== READ THIS BEFORE YOU GO ANY FURTHER! Looking for cheerful, dependable &

energetic quick learners with knowledge of fabrics, styles, current retail trends and eras. Challenging, fun, fast-paced retail environment. As an employee,

you'll receive on-the-job training in recycling fashion. No

prior experience necessary. Part-time employees must be able to work 3 days a week, including at least one weekend day. This is not your regular retail job!

ENTRY-LEVEL BUYERS NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE STOP IN AND IMPRESS US TO HIRE YOU (AM PEFERRED) @ 730 E. Missouri Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85014. NO EXPERIENCE DOES NOT MEAN NO SKILLS OR ABILITIES ================================= Come visit us at Valley Protective Services 7415 W. Boston St. Chandler, AZ 85226 Open Interviews will be held every

• Monday (0900-1600) • Tuesday (0900-1600) • Wednesday (0900-1200)

Plain Clothes-Loss Prevention Security Officer We are currently hiring for Unarmed Plain Clothes Loss Prevention Security officers to work Grocery Stores in the Valley (Indoor-Foot Patrol).

Once you start employment, you will begin and end your day at your designated post.

• This is a hands off style of Loss-Prevention.

• You may be required to travel to different stores

• Most of these shifts will be during the day or evening hours



NEED TO WATCH THIS VIDEO: ============================ 705 N. 1st Street, Phoenix AZ 85004 RUNNER / BUSSER

This Position is Part-Time and Full-Time. High energy and upbeat personality. Must be available all days and weekends. Ability to describe food. Clear/bus tables. PLEASE APPLY IN PERSON 11am to 2pm or 5pm to 7pm.

Walking in is the best way to get an interview on the spot. BOLT Security is Accepting Applications Immediately, walk-ins accepted. Our office is located at 16039 N. 82nd St, Scottsdale AZ. Must be at least 21 years old, have current DPS Unarmed Guard Card, have a flexible schedule, have reliable transportation, be able to start ASAP, have computer skills, Experience in Patrol is a plus. ===================================

Materials Handler Requisition ID 6118BR. Close Date July 30, 2014. This is not a grant funded position and is not contingent on future grant funding. $10.77 - $12.12 per hour; DOE. One year of shipping/receiving experience; OR, Any equivalent combination of experience and/or education from which comparable

knowledge, skills and abilities have been achieved. Some positions may require possession of current Arizona Class C or Type D driver's license (Commercial Driver's License with hazardous material endorsement) upon employment. Some positions may require state certification in forklift operation. ASU is a tobacco-free university. For details visit NOTE: ASU conducts pre-employment screening for all positions which includes a criminal background check, verification of work history, academic credentials, licenses, and certifications. Employment is contingent upon successful passing of the background check. This position is considered safety/security sensitive and will include a fingerprint check. Employment is contingent upon successful passing of the fingerprint check. APPLY ONLINE HERE: TIPSTER: The vast majority of people who apply for jobs at ASU never get called. The reason for this is that they didn’t understand the application process and that there is a gatekeeper that is designed to eliminate them for consideration. But, for those luck few that regularly read the Used Job Shack you already understand about RULE # 4. If you

are a casual reader or don’t believe in the documented success of RULE # 4, then, enjoy not working at ASU (or similar sized companies).

If you do not know what Rule # 4 is then… Campers you are in a bit-of-a-pickle aren’t ya? You can go to our websites and learn all about Rule # 4. You can download the job books (in e-book format) directly for December 2013 (and see several full examples) or you can go to the job board and search for the various posts for Rule # 4. JOB BOOK ACHIEVE: JOB BOARD:

WARNING! THIS IS A RULE NUMBER 4 ALERT! You will need our old friend ONET to fill out these applications. Failure

to use this system will result in failure to get called for interview, lead to disappointment, continued unemployment and a lessor paying dead-end job.

With more than 55 million man-hours recorded the past five years, we have extensive experience filling all levels of logistics positions ranging from

entry-level, skilled, and managerial talent for the warehouse to senior executives of supply chain. Whether you are looking for temporary, temp-to-hire or direct hire, ProLogistix is the place to start.

Order Selector/Electric Pallet Jack Operator Base Pay: $12.00. Job Number: 34758. Work in a produce distribution center. Work in a Cold storage environment picking with RF scanner and operating electric pallet rider. You must have at least 1 year of electric pallet jack experience, no more than 6 months ago. You must have steel toe boots and be able to lift 50lbs during a 10 hour shift consistently. APPLY ONLINE THEN CALL Jenny @ 602-442-9255

to introduce yourself. Don't have a computer? Fax you related work history, skills and abilities that relate to this position to Fax: 602-391-2831.

Since 1999, ProLogistix has certified more than 47,000 forklift operators across the country in accordance with OSHA guidelines, and every ProLogistix forklift operator must complete our certification program prior to be being placed at a client worksite. ProLogistix maintains all training records and we make them available in the event of an audit by an OSHA compliance inspector. =================================





It’s a treasure hunt.

At Nordstrom Rack, savvy shoppers scour the aisles for the hottest fashions at great prices. Team members help them make those fashion finds in a fun, high-energy atmosphere.

With full- and part-time positions available — and lots of opportunity to grow — put your career in fast-forward at the Rack.

Nordstrom Rack is a fun, fast and easy-to-shop destination where style meets savings. We offer brand-name apparel, accessories and shoes for the entire family at amazing discounts. ========================= Cleaning Support - Tempe Marketplace Rack-160159 Perform various cleaning duties, such as vacuuming, sweeping, dusting, cleaning mirrors and displays and wiping tables/desks. Clean, detail and re-stock paper products in restrooms. Remove and dispose of garbage and recycle items.

• High School diploma, or equivalent, preferred

• Strong attention to detail • Ability to work independently

while supporting a team environment

• Ability to communicate clearly and professionally with customers and coworkers

• High level of ownership, accountability and initiative

• Ability to work a flexible schedule based on department and store needs.

Loss prevention agent - Tempe marketplace rack-160157 Provide a welcoming and safe shopping experience for customers by maintaining building security and general store safety •Assess and assist in emergency situations, providing first aid when necessary. Perform monitoring and surveillance activities via camera and floor observation •Conduct investigations of theft situations and apprehend shoplifters after comprehensive monitoring and surveillance •Perform daily, weekly and monthly audits to help with inventory control •Schedule, conduct and/or participate in security awareness meetings and depositions. High School diploma, or equivalent, preferred •Previous experience in retail loss prevention preferred •Strong investigative, decision making and problem-solving skills •Ability to communicate clearly and professionally with customers and coworkers; ability to maintain professionalism in all situations •Strong written communication skills

•Computer proficiency required; experience using monitoring and surveillance technologies a plus •High level of ownership, accountability and initiative •Ability to work a flexible schedule based on department and store needs •Must meet any local licensing requirements =================================== Previous loss prevention experience, security, military police and/or AZ DPS Guard Card HELPFUL but, not required. Must be able to pass background check. ===================================

Stock team – Tempe marketplace rack-160152

Working at the Rack is a team sport, and as a member of our high-energy stock team, you’ll… Work in the eye of the storm, keeping the stockrooms and sales floor organized, re-stocked and tidy as

shoppers hunt for the hidden treasures they’re looking for Be the keeper of the merchandise, completing all inventory processes and making sure merchandise is properly checked in and is accurately ticketed Assist the team with inventory control initiatives REQUIREMENTS: Embrace working a flexible schedule. ===================================

If you do not know what Rule # 4 is then… Campers you are in a bit-of-a-pickle aren’t ya? You can go to our websites and learn all about Rule # 4. You can download the job books (in e-book format) directly for December 2013 (and see several full examples) or you can go to the job board and search for the various posts for Rule # 4. JOB BOOK ACHIEVE: JOB BOARD:


You will need our old friend ONET to fill out these applications. Failure to use this system will result in failure to get called for interview, lead to disappointment, continued unemployment and a lessor paying dead-end job. ===============================

Retail sales experience - Tempe marketplace rack-160148 Working at the Rack is a team sport, and as a member of our high-energy Sales and Service Experience teams, you’ll…

• Make the customer experience quick, easy and fun — helping customers uncover the hidden treasures they’re looking for, providing a fast and efficient checkout, answering the phone, making sure the store is clean, clutter free and easy to shop

• Share your love of fashion —and a great bargain —with customers

• Tell customers all about upcoming events, our Nordstrom gift cards, RewardsTM program and mailing list

Have a high school diploma, or equivalent (preferred) •Bring your enthusiasm and sense of adventure to the floor, see the glass as half full and are all about accountability, initiative and having a high level of ownership •Thrive in a fast-paced environment thanks to your professionalism, problem-solving skills, attention to detail and ability to prioritize multiple tasks •Have solid math, verbal and written communications skills and enjoy technology •Keep a calm head when dealing with customer concerns •Embrace working a flexible schedule =================================

Barista Job responsibilities include but aren't limited to: taking orders, preparing coffee drinks & smoothies, coordinating deliveries, providing excellent customer service, & running a cash register. Looking for someone who likes to work hard, have fun, and able to multi-task without direction. Experience preferred. 20-40 hours per week M-F. Daytime hours only, no night or weekends! Crave Sandwich Cafe & Catering @ 541 E Van Buren #B3, Phoenix, AZ 85004 =========================

Warehouse Commissary Worker Receive, store, and distribute all product being received by the property. These tasks are to be performed in a timely and professional manner to achieve the highest level of guest satisfaction. Maintain proper and adequate set-up of the back door/receiving area and all storage

areas on a daily basis. This includes cleaning, organizing, and maintaining all dry, refrigerated, and frozen storage areas and shelves. Also includes keeping back door area cleared for the safety of employees and delivery personnel. Handles, stores, and rotates all products properly. Follows all security guidelines for back door receiving, including checking of airport badges and all paperwork for deliveries. TIPSTER: Normally warehouse workers DO NOT need to pass an Airport Background Check but, these positions will because they involve moving equipment/supplies to the airport (thus the need to be badged) or actually working at the airport. Contact them to ask if every one of these CURRENT openings requires badging...never assume to know what they employer wants/needs. (Must be able to clear a 10 year FFA background check) TIPSTER TWO: Really want to get an advantage?

Check out our most recent study guide:

TIPSTER THREE: The gatekeeper here is a human being so ONET will not be useful other than to boost your confidence in your skill set. The study guide works you through the three questions that you will be asked. If you know the answers, prep yourself and do your homework, you have a good chance of getting a job. Make sure you know which location you are applying for because the answer(s) to the three questions depend upon the actual work location. TIPSTER FOUR: Only several people have ever been hired on the spot, so do not expect that to happen. If it does, you have the pride of being in a very small, exclusive group! Expect a second interview and you might need to keep yourself in front of the gatekeeper until you get the interview – be persistent but not to the point of them getting a restraining order against you. ========================= “Obama touts Erickson Construction’s turnaround as a sign of a rebounding U.S. housing market during Tuesday’s stop in Phoenix…” CHANDLER, Ariz. — on his trip to Arizona today to speak about housing and the middle class, President Barack

Obama honored building-industry workers as he toured Erickson Construction, a provider of turnkey framing solutions for major homebuilders in Phoenix, Sacramento, and Reno.





NOW HIRING PART-TIME SECURITY Chase Field, 401 E. Jefferson St. Phoenix, AZ 85004 ===================================

NOW HIRING Servers Chase Field, 401 E. Jefferson St. Phoenix, AZ 85004 =================================== TIPSTER: YOU WILL NEED ONET ONLINE TO GET YOUR APPLICATION PASS THE GATEKEEPER (Computer) ===================================

No experience necessary Looking for Enthusiastic, Motivated and Driven People to join our team at Superior Pavement Markings.

No experience necessary, just hard working and willing to learn and be part of our growing team. Apply in person 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday - Friday @ Superior Pavement Markings, 4005 East Palm Street, Ste. 101, Mesa, AZ 85215 ==================================


Have you ever been convicted of a felony offense? (A conviction will not necessarily disqualify you for consideration for employment)

hiring prep cooks Snooze Town and Country, 2045 E. Camelback Road Suite A17, Phoenix, AZ 85016 Competitive Hourly Wage $9-$14/hour. Now is your chance! Snooze AM Eatery, in Central Phoenix is now looking to hire dynamic part time and full time Prep Cooks!

TIPSTER: Get yourself prepped by checking out Print out the menu and study it on your way over there. Wear clean clothes – DO NOT dress like you are going to church or the park or the club. Get over there quickly between 2-4 PM before they fill the job. How much you get offered depends on your availability, how serious you are and how much you impress them with that.

LINE COOKS Weekends and holidays are required. Must be available for one week of training. APPLY ONLINE HERE: TIPSTER: This is critical as the new management team does not want you to just show up. This makes the application so much more critical as this will either get you an interview or not – the computer decides. ONET will be a valuable tool to getting pass the computer. 35-2014.00 - Cooks, Restaurant

used job shack insider: RAINFOREST CAFÉ Server - I applied through an employee referral and the process took 4 days Interview Details – They hired a large number of front and back of house individuals before the grand opening. The interview was with floor manager. I met the general manager and assistant general manager later that interview. Interview Question – Interview was well structured and fair. ------------------------------------------- Server - I applied in-person and the process took a day Interview Details – Interviewing to be a server at Landry's is very similar to most restaurant interviews. The GM of the restaurant will sit with you to discuss the applicant's previous experience and expected wages. Landry's is a corporation that wishes to provide each guest with the same experience every time that a guest patronizes one of their locations. The applicant will receive a handbook and all necessary starting paperwork. From there, a starting training day will be negotiated and the employee will be handed their apron. Interview Question –

• What kind of pay do you expect to make?


Cook - I applied online and the process took 1 week Interview Details – Interviewed with two people, plus HR. The process took about 2 weeks. There was really little effort into this. Interview Question –

• What is your work experience? • Do you have transportation?


Need experienced line cooks and pizza cooks

Menu includes wings, burgers, pizza, salads etc... Please apply in person at

1326 N Central Ave between 2-5pm. MENU: TIPSTER: OK Campers. No way around this, they want you to already know how to toss a pizza and to be able to make great pasta. So we will not bother with the rest because you have already gone through the menu and you have pulled up the guest reviews to have additional talking points.

Fairfield Inn & Suites Phoenix Midtown!

Guest Service Representative $9.50 an hour - $10.50 an hour. Checking guests in and out while providing friendly customer service. Making reservations while utilizing telephone and computer skills. Multitasking. Driving the shuttle van. Valid AZ Driver's License - good MVR. If you are motivated, dependable and eager to make the most of your opportunities, stop by to fill out an application at 2520 N Central Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85004 (9-11AM 0r 2-4PM best times to go.) ===================================

Need COOKS with flexible availability Ability to work both stores would be great. Prior cook experience is required. This is not fast food. You will not be flipping burgers or rolling out premade dough. We make and prep many items from scratch, including some sauces and our dough. We use a real brick oven. Apply in person at 53 W. Thomas Road (West on Thomas about 2 blocks off of Central Ave on the south side) or at 111 W. Monroe Street (1st Ave & Monroe in downtown Phoenix) =================================

Flexibility around School - No Late Hours

Cashiers Somewhat open availability to work days, nights and weekends. Prior server/restaurant experience preferred. While technically the job description says we are looking for a CASHIER, we are really looking for a BRAND AMBASSADOR. This job is more than pushing buttons on a computer. You need to have personality, an outgoing nature, like talking to people and making them feel like you are inviting them into your dining room to have dinner with you. We are not an ordinary place and we do not want ordinary people. We want our customers treated like they are friends and family. Perfect candidate will be responsible, outgoing, positive and energetic. Someone who takes pride in their environment and notices the little things that make a customer's experience better. Apply in person at 53 W. Thomas Road (West on Thomas about 2 blocks off of Central Ave on the south side) or at 111 W. Monroe Street (1st Ave & Monroe in downtown Phoenix) MENU (IT IS MORE THAN JUST A PIZZA JOINT): Better know what makes them different than Pizza Hut!

Apply between 2-4 PM with the idea that you need to impress them with how much you want to work for them. They are hiring upon personality and your people skills – DO NOT BE SHY!!! ===================================

Phoenix Country Club 2901 N 7th Street Phoenix Arizona 85014 Phoenix Country Club is always eager to talk to people who are sincerely interested in providing top-drawer

service to the Club, its Members and Guests. We are a private membership Club and seek employees who are comfortable in that environment. DOWNLOAD APPLICATION: AD&GRP=14415&NS=PUBLIC&FID=138352

USED JOB SHACK INSIDER: Here is the process…Very few people know about this job. Less know what they need to do to get it. The main question is do you?

Do you want this job? The country club is a high-end place that hires regular people but, you must look job ready, you must be educated on who they are. What they do. You must be polite...a "YES Sir" or a "No Mam" goes a long way here. You MUST be available to work the hours posted and be flexible to other emergency hours. You need to go over there looking AZ Casual "work ready" sharp. They are a conservative bunch so cover up and take out anything removable. Experience is helpful but, not the first thing to be considered in hiring you. They will hire on the above presence you make and on your personality, love of working with children. So get yourself put together, become educated and hit their HR Office at no later than 10AM (I would actually go at 9:30 AM). Bring your best "A" Game and impress them. Make them respond to you “you know a lot about my company!” I asked you if you really wanted this job...this is what the selected candidate will be willing to do to get it. Are you that person? Everyone is welcome to apply but, only a select few will know what you now know and even fewer will have it in them to do. The person who does will be the one that they will hire.

Bistro Attendants The Paradise Grill, is hiring seasonal part time attendants responsible for taking orders, food prep, maintaining the cleanliness of the restaurant and

overall customer service. Must be friendly and upbeat! Prior experience in fast food or similar setting is strongly preferred. Must have availability to work 7a-3p or 10a- 6p for 20-25 hours/week. These positions are $10.00/hr. Offers are contingent upon successful results of a pre- employment drug screen and criminal background check. Must have good verbal and written skills. Customer Service experience a plus, but not required. Weekend availability and flexible hours a must. Must be able to pass a drug test, background check and hold a valid driver's license. Excellent benefits: medical, dental, vision, life & 401K upon eligibility. ===================================

Temporary Golf Course Maintenance

Workers To apply for a position, please visit our Human Resources office in person, fax a resume to (602) 952-7210

or download application and email to Employment Application Consent for Background Check =================================== Fairfield Inn & Suites Phoenix Midtown!

breakfast attendant As a Breakfast Attendant, your regular tasks will include: Providing personalized service to all guests. Taking inventory of food, beverages and supplies for each day. Ordering or purchasing food supplies. Preparing foods such as fruit and milk machines or dispensers. Stocking coffee, juice, and milk machines or dispensers. Setting out/arranging cold food such as sweet rolls, muffins, donuts, cereal, etc., for self-service. Clearing and cleaning tables as they are vacated. If you are motivated, dependable and eager to make the most of your

opportunities, stop by to fill out an application at 2520 N Central Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85004 (9-11AM 0r 2-4PM best times to go.)

Authentic hand toss pizza maker – AZ MILLS Villa Pizza located at the Arizona Mills Mall Food Court is looking for an authentic hand toss pizza maker. Minimum 6 months experience required. Please come in and fill out an application and ask to speak to Richard.

Background checks, reference checks, TB testing, and drug and alcohol screenings are part of the hiring process at Beatitudes Campus. Felony convictions should be disclosed, but will not necessarily bar a candidate from employment.

Full Time Cook to join our Dining Services team! Must have a high school diploma or GED - A current and valid Food Handler Card - One to two years’ experience in a hospital, skilled nursing facility, or other medical facility - A genuine desire to expand their skills in the food service industry. He or she prepares hot food, such as entrees, soups, and vegetables, using established recipes for our various dining venues and for special event functions and ensures that safe and high quality food service is provided at all times. YOU WILL NEED ONET TO GET PASS THE GATEKEEPER: Summary Report for: 35-2012.00 - Cooks, Institution and Cafeteria: ========================================= Full Time Utility/Dishwasher to join our Dining Services team! Must have a high school diploma or GED. A current and valid Food Handler Card; or be

willing to get one. One to two years’ experience preferred, but not mandatory; we will train! A genuine desire to expand their skills in the food service industry. YOU WILL NEED ONET TO GET PASS THE GATEKEEPER: Summary Report for: 35-9021.00 – Dishwashers: ===============================

Non- Certified Care Giver

Home Companion/Caregiver $10/HR. Must have a high school diploma or GED. Must have a current certification in CPR and First Aid. Previous experience working with seniors is preferred, but not required. Must have reliable transportation, a valid driver's license, and current automobile insurance. A genuine desire to work with the elderly or disabled. ========================================= Please Be Advised: Background checks, reference checks, TB testing, and drug and alcohol screenings are part of the hiring process at Beatitudes Campus. Felony convictions should be disclosed, but will not necessarily bar a candidate from employment.

construction cleanup crews

$8.00 to $10.00/hour.12-hour shifts to clean or prepare construction sites to eliminate possible hazards. Load, unload, or identify building materials, machinery, or tools, distributing them to the appropriate locations, according to project plans or specifications.

FULLTIME TEMPORARY Open Orientations on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 1:00PM. Must bring 2 forms of identification and a copy of your resume! Allstaff Services, Inc. 5080 N 40th Street, Suite 103, Phoenix, AZ 85108 =============================

6850 E. Main Street, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Hotel Valley Ho is Downtown Scottsdale’s landmark mid-century modern resort. Originally built in 1956, the hotel underwent an $80 million rehabilitation in 2005 that kept the original architectural features intact. It welcomed the Hollywood elite, including Natalie

Wood, Robert Wagner, Bing Crosby. Today, PAINTER The Painter is an hourly staff position within the Engineering department. The main focus of this position is to perform routine to moderately complex surface preparation, painting and finishing tasks, applying a variety of methods, media and techniques to both interior and exterior surfaces. This person must be proactive in their approach to solving daily challenges.

Room Attendant $9.00/HR. Requisition Number 14-0075. Responsible for cleaning rooms and facilities and job duties instructed by the Housekeeping Supervisor, Assistant Director of Housekeeping, and Director of Housekeeping. Summary Report for: 37-2012.00 - Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners ===================================

security agent $11.75/HR. Requisition Number 14-0072. Must possess strong written and verbal communication skills in the English Language. Must possess ability to follow instructions. At least 1 year in resort security or acceptable similar field(s). Ability to analyze and solve problems. Ability to organize, prioritize and work scheduled assign. ===================================

immediate opening for a Receptionist Allstaff Services is currently recruiting for a Receptionist. This is an excellent opportunity with a company that is located in Tempe.

The primary function of the receptionist is to be the main point of contact for all incoming calls and visitors. At least 2 years’ experience as a receptionist. Must be professional, both in person and on the phone.

Must be dependable.

Production Helper Phoenix Lifts, positions, and removes work pieces from machines to assist in fitting and welding. Holds tape and rods and marks reference points to assist in layout. Loads, stacks, and transports stock, tools, dies, and work in process by hand or truck. Attaches rope or grappling equipment to work pieces to prepare work piece for moving by crane or jib. Cleans and scrapes metal preparatory to fabricating, welding,

painting, or shipping. Paints metal stocks. Picks up and trucks scrap from work areas. Cleans work area, machines, tools, and equipment. Perform other routine duties. Qualifications: To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill, and/or ability required. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. High school diploma or general education degree (GED), and/or 12 months experience. =================================== Gateway Café, 410 N. 44th St. Suite # 180 (VAN BUREN)

CASHIER - DELIVERY Ask For Paula Or Roxy. Customer Service / Restaurant Experience A Must. Must Be Motivated and Dependable and A Fast Learner. Your Own Transportation Required For Deliveries, Etc. Duties Include Cashiering, Cleaning, Phones, Stocking and Whatever Else We May Need You To Do.

Our Lunchtime Is Fast Paced, Must Be Able To Work Under Pressure. Apply In Person Monday - Friday at Gateway Café between 8am and 3pm ==================================

NOW HIRING FOR IMMEDIATE PLACEMENT QUICK LUBE TECHNICIAN & CUSTOMER SERVICE ADVISER (C.S.A.) WEEKLY PAYCHECK Cobblestone Auto Spa offers competitive pay, benefits, earned bonus plan, in a fun and fast paced environment. There are many opportunities for advancement. At Cobblestone Auto Spa we help build careers. We will train you and provide you with all the tools you need to succeed.


Cobblestone Auto Spa- 7th Street & Dunlap 9215 N. 7th St. Phoenix, AZ 85020 Phone: (602) 944-4100 Email: Cobblestone – Elliot Road east I-10 7700 S Autoplex Loop Tempe, AZ 85284 Phone: (480) 366-4144 Email: Cobblestone Auto Spa – Kyrene & Baseline 616 E. Baseline Rd. Tempe, AZ 85283 Phone: 480-656-9909 Email: Cobblestone Auto Spa- Greenway & 51 Freeways 3202 E. Greenway Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85032 Phone: Phone: (602) 788-9800 Email: Cobblestone Auto Spa- Bell & 51 Freeway 3739 E Bell Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85032 Phone: (602) 787-0469 Email: Cobblestone Auto Spa- FLWright & Hayden 15816 North Pima Road Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Phone: (480) 596-0689 Email: Cobblestone Auto Spa- Alma School & Germann 2021 S Alma School Rd. Chandler, AZ 85248 Phone: (480) 222-0963 Email:

Cobblestone Auto Spa – Gilbert – OPENING SOON 1536 N. Val Vista Dr. Gilbert, AZ 85234 Cobblestone Auto Spa- Bell Rd West of Grand Ave 13811 W. Bell Rd. Surprise, AZ 85374 Phone: (623) 209-0053 Email: Cobblestone Auto Spa- Signal Butte South of US 60 1855 S. Signal Butte Mesa, AZ 85209 Phone: (480) 626-6000 Email: ================================ WARNING: BEING HIRED DOES NOT MEAN YOU WILL WORK!



100’s of current openings… UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS: ===============================

WARNING: BEING HIRED DOES NOT MEAN YOU WILL WORK! =================================== New job opportunities become available every day. Whether you are just casually looking or maybe holding out for that perfect fit, use these tools to help your next dream job find you!


INN 5402 Lincoln Drive Scottsdale, AZ PLEASE APPLY ONLINE THEN


To search all jobs or learn more about Marriott careers:

========================= *Do not go to the Human

Resources Office first. Go to the department where the job is.

Maids would go to the Housekeeping Department and retail clerks should go to the gift

shop…ECT… This is critical! This is a real insider tip in the industry…

============================ Go in and start the following conversation: “I was in the neighborhood and I REALLY wanted to stop in and

introduce myself as I applied online for ___________ and I was wondering if anyone would have time to talk to me about this position and/or any “upcoming” openings that would utilize my skills/abilities/experience in _________________?” This starts a conversation with the actual people who will decide to interview you and/or can hire you. If they like you, they will walk you over to (or send you over to the HR) and you will see how much nicer they will be to you.

This is the surest way to get yourself known by the people who actually will make the decision to hire you. BETTER YET! THIS IS THE BEST METHOD EVER! Not everyone is bold or they are not a smooth talker that can strike up a conversation at will. Maybe you are shy? If so, the above may be difficult and you might need a different approach. This does not mean “stay at home and wait for them to call you” because

they won’t! Every one of our hires at hotels/resorts was because they had the courage to go over and introduce themselves. Either way you need to bite the bullet and go over there (accept 11AM -1PM) or quit applying for these types of jobs. If you are the Iron Chef, they will call you but otherwise, they won’t. If you call the HR Office will insist that you apply online where their computer will eliminate 90% of the applications and they feel they are too busy to deal with you walking in. This does work with HR but, don’t tell them that we told you! This works because the vast majority of people will listen to them and will not have the nerve to just show up.

THIS IS THE BEST INSIDER TIP WE EVER GOT! We use to do a lot of business with one of the better known resorts and how well you did with them depended upon the approach you took. SAMPLE 1 (NORMAL WAY): You walk in to the HR Office and ask the young lady at the counter if they are hiring. She would respond by giving you an application and show you the job board (postings). Upon completing your application, she would say “Thank you very much, we will let you know.”

SAMPLE 2 (THE INSIDER WAY): You walk in to the HR Office and start a conversation with the young lady at the counter by saying: “You know you have such a beautiful resort (hotel) and I pass by here every day but, I never had enough courage to come in…You know, ever since I was a little, it has always been a dream to get into the hospitality business… (In fact, ever since I was six and my parents took me to my first resort…when we were leaving, I told the lady at the front counter that I would work there someday)… I don’t know if you could use a person {as you hand her a copy of your resume} with my skills and background but, I would give anything to work in such a beautiful resort…and I was wondering if you could show me where to start?” The young lady responds by giving you an application and shows you the job board (postings). Upon completing your application, she reviews your application to see what position you applied for (or she may tell you to apply for a different position that she thinks would be better for you) and then would pick up the phone and call Mr. Jones in Housekeeping and say: “Mr. Jones do you have a moment? I have a very nice young lady who would like to work for us. Would you have time to talk to her?”

NOW FOR THE REST OF THE STORY… Both are true stories with the same company and the same person at the HR Counter. I sent two people over to apply. The first person (normal way) and didn’t have a story nor did they ask for assistance. The second person arrived an hour later with a motivation story as her introduction that got the attention of the person at the counter and when the applicant asked for assistance, she got a completely different level of service. There are research papers written as to why this worked but, the simple fact that it did should be enough to give you thought. To understand this you must understand that people in the resorts (especially HR or Management Levels) love what they do, they are true believers, and they live and even dream about the industry. It is human nature for people to offer a higher level of assistance to people who share their beliefs or interests. This is the same bounding process that allows total strangers to become friend after a 15 minute wait for a bus. Fair? No! But, this is not about fairness it is about getting a job and using anything that gives you an advantage.

GETTING PASS THE GATEKEEPERS! With most midrange or larger company, the gatekeeper is not a real person but a computer. This gatekeeper will scan and convert what you wrote into a number score from zero to one-hundred (or more). It does not do this by analyzing what you said because it is incapable of doing that. I can tell the computer that I have 15 years of retail experience but, the computer will not know what I just said. The computer does not understand

what all that 15 years of experience means as it is not programmed to do that. The computer is programmed to identify key words or phrases and every time it finds one, then that is one point. If you understand this, then you know it is very simple math to beat this gatekeeper. The closer you are to one hundred (or more) then the closer you are to getting selected to be interviewed by a real person. Get it? The trick here is to pad your resume and/or application with as many key words or phrases that you can. If you do this, then you are selected by the gatekeeper as a qualified candidate. The higher your score the higher you are on the list – the higher you are on

the list and the quicker you will get interviewed. We had one young lady who had applied to the same company (different locations/positions) 14 times. She never received a call or a notice and she was depressed. We looked at her application and saw quickly why she had never been called. On each of her applications, she was getting a score 4-6 points. If one hundred points is needed to get selected then you can see why they never called her. We conned her into trying one more time but, to use our system. She took it to heart and went to town with the concept(s) and her new application had 450 points. Within minutes of submitting this new application, she starting getting calls from every store location within the region. You know why? She has learned how the system works and by doing that she was able to beat the system. Beat the system and you get selected for the interview. This is quite simple to do if you can find that many key words or phrases. That can be a challenge as many times the employer’s job description is totally worthless to you. There are not enough details or words to add up to one hundred.

This is where we will introduce you into the best investment the government every made of your tax dollars. They spent a billion dollars to write a complex, detail, six-page job description for almost every job in American. This system is ONET ONLINE and it will be your career search BFF. Each job is broken down based on skills, abilities and a vast collection of key words or phrases for you to pad your application with. The system is neat in that it gives you a complete picture of what you did in that job which includes many connections to skills you didn’t know that you had. ============================


THE BS FACTOR IN YOUR APPLICATION “The best advice that I can give your applicants is to stay within 5 miles of their neighborhood (85008) in central the Phoenix/airport area….as this is your search golden local zone…I love

to hear that an applicant lives right down the street…my ears perk up…” Talked to a retail manager of a big box store today and she educated me on the interview process. She told me that the FATAL “You shot yourself in the foot” mistake(s) that an applicant makes are… FACTOR ONE: The BS Factor comes from applying for stores that are a long way from your home location. The BS is that the employer knows that it is BS that you will or that you can travel to their location on a daily basis without

missing days or running late (especially if you are on a bus). Within 5 miles, the bus is reliable transportation after that it is an excuse to being late or being absent. This manager tells me that this is so common with all of her stores; “your application is not reviewed unless they are totally desperate. “ Her suggestion is that if you keep in the 5-10 mile range. The Manager told me, that she really likes to hear that “I just live down the street” as this tells her that you are more likely to be on time and that you will have the flexibility to stay late or come in on your day with short notice. She said that might not be fair but, that is the reality of the retail market.

FACTOR TWO: (I never thought about this but, now it makes sense) the second biggest reason that she does not call people is because they applied for multiple openings at her store. According to her (and echoed by other managers) this is a real negative

and usually means that she will not waste time with you. The impression that the applicant makes is that they are willing to do anything usually means that they are desperate for employment and that they are just applying for things whether or not they really qualifies for them.

She says that this wastes her time trying to figure out what you want to do when you grow up and as she is busy running the store to take that much time on any one candidate. Most importantly, she says that it shows her that you really do not have a specific interest or worse yet (if the application is a mess – incomplete, rushed, and hard-to-read and/or lacks details or doesn’t relate to the skills that she is looking for) you don’t care. To her the application represents you at your best and she judges it as such. Her suggestion is to read the job descriptions and determine which job is a perfect fit for your skills (you need to do this as she doesn’t have the time or interest to do) and, then, apply for that job.

She said that you must complete the application with an emphasis on the skills, abilities or experience that is requested in the ad. She said that this should be your base to build a case that she needs to call you in for an interview. The application must be neat and easy for her to read (sloppy applications are tossed as they take too much time to figure out). Remember, to her, this is your very best and sloppiness is a sign that you really didn’t want this job. She told me that it is critical that you show her that you have the skills that she needs and that you need to show how your experience (outside of the specific job you applied for) related to the specific job you applied for.

She said you need to show the connection. She said that is your job not her’s as she has a job and she ended the thought by saying that she isn’t Colombo! Put this all together and you have an application that will impress her enough to call you. If not, try again in

six months – as that is how long they keep them on file. ROSS @ Arcadia Crossing – 4509 E Thomas Rd. Phoenix, Arizona 85018


The Associate may be required to assist in specialized areas or functions in the store including but not limited to Cash Office, Front End, Fitting Room, Stock Room, Fine Jewelry, Customer Service, Markdowns, Recovery/Sizing, Cashiering etc. The Retail Associate is expected to be engaged in these tasks as assigned during all working hours, and will be expected to perform a range of functions in all areas of the store as business needs require.

USED JOB SHACK INSIDER: The background check company (or “CRA”), Accurate Background, will prepare the background report for the Company. Accurate Background is located at 7517 Irvine Center Dr., Irvine, CA 92618, and can be reached at 800-784-3911. The privacy policies for Accurate Background may be found at its Web site at A criminal conviction will not necessarily be a bar to your employment. To help us evaluate your application, please include the conviction type (felony or misdemeanor) and conviction date, and also describe the nature of the offense AND YOUR SUBSEQUENT REHABILITATION. *Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Do not identify a record of any adult or juvenile arrest, detention or conviction that has been sealed, expunged, annulled, erased, pardoned or statutorily eradicated, set aside or otherwise dismissed by court order. **BUFFALO, HAWAII, MASSACHUSETTS, MINNESOTA, NEWARK, PHILADELPHIA, RHODE ISLAND APPLICANTS: MARK N/A BELOW. Laced with feta and Fuzzy’s sauce, the Baja style tacos quickly led to unstoppable addictions and cult-like fans. And as some of those fans moved away to Fuzzy’s-less towns, they began suffering serious withdrawals. They demanded more locations, and Fuzzy’s obliged. Spreading throughout 10 states with 78 stores and many more to come, Fuzzy’s is taking over stomachs and states alike. Now Hiring-

Fuzzy's Taco Shop Arcadia-42nd and Thomas Open interviews will occur every Monday-Saturday from 12-8PM at the Tempe location on 4th & Mill Ave Also Sunday from 2-4PM - ask for Tony, Kyrri or Adam and specifically inquire on the Arcadia location.

We are seeking great talent to work at our new location in Arcadia:

• Cashiers • Line Cooks • Prep Cooks • Dishwashers • Shift Managers • Maintenance

What to Bring: • A great attitude • Enthusiasm

NOW OPENING @ ARCADIA ==================================








A YOUNG LADY CRIED: “I HAVE NO SKILLS!” “I HAVE NO EXPERIENCE!” “I HAVE NO HOPE!” With that she had resigned herself to the helplessness of

your plight and that it wasn’t worth the effort to try. I told her that this was a copout and that I wasn’t going to let her do that. I said that because her conclusion was so far from true anywhere except in her mind. In fact, all of the jobs that she seemed to have an interest in center around what she felt comfortable with, that she had spent years (at home) perfected her skills and abilities to a master’s level.

In several of these areas, she was truly a journey level person: Cleaning, cooking and caregiving. In fact, I had to warn her that she may be over qualified for the entry level jobs in those industries. In each, she had professional experience and must be pretty good at each - as she says her kids never throw food back at her – and if anyone would, they would…the hardiest critiques come from those we care about the most… No space to explain…hope you get the jest of the argument? Whether others would agree with this assessment depends solely on her ability to showcase skills and abilities. It is like the old man use to say: “If the job is riding a bicycle…do you really care where I learned to or that I can?” In these entry level jobs experience is not necessary but, skills and abilities are! This special issue came out of that conversation…Hope it can help others!

FREE TO DOWNLOAD OR READ OR PRINT FROM THIS SITE COURTESY OF THE USED JOB SHACK: This is offered for non-commercial usage ONLY! For any other requests please contact Dr. Seine LaGone at =================================== APPLY NOW FROM OUR ONLINE CAREER CENTER AT

NOTE: ALL APPLICATIONS ARE ACCEPTED AND A CRIMINAL RECORD WILL NOT DISQUALIFY YOU FROM EMPLOYMENT! The nature of the offence and how it related to the position that you are applying for plus the age of the offence and the circumstances of the offence. TIPSTER: HUMANIZE THIS! There is a big difference in I stole to feed my babies versus I stole that big screen TV from WALMART…GET IT????

Criminal convictions or arrests will not automatically disqualify an applicant from employment. The way you present it

and where in the conversation does and will affect your ability to get hired. Read our guide:




STEP ONE: APPLY ONLINE… DID YOU KNOW? 80% of all applications get thrown away because you NEVER showed the employer that you had the skills that THEY were looking for. You got too caught up with explaining what you did instead of showing how that related to what this employer wanted. HINT: If I was an auto mechanic applying for a courtesy clerk position at Food City…the last thing I would talk about would be repairing a car… I would talk about dealing with my customers, resolving their problems…


STEP TWO: GO INTRODUCE YOURSELF… If you really want the job, demonstrate that by going over to the store and introducing yourself…If you can’t or won’t…this tells the employer everything they need to know about how seriously you REALLY want their job…NOT!

Most importantly, this says that you do not care enough…that you might do this job…OR NOT? NO ONE wants to hire the person who demonstrates that they would take this job as a last resort…everyone wants to hire the person who is excited…who likes/love the work and who appreciates the opportunity to get THIS job.


Explain that you understand that you are being offered an opportunity and that you appreciate it…because the employer believes that they are offering you an opportunity and most applicants

(mostly those not hired) never demonstrate that they get it…little-a-lone that they appreciate it. At the end of the interview, tell the employer that you still want the job…these things make a big difference and many times…means the difference between getting hired or not.

Hey Camper, hold on here and let us tell you about a sweet deal if you like College Football. Pro-EM does ASU Football and other sports events at ASU-TEMPE. Come join the excitement and the party at Sun Devil Stadium. They will need a small army of staff to run ticket taking, ushering and if you qualify, they will train you to be a security guard. Pro-EM is an events management company (so don’t be asking them about a full-time gig) but, if you are free on Saturday Nights this Fall, you would be square not to be in a Pro-EM Polo Shirt. EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION If you are interested in applying for a position at PRO EM, please fill out

this application online and a member of our Human Resources staff will contact you.

TIPSTER: If you are a card carrying UMOM Camper, fill out the application and then go down (SAME DAY) to their office @ 16th Street and Grant (1450 E. Grant St.) and start you conversation: “I live here in the neighborhood at UMOM (on the light rail) and I love ASU Football, I hear tell you are going to be hiring for the Football Games this fall…” =================================== DO NOT GO INTO THE MAIN OFFICE on the north side. Use the double door on the long warehouse building (middle part of the building).

Not from UMOM? Sorry Charlie!!! ===================================

MCDONALD’S This is it! It's time you worked for someone who will give you the tools to learn,

grow and be what you want to be - both personally and professionally. We're looking for hard working, enthusiastic individuals who want to be a part of a winning team. If you enjoy working with people and love to learn new things, we want to meet you. We offer flexible schedules and the opportunity to advance within our restaurants. Got what it takes? Apply online and see what your future can hold. ================================ APPLY TO EACH STORE INDIVIDUALLY THAT ARE WITHIN 5-10 MILES OF WHERE YOU LIVE TO HAVE THE

“ADVANTAGE OF LIVING IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD.” ================================ TIPSTER: Apply to stores that are closest to where you live. This will allow you to take advantage of living within the neighborhood. Use this technique (below) with stores where the manager's name is posted. Normally, we would tell you to NOT call but, go in person as this is the best way to introduce yourself and to show the manager that you are serious about working for them.

McDonald's is different. Managers might manage multiple stores and if you just go, they might not be there.


DRILL: • Apply online to the store. Do the

application correctly (ala Rule Number Four) and complete.

• Call over to the store between 2-4 PM ONLY.

• Whoever answers the phone usually gives you their name, right? Start talking to them like you know them and then ask for their boss by his/her first name.

SAMPLE: "Hey, Joe...are you guys, we are over here...Hey, is Pedro in? Can I talk to him real quick?" There is a complicate psychological explanation as to why this works but, it does.

• You are on the phone with Pedro. Change gears by saying " Mr. Trujillo, I know you are very busy but, I just completed your online application and I was wondering if you could (please) pull my application (and without

pausing or taking a breath…this is critical to making this work) when can I come see you about the position?

• Agree to the time that Pedro gives you and be there 10 minutes early. Please don't say, “no I can't come now...” otherwise... this call was in vain.

10th St. & Indian School McDonald's - This restaurant is owned and operated by an independent franchisee.

Store Photo 926 E. Indian School Road, Phoenix AZ 85014 Phone: (602) 248-0900 Manager: Pedro Trujillo

McDonald's #1092 - This restaurant is owned and operated by an independent franchisee.

Photo 4430 E. Thomas, Phoenix AZ 85018 Phone: 602-840-6281 – Manager: Elizabeth Hernandez

24th St & Osborn Rd This restaurant is owned and operated by an independent franchisee.

3323 N. 24th St. Phoenix AZ 85016 Phone: (602) 956-7710 – Manager: Jessica R

7th Avenue & Van Buren This restaurant is owned and operated by an independent franchisee.

223 N. 7th Ave. Phoenix AZ 85007 Phone: (602) 254-9374 – NO MANAGER NAMED – Use your "English Accent" to call (pick a busy lunch) ask if "Charles Huff is still the Manager?" They will say no and then tell you the name of the current manager. Hang up and call back (using your real voice) between 2-4PM...

7th St & McDowell Rd This restaurant is owned and operated by an independent franchisee.

545 E. McDowell, Phoenix AZ 85007 Phone: (602) 262-2388 - Manager: Hector C

McDonald's WalMart Thomas RD. This restaurant is owned and operated by an

independent franchisee. 3721 E. Thomas, Phoenix AZ 85018 Phone: 602-225-9009 – Manager: Dora Acevedo

Restaurant #6410 - This restaurant is owned and operated by an independent franchisee. Store Photo 125 N 24th St.

Phoenix AZ 85034 Phone: 602-231-0924 – NO MANAGER NAMED – Use your "English Accent" to call (pick a busy lunch) ask if "Charles Huff is still the Manager?" They will say no and then tell you the name of the current manager. Hang up and call back (using your real voice) between 2-4PM...

FROM THE APPLICATION…. During the past 5 years, have you ever been convicted of, pled guilty to or pled no contest to, a crime, excluding misdemeanors and traffic violations?


Applicants are not required to disclose sealed or expunged conviction records or the existence of such records. These include, for example, youthful offender records or conviction records that have been sealed or expunged by a court order. ===================== IMPORTANT VIDEO: ================================== USED JOB SHACK INSIDER… MCDONALD’S…. Maintenance - I applied in-person and the process took 2 days Interview Details – Hiring process very basic, as expected. Met with the manager on duty and GM, they went through some basic questions, asked a few inappropriate personal questions, and I was hired on the spot. Interview Question – No technical questions to be worried about. Be

prepared to answer invasive questions about your personal life. Fry Cook - I interviewed at McDonald's Interview Details – It was one interview and I got the job Interview Question – What is your greatest weakness? ================================== Crew Member - I applied in-person and the process took 2 weeks Interview Details – Interview process is a few steps questioning on why you would be a good fit and background check Interview Question – Why you think you should work with McDonald's? ================================== Cashier Interview - I applied in-person Interview Details – It was really easy, they didn't ask me any questions that I had to study prior to the interview. Interview Question – What are your weaknesses? ==================================

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