motivation “keep the switch turned on” one hour workshop presented by barbara hop

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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Motivation “Keep the switch turned on”

One Hour WorkshopPresented byBarbara Hop


What is motivation?Why does it seem to desert us when we need it most?Does it have to feel like a punishment?How can we keep up the momentum to complete what we set out to do and move on to the next exciting project?

Mechanisms of Motivation – The ON – OFF Switch

To do or not to do? That is the question?

It is our values and beliefs, what is important to us learned over time from our life experiences that filter what we feel in relation to something or someone: E.g. Family, friends, money, success, education, time etc.

How we feel links with and will have an impact on, • what we think and do,• or don’t do.







If we believe it will be bad for us orIf we believe it has no value, we will be de – motivated.

The switch turns to OFF If we feel something is: Bad, Wrong or “not worth it”

The Switch turns to ON If we feel something is:Good, Right and “worth it”

The question being, is the reward worthy of the action required to achieve it?

If we value it, we will give it attention. If we believe it is worthwhile, we will give it our time.

Start: Feeling: enthusiastic, optimistic and energized The Switch turns on•Something different and new•Excited by what lies ahead.

Middle: Feeling: tired, bored, restless,•Familiar routine/reality of the task ahead •Stressed/Depressed, bogged down in the detail. •Can’t see where it is going. •Distracted by new and exciting projects,•Anything can seem more attractive than the task in hand! The switch turns off

What is motivating you to get started?


•Mixed feelings - Almost there!•Feeling excited at the prospect of achieving.•Feeling anxious that it will never be finished and what lies ahead.• CONFLICTING EMOTIONS on off on

•What motivates or de- motivates us can be complex •We can create simple strategies that are flexible and effective.

Knowing your patterns and habits will help you to create a strategy that works for YOU !!!

The How

How you instinctively approach a project/goal is important.

Are you Big Picture or Small Chunk?


Do you?

•Focus on the over view & destination•Know where you are going •Have great ideas•Usually not bothered with how to get there•Often dislike detail


•Focus on the detail•Finish one thing before moving onto the next•Often called completer finishers•Can find it difficult to envisage the destination or whole picture

Creating Goals

Do you? •Instinctively move towards the reward or target •Goal driven, •Know what you want •Move toward the Reward

Or Do You?

•Instinctively move away from fear or a threat•Try to avoid failure •Focus on what you don’t want

Move away from a threat = most people

2.Create a plan / frame work, structure (call it something that feels comfortable for you)

Ask yourself?

A/ what am I trying to achieve? – (goal)E.g. finish assignment on time, pass this exam

B/ how will I achieve it? what have I got to do and by when? (target)

Get yourself a diary / planner!!!


1.Start with the end in mind (aim)

Aims, Goals and Setting TargetsFAILING TO PLAN = PLANNIG TO FAIL

3.Fill in your diary from the end - deadline day- back to today counting back from zero (e.g.) 01234= how many weeks until deadline week.

Ask when ideally will I have this finished? 2 days, 3 days before deadline day (what will your reward be?)


First fill in your commitments e.g. lectures/tutorials/meetings for group work/ dentist / doctor/

Creating your study plan

Creating your study Plan-PLAY T0 YOUR STRENGTHS!!

Ask yourself?

4.When am I most effective?• Am I a? • Morning person/ evening / night owl.

•Do I want to keep weekends free?

•4a.Where am I most effective? At home? Lone study student/on campus feeling part of the community/ library (Want Company but need quiet)

5.How long can I concentrate before I get distracted? 15,20, 30 minutes,1hr, before I have a break? •Be realistic - may vary depending on the topic.

External distractions ….

Helping a friend, Checking email, Facebook, Twitter Texts, Making a drink, Washing up, Going shopping on a Monday for Thursday.............

What is going to stop me?

Answer, almost anything!!

Internal Distractions/Thoughts

Feel inadequate •I don’t know what I am supposed to be doing!! •I’m not sure/ where to / how to start •I’m not sure where to get the journals from

Feel embarrassed •I have asked the tutor twice already•I’m still not sure how to use SPSS

Feel disappointed •I will miss Big Bang Theory•I don’t like/ hate this topic

•Feel overwhelmed •There is so much to do. •I get so many journals it takes me hours to find the research I need •I don’t know who to ask about using the library •It’s going to take up all of my time


Feel Think DoIf I feel any or all from the list, what is likely to happen?

(Feel ) Waste of time (Think) I can’t do it, what is the point of even starting?

I can’t be bothered!! It’s to much

Ask yourself?

Is this distraction really necessary? Yes /No If yes, is it my priority? Yes/ No If no ,who’s priority is it?

If yes how does this affect my overall plan? E.g. where can I get the information I need to feel more confident ?(PAD, the library assistants, clarification from the lecturer / tutor)

If no, how can I help ? friend / explain my priority (Pass on details for PAD/Library) make my apologies or ignore the need to be distracted.

Can I use the distraction as a reward instead?


•Watch a favourite TV program, •Check texts/ facebook? •Bag of crisps? •Go for a run, •What ever you enjoy and might otherwise distract you

Use your favourite TV program as a time frame.

Create a study status for face book…… “Study session back in 30/60mins”

TURN THE PHONE OFF!!! Make checking texts your reward

How long can I study before I get distracted? 15, 20, 30, minutes - 1hr, before I have a break?

Play to your strengths !!! If I say I am •Completing 15 minutes of reading/ check texts for 15 mins.•Complete 30 minutes of study /watch 1 episode of Big Bang Theory

PLAY TO MY STRENGTHS!! How am I feeling now?

OptimisticI can do it





BIG PICTURE •YOU ARE LIKELY TO BE AWARE OF •The destination •But resist planning the detail

Ask yourself how you can create detail to your plan?•Create small ‘big pictures’ •Create a slot for study; decide the details nearer the time E.G •Time for research•Writing up notes,•Proof reading

Create a plan that works for you!

Example of Weekly Planner

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

9.00Lecture Rugby

10.00 s Special project

11.00Lecture Dentist





16.00 PlanningStudy Study




SMALL CHUNK YOU ARE LIKLEY TO •Get bogged down in the detail •Loose sight of the overall destination

Ask yourself how you can Chunk up- create space within the overall plan? •Break weeks into days/ hours•Be specific about what you will study and when •E.g. Research Plato, Aristotle, Hippocrates for assignment, introduction •Write notes on lecture 12

Think how the detail relates to a slightly larger picture/section, creating a pathway through the detail.

Create a plan that works for you!

Example of Weekly Planner

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

9.00Lecture Biology Meet Jack- ensure kit and


10.00Lecture Biology


Special projectMeeting:Feedback research

Bus leaves

Bus arrives

11.00Lecture Biology Discuss roles Lecture neurology 9.20 bus Rugby kick off

12.00Lecture neurology Dentist

13.00 Close book next meeting


15.00Book 1

Book 2

Lab work

16.00Write notes Planning for next few

daysLab work Write up

Lab notes

Planning for weekend

17.00Plan Tues. Thurs. Friday pm Lab work


Completing the task- When you feel de-motivated......

Reflect back to what motivated you in the beginning and what will motivate you now!

Reflect on your plan- what is working well, what changes can you make to be more effective with your time so you can still do the things you enjoy

Where are you being distracted? Is this your priority, or someone else’s?

Where are you wasting time? E.g. travelling, time/between lectures/cooking the dinner - can you plan during this time?

“It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste” ― Henry Ford

Can you physically / visually create an aide to assist you?

No failure, only feedback….,


Is this taking me closer or further away from my goal ? Yes/No

What can I do instead?

What will stop me?

Think how far you have come, not how far you still have to go

“Anyone who never made a mistake, never tried anything new!!” Albert Einstein

Finale !! Visualisation

A Powerful tool Gives you a vision of the goal you are achieving

Handing in your first assignment

Completing your first concert

Finishing your first term

Create a picture in your mind of you successfully…….


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