moses life bishouy - copy

Post on 07-Apr-2018






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  • 8/4/2019 Moses Life Bishouy - Copy


    Moses life

  • 8/4/2019 Moses Life Bishouy - Copy


    Moses when he was youngfirst page

    When Moses was very young when he was from 1

    day to 3 months Pharaoh ordered to the 2 women

    who get babies to kill all Israel babies that haveborne because the Israel people were too big they

    were 2 million of them

    and Moses was one of them he was still a baby hewas 3 months old and when he was young may be

    1 months old hes crying voice is not going to be so

    loud so his mum hidden him but now he is 3 months

    old so his voice was becoming loud

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    Moses when he was youngsecond page

    So his mum thinked and her idea was to makea basket and daubed it with asphalt and pitchand then she putted the baby in it and she

    closeted and she throwed it in to the riverand Moses was having a brother and a sisterthe brothers name was Huron and the sisterwas the biggest one and her name is Mary

    and she is the one who was looking at it andchasing it from the grass until the pharaohsdaughter saw it so she said to her servant go and get that basket so she went and

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    Moses when he was youngthird page

    When she came back she gave the basket to

    pharaohs daughter and when she opened it

    she found a baby and just when she opened

    it Mary just came and said is this is yourbaby he is beautiful would you like a nurse a

    Hebrew women to nurse him so pharaohs

    daughter said go so she went and call hermum but pharaohs daughter didnt know that

    she was going to bring his mum so his mum

    was nursing and also telling him about god

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    Moses when he was young

    last page

    and tell him about Israel so he could knowthat he is not Egyptian but he is Hebrew

    he is from Israel people .His mum was telling him this until he was 2

    years old so pharaohs daughter told themum to stop nursing him because he isbig now he can eat anything and then helearnt many things because long agoEgypt was the best country so he learnt

    many things until he was 40 years old.

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    Moses when he killed someone

    When Moses was 40 years he went to look at the Israelpeople and he saw an Egyptian man hitting one of theIsrael people with a web so Moses remembered whathis mum told him when he was young so Moses wasvery angry so he killed the one who was hitting theIsrael man. In the next day Moses went again to lookat the Israel people so he saw two men from the Israelpeople fighting so he said to them stop fighting so one

    of them told him do you want to kill us like when youkilled the Egyptian man yesterday so he got scaredand he noticed that the one who saw it told pharaoh soMoses got scared because pharaoh could kill him so

    he ran away.

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    Moses and the well

    When Moses got tired he saw a well so he sat next to itand then he saw some women going to the well tomake her sheep drink from the well but they whereearly and then some other people came and said to

    the women at this time we should be making oursheep drink not your sheep so go away now or moveaway and wait for us so Moses stand and said to thepeople they came first so you have to wait and he

    helped the women to finish fast and then he toldthem goodbye but then they asked do you want togo to my dad at our house so Moses said okay thedads name was JETHRO and the womans namewas ZAPPORAH. Moses married ZAPPORAH andthey got 2 sons ones name was GERSHOM

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    Moses and the burning bushpage 1

    And Moses worked with JETHRO tendingthe flock of JETHRO for 40 years and onetime when he was tending a sheep went

    away so Moses went behind it until thesheep stopped the sheep stoppedbecause there was a burning bush in frontof it so Moses was wanting to see what is

    happening so he walked slowly until heheard a sound saying Moses MosesMoses didnt know from where did it come

    from until he noticed that it was from the

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    Moses and the burning bushpage 2

    Tree so god talked again from the tree andsaid dont come near put your sandals offbecause this place is a holy place so

    Moses did what god said and then godcontinued saying I am the god of yourfathers ,Abraham ,Isaac and Jacob and Ican hear the screaming of my people soyou are the one who is going to take themout you have to tell them about this but itsgoing to be hard pharaoh is not going to

    be easy on you then Moses said to him

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    Moses and the burning bushthird page

    I cant talk very well and what am I going to

    say to them if they didnt believe what did I

    say so god said to him throw your stick onthe floor so Moses did so it turned to a snake

    and then god to Moses catch it from the tail

    moses was scared but he did so the snack

    turned back to a stick and then god said put

    your hand in your pocket and get it out so

    Moses did when moses looked at it he saw

    that it was like an ice it was the leprosy

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    Moses and the burning bushlast page

    And then god said this is what you are

    going to say to them and to pharaoh and

    then Moses said I am not good at talkingso god said to Moses you are going to

    meat your brother Aaron and he is going

    to talk for you so Moses got his things

    and went and he have mated his brother

    in the middle and then they continued

    going .

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    Moses and the ten plagues

    When they went and mate pharaoh they told

    him to let the people go but he didnt

    agree so

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  • 8/4/2019 Moses Life Bishouy - Copy


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