moruya public school week 2 term 3€¦ · 2/3r 3t 3d max, duke, abigail, dhyann, angus, duke, 3a...

Post on 05-Aug-2020






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W E E K 2

30 July

31 July 1 August Kindergarten Orientation


Peer Support training

2 August 3T parent/teacher

Interviews AEC meeting 3.15pm Peer Support training

3 August

11am boys soccer vs St Georges Basin

W E E K 3

6 August Education Week -

Todays Schools Creating Tomorrows World

7 August 8 August

Peer Support starts

9 August

Open Day 10-1130am

10 August

Welcome to new students to our school – Ridham (year 1) Bella (Blue Wrens) and Nyree (Sparrows) – I am sure they will make friends quickly and settle-in well.

Also welcome to Jacob Lekki on Eagles class as a student teacher!

Congratulations Fletcher and Samara who will be receiving special recognition at the Mayor’s Writing competition award ceremony this Thursday at the Council chambers. Please have a read of Samara’s entry in this newsletter. Indiana received her highly commended certificate today for her writing piece. Further outstanding results of our students in the University of NSW Science competition were Matthew D receiving a “High Distinction” and Ned Mc a “Distinction” as well as Nirusha receiving a “Participation”.

Education Week is next Monday 6 August. The theme this year is “Today’s Schools Creating Tomorrow’s World”. Open Day is next Thursday 9 August from 10am to 11:30am. Come in and look at the classrooms and then have a cuppa and cake at the canteen, even stay and have lunch with your child.

One of our innovative programs is the Kitchen Garden program that is run by Phil and Jess with the classroom teachers each Thursday. While you are here pop-in and see the extension class operating with Ms Aedy in N block.

Kindergarten Orientation - Wednesday 1 August Again this year, we are commencing orientation earlier so please let everyone know that all new families are welcome to come to our school’s orientation morning at 9:30 am or the evening one at 7 pm in the school library. The transition program commences term 4 week 3 which runs Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday each morning for three weeks.

Peer Support Training Peer support training for year 6 will commence this Wednesday and Thursday and will be followed by peer support workshops each Wednesday for all students commencing next week on 8 August.

Aboriginal Education Committee – Thursday 2 August Please come to the meeting at 3:15pm in the Staff Room. There is room to bring the kids.

NAIDOC Week Celebrations This year, the school celebrates NAIDOC week in week 4 of this term – commencing 13 August. Education Week is the week before 6 August.

Sports Update Thank you to Mrs Allison, staff and parents who supported the students in their endeavours at the Field athletics carnival on the last day of term, Friday 6 July. All the kids tried their best and enjoyed the participation. The school athletics team will compete at the district carnival on Friday 17 August. Boys soccer - Their next game is against St Georges Basin here at Gundary Oval Friday 3 August at 11am. Congratulations to the boys touch team for their close 4-3 win over Narooma last Wednesday – well done boys. The girls play next. Last week 6 students participated in the Interschool’s Ski team at Perisher in the Snowy Mountains. Well done to our first ever ski team. Congratulations Arlo, Lucy, Leo, Zara, Georgia and Olivia! Staff Leave Mrs Allison is on leave next week and Mrs Mercer returns next week. Peter Johnson Principal

30 July 2018

Week 2 Term 3


Public School



3D Max, Duke, Abigail, Dhyann, Angus, Duke,







EAGLES Kiera, Ella, Fletcher, Willow, Sophia


POSSUMS Tyler W, Jesslyn






Fletcher & Samara -

Academic Achievement

LIBRARY AWARDS Aleigha, Abigail, Mitchell, Isabella, Declan

Ethan J, Lachlan M, Farrah L, Jackson N, Marcus J, Tyrone N, Blake C, Maddie J, Violet T, Luke A, Xy, Lorelai, Pippi, Jack T, Brody K, Sam H, Julie H, Ruby H, Jeremy R, Vivian, Bryden Z, Kiera A, Alex M, Pheebie I, Blake C, Amelia P, Ella C, Kelereyani, Lachlan L, Toby S, Joey J, Madeline O, Skyla B, Charlotte J, Zaidyn T, Jacob E, Joey B.

Radio show and Assembly performance roster Week 3 - 2/3M Tune in to 2EAR or 107.5 to hear our report each Monday at 12 noon and join us at the school assembly at 2.15pm.

Max G, Abigail G, Angus S

Kiera, Fletcher

PBL - POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR FOR LEARNING This week we are focusing on the mud cubby area and playground: Wear a hat or play in the shade Stay in bounds Leave all rocks, sticks and stones alone Play responsibly, take turns Play by the rules Respect school and other’s property Speak to PK with respect Put rubbish in bins Know when to step away and calm down Be cooperative Respect Mud Cubby area Follow teacher/adult direction


SCHOOL BANKING - Colouring In Competition has started!

School Banking is offering a colouring in completion which all students can enter!

Entry forms can be collected from the school office

Finishes on Wednesday 29th August 2018

Completed entry forms should be returned to the office

Winners announced on Monday 3 September 2018 at assembly

Students can only enter the colouring in competition once

Colouring competition prizes will be awarded 1st, 2nd & 3rd prize for School Banking students and a 1st & 2nd prize for Non School Banking students

The Blue Wrens and Sparrows kindergarten classes visited Moruya Preschool Kindergarten on Friday the 27 July and had such a fun time performing their songs and playing with the pre schoolers.

The Loop Hole I woke up with the sun shining through my blue stained glass window. I slowly got out of bed to the smell of burning breakfast; I quickly ran down the stairs almost tripping over my own two feet. I swiftly turned the oven off before the kitchen caught fire, but the bacon was long gone. Out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of my father in the front garden throwing rocks into the pond with Nipper our dog sitting at his feet. ‘’hey dad’ ’I said staring into the pond.’’ Morning Chelsea, enjoy your sleep in this morning?’’ dad questioned me.’’ Yeah I enjoyed sleeping in, are you thinking about mum again?’’ I questioned dad with a yawn.’’ Yes, how did you know?’’ dad asked.’’ Because mum loved this pond and you only come outside with Nipper when you think of her you said so yourself’’ I said to dad with a little bit of an attitude, it had been 3 years since my mum disappeared. After a few days my father and I confirmed that she was missing. The police looked for weeks but the only thing they found was a note written by her the day she went missing but it was all written in code and there was nothing else to point them in the right direction to finding her, but dad and I don’t like to talk about her disappearance to much especially since 3 years ago today mum went missing,*sigh* anyway I have to go and pick apples for dads apple pie. ”Ahhhhhhhhhh’’ I screamed at the top of my lungs as I was falling. *thump* ‘’oww, ouch , I must have fallen like 5 feet underground , wait where am I and why is all black and white oh did that hole take me back in t-time, wait if that hole can travel in time maybe just maybe I can find that hole and travel back to the day my mum went missing and I can find out what happened to her that day and maybe I can change the past to fix the future and dad won’t be miserable, this is perfect. I had said out loud with all the public staring at me. I just ignored them and started to run towards the apple yards I started to get puffed but I couldn’t stop I knew I needed to find that loop hole thingy. I want to know what happened to my mother that day I need to know. But a sudden step later the hole opened up again “ok time to jump in again I said with a gulp. I started to think of the day when my mother went missing and poof I was at that day the morning of her disappearing we were eating breakfast when she said '' I'm going to go pick apples for my apple roses, be back in a tick''.

30 minutes later........................... "I can't believe I'm re-living this day, I didn't realise how scared I was" I thought to myself. I

quickly ran out after I saw her in the apple yards but right in front of my eyes my mother

fell down the same hole as I did. I jumped in after her finding where in time she was and I

knew my hunch was correct she went straight to the time I went to when I first travelled

through the loop hole. “Mum are you ok?" I asked mum. " Chelsea, sweetie is t-that you"

mum said slowly putting her hand on my cheek." yes mum, it's me" I told her hoping she

would calm down. I told her why I was here with her, because the last time she saw me we

were all having breakfast and she was in the apple yards. I told her I travelled back in time

to today through the loop hole to find out what happened to her and told her that in the

future dad was miserable and life was horrible even Nipper missed her." well sweetheart

what are we waiting for?, let's get you home, back to the future and I want to go home

too". mum said with a smile." ok then" I said back. Continued next page...

So mum and I ran as fast as we could to the apple yards and finally we found the one tree that the loop hole was under and when the hole opened up we jumped in and I thought about the day that I jumped through the loop hole but I thought that I was with mum as well. But we ended up some time different to what I was thinking." ah mum this isn't what time we were supposed to be, we were supposed be in 2018 not when ever this is we just need to go back to the apple yards" I said in panic." Ok" mum said back. so we ran back to the apple yards for what felt like the 600th time in the past few days. but we found the tree and the loop hole and jumped back through the loop hole but again we ended up in the wrong time again, but this time mum and I took advantage of the situation and decid-ed to have a walk around the town before my generation. my mum and I had took so long walking around that we went to mum's childhood home and we had to sneak up to the attic so we could sleep and we would be full of energy to run all the way back to the apple yards AGAIN!.

The next morning........................... it's the next morning ugh the night was so boring and mum snored so loud, anyway we have to run all the way back to the apple yards and back to that tree." ah finally back to the tree with the loop hole" I said with an irritated voice. Mum and I jumped back through the loop hole and finally we were back home and in my generation. Mum and I ran swiftly up our rocky path to our house and we barged through the front door " uh M-Melissa is that you?" dad asked with one small tear running down his cheek." yes Eric, it's me" mum said back sounding upset. Mum, dad and I gathered on the floor for a family hug after 3 years of my father not seeing her he forgot what love felt like. After mum was reunited with us dad was so much happier and the family was now happy. The family are now going to be happy for generations to come.

By Samara Ellis


The fundraiser will be happening again in term 4. **Orders are not being taken just yet but keep the mango fundraiser in mind for the end of the year and tell your friends and neighbours.

Thank you to our sponsors…..

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It is another way of keeping up with what’s happening here at school.


SAILING INTO HISTORY The NSW & ACT Association of Family History Societies, wish to advise that its annual conference “Sailing Into History” is being held at the Batemans Bay Soldiers’ Club from Friday 14 to Sunday 16 September 2018.On Friday the free Family History Fair is open to the general public with access to a variety of workshops and service providers. Please see the conference website for further information.

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