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2 4 E . 3 R D S T R E E T, R I C H M O N D , VA 2 3 2 2 4 | ( 8 0 4 ) 3 5 8 - 0 8 2 5 | FA X : ( 8 0 4 ) 3 5 8 - 1 0 7 9 | S T Y L E W E E K LY. C O M

more to the storyest. 1982


2 4 E . 3 R D S T R E E T, R I C H M O N D , VA 2 3 2 2 4 | ( 8 0 4 ) 3 5 8 - 0 8 2 5 | FA X : ( 8 0 4 ) 3 5 8 - 1 0 7 9 | S T Y L E W E E K LY. C O M


Full Page w 9.45” x h 10”

1/2 PageHorz: w 9.25” x h 4.8”

Vert: w 4.5” x h 10”

1/4 Pagew 4.5” x h 4.8”

1/8 PageHorz: w 4.5” x h 2.3”

RATE CARD #37 January 1, 2020

SIZE OPEN RATE 6-11x(3 Months)

12-24 x(6 Months)

25–49x(1 YEAR)

50x(13 months)

Back/ Inside Cover 3,476 3,087 2,815 2,507 2,354

Full Page 2,984 2,572 2,274 2,028 1,929

2/3 Page 2,290 2,004 1,742 1,569 1,456

1/2 Page 1,607 1,418 1,297 1,169 1,058

1/3 Page 1,274 1,098 978 893 847

1/4 Page 899 765 703 655 582

1/6 Page 679 599 559 514 466

1/8 Page 529 463 415 373 351

All ads appear in our Advertiser Index on Color: 2/3 page and full page: $250. 1/2 and smaller $150. 85 or 100-line screen accepted for all halftones.

Ads requiring specific positions are subject to Style’s approval and will require a 15% premium.Double truck available with a premium.

2/3 PageHorz: w 6.1” x h 10”

1/3 PageHorz: w 6.1” x h 4.8”

Vert: w 3” x h 10”

1/6 Pagew 3” x h 4.8”

2 4 E . 3 R D S T R E E T, R I C H M O N D , VA 2 3 2 2 4 | ( 8 0 4 ) 3 5 8 - 0 8 2 5 | FA X : ( 8 0 4 ) 3 5 8 - 1 0 7 9 | S T Y L E W E E K LY. C O M

Print Production Information

Print Deadlines:• Space reservation deadline is 4 p.m. Friday, twelve days prior to


• If Style Weekly’S advertising design department is creating the ad (“make-up”), all ad elements provided by the advertiser, including all photos, graphics, logos and text, must be sent to Style Weekly by 5 p.m. Monday, nine days prior to publication.* Final approval from the client is due by noon on Thursday of the production week (six days prior to publication).

• For ads submitted camera-ready, the deadline for ad submission is 12:00 noon Thursday, six days prior to publication.*

Neither the advertiser nor its agents may cancel insertions after the closing deadline. If prior to publication the publisher has not received copy deemed acceptable for publication, Style Weekly will repeat the advertiser’s most recent ad, charging the advertiser or agency for any space reserved by them. Late ads will not be guaranteed a proof. There is a charge equal to 25% of space for ads killed after deadline (Wednesday prior to publication date).

*Special advertising sections, advertorial pull-outs, inserts, and holiday production weeks may be subject to alternative deadlines.

Photography and Original Artwork:Photography and original artwork produced by Style Weekly’S advertising design department are the property of Style Weekly and may not be used in any other way without purchasing the exclusive rights. Photography: $25/image; original artwork and illustrations: $50/image.

Make-UpsA “make-up” is an ad created for the client by Style Weekly’S advertising design department. This service, ad composition and typesetting, is included in the space charge. All ad elements provided by the advertiser, including photos, graphics, logos and text, may be provided as hard copies, on disk, or emailed to indicating Advertiser and Publication Date in the email's subject line.

Preferred acceptable image file formats for use in make-up ads are .jpg, .tif, .eps, .psd. All image files provided by the client to be used in make-up ads must be created at a resolution setting of at least 200 DPI (dots per inch) to ensure maximum quality of the image. Images saved from web pages are usually low-resolution, 72 DPI (dots per inch), and are not considered suitable for print reproduction.

Final approval on all make-ups is due by noon on Thursday of the production week. If we have not received a response before that time, the ad will run as is. For your convenience Style Weekly is happy to provide two rounds of changes to your ad free of charge. As of January 15, 2009, if additional revisions are requested a $25 fee will apply per proof thereafter.

Camera-Ready AdsIn order for an ad to qualify as camera-ready, it must meet the following criteria:

1. It is created with a software program commonly used in the printing industry, such as InDesign (Adobe), Illustrator (Adobe), Quark XPress (Quark, Inc), and exported in a commonly used file format, such as PDF.

2. The document uses the correct color setup. If submitting a black and white ad, all graphics and text must be converted to grayscale before submission to Style Weekly. If printing a (full) color document, all graphics should be converted to CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black). If it is a spot color document, the color(s) to be used by the printer must be specified in the digital file.

Avoid using "rich black" in your ad. Whenever possible, use “true black” which is built of exclusively black ink (0% C, 0% M, 0% Y, 100% K). This is especially important with text. Mixing color into your black (for example, Photoshop’s default black ink settings are 63% C, 52% M, 51% Y, 100% K) will create a ‘muddy’ appearance on newsprint and brings with it a greater risk for errors in printer registration.

3. The layout is created at the correct and final size to be printed, and the “document size” in the desktop publishing program matches the size of the final printed piece.

4. All fonts used in the digital file are converted to vector graphics (usually defined by the software as “Convert to Paths”, “Create Outlines” or “Outline Text”), or alternatively, the fonts are included in the final digital package sent to Style Weekly.

5. All raster or image files (i.e. photographs) are originally created at a resolution setting of 200 DPI (dots per inch). This ensures maximum quality of the image. Images saved from web pages are usually low-resolution, 72 dots per inch JPG or GIF files and are not considered camera-ready.

Once these criteria are met, the PDF or EPS file is to be named according to the following template: “Advertiser_PublicationDate_Size.pdf” (or .eps, if applicable). All electronic files should be emailed to using the same nomenclature (Advertiser, Publication Date, Size) for the subject line of the email.

Please do not use “Style Weekly”, “Style ad”, “Ad for Style”, or any similar variation as your email subject line. Be specific by following our preferred template mentioned above.

2 4 E . 3 R D S T R E E T, R I C H M O N D , VA 2 3 2 2 4 | ( 8 0 4 ) 3 5 8 - 0 8 2 5 | FA X : ( 8 0 4 ) 3 5 8 - 1 0 7 9 | S T Y L E W E E K LY. C O M







Post Graduate Degree 20%

College Educated



a a a a a a a a 78.9%

18-54a a a a a a

52% (average age 51)

HOUSEHOLD INCOME $100K+ 27.8%$75K+


(average HHI $80,666)Source: Nielsen Scarborough 2018 (Release 1)


2 4 E . 3 R D S T R E E T, R I C H M O N D , VA 2 3 2 2 4 | ( 8 0 4 ) 3 5 8 - 0 8 2 5 | FA X : ( 8 0 4 ) 3 5 8 - 1 0 7 9 | S T Y L E W E E K LY. C O M 2 4 E . 3 R D S T R E E T, R I C H M O N D , VA 2 3 2 2 4 | ( 8 0 4 ) 3 5 8 - 0 8 2 5 | FA X : ( 8 0 4 ) 3 5 8 - 1 0 7 9 | S T Y L E W E E K LY. C O M

Style Weekly has a dedicated weekly readership base of 61,007. Style reaches readers throughout the Greater Richmond metropolitan area and surrounding counties.

Style Weekly is distributed weekly throughout 350 to 400 outside vend boxes and inside racks throughout the region. This includes, but is not limited to, selected Starbucks, Martins, Kroger, VCU, University of Richmond, Randolph Macon, local retailers and restaurants & many more. Available upon request.


City of Richmond . . . . . . . . . .49%

West End . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25%

South Side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15%

North Side/East End . . . . . . .11%



Source: Nielsen, Scarborough 2018 (Release 1)

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