moonlight sculpter volume 25

Post on 06-Nov-2015






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Moonlight Sculpter Volume 25


zahab, LMS Table of ContentBack to LMS 24 So...

Who the hell removed the heading from before? It had links to the ppl also scanning and gave credit to them as well. Whats the point of doing duplicate work? Fuck this. You want to be assholes go right ahead but Im out Ill just go ask Enlightened End if he needs help.LMS 25

Bad Ray's deit "They fought like brothers or differences with the undead dwarves. I would like to learn more about your distress. ""Well, it's hard to come good in recent years, the iron ore. If you have a good iron ore, the value at the same time as these days would be a problem. In the old days, when this seongcaega works fine in the back is a lot of iron ore from mines in the mountain, digging ... .... Humans show we went to the iron ore in the dwarf even the prying anxious. ""Of course, you know, working. Come out with a lot of iron ore dwarves produced weapons and armor, and you want to be polite and a bunch of taxes and trade at the Citadel. No, a lot of beer, I want you to take it. "In addition to a busy hunting day and Citadel. Weed, SwordNoobs, priests, and paladins were in front of the stacked treasure.Bar Khan and the Undead Legion chopped up and burned a large gold acquiring antiques, equipment guys!"Wow, is he really giving that away?""Hundreds of thousands more will be gold. You can dispose of up to a million gold armor over? "Users were delighted too."This will really hit the jackpot when it receives this. But while the villas at Morata or something I could. "Thanks to the "Weed's we are so successful in the hunt now, thanks a lot must not forget the heart. Thank you very much. ""If there is a next time, please put this hunt Street. Weed's calls at any time, I'll be running. "Castle Knights and priests whenever you hear the greeting of appreciation from players who weed lying against a backdrop of smouldered' This is why I would not live long good guys! 'To be fair to the incoming riches in the hands should be divided, whilst I might be short-lived as the vase is questionable"One take his share of minutes."My plate and a few of the famous Castle articles this treasure in a pile of gold and silver to give users in the role. During the battle, you can't help it, each acquired loot the immortal Legion participated in the Citadel treasures to be fair, depending on the number of people decided to dispense."Once in a while to make money, don't hunt for you. Today I have to eat and drink heartily. "Buy a bunch of "magic arrow hunting might do. Hooray! "Users are attracted to gold and silver chuffed while Weed was shown the meaning of gratitude to.' This is a nightmare. Open your eyes was gone and all that wear off. 'Weed's tricked Burns black.Truly quality strings are reeled up and getting angry, but gold is jubilant straight Warrior's face appeared.Alcohol, tobacco, drugs, rather than injurious to health and share the wealth!Stacked gold in them Hills is reduced each time the weed feel the blood was tightened down Mar.-Each time, the Stacks of gold rapidly disappeared, make the blood in weed drained!Anyway got to get rid of the immortal Legion of riches was 30% shares of the Weed. It is called the astronomical amount even if you only were able to do, difficult battle led them to winning all celebrated with each other.

#Lee Hyun turned on the television to watch while he ate his dinner. For a long time the channel he watched was KMC media. Not only were there many media appearances of him, the schedule was neat and the shows told a lot of useful information.Look at the pile of treasure over there. It has been decreasing since morning. The players who fought together with God of War Weed are receiving their shares from it.So Weed really kept his promise.Yes. No matter how many times you look, this is a heart-warming scene. The God of War sent Balkan to his eternal rest and completely routed the Undead Legion! You cant say this isnt amazing.Lee Hyun lost his appetite right at that moment.#

Immortal Legion also divided the treasures of Versailles was a huge topic on the continent.-The splitting of the immortal legion treasure was a big topic/talk all across the Versailles continent!From the beginning, it was supposed to do, but it really is. Lies and deceit, distrust and thus the world honestly, Hwang can do!Versailles, it was clear the u.s. discussion of the continent.Weed also frankly alone was blazing hot in the dead of winter mind you want to cut down the chimney. Though polite and got the Citadel, has acquired St. Lou Church of Lughs took solace in the temporary fencing"Emotions!"

----------------------------------------------Sword of Lugh: Durability 140/140, Attack 165~317.Sword sent from the god for the humans.The sword has been impaled inside the Lich Balkan for a long time, suppressing his black magic.If the sword restores its Sun Power, the Church of Lugh will be able to recover a weapon of god.Restriction: Church of Lughs Paladin.Faith: 1,350.Can only be used with the permission from the Church.Option: Suppresses dark mana.During a crusade it can create a miracle.Cannot be destroyed.Dominates monsters lower than intermediate level.*Remaining options impossible to check.----------------------------------------------

Of course, it's returned to the Church of Lugh of the stuff.-of course, the stuff will be return to the church of lugh.s"I'm even Church of Lughs of Morata, if returned there."-Ill return the at the church of lughs in morata.Bar Khan was the lastons permitted Church of Lughs or sexual articles are or are not. Was used to steal is an achievement that Lou's Church of Lughs is, of course, could become a curse attack to the sword given to a hundred and twenty matching Weed has been kept awhile."If you have something like this should pop up th ... ...."Weed is growing again or another non-luck got greedy.But this kind of weapd sword."After all, bring back!"I decided to bring back Lou's largely wrote the popularity of the common fencing!Weed Morata went to Lou's in the Church of Lugh decided to return directly. The achievements of those who took part in the battle, beating then will be able to get it evenly."It's only for the time being, would go to Morata sounds."The item is dropped when killed, mainly Bahr Khan Yes Croydon man were in private.Bar Khan's skull, boots, capes, Rob, rings, necklaces consisting of VARs Khan set item!I'm going to call this a jackpot to be verbal items.A hundred and twenty Gladiator matches were the stuff you do not need to.Besides combining the Varga spells Weed until Khan's full set is finished.

-A set of items in one of Khan gathered in bar.If you're in the top four as special technology, you can use the power of the rich.

Rich bar Khan allows for this article.Here is a rich if you're using up to three skeletons of Bartok's magic can be used.Ignore ignore unpaired item!Side effects after using the item again, the human condition is hard to rebounding.Black hundred and twenty matches a lifetime offer free books, weapons, and armor meat, alcohol containing 2,000 oak barrels available.Yes Croydon man simply worn on the trends in private continued bad, not used as colored weed once decided to have."The world is not a good person. Clear bar Khan wants to be like people who are going to show up. Yes, as long as man would wish them peace. Bout time you'll get sold. "Wicked dreams is rich not to sanction him, appears so that you can stuff a bargain to weed.But anyway they are level restrictions on Khan's equipment or skill bar limits may be higher for a while longer is unlikely to be given to someone else.Weed-like blacksmith skill does not have a bar minimum write level of 460 items of Khan is. Boots don't level limit low, Rob and rings, necklace, 520, this should be over.Yes I would like to have heard from equipment at the top of the Croissant because even if weed was my night out with, thank you for being a tightly stitched nose.


Merchants brought goods into the Citadel are known as Dong-rubbing. Gold and silver treasure compels people to spend the money with the help of the distribution was received.Elf, the barbarian, dwarf, fairy was coming more and more residents and civil seongcaega active users were gathered.Do not stop, the ancient gold coins fast cashier foot plates are changers, while fees to caenggyeossda."Oh, never mind that the real money is, how many of them?""Or do we change?""Then the hunt would be easier? I'm going to take a lot to change my equipment the dwarves. "And I want to spend money at the Citadel was full of users.The users have never seen a hunting ground is going everywhere.As a mountain or Hill terrain, forests, valleys hunting ground. The battle near the Citadel and rubbing and live for hunting species in Bavarian residence was in puffy.Weed high fame and gene density chiefs or elders, in conversations with them about the information, which was found out."According to rigid land was near the dwarven old ......."Just a little more. The dwarves are said you don't, you'll be assured. "Weed fail and this lien, as Muna, Urumqi, Le Carr, along with nearby dungeons."Then I'm sure they did not drink the beer right."And the entrance to the Dungeon was discovered amongst the rocks.

----------------------------------------------The first detector of the Dungeon, hidden pits.-You are the first to discover this dungeon, Hidden Pits!Rewards: Fame 415 increase.-Rewards: Fame increase by 415!A week of experience, item drop rate.-For a week, experience and item drop rate increase!First, the monster can come out to hunt the most good stuff item.-The first monster you slay will drop the best stuff it could drop!----------------------------------------------

Navigate around the Citadel and Dungeon!The hunt for the jolt of a possible level Dungeon sweeping.It is frankly exploring the Dungeon do not know that craziness is dangerous. The level of the Monster or trap is installed and the amount of, than many places.Of course, in such a case, some of the shoes could be a Messenger as dance, weed VARs Khan died and now place the death Knight and vampire heart load hauled."Half-Hawk, Tori, struggled in front of you!"It was the end of a long vacation."Thanks for calling in a long time, master.""Hot blood taste is sorely missed."Half-Hawk and Tori was the time to make plays, too."TODO sweep away RIP city!"I guess the long hands and feet, and they hunt on fellow speed very fast.Weed detection and other colleagues who alternately Hunt, and grow.Barbary Shore or dwarf, Weed was a conversation that it was easy to find on the hunting ground."I'd like to fight monsters.""As long as these guys tease us up to par. To the East of the remnants of their traces ... .... We went to the Warriors chased the trail disappeared from among the bushes next to the trees. If you are able to find, please help me. ""Don't need a beer?""If you're a beer anytime you are welcome."

"Sorry guys, I know I'd busy here brought material items. Sculpture to be made of? ""There are a lot of impurities mixed with gold. Pure gold does not make as well ... or maybe sculpture. What, specifically, you'll do. ""So thanks for your take. When the sculpture finished? ""There are a lot of orders backlogged, so ... Just wait and see. "Shares of the precious metals from the Citadel were rubbing Weed.Create a sculpture stays in the Middle, as if the materials sell backpacks, Sok!In the dining room, apparently tried to cook rabbit rabbit has three baths, one large pot standing aside, even coming out with three principle!

"Making money while having a piece of Saran work rather than being rich by taking stuff quicker!"Engraver was Weed's reputation is so huge that expensive stuff made the barrage works.As usual it's a tree, each piece created for hunting medium applied, now at least gold or silver, and sometimes a piece of Mithril.Most people want to create a sculpture of taste because I didn't try something drastic, then you will be able to contribute a bit of carving skill.Very occasionally a masterpiece or a work of artistic value has come out. But carving skill as proficiency levels climbed slowly Advanced 8."Okay." Now only two steps left behind. If you relax. "Even in the new hunting grounds.Mad my Bell to fall as the days of lot, Meyronne, dress up the food ourselves, put the remaining personnel watching the rising sun lecture session wishes to Deauville.' Even able to go travel with Meyronne wants to get a scholarship. '' Monster hit hand taste better. Lots and lots of hit. '' Yes, a former top each other or Croissant? As I'd love to see the end of magic flame ... .... '' This year, make sure that no one treatment failure and die. '' The new year let make this devastated. 'He followed the ' Weed-like extravaganza ... .... 'There is a huge variety of wishes, he had to Weed's wish is simple compared to the.' Let's not hurt. Hospital bills. 'Health was the best.


Also referred to as a piece that came from creatures Morata and arrived at the Citadel.Well, Emma eh eh eh.Nureongi dragging dragging its feet on the ground and forced a wig at hand.Had no immunity to the coming one will notice!"You're too good to me. So let us not fall forward if ever missed. "Well, Emma eh eh eh eh eh eh eh!Ice dragon and Phoenix because of the size of the Petite Dungeon hunt couldn't do. But gold, golden bird, although quite a few dangerous Dungeon, a new fight with eggs-mark.Level 440 or more dungeons, ranging from a particular background or surrounding areas are in place, all of which exude a dangerous scent.Kill deck mount's nest!The whole area was a hunting place, not a Dungeon. Against the backdrop of the peaks of the mountains in a large area by flying creatures are a hit with families.Access time is much better than weed other colleagues. They didn't come on time is a sword and hunt or Phoenix and Wyvern, ice dragon and kill a deck with mountain Monster nests in the air war.Cruz-sur-le-Le-Le-Ling!As far as Thunderbolt strikes pounding the sky brightened for a moment.When should you stop pouring rain from the sky like a weed and Sam flew to this ride."Master, we would that fit looks struck by lightning?""You'll be fine.""I still get sick .......""Eat to live, the weather was a little inclement days, Doyle should not rest."Due to the load of the Weed to the sky and kill this as well as defending the area off the deck and flew the nest of a mountain scaled creatures are full of.In the situation of things not seen properly wielded the sword of weed."Moonlight piece sword!"And three, this one seems to have cut their wings and moving monsters.In Phoenix, where a little higher in the bottom of the ice dragon as this body battle of Sari. Death Knight half Hawk also summoned phantom riding a steed. Vampire bats also fought with the Tories to load."Fighting well."Weed will pick from quite a few pieces of life as painless, direct carving has been as long as the load as many went to Jung."What if he is one of the more ugly, nice guy, I'm letting a hundred times more hunting."Weed receives more abuse with plenty of affection to a load.So forget everything in the hunt but I have raised three levels nyeomhamyeonseo more.Weed was the current level of 403.400 users, the overall numbers are also not much goes where because it was granted an ability and level.Having delayed granting life to sculpture, producing skill and quest, and many more carvings have achieved tremendous obtained by making seutet level.


In one month in real time, on the basis of reality, and there are a lot of developments in the Citadel. It was estimated that the population of more than 30,000, gradually built up again, and the walls were hard-hit.Still, the Citadel and the walls of the Citadel itself is still making money and didn't get no run, Weed became at this time to go into the property reflects the times.Maintenance has been completed, the walls inside the sinuous way houses were built.Armed men of the articles, beginner training Chief, Warrior Guild, where the original as seongcaega was a conservative could write.This was in some places Dragon roll was not taken place, including more than half of the users even more daunting, many tens of thousands of people."It's already night?"In the central square of some users saw the sky. I ended up asking me the Sun be darkened, and the Moon and the stars had left."I was being a bearer when it comes."Weapons inspections and was resting.Restaurant was eating something from the Warriors also came out fully armed and hold.Knights and Warriors armed battle in a fairly heavy, so if you're not well when the AFC.To obtain a party for people to hunt was saying."The Western walls keep yarn with the minutes."The "North crossing from Monster to fight the push stroke as a shield skill-min. intermediate 6 levels or deals.""The priests in a place where crumbling walls in the Southeast. If you are like me, and thus the Druids. "A massive recruitment of combatants in the square.Wizards are lined with lanterns, torches.

-Want to rob the food monster who gets pushed.

Encroaching monster every night!Yes Croydon man were fought in that creatures are polite and Citadel was invaded.You can rely on the defence of the wall can be in the hunt is easy. All power users and residents throwing rocks and firing arrows hang said.What a battle every night was polite and Citadel.Even in some places of the continent in this way is often misdiagnosed as creatures are flocking to this siege will officiate. However, even with the distance between the Citadel and Morata thrust away and because of the mountains to the North and West the monster broke in a big way with their breeding.When the immortal legions of bARs Khan has become both by the undead. Now the immortal legions could not prevent the users.If valid: If you leave it on for about seongcaega monster here spread to the entire northern past.Citadel guarded to prevent the bulk of Monster breeding, weed and had to put a tax on the remuneration of the walls will continue. Bring on the coming from outside the large Monster woke up their arms would constantly.Users can rely on the walls is also helping to fight the Lord's mission.In fact, the Lords of weed called fame or rubbing a spot because of the Citadel from Mora in perk, such as user and have a lot of people quickly dissipating.But the Monster's attack left broken by the Citadel if the damage of the players who will be exponentially larger.If people are left unchecked, they have left the Citadel and then across Northern monsters due to this mess and have not been able to not damage the martial window I.The central tower of the Citadel from rubbing the weed blood shed edible eyes."The hunt is known as tax increases, and will be done as more residents stayed."The tax is passed back to the scary coming out of it. It was also difficult to wait go horribly.The Citadel is a relentless restoration of the walls is being extensively, as well as expansion of money had to be split from the gunsaryeogdo pass.

----------------------------------------------------------------Vargo Fortress Military PowerNovice Knights: 58 inAverage level: 196Soldiers without battle experience: 4, 312,Average level: 52Loyalty: 91%Training: 46%Mora convened the troops on the basis of the settlers.Hunter and was centered on a sturdy young men.Articles for the sake of their survival, is getting stronger.The soldiers respected the great lords and sincerely serve, properly dealing with the weapons of the law has been put into the battle before the often uptight ighigido. However, based on the races winning streak had been the walls with confidence a little bit.Although no big help to maintain public order, should not be troops.

Monster's invasion was frequent enough to have fast recovery from damaged walls.The other day at a glance to flog the rubbing is the village of seongcaega monsters.----------------------------------------------------------------

Morata did not cover the Freya Church of Lugh as the deception cannot not make an army..Weed to raise forces approach, survive stronger expression!The soldiers all archers, bows to get the hang of how to write only on the walls. In the future, Archer unit to properly seat from then conscripted in a big way in the infantry of the monster was planning to allow the expedition as Habitat.If you make the military monsters den of sat can also get riches, dangerous creatures are reduced, the number of the frequency with which to approach close to the Citadel.It's not necessary but policing the shops and guilds get novices Ian regime can start with polite and Citadel."You can only come to God to be able to eat it."And a lot of work to do in the Citadel and requires a lot of labor. Had a craving for this exploitation and establish peace in the first place.There is a battle between the monsters and offerings mark the walls and occasionally directing them at the sight of the extremely dangerous. A lot of people go hunting Dungeon adventure flick away to deserving cases include a history many times.Users had to fight fiercely.The central provinces of the continent have been well prepared for the monster wall is also durable, the siege to the perpetrator is installed. However, the invasion of the town itself, the creatures are extremely rare.By the way, you can be polite and bring on the big and small bunch of bored in the Citadel.Don't have to go hunting for the Vargo Fortress off was to say no."This is where I'm hunting?""It's a good bow, and arrows, generously put up on the wall."Check the other articles and advice."If you want to see fight without walls, very circle the outside. One of the two killed is a hero, or Elixir! "He used to come into a lot of creatures are enough.In fact, it is very immortality flanking the Undead Legion. Takes them all over the place to this frozen food, nor to have piled up close and the undead are. By the way human beings occupy the Citadel, while the fact that the bulk of food began to be carried by the monster hit it even more fiercely, as long as you let them.Weed Maratha army of this drag, or as a permanent residence there towards the funding of a large number of draw and could invest in the Citadel."Don't be bottomless pit ... Yet to sail. "More great biking city, Mora would suck without growing. Residents and aid in the development of users come across enough steps.Still, some of the residents come from Morata technicians, commercial and technological development is faster in another town and fast enough.If you look at the growth rate lay only in the Northern Morata, except in the best that can be said.The battle at the Citadel on the bulletin board every day and was about to climb.

----------------------------------------------Title: If you want the best growth, don't hesitate to jump.Levels, built up their skills proficiency.And take a look!Everywhere. I've got piled up.Friends and guests, such as hunting.

Title: today I really cut the riskHello. The battle of the monster from the Citadel and rubbing on a daily basis to raise the lease.Today experience time in a two-hour movie, contribute.During the battle, gained a few days ago were stampeding the East walls fall down?These days a lot of construction of the wall is sped up, and probably will, I doubt that an insolvent construction of approximately half or Lords. Anyway, thanks to a fall show signs of pre-diabetes avoided fatalities.But there, through the creatures are coming up from within the Citadel is a battle unfolding in the wind ... Had a spirit.This fight was hard to anhneunyago before moving it into hunting why?Morning dawn creatures are embraced each other, hugging after the joyful heart retreat is a battle only you will be able to know who was involved.----------------------------------------------Videos related to the Citadel, rubbing the immortal legions were stationed, were the fact that the current Lords is the Weed region because even if more attracted a lot of attention.In the beginning, so even if there's a dangerous area in Weed will release. But residents and users at the walls, and watching the great admiration and fend the azalea was forced to watch.Keep this dangerous day ever retrace, and yet kept throwing a fight.Every day live and battle zones.The fortress is a hunting ground in place.Be polite and helped develop the Citadel independent became the popular place.In order to fight monsters and rugged Northern warriors were at the forefront of the gathering.


Located in the South of the Kingdom, contending with the desired town!The village elders went to the moon when you perform a piercing of the submissions, the city can go from seed to Slavia's can get to the village was famous for.Weed was a immature workmanship made or Freya, the statue based on the carved work, Yoon also popularly known as village!"Nevertheless it is really well made sculpture.""It would be nice if these women actually exists. Then you'll be happy for a lifetime, even live to see the faces of the. ""No way ... where's the notch in the world? Weed's carving skills are very excellent. "Visitors come to see the sculpture once and leave the hunting, or talk with the residents. Looking to meet people, talk about, and commissioned by the Nancy-I say for the new dungeons because they can't hear.The Dungeon was made before the original pioneering place, but later created in a rush or are the descendants of creatures. Usually people know ahead of time about such signs or the hunters because if you build up the confidence to help precious intimacy could hear the story.But one day is a little over the village people."Sacred heart must thus far.""Yes?""This poor continent could embrace the teachings of the great gods, or keep an eye on.""."Some residents saw the sky blankly. He puts words to tell a story."Render money Church of Lugh. allows you to create more troops! Not even half of the imports, worth every penny. ""What the ....""He's going to save us from the army.""What the military for saving?""Ddeg! Can you tell me anymore. If you do not have a village Sacred Heart rot in go away. M. Avenue God only turbid this world would be able to create clean .... "I've been hoping that the town wished quest users were surprised at the strange reaction of the residents.If the Central continent m. Avenue Church of Lugh endangering beings meant confusion.And neither is the village elders from the day-month bar is no longer the quest did not allow."M. Avenue Church of Lughs believe that'll free seeds to people."Users can easily select was issue. Though many changes coming to the fact that there was a degree of intuition.And one day, had to Weed's pieces, even destroyed the statue of Freya.


Get ready to battle Bard Ray."It is also a long time on the battlefield."Hermes standing on the rock, and the Guild, you don't need to fight until he was missing. Monster hunting, Warrior's top level in public, in front of my people when he embarked on.It's pretty much alone on the Royal Road of sin, there was no shortage of that, commonly referred to as.Still, the reason to come forward on the battlefield this time, Hermes was the Guild's important because in a fight."Everyone must show strength when you should be going to necessarily win."At the Fort in the border armed bad Ray, went out.There are infantry and Knights, wizards, siege weapons and was preparing to ride together.Their aim is to know the collar Kingdom!Hermes is to gather the troops of the Kingdom of the Guild secured don't know Ben took over the Kingdom conquered for the collar to initiate war.The Black Knight appeared in Leigh's appearance at Harvard now, users and the soldiers were greeted by him into a deep silence.He is the absolute and at Hermes Guild merciless power.Versailles in the continent's strongest shows respect to the right people in place.Bad things to them without the speeches and piggybacked on a horse ready."Jean."According to the words of the Commander of the fortress door opened and do not know to head the army of the Kingdom, Ben Callahan has commenced the advance the Kingdom."Ben approached a military Kingdom.""Emergency ring the Bell!"Carla sprang straight out respond in the Kingdom do not know border guards.In order to repel the invasion of the enemy gates and defensive classes has been released."Attack! Attack. "Bard ran the first horse."Is a play of BardRay!"Hermes Guild the soldiers and at the forefront of the eyes of players who headed to BardRay. He was involved with the war itself is a great morale boost friendlies was a factor."The Black Knight and Ben stood on the side of the Bard Ray is fighting with us?""How can we fight? Surrender? "Carla rushing the castle of the Kingdom are in fact just to scare in bad Ray was picked up and ate.The battle of Badr and Ray's bravery, the UN held a monster based on the great made to tremble in fear of soldiers."Resistance cannot charge!"Bard ran the SS, along with Ray and the Black Knight.The Knights can learn skills like!To date, that is best skill in the continent, also known as Versailles thrust skill.In addition to the horse's speed in a straight line the distance piercing assault smashed the enemy are all political.Bad Ray and Black Knight SS burning enemy defensive classes stitched between the burrow and the ball.Sped on to the haunted like a giant shout out to Ben Kingdom soldiers shouted."Everyone attack!""Benton took over the Castle! Cala don't trample the Kingdom's capital, now! "Hermes Guild's users been unprecedentedly putting soldiers with swords and shields.Siege weapon ramparts and ramming the gates as soon as went into the first Harva rd Ray."Kill the bad rays.""Carla in order to ensure the Kingdom might have gotten bad, only the Black Knight must kill Ray. Attack! "Bring your favorite enemies wield a sword every time Bard Ray 10 students dropped out, with 20 people at a time.He never gave any broadcast or video does not have a strong early in the show!Bad Ray Versailles and other lang of the continent is different from the armed forces and the border of the Kingdom, don't know Carla Benton took over the Castle.Hermes Guild, the advance troops of the planned dissemination schedule Corsair and maintenance troops continued marching behind.

He la Fez

"I feel this loneliness when alone too hamiran ... Feel free to move the monster flavor is the best! "Weed is a Wyvern and the ice dragon, Phoenix, gold, nureongi follow up."There, Holly picked up the system not work straight up!"And this bundle is caught using claws and spout system are caenggyeossda.The following referees will officiate a battle whenever a student was caught.' Loneliness is a disgrace. ''' We have so much to eat .... 'For a while he was hunting, swimming, martial or sh sh-Weed along the ORV's supposed to be, in effect, the amount of increased steadily.Hunt, pick up the Thames, catch running errands and helping to move quickly, cooking, fly danigiggaji!"The key to this is flying!"Nureongi was sitting in the head of the bird suddenly groaned and looked sideways story wing collapsed.Did the intervention as well as to weed."This much is tired of dies. Come on, wake up. "It's something I'm sick with a cold or body aches and I have been to this place not even faking it in Hydra.Be polite and not anyone around the Dungeon of the Citadel are scattered around. Monster's den, Pueblo and sanctuary as well.The other party may be in the hunt come first sometimes, but early in the Weed is first with their colleagues or, in some cases, taking quite a piece of life.Fixed pieces of life peers and having them always are also sources of authoritative party obtain or guess the hands and feet, they had gone to see if there is no time to take.If the people who are usually in seconds goes out hunting ourselves and because of the way it works at all, prompting disagreement."TODO-sleep."Weed said this is the time to finish the Dungeon hunt falls nureongi also has relax enough not fall at the bottom of the tail.A strong Monster comes out of a lot of dungeons, each one having insidious role, there was no gap. Somewhat weak creatures are one hour or something better comes up, catch the best speed for the transformation."Today the weather is buts buts thats seem to rain all day and let me hunt a Dungeon."Hunting and the only absolute relaxation for all voice had to Weed."Sunny, very warm. This weather lunch wrote Dungeon hunt! "Complete the hunt was a dictatorship.


"Two days ago and found Dungeon hunt room in minutes. You can hunt all day long: can leave minute arrange right deals. ""The battle of the Department of career leave looking for treasure. I'm an adventurer. There is a clue to the treasure's but it is not trustworthy. Still, you'll find someone as troubled. ""It is like the explorers to the West? The average level is 330-6 person party. Please complete the map to explore, like the mound as I am. "In addition to the repair work steadily rubbing Citadel, as well as for hunting and adventure by frontiers flocked to players who are blossoming.Monster assault frequently reminds the user's level was accomplished in all."If you do not go hunting, such as Pero. Yes? ""Hmm, having this enforced ... busy day."Black guys always popular.Watching them at the battle of the shining Knight and prosecutors were studying. If you're hunting with them fiercely fighting efficiency is maximized, and leads the way to the road even in dangerous dungeons always stands.Thanks to adventurers as God."I am going to go anywhere with the guys.""Although not blaming the black stand is wrong."Among the adventures, as well as the dying days. Black Chi are trapped out or lose their lives by the monster, instead blaming did not keep up until the end I'm sorry.Real men!Matthew Pando as a trader has learned to raise the level."Brother, here and brought the meat.""Oh!""If you get bored hunting I go with? I know cooking skills, for the sake of the two-hour carriage has decided not to come back until I went to drink. ""Let's go!"Traders are just good for a meeting, this is the best of the Act.Don't go with the rest of the black Qi Panel was easy to push the level is true."Nutty, herbal medicine!""Steel smelter. Sword. Want humans come come! "Weed is captured the Citadel, and the Lord for the migrant residents and users.Always a conservative stronghold that is being carried out by the inside of the Mall is shaped so the elves and dwarves who live near here and was buried on a daily basis.If you look at from afar and still pops up as soon as the eerie undead sword and it was contaminated, and piled stones Citadel, was returning to the lively internally.Need a new building, a broken seongcaega gocyeojimyeonseo architects.Paavo and demonstrating your skills in the Morata and came to the Citadel to architects."For residential buildings will be built at a later date.""I think so."Residential buildings are going up to the Citadel on a hill Shack rubbing furiously if briefly. Later, of course, you will need the advanced houses right now, first of all, the Citadel was conservative.Skills are somewhat lagging architects are hanging on the walls, maintenance work was conducted in regards to them.Paavo including Arts Center or Mora's commercial buildings were grade 1 architects and buildings complement the Citadel held fast."This building is the original images intact recovery.""I am going to need a lot of the black stone.""The Lord is incredibly committed to fund renovations because now there was a quest to collect building materials. Residents and merchants will continue to have the starter gets the spot as many times as necessary is going to be. "Weed had vast amounts of money invested in the refurbishment of the Vargo Fortress.As a result of the enormous funding commitments had earned the Festival, Morata here, it's understandable that the morale of the soldiers and the residents went unrequited."This is the best Dragon roll which nature problem ....... Where you live? ""Definetly for up to. Bresse in lots of places, or dissolve half of the broken pole is a newly-built and prepared. ""Well, if you're really that much construction work."Architects are also working to restore the Vargo Fortress a large project would leave.The funds needed to put the funds of the feudal lords, taxes on maintenance costs have been more hyped and cover immediately."This Dragon are seeing much of the central tower was sitting, was tilted."At times, the Citadel and a striking central tower!Even when viewed from afar and not get strangely tilted enough to be felt. Collapsed or not strange enough to back down.Architects looking at land the Foundation on solid ground thanks to the risk of collapse."The central tower was once literally let Weed's favor."Weed and to restore fully the Citadel as it used to get so much money."The original decoration or as soon as you start entering architecture or, once money is constantly being held in an unexpected part of the Pocket."The central tower is an exceptionally eye-catching addition there rich Bahr Khan's life in a historic place under the protection of this mourning.High and mighty is building a crash back to the kiosk that was too good."I'd rather let it drop."For more information about the best for the preservation of historical buildings and just leave the money on the cheap!Like the The leaning tower of Pisa, the leaning tower and the Central might become a new specialty of the Citadel, maybe.The wizard was his senior level, and the wealthy are the termination Tower construction. But to the extent that such differed in size and with a slanted top."This tower will crumble right Versailles continent usually not going!"Now I don't have a lot of seongcaega were destroyed and rubbing, as it may seem. Due to the invasion of hunting monsters, but smoothly does not develop at all surrounding areas come to no surprise.When the needy were also instrumental in that can coax a feeling piece alcohol!Weed and this bundle using a slanted jungangtab to watch carried a chunk of the upper bar."Here you create a sculpture at the Citadel are going to be looking at all the people."It was the best place to put the sculpture exhibit.A rainstorm that should endure so much delicate work."And I feel fit, you need to create such works with the Citadel."What makes this weed didn't think long enough."He is not here, you need to create sculptures and cold."Cut through solid stone, the Act of creating sculptures has been launched.Residents and users coming to work and I went hunting, saw the sculptures create by weed."Nevertheless, even here, at the sculpture. What are hopes for mandeuleojilji sculptures. "You can only create a sculpture on Edgar to get plenty of people's attention.Make good work in many ways, as shown in the Morata'll help, only to finish work faster, everybody waited impatiently.But weed Dungeon hunts go, slow progress of work significantly."For the sake of making time with a bunch of sweaty work long hours.""A work of art can make it easy for you to spread to Iran, it's not."Even the wait feels happy users!Weed wherever to be 6 meters size statues.By the time it gets stretched hanging sculptures weed is becoming increasingly articulate has been completed. And, finally, Khan was worn as ornaments items became a bitter, rich with Weed's appearance turned out to be sharper.In the past, although never Leach from plays to pick out, Khan's heir, the immortal Legion was not also be tighter.Weed's greedy, mean, faithfully following Kahn's bar at any moment to bury abandoned immortal Legion but swallowed up!Probably had a long walk down the road of a piece would have been granted so much in the future."I don't know what effect these sculptures demonstrate the historical monument, but it'll do."Engraving is a great result.Weed in the vicinity of the undead abomination or were revived once again smash thought up while the rich prize.A tilted tower standing on a rich piece of the Weed tassel for a month on this ground would even show which was seen with no shortage of a corner. If you look at the real-life under the central tower falls away from whether or not it is even difficult to distinguish."I still do something."Weed inscribed sculpture made in passing here, I try to bring up some more work without ending."If there is no one to escort rich not ill."Ricci created largely to award up to two meters of doom Knight, death Knight carved as well.But even so, there were somewhere in the Majesty of the rich presents.Bar Khan's immortal Legion compared to now, the rich are so lonely and solitude."No special need to."Weed might write in a backpack pulled out with the sculpture.Rotten Dragon!If you have seen a real dragon's gold was a precious matan Mithril or undead becomes blacksmith materials reduces the performance and life expectancy of the item turns off.Immortal Legion was made, so long as this is the Dragon who's worse there was far too much useless and even more durable.This item is a dragon came from the users is the ability to coordinate distribution, but it would be nice to know what made them so the bones do not like popularity.They saw the Dragon's tooth sword of bone, Weed has made equipment, and the Castle Knights and priests altogether and making something with the bones of the Undead to not wear it.For that reason weed users to evade the Dragon balls are a favorite among a half a dose or two could."So being made of precious materials."Weed melts steel saw the Dragon's bones as a way of linking.The head part is less than three, but people like to have the bones of the body as souvenirs, little by little caenggyeossda. Such parts are brass saw the Dragon eventually melts supplements 3 completed in the central tower."Now that's something I'm looking."If you are on Gimchi, measly, tteokbokki, was fantastic, just like the sweet and sour chemistry Zha Jiang noodle.

Band ring!

-Set aside in the name of the new sculptures.--Give your new sculpture a name!

"Well, um, cool, handsome, rich, tall, Undead men with lots of rich Weed!"

-Hard cover, and sensible, handsome, rich, tall, Undead men with lots of rich Weed is correct?

"Wait a minute, is going to be difficult to call is too long and sounds a. .. ...."Besides, it's not only the rich carved doom Knight, death Knight, Ghost, etc. were in the Legion of the undead, immortal, one by one.Weed is directly belonging to the Undead Legion of quest immortal because he was a wonderfully Iran the ability to reproduce."It's not. The sculpture's name will be frozen as a commanding them to Leach. "

-The undead are commanding rich is correct?-The lich commanding the undead, is this correct?"Yes."

----------------------------------------------A masterpiece! The undead have a commanding them to finish a rich prize.Immortal legions were still asleep when the place, the legendary monster in place of Khan is young VARs created rich's sculptures!Versailles on the continent, many inflict ggicyeossdeon VARs Khan. But he also had a profound impact on the flow of history can deny.The difference was barren or you developed a skill at the top of the Croissant is a magical feat.As a respected reputation for high artistic achievements, returning to rest Khan to VARs-Weed and sculptures created by this person can blame.Artistic value: wezembeek-oppemSpecial options: the undead are seen commanding a rich prize, these health and Mana recovery rate increased 32 percent during the day.All of the seutet 16 increases.Knowledge and wisdom will be permanently increased by 3.They are in the top four in the area near the skill level as 2 incremental effects while offering.The undead have their bit of intellect.Preventing an attack of the undead who stray.When you use the magic of Mana consumption rate reduces by 6%.Black Magic also improved by 2%.Indomitable aura decreased to less than 50% of their health, by when it is stretched to 14% attack power.

Other sculptures and redundancy does not apply.So far, the number of completed masterpiece: 9

-Improved the skill of carving skill.

-Improved the skill of skill and dexterity.

The skill level of understanding about the sculpture-1.

-Reputation is 875.

33-of-the-art seutet rise.

-Charismatic 3 upward.

-Wisdom 2 rise.

-The masterpiece sculptures created by these three additional former seutet rises in return.----------------------------------------------Weed's advanced 8-level carving skill rank a bit ridiculously 6% 14.6%.-Weed crafting skill increase by a ridiculous 6% to 14.6% of Level 8 Advance Carving.Only complete the shape since beating wove waiting for the tower was watching users under the young crowd shouted."It is a Masterful sculpture!"The sculpture is a masterpiece!Among the players who will benefit mainly the four Croix man was more in Exult.Yes Croydon man heard from Acton to be polite and not leave away from the Citadel was doomed.


Bar Khan at the battle of Kiev and a demonstration, even in reruns 15.1 percent of the viewership record

Weed is like having a poke the sky of popularity. The popularity of the continent's no. 1 Versailles

In the North, the wise Lord, Weed

The game featured a program about the broadcasters continue to weed. Can pay stable ratings, adoption of the viewers was good.Covering different aspects of civil seongcaega daily news also known as.Immortal Legion was occupied by seongcaega people lived changed appearance, was a great concern in the Upstate.Bars in several regions of the continent and the northern part of users is still small.But it's not the first time there was a stretch when compared to now, the Central continent and Eastern users also had a lot of interest in the North.God of war-Weed is in the ground will govern even receives attention. Even if the work itself is poor and stimulate their spirit of adventure is because the village of endlessly.Coming up to the North and other areas of the continent, even players who travel every day."Russell is in Ried mountains. quickly. Starting right now. ""Tan Loa abandoned mine hunting only. The default size is set to more than 200. Abandoned mine is dodging monsters in the dwarf's request. "A much better experience than I expected, and came first in the Morata users struggling to adapt the used to panic.The Cathedral and the fact that the same library of historic buildings have been aware of them. Freya Tower of light, for the statue story was heard. But in fact, Bonnie sculptures and art, I literally had like came everywhere.Compared to other areas received preferential treatment, the cultural arts performances regularly earn an amazing Panel of judges.Attractions, activities and Freya Church of Lughs receives the grace of riches were endless food came.If you want to go, and the Festival often squandered playing would always curious to hunt and quests in the square early in the morning people.In addition the Thames is also not done properly, the luck caught traders sitting on the street were doing business, beginners are those among God I went to jump in.It was an awesome city that flows better and pleasant atmosphere.Let the quest to create a hunting expedition, and when 100 people or so is Goldsmith coalesce.It is a pleasure on their faces to the hunting grounds."Why can't people have a heaven knows Morata. This is really going to taste? ""Inflation is also much cheaper than other places, and lots of places to see, move around the commercial road development and leaves to inner exhaustion here. I would have been stoked in the Morata. "Other areas being closed atmosphere of oppression everywhere, little by little. Take notice of the guilds dominated in the square, and they don't always take care Gus.By contrast, Mora was freewheeling ride, adventure and actively encouraged.Weed is not only artists and adventurers for North Korea also gratifying. Adventure power or water to compensate for monthly finances commissioned by 16 percent.Compare any other areas should not be too much, even out the overwhelming was the best figures.In other villages, thus far, have only 2%, 3% override jerking level. Users are sometimes not giving any compensation is also common in the city.Anyway, I'll let that Downer adventurer rated do not feel the need to be stingy with their money Lords.However, weed risk seriously.The Northern continent is asleep and found the treasure, water, equipment and artifacts, books, further development of the city. To grow, the city itself, which could reap more tax liabilities is referred to as a rough estimation of the shortcuts, Morata has grown since adventurous lavished money on.Morata, quests, people are springing up like a busted on request and leave them anywhere."Die, take a chance, and I'm giving people suffering needs to dry."Taxes for development-oriented!"I'm going to hold the nail. Hermes is equipped with the power lines that are so amazing Guild really didn't know something. This time I know it can Carla smashed the army of the border of the Kingdom blew me completely non-. 6 million people are surviving on the few soldiers. "Charles de Duc!Weed and Morata and Monster's attack but with dazzling changing Alczar de los Reyes Cristianos, rubbing the game broadcasters a lot of news.But in recent years, the continent of Versailles makes greater impact in case of ear drum.Don't know of a plan to invade the Kingdom of Carla Guild's Hermes!It's a duel was often taken to absorb the territory, forts and castles."Hermes Guild back to Corsair.""Now the situation of the place. The border of the Kingdom of the Guild's forces do not know the collar Hermes defensive army, overwhelmingly defeated. ""There appears to be at the vanguard BardRay. He was directly involved in the war. ""The Black Knight of the armed forces, that is impossible to guess the force! Bad plays of Ray directly. ""Approximately 10 million users of the guilds and Hermes is advancing. Now the wizard friends are pouring in behind enemy lines magic! "Hermes is an enormous power of the guilds was emitted.To know the hem down Ben Kingdom until the Kingdom was going to eat the collar by the persons.As far as resources and technology a vast granary and the Kingdom of the Central continent, which is the strongest nation in Ben flashbacks.Hermes guilds, who was unable to go against the Empire in order to cater to the war.The power of the military and less revealing look, all users were appalled.


Weed invasion of the Kingdom in the Guild are the collar Hermes to have heard in the news that Vargo Fortress."Everything here. 34 gold. ""Thank you very much. I'll write well treasured. "As usual, the blacksmith skill, sewing skill, sometimes using Pidgin. Blacksmith skill or sewing skill also reduces the ability to write so long as it was.The sculpture has been made in the middle of a bustling merchant are were heard."Hermes Guild is truly staggering troops, mouth mochi are enough firepower to hold the Kingdom will officiate in that color!"Weed and special wood finish with the Eagle were creating.In order to revive the feeling of the Eagle will have to delicately slice. And the weather should be freer to express.Fingertips makes sculptures of merchants bracing and listened to the conversation."Do not know until when the Kingdom could hold the collar?"

Weed's carving knives accidentally filled Eagle's side made a Saint to be elongated."Hermes is the Guild's level for over 400 border went ahead and took over the Fort and wrecking the hose section 2 took less. This great army of Hermes in the broadcast were the Guild had not. ""Really that strong?""It is not at all, be it the continent's strongest Division, war and pave the way for such personnel, even if ... Ugh, it's just nonsense comes out of the level. The name lang communications is packed with players who are amongst the beats, very on-the-fly. ""Though not to weed?""WH. .. Weed's needs to fold a number of the Hermes Guild? ""Weed's is the God of war. Hermes Guild also twice defeated. "Weed just silently sculpture only.In the finished sculpture and a bald eagle!

-Engraver reputation as compared to a disappointing work.Reputation is reduced to 15.

Fortunately, it turned out I had to make a sculpture in the corner of the traders did not see a dot right in the eyes of the Yuan was in the street.Be polite and could not yet in pubs in the Citadel of the stations will be able to view the video. Though easy on the Guild's roughly guess Hermes went.Only a last name or city can finance or operate and the occupation forces are considerable. Even if you only get the best weed I develop northern Mora monthly reap tax or territory was awesome.Central to the yolk of the continent can be called Ben picked up a whole Kingdom to swallowed that forces Iran suggesting how great bottom.The higher realm of the Hermes guilds have made narrower Weed.Still can't get around the Central continent was sagging, freely if you fully charge the Central continent of Hermes Guild!' Development is lagging/* in the Eastern, Western, southern, Northern, or even taken over a matter of time. 'Weed is bound to be isolated hunting.Still don't know where the upcoming assassin gunning for misrule.In Weed's side of the Citadel is rubbing users plays a heck of a lot more difficult to assassins, but in other areas the bounty smelled interference drinkers will hit this uproar.'' Me staying carving master quest and carving the last Biggie! This prestigious Guild in the Guild or other Hermes now than if you can't keep you safe with this larger piece into a sober sense of congestion along to change appearance, continue to roam the continent turned out to be done. 'Weed was getting ready to leave to travel.If you want to master the engraving is still a little bit of time is needed. Get the last hope the non-prayer, give priority to raise a little more engraving, engraving master who aimed to meet from Brussels.


Red forest of reeds.Fairy Queen-Yes, this money is on a quest in the area said they had ambushed an assassin.They are as a rule saying that sound without paying a whisper.

> Weed ever come here?

Please wait > comes.

Amid the bushes, trees and placed on top of an assassin.They had gotten used to the tedNirvana right assassin are usually hunting kills a strong characters, rather than experience and skill will rise a lot more. Weed killing in order to preempt the place already had come to the quest."Weed has been coming to this place did it go?""If you can catch the Hermes played a part from the wannabes are firmly you'll be able to get the Guild. Equipment you'll need to ask a guy, totally different skill. ""God of war, Weed. So all you have to do is show up I'm going to attack in unison. ""I don't have the same face regains that. And the rewards are equally breaks. "Rich bounty hunter also toured the forest of Red Reed.Frankly, the bounty hunter is the right of human beings are not long. Committing treachery or betrayal did not feel at all guilty, smiling.Apart from the obvious no one could believe that it was not once has the power to merge."You have to come ... Guy.""Dead!""It would bring, join a Guild or properly put Foundation ought to Hermes.""We're going to take?""Take as long as you have the power of Hermes gives the Guild.""Then enter unconditionally. If he is a prick by prick who signed up can live in the streets. "


This County is a coalition of information bulletin and went into the dark gamer.Now Zahab left, one of the continent's top ten gold station Gras Fez was collecting information about the area."There are a lot of decent information, where to?"Aged maids was a long time ago that I received from quests. Since then, he has a lot of information about the people who left the area in Fez adventure is expected to be accumulated.In fact a lot of users, who had challenged the gold station level 100 or 200 of your stories are just stuck.I saw only the skimmer, the creatures are so strong to come back at a later date since wiped out the contents that were.

----------------------------------------------Puffy. During the day that make your hunt a machete, and at night, I'm afraid. Pathfinder level 351. Along with a similar level of party won 7.

Large Larva in a wasteland.Get a large worm they hold shall never present to eat eggplant. Pathfinder level 369.

He has a lot of FES region is not known. Others do not hunt teamed up to grow in places. Janbbyeoga bold dark by gamers and people 7 people.Stone walls built in the plains of this hunt. At night, you will be able to do this in order to hunt, and noticed the teeming with very, very good.Seal the win in the battle for the magic jewel, winning. Pathfinder level 382. 7 party.----------------------------------------------

He's still in the hunt, which takes place in La looks like a local in Fez was every now and then.If you look at a certain level, it is important that the timing of the hunting grounds of Orda. In particular, the growth of gamers as well as dark creatures are dropping items is also important, the attempt was done quite a lot.In the early days of a level 100 or 200 users also went without a scare, but to annihilate it clean, and the Fort is usually 300 are suffering.Among gamers in the dark level 400 users, of course, quite, but they did not raise this information in writing on the Board. They are hunting or hunting ground of levels, stories about is so important because it will tell others as well.-Dark Gamer were among level 400+, so yeah, there is no way they would share information and post it on the forum, weather it is about hunting ground and its level and such!Quest or Dungeon hunt even though only the information that is known about dark gamer in the grade of difficulty is not a star to maintain, too."The level of 400 or so ... Somehow able to hold the shape. "Gras FES region creatures are like magical drop seals are expensive deals for jewelry are Mithril.Magic can be granted bail only those professionally hunters hunting team, says that FES that some parties in La. Convection is one of the best dark warriors of the rebels was not the exaggeration with gamers.However, the creatures are in an area that is mostly likely to meet them because they don't bite and is very low."Once the carving master-you want to talk about is still does not seem ... .... "Now I have seen Zahab, or figure out the address of the House is crucial!You can eat raw quest, but no such luck, even though it's very hard to find who did v.' He is not human, you are staying in the FES region Monster any knock-down is not available. You should take this ride with? ....... Even if the public is at risk because the monster Raven, portrayed as a way to browse in.These Hyun, speaking of which, I think true praiseworthy shave themselves. Early on I told a lot of difficult quests continent one of the top ten gold station, he will leave with a mind's burden by La FES."By navigating to pick out go in rather than do good."Some difficulty was even better, the sky is collapsing on the ground would survive split idea is survival for the confidence!


Weed called the life scultures.Ice dragon, Wyvern, Phoenix, gold, nureongi, Flycatcher, the birds was exhausted a lot by the recent hunt. Ice dragon level is 470, and subtracting the other creatures of this bundle is also due to the ongoing hunt in the second half of the 400 or so."I'm glad to tell you."Weed are tired of raising the morale of the creatures in order to give the piece said."For the time being, the hunt give me a break.""Bone bone!"Gold, which is good, but loud laughing. You can also search for gleeful caught may haunt edge of innuendos!"Well gee eh eh eh. I mean, I'll accept if the masters. "Properties have been conditioned to master dirty prudish and expression was fundamental.Nureongi seemed not interested near the pool or ate a bite, prick ears, and he was really saying."Don't worry ... just do it because it's not the words or seeing the joke."Weed has so far forced the effort on embezzlement, fraud, but, it is well not to lie."And when we travel or let it go."Travel!Way and left many bond and meet the daily pleasure.Phoenix's mouth to spew fire and liked it."Immersion immersion immersion. It really is? "Ice dragon is also the owner or other creatures and I went to this place not so much rejoiced in the side."I hope the place fresh growing."Was such a warm tummy nureongi verse or whatever it was heaven, I went and ate delicious food to travel off-I think it is not going to be bad.The golden bird and the bird, due to which the original bird because well I'm happy to go wherever you like.Weed said."Where are you going?", La FES ... The continent is one of the top ten gold station, come! "Travel, home leave Saint reminds me exactly what the word suffer from remarks.They don't want to go all of a sudden a piece."Stay here, I'm going to become stronger with hard hunting. So how about the masters alone back there?Ice dragon and pretend this is innocent is eyes clear interdependence, he said. ButWeed was never going to hear Mr."Go together. This is not a pleasant trip to deteriorate. ""There are a lot of monsters around here. Got a new owner needs to keep the land seems to be. I Biryong gets to thoroughly prevent the monster. ""You do not even eat them, ive t.. '. I'll stay and do everything, but I didn't look too bad, but I can't. "For Monster fraternity spirit suddenly arisen."Mora riding black arms and King Hydra well guarded, and no other pieces to go around here call life I'm going to put it."In the past, for the sake of fighting the Northern Alliance and had black pieces of weapons and King Hydra.They hatch a monster in the vicinity of Morata and silently policing. There are a lot of calming level increases, it is rich, too.Especially in the case of the black arms if there was a brutish quick-witted. Flaherty holds a treasure cave in if you get true story is told through the bird's tell-tale."It's totally a naughty winged black snake. Eat a bite like an earthworm is less devour it. Tweets! I'm afraid that I'll refrain from fat. You can have a delicious meat, but does not, Laird tried to nest in the vicinity and tried to foreclose, there is something I think you've concealed. ""Yes, Yes. How about the golden bird? ""There is not much interest! Get me well. Monster also seems to hunt. Nureongi is lazy, I guess. ""I look forward to the story of the well known friends."In order to prevent the deterioration of public order and the Citadel are also given life on the sculpture as a wish to bother to keep the newly single, without having to create organisms that brought in are let.Human beings don't happen very well, in the woods or mountains of the monster, but not fighting hotelier Habitat within the walls could do battle with the residents.I saw at a glance weed and Citadel.Increasingly tough and thick the walls, piled up the siege to protect military facilities!Soldiers can train to drive as local monsters Citadel. Economic development was the priority than safety.The user is also a quest to do battle in the vicinity of a seething monster you'll have will be reduced slightly.Users continues to grow, the result of risk transfer. The military took over the power, mining and wasteland will be able to do the development.Then, Sam's complaint stirs old caches. As to their purpose, said Weed."We want to live freely, there is also a desire to. Until when will you need to master to the South. "Want full independence with the Soviet sources fulfilling this story.Weed replied.Keep I live happily together. A trip like this and go hunting too ... .... I'll be happy for a lifetime. Once all ten gold preferably station will be a kind of have to look at it. "". "Was that a whole life lies a piece drops.

#"Weed-like these days, look no further than here?""I had to ask to make a sword ... Mora is also another blacksmith but could be better made by Weed, I guess. "The user of this equipment to fit up to the Citadel have been polite and Morata.Weed has made equipment are decorated with delicate aesthetic sense. Carving sword or armor, boots, he inscribed them with a special pattern.Of course, much better than the other tip received a lot of blacksmiths.Instead, advanced 8 levels ranging from dexterity due to flawed and no hard staying power was extremely modified.Weed has made equipment to others, so you will be able to bring back the pride and purpose can also be spared.Blacksmith and seamstress, and equipped with the basic skills to become famous, you don't have to worry about the sense that back was the thing. Of course, due to the infernal is unlikely to be the labor price!"Yes?" Weed's left? ""You deliberately picked up here ... from Morata. Already the Red going into the forest to the Reed's quest? "And the Citadel on the Degas disappeared.But it architects, was conservative in the proceeds by the Castle Knights and priests, black, Cheadle is also the new users were busy hunting and with the quest.Morata, residents come from hanging out, stuff is spare and simple, most merchants commissioned. But the elves, the barbarian, dwarf, fairy, even often comes and there are often a variety of quests in the Citadel.There are a lot of adventure and battle is facilitated by the general store merchants, including weapons, defense, furniture stores, herbal room, precious metals such as this."Weed's land, and Mora's inhabitants,we will go there to pass our faith in this place."Freya Church, and Lughs Church entered into the fortless to built its temples.Weed does not know accurate information about the user was forced to look just as a guess."A forest of Red Reed's quest to get back to you.""Don't be afraid to really Hermes Guild.""Weed is different, different."Is it hotter this rumor when spreading the bounty hunter who waited anxiously.Hermes to ever know, even in the Guild, three times as I think about not being offensive to defeat the Red Reed's into the Woods.


In the North, while the left deep leap hunt.I went over to hence the pick of weed also felt that the lack of power.' Now than strong. 'Dungeons and suffered the difficulties alone are making the rounds on the hunt. "kI went alone, each time as a Berserker gathered specifically for a new job. Bump into a trap, Monster assault became addicted to being in, reading.Berserker's skills to die the hump, strong will to fight with the enemy.Filled with mobs congregating in a leap into battle, and as a place to live.' Does not necessarily have to go back. 'Over the course of these levels as a high leap, attack skills to complete. Weed watched the dangerous work goes to the cycle.Fairy Queen-Yes, I think this money will go to help you follow the quest.Sometimes you have to whisper her Weed.

I've found a new Dungeon >. Creatures are a lot. It is too early to even higher levels, I'm hunting is a really good player, I guess.

If you do not have a busy day weed just right for me.

> Congrats.

And that day jeonyeogjjeum.

> Creatures are hunted and dagger saved one. Much better than the ones before.

> Now, great stuff.

And the next morning.

Did the boss Monster hunt >.

>, Unharmed?

>, But remove from the Postfix monster, and was succeeded in the hunt.

At the risk of letting the monsters and Lube take a thousand closed only God and stand up at the end of the body wraps. Weed for the heart had not been so far would have to focus on the hunt.

> Items?

> Sharp Shooter helmet ... Got what you do not need me the most. Later on I'll go sell Morata.

Sharp Shooter helmet!Turn on the lights in their eyes and Archer find equipment meant.The hit rate is of course up to increase the intersection, penetrating power, archers cannot seem to no longer have nice items.Level more than 400 high-level users do you want to buy or selling up to the bow.It goes without an expensive thing, when weapons merchants from Morata Panda was to play out.

>, Yap.

In addition to the usual (?), do so, Soe Yong is a gratifying whenever there is a weed.

> Levels had come.

> Already?

Picked up one item, a little while ago >.

> Again?

Dance of the mad Warrior skill level is meteoric >.

> So quickly?

> Celebration. Quest was successful.

> A conversation with a leap from the Weed to hunt for more of.your choice to share.She scours the Dungeon is a place where you can go less than one weed two steps above. Weed hunting speed is truly one from mainland say about Versailles is no exaggeration. By the way, as did second this Lube.When you start entering dungeons since then skills to end up overcoming rampant Berserker like grim job.Instead, there is a risk that was a steeper battle to die alone and restless vitality or battle of strength to fight hard enough is because the IRU maintained the best not be able to tell.Dungeon hunt from the strength it took time until you recover from out of the blue.Another such period as a leap to find simple quests and dungeons.

> Ever behold jewelry? Continued here.

It was another week of it that, >. It can sell to the gem from a suspect.

Weed did not have to talk to whenever you don't know are just a few of the help.After then I slay the Dungeon as Yoon leaning against a tree and asked.

You'll keep on rubbing > Citadel?

> No. The sculpture also has finished, so now I have to leave.

As the forests of Red reeds >?If so, you can go ahead as Yoon-Weed bounty hunter or assassin who had the idea to wipe out.Big fight but it wasn't all about the odds anyway.

> Now already the continent's top ten gold in one place of the station he was from La. There is not in the quest.

Upon hearing the destination in a leap from a backpack to find a direction in Fez that spread, began to walk.Weed is going to place this, of course, she doesn't have to go too.Immortal Legion quest, it's mostly when the undead was level and proceed to the travel costs are too busy to make.But for now, Soe Yong is a weed that to meet the FEZ region.

He goes into the area in Fez >. Later, I also like to hunt. Then a delicious shark maeuntang boil.

Weed through the end of there often with my ears were on the hunt and let Palin Entourage.Hwa-ryeong switched into high-heeled shoes and boots."I have to go oh la FES region.""Big sister, really? It's too dangerous ... .... "Bell tried to insist that the lot is even sturdy old Mali was angry."Weed-like as the troubled, while rice and eat ... .... We've had such a time. "Every night a seductive dance by the weed even counted in the spirit of trying to get over the Hall. The new album is ready and put together dance choreographer and he is the first to demonstrate.Hwa-ryeong for him the prettiest in the continent through Central merchants dresses and accessories as far as it was after completing the hoarding."Then we'll go with it."According to the safety of her pale, I've tried, in a hard head."Do not ever coming!""Yes?""Oh I'll be getting in the way of the brush at the time."". "Top ten gold station, WHA's passion were the dating place.Hwa-ryeong horseback Gras Fez area.


In addition to hitting the way the sword.He had been flying back and forth along the plains of despair contending kingdoms."For the time being, there is no work to do."There are many women who so far has been getting the user's family-based adjustment.But she was not long ago the ancient training to a foreign country for three months and left on what a lovely but not able to make your hunt as was sagging."Secondly, even busy ... .... "The sword at the age of two and a lack of play, such as taking a beating oak soaking.Oak road!Three frosts in the quest to perform together with the despair of the Plains, with oak euro key or had been playing to jump mountains.Oak 3 horses growing up eating rice growing only 1 month 20 horses. Back after a one month surged by more than 100 horses.And, of course, still under the direction of taking power in the age of low, and you want to go out alone in the independence of the oak road.But most remain lack of battle widens the area as shown. The sword at the age of two and was killed while hunting with anesthesia, and strengthened as the ORC Warrior or warriors.I'll quickly grow up and grow in size as the oak species."Have fun by getting other guys envy prayers."The northern part of the continent, Versailles is also involved in the battle, the disciples, the television also cited the bittersweet feeling strike the sword they walk out the door.Older being quiet, alone time would wish to send is a great illusion!"The strength to beat the best to move your body, demolishing."

-Training of the mind is important.

-Check the power contained in the rule.

His disciples came to tell me at any time.But if you don't have a care in the power that is really a shortcut of the vases!"You should take this opportunity to enjoy the free time."The sword in order to travel to the capital of the Kingdom was hitting.Go to the Dungeon with several hunting grounds, close to the square in front of the people who were gathered for the Kingdom. And in one corner, someone was shouting."Leaving Upstate Adventures: Let's go together! The God of war and went on to rule the North of Degas settled like you! Once you go into the Morata and goes into the Citadel. "Traders were subsumption and users.Go to the Kingdom as the wagon by Brent aboard was the path to move up to the North.For if you go up North anyway, recently relocated to Morata interested in having many users go to transportation was escorted from making Monster.During the trip and also to say, you can have the customer in the long term might want to leave the northern part, because travelers actively dug it up."However, where surprise is?"Meet the disciples and hitting the sword traders had to keep up.

Now Zahab's artwork

"Nevermind Ah Ah Ah AAH!"And this time, he was flying with wings spreading a ton. Dragons, Phoenix, golden bird, the bird is also followed behind.It was a lovely piece of life go to compete, given the level of Godzilla.You'll fly over the occasional white clouds high in large birds.Weed and lay on his back, rung three is this Friday, and stayed on with this work."If you go to eat?""Yummy!"And cucumber, and six, and seven, so I was able to fly comfortably and go the whole Chase and returned."Yum yum, delicious.""The fishy one."Do not, and three had already been accumulated up to this limit complaints."The masters.""Why not?""There are a lot of different and why this bundle always rides on my back?""So you don't like?""But, the person concerned shall also carry a lot of heavy and force wrongfully and ......."Pitched on a weed snub and said."I'm only annoying when Arthur, just flatten.""AE."e easy as when you can't ride a Wyvern is different. You're the best. "With this secret was forced to be even more distressed to know.

"In a mess of a HousGras in Fez in the central region of the Kingdom of Edern in mainland, the monster was seething with area.Weed was quite polite and there was a citadel in the far distance, the piece he flew aboard them for life."Judging by the extent of ... If I don't find the roughly 20-day long? "Reflex is one of the station's other 10 gold singles, had to suffer from flashbacks and, although he is not so large a place in La area in Fez.Will pick in the maze of underground dungeons as you are doing since they say that the bars are connected, they will have to meet so far difficult to v.Weed pulled out of wooden products received before.Old maids wooden arms is a haven of the guide you want to, he said. Wooden arms of the Jinn was depicted."Water from the side of the shelf have to be searched. If you are still alive to v. After all, a monster because of the unbelievably dangerous place!! "Royal Road, even if it was originally lived in a non-resident users can suffer death.If a user is being revived as a penalty, but the NPC ended with death!Now Zahab has already died, the quest is to give up midway.Even if the parties have any dead or missing, the master of the profession, the relevant quest and technologies are gone.Of course, those other talented master could create a new non-riders depending on the situation this may create new quests, but pledged to do.Weed was in fact an old maid's quest so far was a fairly dangerous thing dragged.

#"Now let's start little by little. In the meantime, lots of rested? "Weed said nureongi don't grate par le Le was thrilled."Well gee UH uh, portaeet on an adventure on the hunt ... So far I gave what to do! "The reason was the plea as a piece of living things.Even children suffer life harm gave tried to conceive, but it is not. Has been troubled for a lifetime but born nureongi was entitled to express a complaint.Weed is also seriously wondered.Nureongi so far had much recent ones. Pick up lug, and the perils involved in the battle, and made a point to carry a lot of luggage always felt that their poor."The young are going to the high school librarian degrees. All you need to do is to eat so I can't play, then I'll start planning now in place. The more I eat Ho Ive descends. Eating a bite of fresh grass in the same house the Royal family when they are able to live with? "It was just on a higher loyalty nureongi persuasion."He's not a desired thing to the extent of ... Satisfaction. ""I look forward to every day, 200 gold apiece, but the rest of it, and tap once more I saw the money necessary to fund retirement at a later time, born largely called to give back. By the way, raise the cows and the wedding that you like it. ""Thank you, master. More hard work will fight. "Nureongi is old I think make good weed every day, 200 gold apiece into the fire had a satisfactory income.

"Order of the Phoenix, the ice dragon. You do not even come close to the eye because it's so smooth in the neighborhood can come at any time waiting. ""Roger, master."Ice dragon or Phoenix is close to the ground as big as creatures of Kilkenny being brought by stimulating them to the monster around. That's because search-Weed and Wyvern, the nureongi, should resolve this, which is of gold."The golden bird, the bird.""Why.""Father, Sir.""You are not safe here?"The golden bird and the bird's little nodded.Birds are also in the forest creatures are not affected much from. Hungry monster even though not even nibble away the golden bird and the bird sitcom line no.Maybe if they are victims of an attack, there's a fly could get away through the trees. In contrast to monster hunting sprouted into joining up was also."Now that you have to take precedence over looking for v and move aside. I searched the forest side. ""If you are asking for.""I'll take as a father. Tasty insects might come a little late trying to feed. "The golden bird and the bird fly away into the Woods.Wooden arms marked with water, but you want to know where to be found any sign of the two separately, and to commit ourselves to finding the trail."So away we go?"Weed Tori, ban Hock, the nureongi, gold(Ginmimi), and this bundle and go up in the downstream river dates back from the ball.In need of a Phoenix and Biryong also recalled, while La Fez had to fight with the monster.River or in the proximity of the different kinds of monsters, but widnau piece creatures feel threatened enough, there are a few kinds sucks.Coming out of the water, the river grabs Kell COG named creatures are infested."Ooh baby. Ooh baby! "Kell Cog is a kind of reptile habitats near water. When I went to walk like humans and aquatic and land use weapons like the spear.The ability to jump higher vertical movement is very much a frightening image in addition to the Act in groups, much more than the 400-level levels!He would like to hunt in an area that is stable in Fez, 400 levels are prerequisites for the term is not something that came out puffy.Of course, if you maximize the benefits of the party were able to overcome that disadvantage some more."And this bundle is in the air, while turning to fight. Kell hit the nose they can jump.""I get it."Waddle flew into this southern harvest and bundles."Call the death Knight class Hawk (Van Hawk?), call the vampire lord Tori!""He called, master!"Nowadays, there are frequent battles, from around a half-Hawk and searched as soon as the Tories."Go, fight!""I get it.""The smell badly. Not a lot of taste the blood. "I am a bit too aristocratic reptiles unwilling to sign Tori immunity."Always have to eat but delicious drink. Later on I'll boil one haejangguk Prophet. ""Then I'll fight."op Death Knight and vampire road rush!Do not ride the ghost had attacked the half-Hawk, Tori also flew a spreading cloak."Yay!"The crowd of more than half of them twenty Kell COG Hawk and Tori also found and is ready to fight.Throw in the chicken ran through like a look up with a window, the best attitude!' Dangerous. 'Half-Hawk or Tori may suffer badly, even if my window."Summon the bearer is dirt! Rick walls with dirt. "At the moment, throwing the earth they nose window Kell elemental phosphorus soil bearer of these was summoned.The soil in a DOE-eyes open-bearer as they land in the Palm of your hand forward to my mini earthen soars.Half-Hawk and Tori also help protect the giant earthen.Kell codes thrown through Windows also with earthen somewhat reduced. But it still stirred a silver sheen to come.Half-Hawk and Tori is fortunately real quick, but blood continues to penetrate the wood and keep Windows or down to Earth flowers produced an explosion in the tongue."If it hurts."This is a significant enough havoc!If you damage armor armor stitched together at a high enough because of Owen ddulhril.Half-Hawk and a high level of Torrey road feel more monster wild bring it on.Weed them so Kell COG's in between."H. lime sword!"They plugged in a small window on the set tub Kell cog, because heat can throw two times or more. It also maximizes the opportunity to pretend to be not fought at close range.Weed sword swinging at Kell COG and around like crazy between them never did not stay in one place."Kya kya!"But Kell Cog are sticking or both wield a window well.

-Window on the shoulder 's.The power is reduced by injury.High degree of endurance to be reduced to minimize the damage.Health, 2,980.

7 horses over the nose they weed and Kell, van Hawke, Tori, too!Do not ride the ghost battlefield half Hawk and went and flew him to the window a lot."Goal goal goal. We turn now! "Nureongi was riding on gold, even as the wind thrusts.They die piece throwing too, because the nature of the battle between the safe Skeletal cog committed after the melee I dont!And this bundle from the air raid, and Kell Cog are disrupted."Dark speculation.""Blade" tornado! "Half-Hawk and their skills, even Tories thirties!A little more time, I could barely succeeded in the hunt. Three small Windows, such as flower tongue weed enough was left."We have to hold."At the end of the battle left more than 1 million health 9 transition too.Instead, and this bundle is also a significant injury, the nureongi also paw lame."Forward might be dangerous."That is a huge natural disaster, but like to pick out a monster's level is high."A search of the new and the new business of Golden also discontinued ice dragon and Phoenix also must go to commit."Gold is at stake or nureongi bundle with when you can break through the combat zone was fortunate. He is such a Dungeon of la Paix if shall not escape methods."Once the officer Sok. Bandage cold! "Vitality supplements have no priests to give the weed and this bundle and nureongi, bandage on his body.

-Blue jewel earned two cheers for good work.

-3 out of the black jewel acquisition.

Loot can grant a magic gem caenggyeossda.It is a fairly decent drift battle is hard enough!In CHAN to sell, but, since the tool directly from the sculpture only so the properties of the magic power of jewelry by Denis glistening Sheen had expired.

#Gras Fez is the movement of the weed from the monsters had to move with caution.Even if they were able to fight dangerous Kell COG apprehensive, even one as Habitat for more than 200, 300 ride away and leads the herd back.Do not let that happen, even the last one and this bundle has hunted by Chase on horseback.Poisonous insect and bird of prey, bring it on, one at a time with the force of the attack groups of guys messing endured."Indeed, wherever you are, you can adapt the true spells."Weed's level or skill now open in La was in Fez. Of course, had a troubled life of bio-piece earlier, but could grow to as much as.Weed fight in fencing and in Fez Gras endurance, Matt House raised their stats. I got a cold bandage skill would contribute more to already have master a shame it was grievous."If you go somewhere like this, but I'll come."Weed so search around the river went up with it.The golden bird and the bird is a dangerous deep Recon and.You never know what's about lowering its forests and bog the recurring places that Fez's top predators. If you look at the river they know only live agnate nose Hunter."The ice dragon, on the left, go to stir.""Roger, master."Ice dragon and Phoenix also were mobilized to battle the intervals.Kell when they flock too much nose ice dragon's brass or the Phoenix flame of the first one-room sat and fought."If there are more, House is going forward."And the thing is up in the air.The rivers flowing to the FES Gras three!He grew up in La, only not necessarily in Fez and the law would not live section v directly to check out.Weed is moving forward cautiously, with slices of life forms, showed wide its way upstream river Lakes.The crystal clear water of the Lake is beautiful, the sunsets and the wood and mirrored.Built on the shores of picturesque and beautiful log cabins!"Somehow, now it seems to be having a. .. ...."Weed is on view log set their quality or workmanship was not usually discouraging."Once basic gift from grabs ...."Do come prepared in advance, through Edition weed gift Bowl backpack and pulled in.For those of you that are in FES met human beings other than v, for familiarity rise targeted item!He met in some areas, if the residents of FES, and usually it will be previewed in the appreciation of the need to set up.As you adventure, sometimes even to meet with indigenous people, and in some cases, certain races are hostile to it. The Elves or dwarves, the barbarian is largely welcome, receiving good human being to aggressive.It presents a set of sparkling beads or bowl well for bite."?"Name in front of a loud home-upon-Weed, shortly after the doors opened.It came out that it was a man aged a hundred foot Castle."People who have visited my home for the first time. Yes, this place is what brings up. "Weed was hoping for PAS said."People have been looking for.""Here was a little humans started living met with just a few clicks. Me in the Woods and came away with one Hunter, a man only two years old ....... Anyone looking for? "Under eye area felt the needy!"I'm contending with, we have to look to the Kingdom by Brussels."The old man with a beard Petting nodded."My name to Vranje. Find properly at the outset. "Even with the help of the new golden birds and 20 shall be consumed by the search for a couple of days, fortunately, was discovered early.'' It wasn't a difficult quest very badly. ''Old maid's quest was only for when the now has increased the level of money damages would be inadequate to compare the fragment was found to be too comfortable for life.If you suffer and die from weed alone, Kehl shall break them didn't lead a cog.' Well I finally met 'Weed's beasts are thrilled with the meeting of the master and engraving.It was the first thing the Moonlight pieces of historical figures and job and Sarah meet.Boys and girls.Later, the Queen told her that one of the most beautiful sculptures on the ground will keep the promise, which was to show the engraver.Learning the songs he created weed."Such a piece as we had asked for. But up here, Oh, hungry, get one meal can be eaten with rice or once? "


"Boo hoo hoo, I finally came up with the world people live!"Petraeus walked out of town the cotton market.In order to meet are Jordi devastated Australia waited long at the Castle, but in the end she realized that coming back painfully.

Pet silly. Shit breaking.

Left behind graffiti only made him sick as well."If you look at the continent is reunited with her stray. If you hear about her could be going anywhere. "Petraeus has laid out ambitions seem to be over in the world."Know my name and all the human beings of the continent. This will devastate this might come to see me in the first place is not? "Draw a picture that could quickly become famous.Based on your skills as a painter of the Guild commissioned domata. The nobility and the King's pictures, and create a new shoe style is not difficult to attract popularity.Petraeus is taking a more aggressive approach."Mora is famous as a city of art and is not."Weed through the work as an engraver Mora led to the tremendou

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