mooc 201114841

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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1. What is a MOOC?

2. Why use MOOC?

3. History of MOOC

4. Types of MOOC’s

5. Advantages and disadvantages of MOOC

6. Field of interest

7. References

WHAT IS A MOOC?• MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Course

• MOOC is a model for delivering learning content online to any person who wants to take a course, with no limit to attendance.

• It is a course aimed at unlimited participation and open access through the internet

• MOOC’s are typically provided by higher education institution often in partnership with organizers such as Audacity, though some MOOC’s are being offered directly by a university.

MOOC• M- Massive

• -connectivity through the use of internet with different people.

• O- Open

• -leaners or students interact with others freely

• O- Online

• -course is taken with others completely online

• C- Course

• -a MOOC deals with different topics but only covers one


• worldwide

• communication


• Network

• Cluster


• learn

• interact

WHY USE MOOC CONTINUED…• Helps leaners to exchange knowledge

• Offers plenty of opportunities to share ideas

• Increases options for accessibility

• Increases potential of student engagement

• Lifelong opportunities are being expanded

HISTORY OF MOOC• The evolution of technology and of new learning experiences have always been closely


• As distance learning specialists affirm, the field of distance-learning had three main generations: Correspondence study

• Multimedia

• Computer-mediated

• The first of these distance learning models grew exponentially in Europe and United States after the Industrial Revolution, especially because a more qualified work force was needed for the factories.

• In addition, postal services were becoming faster, cheaper and more reliable.

• For example, in the 19th century, students from Australia were already able take correspondence courses from prestigious universities, such as the London School of Economics, one of the first in the United Kingdom to offer distance education.

HISTORY OF MOOC CONTINUED…• However, this first generation was still far from reaching massive numbers of students like

MOOCs are doing today.

• Correspondence study only predominated until the arrival of electronic media, which lead to popularization of radio and television as educational tools in the 20th century.

• Teachers and learners from all parts of the world took advantage of the new technology.

• Those who did not have access to formal learning could watch or listen to classes for free, wherever they were.

• The content was adapted to reach different types of audiences, and even students in remote areas could have knowledge in academic subjects.

• But a main pedagogical factor was still lacking: students had hardly any interaction with professors or other students.

HISTORY OF MOOC CONTINUED…• Videotape was used by many distance learning initiatives but was criticized because of its


• The multimedia generation had popularized distance learning and allowed new possibilities, but only computers and the web could unite forces to provide a new e-learning infrastructure, mainly built upon networks and communities on-line.

TYPES OF MOOCS • C-Moocs and X-Moocs

• C-MOOCS- The term C-MOOC refers to a MOOC designed to emphasize connecting learners. C-MOOC stands for Connectivist MOOC. C-MOOCs are built upon the idea and platform originally envisioned by George Siemens.

• X-MOOCS-X-MOOCs have their background in the rise of open course ware

• Makes discussion a challenge

• Make it easier for students to drop out

• Students must learn to be responsible for their own learning

• It involves costs

• Designed to ensure students keep-up

• Offers interesting business opportunities

• Allow teachers to make the most of classroom time in blended classes

• Creates a dynamic archive



FIELD OF INTEREST• I am a Life Sciences and Tourism student teacher doing third year. These two subjects

are my majors at University of Johannesburg. I intend on using MOOC for online courses that will better equip me as a professional Life Science teacher one day. MOOC will also be a great technological tool for many uses in my classroom.

• Example MOOC can be used to give my learners home works and assignments and can also be used to ask for further knowledge and clarity by learners from different sources that are in it.







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