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Montserrat Peñarroya

May 2009


Montserrat PeñarroyaMalta 2010

How to attract visitors?

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

2. Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

3. Ad Campaigns

4. Blogs

5. Marketplaces & Directories

6. Forums

7. Email Marketing

8. Online Public Relations

9. Social Media Marketing

How many search engines are there on

the Internet?

Useful tool

This tool will show us what search engines are most popular in each region or country.

The Alexa local rank will also be a useful tool.




Search Engine Optimization (SEO)



The most important tools of this new internet era are search engines. And Google above all.

Each time we need information about something, we ask a search engine to find it.

But, how do they work? How can we be sure that the search engine will locate our web page?

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The old search engines

• Before the Google era, search engines where handmade web page directories (except for Altavista search engine). That meant the following:

1) You had to register your web page in the directory.

2) Then you had to choose a few key words about your web contents.

3) And then you had to write down your web page definition.

... And when someone searched for a word that you had in your keywords or in you definition, the search engine showed your page.

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How do they work now?

• Now, search engines are automated web pages indexes.

• The crawling Search Engines have to perform three basic tasks:

1. Find web pages and store their contents (they use spiders (robot agents))

2. Analyze the page contents

3. Process searchers’ queries

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This part of the presentation will be about:

• What are the search engine spiders? And how can they read our web page content?

• How does Google or any other search engine find our web page?

• How can we prevent our web page from being stored in a search engine?

• Once we are indexed, how can we come up in the first places of search results (SERP)?

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What are search engine spiders? And how can they read our web page


The spiders

•There are hundreds of spiders crawling the web every day: search engine spiders, spiders from spammers, …

•They are also known as Robot Agents.

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• - - [03/Aug/2003:14:26:11 +0800] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 2225 "-" "Googlebot/2.1 (+"

• - - [03/Aug/2003:15:54:29 +0800] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 2225 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705)"

• - - [03/Aug/2003:15:54:29 +0800] "GET /icons/i/1line.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 76 "" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705)"

• - - [03/Aug/2003:15:54:30 +0800] "GET /icons/i/1bg.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 3023 "" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705)"

• - - [03/Aug/2003:15:54:35 +0800] "GET /images/logo3_luz_roja_2.jpg HTTP/1.1" 200 47843 "" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705)"

• - - [03/Aug/2003:16:37:05 +0800] "GET /robots.txt HTTP/1.0" 404 128 "-" "Googlebot/2.1 (+"

• - - [03/Aug/2003:16:37:06 +0800] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 2225 "-" "Googlebot/2.1 (+"

• - - [03/Aug/2003:20:32:10 +0800] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 2225 "" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)"

These are the signs of visitors and spiders on a registry log.

You can see how spiders visit this web site. Stats programs like WebTrends and LiveStats analyze the registry logs and show statistics of all the web page activity.

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How does Google, or any other search engine, find our web page for the first


Handmade submission

Submission through links on third party websites

Submission through Google Sitemaps

Example of Google Sitemaps

Helpful tool:

How a spider can read our web content?

Which formats can’t be indexed?

• Once a spider has found our web we have to make sure that it can read all our web contents.

• Spiders can’t pass through:

• Javascript code (and some AJAX)

• Inside Flash

• Inside Pop Up’s

• Some buttons

• Zones behind a login and password

• If the SE's crawler (or spider) has found your web page, a copy is made and stored in their database.

If the page is already in HTML format, the storage is immediate.

If the page is in some other format, such as PDF or Microsoft Word, then the SE will convert the page into an HTML equivalent.

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“Cached” is the image the spider saw last time it visited your site

How can we know how many pages we have indexed?

To find out which of your pages have been indexed by Google, type the following into Google's search field:

And if you want to know in how many of your web pages a word appears, type the following into the search field: “name”

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Analyzing the web page contents

• Once your web page has been found and stored, the SE will inspect every word and tag and translate it into a mathematical representation in its database. This process is different for each SE and it is strictly confidential.

• What is important to know is that at this point the SE do not look at the real web pages, they look at these mathematical representations when they match the searchers’ keywords to the documents in the database.

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What can I do if I don’t want to be indexed?

The Robots Exclusion Protocol

The robots exclusion protocol is followed by all regular spiders.

• All spiders try to find a robots.txt page, before beginning to crawl through your page.

• In this page, you have to indicate which part of the contents you don’t want spiders to index.

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Examples for Robots.txt pages



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If you don’t have a robots.txt page, you should have one. Each time a robot searches for it and doesn’t find it, generates a 404 error. So even if you want everything indexed it’s a good idea to

create a blank page and name it robots.txt.

More info

OK, our page has been indexed.

And now what?

Now it’s time to fight to be in the first positions!!!

Now that you have a basic understanding of how Search Engines work, we'll take a look at what happens when a searcher types in his search keywords.

The algorithms• Every Search Engine has its own proprietary algorithm (set of rules or

formula) for finding and ranking web sites.

• This algorithm is a tightly guarded secret, so Search Engine marketers don't get an upper hand in manipulating their web sites for better rankings.

But we can discuss what generally happens when a Search Engine is given a search query.

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The Google Algorithm

(Simplifying...) It’s formed by 2 algorithms:

1- The PageRank algorithm

2- The Relevance algorithm

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Larry Page and Sergey Brin, Google founders

PageRank <> the ranking of pages

Page Rank = the Larry Page rank

What is the PageRank?

The PageRank Algorithm

• It’s an off-page factor.

• The purpose of PageRank is to assign a numerical value to the Web pages according to the number of times that other pages recommend them and according to the PageRank that these pages have. That is to say, it establishes the importance of a Web page.

• The PageRank algorithm is complex and it’s formed by many variables and many other minor algorithms.

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The PageRank algorithm is a numerical value that goes from 0 to 10 in a logarithmic scale. This means that it is much more difficult to raise from 5 to 6 than from 2 to 3.

The PageRank algorithm it’s not being calculate whenever we make a search. Google calculates it every certain time (every day though). The tool bar is updated every 3 or 4 months.

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How can I make my PageRank higher?

• You need as many links from third parties as possible

• You need links from pages with a high PageRank.

• You need links from pages with a low number of other outgoing links.

To know your PageRank you must have the Google Toolbar

To know how many links you have from third parties, type the following into Google's search field:

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What is the Relevance algorithm?

The Relevance algorithm

The logic of this algorithm is the following:

• Google wishes to know if your page really verses about the subject that the user is looking for.

To be sure, Google analyzes 2 factors:

1. The Density of some words

2. The Prominence of some words

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What is the Density of a word?

The Density considers the following factors:

1. Word relevance in the general context of indexed pages: in how many pages the word appears.

2. In each page, how many times the word is named divided by the total number of words


Export Export

Export Export


What is the Prominence of a word?

The Prominence considers the following factors:

1. Where is the word in each one of the pages.

2. The words that other web pages use to link us (anchor text in links from third parties).

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Example of anchor text

The Prominence inside a page

• Google gives relevance points to the words that appear in:


• Page title (<title>)

• Description

• Headings (H1,H2, etc...)

• Links

• Bold text

• Alternative text (ALT)

• ...

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Heading defined as H1

Dinamic title, different for every page

Internal links using relevant words

URL SEO friendly

Tool that will help us tell us the PageRank, density and the prominence of a web page

Example with




PR from links

Number of links


Indexed pages from our website



In all pages

In each page


Third party anchor text

Different zones of a web page

Links Content Estructure

How to create more content

• From images and multimedia content (well labeled)

• With RSS feeds and mashup content (using widgets).

• Including related press articles

• Creating a press zone

• Creating a blog or a forum

• Including comments and opinions

• Including listings, tops, ranking, etc…

• Translating to more languages

How to get more links

• Register in as much directories as you can ( will help you)

• Look what your competition is doing ( related links)

• Do public relations in blogs

• Do public relations on the online press

• Be present in social media tools and link to yourself.

• Practice cross linking with sites with the same target as you.

• Ask your partners and customers to link you.

How to have a better website structure

• Select a proper domain name (if you can)

• Create a page for every concept, in your website.

• Follow a tree structure.

• Use URL SEO friendly

• Use a persuasive description metatag

• Host your pages in a proper ISP

• Define your website language properly

Why hosting is important


Language definition


Persuasive <description>

Description must be translated to each language

Choose the right keywords

Last minute advices…

• Don’t forget that your page has to be read by humans. Keep spiders on your mind, but think that the objective of being naturally well ranked in search engines is to have more customers.

• Don’t cheat, it’s not worth it.


Why SEO is so important?





Montserrat Peñarroya FarellGEA – Internet Project ConsultingMarketing Digital Internacional

Tel. +34 93 5377605 - Mov. +34 639141269

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