modal verbs 2

Post on 05-May-2017






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Modal Verbs

I. Insert didn’t need to or needn’t + perfect infinitives:1. I … (leave) early, as the Browns offered to take me home in their car.2. My coffee was already sweet, so I … (put) any sugar in it.3. They had wanted to paint their house, but then they decided to move and so they … (paint) it.4. They painted the house but then they had to move. They … (paint) it.5. John … (wait) for his friend, because he never came.6. He … (take) his swimming things, as his friends said they could lend him some.7. I … (do) the exercise, which would have saved me a lot of time.8. I … (do) the exercise, which saved me a lot of time.

II. Replace the italicized words by the required forms of the verb need:1. Must you finish your composition today? Couldn’t you postpone it?2. The teacher didn’t require us to write any homework (and we didn’t write it).3. It isn’t necessary for you to revise all the subjects.4. Is it necessary for me to write a letter or just telephone a good friend when (I want to turn down an invitation to a party?5. No, it isn’t necessary for you to if you are good friends. A telephone call will do.6. You are not required to do it on the spot.7. My students didn’t require my help, so I’m free.8. It didn’t rain at all during the holidays so I might have left my raincoat at home, and not taken it with me.

III. Replace the italicized words by the verb dare as required by the sense:1. Did he venture to ask the question once again?2. Have you enough courage to make such a promise?3. Do you challenge me to dance all night?4. I wouldn’t have the courage to ask him.5. The child was afraid to go out without his mother’s permission.6. Do you have the impudence to call me a liar?7. He is unlikely to have the courage to fight him again.8. I think you would be afraid to face him.

IV. Rephrase the following sentences using modal verbs (or phrases) wherever possible:1. Dean McMann, am I permitted to go to classes now?2. Robert, am I allowed to copy your movie? 3. No, you do not have my permission to copy my movie. 4. No, I forbid you to copy my movie.5. I advise you to travel to Australia by plane.6. I listen to this radio show every evening.7. Is it necessary for us to come to your conference?8. It is not necessary for you to shake hands with them.9. My soldiers have the obligation to engage the enemy.10. Oh, I am supposed to listen to this nonsense every afternoon.11. It is possible for us not to take the exam.12. Maybe he has finished his doctoral thesis.

13. She is probably married; she wears a wedding ring.14. It is morally important for you to say “hello” first when you encounter a woman.15. Although it was not necessary, Bob gave us some money last night.16. Sly probably fed all the animals yesterday.17. I promise you that the TV set will be repaired.

V. Translate into English using modal verbs/ phrases:1. Te sfătuiesc să îngenunchezi în faţa Împăratului.2. Se cade să îţi ajungi colegii la nevoie.3. Vrei să mă ajuţi? Da, vreau/ Nu, nu vreau.4. Ai vrea să îmi împrumuţi o mare sumă de bani?5. E nevoie să vină azi până la bibliotecă, ori poate aştepta până mâine?6. Nu era nevoie să vină atât de curând, puteam aştepta.7. Nu era nevoie să cumpere ea pălăria, avea el de gând să i-o cumpere.8. Nu a fost nevoie să îşi cumpere un televizor nou, întrucât avea deja unul acasă. De fapt, avea un televizor de trei ani.9. Nu este nevoie să vii la şcoală astăzi.10. Obişnuiesc să merg la facultate lunea.11. Deşi cămătarii au ameninţat-o în mod repetat, ea refuză să îşi plătească datoriile.12. Este posibil ca vecinii lui James să aterizeze la miezul nopţii.13. Este posibil ca bibliotecarul să servească cina acum.14. Este posibil ca lăptarul să îşi fi vândut vaca săptămâna trecută.15. Vrei să mă ajuţi să duc vasele acestea la bucătărie?16. Trebuia să o ierţi când ai văzut ce rău îi pare.17. S-ar cuveni să vii la curs din când în când.18. Obişnuia să dea cu pumnul în masă de fiecare dată când se enerva.19. Deşi este foarte obosită, ea ţine să urmărească documentarul despre dinozauri.20. Cum îţi permiţi să vii aici din nou?21. Nu am curajul să îi întreb la câţi ani de închisoare au fost condamnaţi.22. Nu am îndrăznit să îi spunem adevărul.

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