mobile app testing by mark wilson

Post on 25-Jul-2015






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© Planit Software Testing

Mobile App Testing & Other Considerations

Presenter: Mark Wilson

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Software Testing

Consulting, Advisory, Delivery,

Managed Services, Training

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Why is Mobile Computing Important?

People worldwide now spend more time on their smartphones than on traditional PCs.

Smartphone sales surpassed PC sales in 2011.

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15 - 65

The Mobile Landscape In New Zealand

Have a smartphone now

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15 - 65

The Mobile Landscape In New Zealand

Will have a smartphone

by 2018

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The Mobile Landscape In New Zealand

Have a tablet at home now

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The Mobile Landscape In New Zealand

Will have a tablet by 2018

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Apps vs Web

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The Future Of Mobile Apps

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What Is Mobile Computing Used For?

• Apps continue to grow

• Gaming and Social Media are over 60% of apps usage

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How Successful Are most Mobile Apps?

Apps on our smart phones

• Average 25-26 apps

• 1 in 4 apps downloaded are never used

• On average 22% of Apple users who download an app

only use it once.

• On average only 34% of Apple users who download an

app will use it more than 11 times.

• Over 1 million applications are available from the app

store alone

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What Spurs Mobile App Growth?

Mobile app usage worldwide.

What will be the next big thing?

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Do Mobile Apps Have Problems?

Have you had problems with a mobile app within the

last 6 months?





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Types Of Problems Encountered?

•The mobile app crashed/froze/ displayed an error

•The mobile app was slow to launch

•The mobile app would not launch

•The mobile app didn’t function as expected

•None of these

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What The Customer Expects

•Things to work first time

•They expect things to work fast

•They expect things to be intuitive

•They expect instructions to be clear and self explanatory

•Your app generally has to be usable by people with differing


•Most apps don’t come with a 1-2 day training course! It’s a

Web App not SAP

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So Why Do Mobile Apps Fail??

Customers Can’t Make It Work!!

1. They have problems installing

2. They don’t run properly

3. They freeze or lock

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The App Won’t Install, Won’t Work Or Freezes!

Why is this? 3 Answers:

• They have not been functionally tested properly!

• They have not been useability tested on that platform combination.

• They have bugs which were not found in testing.

• This application documentation clearly states that this device in this

configuration is not supported.

People Love to


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Scope Targeted Platforms

What platforms will you target and test your

application on?

• Operating Systems?

• Browsers ?

• Hardware?

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Scope Targeted Platforms?

Each one has multiple versions of the

operating system

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Targeted Platforms?

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Targeted Platforms?

What Devices?

Phones – Iphone 3-6, Galaxy S3-S5, Nexus 4-7

Blackberry ??, HTC ?, Nokia windows phone,

Huawei, Redme + hundreds of clones etc.

Tablets – IPad 1-4, Galaxy Note 1-4, Windows

Surface ??. Le-Novo, Sony, Acer, Asus, Amazon

Kindle, HP, IPOD Touch + Hundreds of clones.

Different screen sizes

Different resolutions

Different memory

Different processing power

Different operating systems

Different quality antennas

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Targeted Platforms?

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Lessons Learnt – Devices

Manage your platform scope

• How many devices, operating systems, versions?

o iOS?

o Android?

o Windows Phone?

o Blackberry, Symbian, . . .?

o Smart Phones, Tablets, . . . ?

• Your systems future?

o Device & OS fragmentation


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Problems with Look Feel and Function

1. The application doesn’t do what the customer thinks it should

2. The application is just too complicated or confusing

3. It doesn’t look very good or is isn’t nice to use (Subjective but

unfortunately customers are)

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The Application Is Not Intuitive

• Make your app as clear and easy to use as possible.

• Keep a common look and feel throughout the application.

• Get your kids to trial it, then get you mum and gran to have a play.

• There are guides around usability – look at them. Government have

usability and accessibility guidelines which are being enforced more


• If you are targeting a bigger audience then look at the issues around


businesses/accessible-websites is a good place to start.

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Lessons Learnt – Look/Feel/Function

Have a clear vision for the application

• Put together clearly defined requirements (‘Just like our website’ is

not good enough!!)

• Target your market demographic

• Look at what is successful in that market

• Look and feel can be as important as function

• But look and feel won’t keep your customers happy if the

application doesn’t do what it’s supposed to

Requirements Requirements

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Be Prepared To Speed Up

First to market is a big advantage!

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Focus on time – everything moves quicker on mobile projects

• The market is moving incredibly fast

• The technology is moving very rapidly

• The fashions and trends are moving fast

The Application Takes Too Long To Get To Market

Remember you are better off being

second to market with a product that

works than being first with one that


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A Newer, Quicker Way Of Working!

• Manage your stakeholders

• Get marketing and the business involved early

• Gear up for more releases

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Focus on time

Look at continuous integration

Automated functional regression testing

Automated regression performance testing

Automated penetration testing/vulnerability scanning

Service virtualisation to allow parallel development

Farm out the bulk of your device usability testing

Look To Reduce Cycle Times – Not Quality!

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Prepare For Regular Release Cycles

• Plan for your ongoing release cycles

o Business will see new opportunities

o Expect Public APIs to change (e.g. Google Maps, TradeMe)

o Technologies will change

o Taste and fashion change

• How will you deploy future releases?

o Plan for availability of infrastructure

© Planit Software Testing

Lessons Learnt – Be Prepared To Speed Up

• Be prepared for small projects

o With frequent follow-ons

• Build your team early

o Get the right mobile expertise in at the start

• Connect early to the business stakeholders

• Get your scope nailed early

o Especially what devices and OSs you will support

• Start small

o Plan for measured rollouts

• Plan your device management and your security early

Requirements Requirements Requirements!

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Test Improvement


• Testing smarter

• Device emulation tools

• Test automation

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Test Smarter


• Do you need to run full functional regression tests against

every device combination?

• Could you use Bluetooth keyboards to reduce fatigue?

• Could you use an adaptor and a full size screen?

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Device Emulation


• Makes many device combinations available quickly and affordably

• Testers use a proper desktop to drive the application

• Defect creation is faster using cut and paste, screen shots etc.


• It’s a step away from production like. You have introduced another

layer that can create and/or mask problems.

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Test Automation


• You may need test automation to enable you to perform

regression testing on each release in a timely manner

• Do an ROI calculation before you invest in this area

• If you are going to invest in this area do it early

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Lessons Learnt – Test Improvement

Emulation can speed up testing but is not a substitute for

testing on the actual device.

Look in to test automation early.


• Track carefully – they can go walkies . . .

• Testing infrastructure – rent or buy, Planit Mobile Test Lab

• Bluetooth keyboards can save the thumb

• Screen adaptors can save eyes

• Invest in antibacterial wipes

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Users Expectation Mobile Apps vs Mobile Web

Performance is important in the

mobile world

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Users Expectation Mobile Apps vs Mobile Web

So what are your customers


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Users Performance Expectation Mobile Apps vs Mobile Web

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User Expectations For Mobile App Performance

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The Apps Are Too Slow!

• Performance is a really big deal.

• How do you test mobile performance?

• What is good performance?

• What is the total impact on the performance of your


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The Apps Are Too Slow!

We are not fully in control • The users location determines the strength of signal they have at the


• The network provider and plan they use affects performance

• The base performance of their device can vary

• There could be other applications running on their device at the same


As a general rule – we cannot control these!

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The Apps Are Too Slow!

Mobile Networks

System Under Test







Legacy 1

Address FWK

Account System Internet

© Planit Software Testing

The Apps Are Too Slow!

System Under Test







Legacy 1

Address FWK

Account System

x 220 Staff

x 10 Manager

x 20 Accounts

Mobile Networks


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The Apps Are Too Slow!

To get production like response times you need:

• A production like environment to test against

• To create a production like load on all components

• A production like test data selection

If it isn’t production like then you introduce the risk of missing

a problem or creating a problem! Also, the response times you

see during testing most likely wont be representative of


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The Apps Are Too Slow!

You can’t control what people have running on their devices, where they

use it or who their provider is!

So keep it mean and lean!

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The Apps Are Too Slow!

What is good performance?

1 second response time?

2 second response time?

Whatever enables your

customers and staff to work

efficiently without getting


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Lessons Learnt – Performance

• Think about performance testing early

• Consider the whole system not just the mobile component

• As production like as possible: o Environment, hardware, configuration, application versions

o Data populated to production like levels, test cases selected in a production like


o Production like transaction mix and durations

o Production like load on all system components.

• Look to test at lower levels earlier e.g. web services.

• Look to introduce regression performance testing if appropriate.

• Be aware of the performance of any third party services such as payment

gateways and try to ensure you can see the performance costs in your logs

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Security Issues?

90% of top mobile banking apps

have security issues (IOActive, Jan 2014)

90% of mobile apps have at least 1

vulnerability (ZDNet, Nov 2013)

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Security Security Security

The top 10 security issues faced by Mobile devices:

1. Lack of passwords

2. Lack of 2 factor authentication

3. Wireless transmissions not being encoded

4. Mobile devices are susceptible to malware

5. Mobile devices often don’t have security software

6. OS is out of date and doesn’t contain latest security patches

7. App software is often out of date

8. Unsecure ports on devices can be open

9. Mobile devices can be modified, jail broken, or rooted which can allow unauthorised access

10. Unsecure Wi-Fi can allow access to the device.

Consider BYOD

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Lessons Learnt - Security

• Don’t forget mobile security

• Address BYOD

o Strategy to manage apps

on devices

o Security policies

o User agreements


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Mobile Projects Growing in NZ

• Telcos

• Banks

• Insurance

• Media

• Government

• Entertainment

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How Our Projects Are Changing

Business changes lead to new projects

• Mobile projects are increasing

o In quantity

o In business importance

o And in speed – “First-mover advantage”

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• Growing business pressures on schedule

• The user / customer experience is critical

• Mobile projects are increasing

o In quantity, in business importance, and in speed

• Lessons Learnt

o How many devices, versions?

o Define requirements

o Involve the business early

o Involve testing early

o Device management

© Planit Software Testing

Mark Wilson

Principal Consultant

+64 27 367 1939

Lessons Learnt In Managing And Delivering Mobile Technology Projects

Contact Planit


+64 4 815 8199

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